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The Law of Ship Mortgages (Lloyd's Shipping Law Library)
by David Osborne Charles Buss Joanne ChampkinsThis fully updated and comprehensive 3rd edition of The Law of Ship Mortgages provides readers with a practical, commercially based and definitive guide to the English law of ship mortgages. The authors, being seasoned practitioners, bring their extensive experience to bear on a number of difficult and developing areas of the law, such as: mortgagees’ duties, liability to charterers, the conflict of laws, work-outs, restructurings and cross-border insolvency.The 3rd edition includes new chapters on pre-delivery security, security over shares and on the increasingly important topic of ship leasing as a method of finance. It is written against the background of, and has regard to, ever-increasing sanctions affecting shipping and ship finance as well as the continued regulatory and industry-driven push towards reduction of emissions (IMO 2020 and IMO 2050).Written primarily with practitioners in mind, The Law of Ship Mortgages will continue to be extremely useful to legal professionals, especially in common law jurisdictions, involved in international ship finance or ship mortgage enforcement. It will also be a valuable resource for postgraduate students and academics, especially those with an interest in shipping law or the law of personal property more generally.
The Law of War (Justice, International Law and Global Security)
by Ingrid DetterThe third edition of Ingrid Detter's authoritative work explores the changing legal context of modern warfare in light of events over the last decade. Ingrid Detter reviews the status of non-State actors, as individuals and groups become more prominent in international society. Covering post 9/11 events and the resulting changes in the ethos of war, the author analyses the role of military companies and examines what their legitimacy means for international society. The edition also discusses certain ’intrinsic’ rules in the Law of War, such as rules giving individuals the right to be spared genocide, torture, slavery and apartheid and assure them basic democratic rights. The author questions the right of ’illegal’ combatants to be treated as prisoners of war and suggests that a minimum standard must be afforded to all, whether captured dictators or detainees suspected of terrorism. In the modern world, the individual (the soldier, the civilian, the dictator, the terrorist or the pirate) can no longer behave as they wish. Further new topics include 'target killings', the ’right to protect’ (’R2P’, - claimed to be a new form of intervention), the use of unregulated weapons such as drones and robots, the war scenario in Outer Space and cyber crimes. There is also a discussion of new developments in the field of war crimes including severe criticism of the novel concept 'joint criminal enterprise' (JCE), which, in the opinion of the author, undermines the Rule of Law. This updated and expanded edition will be of use to statesmen, scholars and students of international relations and international law.
Law, Practice and Politics of Forensic DNA Profiling: Forensic Genetics and their Technolegal Worlds
by Victor Toom Matthias Wienroth Amade M’charekThis collection reviews developments in DNA profiling across jurisdictions with a focus on scientific and technological developments as well as their political, ethical, and socio-legal aspects. Written by leading scholars in the fields of social studies of forensic science, science and technology studies and socio-legal studies, the book provides state-of-the-art analyses of forensic DNA practices in a diverse range of jurisdictions, new and emerging forensic genetics technologies and issues of legitimacy. The work articulates the various forms of technolegal politics involved in the everyday, standardised and emerging practices of forensic genetics and engages with the most recent scholarly and policy literature. In analyses of empirical cases, and by taking into account the most recent technolegal developments, the book explores what it means to live in a world that is increasingly governed through anticipatory crime control and its related risk management and bio-surveillance mechanisms, which intervene with and produce political and legal subjectivities through human bodies in their DNA. This volume is an invaluable resource for those working in the areas of social studies of forensic science, science and technology studies, socio-legal studies, sociology, anthropology, ethics, law, politics and international relations.
