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Showing 37,951 through 37,975 of 71,829 results

Lake Functioning: Internal Phosphorus Loading, Cyanobacteria, and Climate Change

by Gertrud K. Nürnberg

This book explores the interconnections of internal phosphorus loading, cyanobacteria, and climate change and their role in determining water quality in freshwater. It goes on to discuss the sometimes elusive process of internal phosphorus loading with its chemical and biological roots. Reviewing recent observations on present and future climate change, the book explores its effects on lake functioning. It concludes with the abatement and prevention of cyanobacteria proliferation, including techniques that deal with internal phosphorus loading. Some key topics covered are: In-depth exploration of internal phosphorus loading and its quantification in global lakes with diverse morphometry, hydrology, geochemistry, and degree of eutrophication. Determination of climate change effects on physical, chemical, and cyanobacteria-related variables in tables based on more than 100 reviewed journal articles. Evidence for the enhancing influences of climate change on internal phosphorus load and cyanobacteria, and of internal load on cyanobacteria. This book will be of interest to limnologists, environmental and engineering professionals, and natural science students. It will also be an interesting read to government agents, lake managers, and others interested in maintaining lake water quality and understanding algal blooms.

Lake Governance: Lessons In Participatory Governance

by Velma I. Grover Gail Krantzberg

The Lake Governance book will focus on comparative analysis of governance structures by examining policy, legal and institutional structures of current transboundary commissions to develop a common framework for good governance of transboundary lakes. Cooperation among nations sharing natural resources is important for sustainable use of the shared resources. Lakes contribute a big part to GDP in most of the countries and in some cases are also responsible for providing fisheries (for food, source of protein and livelihood). Climate change and associated risks and uncertainties add more complexity to the problems. This book will explore current water governance challenges, knowledge gaps and recommend a framework for good lake governance.

Lake Kivu

by Jean-Pierre Descy Martin Schmid François Darchambeau

In the heart of Africa, a unique lake attracts the attention of scientists since the beginning of the 20th century. At the foot of the Virunga volcano chain, Lake Kivu harbors a vast amount of dissolved carbon dioxide and methane, making this lake the most dangerous lake on Earth. But the lake furnishes also many goods and services for surrounding populations and may soon become the most important energy supplier in the area. At the beginning of gas exploitation, the time has come for gathering the large amount of scientific information acquired during past and present research on Lake Kivu. The eleven chapters cover many aspects of the physics, geochemistry and biology of the lake, with a particular focus on the unique physical and geochemical features of the water column and on the ecological functioning of the surface waters. The impacts of the introduced fish species and the potential impacts of methane exploitation are also summarized. This multi-disciplinary book may also be used as an introduction to the limnology and biogeochemistry of large tropical lakes, as it covers various aspects of the physics, geochemistry, biology and ecology of the African Great Rift lakes.

Lake Michigan's Aircraft Carriers (Images of America)

by Paul M. Somers

Lake Michigan's Aircraft Carriers is the story of the USS Wolverine and the USS Sable, two Great Lakes excursion ships converted for use as aircraft carrier training during World War II. Through the duration of the war, the United States Navy qualified 17,800 pilots for aircraft carrier operation. Training the pilots on either the Atlantic or the Pacific Ocean would have exposed the training ships to the danger of submarine attack, while requiring the escort of fighting ships that were needed elsewhere. It would also have involved arming and armoring the ships used for training. Commander R.F. Whitehead came up with an idea that solved all of these problems. He suggested doing the training on the protected waters of the Great Lakes.The USS Wolverine and the USS Sable were chosen and thus became the only fresh water, paddle-wheeled, coal-fired aircraft carriers in the history of the world. Author Paul M. Somers shares his collection of vintage photos and a lifetime of research to detail the history of these two great vessels-from their life as cruise ships to their contributions to the war effort and then to their eventual scrapping.

