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Libya: Selected Issues (Imf Staff Country Reports #No. 13/151)

by International Monetary Fund. Middle East and Central Asia Dept.

A report from the International Monetary Fund.

Libya: Selected Issues (Imf Staff Country Reports #No. 13/151)

by International Monetary Fund. Middle East and Central Asia Dept.

A report from the International Monetary Fund.

Libya After Qaddafi: Lessons and Implications for the Future

by Christopher S. Chivvis Jeffrey Martini

The 2011 overthrow of Libyan dictator Muammar Qaddafi by internationally backed rebel groups has left Libya's new leaders with a number of post-conflict challenges, including establishing security, building political and administrative institutions, and restarting the economy. This report assesses these challenges, the impact of the limited international role in efforts to overcome them, and possible future roles for the international community.

Licht in der Welt der Nanotechnologie: Ein verständlicher Einstieg in die Grundlagen und Anwendungen (essentials)

by Christian Schneider

Dieses essential gibt einen #65533;berblick #65533;ber die der Nanotechnologie zugrunde liegenden physikalischen Prinzipien, die es heute erm#65533;glichen, mikroskopische Effekte technologisch zu nutzen. Es werden Methoden vorgestellt, welche die Herstellung von Nanostrukturen mit h#65533;chster Pr#65533;zision erlauben. Im letzten Kapitel gibt der Autor einen #65533;berblick #65533;ber spannende technologische Anwendungen, angefangen vom Einsatz von auf Nanotechnologie basierenden Effekten bei Kirchenglasfenstern bis hin zu Solarzellen und CCD-Chips.

Lichtquanten: Die Geschichte des komplexen Konzepts und mentalen Modells von Photonen

by Klaus Hentschel

Dieses Buch besch#65533;ftigt sich mit der Entstehungsgeschichte des komplexen Konzeptes des Photons aus wissenschaftshistorischer, kognitionspsychologischer und naturwissenschaftlicher Sicht. Dabei werden unter anderem sechs verschiedene mentale Modelle des Lichtquantums bzw. Photons diskutiert und der Bogen vom Teilchenmodell Newtons, dem Singularit#65533;tsmodell Einstein und Bohrs bis zum modernen Konzept der Quantisierung des elektromagnetischen Feldes in der Quantenelektrodynamik gespannt. Der Autor besch#65533;ftigt sich zuerst mit der Entwicklungsgeschichte des Photons innerhalb der modernen Physik ab 1900, bevor er die zw#65533;lf semantischen Bedeutungsschichten des Photons ausgehend vom Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts pr#65533;sentiert. Anschlie#65533;end werden die mentalen Modelle im Laufe der Geschichte bis zur Moderne beschrieben und diskutiert und das heutige Modell des Photons besprochen. Das Buch richtet sich sowohl an Naturwissenschaftler mit physikalischem Hintergrund als auch an Wissenscha ftshistoriker und Andere, die sich mit der Begriffs- und Ideengeschichte von Konzepten auseinandersetzen.

Lichtquanten- und Lichtwellenleiter (essentials)

by Reiner Thiele

Reiner Thiele entwickelt neue Modelle für sogenannte Lichtquantenleiter. Dazu beweist er Erhaltungssätze für optische Spannungen und Ströme. Er kreiert Ohm’sche Quantengesetze für die Systemelemente einer Punkt-Punkt-Verbindung beim Wechsel ihrer Ansteuerart und schlägt Dreieck- oder Sägezahn-Impulse als Modulationssignale vor. Dadurch entstehen inverse Gabor-Wavelets im Lichtquantenleiter, mit denen eine schnelle Datenübertragung erfolgen kann und die zu effizienten schaltungstechnischen Lösungen an den Endstellen der Übertragungsstrecke führt.

LiDAR Remote Sensing and Applications (Remote Sensing Applications Series)

by Pinliang Dong Qi Chen

Ideal for both undergraduate and graduate students in the fields of geography, forestry, ecology, geographic information science, remote sensing, and photogrammetric engineering, LiDAR Remote Sensing and Applications expertly joins LiDAR principles, data processing basics, applications, and hands-on practices in one comprehensive source. <P><P>The LiDAR data within this book is collected from 27 areas in the United States, Brazil, Canada, Ghana, and Haiti and includes 183 figures created to introduce the concepts, methods, and applications in a clear context. It provides 11 step-by-step projects predominately based on Esri’s ArcGIS software to support seamless integration of LiDAR products and other GIS data. The first six projects are for basic LiDAR data visualization and processing and the other five cover more advanced topics: from mapping gaps in mangrove forests in Everglades National Park, Florida to generating trend surfaces for rock layers in Raplee Ridge, Utah. <P><P>Features <li>Offers a comprehensive overview of LiDAR technology with numerous applications in geography, forestry and earth science <li>Gives necessary theoretical foundations from all pertinent subject matter areas <li>Uses case studies and best practices to point readers to tools and resources <li>Provides a synthesis of ongoing research in the area of LiDAR remote sensing technology <li>Includes carefully selected illustrations and data from the authors' research projects <li>Before every project in the book, a link is provided for users to download data

