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El internet: Diferentes maneras de convertirse en parte de la comunidad (¿Cómo...? #79)

by Owen Jones

Espero encuentre información rentable, de utilidad y de ayuda. Las ideas de este libro electrónico sobre diversos aspectos de Internet, incluido su uso en beneficio propio, están organizadas en 17 capítulos de entre 500 y 600 palabras cada uno. Espero que sea de interés para quienes esperan ganar dinero en línea y para quienes desean atraer más tráfico a un negocio fuera de la red mediante el empleo de los recursos a menudo “gratuitos” que ofrece Internet. También será útil para los blogueros que solo quieren hacer amigos al rededor del mundo y chatear con ellos. Afortunadamente, muchos aspectos de Internet siguen siendo gratuitos, especialmente si no se deja manipular por los autoproclamados gurús de Internet, que están esperando para abalanzarse sobre los novatos desprevenidos. Como beneficio adicional, yo mismo le autorizo para usar el contenido en su propio sitio web o en sus propios blogs y boletines, aunque es mejor si primero los vuelve a escribir con sus propias palabras.

Internet Access in Vehicular Networks

by Wenchao Xu Haibo Zhou Xuemin (Sherman) Shen

This book introduces the Internet access for vehicles as well as novel communication and computing paradigms based on the Internet of vehicles. To enable efficient and reliable Internet connection for mobile vehicle users, this book first introduces analytical modelling methods for the practical vehicle-to-roadside (V2R) Internet access procedure, and employ the interworking of V2R and vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) to improve the network performance for a variety of automotive applications. In addition, the wireless link performance between a vehicle and an Internet access station is investigated, and a machine learning based algorithm is proposed to improve the link throughout by selecting an efficient modulation and coding scheme.This book also investigates the distributed machine learning algorithms over the Internet access of vehicles. A novel broadcasting scheme is designed to intelligently adjust the training users that are involved in the iteration rounds for an asynchronous federated learning scheme, which is shown to greatly improve the training efficiency. This book conducts the fully asynchronous machine learning evaluations among vehicle users that can utilize the opportunistic V2R communication to train machine learning models. Researchers and advanced-level students who focus on vehicular networks, industrial entities for internet of vehicles providers, government agencies target on transportation system and road management will find this book useful as reference. Network device manufacturers and network operators will also want to purchase this book.

Internet and Emotions (Routledge Studies in Science, Technology and Society #22)

by Tova Benski and Eran Fisher

Nothing seems more far removed from the visceral, bodily experience of emotions than the cold, rational technology of the Internet. But as this collection shows, the internet and emotions intersect in interesting and surprising ways. Internet and Emotions is the fruit of an interdisciplinary collaboration of scholars from the sociology of emotions and communication and media studies. It features theoretical and empirical chapters from international researchers who investigate a wide range of issues concerning the sociology of emotions in the context of new media. The book fills a substantial gap in the social research of digital technology, and examines whether the internet invokes emotional states differently from other media and unmediated situations, how emotions are mobilized and internalized into online practices, and how the social definitions of emotions are changing with the emergence of the internet. It explores a wide range of behaviors and emotions from love to mourning, anger, resentment and sadness. What happens to our emotional life in a mediated, disembodied environment, without the bodily element of physical co-presence to set off emotional exchanges? Are there qualitatively new kinds of emotional exchanges taking place on the internet? These are only some of the questions explored in the chapters of this book, with quite surprising answers.

The Internet and Telecommunications Policy: Selected Papers From the 1995 Telecommunications Policy Research Conference (Lea Telecommunications Ser.)

by Gerald W. Brock, Gregory L. Rosston

This book is based on the Telecommunications Policy Research Conference which reports on research into telecommunications policy issues. While the conference is now a respectable 23 years old, this is only the second printed edition of selected papers. A new law, the Telecommunications Act of 1996, accelerated the process of integration in the communication industry and made major revisions to the Communications Act of 1934 that increase the incentive for integration within the industry. Although the papers in this volume were written prior to the passage of the new law, their importance is merely enhanced by it. They deal with fundamental, complex policy problems that arise when previously separate segments of the telecommunications industry are integrated, rather than specific regulatory rules that are likely to be changed under the new law. With the passage of this law, the timeframe for developing appropriate policies for an integrated industry has been shortened. Changes expected to occur over a period of several years will now likely occur much more rapidly. These papers provide insights to help guide the transition in the industry. Divided into five parts, this volume: * deals with problems of transforming local exchange telephone service from a monopoly in each geographical area to an interconnected competitive network of networks, * considers the pricing problems that arise in an integrated network carrying traffic of different types across multiple service providers, * examines the problem of achieving interoperability in complex networks, * considers issues of intellectual property that arise in expected integrated networks of the future, and * discusses electronic publication of scholarly journals, copyright protection, and the applicability of copyright law in the digital age.

