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Lecture Notes on Numerical Methods for Hyperbolic Equations

by Elena Vázquez-Cendón

This volume contains the lecture notes of the Short Course on Numerical Methods for Hyperbolic Equations (Faculty of Mathematics, University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain, 2-4 July 2011). The course was organized in recognition of Prof. Eleuterio Toro‘s contribution to education and training on numerical methods for partial differential equation

Lecture Notes on Resource and Environmental Economics (The Economics of Non-Market Goods and Resources #16)

by Anthony C. Fisher

This book, based on lectures on natural and environmental resource economics, offers a nontechnical exposition of the modern theory of sustainability in the presence of resource scarcity. It applies an alternative take on environmental economics, focusing on the economics of the natural environment, including development, computation, and potential empirical importance of the concept of option value, as opposed to the standard treatment of the economics of pollution control. The approach throughout is primarily conceptual and theoretical, though empirical estimation and results are sometimes noted. Mathematics, ranging from elementary calculus to more formal dynamic optimization, is used, especially in the early chapters on the optimal management of exhaustible and renewable resources, but results are always given an economic interpretation. Diagrams and numerical examples are also used extensively.The first chapter introduces the classical economists as the first resource economists, in their discussion of the implications of a limited natural resource base (agricultural land) for the evolution of the wider economy. A later chapter returns to the same concerns, along with others stimulated by the energy and environmental “crises” of the 1970s and beyond. One section considers alternative measures of resource scarcity and empirical findings on their behavior over time. Another introduces the modern concept of sustainability with an intuitive development of the analytics. A chapter on the dynamics of environmental management motivates the concept of option value, shows how to compute it, then demonstrates its importance in an illustrative empirical example. The closing chapter, on climate change, first projects future changes and potential catastrophic impacts, then discusses the policy relevance of both option value and discounting for the very long run.This book is intended for resource and environmental economists and can be read by interested graduate and advanced undergraduate students in the field as well.

Lecture Notes on Theoretical Mechanics

by Jianlin Liu

This book addresses a range of basic and essential topics, selected from the author's teaching and research activities, offering a comprehensive guide in three parts: Statics, Kinematics and Kinetics. Chapter 1 briefly discusses the history of classical and modern mechanics, while Chapter 2, presents preliminary knowledge, preparing readers for the subsequent chapters. Chapters 3 to 7 introduce statics, force analysis, simplification of force groups, equilibrium of the general coplanar force group, and the center of the parallel force group. The Kinematics section (Chapters 8 to 10), covers the motion of a particle, basic motion and planar motion of a rigid body.Lastly, the Kinetics section (Chapters 11 to 14) explores Newton’s law of motion, theorem of momentum, theorem of angular momentum, and theorem of kinetic energy. With numerous examples from engineering, illustrations, and step-by-step tutorials, the book is suitable for both classroom use and self-study. After completing the course, students will be able to simplify complex engineering structures and perform force and motion analyses on particles and structures, preparing them for further study and research. The book can be used as a textbook for undergraduate courses on fundamental aspects of theoretical mechanics, such as aerospace, mechanical engineering, petroleum engineering, automotive and civil engineering, as well as material science and engineering.

Lectures in Classical Mechanics: With Solved Problems and Exercises (Undergraduate Lecture Notes in Physics)

by Victor Ilisie

This exceptionally well-organized book uses solved problems and exercises to help readers understand the underlying concepts of classical mechanics; accordingly, many of the exercises included are of a conceptual rather than practical nature. A minimum of necessary background theory is presented, before readers are asked to solve the theoretical exercises. In this way, readers are effectively invited to discover concepts on their own. While more practical exercises are also included, they are always designed to introduce readers to something conceptually new. Special emphasis is placed on important but often-neglected concepts such as symmetries and invariance, especially when introducing vector analysis in Cartesian and curvilinear coordinates. More difficult concepts, including non-inertial reference frames, rigid body motion, variable mass systems, basic tensorial algebra, and calculus, are covered in detail. The equations of motion in non-inertial reference systems are derived in two independent ways, and alternative deductions of the equations of motion for variable mass problems are presented. Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formulations of mechanics are studied for non-relativistic cases, and further concepts such as inertial reference frames and the equivalence principle are introduced and elaborated on.