Law, Public Policies and Complex Systems: Networks in Action (Law, Governance and Technology Series #42)
by Claire Lajaunie Romain Boulet Pierre MazzegaThis book investigates how various scientific communities – e.g. legal scientists, political scientists, sociologists, mathematicians, and computer scientists – study law and public policies, which are portrayed here as complex systems. Today, research on law and public policies is rapidly developing at the international level, relying heavily on modeling that employs innovative methods for concrete implementation. Among the subject matter discussed, law as a network of evolving and interactive norms is now a prominent sphere of study. Similarly, public policies are now a topic in their own right, as policy can no longer be examined as a linear process; rather, its study should reflect the complexity of the networks of actors, norms and resources involved, as well as the uncertainty or weak predictability of their direct or indirect impacts. The book is divided into three maain parts: complexity faced by jurists, complexity in action and public policies, and complexity and networks. The main themes examined concern codification, governance, climate change, normative networks, health, water management, use-related conflicts, legal regime conflicts, and the use of indicators.
Law, Regulation and Governance in the Information Society: Informational Rights and Informational Wrongs
by Maurizio Borghi Roger BrownswordThis edited collection seeks to map the landscape of contemporary informational interests, to evaluate a range of recognised and putative rights and wrongs associated with modern information societies, and to consider how law, regulation, and governance should be deployed in response. New technologies and new applications constantly disrupt our values, our framing of our world, and our sense of where we are and who we are. In our ‘information societies’, we entertain mixed hopes and expectations, as well as significant fears and concerns. At the root of these, there are a number of informational interests, on the basis of which certain rights are claimed and particular wrongs denounced. This book addresses these interests, considering them as relating primarily to the integrity of the informational eco-system, to the accessibility, accuracy, and authenticity of public information, and to our individual ability to control the outward and inward flows of information that relates directly to ourselves. Covering a wide range of subjects, the book’s interrogation of our contemporary information society is oriented around two questions: first, whether the information society in which we live is the kind of society that we think it should be and, second, if not, what we can reasonably expect law, regulation and governance to do in providing the basis for improving it. This book will be of considerable interest to those working at the intersection of law and technology, as well as others concerned with the legal, political, and social aspects of our information society.
Law, Technology and Dispute Resolution: The Privatisation of Coercion (Law, Science and Society)
by Riikka KouluThe use of new information and communication technologies both inside the courts and in private online dispute resolution services is quickly changing everyday conflict management. However, the implications of the increasingly disruptive role of technology in dispute resolution remain largely undiscussed. In this book, assistant professor of law and digitalisation Riikka Koulu examines the multifaceted phenomenon of dispute resolution technology, focusing specifically on private enforcement, which modern technology enables on an unforeseen scale. The increase in private enforcement confounds legal structures and challenges the nation-state’s monopoly on violence. And, in this respect, the author argues that the technology-driven privatisation of enforcement – from direct enforcement of e-commerce platforms to self-executing smart contracts in the blockchain – brings the ethics of law’s coercive nature out into the open. This development constitutes a new, and dangerous, grey area of conflict management, which calls for transparency and public debate on the ethical implications of dispute resolution technology.
Law, Technology and Society: Reimagining the Regulatory Environment (Law, Science and Society)
by Roger BrownswordThis book considers the implications of the regulatory burden being borne increasingly by technological management rather than by rules of law. If crime is controlled, if human health and safety are secured, if the environment is protected, not by rules but by measures of technological management—designed into products, processes, places and so on—what should we make of this transformation? In an era of smart regulatory technologies, how should we understand the ‘regulatory environment’, and the ‘complexion’ of its regulatory signals? How does technological management sit with the Rule of Law and with the traditional ideals of legality, legal coherence, and respect for liberty, human rights and human dignity? What is the future for the rules of criminal law, torts and contract law—are they likely to be rendered redundant? How are human informational interests to be specified and protected? Can traditional rules of law survive not only the emergent use of technological management but also a risk management mentality that pervades the collective engagement with new technologies? Even if technological management is effective, is it acceptable? Are we ready for rule by technology? Undertaking a radical examination of the disruptive effects of technology on the law and the legal mind-set, Roger Brownsword calls for a triple act of re-imagination: first, re-imagining legal rules as one element of a larger regulatory environment of which technological management is also a part; secondly, re-imagining the Rule of Law as a constraint on the arbitrary exercise of power (whether exercised through rules or through technological measures); and, thirdly, re-imagining the future of traditional rules of criminal law, tort law, and contract law.