The Internet As A Diverse Community: Cultural, Organizational, and Political Issues (LEA Telecommunications Series)

by Urs E. Gattiker

In this volume, author Urs Gattiker offers a broad overview of Internet and technology-related theory. He examines Internet and multimedia issues from an international perspective, outlining issues of international sovereignty and the potential impact of national interests on global technology policy. He also surveys the issues of regulation and institutionalization of the Internet, examines ways for reducing the inequality of benefits from such technology, and explores the opportunities and challenges the Internet offers for consumers, firms, governments, and interest groups. In assembling this treatise, Gattiker synthesizes a vast body of literature from communication, economics, philosophy, political science, management, psychology, science policy, telecommunication engineering, and other areas. The Internet as a Diverse Community provides readers with a framework for analyzing and selecting between many different Internet choices. It explores issues from a social-impact perspective, using examples from a variety of contexts and firms around the world. The work also offers a wealth of new social theory on such topics as moral and ethical issues and the opportunities, choices, and challenges the Internet offers for consumers, investors, managers, and public policy decision makers. It examines the current and future challenges that computer-mediated technologies present, and sets forth new theoretical perspectives on such areas as multimedia and the profit-maximizing firm; the Internet and the private user; managing multimedia productively; and the social and moral costs of various Internet options and choices. Taken as a whole, this resource provides valuable insights on the Internet and is essential reading for business, telecommunication, public policy, and technology decision makers around the globe.

Internet-based Control Systems

by Shuang-Hua Yang

The Internet plays a significant and growing role in real-time industrial manufacturing, scheduling and management. A considerable research effort has led to the development of new technologies that make it possible to use the Internet for supervision and control of industrial processes. Internet-based Control Systems addresses the challenges that need to be overcome before the Internet can be beneficially used not only for monitoring of but also remote control industrial plants. New design issues such as requirement specification, architecture selection and user-interface design are dealt with. Irregular data transmission and data loss and, in extreme cases, whole-system instability may result from Internet time-delay; this book guards against such phenomena from both computer science and control engineering perspectives. Security breaches and safety risks in an Internet-based control system could have very serious consequences and the author gives specific advice for avoiding them. This book is unique in bringing together multiple strands of research, mainly from computer science and control engineering, into an over-arching study of the entire subject. Practical perspectives are explored both through case studies in several chapters and through real applications including: · robot arm control; · web-based simulator for a catalytic reactor; · virtual supervision parameter control of a water tank system; · model predictive control for a process control unit; · remote control performance monitoring and maintenance; · remote control system design and implementation; Internet-based Control Systems is a useful introduction and guide for researchers in control engineering and computer science and developers of real-time Internet-enabling software. It can also be used for teaching a final year option or elective on Internet-enabled real-time system design, or as an advanced example of real-time software design for graduates.

Internet, Cyber- und IT-Sicherheit von A-Z: Aktuelle Begriffe kurz und einfach erklärt – Für Beruf, Studium und Privatleben

by Ron Porath

Die wichtigsten Begriffe zu Internet, Cyber-Risiken, IT-Sicherheit und Datenschutz. Kurz, aktuell, prägnant und einfach zu verstehen. Finden Sie hier schnell und ohne lange Texte lesen zu müssen die Bedeutung von aktuellen und in Zukunft wichtig werdenden Begriffen wie Blockchain, GDPR, Quantencomputer, WannaCry, Hacking, Ransomware oder Künstlicher Intelligenz. Dieses Standardwerk ist schnell zur Hand und darf heutzutage auf keinem Schreibtisch fehlen.

Internet Dating: Intimacy and Social Change (Routledge Advances in Sociology)

by Chris Beasley Mary Holmes

Internet Dating deals primarily with the experiences of UK and Australian daters, examining their online accounts to see what kinds of narratives, norms, emotions and ‘chemistry’ shape their dating. Has the emergence and growth of internet dating changed the dating landscape for the better? Most commentators, popular and academic, ask whether online dating is more efficient for individuals than offline dating. We prefer a socio-political perspective. In particular, the book illustrates the extent to which internet dating can advance gender and sexual equality. Drawing on the voices of internet daters themselves, we show that internet dating reveals how social change often arises in the unassuming, everyday and familiar. We also pay attention to often ignored older daters and include consideration of daters in Africa, Scandinavia, South America, Asia and the Middle East. Throughout, we explore the pitfalls and pleasures of men and women daters navigating unconventional directions towards more equitable social relations.