Liebe gegen den Strich

by Charlie Cochet A. D. Ferencz

Kelly Sutton ist ein ehrgeiziger junger Amerikaner, der als Praktikant bei der Photonic Royal Society in New London arbeitet. Seit über einem Jahr ist er dem Projekt Mars zugeteilt, das so geheim ist, dass selbst Kelly nicht weiß, worum es sich dabei genau handelt. Er weiß nur, dass seine Mitarbeit an dem Projekt zum Wohl der Menschheit ist. Und mehr interessiert ihn auch nicht. Kellys Welt wird auf den Kopf gestellt, als ihn die Sorge um das merkwürdige Verhalten seines Mentors zufällig über ein streng gehütetes, fürchterliches Geheimnis stolpern lässt. Hinter dem Projekt, das offiziell der Verbesserung des menschlichen Lebens dienen soll, verbirgt sich das Potential zu Gewalt und Vernichtung. Diese schreckliche Erkenntnis zwingt Kelly zu einer Entscheidung. Soll er die Augen vor der Wahrheit verschließen und seinen Job behalten, wie er es immer getan hat, oder soll er seine Karriere riskieren und den Mann retten, der ihm das Herz geraubt hat?

The Lieography of Thomas Edison: The Absolutely Untrue, Totally Made Up, 100% Fake Life Story of the World's Greatest Inventor (Lieographies Ser. #1)

by Alan Katz

Thomas Edison, world-class inventor. You might know that he devised the electric light bulb and the phonograph. But what about his development of train-controlling sticks? Or his airborne way to send pancakes to his Cousin Fran in Texas? You&’re about to be treated to the Lieographical aspects of Thomas Edison&’s life, in this funny, lighthearted, &“all that didn&’t happen&” take on the man whose inventions transformed our daily existence. The book ends with a short—but true—account of Edison&’s life—just enough to encourage kids to find out more on this important historical figure. But even if readers have already learned about Edison, the wacky stories in this tall-tales book will be even more enjoyable.

The Lieutenant Don't Know: One Marine's Story of Warfare and Combat Logistics in Afghanistan

by Jeffrey Clement

“A unique insight into the war experience . . . a realistic picture of what it is like to serve in Afghanistan as a Marine combat logistician” (Small Wars Journal).When he joined the Marines, Jeff Clement was not a high-speed, top-secret recon guy. A logistician instead, he led combat convoys across treacherous terrain in southern Afghanistan through frequent enemy attacks in order to resupply US and British positions. As such, he and his vehicles were a constant target for the resistance, and each movement was a travail, often accompanied by thundering blasts as the insurgents paved their way with IEDs. Every step forward was fraught with danger, even as each objective had to be met. As a Marine Corps lieutenant, he deployed to Afghanistan twice and always found a learning curve, as men previously on the ground were more savvy, and the insurgents, there for the duration, were savvier still.The Lieutenant Don’t Know provides a refreshing look at the nitty-gritty of what our troops have been dealing with in Afghanistan—from the perspective of a young officer who was perfectly willing to learn and take responsibility for his units in a confusing war where combat was not merely on the “front,” but all around and looking over all their roads.“Finally, a readable, honest and gritty account of the dangerous, exhausting labor that keeps ‘The Green Machine’ going.” —Bing West, New York Times–bestselling author of One Million Steps“One of the best war memoirs I’ve ever read . . . a moving, inspiring work, that’s enjoyable as hell, as well.” —Stan R. Mitchell, author of Gravel Road

Life 3.0: Being Human in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

by Max Tegmark

New York Times Best SellerHow will Artificial Intelligence affect crime, war, justice, jobs, society and our very sense of being human? The rise of AI has the potential to transform our future more than any other technology—and there&’s nobody better qualified or situated to explore that future than Max Tegmark, an MIT professor who&’s helped mainstream research on how to keep AI beneficial. How can we grow our prosperity through automation without leaving people lacking income or purpose? What career advice should we give today&’s kids? How can we make future AI systems more robust, so that they do what we want without crashing, malfunctioning or getting hacked? Should we fear an arms race in lethal autonomous weapons? Will machines eventually outsmart us at all tasks, replacing humans on the job market and perhaps altogether? Will AI help life flourish like never before or give us more power than we can handle? What sort of future do you want? This book empowers you to join what may be the most important conversation of our time. It doesn&’t shy away from the full range of viewpoints or from the most controversial issues—from superintelligence to meaning, consciousness and the ultimate physical limits on life in the cosmos.

