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Le Bitcoin : Une Introduction Simple
by Eric Morse Avinash MayaramComprendre les Bases du Bitcoin Le Bitcoin est une monnaie numérique révolutionnaire qui transforme l’argent tel que nous le connaissons, mais il peut être difficile à comprendre pour l’utilisateur moyen. Plus maintenant ! Ce livre élimine la complexité et enseigne les bases du Bitcoin dans un langage simple et facile à comprendre. Ce n’est pas un manuel. C’est un livre élémentaire non technique qui répond aux questions les plus courantes et importantes que posent les utilisateurs à propos du Bitcoin. Pas de jargon. Pas de bla-bla technologique. Aucune connaissance technique préalable n’est requise. Dans ce livre, vous trouverez les réponses à ces questions : Le Bitcoin, c’est quoi ? Qu’est-ce qui le rend spécial ? La Blockchain, c’est quoi ? Le minage, c’est quoi ? Qui contrôle le Bitcoin ? Le Bitcoin est-il sécurisé ? Le Bitcoin est-il anonyme ? Comment puis-je utiliser le Bitcoin de manière plus sûre ? Devrais-je investir en Bitcoin ? ...Et Bien Plus ! Et Vous n’aurez pas le sentiment d’apprendre une nouvelle langue ou d’obtenir une licence en informatique ! Prérequis : AUCUN ! Si vous avez déjà effectué un achat en ligne, vous avez déjà ce qu’il faut pour comprendre ce livre et apprendre les bases du Bitcoin.
Le Gardien du Vent
by Laura Dinraths Frank ScozzariEn Californie, une des centrales nucléaires les plus importantes des États-Unis est ciblée par un groupe de terroristes. Aidés par une taupe, les extrémistes ont l’intention de s’emparer du réacteur et d’éparpiller les radiations au vent, causant des ravages dans le monde. Leur escapade romantique les ayant temporairement cachés aux yeux des terroristes, le seul obstacle qui se dresse devant leurs plans sont deux gardes de sécurité mal tombés. Quand ceux-ci découvrent enfin ce qui se passe dans la centrale, ils se retrouvent dans une lutte contre la montre et complètement inégale. Un retour en force de leur sens du devoir les pousse à prendre les armes et à s’engager jusqu’au point de non-retour. Mais leur mobilisation ne vient-elle pas trop tard ? Exposant la vulnérabilité des centrales nucléaires de la nation, Le Gardien du Vent est un thriller puissant qui nous est offert par Frank Scozzari, quatre fois nominé au prix Pushcart.
Lead-Acid Battery Technologies: Fundamentals, Materials, and Applications (Electrochemical Energy Storage and Conversion)
by Joey Jung Lei Zhang Jiujun ZhangLead-Acid Battery Technologies: Fundamentals, Materials, and Applications offers a systematic and state-of-the-art overview of the materials, system design, and related issues for the development of lead-acid rechargeable battery technologies. Featuring contributions from leading scientists and engineers in industry and academia, this book:Describe
Lead Chalcogenides: Physics and Applications
by D. KhokhlovLead Chalcogenides remain one of the basic materials of modern infrared optoelectronics. This volume presents the properties of lead chalcogenides, including the basic physical features, the bulk and epitaxial growth technique, and the 2-D physics of lead chalcogenide-based structures. In addition, the theoretical appraoches for band structure and impurity state calculations are reviewed.
