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Making Your Small Farm Profitable: Apply 25 Guiding Principles/Develop New Crops & New Markets/Maximize Net Profits Per Acre

by Ron Macher

Turn your farm into a cash cow! Ron Macher offers a host of simple strategies for increasing your farm earnings, from purchasing durable equipment to growing economically viable crops. <P><P>A seasoned expert in farm efficiency, Macher shows you how to locate a lucrative niche market for your products, optimize sales, and minimize costs. <P><P>Whether you’re buying a new farm or jump-starting an old one, Macher’s savvy tips will help you turn your enterprise into a profitable business.

Making YouTube Videos

by Nick Willoughby

The fast and easy way for kids to shoot, edit, and share videos on YouTube Does your child long to create and post videos on YouTube in hopes of becoming the next "YouTube celebrity?" Whether looking to go viral or simply wanting to make videos for their friends, Making YouTube Videos is the place your kid should start. Written by a filmmaking expert who runs camps for wanna-be filmmakers as young as seven, this fun and friendly guide takes your child step by step through the process: from idea creation to production to sharing on YouTube. Written in a language they'll understand and filled with eye-popping graphics that make the information come to life, Making YouTube Videos takes the intimidation out of working with video technology and offers your child a friendly, trusted source for expressing their creativity. Kids will work through small projects with end-goals that help promote confidence. With content that is accessible and easy to understand, this book is ideal for youngsters who want to go solo or work with you or another adult instructor. Introduces ideas on framing, lighting, and sound Shows kids how to load a video, add transitions, and add effects Provides easy-to-follow instruction on uploading a video to YouTube and setting who can see or not see their video Explains how to grab free software and make simple edits, like cutting out scenes, adding to a timeline, and implementing transitions If you want to encourage your child's enthusiasm but don't want to endure a meltdown, Making YouTube Videos makes it easy for your aspiring filmmaker to fulfill his or her dream.

Making YouTube Videos: Star In Your Own Video! (Dummies Junior)

by Nick Willoughby

Everything kids need to create and star in their own video! YouTube has won the hearts, minds, and eyes of kids around the globe. Young people everywhere are making their mark on this popular platform—some of them even gaining massive followings, worldwide recognition, and the paychecks that come along with it. While lots of youngsters are happy to be spectators, others are hungry to create and star in YouTube content of their own—and this book shows them how. Written for kids in a language they can understand, this book helps budding filmmakers and producers create their own videos—no matter the subject. It offers creators the insight on how to plan and shoot quality videos, install and use video editing tools, and post the final product to YouTube. Apply tricks that pro filmmakers use for better shots, lighting, and sound Edit your video, add transitions, insert a soundtrack, and spice things up with effects Shoot and share your video gaming exploits Share finished videos with family, friends, and the world For any kid interested in joining the YouTube revolution, this book is the perfect place to start!

Makromoleküle I: Von einfachen Chemierohstoffen zu Hochleistungspolymeren

by Helmut Ritter

Ein praxisorientiertes Lehrbuch zum nachhaltigen Verständnis über Herstellung und Eigenschaften von Kunststoffen. Auch ökonomische und Umwelt-Aspekte werden umrissen. Das Buch richtet sich an Studierende der Chemie sowie an Forscher in Industrie und Instituten.

Makroskopische Betrachtung von Trocknungsvorgängen an porösen Medien (Forschungsreihe der FH Münster)

by Herbert Paschert

In diesem Buch werden zwei Berechnungsverfahren zur Berechnung von Trocknungsvorgängen an halbunendlichen längsüberströmten symmetrischen Platten beschrieben. Die Methoden unterscheiden sich in Bezug auf den Wassergehalt an der Oberfläche der Platte. Das erste Modell „vollständig benetzte Oberfläche“ nimmt eine mit Wasserdampf gesättigte Luftschicht oberhalb der Flüssigkeitsschicht auf der Platte an. Daraus resultiert eine Oberfläche mit Kühlgrenztemperatur und einer konstanten Trocknungsgeschwindigkeit. Es wird von Verdunstungstrocknung gesprochen, da die Siedetemperatur nicht erreicht wird und sich der Partialdruck des Dampfes in der Luft erhöht, die Luft wird feuchter. Das zweite Modell „sinkender Trocknungsspiegel“ beschreibt die Aufheizung der Gipskartonplatte in verschiedenen Schichten. Erreicht die wasserhaltige Schicht die Siedetemperatur, so verdampft das flüssige Wasser. Der Wasserverlust lässt einen fiktiven Trocknungsspiegel im Gips absinken und ändert somit die Verhältnisse der Wärmeübergänge der Karton-, trockenen und feuchten Gipsschicht, somit sinkt die Trocknungsrate über die Zeit ab. Es wird von Verdampfungstrocknung gesprochen, da der eingehende Wärmestrom die Wassermasse bei Siedetemperatur verdampft.