Laws and Models: Science, Engineering, and Technology
by Carl W. HallThe "laws" that govern our physical universe come in many guises-as principles, theorems, canons, equations, axioms, models, and so forth. They may be empirical, statistical, or theoretical, their names may reflect the person who first expressed them, the person who publicized them, or they might simply describe a phenomenon. However they may be named, the discovery and application of physical laws have formed the backbone of the sciences for 3,000 years.They exist by thousands. Laws and Models: Science, Engineering, and Technology-the fruit of almost 40 years of collection and research-compiles more than 1,200 of the laws and models most frequently encountered and used by engineers and technologists. The result is a collection as fascinating as it is useful. Each entry consists of a statement of the law or model, its date of origin, a one-line biography of the people involved in its formulation, sources of information about the law, and cross-references.Illustrated and highly readable, this book offers a unique presentation of the vast and rich collection of laws that rule our universe. Everyone with an interest in the inner workings of nature-from engineers to students, from teachers to journalists-will find Laws and Models to be not only a handy reference, but an engaging volume to read and browse.
The Laws of Disruption: Harnessing the New Forces that Govern Life and Business in the Digital Age
by Larry DownesWhile digital life races ahead, the rest of our life, from law to business, struggles to keep up. Business strategists, lawyers, judges, regulators, and consumers have all been left behind, scratching their heads, frantically trying to figure out what they can and can't do. Some want to bring innovation to a standstill (or at least to slow it down) through lawsuits and regulation so they can catch their breath. Others forge madly ahead, legal consequences be damned. In The Laws of Disruption, Larry Downes, author of the best-selling Unleashing the Killer App, provides an invaluable guide for these confusing times, exploring nine critical areas in which technology is dramatically rewriting the rules of business and life. The Laws of Disruption will help business owners and managers understand not only how to avoid being blindsided by customer rebellion, but also how to benefit from it. It will teach lawyers, judges, and regulators when to keep their hands off the system and it will show consumers the consequences of their digital actions. In the gap created by the Law of Disruption, golden opportunities await those who move quickly.
The Laws of Robots: Crimes, Contracts, and Torts
by Ugo PagalloThis book explores how the design, construction, and use of robotics technology may affect today's legal systems and, more particularly, matters of responsibility and agency in criminal law, contractual obligations, and torts. By distinguishing between the behaviour of robots as tools of human interaction, and robots as proper agents in the legal arena, jurists will have to address a new generation of "hard cases." General disagreement may concern immunity in criminal law (e.g., the employment of robot soldiers in battle), personal accountability for certain robots in contracts (e.g., robo-traders), much as clauses of strict liability and negligence-based responsibility in extra-contractual obligations (e.g., service robots in tort law). Since robots are here to stay, the aim of the law should be to wisely govern our mutual relationships.
The Laws of Simplicity: Design, Technology, Business, Life
by John MaedaMaeda offers ten laws for balancing simplicity and complexity in business, technology, and design. Maeda explores the question of how we can redefine the notion of "improved" so that it doesn't always mean something more, something added on.
The Laws of Simplicity: Design, Technology, Business, Life
by John MaedaTen laws of simplicity for business, technology, and design that teach us how to need less but get more. Finally, we are learning that simplicity equals sanity. We're rebelling against technology that's too complicated, DVD players with too many menus, and software accompanied by 75-megabyte "read me" manuals. The iPod's clean gadgetry has made simplicity hip. But sometimes we find ourselves caught up in the simplicity paradox: we want something that's simple and easy to use, but also does all the complex things we might ever want it to do. In The Laws of Simplicity, John Maeda offers ten laws for balancing simplicity and complexity in business, technology, and design—guidelines for needing less and actually getting more. Maeda—a professor in MIT's Media Lab and a world-renowned graphic designer—explores the question of how we can redefine the notion of "improved" so that it doesn't always mean something more, something added on.Maeda's first law of simplicity is "Reduce." It's not necessarily beneficial to add technology features just because we can. And the features that we do have must be organized (Law 2) in a sensible hierarchy so users aren't distracted by features and functions they don't need. But simplicity is not less just for the sake of less. Skip ahead to Law 9: "Failure: Accept the fact that some things can never be made simple." Maeda's concise guide to simplicity in the digital age shows us how this idea can be a cornerstone of organizations and their products—how it can drive both business and technology. We can learn to simplify without sacrificing comfort and meaning, and we can achieve the balance described in Law 10. This law, which Maeda calls "The One," tells us: "Simplicity is about subtracting the obvious, and adding the meaningful."