Lead-Free Piezoelectric Materials
by Jing-Feng LiProvides in-depth knowledge on lead-free piezoelectrics - for state-of-the-art, environmentally friendly electrical and electronic devices! Lead zirconate titanate ceramics have been market-dominating due to their excellent properties and flexibility in terms of compositional modifications. Driven by the Restriction of Hazardous Substances Directive, there is a growing concern on the toxicity of lead. Therefore, numerous research efforts were devoted to lead-free piezoelectrics from the beginning of this century. Great progress has been made in the development of high-performance lead-free piezoelectric ceramics which are already used, e.g., for power electronics applications. Lead-Free Piezoelectric Materials provides an in-depth overview of principles, material systems, and applications of lead-free piezoelectric materials. It starts with the fundamentals of piezoelectricity and lead-free piezoelectrics. Then it discusses four representative lead-free piezoelectric material systems from background introduction to crystal structures and properties. Finally, it presents several applications of lead-free piezoelectrics including piezoelectric actuators, and transducers. The challenges for promoting applications will also be discussed. Highly attractive: Lead-free piezoelectrics address the growing concerns on exclusion of hazardous substances used in electrical and electronic devices in order to protect human health and the environment Thorough overview: Covers fundamentals, different classes of materials, processing and applications Unique: discusses fundamentals and recent advancements in the field of lead-free piezoelectrics Lead-Free Piezoelectric Materials is of high interest for material scientists, electrical and chemical engineers, solid state chemists and physicists in academia and industry.
Lead-Free Piezoelectrics
by Shashank Priya Sahn NahmEcological restrictions in many parts of the world are demanding the elimination of Pb from all consumer items. At this moment in the piezoelectric ceramics industry, there is no issue of more importance than the transition to lead-free materials. The goal of Lead-Free Piezoelectrics is to provide a comprehensive overview of the fundamentals and developments in the field of lead-free materials and products to leading researchers in the world. The text presents chapters on demonstrated applications of the lead-free materials, which will allow readers to conceptualize the present possibilities and will be useful for both students and professionals conducting research on ferroelectrics, piezoelectrics, smart materials, lead-free materials, and a variety of applications including sensors, actuators, ultrasonic transducers and energy harvesters.
Lead Free Solder: Mechanics And Reliability
by John Hock PangLead-free solders are used extensively as interconnection materials in electronic assemblies and play a critical role in the global semiconductor packaging and electronics manufacturing industry. Electronic products such as smart phones, notebooks and high performance computers rely on lead-free solder joints to connect IC chip components to printed circuit boards. Lead Free Solder: Mechanics and Reliability provides in-depth design knowledge on lead-free solder elastic-plastic-creep and strain-rate dependent deformation behavior and its application in failure assessment of solder joint reliability. It includes coverage of advanced mechanics of materials theory and experiments, mechanical properties of solder and solder joint specimens, constitutive models for solder deformation behavior; numerical modeling and simulation of solder joint failure subject to thermal cycling, mechanical bending fatigue, vibration fatigue and board-level drop impact tests.
Lead-Free Solder Process Development (Quality And Reliability Engineering Ser.)
by Gregory Henshall Jasbir Bath Carol A. HandwerkerDiscusses the growth mechanisms of tin whiskers and the effective mitigation strategies necessary to reduce whisker growth risks This book covers key tin whisker topics, ranging from fundamental science to practical mitigation strategies. The text begins with a review of the characteristic properties of local microstructures around whisker and hillock grains to identify why these particular grains and locations become predisposed to forming whiskers and hillocks. The book discusses the basic properties of tin-based alloy finishes and the effects of various alloying elements on whisker formation, with a focus on potential mechanisms for whisker suppression or enhancement for each element. Tin whisker risk mitigation strategies for each tier of the supply chain for high reliability electronic systems are also described. Discusses whisker formation factors including surface grain geometry, crystallographic orientation-dependent surface grain boundary structure, and the localization of elastic strain/strain energy density distribution Examines how whiskers and hillocks evolve in time through real-time studies of whisker growth with the scanning electron microscope/focused ion beaming milling (SEM/FIB) Covers characterization methods of tin and tin-based alloy finishes such as transmission electron microscopy (TEM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) Reviews theories of mechanically-induced tin whiskers with case studies using pure tin and other lead-free finishes shown to evaluate the pressure-induced tin whiskers Mitigating Tin Whisker Risks: Theory and Practice is intended for the broader electronic packaging and manufacturing community including: manufacturing engineers, packaging development engineers, as well as engineers and researchers in high reliability industries.
Lead-Free Soldering in Electronics: Science, Technology, and Environmental Impact
by Katsuaki SuganumaAssessing the scientific and technological aspects of lead-free soldering, this reference considers the necessary background and requirements for proper alloy selection. It highlights the metallurgical and mechanical properties, plating and processing technologies, and evaluation methods vital to the production of lead-free solders in electronics. Responding to increasing environmental and health concerns over lead toxicity, Lead-Free Soldering in Electronics discusses soldering inspection and design, mechanical evaluation in electronics, lead-free solder paste and reflow soldering, plating lead-free soldering in electronics, and wave soldering.