Malarial Drug Delivery Systems: Advances in Treatment of Infectious Diseases

by Yashwant Pathak Ranjita Shegokar

This book targets new advances in areas of treatment and drug delivery sciences for Malaria. This is the only published book which compiles the complete road map of malarial drug delivery systems along with an overview on the pathology, current state of malaria across the globe, new clinical trials, emerging drugs and evolving novel drug delivery platforms. A wide variety of novel micro-and nano-formulations using promising technologies are being explored to deliver the malarial drug via different administration routes. This book addresses the gap between new approaches and old treatment modalities and how the former is superior in pharmacological performance when tested in in-vitro and in-vivo. Audience from wide range group like from researchers to regulatory bodies can benefit from the compiled information to find out patient needs and addresses a much-needed update to the existing malaria drug delivery research.

Malaysia Airlines Flight 370: Why It Disappeared?and Why It?s Only a Matter of Time Before This Happens Again

by David Soucie

On March 8, 2014, Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 loaded 239 people on board and took off for what should have been a six-hour flight. It never made it--and it’s still missing. It’s been a year since Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 vanished, and there’s still no sign of the aircraft, its passengers, or its crew--nor confirmation of what happened or where the aircraft resides. In this gripping investigation of the events that led to the plane’s disappearance--and why they could happen again--CNN aviation analyst David Soucie exposes the flaws in the aviation industry, shares what needs to be done so a plane doesn’t go missing again, and uses a Bayesian analysis model to reveal what most likely happened on board the plane that led to its downfall. Comprehensive in scope, personal and empathetic in voice, Soucie draws on his thirty years of experience as an accident investigator working with the Federal Aviation Administration. He allows you to put the wild speculation about the plane’s disappearance aside and assess the facts through the eyes of an experienced accident investigator.

Male Germline Stem Cells: Developmental and Regenerative Potential

by Brian P. Hermann Kyle E. Orwig

Scientists investigating germ cells have, over the past 15 years, originated discoveries and innovations that give us valuable insights into the mechanisms that regulate not just stem cell function, but human development in its widest sense. With contributions from some of the leading researchers in the field, Male Germline Stem Cells: Developmental and Regenerative Potential assesses the implications of these discoveries for understanding the fundamental biology of germline stem cells as well as their potential for human stem cell-based therapies. This monograph covers many of the fundamental issues now being explored by today's generation of stem cell researchers, including the field's potential for regenerative medicine. Ranging from an assessment of the pluripotency of primordial germ cells and their possible applications in treating testicular cancer, to the recovery of once-mordant fertilization-competent sperm, this volume has it all. It is a reference point for any scientist involved in related research as well as being a timely summation of what could prove to be a hugely exciting and very fruitful area of inquiry.

