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Showing 38,301 through 38,325 of 71,720 results

Leading Connected Classrooms: Engaging the Hearts and Souls of Learners

by Dr Robert W. Dillon

Help your students find and keep the joy in learning! When creative use of technology meets outstanding teaching, incredible learning happens. In this inspiring guide, digital educator and principal Robert Dillon shows readers how to: Use student engagement to promote authentic learning Learn from 16 innovative contributing educators Implement new technology resources and strategies for all classrooms and grade levels Help students build critical thinking skills and gain confidence in their own unique voices

Leading Effective Engineering Teams: Lessons for Individual Contributors and Managers from 10 Years at Google

by Addy Osmani

In this insightful and comprehensive guide, Addy Osmani shares more than a decade of experience working on the Chrome team at Google, uncovering secrets to engineering effectiveness, efficiency, and team success. Engineers and engineering leaders looking to scale their effectiveness and drive transformative results within their teams and organizations will learn the essential principles, tips, and frameworks for building highly effective engineering teams.Osmani presents best practices and proven strategies that foster engineering excellence in organizations of all sizes. Through practical advice and real-world examples, Leading Effective Engineering Teams empowers you to create a thriving engineering culture where individuals and teams can excel. Unlock the full potential of your engineering team and achieve unparalleled success by harnessing the power of trust, commitment, and accountability.With this book, you'll discover:The essential traits for engineering effectiveness and the pitfalls to avoidHow to cultivate trust, commitment, and accountability within your teamStrategies to minimize friction, optimize career growth, and deliver maximum valueThe dynamics of highly successful engineering teams and how to replicate their achievementsHow to implement a systems thinking approach for everyday problem-solving and decision-makingSelf-advocacy techniques to enhance your team's visibility and recognition within the organization

Leading in the Digital World: How to Foster Creativity, Collaboration, and Inclusivity (Management on the Cutting Edge)

by Amit S. Mukherjee

The definitive book on leadership in the digital era: why digital technologies call for leadership that emphasizes creativity, collaboration, and inclusivity.Certain ideas about business leadership are held to be timeless, and certain characteristics of leaders—often including a square jaw, a deep voice, and extroversion—are said to be universal. In Leading in the Digital World, Amit Mukherjee argues that since digital technologies are changing everything else, how could they not change leadership ideologies and styles? As more people worldwide participate equally in business, those assumptions of a leader's ideal profile have become irrelevant. Offering a radical rethinking of leadership, Mukherjee shows why digital technologies call for a new kind of leader—one who emphasizes creativity, collaboration, and inclusivity.Drawing on a global survey of 700 mid-tier to senior executives and interviews with C-level executives from around the world, Mukherjee explains how digital technologies are already reshaping organizations and work and what this means for leaders. For example, globally dispersed businesses can't reserve key leadership roles for people from exclusive groups; leadership must become inclusive, or fail. Leaders must learn to collaborate in a multipolar world of networked organizations, working with co-located and non-co-located colleagues. Leaders must lead for creativity rather than productivity. Focusing on practice, Mukherjee outlines goals and strategies, warns against unthinking assumptions, and explains how leaders can identify the mindsets, behaviors, and actions they need to pursue. With Leading in the Digital World, Mukherjee offers the definitive book on leadership for the digital era.

Leading Megaprojects: A Tailored Approach

by Mounir A. Ajam

The performance of megaprojects is questionable, and a large percentage of them fail in one dimension or another. The challenges that contribute to these failures are known. Then why do these projects still fail at a high rate? Leading Megaprojects: A Tailored Approach examines the challenges facing megaprojects and, more importantly, successes in delivering megaprojects. To close the performance gaps in megaproject deliveries, the book presents a customizable model that professionals and organizations can use to increase the chance of successful project delivery. To illustrate the model, it uses examples and case studies, primarily from capital projects, with engineering and construction components. The book also explains how the approach can be applied to all projects, regardless of industry or domain. The book emphasizes the role of leadership because it takes the point of view that megaprojects cannot be successful without great leadership due to their massive size, complexity, number of parties and stakeholders involved, and cost, among other vital factors. Leaders can define the path for a megaproject to guide seasoned managers and project managers to successful closure. The tailored approach is based on a stage-gate project life cycle model, which covers projects from concept to success. However, it is not limited to a purist form of traditional project management. It is a tailored methodological approach, with an emphasis on leading the work, end-to-end, at the project level, along with the management of every stage of the project. Also, it presents the integration of the business, product delivery, and operations management into a cohesive approach. The book concludes with an in-depth simulation showing how the model is can be tailored to deliver a megaproject successfully.