Laws of the Land: Fengshui and the State in Qing Dynasty China
by Tristan G. BrownA groundbreaking history of fengshui’s roles in public life and law during China’s last imperial dynastyToday the term fengshui, which literally means “wind and water,” is recognized around the world. Yet few know exactly what it means, let alone its fascinating history. In Laws of the Land, Tristan Brown tells the story of the important roles—especially legal ones—played by fengshui in Chinese society during China’s last imperial dynasty, the Manchu Qing (1644–1912).Employing archives from Mainland China and Taiwan that have only recently become available, this is the first book to document fengshui’s invocations in Chinese law during the Qing dynasty. Facing a growing population, dwindling natural resources, and an overburdened rural government, judicial administrators across China grappled with disputes and petitions about fengshui in their efforts to sustain forestry, farming, mining, and city planning. Laws of the Land offers a radically new interpretation of these legal arrangements: they worked. An intelligent, considered, and sustained engagement with fengshui on the ground helped the imperial state keep the peace and maintain its legitimacy, especially during the increasingly turbulent decades of the nineteenth century. As the century came to an end, contentious debates over industrialization swept across the bureaucracy, with fengshui invoked by officials and scholars opposed to the establishment of railways, telegraphs, and foreign-owned mines.Demonstrating that the only way to understand those debates and their profound stakes is to grasp fengshui’s longstanding roles in Chinese public life, Laws of the Land rethinks key issues in the history of Chinese law, politics, science, religion, and economics.
Laws of the Sea: Interdisciplinary Currents
by Irus BravermanLaws of the Sea assembles scholars from law, geography, anthropology, and environmental humanities to consider the possibilities of a critical ocean approach in legal studies. Unlike the United Nations’ monumental Convention on the Law of the Sea, which imagines one comprehensive constitutional framework for governing the ocean, Laws of the Sea approaches oceanic law in plural and dynamic ways. Critically engaging contemporary concerns about the fate of the ocean, the collection’s twelve chapters range from hydrothermal vents through the continental shelf and marine genetic resources to coastal communities in France, Sweden, Florida, and Indonesia. Documenting the longstanding binary of land and sea, the chapters pose a fundamental challenge to European law’s “terracentrism” and its pervasive influence on juridical modes of knowing and making the world. Together, the chapters ask: is contemporary Eurocentric law—and international law in particular—capable of moving away from its capitalist and colonial legacies, established through myriad oceanic abstractions and classifications, toward more amphibious legalities? Laws of the Sea will appeal to legal scholars, geographers, anthropologists, cultural and political theorists, as well as scholars in the environmental humanities, political ecology, ocean studies, and animal studies.
