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Language and the Rise of the Algorithm
by Jeffrey M. BinderA wide-ranging history of the algorithm. Bringing together the histories of mathematics, computer science, and linguistic thought, Language and the Rise of the Algorithm reveals how recent developments in artificial intelligence are reopening an issue that troubled mathematicians well before the computer age: How do you draw the line between computational rules and the complexities of making systems comprehensible to people? By attending to this question, we come to see that the modern idea of the algorithm is implicated in a long history of attempts to maintain a disciplinary boundary separating technical knowledge from the languages people speak day to day. Here Jeffrey M. Binder offers a compelling tour of four visions of universal computation that addressed this issue in very different ways: G. W. Leibniz’s calculus ratiocinator; a universal algebra scheme Nicolas de Condorcet designed during the French Revolution; George Boole’s nineteenth-century logic system; and the early programming language ALGOL, short for algorithmic language. These episodes show that symbolic computation has repeatedly become entangled in debates about the nature of communication. Machine learning, in its increasing dependence on words, erodes the line between technical and everyday language, revealing the urgent stakes underlying this boundary. The idea of the algorithm is a levee holding back the social complexity of language, and it is about to break. This book is about the flood that inspired its construction.
Language Development for Science: Activities for Home
by Marion Nash Jackie LoweThese simple play-based activities are ideal for teachers to copy and give out to parents who want to know how to help their child improve his or her science language skills and have fun at the same time. Activities are linked directly to the school-based Language Development Circle Time sessions, but can also be used independently. There is a clear structure and progression of ideas, with supporting black-line drawings to acts as prompts and simple record - keeping system to support home/school communication.
Language Development for Science: Circle Time Sessions to Improve Language Skills
by Marion Nash Jackie LoweThis book is the first of its kind to help practitioners specifically develop children's language skills in Science. The book incudes: guidelines to help teachers set up, run and assess circle-time sessions ideas for promoting children's thinking skills and emotional literacy video CD containing explanation and demonstration of the programme and its implementation, with comments from staff who have used it.
Language Education in Digital Spaces: Perspectives on Autonomy and Interaction (Educational Linguistics #52)
by Carolin Fuchs Mirjam Hauck Melinda DoolyThis book brings together contributions on learner autonomy from a myriad of contexts to advance our understanding of what autonomous language learning looks like with digital tools, and how this understanding is shaped by and can shape different socio-institutional, curricular, and instructional support. To this end, the individual contributions in the book highlight practice-oriented, empirically-based research on technology-mediated learner autonomy and its pedagogical implications. They address how technology can support learner autonomy as process by leveraging the affordances available in social media, virtual exchange, self-access, or learning in the wild (Hutchins, 1995). The rapid evolution and adoption of technology in all aspects of our lives has pushed issues related to learner and teacher autonomy centre stage in the language education landscape. This book tackles emergent challenges from different perspectives and diverse learning ecologies with a focus on social and educational (in)equality. Specifically, to this effect, the chapters consider digital affordances of virtual exchange, gaming, and apps in technology-mediated language learning and teaching ranging from instructed and semi-instructed to self-instructed contexts. The volume foregrounds the concepts of critical digital literacy and social justice in relation to language learner and teacher autonomy and illustrates how this approach may contribute to institutional objectives for equality, diversity and inclusion in higher education around the world and will be useful for researchers and teachers alike.
Language Education, Politics and Technology in South Asia: Shaping Inclusive Societies, Identities, and Futures (Routledge Research in Language Education)
by Uma Pradhan Mohini GuptaBringing together research from the fields of linguistics, education and technology within the dynamic context of South Asia, this timely book investigates the ways in which these fields interact with each other against the backdrop of technological innovation, linguistic diversity and socio-political transformation.Developing and expanding on findings and insights originating from a conference organised by the Education South Asia Initiative at the University of Oxford, this interdisciplinary book features academic reflections on language politics and diversity as well as empirical insights on linguistic, educational and technological transformations in the region. Featuring analytical and methodological approaches to the study of language and education, chapters range in context from India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka, and address a range of issues such as the marginalisation of languages in education and policy, the interactions between language and social hierarchies in the South Asian context, and technology’s impact on language education, acquisition, usage and preservation.Ultimately initiating dialogue on the need for positive changes in language, education research and policy, this book will appeal to scholars, researchers and postgraduate students in the fields of language education, international and comparative education, and education and technology. Policymakers in international development and sociolinguistics may also find the volume of use.The Open Access version of this book, available at http://www.taylorfrancis.com, has been made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives (CC BY-NC-ND) 4.0 license.
