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Learning from Animations in Science Education: Innovating in Semiotic and Educational Research (Innovations in Science Education and Technology #25)

by Len Unsworth

This book examines educational semiotics and the representation of knowledge in school science. It discusses the strategic integration of animation in science education. It explores how learning through the creation of science animations takes place, as well as how animation can be used in assessing student’s science learning. Science education animations are ubiquitous in a variety of different online sites, including perhaps the most popularly accessed YouTube site, and are also routinely included as digital augmentations to science textbooks. They are popular with students and teachers and are a prominent feature of contemporary science teaching. The proliferation of various kinds of science animations and the ready accessibility of sophisticated resources for creating them have emphasized the importance of research into various areas: the nature of the semiotic construction of knowledge in the animation design, the development of critical interpretation of available animations, the strategic selection and use of animations to optimize student learning, student creation of science animations, and using animation in assessing student science learning. This book brings together new developments in these research agendas to further multidisciplinary perspectives on research to enhance the design and pedagogic use of animation in school science education. Chapter 1 is available open access under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License via

Learning from Data Streams in Evolving Environments: Methods And Applications (Studies in Big Data #41)

by Moamar Sayed-Mouchaweh

This edited book covers recent advances of techniques, methods and tools treating the problem of learning from data streams generated by evolving non-stationary processes. The goal is to discuss and overview the advanced techniques, methods and tools that are dedicated to manage, exploit and interpret data streams in non-stationary environments. The book includes the required notions, definitions, and background to understand the problem of learning from data streams in non-stationary environments and synthesizes the state-of-the-art in the domain, discussing advanced aspects and concepts and presenting open problems and future challenges in this field. Provides multiple examples to facilitate the understanding data streams in non-stationary environments;Presents several application cases to show how the methods solve different real world problems;Discusses the links between methods to help stimulate new research and application directions.

Learning from VLSI Design Experience

by Weng Fook Lee

This book shares with readers practical design knowledge gained from the author’s 24 years of IC design experience. The author addresses issues and challenges faced commonly by IC designers, along with solutions and workarounds. Guidelines are described for tackling issues such as clock domain crossing, using lockup latch to cross clock domains during scan shift, implementation of scan chains across power domain, optimization methods to improve timing, how standard cell libraries can aid in synthesis optimization, BKM (best known method) for RTL coding, test compression, memory BIST, usage of signed Verilog for design requiring +ve and -ve calculations, state machine, code coverage and much more. Numerous figures and examples are provided to aid the reader in understanding the issues and their workarounds.

Learning from Wind Power

by Joseph Szarka Richard Cowell Geraint Ellis Peter A. Strachan Charles Warren

Bringing together contributions from leading researchers, this volume reflects on the political, institutional and social factors that have shaped the recent expansion of wind energy, and to consider what lessons this experience may provide for the future expansion of other renewable technologies.

Learning GIS Using Open Source Software: An Applied Guide for Geo-spatial Analysis

by Kakoli Saha Yngve K. Frøyen

This book introduces the usage, functionality, and application of data in geographic information systems (GIS) for geo-spatial analysis. It offers knowledge on GIS tools and techniques and explains how they can be applied in real-world project to architects and planners in the Indian and the Greater South Asian context using open-source software. The volume explains concepts on planning and architectural tasks, their data, methods and requirements followed, and includes GIS-related exercises on the same tasks. It takes the reader through the concepts of geo-spatial analysis and its referencing system while quoting examples from India. Further, the content of the book will help the planners involved in preparing GIS-based master planning for cities under the Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation (AMRUT) scheme (see Glossary for details). A practical guidebook providing a step-by-step guide to learn open source GIS, this book will be useful for students, scholars and professionals from the field of architecture and planning, geography and other spatial sciences, instructors of GIS course on planning and architecture, urban and regional planners, transport planners, urban design, landscape architects, environmental planners, departments of town and country planning, and development authorities. It will also be useful for anyone interested in the geospatial analysis.