Lake Restoration Handbook: A New Zealand Perspective

by David P. Hamilton Kevin J. Collier John M. Quinn Clive Howard-Williams

Lakes across the globe require help. The Lake Restoration Handbook: A New Zealand Perspective addresses this need through a series of chapters that draw on recent advances in modelling and monitoring tools, citizen science and First Peoples’ roles, catchment and lake-focused restoration techniques, and policy implementation. New Zealand lakes, like lakes across the globe, are subject to multiple pressures that have increased in severity and scale as land use has intensified, invasive species have spread and global climate change becomes manifest. This books builds on the popular Lake Managers Handbook (1987), which provided guidance on undertaking investigations into, and understanding lake ecosystems in New Zealand. The Lake Restoration Handbook: A New Zealand Perspective synthesises contemporary issues related to lake restoration and rehabilitation, integrated with social science and cultural viewpoints, and complemented by authoritative topic-area summaries by renowned scientists and practitioners from across the globe. The book examines the progress of lake restoration and the new and emerging tools available to managers for predicting and effecting change. The book will be a valuable resource for natural and social scientists, policy writers, lake managers, and anyone interested in the health of lake ecosystems.

Lake Victoria Monitored from Space

by Joseph Awange

This book employs a suite of remotely sensed products and advanced technologies to provide the first comprehensive space-based sensing of Lake Victoria, the world’s second largest freshwater lake that supports a livelihood of more than 42 million people, modulates regional climate, but faces myriads of challenges. Proper understanding of the lake and changes in its physical dynamics (e.g., water level, shorelines and areal dynamics) resulting from the impacts of climate variation and climate change as well as anthropogenic (e.g., hydropower and irrigation) is important for its management as well as for strategic development before, during and after climate extremes (e.g., floods and droughts) in order to inform policy formulations, planning and mitigation measures. Owing to its sheer size, and lack of research resources commitment by regional governments that hamper its observations, however, it is a daunting task to undertake studies on Lake Victoria relying solely on in-situ “boots on the ground” measurements, which are sparse, missing in most cases, inconsistent or restricted by governmental red tapes. To unlock the potentials of Lake Victoria, this book argues for the removal of obsolete Nile treaties signed between Britain, Egypt and Sudan in the 1920s and 1950s, which prohibits its utilization by the upstream countries. The book is useful to those in water resources management and policy formulations, hydrologists, environmentalists, engineers and researchers.In a unique cross-disciplinary approach, the Book articulates the various climatic impacts and explanations from natural and anthropogenic origins, which affected Lake Victoria and its vicinity, including the drastic increase and depletion of water level in the Lake and dams, floods and droughts, water quality/security, crop health, food security, and economic implications. With no exception as in his many publications, Joseph L. Awange used data analysis methodologies including filtering, adjustment theory, and robust statistics, to quantify the hydrologic and other parameters, and their estimated uncertainties. The Book is recommended for readers from a diverse disciplines, including physical and social sciences, policy, law, engineering, and disaster management. Professor C.K. Shum, Ohio State University.

Lake Victoria Wetlands and the Ecology of the Nile Tilapia

by John Stephen Balirwa

This volume is taken from an ecological study of wetlands undertaken in northern Lake Victoria (East Africa) between 1993 and 1996 with the major aim of characterizing shallow vegetation-dominated interface habitats, and evaluating their importance for fish, in particular, for the Nile tilapia.

Lakhpati Kisan: Transforming Agriculture-Based Livelihoods for Smallholder Farmers in India (Public Policy in India)

by Anjal Prakash, Ashwini Chhatre, Ganesh Neelam, Sujit G Kumar and Apurva Duddu

Agriculture plays an essential role in the growth of developing economies, as agricultural production is key to food security and is closely intertwined with the livelihoods of many. This book explores the lives of smallholder agricultural farmers in India and the dire challenges that agricultural households face.Focussing on the Lakhpati Farmers initiative, the book examines interventions made by the programme to economically empower farmers and accelerate income growth in the agriculture sector. The programme, initiated by the Collectives for Integrated Livelihood Initiatives (CInI) in the tribal belts of central Indian states, helped farmers earn over INR 100,000 (or one lakh – hence Lakhpati) per annum. The programme engaged with households in 12 districts across 4 states – Jharkhand, Odisha, Maharashtra, and Gujarat – to bring about change through economic empowerment and improve the quality of life of tribal communities. This book documents these initiatives and strategies to meet the aspirations of small and marginal farmers by understanding the ingredients, processes, and challenges involved. The book analyses the programme, examines case studies, and offers ways forward.Part of the Innovations, Practice and the Future of Public Policy in India series, this volume will interest students and researchers of agriculture and rural development, business management, governance, public policy, development studies, and sociology.This book is freely available as a downloadable Open Access PDF at under a Creative Commons (CC-BY-NC-ND) 4.0 license.