Life after Fossil Fuels: A Reality Check on Alternative Energy (Lecture Notes in Energy #81)

by Alice J. Friedemann

This book is a reality check of where energy will come from in the future. Today, our economy is utterly dependent on fossil fuels. They are essential to transportation, manufacturing, farming, electricity, and to make fertilizers, cement, steel, roads, cars, and half a million other products. One day, sooner or later, fossil fuels will no longer be abundant and affordable. Inevitably, one day, global oil production will decline. That time may be nearer than we realize. Some experts predict oil shortages as soon as 2022 to 2030. What then are our options for replacing the fossil fuels that turn the great wheel of civilization?Surveying the arsenal of alternatives – wind, solar, hydrogen, geothermal, nuclear, batteries, catenary systems, fusion, methane hydrates, power2gas, wave, tidal power and biomass – this book examines whether they can replace or supplement fossil fuels. The book also looks at substitute energy sources from the standpoint of the energy users. Manufacturing, which uses half of fossil fuels, often requires very high heat, which in many cases electricity can't provide. Industry uses fossil fuels as a feedstock for countless products, and must find substitutes. And, as detailed in the author's previous book, "When Trucks Stop Running: Energy and the Future of Transportation," ships, locomotives, and heavy-duty trucks are fueled by diesel. What can replace diesel?Taking off the rose-colored glasses, author Alice Friedemann analyzes our options. What alternatives should we deploy right now? Which technologies merit further research and development? Which are mere wishful thinking that, upon careful scrutiny, dematerialize before our eyes? Fossil fuels have allowed billions of us to live like kings. Fueled by oil, coal, and natural gas, we changed the equation constraining the carrying capacity of our planet. As fossil fuels peak and then decline, will we fall back to Earth? Are there viable alternatives?

Life After Television

by George Gilder

Predicts that personal computers linked into a global network will soon replace television, and thereby overthrow the tyranny of mass media, renew individual power, and promote democracy worldwide. Urges American business to get on the ball with fiber optics. Reprinted from the 1990 edition published by Whittle Books. No index or bibliography.

Life, Almost: Miscarriage, misconceptions and a search for answers from the brink of motherhood

by Jennie Agg

'Vital and heart-wrenchingly intimate' Leah Hazard'Urgent, fascinating and thought-provoking' Julia Bueno'Thoughtfully researched and beautifully written' Pippa VosperAfter losing four pregnancies with no obvious cause, Jennie Agg set out to understand why miscarriage remains such a profoundly misunderstood, under-researched and under-acknowledged experience.Part-memoir, part-scientific investigation, Life, Almost documents Agg's path to motherhood and her search for answers. Tracing each tentative step of her fifth pregnancy - as her body becomes a creature she does not wish to spook - Agg dismantles the myths that we unquestioningly accept about our reproductive lives:· Why are we told miscarriage can't be prevented when half of all miscarriages are of perfectly healthy embryos?· Why is it normal not to tell anyone you're pregnant for the first three months? · Why don't we know why labour starts? Drawing on pioneering research and interviews with world-leading experts, Life, Almost is a ground-breaking book that will change how you think about miscarriage, and a moving reflection on grief and love at the edge of life as we understand it.

Life and Its Future

by Josephine C. Adams Jürgen Engel

This book is aimed at those who wish to understand more about the molecular basis of life and how life on earth may change in coming centuries. Readers of this book will gain knowledge of how life began on Earth, the natural processes that have led to the great diversity of biological organisms that exist today, recent research into the possibility of life on other planets, and how the future of life on earth faces unprecedented pressures from human-made activities. Readers will obtain a perspective on the potential risks of chemical or nuclear warfare, and the ever-increasing risks from human activities that are causing pollution and climate change with global heating. Readers will also learn about ongoing research efforts to generate “designer lifeforms” through synthetic biology and applications of artificial intelligence. The book makes an integrated, up-to-date, overview of topics often considered as separate fields. It should be valuable to students, teachers, and people who are concerned about the future of life.

Life and Motion of Socio-Economic Units: GISDATA Volume 8

by Andrew U. Frank Jonathan Raper Jean-Paul Cheylan

One of the ongoing problems researchers in geography and GIS have is studying data that is inherently spatial over a long period of time. One of the main hurdles they have to overcome is the study of groups of people classified by their socio-economic status (one of the main means for governments, companies and research organisations to group toget

Life and Research: A Survival Guide for Early-Career Biomedical Scientists (Chicago Guides to Academic Life)

by Paris H. Grey David G. Oppenheimer

Life in a research lab can be daunting, especially for early-career scientists. Personal and professional hurdles abound in bench research, and this book by two seasoned lab professionals is here to help graduate students, postdocs, and staff scientists recognize stumbling blocks and avoid common pitfalls. Building and maintaining a mentoring network, practicing self-care and having a life outside of the lab, understanding that what works perfectly for a labmate might not work for you—these are just a few of the strategies that lab manager and molecular biologist Paris H. Grey and PI and geneticist David G. Oppenheimer wished they had implemented far sooner in their careers. They also offer practical advice on managing research projects, sharing your work on social media, and attending conferences. Above all, they coach early-career scientists to avoid burnout and make the most of every lab experience to grow and learn.