Learning How to Learn Using Multimedia (Lecture Notes in Educational Technology)

by Deepanjali Mishra Yuangshan Chuang

This book introduces the concept of multimedia in education, and how multimedia technology could be implemented to impart digital education to university students. The book emphasizes the versatile use of technology enabled education through the research papers from distinguished academicians and researchers who are specifically working in this area. It benefits all those researchers who are enthusiastic about learning online and also for those academicians who are interested to work on various aspects of learning and teaching through technology.​

Learning ICT with Science (Teaching ICT through the Primary Curriculum)

by Andrew Hamill

Providing practical guidance on enhancing learning through ICT in science, this book is made up of a series of projects that supplement, augment and extend the QCA ICT scheme and provide much-needed links with Units in other subjects’ schemes of work. It includes: fact cards that support each project and clearly outline its benefits in relation to teaching and learning examples of how activities work in 'real' classrooms links to research, inspection evidence and background reading to support each project adaptable planning examples and practical ideas provided on an accompanying CD ROM. This book is essential reading for all trainee and practising primary teachers.

Learning in a Digital World: Perspective on Interactive Technologies for Formal and Informal Education (Smart Computing and Intelligence)

by Paloma Díaz Andri Ioannou Kaushal Kumar Bhagat J. Michael Spector

This book aims at guiding the educators from a variety of available technologies to support learning and teaching by discussing the learning benefits and the challenges that interactive technology imposes. This guidance is based on practical experiences gathered through developing and integrating them into varied educational settings. It compiles experiences gained with various interactive technologies, offering a comprehensive perspective on the use and potential value of interactive technologies to support learning and teaching. Taken together, the chapters provide a broader view that does not focus exclusively on the uses of technology in educational settings, but also on the impact and ability of technology to improve the learning and teaching processes.The book addresses the needs of researchers, educators and other stakeholders in the area of education interested in learning how interactive technologies can be used to overcome key educational challenges.

Learning in a Digitalized Age: Plugged in, Turned on, Totally Engaged? (World Class Schools Ser.)

by Lawrence Burke

All professional learning communities agree that there is added value in utilizing technologies to enhance and facilitate student success. This volume seeks from us a critical and informed answer to one of the most important educational questions of the day: how successful will learners be in the digital age? Here, writers with real hands-on experience in the field challenge many of the assumptions about teaching and learning in the digital age. It is relevant and important for all those interested and concerned about the kinds of debates, arguments and ideas which are influencing and changing the nature of teaching and learning in the early decades of the 21st century.

Learning in a Digitalized Age: Plugged in, Turned on, Totally Engaged? (World Class Schools Ser.)

by Lawrence Burke

All professional learning communities agree that there is added value in utilizing technologies to enhance and facilitate student success. This volume seeks from us a critical and informed answer to one of the most important educational questions of the day: how successful will learners be in the digital age? Here, writers with real hands-on experience in the field challenge many of the assumptions about teaching and learning in the digital age. It is relevant and important for all those interested and concerned about the kinds of debates, arguments and ideas which are influencing and changing the nature of teaching and learning in the early decades of the 21st century.

Learning in Energy-Efficient Neuromorphic Computing: Algorithm And Architecture Co-design (Wiley - IEEE)