Maleantes: Historias reales de estafadores, asesinos, rebeldes e impostores

by Patrick Radden Keefe

Tras No digas nada y El imperio del dolor, Patrick Radden Keefe explora los límites, a menudo imperceptibles, entre lo legal y lo ilegal, a través de doce retratos reales protagonizados por maleantes de medio mundo LIBRO DE LA SEMANA POR EL PERIÓDICO «Keefe hahecho carrera sumergiéndose en personajes fascinantes, en eso es el mejor. [...] En Maleantes regresa con su altísimo rigor periodístico y la misma pasión de siempre por desvelar misterios, con un resultado inconfundible».New York Times Book Review «Un narrador virtuoso».The Washington PostCon el fascinante estilo que le caracteriza, Patrick Radden Keefe ofrece en este libro una compleja panorámica del lado oscuro del ser humano. Aquí retrata, entre otros personajes, al traficante de armas Monzer al-Kassar, apodado «el príncipe de Marbella» y perseguido incansablemente por un agente de la D.E.A., a la controvertida «abogada del diablo» que lucha contra la pena de muerte representando a los peores criminales, al Chapo Guzmán y su vida tras huir de una prisión de alta seguridad, o al célebre delincuente holandés William Holleeder y los esfuerzos de su propia hermana para lograr su encarcelación. Maleantes recoge doce perfiles de estafadores, truhanes, asesinos y rebeldes, gente que nada a contracorriente y cuya vida excepcional, para bien y para mal, invita al lector a reflexionar sobre temas como la esencia del mal, del poder, del crimen y de la corrupción, pero también sobre el coraje de quienes decidieron enfrentarse a ellos. La crítica ha dicho... «Una obra rigurosa y literaria. [...] Honesto y escrupuloso, [Radden Keefe] es la cara y la cruz del periodismo».Marta Ailouti, El Cultural «Lo ha vuelto a hacer. Una no-ficción que se lee como un thriller y se sigue como la trama de una película. [...] La recomiendo mucho».Glòria Aznar, Diari de Tarragona «El catálogo de personajes que desfilan por aquí es digno del Hollywood más oscuro: crímenes, sí, pero también con glamur y carisma».Adrià Puértolas, El Nacional «El periodista narrativo más prestigioso de su generación».Gonzalo Suárez, El Mundo«Un conjunto de relatos con afán literario, como la antología de cuentos de un escritor con voluntad de estilo; solo que aquí prima la verdad, y los hechos de los relatos se ciñen a un concienzudo fact checking».José S. de Montfort, The Objective«La magnífica prosa de investigación de Keefe tiene elementos propios de la crónica literaria y podría recordar un poco a Gay Talese en el sentido de ser un periodista de raza que guarda el deseo de llegar al fondo de la cuestión en lo que tenga entre manos y una gran vocación de observador».Toni Montesinos, La Razón «Con su envidiable manera de mirar y contar, dibuja retratos depersonajes tan paródicos como crueles, estúpidos e insanos, tiernos y horribles. Talento y rigor».Carlos Zanón, La Vanguardia «Un nuevo libro de Keefe significa dejarlo todo y bajar las persianas; estarás pasando páginas durante horas».Los Angeles Times«Maleantes no es solo la muestra de lo buen periodista que es su autor, sino del inmenso poder del reportaje como género. Quizá el mayor don que tiene Keefe como escritor es la comodidad con la que se mueve en terrenos ambiguos, un recordatorio oportuno de que las cosas no son nunca blancas o negras».Toronto Star «Un espectacular libro de periodismo en mayúsculas».Irish Independent

Malicious Attack Propagation and Source Identification (Advances in Information Security #73)

by Jiaojiao Jiang Sheng Wen Bo Liu Shui Yu Yang Xiang Wanlei Zhou

This book covers and makes four major contributions: 1) analyzing and surveying the pros and cons of current approaches for identifying rumor sources on complex networks; 2) proposing a novel approach to identify rumor sources in time-varying networks; 3) developing a fast approach to identify multiple rumor sources; 4) proposing a community-based method to overcome the scalability issue in this research area. These contributions enable rumor source identification to be applied effectively in real-world networks, and eventually diminish rumor damages, which the authors rigorously illustrate in this book. In the modern world, the ubiquity of networks has made us vulnerable to various risks. For instance, viruses propagate throughout the Internet and infect millions of computers. Misinformation spreads incredibly fast in online social networks, such as Facebook and Twitter. Infectious diseases, such as SARS, H1N1 or Ebola, have spread geographically and killed hundreds of thousands people. In essence, all of these situations can be modeled as a rumor spreading through a network, where the goal is to find the source of the rumor so as to control and prevent network risks. So far, extensive work has been done to develop new approaches to effectively identify rumor sources. However, current approaches still suffer from critical weaknesses. The most serious one is the complex spatiotemporal diffusion process of rumors in time-varying networks, which is the bottleneck of current approaches. The second problem lies in the expensively computational complexity of identifying multiple rumor sources. The third important issue is the huge scale of the underlying networks, which makes it difficult to develop efficient strategies to quickly and accurately identify rumor sources. These weaknesses prevent rumor source identification from being applied in a broader range of real-world applications. This book aims to analyze and address these issues to make rumor source identification more effective and applicable in the real world. The authors propose a novel reverse dissemination strategy to narrow down the scale of suspicious sources, which dramatically promotes the efficiency of their method. The authors then develop a Maximum-likelihood estimator, which can pin point the true source from the suspects with high accuracy. For the scalability issue in rumor source identification, the authors explore sensor techniques and develop a community structure based method. Then the authors take the advantage of the linear correlation between rumor spreading time and infection distance, and develop a fast method to locate the rumor diffusion source. Theoretical analysis proves the efficiency of the proposed method, and the experiment results verify the significant advantages of the proposed method in large-scale networks. This book targets graduate and post-graduate students studying computer science and networking. Researchers and professionals working in network security, propagation models and other related topics, will also be interested in this book.