Lectures in Geochemistry

by Alexey B. Ptitsyn

This book is a brief summary of the course of lectures in Geochemistry for undergraduate and graduate students from other than Geological Departments (chemists, biologists, ecologists and naturalists). It describes the Earth’s structure and some geological processes. <P><P>The modern geochemical concepts take proper account of global geological processes and the influence of Cosmos. They are based on the laws and approaches of equilibrium and non-equilibrium thermodynamics. The cycles of energy and chemical elements within the Earth are interrelated with the global geochemical cycle. <P><P>In addition to the traditional Geochemistry course, this book offers Geochemistry of microorganisms, Geochemistry of dispersed systems, Geochemistry of cryogenesis, and Geochemistry of cryptobiosphere. <P><P>Features: <li>Provides the reader with a general idea of the Earth’s chemical life and its related global geological events <li>Offers a concise and clear description of the modern concepts in Geochemistry, including new directions such as Geochemistry of Cryogenesis, Geochemistry of Disperse Systems, Geochemistry of Microorganisms, and Geochemistry of Cryptobiosphere <li>Implies a wide application of the thermodynamic approach. <li>Useful for students who, though lacking in geology basics, are experienced in chemistry and biology

Lectures Notes on Advanced Structured Materials (Advanced Structured Materials #153)

by Holm Altenbach Michael Johlitz Markus Merkel Andreas Öchsner

The book on advanced structured materials is designed to facilitate teaching and informal discussion in a supportive and friendly environment. The book provides a forum for postgraduate students to present their research results and train their presentation and discussion skills. Furthermore, it allows for extensive discussion of current research being conducted in the wider area of advanced structured materials. Doing so, it builds a wider postgraduate community and offers networking opportunities for early career researchers. In addition to focused lectures, the book provides specialized teaching/overview lectures from experienced senior academics. The 2022 Postgraduate Seminar entitled “Advanced Structured Materials: Development - Manufacturing - Characterization – Applications” was held from February 28th till March 4th, 2022, in Malta. The book that presented postgraduate lectures had a strong focus on polymer mechanics, composite materials, and additive manufacturing.

Lectures Notes on Advanced Structured Materials 2 (Advanced Structured Materials #203)

by Holm Altenbach Leonhard Hitzler Michael Johlitz Markus Merkel Andreas Öchsner

The postgraduate seminar series on advanced structured materials is designed to facilitate teaching and informal discussion in a supportive and friendly environment. The seminar provides a forum for postgraduate students to present their research results and train their presentation and discussion skills. Furthermore, it allows for extensive discussion of current research being conducted in the wider area of advanced structured materials. Doing so, it builds a wider postgraduate community and offers networking opportunities for early career researchers. In addition to focused lectures, the seminar provides specialized teaching/overview lectures from experienced senior academics. The 2023 Postgraduate Seminar entitled “Advanced Structured Materials: Development - Manufacturing - Characterization – Applications” was held from 20th till 24th February 2023 in Barcelona. The presented postgraduate lectures had a strong focus on polymer mechanics, composite materials, and additive manufacturing.

Lectures on Digital Design Principles (River Publishers Series in Electronic Materials, Circuits and Devices)

by Pinaki Mazumder Idongesit E. Ebong

Lectures on Digital Design Principles provides students an accessible reference for engaging with the building blocks of digital logic design. The book is an aggregation of lectures for an introductory course and provides a conversational style to better engage with students. Since the text is developed from lectures, important and foundational concepts are highlighted without tedious proofs. With respect to subject matter, students are introduced to different methods of abstracting digital systems, along with the strengths and weaknesses of these different methods. For example, Boolean logic can be represented as algebraic equations, gate level diagrams, switching circuits, truth tables, etc. Strengths and drawbacks to these representations are discussed in the context of Boolean minimization and electronic design automation. The text also delves into dynamic behavior of digital circuits with respect to timing in combinational circuits and state transitions in sequential circuits.

Lectures on Kinetic Processes in Materials

by Han-Ill Yoo

This book provides beginning graduate or senior-level undergraduate students in materials disciplines with a primer of the fundamental and quantitative ideas on kinetic processes in solid materials. Kinetics is concerned with the rate of change of the state of existence of a material system under thermodynamic driving forces. Kinetic processes in materials typically involve chemical reactions and solid state diffusion in parallel or in tandem. Thus, mathematics of diffusion in continuum is first dealt with in some depth, followed by the atomic theory of diffusion and a brief review of chemical reaction kinetics. Chemical diffusion in metals and ionic solids, diffusion-controlled kinetics of phase transformations, and kinetics of gas-solid reactions are examined. Through this course of learning, a student will become able to predict quantitatively how fast a kinetic process takes place, to understand the inner workings of the process, and to design the optimal process of material state change.Provides students with the tools to predict quantitatively how fast a kinetic process takes place and solve other diffusion related problems;Learns fundamental and quantitative ideas on kinetic processes in solid materials;Examines chemical diffusion in metals and ionic solids, diffusion-controlled kinetics of phase transformations, and kinetics of gas-solid reactions, among others;Contains end-of chapter exercise problems to help reinforce students' grasp of the concepts presented within each chapter.