by Nan Zheng Pinaki Mazumder

Explains current co-design and co-optimization methodologies for building hardware neural networks and algorithms for machine learning applications This book focuses on how to build energy-efficient hardware for neural networks with learning capabilities—and provides co-design and co-optimization methodologies for building hardware neural networks that can learn. Presenting a complete picture from high-level algorithm to low-level implementation details, Learning in Energy-Efficient Neuromorphic Computing: Algorithm and Architecture Co-Design also covers many fundamentals and essentials in neural networks (e.g., deep learning), as well as hardware implementation of neural networks. The book begins with an overview of neural networks. It then discusses algorithms for utilizing and training rate-based artificial neural networks. Next comes an introduction to various options for executing neural networks, ranging from general-purpose processors to specialized hardware, from digital accelerator to analog accelerator. A design example on building energy-efficient accelerator for adaptive dynamic programming with neural networks is also presented. An examination of fundamental concepts and popular learning algorithms for spiking neural networks follows that, along with a look at the hardware for spiking neural networks. Then comes a chapter offering readers three design examples (two of which are based on conventional CMOS, and one on emerging nanotechnology) to implement the learning algorithm found in the previous chapter. The book concludes with an outlook on the future of neural network hardware. Includes cross-layer survey of hardware accelerators for neuromorphic algorithms Covers the co-design of architecture and algorithms with emerging devices for much-improved computing efficiency Focuses on the co-design of algorithms and hardware, which is especially critical for using emerging devices, such as traditional memristors or diffusive memristors, for neuromorphic computing Learning in Energy-Efficient Neuromorphic Computing: Algorithm and Architecture Co-Design is an ideal resource for researchers, scientists, software engineers, and hardware engineers dealing with the ever-increasing requirement on power consumption and response time. It is also excellent for teaching and training undergraduate and graduate students about the latest generation neural networks with powerful learning capabilities.

Learning in Governance: Climate Policy Integration in the European Union (Earth System Governance)

by Katharina Rietig

An investigation of the role of learning and its impact on policy change, as exemplified in European Union climate policy integration. Although learning is often considered an important factor in effective environmental governance, it is not clear to what extent learning affects decision making and policy outcomes. In this book, Katharina Rietig examines the role of learning—understood as additional knowledge or experience that is taken into account by policymakers—in earth system governance and policy change. She does this by examining learning in European Union climate policy integration, looking in detail at the examples of the Renewable Energy Directive, its controversial biofuels component, and the greening measures in the Common Agricultural Policy. To examine how learning occurs in the policy process, how to differentiate aspects of learning, and under what conditions learning matters for policy outcomes, Rietig introduces the Learning in Governance Framework, applying it to analyze the EU examples. She finds that policy outcomes are affected through leadership of policy entrepreneurs, who use previously acquired knowledge and past experience to achieve outcomes aligned with their deeper beliefs and policy objectives. She concludes that learning does matter in governance as an intervening variable and can affect policy outcomes in combination with dedicated leadership by policy entrepreneurs who act as learning brokers. Bargaining dominates the policymaking process among actors who represent the interests of different organizations. Rietig&’s theoretical framework, empirical studies, and nuanced analysis offer a new perspective on the relevance of learning in earth system governance.

Learning in Information-Rich Environments

by Delia Neuman

The amount and range of information available to today's students--and indeed to all learners--is unprecedented. Phrases like "the information revolution", "the information (or knowledge) society", and "the knowledge economy" underscore the truism that our society has been transformed by virtually instantaneous access to virtually unlimited information. Thomas Friedman tells us that "The World Is Flat" and that we must devise new political and economic understandings based on the ceaseless communication of information from all corners of the world. The Bush administration tells us that information relating to the "war on terrorism" is so critical that we must allow new kinds of surveillance to keep society safe. Teenage subscribers to social-computing networks not only access information but enter text and video images and publish them widely--becoming the first adolescents in history to be creators as well as consumers of vast quantities of information. If the characteristics of "the information age" demand new conceptions of commerce, national security, and publishing--among other things--it is logical to assume that they carry implications for education as well. In fact, a good deal has been written over the last several decades about how education as a whole must transform its structure and curriculum to accommodate the possibilities offered by new technologies. Far less has been written, however, about how the specific affordances of these technologies--and the kinds of information they allow students to access and create--relate to the central purpose of education: learning. What does "learning" mean in an information-rich environment? What are its characteristics? What kinds of tasks should it involve? What concepts, strategies, attitudes, and skills do educators and students need to master if they are to learn effectively and efficiently in such an environment? How can researchers, theorists, and practitioners foster the well-founded and widespread development of such key elements of the learning process? This book explores these questions and suggests some tentative answers. Drawing from research and theory in three distinct but related fields--learning theory, instructional systems design, and information studies--it presents a way to think about learning that responds directly to the actualities of a world brimming with information. The book is grounded in the work of such key figures in learning theory as Bransford and Anderson & Krathwohl. It draws on such theorists of instructional design as Gagne, Mayer, and Merrill. From information studies, it uses ideas from Buckland, Marchionini, and Wilson (who is known for his pioneering work in "information behavior"--that is, the full range of information seeking and use). The book breaks new ground in bringing together ideas that have run in parallel for years but whose relationship has not been fully explored.