Internet der Dinge in der Intralogistik

by Willibald Günthner Michael Ten Hompel

Experten aus Wissenschaft und Technik fordern ein Umdenken in der Intralogistik: weg von durchgeplanten, vorherbestimmten Systemen, hin zu einem Netzwerk gleichberechtigter Einheiten, die keiner übergeordneten Koordination bedürfen. In dem Band werden die notwendigen Komponenten, die Softwarearchitektur und die Potenziale dieser neuen Technologie beschrieben. Anwendungsbeispiele liefern Entwicklern und Planern eine Grundlage für die Gestaltung moderner Materialflusssysteme in der Industrie.

Internet Environments for Science Education

by Marcia C. Linn

Internet Environments for Science Education synthesizes 25 years of research to identify effective, technology-enhanced ways to convert students into lifelong science learners--one inquiry project at a time. It offers design principles for development of innovations; features tested, customizable inquiry projects that students, teachers, and professional developers can enact and refine; and introduces new methods and assessments to investigate the impact of technology on inquiry learning. The methodology--design-based research studies--enables investigators to capture the impact of innovations in the complex, inertia-laden educational enterprise and to use these findings to improve the innovation. The approach--technology-enhanced inquiry--takes advantage of global, networked information resources, sociocognitive research, and advances in technology combined in responsive learning environments. Internet Environments for Science Education advocates leveraging inquiry and technology to reform the full spectrum of science education activities--including instruction, curriculum, policy, professional development, and assessment. The book offers: *the knowledge integration perspective on learning, featuring the interpretive, cultural, and deliberate natures of the learner; *the scaffolded knowledge integration framework on instruction summarized in meta-principles and pragmatic principles for design of inquiry instruction; *a series of learning environments, including the Computer as Learning Partner (CLP), the Knowledge Integration Environment (KIE), and the Web-based Inquiry Science Environment (WISE) that designers can use to create new inquiry projects, customize existing projects, or inspire thinking about other learning environments; *curriculum design patterns for inquiry projects describing activity sequences to promote critique, debate, design, and investigation in science; *a partnership model establishing activity structures for teachers, pedagogical researchers, discipline experts, and technologists to jointly design and refine inquiry instruction; *a professional development model involving mentoring by an expert teacher; *projects about contemporary controversy enabling students to explore the nature of science; *a customization process guiding teachers to adapt inquiry projects to their own students, geographical characteristics, curriculum framework, and personal goals; and *a Web site providing additional links, resources, and community tools at

The Internet in China

by Gianluigi Negro

This book aims to identify the most important political, socio-economic, and technical determinants of Internet development in China, through a historical approach that combines political economy, cultural, and public studies. Firstly, the book looks at the most important strategies that compelled the Chinese government to invest in the construction of the Internet infrastructure. Secondly, it examines the relationships between the development of the Internet in China and the emergence of a nascent civil society. Finally, attention is given to three different Chinese online platforms in three different historical periods. This three-pronged approach presents a coherent set of analyses and case studies which are committed to the investigation of the complex process of change undergone by Internet development in China.

Internet Internals: Vermittlungsschicht, Aufbau und Protokolle

by Peter Mandl

Lernen Sie in diesem Buch alles über Vermittlungsschicht und Aufbau des Internets und die Übertragung von InformationenSie haben sich schon immer gefragt, wie das World Wide Web aufgebaut ist? Sie suchen eine Einführung in die „Internet Internals“? Dieses Buch über die Vermittlungsschicht des Internets gibt Ihnen Antworten. Es führt Sie in die Grundlagen der Übertragung von Daten im Netz ein und vermittelt Ihnen dabei einen Überblick über den Aufbau des Internets. Die große Stärke dieses Buchs über die Vermittlungsschicht des Internets liegt darin, dass es komplexe Sachverhalte wie Protokolle und Algorithmen im Detail beschreibt, dabei jedoch stets verständlich und übersichtlich bleibt.Die Inhalte von „Internet Internals“Autor Peter Mandl gewährt dem Leser einen möglichst tiefen wie breiten Einblick in die Kommunikationsstrukturen des World Wide Webs. Der Fokus des Buch über die Vermittlungsschicht im Internet liegt auf folgenden Themengebieten:• Aufbau des Internts• Internetprotokolle IPv4 und IPv6• Routing und Forwarding• Internet-Kommunikation• Konfigurations- und SteuerprotokolleMit all seiner Expertise ist Mandl dazu in der Lage, komplexe Sachverhalte des Internets einfach und verständlich darzulegen. Auch die zahlreiche Abbildungen helfen dabei, seine Ausführungen leicht nachzuvollziehen. Damit das Gelernte im Gedächtnis bleibt, finden Sie am Ende des Buchs Übungsaufgaben zu jedem Kapitel. Da die Lösungen direkt mitgeliefert werden, können Sie Nicht-Verstandenes noch einmal nachprüfen.

