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Showing 38,401 through 38,425 of 71,715 results

Learning and Relearning Equipment Complexity: Achieving Safety in Engineering Complex Systems (Developments in Quality and Safety)

by Sasho Andonov

With industrial systems becoming ever more mechanized and reliant on advanced technology, the complexity of equipment, especially in risky industries, is increasing on a daily basis. A thorough understanding of operations and providing safety for these complex systems has become a firm requirement for many. This book offers the knowledge required by safety professionals to provide and maintain the safety of engineering complex systems. Through a scientific and engineering approach to designing, implementing, operating, and maintaining complex systems, Learning and Relearning Equipment Complexity: Achieving Safety in Engineering Complex Systems details the need for more engineering and scientific knowledge to understand and maintain their safety. It gives clear explanations of reasons for a system’s complexity, based on control systems and non-linear dynamics. In addition, the book addresses the necessary changes in the approach and the procedures for the safety assessment of engineering complex systems. The reader will develop a thorough understanding of what complex systems are, why they are complex, and how they are utilized. This book will appeal to any safety professional tasked with complex systems. This extends to professionals in risky industries such as aviation, nuclear power, chemicals, railway and transport, and pharmaceuticals.

Learning and Robust Control in Quantum Technology (Communications and Control Engineering)

by Daoyi Dong Ian R. Petersen

This monograph provides a state-of-the-art treatment of learning and robust control in quantum technology. It presents a systematic investigation of control design and algorithm realisation for several classes of quantum systems using control-theoretic tools and machine-learning methods. The approaches rely heavily on examples and the authors cover:sliding mode control of quantum systems;control and classification of inhomogeneous quantum ensembles using sampling-based learning control;robust and optimal control design using machine-learning methods;robust stability of quantum systems; and H∞ and fault-tolerant control of quantum systems. Both theoretical algorithm design and potential practical applications are considered. Methods for enhancing robustness of performance are developed in the context of quantum state preparation, quantum gate construction, and ultrafast control of molecules.Researchers and graduates studying systems and control theory, quantum control, and quantum engineering, especially from backgrounds in electrical engineering, applied mathematics and quantum information will find Learning and Robust Control in Quantum Technology to be a valuable reference for the investigation of learning and robust control of quantum systems. The material contained in this book will also interest chemists and physicists working on chemical physics, quantum optics, and quantum information technology.

Learning and Teaching in Distance Education: Analyses and Interpretations from an International Perspective (Open and Flexible Learning Series)

by Otto Peters

This unique and comprehensive overview of open and distance education is written by one of the best known names in the field. It integrates historical, contemporary and future aspects of distance education. Packed with international case studies, it goes beyond looking at the methods and technology of distance education, giving Otto Peters' renowned visions on the sociological and social impacts of distance education.Now published in paperback for the first time, this new edition includes a new section on virtual universities. A major contribution to thinking on open and distance education, this new edition will reach an even wider audience.

Learning and Teaching with Interactive Whiteboards: Primary and Early Years (Achieving QTS Practical Handbooks Series)

by David Barber Linda Cooper Mr Graham Meeson

Interactive Whiteboards (IWBs) are becoming increasingly common in schools and early years settings, and it is important for trainees to be equipped with the necessary skills and understanding to use them effectively to enhance learning. This book takes a thematic approach, examining all the key issues required to get the most out of this versatile learning technology. All chapters contain case studies from a range of subject areas and across the key stages, ensuring the text is rooted in the reality of the primary classroom and its curriculum.

Learning and Teaching with Technology: Principles and Practices (Open and Flexible Learning Series)

by Som Naidu

Increased use of electronic libraries, multimedia courseware and computer-mediated communication is giving rise to an entirely new educational experience, prompting educators to assess the potential for improved and enriched learning and teaching models. This new book explores the creative opportunities offered by ICT, and provides an authoritative, rigorous survey of the ways in which ICT is currently transforming core teaching functions, including: *subject matter representation*activating learning and the engagement of students*supporting interaction and socialization*assessing learning outcomes*providing feedback to students. Written by leading experts in the field, this text draws on the experiences of practitioners at the forefront of ICT developments, making this essential reading for all educational professionals who recognize the new opportunities afforded by this changed environment. Suitable for those who are open and flexible learning specialists, educational technologists or educational developers in either a conventional or an e-learning environment.