Learning in Information-Rich Environments: I-LEARN and the Construction of Knowledge from Information

by Delia Neuman Mary Jean Tecce DeCarlo Vera J. Lee Stacey Greenwell Allen Grant

The amount and range of information available to today’s students—and indeed to all learners—is unprecedented. If the characteristics of “the information age” demand new conceptions of commerce, national security, and publishing—among other things—it is logical to assume that they carry implications for education as well. Little has been written, however, about how the specific affordances of these technologies—and the kinds of information they allow students to access and create—relate to the central purpose of education: learning. What does “learning” mean in an information-rich environment? What are its characteristics? What kinds of tasks should it involve? What concepts, strategies, attitudes, and skills do educators and students need to master if they are to learn effectively and efficiently in such an environment? How can researchers, theorists, and practitioners foster the well-founded and widespread development of such key elements of the learning process? This second edition continues these discussions and suggests some tentative answers. Drawing primarily from research and theory in three distinct but related fields—learning theory, instructional systems design, and information studies—it presents a way to think about learning that responds directly to the actualities of a world brimming with information. The second edition also includes insights from digital and critical literacies and provides a combination of an updated research-and-theory base and a collection of instructional scenarios for helping teachers and librarians implement each step of the I-LEARN model. The book could be used in courses in teacher preparation, academic-librarian preparation, and school-librarian preparation.

Learning In Real And Virtual Worlds

by Pilar Lacasa

Packed with critical analysis and real-life examples, this book explores how video games can cultivate learning. Lacasa takes several commercial video games and shows how they can be used both in and out of the classroom to teach initiative and problem-solving, encourage creativity, promote literacy, and develop reasoning skills. The result of almost ten years spent discovering video games, learning to play, conversing with their designers and distributors, and working in the classroom with young people and teachers, Lacasa's work uncovers the educational value already present in commercial video games and shows how to integrate games for learning purposes into the curriculum. It is invaluable for anyone wishing to discover the cultural and educational value of this new form of entertainment in an interdisciplinary environment in which psychology, sociology, art, literature, graphic design, and computer programming are all present.

Learning in Science: The Waikato Research

by Beverley Bell

Learning in Science brings together accounts of the five influential and groundbreaking Learning in Science Projects, undertaken by the author over a period of twenty years. Offering comprehensive coverage of the findings and implications of the projects, the book offers insight and inspiration at all levels of science teaching and learning, from primary and secondary school science, to teacher development, and issues of classroom assessment.The book reviews the findings in the light of current science education, and is thematically organised to illuminate continuous and emerging themes and trends, including:* learning* pedagogy* assessment* Maori and science education * curriculum development as teacher development * and research methodology.Learning in Science will be a valuable resource for science teachers, science teacher educators, science education researchers, curriculum developers and policy makers.