Internet Networks: Wired, Wireless, and Optical Technologies (Devices, Circuits, and Systems)

by Krzysztof Iniewski

In the not too distant future, internet access will be dominated by wireless networks. With that, wireless edge using optical core next-generation networks will become as ubiquitous as traditional telephone networks. This means that telecom engineers, chip designers, and engineering students must prepare to meet the challenges and opportunities that the development and deployment of these technologies will bring. Bringing together cutting-edge coverage of wireless and optical networks in a single volume, Internet Networks Wired, Wireless, and Optical Technologies provides a concise yet complete introduction to these dynamic technologies. Filled with case studies, illustrations, and practical examples from industry, the text explains how wireless, wireline, and optical networks work together. It also: Covers WLAN, WPAN, wireless access, 3G/4G cellular, RF transmission Details optical networks involving long-haul and metropolitan networks, optical fiber, photonic devices, and VLSI chips Provides clear instruction on the application of wireless and optical networks Taking into account recent advances in storage, processing, sensors, displays, statistical data analyses, and autonomic systems, this reference provides forward thinking engineers and students with a realistic vision of how the continued evolution of the technologies that touch wireless communication will soon reshape markets and business models around the world.

Internet of Augmented Me, I.AM: Empowering Innovation for a New Sustainable Future

by Patrick Duvaut Xavier Dalloz David Menga Francois Koehl Vidal Chriqui Joerg Brill

I.AM catalyzes the “convergence for good” of the biological, physical and digital worlds, helping us to better tackle the toughest challenges of the 2020s: climate change, resource depletion, an aging population, social inclusion, the empowerment of people, health crises and the post-pandemic world, as well as new issues emerging in relation to economical, societal and everyday life. This book dives into disruptive concepts of I.AM such as: Trust as a Service, Business as a Game, ATAWAD (AnyTime, AnyWhere, Any Device), PCE (Productivity of Collaborative Exchange), Unimedia, Shazamization of everything, decentralization of everything, BOTization and Build to Order for Me, Blockchain and Empowerment of Me, edge computing, augmented industry, augmentation value chain and empowering innovation, etc. The fluid, easy-to-read style of this book targets the broadest scope of readers, from purpose-driven and business-oriented individuals, to students, researchers, experts, innovators, consultants, managers and politicians, all eager to empower people to work towards a more sustainable future.

Internet of Drones: Applications, Opportunities, and Challenges

by Saravanan Krishnan M. Murugappan

This book covers different aspects of Internet of Drones (IoD) including fundamentals in drone design, deployment challenges, and development of applications. It starts with a detailed description of concepts and processes in designing an efficient system, and architecture. It details different applications of IoD and its implementations in smart cities, agriculture, health care, defense, security, logistics, GIS mapping, and so forth. Recent developments in IoD design, application of AI techniques, case studies, and future directions are covered. Features: Focuses on important perspectives of the Internet of Drones (IoD) Emphasizes drone deployment in smart cities, smart agriculture, smart health care, and 3D mapping Covers challenges in drone design for applications with security and privacy issues Reviews diversified drone applications with real-use cases from modern drone players ranging from start-up companies to big giants in the drone industry Includes different aspects of drone design such as hardware and software architecture, potential applications, and opportunities This book is aimed at researchers and professionals in computer sciences, electronics and communication engineering, and aeronautical engineering.