Lamb-Wave Based Structural Health Monitoring in Polymer Composites

by Rolf Lammering Ulrich Gabbert Michael Sinapius Thomas Schuster Peter Wierach

The book focuses especially on the application of SHM technology to thin walled structural systems made from carbon fiber reinforced plastics. Here, guided elastic waves (Lamb-waves) show an excellent sensitivity to structural damages so that they are in the center of this book. It is divided into 4 sections dealing with analytical, numerical and experimental fundamentals, and subsequently with Lamb-wave propagation in fiber reinforced composites, SHM-systems and signal processing. The book is designed for engineering students as well as for researchers in the field of structural health monitoring and for users of this technology.

The Lambing Season: Stories of Life on an Irish Family Farm

by John Connell

A hymn to the rituals of farming life from the bestselling Irish author of The Farmer's Son.For John Connell, the lambing season on his County Longford farm begins in the autumn. In the sheep shed, he surveys the dozen females in his care and contemplates the work ahead as the season slowly turns to winter, then spring. The twelve sheep have come into his life at just the right moment. After years of hard work, John felt a deep tiredness creeping up on him, a sadness that he couldn't shrug off. Having always sought spiritual guidance, he comes to realise that, in addition to the soothing words of literature and philosophy, perhaps the way ahead involves this simple flock of sheep. In the hard work of livestock rearing, in the long nights in the shed helping the sheep to lamb, he can reflect on what life truly means. Like the flock that he shepherds, this book is both simple and profound, a meditation on the rituals of farming life and a primer on the lessons that nature can teach us. As spring returns and the sheep and their lambs are released into the fields, skipping with joy, John recalls the words of Henry David Thoreau, reminding us to "live in each season as it passes."

Lament for an Ocean: The Collapse of the Atlantic Cod Fishery

by Michael Harris

The northern cod have been almost wiped out. Once the most plentiful fish on the Grand Banks off the coast of Newfoundland, the cod is now on the brink of extinction, and tens of thousands of people in Atlantic Canada have been left without work by a 1992 moratorium on fishing the stock. Today, the Pacific salmon stocks are in similar trouble – victims of the same blind, stupid greed. Angry, accusatory fingers have been pointed at various possible culprits for the collapse of the cod – at the Spanish and Portuguese, who for hundreds of years sent ever-bigger fleets to the Grand Banks; at the factory-freezer trawlers, which “vacuumed” the ocean floor for the prized fish; at those inshore fishermen who circumvented the rules governing the fishery; at the federal Department of Fisheries and Oceans, which is responsible for managing the fishery; at the harp seal, the cod’s competitor for food, whose numbers have exploded in recent years; even at Nature, for lowering the temperature of the ocean. InLament for an Ocean,the award-winning true-crime writer Michael Harris investigates the real causes of the most wanton destruction of a natural resource in North American history since the buffalo were wiped off the face of the prairies. The story he carefully unfolds is the sorry tale of how, despite the repeated and urgent warnings of ocean scientists, the northern cod was ruthlessly exploited.

The Laminar Boundary Layer Equations (Dover Books on Physics)

by N. Curle

A thorough introduction to the study of boundary layer problems in physics and fluid mechanics, this treatment assumes some knowledge of classical inviscid fluid dynamics. The ordered and logical presentation is accessible to undergraduates, and professionals will benefit from the careful expositions of the limitations and accuracy of various methods.An extensive introduction explains the boundary-layer concept and demonstrates its simplification of equations of viscous flow. Successive chapters address various aspects of solution in incompressible flow, starting with analytic solutions of the velocity field and advancing to discussions of high-accuracy numerical solutions, practical methods of calculation, and an analysis of factors that might govern the choice of a method. Several chapters on the compressible laminar boundary layer include examinations of pressure gradient and heat transfer, followed by a brief exploration of some aspects of the problem of the interaction between shock waves and laminar boundary layers. Complete references and a helpful Index conclude the text.