Learning in the Age of Digital and Green Transition: Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning (ICL2022), Volume 2 (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems #634)

by Michael E. Auer Wolfgang Pachatz Tiia Rüütmann

We are currently witnessing a significant transformation in the development of education on all levels and especially in post-secondary education. To face these challenges, higher education must find innovative ways to quickly respond to these new needs.These were the aims connected with the 25th International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning (ICL2022), which was held in Vienna, Austria, from September 27 to 30, 2022.Since its beginning in 1998, this conference is devoted to new approaches in learning with a focus on collaborative learning in higher education.This book contains papers in the fields of:• New Learning Models and Applications• Project-Based Learning• Engineering Pedagogy Education• Research in Engineering Pedagogy• Teaching Best Practices• Real World Experiences• Academia-Industry Partnerships• Trends in Master and Doctoral Research.Interested readership includes policymakers, academics, educators, researchers in pedagogy and learning theory, school teachers, the learning industry, further and continuing education lecturers, etc.

Learning in the Age of Digital and Green Transition: Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning (ICL2022), Volume 1 (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems #633)

by Michael E. Auer Wolfgang Pachatz Tiia Rüütmann

We are currently witnessing a significant transformation in the development of education on all levels and especially in post-secondary education. To face these challenges, higher education must find innovative ways to quickly respond to these new needs.These were the aims connected with the 25th International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning (ICL2022), which was held in Vienna, Austria, from September 27 to 30, 2022.Since its beginning in 1998, this conference is devoted to new approaches in learning with a focus on collaborative learning in higher education.This book contains papers in the fields of:• Collaborative Learning• Digital Transition in Education• Technology Enhanced Learning• Advances in Machine and Technology Enhanced Learning• Educational Virtual Environments• Flipped Classrooms• Games in Engineering Education• Entrepreneurship in Engineering EducationInterested readership includes policymakers, academics, educators, researchers in pedagogy and learning theory, school teachers, the learning industry, further and continuing education lecturers, etc.

Learning in the Digital Era: 7th European Lean Educator Conference, ELEC 2021, Trondheim, Norway, October 25–27, 2021, Proceedings (IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology #610)

by Daryl John Powell Erlend Alfnes Marte D. Q. Holmemo Eivind Reke

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 7th European Lean Educator Conference ELEC 2021, hosted in Trondheim, Norway, in October 2021 and sponsored by IFIP WG 5.7. The conference was held virtually. The 42 full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 82 submissions. They are organized in the following thematic sections: Learning Lean; Teaching Lean in the Digital Era; Lean and Digital; Lean 4.0; Lean Management; Lean Coaching and Mentoring; Skills and Knowledge Management; Productivity and Performance Improvement; New Perspectives of Lean.

Learning Internet of Things

by Peter Waher

<P><P>Explore and learn about Internet of Things with the help of engaging and enlightening tutorials designed for Raspberry Pi <P><P>About This Book <P><P>Design and implement state-of-the-art solutions for Internet of Things using different communication protocols, patterns, C# and Raspberry Pi <P><P>Learn the capabilities and differences between popular protocols and communication patterns and how they can be used, and should not be used, to create secure and interoperable services and things A step-by-step hands-on tutorial with complete source code, that provides interoperable solutions for sensors, actuators, controllers, cameras, and protocol brides <P><P>Who This Book Is For <P><P>If you're a developer or electronics engineer who is curious about Internet of Things, then this is the book for you. With only a rudimentary understanding of electronics, Raspberry Pi, or similar credit-card sized computers, and some programming experience using managed code such as C# or Java, you will be taught to develop state-of-the-art solutions for Internet of Things in an instant. <P><P>What You Will Learn <P><P>Know the capabilities and limitations of the HTTP, UPnP, CoAP, MQTT, and XMPP protocols <P><P>Use important communication patterns, such as the request/respond, publish/subscribe, event subscription, asynchronous messaging, and multicasting patterns <P><P>Secure the life cycle of Things on the Internet by using Thing registries and delegation of trust <P><P>Decrease complexity and development time by using Internet of <P><P>Things service platforms <P><P>Understand basic threats on the Internet and implement effective counter measures <P><P>Combine interoperability and security to create open yet secure solutions <P><P>Implement secure, scalable, decentralized, and interoperable architectures and solutions for Internet of Things <P><P>In Detail <P><P>This book starts by exploring the popular HTTP, UPnP, CoAP, MQTT, and XMPP protocols. You will learn how protocols and patterns can put limitations on network topology and how they affect the direction of communication and the use of firewalls. Thing registries and delegation of trust are introduced as important tools to secure the life cycle of Things on the Internet. Once the fundamentals have been mastered, your focus will move to the Internet of Things architecture. A secure architecture is proposed that will take full advantage of the power of Internet of Things and at the same time protect end user integrity and private personal data without losing flexibility and interoperability. <P><P>This book provides you with a practical overview of the existing protocols, communication patterns, architectures, and security issues important to Internet of Things.

