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LEAN Production Training für Praxis und Studium – 35 Übungen mit Lösungen: Basierend auf dem Buch „LEAN Production – einfach und umfassend“

by Roman Hänggi Patrick Balve Lukas Budde

Keine Produktion ist perfekt. In jedem Prozess schleicht sich Verschwendung ein. Sie macht ihn langsam und teuer. Ware liegt im Lager herum, die Fertigung findet in unnötig großen Losen statt oder Mitarbeiter warten unproduktiv, um ein nächstes Teil zu produzieren. Das Ergebnis sind hohe Produktionskosten und enttäuschte Kunden.Lean Production geht nun diese Verschwendungen in allen Prozessen an. Aber wie setzt man nun die verschiedensten Lean Prinzipien und Methoden konkret um? Der Erfolg von Lean Production liegt jedoch im Tun und gerade da setzt das Buch an. Die 35 Übungen aus der Praxis zeigen detailliert auf, wie die Lean Ansätze angewendet und erfolgreich umgesetzt werden. Die Lösungen werden mit Praxis-Tipps zur Umsetzung aus der umfassenden Erfahrung der Autoren ergänzt. Die Übungen werden in der LeanClean AG anschaulich mit vielen Bildern und Diagrammen umgesetzt – konkret, einfach undumfassend erklärt.

Lean Project Management: This Book Includes: Lean Guide + Agile Project Management. Practical Guide For Managing Projects, Productivity, Profits Of Enterprises Or Startups With Lean, Scrum, Agile

by Claus Hüsselmann

Many organisations face the challenge of making their project management more agile. However, the circumstances are often not suitable for this: The desired agility either does not fit the existing projects, or there is a lack of sufficient systematics. Lean Project Management shows how the advantages of different Lean Project Management methods – adaptive, targeted and flexible – can be combined. In addition to the established methods of classic and agile project management, proven methods and tools from Lean Management are used and further developed with a view to the requirements of project management (such as Gemba, 5S and more). The book shows how an organisation can systematically professionalise its project management, and make it more flexible in a targeted manner, in order to achieve more value with less effort. Aimed at students on postgraduate courses in business and project management as well as professional project managers working in organisations both large and small, Lean Project Management is a clear and comprehensive guide to combining the best methods to achieve optimal results.

Lean Six Sigma: Methoden zur Produktionsoptimierung

by Jörg Niemann Benedikt Reich Carsten Stöhr

Die Lean Six Sigma Werkstatt beschreibt wichtige praxisrelevante Methoden und Werkzeuge in der Optimierung von industriellen Produktionsstrukturen. Neben den theoretischen Grundlagen wird für jede Methode umfangreiches „Hands-on“ Übungsmaterial mit Lösungen bereitgestellt, um eine anwendungsnahe Wissensvermittlung zu gewährleisten. Das Buch unterstützt damit insbesondere Lehrende und Lernende bei der Vorbereitung und Durchführung ganzer Unterrichtseinheiten, die dann als Gruppenarbeiten in 13 Workshops vertiefend eingeübt und praxisnah durchgespielt werden können. Die spielerische Anwendung der Theorie über mehrere Spielrunden befähigt die Lernenden, die Methoden in der Praxis zu nutzen und den Erkenntnisgewinn im industriellen Umfeld anzuwenden.

Lean Six Sigma: Methods for Production Optimization

by Jörg Niemann Benedikt Reich Carsten Stöhr

The Lean Six Sigma Workshop describes important and practically relevant methods and tools for optimizing industrial production structures. In addition to theoretical foundations, the book provides extensive hands-on exercise materials with solutions for each method, ensuring application-oriented knowledge transfer. The book particularly assists educators and learners in preparing and conducting entire teaching units, which can be deepened and practically applied through 13 workshops as group activities.The playful application of theory over multiple game rounds enables learners to use the methods in practice and apply gained insights in an industrial setting.

Lean Six Sigma 4.0 for Operational Excellence Under the Industry 4.0 Transformation (Sustainable Manufacturing Technologies)

by Rajeev Rathi Arturo Garza-Reyes, Jose Mahender Singh Kaswan Mahipal Singh

This book presents innovative breakthroughs in operational excellence that can solve the operational issues of smart factories. It illustrates various tools and techniques of Lean Six Sigma 4.0 and details their suitability for manufacturing and service systems. Lean Six Sigma 4.0 for Operational Excellence Under the Industry 4.0 Transformation provides technological advancement in operational excellence and offers a framework to integrate Lean Six Sigma and Industry 4.0. The book is a guide to dealing with new operational challenges and explains how to use Industrial IoT, Sensors, and AI to collect real-time data on the shop floor. While focusing on developing a toolset for Lean Six Sigma 4.0, this book also presents the enabling factors to adopt Lean Six Sigma 4.0 in the manufacturing and service sectors. The book will help industrial managers, practitioners, and researchers on the path of process improvement in modern-day industries.