Leading People Through Disasters: An Action Guide

by Kathryn Mckee Liz Guthridge

The only book that tackles how to manage the human factors and provide leadership before, during, and after catastrophic events provoked by nature, accidents, or acts of violence.

Leading processes to lead companies: Kaizen Leader & Green Belt Handbook

by Claudio Calabrese Gabriele Arcidiacono Kai Yang

This Minibook is a brief guide for Green Belt during a Lean Six Sigma project management or for Kaizen Leader during a process improvement activity. Through both its theoretical concepts and practical examples it is a pocket book for a quick consultancy. Authors idea comes from companies needs in order to analyze information useful to know in depth different kind of processes. The set of Six Sigma tools are explained through Minitab 16, the last release of the most widely used statistical software.

Leading Real Estate: Führung von Immobilienunternehmen unter Einfluss aktueller Megatrends

by Marion Peyinghaus Regina Zeitner Ann-Kathrin Kempter

Dieses Fachbuch ist einen Handlungsleitfaden für die strukturierte Organisationsentwicklung immobilienwirtschaftlicher Unternehmen vor dem Hintergrund aktueller Megatrends wie Digitalisierung, Klimawandel, neue Mobilitätsmuster und New Work. Führungskräfte finden klare Lösungsansätze für die Aufgabenfelder Strategie, Organisation und Prozesse, Mitarbeiterführung sowie Digitalisierung. Das sehr praxisorientierte Fachbuch zeigt die Verbindung zwischen den Einflüssen der Megatrends und den Handlungsbausteinen der Unternehmenssteuerung auf und ist damit auch eine Toolbox für Führungskräfte, um den akuten Herausforderungen unserer Zeit zu begegnen.

Leading Science and Technology-Based Organizations: Mastering the Fundamentals of Personal, Managerial, and Executive Leadership

by Anthony P. Graffeo

Although there have been thousands of books written on business leadership and management, including many outstanding contributions by CEOs and academics, very few have specifically addressed the unique challenge of leading and managing technical organizations. Leading Science and Technology-Based Organizations will be the first book written that presents a practical framework for leading, managing and coaching throughout one’s technical career by translating fundamental leadership principles into language and examples that S&T professionals can better understand, appreciate and implement. The purpose of the book is to augment scientists' and engineers' considerable technical skills by teaching them how to sell their ideas, manage their technical projects, and lead technical teams; ultimately to create business and societal value from science. FEATURES Organized around an introduction and three parts, to best address management and leadership development in technical organizations and the crucial nontechnical skills needed by managers who come from highly technical backgrounds. Presents an innovative leadership framework in the Introduction—The Performance Trilogy®—that underpins the remainder of the book. Focuses on personal leadership in Part 1, showing how the best managers lead by example, and through the perspective of life-long learning. Explains the transition from individual performer to manager in Part 2, and the vitally important mindset change from "me" to "we". Emphasizes the key executive responsibility of creating economic and societal value from science in Part 3 by managing the nexus of science and business.

Leading Smart Education: Best Practices from Chinese Schools (Lecture Notes in Educational Technology)

by Haijun Zeng Ying Hu Jianjiang Hao Zhuo Zhang

This book focuses on best practices in smart education in Chinese schools. It showcases the achievements of Chinese schools in smart education since the comprehensive implementation of the educational digital transformation in China. These selected case studies explore smart education practices from various perspectives, such as innovative practices in teaching and learning, the construction and application of digital platforms, resources, and tools, smart educational and teaching evaluation, and the construction of smart campuses. It enriches understanding of the current status of smart education in Chinese schools and is a useful reference for researchers, teachers, policymakers, and school administrators across the globe.

Leading Sustainable Innovation: A Roadmap for Technical Environments

by Dr Jo North

Leading Sustainable Innovation shows how to deliver eco-innovation within technical environments. It is tailored to support innovation leaders and managers in fields such as transport, engineering, infrastructure, energy, utilities and sciences.This book offers practical methodologies, tools, frameworks and actionable steps that readers can implement to create lasting sustainable change for their projects and programs. Through following a step-by-step process, readers will craft a comprehensive roadmap for sustainable innovation, customized for any team or organization. It is aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.Leading Sustainable Innovation examines multiple drivers of sustainable innovation, such as innovation strategies, state-of-the-art technologies, circular solutions and organizational factors necessary for success. It emphasizes distinguishing good ideas from weak ones and provides guidance on building a sustainable innovation culture. It features real-world, global examples and case studies such as the Microsoft Sustainable Datacenters (global), the Sellafield Nuclear Power Station Decommissioning (UK), Wunsiedel (Germany), Clean Path (New York), Roads and Transport Authority (Dubai) and Agriphotovoltaic Assets (China), enabling readers to learn valuable lessons from adjacent industries.