A Malleable Map: Geographies of Restoration in Central Japan, 1600-1912

by Karen Wigen

Drawing on a wide range of geographical documents from Shinano, Wigen argues that both the founder of the Tokugawa Shogunate (1600-1868) and the reformers of the Meiji era (1868-1912) recruited the classical map to serve the cause of administrative reform.

Malware Analysis Using Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning

by Mark Stamp Mamoun Alazab Andrii Shalaginov

​This book is focused on the use of deep learning (DL) and artificial intelligence (AI) as tools to advance the fields of malware detection and analysis. The individual chapters of the book deal with a wide variety of state-of-the-art AI and DL techniques, which are applied to a number of challenging malware-related problems. DL and AI based approaches to malware detection and analysis are largely data driven and hence minimal expert domain knowledge of malware is needed.This book fills a gap between the emerging fields of DL/AI and malware analysis. It covers a broad range of modern and practical DL and AI techniques, including frameworks and development tools enabling the audience to innovate with cutting-edge research advancements in a multitude of malware (and closely related) use cases.

Mama Learned Us to Work

by Lu Ann Jones

Farm women of the twentieth-century South have been portrayed as oppressed, worn out, and isolated. Lu Ann Jones tells quite a different story in Mama Learned Us to Work. Building upon evocative oral histories, she encourages us to understand these women as consumers, producers, and agents of economic and cultural change.As consumers, farm women bargained with peddlers at their backdoors. A key business for many farm women was the "butter and egg trade--small-scale dairying and raising chickens. Their earnings provided a crucial margin of economic safety for many families during the 1920s and 1930s and offered women some independence from their men folks. These innovative women showed that poultry production paid off and laid the foundation for the agribusiness poultry industry that emerged after World War II. Jones also examines the relationships between farm women and home demonstration agents and the effect of government-sponsored rural reform. She discusses the professional culture that developed among white agents as they reconciled new and old ideas about women's roles and shows that black agents, despite prejudice, linked their clients to valuable government resources and gave new meanings to traditions of self-help, mutual aid, and racial uplift.

Mammalian Cell Engineering: Methods and Protocols (Methods in Molecular Biology #2312)

by Ryosuke Kojima

This volume explores the latest engineering methods of mammalian cells that are useful for controlling the performance of engineered mammalian cells for future cell-based therapeutics and for better understanding of complex biological systems. The chapters in this book are organized into five parts. Part One described methods to engineer mammalian cells to sense biologically relevant inputs, such as cell contacts and soluble proteins. Part Two looks at techniques to engineer mammalian cells to sense artificial inputs, such as light and ultrasound. Part Three provides cutting-edge CRISPR-Cas-based methods to carry out highly multiplexed genome editing and spatiotemporally controlled genome editing. Part Four discusses ways to control and engineer biological events in mammalian cells in combination with chemical compounds and systems. Part Five explores techniques to engineer specific mammalian cells in targeted manners. Written in the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology series format, chapters include introductions to their respective topics, lists of the necessary materials and reagents, step-by-step, readily reproducible laboratory protocols, and tips on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls.Comprehensive and authoritative, Mammalian Cell Engineering: Methods and Protocols is a valuable resource that allows scientists to successfully carry out their research, thus ultimately contributing to the future advancement of this field.

Mammographic Imaging: A Practical Guide

by Shelly Lille Wendy Marshall

Publisher's Note: Products purchased from 3rd Party sellers are not guaranteed by the Publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product. The 4th Edition of Mammographic Imaging: A Practical Guide remains the most up-to-date and comprehensive book in the field. A perfect all-in-one solution for coursework, board prep, and clinical practice, this bestseller reflects the latest ARRT educational and certification exam requirements, as well as the ASRT recommended curriculum. Technologists seeking to stay current in the profession and students preparing to enter the field will appreciate the 227 new photos, the wide range of case studies, and the interactive online exam simulator with ARRT registry-style questions.