Laws of UX: Using Psychology to Design Better Products & Services
by Jon YablonskiAn understanding of psychology—specifically the psychology behind how users behave and interact with digital interfaces—is perhaps the single most valuable nondesign skill a designer can have. The most elegant design can fail if it forces users to conform to the design rather than working within the “blueprint” of how humans perceive and process the world around them. This practical guide explains how you can apply key principles in psychology to build products and experiences that are more intuitive and human-centered. Author Jon Yablonski deconstructs familiar apps and experiences to provide clear examples of how UX designers can build experiences that adapt to how users perceive and process digital interfaces.You’ll learn:How aesthetically pleasing design creates positive responsesThe principles from psychology most useful for designersHow these psychology principles relate to UX heuristicsPredictive models including Fitts’s law, Jakob’s law, and Hick’s lawEthical implications of using psychology in designA framework for applying these principles
Laws of UX: Using Psychology to Design Better Products & Services
by Jon YablonskiAn understanding of psychology-specifically the psychology behind how users behave and interact with digital interfaces-is perhaps the single most valuable nondesign skill a designer can have. The most elegant design can fail if it forces users to conform to the design instead of working within the "blueprint" of how humans perceive and process the world around them.This practical guide explains how you can apply key principles of psychology to build products and experiences that are more human-centered and intuitive. Author Jon Yablonski deconstructs familiar apps and experiences to provide clear examples of how UX designers can build interfaces that adapt to how users perceive and process digital interfaces.You'll learn:How aesthetically pleasing design creates positive responsesThe principles of psychology most useful for designersHow these psychology principles relate to UX heuristicsPredictive models including Fitts's law, Jakob's law, and Hick's lawEthical implications of using psychology in designA practical framework for applying principles of psychology in your design processThis updated edition includes an even deeper connection to the underlying psychological concepts that govern the principles explored in the book, along with accompanying UX methods and techniques. Examples have been updated to ensure the deconstructed apps and experiences remain familiar and relevant.
Layer-by-Layer Films for Biomedical Applications
by Catherine Picart Frank Caruso Jean-Claude VoegelThe layer-by-layer (LbL) deposition technique is a versatile approach for preparing nanoscale multimaterial films: the fabrication of multicomposite films by the LbL procedure allows the combination of literally hundreds of different materials with nanometer thickness in a single device to obtain novel or superior performance. In the last 15 years the LbL technique has seen considerable developments and has now reached a point where it is beginning to find applications in bioengineering and biomedical engineering. The book gives a thorough overview of applications of the LbL technique in the context of bioengineering and biomedical engineering where the last years have witnessed tremendous progress. The first part familiarizes the reader with the specifics of cell-film interactions that need to be taken into account for successful application of the LbL method in biological environments. The second part focuses on LbL-derived small drug delivery systems and antibacterial agents, and the third part covers nano- and microcapsules as drug carriers and biosensors. The fourth and last part focuses on larger-scale biomedical applications of the LbL method such as engineered tissues and implant coatings.
Layer of Protection Analysis: Simplified Process Risk Assessment (A CCPS Concept Book #26)
by CCPS (Center for Chemical Process Safety)Layer of protection analysis (LOPA) is a recently developed, simplified method of risk assessment that provides the much-needed middle ground between a qualitative process hazard analysis and a traditional, expensive quantitative risk analysis. Beginning with an identified accident scenario, LOPA uses simplifying rules to evaluate initiating event frequency, independent layers of protection, and consequences to provide an order-of-magnitude estimate of risk. LOPA has also proven an excellent approach for determining the safety integrity level necessary for an instrumented safety system, an approach endorsed in instrument standards, such as ISA S84 and IEC 61511. Written by industry experts in LOPA, this pioneering book provides all the necessary information to undertake and complete a Layer of Protection Analysis during any stage in a processes' life cycle. Loaded with tables, charts, and examples, this book is invaluable to technical experts involved with ensuring the safety of a process. Because of its simplified, quicker risk assessment approach, LOPA is destined to become a widely used technique. Join other major companies and start your LOPA efforts now by purchasing this book.