Learning and Teaching with Technology in the Knowledge Society

by Mizuho Iinuma

This book discusses learning and teaching with modern technology in the new knowledge society. It focuses specifically on new literacy and technology in classroom environments. Based on a social-constructivist approach, this book covers a wide range of new technology use examples, such as participatory media, video recording systems and 3D computer graphics. A case study on a constructivist approach to teaching and learning, especially CSCL (computer supported collaborative learning), is discussed from a practical perspective for educators. It also includes specific in-class practices with detailed accounts of curricula featuring readily accessible yet new technology available for classroom use, such as Google Sketchup 3D computer models.

Learning And Understanding: Improving Advanced Study Of Mathematics And Science In U.s. High Schools

by Committee on Programs for Advanced Study of Mathematics Science in American High Schools

This book takes a fresh look at programs for advanced studies for high school students in the United States, with a particular focus on the Advanced Placement and the International Baccalaureate programs, and asks how advanced studies can be significantly improved in general. It also examines two of the core issues surrounding these programs: they can have a profound impact on other components of the education system and participation in the programs has become key to admission at selective institutions of higher education.By looking at what could enhance the quality of high school advanced study programs as well as what precedes and comes after these programs, this report provides teachers, parents, curriculum developers, administrators, college science and mathematics faculty, and the educational research community with a detailed assessment that can be used to guide change within advanced study programs.

Learning Animals: Curriculum, Pedagogy and Becoming a Veterinarian

by Nadine Dolby

We are surrounded by thousands of animals, alive and dead. They are an intimate and ever-present part of our human lives. As a society, we privilege veterinarians as experts on these animals: they are our educators and teachers in what they say, what they do, and the decisions that they make. Yet, within the field of education, there is little research on the curriculum, pedagogy, and experiences of veterinary school and students. What do veterinarians learn in veterinary school? How do their experiences during those four years shape their perceptions of animals? How do the structures, curriculum, and pedagogy of veterinary college create and influence these experiences? Learning Animals opens up this conversation through an exploration of the complicated, fascinating and often painful stories of a cohort of veterinary students as they make their four-year journey from matriculation through graduation. The book examines how the experiences of veterinary students shape how humans relate to animals, from public policy and decision-making about the environment and animals slaughtered for food, to the most personal decisions about euthanizing companion animals. The first full-length, critical, qualitative study of the perspectives of our primary teachers about animals, this will be a thought-provoking read for those in the fields of both educational research and veterinary education.

Learning at the Crossroads of Theory and Practice

by Wim H. Gijselaers Piet Van den Bossche Richard G. Milter

Core concepts in education are changing. For example, professional performance or expertise is not uniquely the fruit of specialist knowledge acquired at professional schools, but the sum of influences exerted by a complex web of continuous learning opportunities for which an individual is well (or ill) prepared by their schools and their workplace. The key contributory factors to professional expertise are how professional schools connect to professional practice, how schools prepare graduates for continuous learning, and how the workplace endorses continuous development. Thus, the question this volume addresses--how to design learning and working environments that facilitate the integration of these three elements--is at the heart of contemporary pedagogical theory. The authors also ask a second vital question: how do we educate learners that go on to maximize their life's learning opportunities by regulating their own ongoing learning? Learning at the Crossroads of Theory and Practice argues that with the theory of learning at a crossroads, this is an unprecedented opportunity for learning about learning. The book sheds light on different elements of this challenge: integrating theory and practice in business education, generating and fully exploiting workplace learning opportunities, and enriching our classrooms by coupling theoretical knowledge with the richness of real-life experience.

Learning Automata: An Introduction (Dover Books on Electrical Engineering)

by Kumpati S. Narendra Mandayam A.L. Thathachar

This self-contained introductory text on the behavior of learning automata focuses on how a sequential decision-maker with a finite number of choices responds in a random environment. Topics include fixed structure automata, variable structure stochastic automata, convergence, 0 and S models, nonstationary environments, interconnected automata and games, and applications of learning automata. A must for all students of stochastic algorithms, this treatment is the work of two well-known scientists and is suitable for a one-semester graduate course in automata theory and stochastic algorithms. This volume also provides a fine guide for independent study and a reference for students and professionals in operations research, computer science, artificial intelligence, and robotics. The authors have provided a new preface for this edition.