The Lean Six Sigma Black Belt Handbook: Tools and Methods for Process Acceleration (Management Handbooks for Results)

by Frank Voehl H. James Harrington Chuck Mignosa Rich Charron

Although Lean and Six Sigma appear to be quite different, when used together they have shown to deliver unprecedented improvements to quality and profitability. The Lean Six Sigma Black Belt Handbook: Tools and Methods for Process Acceleration explains how to integrate these seemingly dissimilar approaches to increase production speed while decreas

Lean Six Sigma For Dummies

by John Morgan Martin Brenig-Jones

With the growing business industry there is a large demand for greater speed and quality, for projects of all natures in both small and large businesses. Lean Six Sigma is the result of the combination of the two best-known improvement methods: Six Sigma (making work better, of higher quality) and Lean (making work faster, more efficient).Lean Six Sigma For Dummies outlines they key concepts in plain English, and shows you how to use the right tools, in the right place, and in the right way, not just in improvement and design projects, but also in your day-to-day activities. It shows you how to ensure the key principles and concepts of Lean Six Sigma become a natural part of how you do things so you can get the best out of your business and accomplish your goals better, faster and cheaper.About the authorJohn Morgan has been a Director of Catalyst Consulting, Europe's leading provider of lean Six Sigma solutions for 10 years.Martin Brenig-Jones is also a Director at Catalyst Consulting. He is an expert in Quality and Change Management and has worked in the field for 16 years.

Lean Six Sigma for Engineers and Managers: With Applied Case Studies

by Matthew John Franchetti

This book introduces Lean Six Sigma (LSS) to engineers and managers interested in implementing LSS at their organizations. The book provides a detailed roadmap and industry examples to aid readers in understanding and implementing the LSS system. This book discusses the LSS process to define improvement needs, measure current business performance, analyze performance results using statistical tools, improve business and financial results, and control peak business performance.

Lean Six Sigma for Small and Medium Sized Enterprises: A Practical Guide

by Jiju Antony S. Vinodh E. V. Gijo

It is no secret that Lean Six Sigma (LSS) is not as popular with small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) as it is with larger ones. However, many SMEs are suppliers to larger entities who are pushing for superior quality and world-class process efficiencies from suppliers.Lean Six Sigma for Small and Medium Sized Enterprises: A Practical Guide provides a roadmap for the successful implementation and deployment of LSS in SMEs. It includes five real-world case studies that demonstrate how LSS tools have been successfully integrated into LSS methodology. Simplifying the terminology and methodology of LSS, this book makes the implementation process accessible. Supplies a general introduction to continuous improvement initiatives in SMEs Identifies the key phases in the introduction and development of LSS initiatives within an SME Details the most powerful LSS tools and techniques that can be used in an SME environment Provides tips on how to make the project selection process more successful This book covers the fundamental challenges and common pitfalls that can be avoided with successful introduction and deployment of LSS in the context of SMEs. Systematically guiding you through the application of the Six Sigma methodology for problem solving, the book devotes separate chapters to the most appropriate tools and techniques that can be useful in each stage of the methodology.Keeping the required math and statistics to a minimum, this practical guide will help you to deploy LSS as your prime methodology for achieving and sustaining world-class efficiency and effectiveness of critical business processes.

Lean Six Sigma in Service: Applications and Case Studies

by Sandra L. Furterer

In real life, data is messy and doesn't always fit into normal statistical distributions. This is especially true in service industries where the variables are, well, variable and directly related to and measured by the constantly changing needs of customers. As the breadth and depth of tools available has increased across the integrated Lean Six S

Lean Supply Chain Management in Fashion and Textile Industry (Textile Science and Clothing Technology)

by Rajkishore Nayak

This book highlights the concepts of lean manufacturing that help to achieve the objectives of sustainability in a global competitive atmosphere. Lean can help to lower the manufacturing cost in the rising labour and material cost market. Lean is based on various fundamental concepts such as Kaizen, Kanban, Zidoka, 5S and Six Sigma, which aim at reducing process waste for efficiency and productivity that are discussed in this book. In addition, the technological changes such as introduction of Internet technologies and Industry 4.0 are taken care by the lean concepts, which are also addressed in this book.