Lectures on Nonlinear Dynamics (Understanding Complex Systems)

by José Roberto Castilho Piqueira Carlos Eduardo Nigro Mazzilli Celso Pupo Pesce Guilherme Rosa Franzini

This book presents a compilation of lectures delivered at the São Paulo School of Advanced Sciences on Nonlinear Dynamics, categorized into four groups: parametric resonance, nonlinear modal analysis and model reduction, synchronization, and strongly nonlinear dynamics. Interwoven seamlessly, these groups cover a wide range of topics, from fundamental concepts to practical applications, catering to both introductory and advanced readers. The first group, consisting of chapters 1 and 2, serves as an introduction to the theory of parametric resonance and the dynamics of parametrically excited slender structures. Chapters 3, 4, and 5 form the second group, offering insights into normal forms, nonlinear normal modes, and nonlinear system identification. Chapters 6 and 7 delve into asynchronous modes of structural vibration and master-slave topologies for time signal distribution within synchronous systems, respectively, representing the third group. Finally, the last four chapters tackle the fourth group, exploring nonlinear dynamics of variable mass oscillators, advanced analytical methods for strong nonlinear vibration problems, chaos theory, and dynamic integrity from the perspectives of safety and design. This book harmoniously combines theoretical depth and practical relevance to provide a comprehensive understanding of nonlinear dynamics.

Lectures on Phase Field

by Ingo Steinbach Hesham Salama

This open access textbook fills a gap, in that it introduces readers to the theory and applications of the Phase-Field technique. Phase Field, over the years, has emerged as a standard tool for materials research, just as the Finite-Element technique has in structure mechanics. Whereas the few existing textbooks on this topic are intended for advanced readers, this one is made accessible to the widest possible audience, through an engaging, lecture format. The content grows out of a course the authors teach for graduate students at Ruhr-University Bochum. Even readers who may, at first, have no clue at all what a “Phase Field” is and for what it is used, are invited on a journey from general physics of thermodynamics and wave mechanics, through applications in all fields of materials science, up to the central questions of physical being. On this journey all the necessary techniques are detailed, mostly formulated in a mathematical language easily understood by engineers and natural scientists.

Lectures on Quantum Mechanics: With Problems, Exercises and Solutions (Graduate Texts in Physics)

by Jean-Louis Basdevant

Beautifully illustrated and engagingly written, Twelve Lectures in Quantum Mechanics presents theoretical physics with a breathtaking array of examples and anecdotes. Basdevant’s style is clear and stimulating, in the manner of a brisk lecture that can be followed with ease and enjoyment. Here is a sample of the book’s style, from the opening of Chapter 1: "If one were to ask a passer-by to quote a great formula of physics, chances are that the answer would be ‘E = mc2’…. There is no way around it: all physics is quantum, from elementary particles, to stellar physics and the Big Bang, not to mention semiconductors and solar cells."

Lectures on Visco-Plastic Fluid Mechanics (CISM International Centre for Mechanical Sciences #583)

by Guillaume Ovarlez Sarah Hormozi

The book is designed for advanced graduate students as well as postdoctoral researchers across several disciplines (e.g., mathematics, physics and engineering), as it provides them with tools and techniques that are essential in performing research on the flow problems of visco-plastic fluids. The following topics are treated: analysis of classical visco-plastic fluid modelsmathematical modeling of flows of visco-plastic fluidscomputing flows of visco-plastic fluidsrheology of visco-plastic fluids and visco-plastic suspensionsapplication of visco-plastic fluids in engineering sciencescomplex flows of visco-plastic fluids.