Leading the Digital Workforce: IT Leadership Peak Performance and Agility (Security, Audit and Leadership Series)

by Jeffrey W. Brown

Future IT leaders won't be technology leaders, they'll be business leaders who understand technology. Leading the Digital Workforce takes a fresh look at technology leadership, exploring how to lead and manage in today’s digital workplace where the pace of change is exponential. This book walks you through building personal resiliency and avoiding stress and burnout to creating a strategy, building a high-performance team, and examining how technology will change the workforce of the future. Technology leadership requires a unique set of skills, which is why traditional leadership approaches don't always work. This book provides actionable advice on how to create a culture of innovation while driving successful change initiatives. Leading the Digital Workforce provides strategies for empowering people, optimizing processes, and inspiring innovation. This book offers insights into managing change, leveraging technology, and building strong relationships within your organization, including how to understand and work with company culture. Finally, it shares strategies for using technology and innovation to create a competitive edge to unlock new opportunities. Leading the Digital Workforce is essential reading for IT leaders who want to develop their skills, stay ahead of the digital curve, and lead their organizations into the future. No matter if you’re a new IT leader, an aspiring one, or a seasoned leader who’s been at it for years, there’s something in this book that will help you level up your game.

Leading with Sound: Proactive Sound Practices in Video Game Development

by Rob Bridgett

Leading with Sound is the must-have companion guide to working on video game projects. Focused on the creative, collaborative, philosophical and organizational skills behind game sound and eschewing the technical, this book celebrates the subjects most essential to leading with sound in video game development at any level. Refuting the traditional optics of sound as a service in favour of sound as a pro-active visionary department, , this book examines each of the four food-groups of dialogue, sound design, music and mix, not through the usual technical and production lenses of ‘how’ and ‘when’, but the essential lens of ‘why’ that enables leadership with sound. Leading with Sound is essential reading for aspiring sound designers, inside and outside of the classroom, as well as experienced professionals in the game industry.

LeadingGreen: LEED® Green Associate Exam v4 Study Guide

by Lorne Mlotek

LeadingGreen: LEED® Green Associate Exam v4 Study Guide brings together a concise introduction to the core concepts behind the LEED green building rating system with efficient, effective test preparation for the LEED® Green Associate Exam. The guide provides an essential foundation in principles of sustainable design and construction for students and professionals in the areas of architecture, engineering, construction, real estate development, urban planning, and environmental policy. If you are interested in passing the LEED® Green Associate Exam, this is the right place to start. The background, objectives, and evolution of green building standards – as well as what actually goes into a LEED building – are covered in a clear and straightforward manner. Tailored to precise exam expectations, the guide breaks down the key LEED categories one credit at a time. Drawing upon the author’s extensive experience as a LEED educator for universities and professional firms around the world, the guide includes proven tips and tricks that have helped over 10,000 people pass the Green Associate Exam. An ideal resource for self-study, LeadingGreen: LEED® Green Associate Exam v4 Study Guide will benefit readers from all built environment professions in which LEED credentials are an asset.

Leaf Optical Properties

by Stéphane Jacquemoud Susan Ustin

Plant leaves collectively represent the largest above-ground surface area of plant material in virtually all environments. Their optical properties determine where and how energy and gas exchange occurs, which in turn drives the energy budget of the planet, and defines its ecology and habitability. This book reviews the state-of-the-art research on leaf optics. Topics covered include leaf traits, the anatomy and structure of leaves, leaf colour, biophysics and spectroscopy, radiometry, radiative transfer models, and remote and proximal sensing. A physical approach is emphasised throughout, providing the necessary foundations in physics, chemistry and biology to make the context accessible to readers from various subject backgrounds. It is a valuable resource for advanced students, researchers and government agency practitioners in remote sensing, plant physiology, ecology, resource management and conservation.

The Lean 3P Advantage: A Practitioner's Guide to the Production Preparation Process

by Allan R. Coletta

How do you take talented engineers and surround them with the elements needed to create brilliant designs that lead to market-changing products? Lean 3P is how.Winner of a 2013 Shingo Research and Professional Publication Award !Written from an operations perspective, The Lean 3P Advantage: A Practitioner‘s Guide to the Production Preparation Proce

Lean and Cleaner Production

by Peng Wu Sui Pheng Low

This book explains how in moving towards Cleaner Production, the Lean Production Philosophy can be applied to reduce carbon emissions in prefabrication - one major source of the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions which contribute to global climate change. This book examines theories and principles in the Lean Production Philosophy to develop situation-based carbon reduction strategies for precast concrete manufacturers and contractors in terms of Site layout, Supply Chain, Production, Stocks and Installation Management. It presents the empirical findings of surveys and case studies with managers and professionals working for precasters and contractors in Singapore, findings which provide good practical guidance for precast concrete manufacturers and contractors to achieve low carbon emissions and to perform better in many sustainability-based rating systems, such as the Singapore Green Labelling Scheme and the Building and Construction Authority (BCA) Green Mark Scheme.