LEAN Supply Chain Planning: The New Supply Chain Management Paradigm for Process Industries to Master Today's VUCA World

by Josef Packowski

Delivering excellent service to all customers is the key imperative for many sustainable businesses. So why do so many supply chains struggle to fulfill customer requirements at competitive costs? The answer is simple: traditional supply chain planning, which was tailored to a predominantly stable and predictable business environment, cannot handle

Lean Sustainability: A Pathway to a Circular Economy (Continuous Improvement Series)

by Elizabeth A. Cudney Sandra L. Furterer Chad M. Laux Gaganpreet S. Hundal

While Lean principles have been around for decades, the practices have yet to keep current with the growing area of Sustainability. This book provides an implementation approach to integrating Lean and Sustainability principles toward a circular economy. Lean Sustainability: A Pathway to a Circular Economy illustrates an integrated Lean and Sustainability approach that is applicable to manufacturing, healthcare, service, and other industries. This comprehensive approach will guide organizations toward a circular economy to drive competitive business practices further while being environmentally, socially, and economically responsible. The eBook version includes full color images. This book will help any industry practitioner interested in helping their business improve flow, reduce waste, and become more environmentally conscious.

Lean Systems: Applications and Case Studies in Manufacturing, Service, and Healthcare

by Sandra L. Furterer David M. Dietrich Elizabeth A. Cudney

Lean Systems: Applications and Case Studies in Manufacturing, Service, and Healthcare details the various Lean techniques and numerous real-world Lean projects drawn from a wide variety of manufacturing, healthcare, and service processes, demonstrating how to apply the Lean philosophy. The book facilitates Lean instruction by supplying interactive

Lean Technical Communication: Toward Sustainable Program Innovation (ATTW Series in Technical and Professional Communication)

by Meredith A. Johnson W. Michele Simmons Patricia Sullivan

Lean Technical Communication: Toward Sustainable Program Innovation offers a theoretically and empirically-grounded model for growing and stewarding professional and technical communication programs under diverse conditions. Through case studies of disruptive innovations, this book presents a forward-looking, sustainable vision of program administration that negotiates short-term resource deficits with long-term resilience. It illustrates how to meet many of the newest challenges facing technical communication programs, such as building and maintaining change with limited resources, economic shortfalls, technology deficits, and expanding/reimagining the role of our programs in the 21st century university. Its insights benefit those involved in the development of undergraduate and graduate programs, including majors, service courses, minors, specializations, and certificates.

Lean Transformation: Cultural Enablers and Enterprise Alignment

by Suresh Patel

Books in the Quality and Business Excellence series can help readers improve customer value and satisfaction by integrating the voice of the customer into design, manufacturing, supply chain, and field processes. Lean Transformation: Cultural Enablers and Enterprise Alignment is about the Lean system. It begins by describing the reasons why so many Lean implementations fail and explaining why managers need to focus their valuable time on early adopters rather than on trying to convert resistors.This book describes the guiding principles of the Shingo process for continuous improvement layout and evaluation. It examines the principles, systems, and tools of continuous improvement and demonstrates how to deploy these proven methods in plants and distribution centers.The book covers time-tested continuous improvement process tools and practices, including the visual workplace, mistake proofing, PDCA, 5S, Heijunka, standard work, Kaizen, and value stream mapping. It also examines Lean performance measures and introduces a comprehensive Lean tool assessment system.Presenting seven proven techniques for altering and guiding a Lean culture, the book identifies a formal process for overcoming common roadblocks. It also illustrates the proliferation of the Lean initiative across an organization's various sites. This book describes how proper assessment of Lean system tools can help your organization remain focused on system standardization and boost your organization’s sustainability efforts. It includes job descriptions of various roles in the improvement process, including those for Lean supervisor and Lean team leader, as well as a glossary that defines key terms.

Lean TRIZ: How to Dramatically Reduce Product-Development Costs with This Innovative Problem-Solving Tool (Management Handbooks for Results)

by H. James Harrington

Lean TRIZ is a new workshop-based process that brings together teams to focus on specific processes, evolutionary product designs, and improvement opportunities. It combines the insight of TRIZ with the simplicity of Value Engineering, EXPRESS, or FAST methodologies. TRIZ is the most advanced problem solving tool available. By combining TRIZ’s simplest concepts with those in the EXPRESS methodology (used by Ford and Ernst & Young), it is feasible to apply this new methodology to new concepts that are not traditionally applicable to the TRIZ methodology. This combination is guaranteed to greatly improve the quality and breakthrough results of a team that works on the problem within two days.