Learning Mathematics in a Mobile App-Supported Math Trail Environment (SpringerBriefs in Education)

by Adi Nur Cahyono

This brief presents the results of a study on the development of the mobile app-supported math trail program for learning mathematics. This study is a part of the MathCityMap-Project, a project of the MATIS I Team from IDMI Goethe-Universität Frankfurt, Germany, that comprises math trails around the city that are supported by the use of GPS-enabled mobile phone technology. The project offers an activity that is designed to support students in constructing their own mathematical knowledge by solving the prepared mathematical tasks on the math trail and interacting with the environment, including the digital environment. The brief focuses specifically on the development of a model for a mobile app-supported math trail programme and the implementation of this programme in Indonesia. It offers both an empirical exploration of its implementation as well as critical assessment of students’ motivation in mathematics, their own performance, as well as teachers’ mathematics beliefs. It concludes with a future-forward perspective by recommending strategies for implementation in schools, among the general public of the existing math trails (including its supporting tool). It also discusses strategies for developing and designing new trails and suggests further research in other geographical regions and contexts for continued project development and implementation. Learning Mathematics in a Mobile App-Supported Math Trail Environment articulates an innovative and exciting future for integrating real mathematical tasks and geographic and digital environment into effective mathematics education.

Learning Microsoft Office 2016 Level 1

by Emergent Learning LLC Staff

Microsoft Office 2016 is Microsoft's suite of application software. The Standard version includes Word, Excel, Outlook, and PowerPoint. Other editions may also include Access, Publisher, OneNote, and InfoPath. This book covers Word (the word processing tool), Excel (the spreadsheet tool), PowerPoint (the presentation tool), and Access (the database tool). Because Microsoft Office is an integrated suite, the components can all be used separately or together to create professional-looking documents and to manage data.

Learning Network Services for Professional Development

by Rob Koper

A "Learning Network" is a community of people who help each other to better understand and handle certain events and concepts in work or life. As a result - and sometimes also as an aim - participating in learning networks stimulates personal development, a better understanding of concepts and events, career development, and employability. "Learning Network Services" are Web services that are designed to facilitate the creation of distributed Learning Networks and to support the participants with various functions for knowledge exchange, social interaction, assessment and competence development in an effective way. The book presents state-of-the-art insights into the field of Learning Networks and Web-based services which can facilitate all kinds of processes within these networks.

Learning on the Blog: Collected Posts for Educators and Parents

by Willard H. Richardson

Education reform: We don’t need better, we need different Today’s students are immersed in the digital age, but can our educational system keep up? Best-selling author Will Richardson's comprehensive collection of posts from his acclaimed blog,, spells out the educational reform we must achieve. The book’s entries present a multifaceted vision of the 21st-century classroom and describe how a social media-changed world has created new opportunities for: Project-based learning Student-created media that develops critical thinking Extending learning beyond the classroom and school hours Cooperative and collaborative learning Student empowerment and career readiness

Learning on the Net: A Practical Guide to Enhancing Learning in Primary Classrooms

by Alan Pritchard

First Published in 2005. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

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