Language Learning with Technology: Perspectives from Asia
by Lindsay Miller Junjie Gavin WuThis book is about language learning with technology, offering readers theoretical insights as well as practical case studies with a focus on Asia and Asian students. Although technology is rapidly advancing and most, if not all, students are already using technology in their everyday lives, traditional teaching/learning practices still exist throughout Asia. This book provides examples, written by representative educators, from a variety of countries/regions and contexts where technology has successfully been used to enhance language learning. In addition to some everyday examples of using technology: Wikipedia, PowerPoint, Google Docs and YouTube, the book also offers the readers an insight into the future possible uses of advanced technology: Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, Artificial Intelligence and Eye Tracking. The book presents illustrations of how teachers can, and perhaps should, be open to integrating some form of technology into in-class learning or using it to supplement out-of-class activities.
The Language of Images: The Forms and the Forces (Lecture Notes in Morphogenesis)
by Maria Giulia DonderoThis book deals with two fundamental issues in the semiotics of the image. The first is the relationship between image and observer: how does one look at an image? To answer this question, this book sets out to transpose the theory of enunciation formulated in linguistics over to the visual field. It also aims to clarify the gains made in contemporary visual semiotics relative to the semiology of Roland Barthes and Emile Benveniste. The second issue addressed is the relation between the forces, forms and materiality of the images. How do different physical mediums (pictorial, photographic and digital) influence visual forms? How does materiality affect the generativity of forms? On the forces within the images, the book addresses the philosophical thought of Gilles Deleuze and René Thom as well as the experiment of Aby Warburg’s Atlas Mnemosyne. The theories discussed in the book are tested on a variety of corpora for analysis, including both paintings and photographs, taken from traditional as well as contemporary sources in a variety of social sectors (arts and sciences). Finally, semiotic methodology is contrasted with the computational analysis of large collections of images (Big Data), such as the “Media Visualization” analyses proposed by Lev Manovich and Cultural Analytics in the field of Computer Science to evaluate the impact of automatic analysis of visual forms on Digital Art History and more generally on the image sciences.
The Language of SQL (2nd Edition)
by Larry RockoffThe Language of SQL, Second Edition Many SQL texts attempt to serve as an encyclopedic reference on SQL syntax -- an approach that is often counterproductive, because that information is readily available in online references published by the major database vendors. For SQL beginners, it's more important for a book to focus on general concepts and to offer clear explanations and examples of what various SQL statements can accomplish. This is that book. A number of features make The Language of SQL unique among introductory SQL books. First, you will not be required to download software or sit with a computer as you read the text. The intent of this book is to provide examples of SQL usage that can be understood simply by reading. Second, topics are organized in an intuitive and logical sequence. SQL keywords are introduced one at a time, allowing you to grow your understanding as you encounter new terms and concepts. Finally, this book covers the syntax of three widely used databases: Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, and Oracle. Special "Database Differences" sidebars clearly show you any differences in syntax among these three databases, and instructions are included on how to obtain and install free versions of the databases. This is the only book you need to gain a quick working knowledge of SQL and relational databases. Learn How To. . . Use SQL to retrieve data from relational databases Apply functions and calculations to data Group and summarize data in a variety of useful ways Use complex logic to retrieve only the data you need Update data and create new tables Design relational databases so that data retrieval is easy and intuitive Use spreadsheets to transform your data into meaningful displays Retrieve data from multiple tables via joins, subqueries, views, and set logic Create, modify, and execute stored procedures Install Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, or Oracle Contents at a Glance 1 Relational Databases and SQL 2 Basic Data Retrieval 3 Calculated Fields and Aliases 4 Using Functions 5 Sorting Data 6 Selection Criteria 7 Boolean Logic 8 Conditional Logic 9 Summarizing Data 10 Subtotals and Crosstabs 11 Inner Joins 12 Outer Joins 13 Self Joins and Views 14 Subqueries 15 Set Logic 16 Stored Procedures and Parameters 17 Modifying Data 18 Maintaining Tables 19 Principles of Database Design 20 Strategies for Displaying Data A Getting Started with Microsoft SQL Server B Getting Started with MySQL C Getting Started with Oracle
Languages, Design Methods, and Tools for Electronic System Design: Selected Contributions from FDL 2017 (Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering #530)
by Daniel Große Sara Vinco Hiren PatelThis book brings together a selection of the best papers from the twentiethedition of the Forum on specification and Design Languages Conference (FDL), which took place on September 18-20, 2017, in Verona, Italy. FDL is a well-established international forum devoted to dissemination of research results, practical experiences and new ideas in the application of specification, design and verification languages to the design, modeling and verification of integrated circuits, complex hardware/software embedded systems, and mixed-technology systems.Covers modeling and verification methodologies targeting digital and analog systems;Addresses firmware development and validation;Targets both functional and non-functional properties;Includes descriptions of methods for reliable system design.