Lampreys: Biology, Conservation and Control

by Margaret F. Docker

The book provides the most comprehensive review of lamprey biology since Hardisty and Potter's five-volume "The Biology of Lampreys" published more than 30 years ago. Published in two volumes, it includes contributions from international lamprey experts, reviewing and providing new insights into the evolution, general biology, and management of lampreys worldwide. This first volume offers up-to-date chapters on the systematics, general biology, conservation status, and conservation needs of lampreys. It will serve as an important reference for researchers working on any aspect of lamprey biology and fishery managers whose mandate is to control or conserve lamprey populations.

Lamps and Lighting

by M.A. Cayless

This book is a comprehensive guide to the theory and practice of lighting. Covering the physics of light production, light sources, circuits and a wide variety of lighting applications, it is both suitable as a detailed textbook and as thoroughly practical guide for practising lighting engineers. This fourth edition of Lamps and Lighting has been completely updated with new chapters on the latest lamp technology and applications. The editors ahve called upon a wide range of expertise and as a result many sections have been broadened to include both European and US practice.The book begins with a description of the fundamentals of light, vision, colour and measurement. Part II, the main section of the book, deals with lamps and control equipment and includes descriptions of all lamp types in use today. Part III on lighting covers both interior and exterior applications.

Land Allocation for Biomass Crops: Challenges and Opportunities with Changing Land Use

by Andrea Monti Ruopu Li

This edited volume establishes a forum for international experts to explore cutting-edge questions associated with the land use and biomass production. Topics include ‘do we have enough land, either primary or marginal, to accommodate future production of biomass?’, ‘how are farming decisions made in response to biomass incentives?’, ‘is the current bio-mass production socially, economically and environmentally sustainable?’, and ‘what are the main constraints currently limiting biofuel deployment?’ The expansion of biomass production is often at the cost of reduced land availability for food production and losses of areas with ecological functions such as forests and wetlands. This process often involves complex interplay of physical dynamics and human systems that are driven by numerous geographic and socio-economic factors at different scales. Thus, the state-of-the-art research on the land use issues surrounding the biomass production and its environmental impacts is important for informed land management decision making. This book will be of great use to researchers in land use management and biomass-based renewable energy, as well as practitioners.

Land and Disaster Management Strategies in Asia

by Huong Ha

This book focuses on land and disaster governance in Asian countries. The Asian region has become increasingly vulnerable to natural disasters, including floods, cyclones, storms, earthquakes, drought, typhoons and tsunamis. Further, as a result of unsustainable changes being made in patterns of land use, catchment and coastal zones, increasing population density, migration patterns, and the spread of consumer culture across countries, the impact of natural disasters has increased manifold. The book addresses two major concerns in this field. Firstly, it discusses topics intended to raise awareness among all stakeholders of the critical aspects of disaster management in the context of Asia. Secondly, it calls upon policymakers, researchers, academics, practitioners, private enterprises and civil society organizations, as well as all those who have been, are and will be affected by natural disasters to search for innovative and novel approaches to reducing risk and managing disasters.

Land Application of Biosolids: Process Design Manual

by Protection Agency Us Environmental

This book covers the advantages, limitations and operational standards for common land application of biosolids practices, including uses on agricultural lands, forest lands, reclamation sites, and public and private use sites. It is useful to people in all aspects of the wastewater industry.

Land Application of Sewage Sludge and Biosolids

by Eliot Epstein

Over 50 percent of the 6,900 million dry tons of sewage sludge generated each year in the United States is land applied. The principal controversies surrounding the land application of biosolids involve heavy metals and pathogens. Land Application of Sewage Sludge and Biosolids is a comprehensive, scientific text providing a complete review of vari

Land Application of Sludge

by Albert L. Page

This book is the proceedings of a workshop entitled Effects of Sewage Sludge Quality and Soil Properties on Plant Uptake of Sludge-Applied Trace Constituents, jointly sponsored by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Cincinnati, OH, the University of California at Riverside, and The Ohio State University in Columbus. The meeting was conducted in Las Vegas, NV, November 13-15, 1985, under cooperative agreement CR-812673, and the project officer, representing the Cincinnati EPA‘s Wastewater Engineering Research Laboratory, was J. A. Ryan. This book has been reviewed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and, though it is approved for publication, mention of trade names or commercial products does not constitute endorsement or recommendation for use by either the EPA or by the Publisher.