Leap of Faith: An Astronaut's Journey Into the Unknown

by Gordon Cooper Bruce Henderson

&“An exciting insider&’s look at Projects Mercury, Gemini and Apollo . . . NASA&’s internal politics, disasters, glitches and close calls&” by a pioneering astronaut (Publishers Weekly). Gordon &“Gordo&” Cooper was one of the original Mercury Seven astronauts, pilot for Apollo X, head of flight crew operations for the United States&’ first orbiting space station, and the last American to venture into space alone. Stretching from the dawning days of NASA to the far reaches of the unknown, Cooper&’s distinguished career as a record-setting astronaut helped shape America&’s space program and blazed a trail for generations to come. In this astonishing memoir—written with #1 New York Times bestseller Bruce Henderson—Cooper crosses paths with such aviation luminaries as Amelia Earhart, Wiley Post, and German rocket scientist Wernher von Braun; he shares his early days at Edwards Air Force Base and the endeavors that became the basis for The Right Stuff; he takes us inside NASA with candid accounts of his defeats and accomplishments; he reflects on the triumphs and tragedies of his heroic colleagues; and he finally reveals the reasons behind his belief in extraterrestrial intelligence, including the US military&’s long-standing UFO cover-ups. Buckle yourself in for a breathtaking ride because in Leap of Faith, Gordon Cooper takes readers to places they&’ve never been before.

The Learjet History: Beginnings, Innovations and Utilization

by Peter G. Hamel Gary D. Park

Learjet 24 (24-123, N3731)Credit: Paul BowenThis book offers an unique, comprehensive retrospective on the Learjet aircraft, from the establishment by Bill Lear in the sixties, to its slow demise in 2021. It accompanies readers on a unique journey through the configuration changes, and advanced technological applications that have transformed business jets and their market in the last sixty years. Important insights are given into numerous patents and innovations that have shaped the development of new technologies and aerodynamic improvements such as the winglet. Furthermore, this book presents many special missions carried out by the Learjet family, such as VIP, business and ambulance flights, research and military projects, and the use of Learjet in aerobatics, as well as aerial photography and cinematography. With a great number of original photographs and drawings, interesting events, stories and anecdotes, this book provides today’s aeronautical and systems engineers and test pilots with an invaluable source of information and inspiration. Yet, it also offers a compelling reading to students, professionals and scientists in the aerospace field as well as to curious readers with a general interest in aeronautics. Learjet 31A (31-131, N31LR)Credit: Paul Bowen

Learn Audio Electronics with Arduino: Practical Audio Circuits with Arduino Control

by Charlie Cullen

Learn Audio Electronics with Arduino: Practical Audio Circuits with Arduino Control teaches the reader how to use Arduino to control analogue audio circuits and introduces electronic circuit theory through a series of practical projects, including a MIDI drum controller and an Arduino-controlled two-band audio equalizer amplifier. Learn Audio Electronics with Arduino provides all the theoretical knowledge needed to design, analyse, and build audio circuits for amplification and filtering, with additional topics like C programming being introduced in a practical context for Arduino control. The reader will learn how these circuits work and also how to build them, allowing them to progress to more advanced audio circuits in the future. Beginning with electrical fundamentals and control systems, DC circuit theory is then combined with an introduction to C programming to build Arduino-based systems for audio (tone sequencer) and MIDI (drum controller) output. The second half of the book begins with AC circuit theory to allow analogue audio circuits for amplification and filtering to be analysed, simulated, and built. These circuits are then combined with Arduino control in the final project – an Arduino-controlled two-band equalizer amplifier. Building on high-school physics and mathematics in an accessible way, Learn Audio Electronics with Arduino is suitable for readers of all levels. An ideal tool for those studying audio electronics, including as a component within other fields of study, such as computer science, human-computer interaction, acoustics, music technology, and electronics engineering.

Learn Autodesk Inventor 2018 Basics: 3D Modeling, 2D Graphics, and Assembly Design

by T. Kishore

Get started with the basics of part modeling, assembly modeling, presentations, and drawings in this step-by-step tutorial on Autodesk Inventor fundamentals. Next, this book teaches you some intermediate-level topics such as additional part modeling tools, sheet metal modeling, top-down assembly features, assembly joints, and dimension and annotations. Engaging explanations, practical examples, and step-by-step instructions make this tutorial book complete. Once you have read Learn Autodesk Inventor 2018 Basics you will be able to use Autodesk Inventor for 3D modeling, 2D drawings, finite element analysis, mold design, and other purposes, just like a design professional. You will gain all the basic information and essential skills you need to work in Autodesk Inventor immediately. What You'll Learn Carry out virtual 3D modeling for your next 3D printing projects Design molds for 3D printing and other projects Generate 2D drawings Who This Book Is For Novice users of Autodesk Inventor.