Languages, Design Methods, and Tools for Electronic System Design: Selected Contributions from FDL 2018 (Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering #611)
by Tom J. Kazmierski Sebastian Steinhorst Daniel GroßeThis book brings together a selection of the best papers from the twenty-first edition of the Forum on specification and Design Languages Conference (FDL), which took place on September 10-12, 2018, in Munich, Germany. FDL is a well-established international forum devoted to dissemination of research results, practical experiences and new ideas in the application of specification, design and verification languages to the design, modeling and verification of integrated circuits, complex hardware/software embedded systems, and mixed-technology systems.Covers Assertion Based Design, Verification & Debug;Includes language-based modeling and design techniques for embedded systems;Covers design, modeling and verification of mixed physical domain and mixed signal systems that include significant analog parts in electrical and non-electrical domains;Includes formal and semi-formal system level design methods for complex embedded systems based on the Unified Modelling Language (UML) and Model Driven Engineering (MDE).
Languages, Design Methods, and Tools for Electronic System Design
by Marie-Minerve Louërat Torsten MaehneThis book brings together a selection of the best papers from the sixteenth edition of the Forum on specification and Design Languages Conference (FDL), which was held in September 2013 in Paris, France. FDL is a well-established international forum devoted to dissemination of research results, practical experiences and new ideas in the application of specification, design and verification languages to the design, modeling and verification of integrated circuits, complex hardware/software embedded systems and mixed-technology systems.
Lanthanide and Other Transition Metal Ion Complexes and Nanoparticles in Magnetic Resonance Imaging (ISSN)
by Geraldes, Carlos F. G. C.Since the development of the first clinical MRI contrast agent, Gd(DTPA) (or Magnevist®) in the early 1980s, another three linear and three macrocyclic (eg. Gd(DOTA) (Dotarem®) have been introduced in the clinic and inspired a huge number of researchers worldwide to perform preclinical research to obtain contrast agents for many kinds of clinical applications, which are described in this book. The most current research has been assembled here and can be used by the scientific community to continue increasing the relevance of metal-containing molecules and nanomaterials for MRI-based diagnosis and thus increase the practical use of these systems. Presents the importance of metal-containing molecules and nanomaterials for MRI-based diagnosis and the practical use of these systems. Discusses the structure and dynamics of Ln-based contrast agents as well as computational studies related to these agents. Endorses and stimulates research in the vibrant field of biological inorganic chemistry. Reviews the most current research supporting the relevance of metal-containing molecules and nanomaterials for diagnosis and therapy. The authors are preeminent bioinorganic and medicinal inorganic chemists and review the most current research in this field.
Lanthanide-Based Wavelength Conversion Materials
by Yasuchika Hasegawa Yuichi Kitagawa Sunao ShojiThis book introduces optical wavelength conversion materials using luminescent lanthanide complexes. Their optical wavelength conversion properties are applied to color-tuning LED materials, UV photon-energy conversion for solar cells, and plant growth acceleration for future green-house application. In this book, the fundamental wavelength-conversion mechanism, recent trends and advanced research progress of optical wavelength conversion materials are explained and discussed using historical and recent academic reports. Furthermore, advanced future applications using luminescent lanthanide complexes, are introduced.