Layered 2D Materials and Their Allied Applications
by Inamuddin Rajender Boddula Mohd Imran Ahamed Abdullah M. AsiriEver since the discovery of graphene, two-dimensional layered materials (2DLMs) have been the central tool of the materials research community. The reason behind their importance is their superlative and unique electronic, optical, physical, chemical and mechanical properties in layered form rather than in bulk form. The 2DLMs have been applied to electronics, catalysis, energy, environment, and biomedical applications.The following topics are discussed in the book’s fifteen chapters:• The research status of the 2D metal-organic frameworks and the different techniques used to synthesize them.• 2D black phosphorus (BP) and its practical application in various fields.• Reviews the synthesis methods of MXenes and provides a detailed discussion of their structural characterization and physical, electrochemical and optical properties, as well as applications in catalysis, energy storage, environmental management, biomedicine, and gas sensing.• The carbon-based materials and their potential applications via the photocatalytic process using visible light irradiation.• 2D materials like graphene, TMDCs, few-layer phosphorene, MXene in layered form and their heterostructures.• The structure and applications of 2D perovskites.• The physical parameters of pristine layered materials, ZnO, transition metal dichalcogenides, and heterostructures of layered materials are discussed.• The coupling of graphitic carbon nitride with various metal sulfides and oxides to form efficient heterojunction for water purification.• The structural features, synthetic methods, properties, and different applications and properties of 2D zeolites.• The methods for synthesizing 2D hollow nanostructures are featured and their structural aspects and potential in medical and non-medical applications.• The characteristics and structural aspects of 2D layered double hydroxides (LDHs) and the various synthesis methods and role of LDH in non-medical applications as adsorbent, sensor, catalyst, etc.• The synthesis of graphene-based 2D layered materials synthesized by using top-down and bottom-up approaches where the main emphasis is on the hot-filament thermal chemical vapor deposition (HFTCVD) method.• The different properties of 2D h-BN and borophene and the various methods being used for the synthesis of 2D h-BN, along with their growth mechanism and transfer techniques.• The physical properties and current progress of various transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDC) based on photoactive materials for photoelectrochemical (PEC) hydrogen evolution reaction.• The state-of-the-art of 2D layered materials and associated devices, such as electronic, biosensing, optoelectronic, and energy storage applications.
Layeredness in Materials: Characteristics, Strategies and Applications (Engineering Materials)
by Abdul Majid Alia JabeenThis book provides information on the characteristics, strategies and applications of layered materials. It sheds light on layerdness-dependent properties of Van der Waals solids for potential applications. The properties of various layered materials prepared using different experimental strategies are described. Further, the first-principles calculations are given to devise a strategy to investigate layeredness in materials. The structural, thermal, mechanical, lattice vibronic, electronic, optical and carrier transport characteristics of the layered materials are elaborated in detail. This book provides an updated source of information on layered materials for students, researchers, and professionals.
Lazare and Sadi Carnot
by Charles C. Gillispie Raffaele PisanoLazare Carnot was the unique example in the history of science of someone who inadvertently owed the scientific recognition he eventually achieved to earlier political prominence. He and his son Sadi produced work that derived from their training as engineering and went largely unnoticed by physicists for a generation or more, even though their respective work introduced concepts that proved fundamental when taken up later by other hands. There was, moreover, a filial as well as substantive relation between the work of father and son. Sadi applied to the functioning of heat engines the analysis that his father had developed in his study of the operation of ordinary machines. Specifically, Sadi's idea of a reversible process originated in the use his father made of geometric motions in the analysis of machines in general. This unique book shows how the two Carnots influenced each other in their work in the fields of mechanics and thermodynamics, and how future generations of scientists have further benefited from their work.
LCA and Consumption/Needs-Based GHG Accounting for Climate Action: A Pathway to Carbon Neutrality
by Kwi-Gon KimThis book reveals causes of the GHG emission accounting practice failure over the last several decades, describes evolution of new tenets of the accounting and remaining tasks, and suggests a new comprehensive integrated accounting in the form of protocol. The latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) assessment report calls for net zero CO2 emissions by 2050 to limit warming to 1.5 degree C. As a result, many countries, cities, and industries are putting forward their greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction actions and commitments. But can the countries, cities, and industries meet these ambitious decarbonization goals without a reliable GHG inventory? This book tries to answer this question. It has been argued that there is a need to include LCA and consumption/needs-based GHG emissions as a complimentary indicator to the current approach of production-based GHG accounting emissions. As a shifting of the focus of accounting system after the Paris Agreement, consumption/needs-based approach is newly focused on a more broader accounting approach for NDCs and LDCs with a vision of all of society approach. Traditional national inventory approach to GHG emission accounting has been severely criticized as being too production process-oriented, sector-based approach, less transparent, a lack of public participation, no considerations for human needs and human factors.