Learning Automata and Their Applications to Intelligent Systems

by JunQi Zhang MengChu Zhou

Comprehensive guide on learning automata, introducing two variants to accelerate convergence and computational update speed Learning Automata and Their Applications to Intelligent Systems provides a comprehensive guide on learning automata from the perspective of principles, algorithms, improvement directions, and applications. The text introduces two variants to accelerate the convergence speed and computational update speed, respectively; these two examples demonstrate how to design new learning automata for a specific field from the aspect of algorithm design to give full play to the advantage of learning automata. As noisy optimization problems exist widely in various intelligent systems, this book elaborates on how to employ learning automata to solve noisy optimization problems from the perspective of algorithm design and application. The existing and most representative applications of learning automata include classification, clustering, game, knapsack, network, optimization, ranking, and scheduling. They are well-discussed. Future research directions to promote an intelligent system are suggested. Written by two highly qualified academics with significant experience in the field, Learning Automata and Their Applications to Intelligent Systems covers such topics as: Mathematical analysis of the behavior of learning automata, along with suitable learning algorithms Two application-oriented learning automata: one to discover and track spatiotemporal event patterns, and the other to solve stochastic searching on a line Demonstrations of two pioneering variants of Optimal Computing Budge Allocation (OCBA) methods and how to combine learning automata with ordinal optimization How to achieve significantly faster convergence and higher accuracy than classical pursuit schemes via lower computational complexity of updating the state probabilityA timely text in a rapidly developing field, Learning Automata and Their Applications to Intelligent Systems is an essential resource for researchers in machine learning, engineering, operation, and management. The book is also highly suitable for graduate level courses on machine learning, soft computing, reinforcement learning and stochastic optimization.

Learning-Based Reconfigurable Multiple Access Schemes for Virtualized MTC Networks (Wireless Networks)

by Tho Le-Ngoc Atoosa Dalili Shoaei

This book assists readers with understanding the key aspects, problems and solutions related to the design of proper Multiple Access Schemes for MTC (Machine-Type Communications) and IoT applications in 5G-and-beyond wireless networks. An overview of MTC applications and their traffic features are also provided. In addition, it presents a comprehensive review of MTC access schemes including orthogonal multiple access schemes (OMA), non-orthogonal multiple access schemes (NOMA), massive MIMO-based schemes and fast uplink grant approaches. It also proposes efficient and reconfigurable access schemes deploying machine learning and optimization techniques to address the main requirements of MTC networks. This book discusses potential research directions to further enhance the performance of MTC access schemes.Machine-type communications are expected to account for the dominant share of the traffic in future wireless networks. While in traditional wireless networks, designed for human-type communications, the focus is on support of large packet sizes in downlink, machine-type communication systems deal with heavy uplink traffic. This is due to the nature of the tasks performed by machine-type communication devices, which is mainly reporting measured data or a detected event. Furthermore, in these networks, using the virtualization framework, the network infrastructure can be shared between different applications for which providing isolation is of high importance. To support these unique characteristics of machine-type communications, proper access schemes need to be developed, which is the focus of this book.This book benefits advanced-level students studying computer science and electrical engineering as a secondary textbook and researchers working in this field. Engineers and practitioners interested in the challenges and practical solutions of integrating MTC in the cloud radio access network of 5G-and-beyond cellular systems will want to purchase this book as well.

Learning-based VANET Communication and Security Techniques (Wireless Networks)

by Liang Xiao Weihua Zhuang Sheng Zhou Cailian Chen

This timely book provides broad coverage of vehicular ad-hoc network (VANET) issues, such as security, and network selection. Machine learning based methods are applied to solve these issues. This book also includes four rigorously refereed chapters from prominent international researchers working in this subject area. The material serves as a useful reference for researchers, graduate students, and practitioners seeking solutions to VANET communication and security related issues. This book will also help readers understand how to use machine learning to address the security and communication challenges in VANETs. Vehicular ad-hoc networks (VANETs) support vehicle-to-vehicle communications and vehicle-to-infrastructure communications to improve the transmission security, help build unmanned-driving, and support booming applications of onboard units (OBUs). The high mobility of OBUs and the large-scale dynamic network with fixed roadside units (RSUs) make the VANET vulnerable to jamming. The anti-jamming communication of VANETs can be significantly improved by using unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) to relay the OBU message. UAVs help relay the OBU message to improve the signal-to-interference-plus-noise-ratio of the OBU signals, and thus reduce the bit-error-rate of the OBU message, especially if the serving RSUs are blocked by jammers and/or interference, which is also demonstrated in this book.This book serves as a useful reference for researchers, graduate students, and practitioners seeking solutions to VANET communication and security related issues.