Lean and Green Manufacturing: Towards Eco-Efficiency and Business Performance (Management and Industrial Engineering)

by Kaliyan Mathiyazhagan K. E. K. Vimal Harish Kumar Anbanandam Ramesh Vernika Agarwal

This book provides a stage-by-stage integration of lean and green manufacturing paradigms to achieve environmental and economic benefits. The book includes chapters on conceptual development for incorporating the lean and green paradigm, and methods, tools and techniques for developing and integrating lean manufacturing. Several case studies which demonstrate the benefits of integrating lean and green manufacturing techniques are also covered here. The contents of this book are expected to support researchers and practitioners in the implementation of integrated lean and green manufacturing technologies.

Lean and Green Supply Chain Management: Optimization Models and Algorithms (International Series in Operations Research & Management Science #273)

by Turan Paksoy Gerhard-Wilhelm Weber Sandra Huber

This book presents the latest developments in optimization and optimal control models; exact, approximate and hybrid methods; and their applications in lean and green supply chains. It examines supply chain network design and modeling, closed loop supply chains, and lean, green, resilient and agile or responsive networks, and also discusses corporate social responsibility and occupational health and safety. It particularly focuses on supply chain management under uncertainty – employing stochastic or nonlinear modeling, simulation based studies and optimization – multi-criteria decision-making and applications of fuzzy set theory, and covers various aspects of supply chain management such as risk management, supplier selection or the design of automated warehouses. Lastly, using experimental applications and practical case studies, it shows the impact of lean and green applications on vehicle/fleet management and operations management.

Lean Compendium

by Bruno G. Rüttimann

The book covers basic manufacturing theory and develops a Cartesian approach to explaining lean. It provides a structured fundament how a lean manufacturing system works. Students get a consistent approach, explaining lean by increased complexity (mono-product, multi-product, complex manufacturing systems) with theorems, corollaries, and lemmas. Instructors get explanations for lean based on a systemic model, helping to transmit a clear view about the theory of lean.

Lean Construction

by Luis Alarcón

The application of a new production philosophy, leading to "lean production" (using less space, less human effort, less product development time etc), is expected to change almost every industry and bring about radical changes in the organization of work. This text examines this process.

Lean Construction: Core Concepts and New Frontiers

by Patricia Tzortzopoulos Michail Kagioglou Lauri Koskela

This book collates the main research developments around Lean Construction over the past 25 years with contributions from many seminal authors in the field. It takes stock of developments since the publication of Koskela’s (1992) Application of the New Production Philosophy to Construction and, in doing so, challenges current thinking and progress. It also crystallises theoretical conceptualisations and practically situated learning whilst identifying future research challenges, agendas and opportunities for global collaborative actions. The contributors present the development of Lean Construction as a fundamental part of improving construction productivity, quality and delivery of value to clients and users of built infrastructure. In doing so, the book introduces the reader to the foundational principles and theories that have influenced the way we now understand Lean Construction and has provided very useful insights to students, practitioners and researchers on key junctures over the last 25 years. Highlighting the key contemporary developments and using global case study material the chapters demonstrate good practice but also help introduce new thinking to both lay readers and experienced practitioners alike. This book is essential reading for undergraduate and postgraduate students, researchers and practitioners with an interest in Lean Construction and construction management, providing a general understanding of the area, current state of the art knowledge as well as providing an insight into areas for future research.

Lean Construction – Das Managementhandbuch: Agile Methoden und Lean Management im Bauwesen

by Martin Fiedler

Dieses Buch liefert einen Einblick in neue Methoden f#65533;r das Management von Bauprojekten. Gerade bei Gro#65533;projekten besteht Gefahr, dass Termine, Kosten und Qualit#65533;t nicht eingehalten werden. Komplexe Bauvorhaben geh#65533;ren zu dieser Projektkategorie und bed#65533;rfen einer speziellen Steuerung. Dieses Buch gibt durch Beispiele aus Gro#65533;projekten und unternehmensweiten Einf#65533;hrungen von Lean Management im Bauwesen einen tieferen Einblick in die Thematik. Lean Construction verspricht allen Beteiligten eines Bauprojektes, dass in der Planung und w#65533;hrend der Bauphase definierte Parameter eingehalten werden. Dieses Buch wendet sich insbesondere an Bauabteilungen der Industrie, Bautr#65533;ger und private Bauherren sowie Beteiligte eines Bauprojektes wie Architekten, Ingenieure und Projektverantwortliche, die mit Lean Construction eine nachhaltige Verbesserung der Planungs- und Umsetzungsphase erreichen wollen.