Lead-free Soldering Process Development and Reliability (Quality and Reliability Engineering Series)
by Jasbir BathCovering the major topics in lead-free soldering Lead-free Soldering Process Development and Reliability provides a comprehensive discussion of all modern topics in lead-free soldering. Perfect for process, quality, failure analysis and reliability engineers in production industries, this reference will help practitioners address issues in research, development and production. Among other topics, the book addresses: · Developments in process engineering (SMT, Wave, Rework, Paste Technology) · Low temperature, high temperature and high reliability alloys · Intermetallic compounds · PCB surface finishes and laminates · Underfills, encapsulants and conformal coatings · Reliability assessments In a regulatory environment that includes the adoption of mandatory lead-free requirements in a variety of countries, the book’s explanations of high-temperature, low-temperature, and high-reliability lead-free alloys in terms of process and reliability implications are invaluable to working engineers. Lead-free Soldering takes a forward-looking approach, with an eye towards developments likely to impact the industry in the coming years. These will include the introduction of lead-free requirements in high-reliability electronics products in the medical, automotive, and defense industries. The book provides practitioners in these and other segments of the industry with guidelines and information to help comply with these requirements.
Lead-free Solders
by K. SubramanianProviding a viable alternative to lead-based solders is a major research thrust for the electrical and electronics industries - whilst mechanically compliant lead-based solders have been widely used in the electronic interconnects, the risks to human health and to the environment are too great to allow continued widescale usage. Lead-free Solders: Materials Reliability for Electronics chronicles the search for reliable drop-in lead-free alternatives and covers: Phase diagrams and alloy development Effect of minor alloying additions Composite approaches including nanoscale reinforcements Mechanical issues affecting reliability Reliability under impact loading Thermomechanical fatigue Chemical issues affecting reliability Whisker growth Electromigration Thermomigration Presenting a comprehensive understanding of the current state of lead-free electronic interconnects research, this book approaches the ongoing research from fundamental, applied and manufacturing perspectives to provide a balanced view of the progress made and the requirements which still have to be met.
Lead in Glassy Materials in Cultural Heritage
by Anne Bouquillon Patrice LehuédéAlthough the development of lead crystal was a major step in the history of glass in the late 17th century, the presence of lead in vitreous matrices (glass and glazes) is much older, dating back to the second millennium BCE. Lead in Glassy Materials in Cultural Heritage traces the history of these skills and also looks at the most recent developments in materials science concerning the role played by lead in the properties of glass, including coloring. It develops an understanding of weathering processes and notions of the durability of leaded glass. It also examines public health issues and current recommended standards for the use of lead in industrial glass. This multidisciplinary book is intended for a wide audience: art and technical historians, museum curators, restorers, materials specialists, manufacturers and engineers.
Lead-Nickel Electrochemical Batteries
by Christian Glaize Sylvie GeniesThe lead-acid accumulator was introduced in the middle of the 19th Century, the diverse variants of nickel accumulators between the beginning and the end of the 20th Century. Although old, these technologies are always very present on numerous markets. Unfortunately they are still not used in optimal conditions, often because of the misunderstanding of the internal electrochemical phenomena. This book will show that batteries are complex systems, made commercially available thanks to considerable amounts of scientific research, empiricism and practical knowledge. However, the design of batteries is not fixed; it is subject to constant developments as a result of user feedback and validation processes which are often long and fastidious. This book attempts to show that it is not possible to consider a family of batteries as having fixed, applicable properties and characteristics whatever the application and the technology used in their manufacture. For this reason, the authors have chosen to present the fundamental electrochemical and chemical phenomena involved in as simple and as clear a way as possible. It is essential to be aware of these mechanisms in order to develop suitable theoretical models. This work will be of particular interest to those working in the field of electrical engineering and to industrialists, the final users of these technologies. It will also be of interest to electrochemists, as experts in lead or nickel batteries are becoming fewer and farther between, and their knowledge and practical skills are steadily being lost. Contents Part 1. Universal Characteristics of Batteries 1. Definitions and Methods of Measurement. Part 2. Lead–Acid Batteries 2. The Operation of Lead–Acid Batteries. 3. Internal Composition and Types of Lead–Acid Batteries. 4. Lead Batteries: Main Characteristics. 5. Manufacturing Starting, Lighting and Ignition Batteries. Part 3. Introduction to Nickel-Based Batteries 6. Nickel–Cadmium Batteries. 7. Nickel–Metal Hydride Batteries. 8. Other Nickel-Based Batteries.