Learn Electronics with Arduino: An Illustrated Beginner's Guide to Physical Computing

by Jody Culkin Eric Hagan

This book is your introduction to to physical computing with the Arduino microcontroller platform. No prior experience is required, not even an understanding of basic electronics. With color illustrations, easy-to-follow explanations, and step-by-step instructions, the book takes the beginner from building simple circuits on a breadboard to setting up the Arduino IDE and downloading and writing sketches to run on the Arduino. Readers will be introduced to basic electronics theory and programming concepts, as well as to digital and analog inputs and outputs. Throughout the book, debugging practices are highlighted, so novices will know what to do if their circuits or their code doesn't work for the current project and those that they embark on later for themselves. After completing the projects in this book, readers will have a firm basis for building their own projects with the Arduino.Written for absolute beginners with no prior knowledge of electronics or programmingFilled with detailed full-color illustrations that make concepts and procedures easy to followAn accessible introduction to microcontrollers and physical computingStep-by-step instructions for projects that teach fundamental skillsIncludes a variety of Arduino-based projects using digital and analog input and output

Learn Python the Hard Way: A Very Simple Introduction to the Terrifyingly Beautiful World of Computers and Code

by Zed Shaw

Zed Shaw has perfected the world's best system for learning Python. Follow it and you will succeed-just like the hundreds of thousands of beginners Zed has taught to date! You bring the discipline, commitment, and persistence; the author supplies everything else. <p><p> In Learn Python the Hard Way, Third Edition, you'll learn Python by working through 52 brilliantly crafted exercises. Read them. Type their code precisely. (No copying and pasting!) Fix your mistakes. Watch the programs run. As you do, you'll learn how software works; what good programs look like; how to read, write, and think about code; and how to find and fix your mistakes using tricks professional programmers use. Most importantly, you'll learn the following, which you need to start writing excellent Python software of your own.

Learn Robotics with Raspberry Pi: Build and Code Your Own Moving, Sensing, Thinking Robots

by null Matt Timmons-Brown

In Learn Robotics with Raspberry Pi, you'll learn how to build and code your own robot projects with just the Raspberry Pi microcomputer and a few easy-to-get components - no prior experience necessary!Learn Robotics with Raspberry Pi will take you from inexperienced maker to robot builder. You'll start off building a two-wheeled robot powered by a Raspberry Pi minicomputer and then program it using Python, the world's most popular programming language. Gradually, you'll improve your robot by adding increasingly advanced functionality until it can follow lines, avoid obstacles, and even recognize objects of a certain size and color using computer vision. Learn how to:- Control your robot remotely using only a Wii remote- Teach your robot to use sensors to avoid obstacles- Program your robot to follow a line autonomously - Customize your robot with LEDs and speakers to make it light up and play sounds- See what your robot sees with a Pi CameraAs you work through the book, you'll learn fundamental electronics skills like how to wire up parts, use resistors and regulators, and determine how much power your robot needs. By the end, you'll have learned the basics of coding in Python and know enough about working with hardware like LEDs, motors, and sensors to expand your creations beyond simple robots.

Learn to Program with Scratch: A Visual Introduction to Programming with Games, Art, Science, and Math

by Majed Marji

<P>Scratch is a fun, free, beginner-friendly programming environment where you connect blocks of code to build programs. While most famously used to introduce kids to programming, Scratch can make computer science approachable for people of any age. Rather than type countless lines of code in a cryptic programming language, why not use colorful command blocks and cartoon sprites to create powerful scripts? <P>In Learn to Program with Scratch, author Majed Marji uses Scratch to explain the concepts essential to solving real-world programming problems. The labeled, color-coded blocks plainly show each logical step in a given script, and with a single click, you can even test any part of your script to check your logic. You'll learn how to: <br>–Harness the power of repeat loops and recursion <br>–Use if/else statements and logical operators to make decisions–Store data in variables and lists to use later in your program <br>–Read, store, and manipulate user input <br>–Implement key computer science algorithms like a linear search and bubble sort <br>Hands-on projects will challenge you to create an Ohm's law simulator, draw intricate patterns, program sprites to mimic line-following robots, create arcade-style games, and more! Each chapter is packed with detailed explanations, annotated illustrations, guided examples, lots of color, and plenty of exercises to help the lessons stick. Learn to Program with Scratch is the perfect place to start your computer science journey, painlessly.Uses Scratch 2

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