Lanthanide-Doped Luminescent Nanomaterials
by Xueyuan Chen Yongsheng Liu Datao TuLanthanide-Doped Luminescent Nanomaterials reviews the latest advances in the development of lanthanide-doped luminescent inorganic nanoparticles for potential bioapplications. This book covers the chemical and physical fundamentals of these nanoparticles, such as the controlled synthesis methodology, surface modification chemistry, optical physics, and their promising applications in diverse bioassays, with an emphasis on heterogeneous and homogeneous in-vitro biodetection of tumor biomarkers. This book is intended for those readers who are interested in systematically understanding the materials design strategy, optical behavior of lanthanide ions, and practical bioapplications of lanthanide nanoparticles. It primarily focuses on the interdisciplinary frontiers in chemistry, physics and biological aspects of luminescent nanomaterials. All chapters were written by scientists active in this field and for a broad audience, providing both beginners and advanced researchers with comprehensive information on the subject. Xueyuan Chen is a Professor at Fujian Institute of Research on the Structure of Matter (FJIRSM), Chinese Academy of Sciences. Yongsheng Liu is a Research Associate Professor at FJIRSM, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Datao Tu is a Research Assistant Professor at FJIRSM, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Lanthanide Luminescence
by Pekka Hänninen Harri HärmäLanthanides have fascinated scientists for more than two centuries now, and since efficient separation techniques were established roughly 50 years ago, they have increasingly found their way into industrial exploitation and our everyday lives. Numerous applications are based on their unique luminescent properties, which are highlighted in this volume. It presents established knowledge about the photophysical basics, relevant lanthanide probes or materials, and describes instrumentation-related aspects including chemical and physical sensors. The uses of lanthanides in bioanalysis and medicine are outlined, such as assays for in vitro diagnostics and research. All chapters were compiled by renowned scientists with a broad audience in mind, providing both beginners in the field and advanced researchers with comprehensive information on on the given subject.
Laparo-endoskopische Hernienchirurgie: Evidenzbasierte Klinische Praxis
by Pradeep Chowbey Sumeet Mittal Karl A. LeBlanc Robert J. Fitzgibbons Ferdinand Köckerling Reinhard BittnerDiagnostik und laparoskopische Therapie von Leistenhernien, Bauchwand- und Narbenhernien sowie Hiatushernien werden Schritt für Schritt und mit zahlreichen Abbildungen von einem internationalen Expertenteam beschrieben. Neben den etablierten Verfahren sind auch neu entwickelte Operationstechniken und das Vorgehen bei atypischen und komplexen Hernienformen dargestellt, ebenso die Prävention und Behandlung von Komplikationen. Der Netztechnologie ist zu jedem der Hauptthemen ein eigenes Kapitel gewidmet. Vor- und Nachteile der einzelnen Behandlungsformen werden diskutiert und verglichen. Jedes Kapitel nimmt dabei Bezug auf die anerkannten Leitlinien der Fachgesellschaften und die relevanten Studien, Übersichten und Metaanalysen und bezieht zugleich die Erfahrungen und Empfehlungen renommierter Hernienchirurgen ein. Standardisierte Operationstechnik und evidenzbasierte Entscheidungsfindung tragen zur Verbesserung der Behandlungsergebnisse in der laparo-endoskopischen Hernienchirurgie bei.
Laplace-Transformation, Diskrete Fourier-Transformation und z-Transformation: Grundlagen und Anwendungen zu Elektrotechnik, Informatik, Kommunikations- und Regelungstechnik
by Helmut Ulrich Stephan UlrichDieses Buch ist eine leicht verständliche Einführung in die Theorie und praktische Handhabung der Laplace-, Fourier- und z-Transformation, die in vielen Fachgebieten wie der Elektrotechnik , Informations- und Kommunikationstechnik, Mechatronik, Regelungstechnik etc. eine wichtige Rolle spielen. Zahlreiche Beispiele und Anwendungen zeigen den richtigen Umgang mit den Transformationen. Die Erläuterungen werden vielfach durch graphische Darstellungen veranschaulicht. Das Ziel des Buches ist es, eigene Problemstellungen mit den gezeigten Methoden erfolgreich angehen zu können. Die didaktische Aufbereitung des Lehrstoffes im Buch sichert einen nachhaltigen Lernerfolg .