LCP for Microwave Packages and Modules
by Morgan J. Chen Kunia Aihara Anh-Vu H. PhamA comprehensive overview of electrical design using Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP), giving you everything you need to know to get up-to-speed on the subject. This text describes successful design and development techniques for high-performance microwave and millimeter-wave packages and modules in an organic platform. These were specifically developed to make the most of LCP's inert, hermetic, low-cost, high-frequency (DC to 110+ GHz) properties. First-hand accounts show you how to avoid various pitfalls during design and development. You'll get extensive electrical design details in areas of broadband circuit design for low-loss interconnects, couplers, splitters/combiners, baluns, phase shifters, time-delay units (TDU), power amplifier (PA) modules, receiver modules, phased-array antennas, flexible electronics, surface mounted packages, Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS) and reliability. Ideal for engineers in the fields of RF, microwave, signal integrity, advanced packaging, material science, optical and biomedical engineering.
LDA Application Methods
by Zhengji ZhangThis technical book considers the application side of LDA techniques. Starting from the basic theories that are crucial for each LDA user, the main subject of the book is focused on diverse application methods. In details, it deals with universal methodical techniques that have been mostly developed in the last 15 years. The book thus gives for the first time an application reference for LDA users in improving the optical conditions and enhancing the measurement accuracies. It also provides the guidelines for simplifying the measurements and correcting measurement errors as well as for clarifying the application limits and extending the application areas of LDA techniques. Beside the treatments of some traditional optical and flow mechanical features influencing the measurement accuracies, the book shows a broad spectrum of LDA application methods in the manner of measuring the flow turbulence, resolving the secondary flow structures, and quantifying the optical aberrations at measurements of internal flows etc.. Thus, it also supports the further developments of both the hard- and software of LDA instrumentations.
Le basi di Scrum
by Stefano Spelta Troy DimesCreare software che offre più valore Di idee se ne trovano a iosa. Un sacco di gente sembra pensare che la maggior parte del processo di sviluppo del software consista nella semplice creazione di un'applicazione, vagamente legata ad un concetto, che la gente potrebbe desiderare. Probabilmente avrete sentito moltissima gente dire cose come: "Ho questa idea per un'app che raggiungerà sicuramente un milione di download!" solo per trovare poi la loro applicazione dispersa in un oceano di applicazioni simili. La creazione di software eccellente ed il suo rilascio nei tempi corretti richiedono uno schema di implementazione abbastanza sistematico ma non eccessivamente rigido. Qualità e tempi devono convivere. Se si rilascia un software che è pieno di bachi o che ha una user experience mediocre non ci si potrà di certo attendere un'altra commessa da parte del cliente. Molti programmatori temono questo esito e, di conseguenza, impiegano troppo tempo per sviluppare i programmi. Voi avete una quantità limitata di tempo per sviluppare un software, soprattutto quando dovete rispettare una data di scadenza, autoimposta o meno. Dovrete fare in modo che il software creato sia almeno decente ma, ancora più importante, rilasciato in modo tempestivo. Come si fa a bilanciare la qualità con il tempo? Questo libro spazia tra questi importantissimi argomenti. Dopo aver letto Le basi di Scrum conoscerete i significati dei ruoli di Scrum, degli Sprint, degli artefatti di Scrum e di molto altro. Ecco cosa imparerete leggendo Le basi di Scrum: *Cos'è il metodo Waterfall e perché non dovreste usarlo per i vostri progetti software *Che cosa è Scrum, da dove viene, perché dovreste usarlo e come potete metterlo in pratica nella vostra organizzazione oggi *Quale è la differenza tra Scrum e Agile Software Development? *I vari ruoli di Scrum, tra cui il Product Owner, lo Scrum Master ed i memb