LED-Based Photoacoustic Imaging: From Bench to Bedside (Progress in Optical Science and Photonics #7)

by Mithun Kuniyil Ajith Singh

This book highlights the use of LEDs in biomedical photoacoustic imaging. In chapters written by key opinion leaders in the field, it covers a broad range of topics, including fundamentals, principles, instrumentation, image reconstruction and data/image processing methods, preclinical and clinical applications of LED-based photoacoustic imaging. Apart from preclinical imaging studies and early clinical pilot studies using LED-based photoacoustics, the book includes a chapter exploring the opportunities and challenges of clinical translation from an industry perspective. Given its scope, the book will appeal to scientists and engineers in academia and industry, as well as medical experts interested in the clinical applications of photoacoustic imaging.

LED-Based Visible Light Communications (Signals and Communication Technology)

by Nan Chi

The book systematically introduces the visible light communication (VLC) technology in detail. Basic concepts and how to realize the system are both illustrated, including the transmitter, channel, and the receiver. In addition, a good many experimental results are presented to help readers further understand the VLC technologies. The upper-layer protocols of visible light communication system and the technology trends are also discussed. This book can be a good reference work for researchers, engineers, and graduate students in the fields of communications, LED, and optics.

LED Lighting: A Primer to Lighting the Future

by Sal Cangeloso

We’re on the brink of a lighting revolution with light-emitting diodes—the tiny LEDs you’ve seen in electronic devices for years. With this practical guide, you’ll go behind the scenes to see how and why manufacturers are now designing LED devices to light everything from homes and offices to streets and warehouses.Author Sal Cangeloso shows you the working parts of a “simple” LED bulb and explains the challenges electronics companies face as they push LED lighting into the mainstream. You’ll learn how you can use LEDs now, and why solid state lighting will bring dramatic changes in the near future.Explore the drivers, phosphors, and integrated circuits in a typical LED bulbUnderstand the challenges in producing LED bulbs with acceptable brightness, color temperature, and power consumptionLearn about non-bulb LED applications, including lamps, street lights, and signageDiscover the market forces driving—and impeding—the adoption of LED lightingCompare LEDs to compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) and electron-stimulated luminescence (ESL) bulbsGaze into the future of intelligent lighting, including networked lighting systems

LED Lighting for Urban Agriculture

by Toyoki Kozai Kazuhiro Fujiwara Erik S. Runkle

This book focuses on light-emitting diode (LED) lighting, mainly for the commercial production of horticultural crops in plant factories and greenhouses with controlled environments, giving special attention to: 1) plant growth and development as affected by the light environment; and 2) business and technological opportunities and challenges with regard to LEDs. The book contains more than 30 chapters grouped into seven parts: 1) overview of controlled-environment agriculture and its significance; 2) the effects of ambient light on plant growth and development; 3) optical and physiological characteristics of plant leaves and canopies; 4) greenhouse crop production with supplemental LED lighting; 5) effects of light quality on plant physiology and morphology; 6) current status of commercial plant factories under LED lighting; and 7) basics of LEDs and LED lighting for plant cultivation. LED lighting for urban agriculture in the forthcoming decades will not be just an advanced form of current urban agriculture. It will be largely based on two fields: One is a new paradigm and rapidly advancing concepts, global technologies for LEDs, information and communication technology, renewable energy, and related expertise and their methodologies; the other is basic science and technology that should not change for the next several decades. Consideration should be given now to future urban agriculture based on those two fields. The tremendous potentials of LED lighting for urban agriculture are stimulating many people in various fields including researchers, businesspeople, policy makers, educators, students, community developers, architects, designers, and entrepreneurs. Readers of this book will understand the principle, concept, design, operation, social roles, pros and cons, costs and benefits of LED lighting for urban agriculture, and its possibilities and challenges for solving local as well as global agricultural, environmental, and social issues.