Laplacian Growth on Branched Riemann Surfaces (Lecture Notes in Mathematics #2287)
by Björn Gustafsson Yu-Lin LinThis book studies solutions of the Polubarinova–Galin and Löwner–Kufarev equations, which describe the evolution of a viscous fluid (Hele-Shaw) blob, after the time when these solutions have lost their physical meaning due to loss of univalence of the mapping function involved. When the mapping function is no longer locally univalent interesting phase transitions take place, leading to structural changes in the data of the solution, for example new zeros and poles in the case of rational maps. This topic intersects with several areas, including mathematical physics, potential theory and complex analysis. The text will be valuable to researchers and doctoral students interested in fluid dynamics, integrable systems, and conformal field theory.
Large A.C. Machines
by Iliya Boguslawsky Nikolay Korovkin Masashi HayakawaIn this monograph the authors solve the modern scientific problems connected with A. C. motors and generators, based first on the detailed consideration of their physical phenomena. The authors describe the theory and investigative methods they developed and applied in practice, which are considered to be of essential interest for specialists in the field of the electrical engineering industry in European countries, the USA, Argentina, and Brazil, as well as in such countries as India, China, and Iran. This book will be of interest to engineers specialized in the field of the manufacture, operation, and repair of A. C. machines (motors and generators) as well as electric drives; to professors, lecturers, and post-graduate students of technical universities, who are specializing in the field of electric machine engineering and electric drives; and to students who are engaged in the field of high current techniques, electric drives, and electric machine engineering.
Large and Middle-scale Aperture Aspheric Surfaces: Lapping, Polishing and Measurement
by Shengyi Li Yifan DaiA complete all-in-one reference to aspheric fabrication and testing for optical applications This book provides a detailed introduction to the manufacturing and measurement technologies in aspheric fabrication. For each technology, both basic theory and practical applications are introduced. The book consists of two parts. In the first part, the basic principles of manufacturing technology for aspheric surfaces and key theory for deterministic subaperture polishing of aspheric surfaces are discussed. Then key techniques for high precision figuring such as CCOS with small polishing pad, IBF and MRF, are introduced, including the basic principles, theories and applications, mathematical modeling methods, machine design and process parameter selection. It also includes engineering practices and experimental results, based on the three kinds of polishing tools (CCOS, IBF and MRF) developed by the author’s research team. In the second part, basic principles of measurement and some typical examples for large and middle-scale aspheric surfaces are discussed. Then, according to the demands of low cost, high accuracy and in-situ measurement methods in the manufacturing process, three kinds of technologies are introduced, such as the Cartesian and swing-arm polar coordinate profilometer, the sub-aperture stitching interferometer and the phase retrieval method based on diffraction principle. Some key techniques are also discussed, including the basic principles, mathematical modeling methods, machine design and process parameter selection, as well as engineering practices and experimental results. Finally, the team’s research results about subsurface quality measurement and guarantee methods are also described. This book can be used as a reference for scientists and technologists working in optical manufacturing, ultra-precision machining, precision instruments and measurement, and other precision engineering fields. A complete all-in-one reference to aspheric fabrication and testing for optical applications Presents the latest research findings from the author’s internationally recognized leading team who are at the cutting edge of the technology Brings together surface processing and measurement in one complete volume, discussing problems and solutions Guides the reader from an introductory overview through to more advanced and sophisticated techniques of metrology and manufacturing, suitable for the student and the industry professional
Large Area and Flexible Electronics
by Yong-Young Noh Mario CaironiFrom materials to applications, this ready reference covers the entire value chain from fundamentals via processing right up to devices, presenting different approaches to large-area electronics, thus enabling readers to compare materials, properties and performance.Divided into two parts, the first focuses on the materials used for the electronic functionality, covering organic and inorganic semiconductors, including vacuum and solution-processed metal-oxide semiconductors, nanomembranes and nanocrystals, as well as conductors and insulators. The second part reviews the devices and applications of large-area electronics, including flexible and ultra-high-resolution displays, light-emitting transistors, organic and inorganic photovoltaics, large-area imagers and sensors, non-volatile memories and radio-frequency identification tags.With its academic and industrial viewpoints, this volume provides in-depth knowledge for experienced researchers while also serving as a first-stop resource for those entering the field.