Land-Atmospheric Research Applications in South and Southeast Asia (Springer Remote Sensing/photogrammetry Ser.)

by Krishna Prasad Vadrevu Toshimasa Ohara Chris Justice

This edited volume sheds new light on the impact of rapid Land Use/Cover Changes (LU/CC) on greenhouse gases (GHG’s) and aerosol emissions in South and Southeast Asia. Several countries in South/Southeast Asia have the highest population growth rates in the world, which is the main cause for LU/CC. Conversion of dense forests to agricultural areas and then to residential and urban areas is most commonly observed in South/Southeast Asian countries with a significant release of GHG’s and aerosols. The book showcases several case studies on the use of remote sensing and geospatial technologies to quantify biomass burning and air pollution impacts, aerosol pollution, LU/CC, and impacts on ecosystem services. The book also includes articles on regional initiatives in research, capacity building, and training. The authors of this book are international experts in the field, and their contributions highlight significant drivers and impacts of air pollution in South/Southeast Asia. Readers will discover the latest tools and techniques, in particular, the use of satellite remote sensing and geospatial technologies for quantifying GHG’s, aerosols and pollution episodes in this region.

A Land Between Two Niles: Quaternary geology and biology of the Central Sudan

by Martin A.J. Williams; D.A.Adamson

Three themes run through this book, the first is the history of the Nile; the second is the degree to which the present Sudanese landscape reflects the operation of former geological processes; the third is the interaction between man and environment, not always to the benefit of either. A land between two Niles is an interdisciplinary account of the origins and characteristics of the alluvial plains of the lower Blue and White Nile. The contributors have focussed their attention upon this region for several reasons. Although the Gezira plain itself only occupies about one percent of the total area of the Sudan, the high quality long-staple cotton grown there provides nearly two-thirds of the country’s total export revenue.

Land Carbon Cycle Modeling: Matrix Approach, Data Assimilation, & Ecological Forecasting

by Yiqi Luo Benjamin Smith

Carbon moves through the atmosphere, through the oceans, onto land, and into ecosystems. This cycling has a large effect on climate – changing geographic patterns of rainfall and the frequency of extreme weather – and is altered as the use of fossil fuels adds carbon to the cycle. The dynamics of this global carbon cycling are largely predicted over broad spatial scales and long periods of time by Earth system models. This book addresses the crucial question of how to assess, evaluate, and estimate the potential impact of the additional carbon to the land carbon cycle. The contributors describe a set of new approaches to land carbon cycle modeling for better exploring ecological questions regarding changes in carbon cycling; employing data assimilation techniques for model improvement; and doing real- or near-time ecological forecasting for decision support. This book strives to balance theoretical considerations, technical details, and applications of ecosystem modeling for research, assessment, and crucial decision making. Key Features Helps readers understand, implement, and criticize land carbon cycle models Offers a new theoretical framework to understand transient dynamics of land carbon cycle Describes a suite of modeling skills – matrix approach to represent land carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus cycles; data assimilation and machine learning to improve parameterization; and workflow systems to facilitate ecological forecasting Introduces a new set of techniques, such as semi-analytic spin-up (SASU), unified diagnostic system with a 1-3-5 scheme, traceability analysis, and benchmark analysis, for model evaluation and improvement Related Titles Isabel Ferrera, ed. Climate Change and the Oceanic Carbon Cycle: Variables and Consequences (ISBN 978-1-774-63669-5) Lal, R. et al., eds. Soil Processes and the Carbon Cycle (ISBN 978-0-8493-7441-8) Windham-Myers, L., et al., eds. A Blue Carbon Primer: The State of Coastal Wetland Carbon Science, Practice and Policy (ISBN 978-0-367-89352-1)

Land, Chiefs, Mining: South Africa's North West Province since 1840

by null Andrew Manson null Bernard Mbenga

Land, Chiefs, Mining explores aspects of the experience of the Batswana in the thornveld and bushveld regions of the North-West Province, shedding light on defi ning issues, moments and individuals in this lesser known region of South Africa. Some of the focuses are: an important Tswana kgosi (chief ), Moiloa II of the Bahurutshe; responses to and participation in the South African War and its aftermath, 1899-1907; land acquisition; economic and political conditions in the reserves; resistance to Mangope’s Bophuthatswana; the impact of game parks and the Sun City resort; rural resistance and the liberation struggle; and African reaction to the platinum mining revolution. Written in a direct and accessible style, and illustrated with photographs and maps, the book provides an understanding, for a general reader ship, of the region and its recent history. At the same time it opens up avenues for further research. The authors, Andrew Manson and Bernard Mbenga, both based at North-West University, Mahikeng Campus, have, for some thirty years, been studying and writing on the region’s past.