Internet of Energy for Smart Cities: Machine Learning Models and Techniques

by Neeraj Kumar Gagangeet Singh Aujla Anish Jindal

Machine learning approaches has the capability to learn and adapt to the constantly evolving demands of large Internet-of-energy (IoE) network. The focus of this book is on using the machine learning approaches to present various solutions for IoE network in smart cities to solve various research gaps such as demand response management, resource management and effective utilization of the underlying ICT network. It provides in-depth knowledge to build the technical understanding for the reader to pursue various research problems in this field. Moreover, the example problems in smart cities and their solutions using machine learning are provided as relatable to the real-life scenarios. Aimed at Graduate Students, Researchers in Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Telecommunication Engineering, Internet of Things, Machine Learning, Green computing, Smart Grid, this book: Covers all aspects of Internet of Energy (IoE) and smart cities including research problems and solutions. Points to the solutions provided by machine learning to optimize the grids within a smart city set-up. Discusses relevant IoE design principles and architecture. Helps to automate various services in smart cities for energy management. Includes case studies to show the effectiveness of the discussed schemes.

Internet of Energy Handbook

by Pawan Kumar Srete Nikolovski Z Y Dong

The Internet of Energy (IoE), with the integration of advanced information and communication technologies (ICT), has led to a transformation of traditional networks to smart systems. Internet of Energy Handbook provides updated knowledge in the field of energy management with an Internet of Things (IoT) perspective. Features Explains the technological developments for energy management leading to a reduction in energy consumption through topics like smart energy systems, smart sensors, communication, techniques, and utilization Includes dedicated sections covering varied aspects related to renewable sources of energy, power distribution, and generation Incorporates energy efficiency, optimization, and sensor technologies Covers multidisciplinary aspects in computational intelligence and IoT Discusses building energy management aspects including temperature, humidity, the number of persons involved, and light intensity This handbook is aimed at graduate students, researchers, and professionals interested in power systems, IoT, smart grids, electrical engineering, and transmission.

Internet of Everything and Big Data: Major Challenges in Smart Cities (Internet of Everything (IoE))

by Salah-Ddine Krit Mohamed Elhoseny Valentina Emilia Balas Rachid Benlamri Marius M. Balas

There currently is no in-depth book dedicated to the challenge of the Internet of Everything and Big Data technologies in smart cities. Humankind today is confronting a critical worldwide portability challenge and the framework that moves cities must keep pace with the innovation. Internet of Everything and Big Data: Major Challenges in Smart Cities reviews the applications, technologies, standards, and other issues related to smart cities.This book is dedicated to addressing the major challenges in realizing smart cities and sensing platforms in the era of Big Data cities and Internet of Everything. Challenges vary from cost and energy efficiency to availability and service quality. This book examines security issues and challenges, addresses the total information science challenges, covers exploring and creating IoT environment-related sales adaptive systems, and investigates basic and high-level concepts using the latest techniques implemented by researchers and businesses.The book is written for analysts, researchers, and specialists who are working on the future generation of the technologies. It will serve as a valuable guide for those in the industry, and students as well.

Internet of Everything for Smart City and Smart Healthcare Applications (Signals and Communication Technology)

by Nishu Gupta Sumita Mishra

This book provides an insight on the importance that the Internet of Things (IoT) and Information and Communication Technology (ICT) solutions can offer towards smart city and healthcare applications. The book features include elaboration of recent and emerging developments in various specializations of curing health problems; smart transportation systems, traffic management for smart cities; energy management, deep learning and machine learning techniques for smart health and smart cities; and concepts that incorporate the Internet of Everything (IoE). The book discusses useful IoE applications and architectures that cater to critical knowledge creation towards developing new capacities and outstanding economic opportunities for businesses and the society.

The Internet of Materials

by Christos Liaskos

State-of-the-art, flat structures called metasurfaces can filter and steer light and sound, render an object completely invisible to electromagnetic waves, and much more. They can deliver automation, remote operation, and advanced performance to a wide variety of existing systems, with applications in communications, medical imaging, sensing, and security. However, for non-specialists, individual metasurfaces are currently restricted to limited reusability and accessibility. This book brings together various scientific disciplines with the aim of outlining a programmable ‘plug-and-play’ metasurface. The book focuses on a recently proposed platform – known as the HyperSurface – that provides many electromagnetic functions of metasurfaces in a single structure, which can be controlled and reconfigured by software. This revolutionary approach paves the way for new opportunities in wireless communications and programmable wireless environments: HyperSurfaces could link networks with objects and physical environments and create smarter systems that are far more responsive to user demands. Walls that absorb radiation or block digital eavesdropping, and wireless, long-distance charging of devices are among the many possibilities. The book aspires to provide the foundational knowledge for creating an Internet of Materials, enabling smart environments at any scale – from indoor wireless communications to medical imaging equipment. Although the set of disciplines involved covers a considerable span, we hope that the material will benefit experts and students alike.