Lead Poisoning: Exposure, Abatement, Regulation
by Joseph J. Breen Cindy R. StroupLead Poisoning discusses one of the most critical and preventable environmentally induced illnesses. The actual toll lead poisoning takes on society cannot be measured fully due to the "silent" nature of health effects, such as subtle intellectual deficits and neurological damage, caused by chronic low-level exposures. This book covers every major topic on the subject, including lead poisoning in children, sources of contamination, state-of-the-art sampling and analytical measurement methods, the newest studies on low-cost abatement methods, and much more. This reference is the most comprehensive presentation of issues currently available under one cover.The text is divided into three major parts. Part I provides insights from studies assessing lead exposures from paint, dust, soil, and lead battery recycling operations. The second part is a unique collection of strategic federal policy statements from the U.S. EPA, HUD, and HEW-CDC. It details the National Implementation Plan as well as a local government's efforts to provide low-cost effective risk communication and public outreach to the community. The next part offers seven chapters on analytical issues in the measurement of lead in blood, paint, dust, and soils. Part IV, Sampling Methods and Statistical Issues, rounds out the technical portion of the volume. The relationships among lead levels in biological and environmental media are investigated and the interpretive problems discussed. The use of multi-element analysis of environmental samples as an approach to investigate sources is described.The book finishes with its most unique feature-OPPT's Check Our Kids for Lead Program, one organization's effort to empower its employees to make a personal difference in confronting the problem of lead poisoning in children. The Program serves as a model for other government organizations (federal, state, and local), university and community organizations, and corporations to educate them and take personal and corporate responsibility for addressing this important and environmental health problem.
LEAD Safety: A Practical Handbook for Frontline Supervisors and Safety Practitioners
by Tristan William Casey Mark Anthony GriffinLEAD Safety concentrates on self-development and education in safety leadership. It takes safety leadership in an exciting new direction, with practical tools that will give organisations the skills they need to make a difference in their safety program. The book provides a non-technical overview of safety leadership and outlines the core skills safety managers should demonstrate and practice. Organisations will see improvements in engagement, morale, trust, and motivation in the workplace. Readers will gain an appreciation of a new and evidence-based safety leadership model, as well as formulate a personalized action plan to improve safety in their workplace.
Lead Toxicity: Challenges and Solution (Environmental Science and Engineering)
by Nitish Kumar Amrit Kumar JhaThis book delivers an outline to graduate, undergraduate students, and researchers, as well as academicians who are working on lead toxicity with respect to remediation. It covers sources of lead contamination and its impact on human health and on prospective remediation through multi-disciplinary approaches with application of recent advanced biological technology. Lead is among the elements that have been most extensively used by man over time. This has led to extensive pollution of surface soils on the local scale, mainly associated with mining and smelting of the metal and addition of organic lead compounds to petrol. Release of lead to the atmosphere from various high-temperature processes has led to surface contamination on the regional and even global scale. In addition, plants grown on lead-rich soils incorporate lead, and thus, the concentration of lead in crop plants may be increased. Lead enters in the food chain through consumption of plant material. A high concentration of lead has been found to be harmful to vegetation. As the lead concentration increases, it adversely affects several biological parameters and eventually renders the soil barren. This edited book brings together a diverse group of researchers to address the challenges posed by global mass poisoning caused by lead contamination of soil and plants. The book sheds light on this global environmental issue and proposes solutions to contamination through multi-disciplinary approaches. This book contains three sections. The first section describes the different sources and distribution of lead in soil and plant ecosystems. The second section explains the health risks linked to lead toxicity. The third section addresses sustainable lead toxicity mitigation strategies and the potential applications of recent biological technology in providing solutions. This book is a valuable resource to students, academics, researchers, and environmental professionals doing fieldwork on lead contamination throughout the world.