Lean Construction 4.0: Driving a Digital Revolution of Production Management in the AEC Industry

by Vicente A. González Farook Hamzeh Luis Fernando Alarcón

This book introduces and develops the novel concept of Lean Construction 4.0. The capability of Lean Construction to effectively adapt the architecture-engineering-construction (AEC) industry to this new era of digital transformation requires a reconceptualization of the triad people-processes-technology as a foundation for the theoretical and practical framework of Lean Construction. Therefore, a shift towards Lean Construction 4.0 is required. Lean Construction 4.0 is a new systems-wide thinking approach where synergies and overlaps between Lean Construction and digital/smart technologies go far beyond BIM to reshape the way we design, manage, and operate capital projects in the modern age of automation. This pioneering new book brings together the views of world experts at the interface of Lean Construction and digital/smart technologies, in order to channel research efforts, to introduce and discuss current research and practice, challenges and drivers, and future perspectives of Lean Construction 4.0. It is not the aim of the book to keep adding digits to the term ‘Lean Construction’ to ‘catch up’ with the industry revolutions as they go on. Instead, after reading this book, it will be undeniable for readers that the triad process-people-technology as proposed by Lean Construction 4.0 is required to achieve an effective, long-lasting digital transformation of the AEC industry. Thus, the aim of Lean Construction 4.0 is better explained by what it evokes: a future vision of construction systems comprising people, processes, and technology using Industry 4.0/5.0 as a basis for technological innovation in the AEC industry coupled with Lean Construction theory and practice as a jettison for improved processes and systems integration. The Lean Construction 4.0 concept coined and developed in this edited book is unique and the chapters provide practitioners and academics with a provocative reflection on the theoretical and practical aspects that shape the Lean Construction 4.0 concept. More importantly, Lean Construction 4.0 proposes a rationale for the AEC industry not only to survive, but to thrive!

Lean Culture for the Construction Industry: Building Responsible and Committed Project Teams, Second Edition

by Gary Santorella

Many of the struggles that we are currently experiencing when attempting to implement Lean in the construction environment are the direct result of applying Lean tools out of proper context. Understanding Lean as an overall operating system will help to avert this all too common pitfall. An in-depth exploration of the application of Lean initiatives in the construction industry, Lean Culture for the Construction Industry: Building Responsible and Committed Project Teams, Second Edition provides updated chapters with new insights on the relationships between owners, architects, general contractors and subcontractors - demonstrating how Kaizan events focused on building positive culture through vulnerability-based trust improved processes and eliminated work stoppages. Lean tools alone don't lead to successful Lean initiatives: the missing piece is culture. Written by a veteran consultant in the construction field, the book draws a connection between how construction professionals act as leaders and how their attitude and behavior affect productivity and waste daily. While value stream mapping is an important tool for righting broken processes and resolving conflicts, future state maps will fail if leaders continue to work in silos, protect their territories, and don't see that their success is directly tied to the success of their co-leaders. The author expands the notion of ethics beyond the simple litmus test of right and wrong, so team leaders can adopt professional and productive attitudes and behaviors toward the implementation of Lean improvements. This book demonstrates how, in an industry where waste is rampant, and depends on wide range of people and personalities to successfully build a job, Lean thinking can make the difference between a profitable, competitive construction team, and mass inefficiencies, stunted profitability, and lost future opportunities.

The Lean Enterprise

by Alexander Tsigkas

The book is divided into three parts. Part I. The Rising economy of "one" gives an overview of what is changing in the social system of production, it refers to the weakening role of central planning and the rising power of individuation in the value creation chain. Part II. Lean Enterprise in theory refers to the principles of lean thinking, the transfer of lean philosophy from East to West and discusses the necessary adaptation to the Western way of thinking and practice. It presents a practice proven method for achieving a lean integrated demand and supply chain and analyses in detail the related implementation steps. Criteria for a successful displacement of a company to a lean state are presented. Part III. Lean Enterprise in practice provides a number of implementation cases in different types of production companies using the method presented in Part II. The goal is to help the reader comprehend how the method can be applied to real lean implementation situations in resolving various issues, ranging from production to the supply chain. A vision of implementation to lean electricity completes the book.

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