The Internet of Mechanical Things: The IoT Framework for Mechanical Engineers

by Sami Salama Hajjaj Kisheen Rao Gsangaya

This book provides knowledge, skills, and strategies an engineer requires to effectively integrate Internet of Things (IoT) into the field of mechanical engineering. Divided into three sections named IoT Strategies, IoT Foundation topics, and IoT system development, the volume covers introduction to IoT framework, its components, advantages, challenges, and practical process for effective implementation of IoT from mechanical engineering perspective. Further, it explains IoT systems and hands-on training modules, implementation, and execution of IoT Systems. Features: Presents exclusive material on application of IoT in mechanical engineering. Combines theory and practice including relevant terminologies and hands-on. Emphasis on use of IoT to streamline operations, reduce costs, and increased profits. Focusses on development and implementation of Raspberry Pi and Arduino based IoT systems. Illustrates use IoT data to improve performance of robots, machines, and systems. This book aims at Researchers, Graduate students in Mechanical Engineering, Computer Programming, Automobile, Robotics, and Industry 4.0/automation.

Internet of Medical Things: Paradigm of Wearable Devices (Internet of Everything (IoE))

by Manuel Cardona Vijender Kumar Solanki Cecilia E. García

Internet of Things (IoT) has become a valuable tool for connection and information exchange between devices. This book provides a brief introduction to this new field, focuses on wearable medical devices, and covers the basic concepts by providing the reader with enough information to solve various practical problems. This book provides the latest applications, experiments, fundamentals concepts, and cutting-edge topics for the ehealth and wearable devices field. The book also offers topics related to Security in IoT and Wearable Devices, Wearable Devices and Internet of Medical Devices (IoMT), IoT for Medical Applications, and Tools and study cases. The book brings new and valuable information to PhD researchers, students, professors, and professionals working in IoT and related fields.

Internet of Medical Things: Remote Healthcare Systems and Applications (Internet of Things)

by D. Jude Hemanth J. Anitha George A. Tsihrintzis

This book looks at the growing segment of Internet of Things technology (IoT) known as Internet of Medical Things (IoMT), an automated system that aids in bridging the gap between isolated and rural communities and the critical healthcare services that are available in more populated and urban areas. Many technological aspects of IoMT are still being researched and developed, with the objective of minimizing the cost and improving the performance of the overall healthcare system. This book focuses on innovative IoMT methods and solutions being developed for use in the application of healthcare services, including post-surgery care, virtual home assistance, smart real-time patient monitoring, implantable sensors and cameras, and diagnosis and treatment planning. It also examines critical issues around the technology, such as security vulnerabilities, IoMT machine learning approaches, and medical data compression for lossless data transmission and archiving. Internet of Medical Things is a valuable reference for researchers, students, and postgraduates working in biomedical, electronics, and communications engineering, as well as practicing healthcare professionals.

Internet of Medical Things for Smart Healthcare: Covid-19 Pandemic (Studies in Big Data #80)

by Chinmay Chakraborty Amit Banerjee Lalit Garg Joel J. P. C. Rodrigues

This book covers COVID-19 related research works and focuses on recent advances in the Internet of Things (IoT) in smart healthcare technologies. It includes reviews and original works on COVID-19 in terms of e-healthcare, medicine technology, life support systems, fast detection, diagnoses, developed technologies and innovative solutions, bioinformatics, datasets, apps for diagnosis, solutions for monitoring and control of the spread of COVID-19, among other topics. The book covers comprehensive studies from bioelectronics and biomedical engineering, artificial intelligence, and big data with a prime focus on COVID-19 pandemic.

Internet of Nano-Things and Wireless Body Area Networks (WBAN)

by Fadi Al-Turjman

The Internet of Nano-Things (IoNT) is a system of nano-connected devices, objects, or organisms that have unique identifiers to transfer data over a computer or cellular network wirelessly to the Cloud. Data delivery, caching, and energy consumption are among the most significant topics in the IoNT nowadays. The book addresses data routing and energy consumption challenges and proposes nano-sensing platforms in critical Wireless Body Area Networks (WBAN). This book covers both design and implementation aspects of data delivery models and strategies in a smart application enabled by the WBAN. It focuses on smart data delivery approaches and energy savings aspects in a reliable IoNT systems.

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