Lead-Zinc 2000
by S. E. James J. E. Dutrizac J. A. Gonzalez A. H-J. Siegmund D. M. HenkeThe Lead-Zinc 2000 Symposium is the fourth in the series of decennial conferences on the processing of lead and zinc; it isorganized by the Minerals, Metals and Materials Society (TMS). The Symposium the culmination of over two years of work that included the preparation of the papers by the authors, as well as the refereeing, proof-reading and indexing by the editors. The proceedings volume contains sixty-four papers which cover all aspects of lead and zinc processing, including the global business trends of the metals, plant operations, new processing installations, emerging technologies and environmental considerations. The Lead-Zinc 2000 Symposium will also honor Dr. T.R.A. Davey for his many contributions to metallurgical science and the industry throughout his distinguished career.
Leaders and Laggards: Next-Generation Environmental Regulation
by Neil Gunningham Darren SinclairConsensus is growing internationally that traditional command-and-control approaches to environmental regulation have borne much of their low-hanging fruit. Yet it is far from clear what should complement or replace them. Regulatory agencies and policy-makers are struggling with a lack of information about regulatory reform, about what works and what doesn't, and about how best to harness the resources of both government and non-government stakeholders. Progress is being impeded unnecessarily by a lack of shared knowledge of how similar agencies elsewhere are meeting similar challenges and by a lack of data on the success or otherwise of existing initiatives. Despite recent and valuable attempts to deal with such problems in the European Union and North America, these remain islands of wisdom in a sea of ignorance. For example, when it comes to dealing with small and medium-sized enterprises, very little is known, and what is known is not effectively distilled and disseminated. Much the same could be said about the roles of third parties, commercial and non-commercial, as surrogate regulators, and more broadly of many current initiatives to reconfigure the regulatory state. Based on the authors' work for the OECD, Victorian Environmental Protection Authority and the Western Australian Department of Environment Protection, Leaders and Laggards addresses these problems by identifying innovative regulatory best practice internationally in a number of specific contexts, evaluating empirically the effectiveness of regulatory reform and providing policy prescriptions that would better enable agencies to fulfil their regulatory missions. Focusing primarily on the differing requirements for both corporations and small and medium-sized enterprises in North America and Europe, the book aims to complement existing initiatives and to expand knowledge of regulatory reform by showing: how existing experience can best be put to practical use "on the ground"; by drawing lessons from experiments in innovative regulation internationally; by reporting and extrapolating on original case studies; and by advancing understanding on which instruments and strategies are likely to be of most value and why. The authors argue that the development of theory has outstripped its application. In essence, Leaders and Laggards aims to ground a myriad of theory on the reinvention of environmental regulation into practice. The book will be essential reading for environmental policy-makers, regulatory and other government officials responsible for policy design and implementation, academics and postgraduate students in environmental management, environmental law and environmental policy, and a more general readership within environmental policy and management studies. It will also be of interest to those in industry, such as environmental managers and corporate strategists, who are considering the use of more innovative environmental and regulatory strategies, and to environmental NGOs.
A Leader's Journey to Quality
by Dana M. CoundThis book deals with the "hard skills" involved in achieving leadership quality. It provides a vehicle to foster interaction of the elements of the modern approach to quality, including statistical applications, quality and reliability engineering, management, and motivational aspects.
Leadership and Professional Development in Science Education: New Possibilities for Enhancing Teacher Learning
by John Wallace John LoughranLeadership and Professional Development in Science Education provides invaluable insight into the role of science teachers as learners and thinkers of change processes. The fourteen chapters, by an eminent international team of science educators, explain and explore the relationship between professional development, teacher leadership and teacher learning. Research-based practical and theoretical exemplars reflect state of the art science teacher leadership in a broad range of international contexts.The book is divided into three parts, reflecting a multi-layered approach to teacher learning:* Personal initiatives in teacher learning, focusing on individual teachers;* Collegial initiatives in teacher learning, focusing on groups of teachers;* Systemic initiatives for teacher learning, focusing on system-wide issues.Student teachers and practising teachers will find the text highly valuable as they consider and review the challenges of teaching practice and ways of working with colleagues, while school leaders and policymakers will benefit from the book's insight into system-wide issues of professional development.