LED Packaging for Lighting Applications: Design, Manufacturing, and Testing

by Sheng Liu Xiaobing Luo

Since the first light-emitting diode (LED) was invented by Holonyak and Bevacqua in 1962, LEDs have made remarkable progress in the past few decades with the rapid development of epitaxy growth, chip design and manufacture, packaging structure, processes, and packaging materials. LEDs have superior characteristics such as high efficiency, small size, long life, low power consumption, and high reliability. The market for white LED is growing rapidly in various applications. It has been widely accepted that white LEDs will be the fourth illumination source to substitute the incandescent, fluorescent, and high-pressure sodium lamps. With the development of LED chip and packaging technologies, the efficiency of high power white LED will broaden the application markets of LEDs while changing the lighting concepts of our lives. In LED Packaging for Lighting Applications, Professors Liu and Luo cover the full spectrum of design, manufacturing, and testing. Many concepts are proposed for the first time, and readers will benefit from the concurrent engineering and co-design approaches to advanced engineering design of LED products. One of the only books to cover LEDs from package design to manufacturing to testing Focuses on the design of LED packaging and its applications such as road lights Includes design methods and experiences necessary for LED engineers, especially optical and thermal design Introduces novel LED packaging structures and manufacturing processes, such as ASLP Covers reliability considerations, the most challenging problem for the LED industry Provides measurement and testing standards, which are critical for LED development, for both LED and LED fixtures Codes and demonstrations available from the book’s Companion Website This book is ideal for practicing engineers working in design or packaging at LED companies and graduate students preparing for work in industry. This book also provides a helpful introduction for advanced undergraduates, graduates, researchers, lighting designers, and product managers interested in the fundamentals of LED design and production. Color version of selected figures can be found at

LED Packaging Technologies: Design, Manufacture, and Applications

by Luruthudass Annaniah Mohamed Salleh Saheed Rajan Jose

LED Packaging Technologies Up-to-date practitioner’s guide on LED packaging technologies, with application examples from relevant industries, historical insight, and outlook LED Packaging Technologies provides expert insight into current and future trends in LED packaging technologies, discussing the fundamentals of LED packaging technologies, from electrical contact design, thermal management and optical emission, and extraction, to manufacturing technologies, including the JEDEC testing standards, followed by accounts on the main applications of these LED packages in the automotive, consumer electronics, and lighting industries. LED Packaging Technologies includes information on: History of primitive lighting in human civilization to the invention of modern LEDs based lighting, and historic evolution of LED packaging technology Basic light emission and extraction technology in LED packages, covering package design impacting light emission and extraction Medical industry applications of LEDs, especially in healthcare treatments, such as in skin rejuvenation and wound healing and closures Quantum confinement phenomena and size-dependent optical properties of quantum dots, and the advancement of future quantum dot LEDs Covering the fundamentals, design, and manufacturing of LED packaging technology and assisting in removing some of the barriers in the development of LED packaging and new applications, LED Packaging Technologies is an essential source of information for engineers in the LED and lighting industries, as well as researchers in academia.

Lee de Forest

by Mike Adams

The life-long inventor, Lee de Forest invented the three-element vacuum tube used between 1906 and 1916 as a detector, amplifier, and oscillator of radio waves. Beginning in 1918 he began to develop a light valve, a device for writing and reading sound using light patterns. While he received many patents for his process, he was initially ignored by the film industry. In order to promote and demonstrate his process he made several hundred sound short films, he rented space for their showing; he sold the tickets and did the publicity to gain audiences for his invention. Lee de Forest officially brought sound to film in 1919. Lee De Forest: King of Radio, Television, and Film is about both invention and early film making; de Forest as the scientist and producer, director, and writer of the content. This book tells the story of de Forest's contribution in changing the history of film through the incorporation of sound. The text includes primary source historical material, U.S. patents and richly-illustrated photos of Lee de Forest's experiments. Readers will greatly benefit from an understanding of the transition from silent to audio motion pictures, the impact this had on the scientific community and the popular culture, as well as the economics of the entertainment industry.

LEED Green Associate Exam Preparation Guide (v4 Edition)

by Heather C. McCombs

<p>The LEED Green Associate Exam Preparation Guide, LEED v4 Edition is designed to help you pass the LEED Green Associate exam. The exam prep guide captures the critical points you need to know about green building. It also reflects the structure of the exam knowledge and task domains to organize foundational concepts in green building and LEED. <p>The exam prep guide will help you prepare for the exam by emphasizing key terms and providing application learning through practice questions. This resource is intended to be used in conjunction with the exam primary references, including the LEED Core Concepts Guide. Access to a variety of digital resources that enhance learning is also included with this guide.</p>