by John Varley

A &“rollicking, bittersweet tale of time travel and ecology&” from the Nebula and Hugo Award–winning author of the Gaea Trilogy (Publishers Weekly, starred review). &“H. G. Wells meets Jurassic Park&” in this novel about a multibillionaire, a time machine, and a baby woolly mammoth named Little Fuzzy (The Best Reviews). The discovery of a perfectly preserved frozen mammoth in the Canadian wilderness gives wealthy visionary Howard Christian the opportunity of a lifetime: to clone it. But what really piques Christian&’s curiosity is what he finds next to the mammoth: a metal box—and the mummified body of a man wearing a watch. Working to discover the box&’s purpose and clone the mammoth, a top physicist and an elephant veterinarian will be flung thousands of years into the past and back again—bringing a baby mammoth along for the ride—in this &“imaginative and engaging&” adventure that shows &“Varley . . . in top form&” (San Francisco Chronicle). Praise for John Varley &“John Varley is the best writer in America.&” —Tom Clancy &“There are few writers whose work I love more than John Varley&’s, purely love.&” —Cory Doctorow &“One of science fiction&’s most important writers.&” —The Washington Post &“Inventive.&” —The New York Times &“One of the genre&’s most accomplished storytellers.&” —Publishers Weekly

The Mammoth Book of Combat: Reports From The Frontline (Mammoth Ser.)

by Jon E. Lewis

Over a hundred eyewitness accounts of the reality of combat from some of the finest writers of the last century and our own. Lucid, vivid, complex images of conflict, from Walt Whitman on the American Civil War to contemporary reporting from Afghanistan.The collection includes Martha Gellhorn on the Battle of the Bulge, Michael Herr at Khe Sanh, David Rohde's and Anthony Shadid's Pulitzer-winning accounts of Bosnia and Iraq respectively, Christina Lamb's famous account of being under fire from the Taliban, Robert Fisk on being attacked in Afghanistan, and Nicholas Tomalin's 'The General Goes Zapping Charlie Kong' (one of the inspirations for Apocalypse Now) among many other pieces of exceptional war reporting.

The Mammoth Book of Combat: Reports from the Frontline (Mammoth Books #368)

by Jon E. Lewis

Over a hundred eyewitness accounts of the reality of combat from some of the finest writers of the last century and our own. Lucid, vivid, complex images of conflict, from Walt Whitman on the American Civil War to contemporary reporting from Afghanistan.The collection includes Martha Gellhorn on the Battle of the Bulge, Michael Herr at Khe Sanh, David Rohde's and Anthony Shadid's Pulitzer-winning accounts of Bosnia and Iraq respectively, Christina Lamb's famous account of being under fire from the Taliban, Robert Fisk on being attacked in Afghanistan, and Nicholas Tomalin's 'The General Goes Zapping Charlie Kong' (one of the inspirations for Apocalypse Now) among many other pieces of exceptional war reporting.

The Mammoth Book of Modern Battles (Mammoth Books)

by Jon E. Lewis

From the start of the 20th century to the most recent major offensives, here are fifty accounts of the battles that made the modern world, described in superb detail by historians and writers including John Keegan, Alan Clark, John Strawson, Charles Mey, John Pimlott, and John Laffin.All the major conflicts are covered, from two world wars, through Korea, Vietnam, Bosnia, Chechnya, to Iraq and Afghanistan. Among the battles featured are: the Somme, Passchendaele, Battle of Britain, Stalingrad, El Alamein, Monte Cassino, Omaha Beach, Iwa Jima, Dien Bien Phu, Ia Drang, Hamburger Hill, Desert Storm, Kabul, Baghdad, and Basra.

The Mammoth Book of Modern Battles (Mammoth Books #381)

by Jon E. Lewis

From the start of the 20th century to the most recent major offensives, here are fifty accounts of the battles that made the modern world, described in superb detail by historians and writers including John Keegan, Alan Clark, John Strawson, Charles Mey, John Pimlott, and John Laffin.All the major conflicts are covered, from two world wars, through Korea, Vietnam, Bosnia, Chechnya, to Iraq and Afghanistan. Among the battles featured are: the Somme, Passchendaele, Battle of Britain, Stalingrad, El Alamein, Monte Cassino, Omaha Beach, Iwa Jima, Dien Bien Phu, Ia Drang, Hamburger Hill, Desert Storm, Kabul, Baghdad, and Basra.