Large Camel Farming: A Care-Management Guide from Breeding to Camel Products
by Bernard Faye Gaukhar Konuspayeva Cécile MagnanThis practical guide is intended for all actors in the sector who work with large camelids, whether in breeding, technical advice or veterinary care. It successively describes the general aspects of the species, the physiological bases of reproduction, lactation and feeding, the main production processes, and health and hygiene management in camel breeding. Chapters on slaughter, important camel products and their processing complete the volume.Large camels (camels and Bactrian camels) are domestic animals that are increasingly used in Western countries, as well as in Africa and Asia, for tourism, sport, and production of milk, meat, and wool. In addition, camel husbandry systems are changing, taking a greater share of sedentary systems, specializing in breeding, and intensifying production. At the same time, many veterinarians and breeders are not familiar with the animal, its needs, physiology, diseases, and management, which is often based on practices introduced for cattle and proving ineffective.This work is a practical aid for all interested readers who want to embark on the adventure of working with large camelids in a cultural context where they are not yet a dominant element of the agricultural landscape. The numerous photographs and drawings that support the text make it a unique and entertaining read.
Large Dams: Dealing With The Social, Environmental And Political Costs (Water Resources Development and Management)
by Thayer ScudderThis book highlights the first comparative long-term analysis of the negative impacts of large dams on riverine communities and on free-flowing rivers in Africa, the Middle East and Asia. Following the Foreword by Professor Asit K. Biswas, the first section covers the 1956–1973 period, when the author believed that large dams provided an exceptional opportunity for integrated river basin development. In turn, the second section (1976–1997) reflects the author’s increasing concerns about the magnitude of the socio-economic and environmental costs of large dams, while the third (1998–2018) discusses why large dams are in fact not cost-effective in the long term.
Large Dams in Asia
by Marcus NüsserThis book explores the multi-dimensional asymmetries of scale, time, and directions in the large dam controversy with a regional focus on Asia, especially on India and China. Whereas the concept of large-scale transformation of fluvial environments into technological hydroscapes originated in the West, widespread construction of large dams started in the countries of the Global South in the period after decolonisation. Construction and operation of large dams are amongst the most prestigious but also most sensitive development issues, often accompanied by massive resistance of adversely affected people and civil society organisations. Based on the notion of a contested politicised environment, various case studies are analysed to identify the dominant narratives and imaginations that shape the large dams debate. This volume largely contains contributions related to several subprojects from within the Cluster of Excellence 'Asia and Europe in a Global Context: Shifting Asymmetries in Cultural Flows', based at Heidelberg University, with several expert contributions from external researchers.
Large Deployable Satellite Antennas: Design Theory, Methods and Applications (Springer Tracts in Mechanical Engineering)
by Baoyan Duan Yiqun Zhang Jingli DuThis book discusses the innovative design, cable-net design and analysis, control, deployment, development and applications of large space-deployable antennas. Drawing on the authors’ own work in this field, it describes and analyzes various typical deployable antennas, membrane antennas and super-large space-assembled antennas, while chiefly focusing on mesh antennas due to their wide range of applications. It also investigates forming–finding design and the analysis of cable-truss structures for high-precision reflector antennas, as well as deployment process control and deployment reliability based on flexible multibody dynamic analysis. The book covers not only mechanical structure performance, but also electromagnetic performance realization and stability. Lastly, it proposes an electrical equivalent method for mesh reflector antennas and a coupling model for the structural displacement field and electrostatic field. Given the nature of its content, the book is intended for researchers, graduate students and engineers in the field of space antennas.