Learning Bio-Micro-Nanotechnology

by null Mel I. Mendelson

Learning Bio-Micro-Nanotechnology is a primer on micro/nanotechnology that teaches the vocabulary, fundamental concepts, and applications of micro/nanotechnology in biology, chemistry, physics, engineering, electronics, computers, biomedicine, microscopy, ethics, and risks to humankind. It provides an introduction into the small world with a low fo

Learning by Doing with National Instruments Development Boards

by Jivan Shrikrishna Parab Ingrid Anne Nazareth Rajendra S. Gad Gourish Naik

Learning by Doing with National Instruments Development Boards starts with a brief introduction to LabVIEW programming, which is required to explore the National Instrument platform, an introduction that includes detailed installation and licensing setup. Further, it gives the features and configuration setup of NI SPEEDY-33, NI ELVIS and myRIO boards. The focus of the book is on worked-out case studies for students working in different areas of electronics such as basic digital design, biomedical instrumentation, sensors and measurement. Data acquisition using SPEEDY-33, NI –ELVIS and myRIO kits is also odiscussed. The book also examines the myRIO platform.

Learning Cassandra for Administrators

by Vijay Parthasarathy

This book is a practical, hands-on guide, taking the reader from the basics of using Cassandra though to the installation and the running.Learning Cassandra for Administrators is for administrators who manage a large deployment of Cassandra clusters, and support engineers who would like to install the monitoring tools and who are also in charge of making sure the cluster stays the same, ensuring that the service is always up and running.

Learning, Creating, and Using Knowledge: Concept Maps as Facilitative Tools in Schools and Corporations

by Joseph D. Novak

This fully revised and updated edition of Learning, Creating, and Using Knowledge recognizes that the future of economic well being in today's knowledge and information society rests upon the effectiveness of schools and corporations to empower their people to be more effective learners and knowledge creators. Novak’s pioneering theory of education presented in the first edition remains viable and useful. This new edition updates his theory for meaningful learning and autonomous knowledge building along with tools to make it operational ─ that is, concept maps, created with the use of CMapTools and the V diagram. The theory is easy to put into practice, since it includes resources to facilitate the process, especially concept maps, now optimised by CMapTools software. CMapTools software is highly intuitive and easy to use. People who have until now been reluctant to use the new technologies in their professional lives are will find this book particularly helpful. Learning, Creating, and Using Knowledge is essential reading for educators at all levels and corporate managers who seek to enhance worker productivity.

Learning Curves: Theory, Models, and Applications (Systems Innovation Book Series)

by Mohamad Y. Jaber

Written by international contributors, Learning Curves: Theory, Models, and Applications first draws a learning map that shows where learning is involved within organizations, then examines how it can be sustained, perfected, and accelerated. The book reviews empirical findings in the literature in terms of different sources for learning and partia

Learning Decision Sequences For Repetitive Processes—Selected Algorithms (Studies in Systems, Decision and Control #401)

by Wojciech Rafajłowicz

This book provides tools and algorithms for solving a wide class of optimization tasks by learning from their repetitions. A unified framework is provided for learning algorithms that are based on the stochastic gradient (a golden standard in learning), including random simultaneous perturbations and the response surface the methodology. Original algorithms include model-free learning of short decision sequences as well as long sequences—relying on model-supported gradient estimation. Learning is based on whole sequences of a process observation that are either vectors or images. This methodology is applicable to repetitive processes, covering a wide range from (additive) manufacturing to decision making for COVID-19 waves mitigation. A distinctive feature of the algorithms is learning between repetitions—this idea extends the paradigms of iterative learning and run-to-run control. The main ideas can be extended to other decision learning tasks, not included in this book. The text is written in a comprehensible way with the emphasis on a user-friendly presentation of the algorithms, their explanations, and recommendations on how to select them. The book is expected to be of interest to researchers, Ph.D., and graduate students in computer science and engineering, operations research, decision making, and those working on the iterative learning control.

Learning, Design, and Technology: An International Compendium of Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy

by J. Michael Spector Barbara B. Lockee Marcus D. Childress

The multiple, related fields encompassed by this Major Reference Work represent a convergence of issues and topics germane to the rapidly changing segments of knowledge and practice in educational communications and technology at all levels and around the globe. There is no other comparable work that is designed not only to gather vital, current, and evolving information and understandings in these knowledge segments but also to be updated on a continuing basis in order to keep pace with the rapid changes taking place in the relevant fields. The Handbook is composed of substantive (5,000 to 15,000 words), peer-reviewed entries that examine and explicate seminal facets of learning theory, research, and practice. It provides a broad range of relevant topics, including significant developments as well as innovative uses of technology that promote learning, performance, and instruction. This work is aimed at researchers, designers, developers, instructors, and other professional practitioners.