Leadership and Sustainability in the Built Environment (Spon Research)
by Vian Ahmed Alex OpokuLeadership and sustainability have separately been the subject of numerous studies in a built environment context over the years, but they have yet to be addressed together. The real impact of legislation and guidelines designed to promote sustainability within the construction industry is closely linked to the leadership behind it, as this book explores in a variety of ways. Featuring research from 5 different continents, the international scope of this book allows a comparison of experiences in different types of economies and cultures. The interdisciplinarity of this subject is also reflected in the backgrounds of the contributors, with a significant number of perspectives derived from business and management research. The issues examined in this book are essential reading for all researchers, decision-makers and graduate students in the built environment.
Leadership Basics for Frontline Managers: Tips for Raising Your Level of Effectiveness and Communication
by Bill TemplemanThis book is classified and organised into three major headings: personal effectiveness, leadership, and communication. It focuses on interpersonal management skills and explains what it takes to improve how frontline managers and supervisors communicate and relate to their employees and customers.
Leadership by Engineers and Scientists: Professional Skills Needed to Succeed in a Changing World
by Dennis W. HessTeaches scientists and engineers leadership skills and problem solving to facilitate management of team members, faculty, and staff This textbook introduces readers to open-ended problems focused on interactions between technical and nontechnical colleagues, bosses, and subordinates. It does this through mini case studies that illustrate scenarios where simple, clear, or exact solutions are not evident. By offering examples of dilemmas in technical leadership along with selected analyses of possible ways to address or consider such issues, aspiring or current leaders are made aware of the types of problems they may encounter. This situational approach also allows the development of methodologies to address these issues as well as future variations or new issues that may arise. Leadership by Engineers and Scientists guides and facilitates approaches to solving leadership/people problems encountered by technically trained individuals. Students and practicing engineers will learn leadership by being asked to consider specific situations, debate how to deal with these issues, and then make decisions based on what they have learned. Readers will learn technical leadership fundamentals; ethics and professionalism; time management; building trust and credibility; risk taking; leadership through questions; creating a vision; team building and teamwork; running an effective meeting; conflict management and resolution; communication; and presenting difficult messages. Leadership by Engineers and Scientists is an excellent text for technically trained individuals who are considering, anticipating, or have recently been promoted to formal leadership positions in industry or academia.
Leadership Concepts for the Engineering Mindset (Synthesis Lectures on Engineering, Science, and Technology)
by Deandra CassoneThe book is intended to focus the engineer or technically minded individual on key aspects of their organization and how they can leverage their position to make a positive impact. The author explains why it is critical that the technically minded individual is aware of their corporate environment and how they and their organization fit within the organizational structure. Technical knowledge is just one component of success for engineers. The book provides readers with the tools to understand where they fit in with their organizations and what they can do to support corporate objectives. This book will address topics including gaining a big picture of an organization, defining what a specific organization does, understanding goals and objectives to align management strategies, budgeting, role in the supply chain, engineering career paths, and the importance of innovation.
Leadership for Remote Learning: Strategies for Success
by Ronald Williamson Barbara R. BlackburnLearn how to adapt leadership and keep motivation alive in a remote learning setting or hybrid school. In this essential book, bestselling authors Ronald Williamson and Barbara R. Blackburn share frameworks and tools you can use to immediately make a difference in your school. You’ll learn how to do the following: Navigate the change process in remote learning Maintain a collaborative remote learning school Address equity issues in remote instruction Communicate effectively across online platforms Provide essential professional development remotely The chapter coverage ranges from school culture, to collaboration, to instructional leadership, to focusing on your own effective leadership. You will gain practical strategies and tips you can implement immediately to help your school and community flourish in a remote learning environment.