The Left Hand of Data: Designing Education Data for Justice

by Matthew Berland Antero Garcia

A speculative framework that imagines how we can use education data to promote play, creativity, and social justice over normativity and conformity.Educational analytics tend toward aggregation, asking what a &“normative&” learner does. In The Left Hand of Data, educational researchers Matthew Berland and Antero Garcia start from a different assumption—that outliers are, and must be treated as, valued individuals. Berland and Garcia argue that the aim of analytics should not be about enforcing and entrenching norms but about using data science to break new ground and enable play and creativity. From this speculative vantage point, they ask how we can go about living alongside data in a better way, in a more just way, while also building on the existing technologies and our knowledge of the present.The Left Hand of Data explores the many ways in which we use data to shape the possible futures of young people—in schools, in informal learning environments, in colleges, in libraries, and with educational games. It considers the processes by which students are sorted, labeled, categorized, and intervened upon using the bevy of data extracted and collected from individuals and groups, anonymously or identifiably. When, how, and with what biases are these data collected and utilized? What decisions must educational researchers make around data in an era of high-stakes assessment, surveillance, and rising inequities tied to race, class, gender, and other intersectional factors? How are these complex considerations around data changing in the rapidly evolving world of machine learning, AI, and emerging fields of educational data science? The surprising answers the authors discover in their research make clear that we do not need to wait for a hazy tomorrow to do better today.

Left to Our Own Devices: Outsmarting Smart Technology to Reclaim Our Relationships, Health, and Focus (The\mit Press Ser.)

by Margaret E. Morris

Unexpected ways that individuals adapt technology to reclaim what matters to them, from working through conflict with smart lights to celebrating gender transition with selfies.We have been warned about the psychological perils of technology: distraction, difficulty empathizing, and loss of the ability (or desire) to carry on a conversation. But our devices and data are woven into our lives. We can't simply reject them. Instead, Margaret Morris argues, we need to adapt technology creatively to our needs and values. In Left to Our Own Devices, Morris offers examples of individuals applying technologies in unexpected ways—uses that go beyond those intended by developers and designers. Morris examines these kinds of personalized life hacks, chronicling the ways that people have adapted technology to strengthen social connection, enhance well-being, and affirm identity. Morris, a clinical psychologist and app creator, shows how people really use technology, drawing on interviews she has conducted as well as computer science and psychology research. She describes how a couple used smart lights to work through conflict; how a woman persuaded herself to eat healthier foods when her photographs of salads garnered “likes” on social media; how a trans woman celebrated her transition with selfies; and how, through augmented reality, a woman changed the way she saw her cancer and herself. These and the many other “off-label” adaptations described by Morris cast technology not just as a temptation that we struggle to resist but as a potential ally as we try to take care of ourselves and others. The stories Morris tells invite us to be more intentional and creative when left to our own devices.

Legacies of Dust: Land Use and Labor on the Colorado Plains

by Douglas Sheflin

The Dust Bowl of the 1930s was the worst ecological disaster in American history. When the rains stopped and the land dried up, farmers and agricultural laborers on the southeastern Colorado plains were forced to adapt to new realities. The severity of the drought coupled with the economic devastation of the Great Depression compelled farmers and government officials to combine their efforts to achieve one primary goal: keep farmers farming on the Colorado plains. In The Legacies of Dust Douglas Sheflin offers an innovative and provocative look at how a natural disaster can dramatically influence every facet of human life. Focusing on the period from 1929 to 1962, Sheflin presents the disaster in a new light by evaluating its impact on both agricultural production and the people who fueled it, demonstrating how the Dust Bowl fractured Colorado’s established system of agricultural labor. Federal support, combined with local initiative, instituted a broad conservation regime that facilitated production and helped thousands of farmers sustain themselves during the difficult 1930s and again during the drought of the 1950s. Drawing from western, environmental, transnational, and labor history, Sheflin investigates how the catastrophe of the Dust Bowl and its complex consequences transformed the southeastern Colorado agricultural economy.

The Legacy of John Waldie and Sons: A History of the Victoria Harbour Lumber Company

by Kenneth A. Armson Marjorie Mcleod

At the time of his death in 1907, John Waldie, founder of the Victoria Harbour Lumber Company, was identified as "the second largest lumber operator in Canada." A young Scottish immigrant who came to Wellington Square (now Burlington, Ontario) in 1842, he rose to prominence as a wealthy merchant and ship owner. In 1885 he entered the lumber business. Active in local and federal politics, and a friend of Sir Wilfrid Laurier, he invested capital in mills, people and forests.Local history and genealogical connections are part of the Waldie story, headquartered at Victoria Harbour in Simcoe County. Documentation of the forest that the company logged, their nature, amount and sizes of logs harvested with the descriptions of the forests as they are now, throws new light and shatters some of the current myths.This little-known story provides insights into days of rampant entrepreneurialism, the world of the lumber barons and the overall impact on our Ontario forests.

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