Learning Engineering Practice

by James Trevelyan

This book explains engineering practice, what engineers actually do in their work. The first part explains how to find paid engineering work and prepare for an engineering career. The second part explains the fundamentals of engineering practice, including how to gain access to technical knowledge, how to gain the willing collaboration of other people to make things happen, and how to work safely in hazardous environments. Other chapters explain engineering aspects of project management missed in most courses, how to create commercial value from engineering work and estimate costs, and how to navigate cultural complexities successfully. Later chapters provide guidance on sustainability, time management and avoiding the most common frustrations encountered by engineers at work. This book has been written for engineering students, graduates and novice engineers. Supervisors, mentors and human resources professionals will also find the book helpful to guide early-career engineers and assess their progress. Engineering schools will find the book helpful to help students prepare for professional internships and also for creating authentic practice and assessment exercises.

Learning Engineering Toolkit: Evidence-Based Practices from the Learning Sciences, Instructional Design, and Beyond

by Jim Goodell Janet Kolodner

The Learning Engineering Toolkit is a practical guide to the rich and varied applications of learning engineering, a rigorous and fast-emerging discipline that synthesizes the learning sciences, instructional design, engineering design, and other methodologies to support learners. As learning engineering becomes an increasingly formalized discipline and practice, new insights and tools are needed to help education, training, design, and data analytics professionals iteratively develop, test, and improve complex systems for engaging and effective learning. Written in a colloquial style and full of collaborative, actionable strategies, this book explores the essential foundations, approaches, and real-world challenges inherent to ensuring participatory, data-driven, learning experiences across populations and contexts.

Learning Engineering Toolkit: Evidence-Based Practices from the Learning Sciences, Instructional Design, and Beyond

by Jim Goodell Janet Kolodner

The Learning Engineering Toolkit is a practical guide to the rich and varied applications of learning engineering, a rigorous and fast-emerging discipline that synthesizes the learning sciences, instructional design, engineering design, and other methodologies to support learners. As learning engineering becomes an increasingly formalized discipline and practice, new insights and tools are needed to help education, training, design, and data analytics professionals iteratively develop, test, and improve complex systems for engaging and effective learning. Written in a colloquial style and full of collaborative, actionable strategies, this book explores the essential foundations, approaches, and real-world challenges inherent to ensuring participatory, data-driven, learning experiences across populations and contexts."Introduction: What Is Learning Engineering?", "Chapter 1: Learning Engineering is a Process", and "Chapter 2: Learning Engineering Applies the Learning Sciences" are freely available as downloadable Open Access PDFs at under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives (CC-BY-NC-ND) 4.0 license.

Learning Environment and Design: Current and Future Impacts (Educational Communications and Technology Yearbook)

by Will W. K. Ma Kar-Wai Tong Wing Bo Anna Tso

This special edition of the Educational Communications and Technology Yearbook Series bears a title of “Learning Environment and Design: Current and Future Impact”. It provides a timely forum to share theoretical and practical insights in both the local and international contexts in response to the fact that new media and technologies have infiltrated and shaped the learning environments from mere physical spaces into multifaceted possibilities, impacting the ways individuals teach and learn. Designs of learning environments to harness technologies appropriately to engage learners better, as well as the roles of learners and educators play in this changing learning environment, are examples of important global issues in the discourse of the contemporary educational developments. Having gathered a diverse collection of research papers written by scholars and practitioners in the fields of education, communication and humanities across Asia, Australasia, Europe and the United States, this book gives readers a cross-cultural background on the developments of technological designs and educational practices, investigating areas in redefining of quality education; online learning and blended learning; new media in education; gamification, AI, and innovative learning technologies. Aimed to catalyze knowledge exchanges and provide fresh views on interdisciplinary research, the book sheds light on how emerging technologies can be adapted in the fields of education and communication, so as to facilitate the current and future designs of learning environments to improve learners’ performances.

Learning Factories: Featuring New Concepts, Guidelines, Worldwide Best-Practice Examples

by Eberhard Abele Joachim Metternich Michael Tisch Antonio Kreß

This book presents the state of the art of learning factories. It outlines the motivations, historic background, and the didactic foundations of learning factories. Definitions of the term learning factory and an updated morphological model are provided as well as a detailed overview of existing learning factory approaches in industry and academia, showing the broad range of different applications and varying contents in all continents. International learning factory best-practice examples are presented in detailed and structured manner. The state of the art of learning factories curricula design and their use to enhance learning and research as well as potentials and limitations are presented. Further research priorities and innovative learning factory concepts to overcome current barriers are offered. While today numerous learning factories have been built in industry (big automotive companies, pharma companies, etc.) and academia in the last decades, a comprehensive handbook for the scientific community and practitioners alike is still missing. The book addresses therefore both researchers in production-related areas that want to conduct industry-relevant research and education, as well as managers and engineers in industry, who are searching for an effective way to train their employees. In addition to this, the learning factory concept is also regarded as an innovative learning concept in the field of didactics.

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