Land Cover and Land Use Change on Islands: Social & Ecological Threats to Sustainability (Social and Ecological Interactions in the Galapagos Islands)

by Stephen J. Walsh Philip H. Page Diego Riveros-Iregui Javier Arce-Nazario

Globalization is not a new phenomenon, but it is posing new challenges to humans and natural ecosystems in the 21st century. From climate change to increasingly mobile human populations to the global economy, the relationship between humans and their environment is being modified in ways that will have long-term impacts on ecological health, biodiversity, ecosystem goods and services, population vulnerability, and sustainability. These changes and challenges are perhaps nowhere more evident than in island ecosystems. Buffeted by rising ocean temperatures, extreme weather events, sea-level rise, climate change, tourism, population migration, invasive species, and resource limitations, islands represent both the greatest vulnerability to globalization and also the greatest scientific opportunity to study the significance of global changes on ecosystem processes, human-environment interactions, conservation, environmental policy, and island sustainability.In this book, we study islands through the lens of Land Cover/Land Use Change (LCLUC) and the multi-scale and multi-thematic drivers of change. In addition to assessing the key processes that shape and re-shape island ecosystems and their land cover/land use changes, the book highlights measurement and assessment methods to characterize patterns and trajectories of change and models to examine the social-ecological drivers of change on islands. For instance, chapters report on the results of a meta-analysis to examine trends in published literature on islands, a satellite image time-series to track changes in urbanization, social surveys to support household analyses, field sampling to represent the state of resources and their limitations on islands, and dynamic systems models to link socio-economic data to LCLUC patterns. The authors report on a diversity of islands, conditions, and circumstances that affect LCLUC patterns and processes, often informed through perspectives rooted, for instance, in conservation, demography, ecology, economics, geography, policy, and sociology.

Land Cover Classification of Remotely Sensed Images: A Textural Approach

by S. Jenicka

The book introduces two domains namely Remote Sensing and Digital Image Processing. It discusses remote sensing, texture, classifiers, and procedures for performing the texture-based segmentation and land cover classification. The first chapter discusses the important terminologies in remote sensing, basics of land cover classification, types of remotely sensed images and their characteristics. The second chapter introduces the texture and a detailed literature survey citing papers related to texture analysis and image processing. The third chapter describes basic texture models for gray level images and multivariate texture models for color or remotely sensed images with relevant Matlab source codes. The fourth chapter focuses on texture-based classification and texture-based segmentation. The Matlab source codes for performing supervised texture based segmentation using basic texture models and minimum distance classifier are listed. The fifth chapter describes supervised and unsupervised classifiers. The experimental results obtained using a basic texture model (Uniform Local Binary Pattern) with the classifiers described earlier are discussed through the relevant Matlab source codes. The sixth chapter describes land cover classification procedure using multivariate (statistical and spectral) texture models and minimum distance classifier with Matlab source codes. A few performance metrics are also explained. The seventh chapter explains how texture based segmentation and land cover classification are performed using the hidden Markov model with relevant Matlab source codes. The eighth chapter gives an overview of spatial data analysis and other existing land cover classification methods. The ninth chapter addresses the research issues and challenges associated with land cover classification using textural approaches. This book is useful for undergraduates in Computer Science and Civil Engineering and postgraduates who plan to do research or project work in digital image processing. The book can serve as a guide to those who narrow down their research to processing remotely sensed images. It addresses a wide range of texture models and classifiers. The book not only guides but aids the reader in implementing the concepts through the Matlab source codes listed. In short, the book will be a valuable resource for growing academicians to gain expertise in their area of specialization and students who aim at gaining in-depth knowledge through practical implementations. The exercises given under texture based segmentation (excluding land cover classification exercises) can serve as lab exercises for the undergraduate students who learn texture based image processing.

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