The Mammoth Book Of Special Forces Training: Physical and Mental Secrets of Elite Military Units (Mammoth Books #388)

by Jon E. Lewis

In this encyclopedic book, Lewis provides insights into the origins, training, tactics, weapons and achievements of special forces and special mission units throughout the world, focusing particularly on US and UK forces. He also looks at the codes that that bind the members of these elite units together. He reveals training secrets in everything from wilderness survival to hand-to-hand combat. In doing so, he draws extensively on biographies, autobiographies, training manuals, interviews and press coverage of key operations. The elite forces covered include: The British Army’s Special Air Service (SAS), established in 1950, which has served as a model for the special forces of many countries. Its counter-terrorist wing famously took part in the hostage rescue during the siege of the Iranian Embassy in London in 1980. The Parachute Regiment, the airborne infantry element of 16 Air Assault Brigade, which spearheads the British Army’s rapid intervention capability. It is closely linked to United Kingdom Special Forces. The US Navy’s SEALS (Sea, Air, Land Teams), trained to conduct special operations in any environment, but uniquely specialised and equipped to operate from and in the sea. Together with speedboat-operating Naval Special Warfare Combatant-Craft Crewmen, they form the operational arm of the Naval Special Warfare community, the Navy component of the US Special Operations Command. Their special operations include: neutralizing enemy forces; reconnaissance; counter-terrorism (famously in the killing of Osama bin Laden); and training allies. The US Army’s Delta Force: The Special Mission Unit, 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment-Delta (1st SFOD-D), known simply as Delta Force, the Army component of Joint Special Operations Command. Its role is counter-terrorism, direct action and national intervention operations, though it has the capability to conduct many different kinds of clandestine missions, including hostage rescues and raids. The US Army Rangers, a light infantry combat formation under the US Army Special Operation Command. The Green Berets – motto: ‘to free the oppressed’ – trained in languages, culture, diplomacy, psychological warfare and disinformation. Russia’s Spetsnaz, whose crack anti-terrorist commandos ended the Moscow theatre siege, and who have a reputation for being among the world’s toughest and most ruthless soldiers. Spetsnaz units saw extensive action in Afghanistan and Chechnya, often operating far behind enemy lines. Israeli Special Forces, especially Shayetet 13 (Flotilla 13), whose motto, in common with the rest of the Israeli military, is ‘Never again’, a reference to the Holocaust. They are particularly adept at the specifically Israeli martial art Krav Maga, which they dub ‘Jew-jitsu’.

The Mammoth Book of Special Ops

by Richard Russell Lawrence

Into the eye of danger with the men who put the 'special' in special forcesThe once shadowy activities of special forces have grown into an increasingly exposed element of 21st century warfare and anti-terrorist activity. Here, in one giant unputdownable volume, are 30 of the most dangerous special operations of modern times.Drawn from the flashpoints of the world, and above all Iraq and Afghanistan, these first-hand and reported accounts of missions by the SAS, Delta Force, Green Beret, Commandos and other forces will leave you on the edge of your seat.The accounts include:? Blackhawk Down - the US Delta forces debacle in Mogadishu, Somalia, 1993? British Special forces fight Al Qaeda at close quarters in Afghanistan 2003? Task Force Raider - US Special forces teams track down Saddam Hussein, 2003? The British 'Blackhawk Down' - Paras shoot their way out of trouble in Majar, Iraq 2003? The capture of insurgent leader Chemical Evil Fat Mama, Fallujah, November 2003

The Mammoth Book of Special Ops (Mammoth Books #359)

by Richard Russell Lawrence

Into the eye of danger with the men who put the 'special' in special forcesThe once shadowy activities of special forces have grown into an increasingly exposed element of 21st century warfare and anti-terrorist activity. Here, in one giant unputdownable volume, are 30 of the most dangerous special operations of modern times.Drawn from the flashpoints of the world, and above all Iraq and Afghanistan, these first-hand and reported accounts of missions by the SAS, Delta Force, Green Beret, Commandos and other forces will leave you on the edge of your seat.The accounts include: Blackhawk Down - the US Delta forces debacle in Mogadishu, Somalia, 1993 British Special forces fight Al Qaeda at close quarters in Afghanistan 2003 Task Force Raider - US Special forces teams track down Saddam Hussein, 2003 The British 'Blackhawk Down' - Paras shoot their way out of trouble in Majar, Iraq 2003 The capture of insurgent leader Chemical Evil Fat Mama, Fallujah, November 2003

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