Life and Research: A Survival Guide for Early-Career Biomedical Scientists (Chicago Guides to Academic Life)

by Paris H. Grey David G. Oppenheimer

Life in a research lab can be daunting, especially for early-career scientists. Personal and professional hurdles abound in bench research, and this book by two seasoned lab professionals is here to help graduate students, postdocs, and staff scientists recognize stumbling blocks and avoid common pitfalls. Building and maintaining a mentoring network, practicing self-care and having a life outside of the lab, understanding that what works perfectly for a labmate might not work for you—these are just a few of the strategies that lab manager and molecular biologist Paris H. Grey and PI and geneticist David G. Oppenheimer wished they had implemented far sooner in their careers. They also offer practical advice on managing research projects, sharing your work on social media, and attending conferences. Above all, they coach early-career scientists to avoid burnout and make the most of every lab experience to grow and learn.

Life and Research: A Survival Guide for Early-Career Biomedical Scientists (Chicago Guides to Academic Life)

by Paris H. Grey David G. Oppenheimer

Life in a research lab can be daunting, especially for early-career scientists. Personal and professional hurdles abound in bench research, and this book by two seasoned lab professionals is here to help graduate students, postdocs, and staff scientists recognize stumbling blocks and avoid common pitfalls. Building and maintaining a mentoring network, practicing self-care and having a life outside of the lab, understanding that what works perfectly for a labmate might not work for you—these are just a few of the strategies that lab manager and molecular biologist Paris H. Grey and PI and geneticist David G. Oppenheimer wished they had implemented far sooner in their careers. They also offer practical advice on managing research projects, sharing your work on social media, and attending conferences. Above all, they coach early-career scientists to avoid burnout and make the most of every lab experience to grow and learn.

The Life and Work of Leon Henkin

by María Manzano Ildikó Sain Enrique Alonso

This is a comprehensive book on the life and works of Leon Henkin (1921-2006), an extraordinary scientist and excellent teacher whose writings became influential right from the beginning of his career with his doctoral thesis on "The completeness of formal systems" under the direction of Alonzo Church. Upon the invitation of Alfred Tarski, Henkin joined the Group in Logic and the Methodology of Science in the Department of Mathematics at the University of California Berkeley in 1953. He stayed with the group until his retirement in 1991. This edited volume includes both foundational material and a logic perspective. Algebraic logic, model theory, type theory, completeness theorems, philosophical and foundational studies are among the topics covered, as well as mathematical education. The work discusses Henkin's intellectual development, his relation to his predecessors and contemporaries and his impact on the recent development of mathematical logic. It offers a valuable reference work for researchers and students in the fields of philosophy, mathematics and computer science.

Life Atomic: A History of Radioisotopes in Science and Medicine (Synthesis Ser.)

by Angela N. Creager

After World War II, the US Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) began mass-producing radioisotopes, sending out nearly 64,000 shipments of radioactive materials to scientists and physicians by 1955. Even as the atomic bomb became the focus of Cold War anxiety, radioisotopes represented the government’s efforts to harness the power of the atom for peace—advancing medicine, domestic energy, and foreign relations. In Life Atomic, Angela N. H. Creager tells the story of how these radioisotopes, which were simultaneously scientific tools and political icons, transformed biomedicine and ecology. Government-produced radioisotopes provided physicians with new tools for diagnosis and therapy, specifically cancer therapy, and enabled biologists to trace molecular transformations. Yet the government’s attempt to present radioisotopes as marvelous dividends of the atomic age was undercut in the 1950s by the fallout debates, as scientists and citizens recognized the hazards of low-level radiation. Creager reveals that growing consciousness of the danger of radioactivity did not reduce the demand for radioisotopes at hospitals and laboratories, but it did change their popular representation from a therapeutic agent to an environmental poison. She then demonstrates how, by the late twentieth century, public fear of radioactivity overshadowed any appreciation of the positive consequences of the AEC’s provision of radioisotopes for research and medicine.

Life Below Water (Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals)

by Walter Leal Filho Anabela Marisa Azul Luciana Brandli Amanda Lange Salvia Tony Wall

The problems related to the process of industrialisation such as biodiversity depletion, climate change and a worsening of health and living conditions, especially but not only in developing countries, intensify. Therefore, there is an increasing need to search for integrated solutions to make development more sustainable. The United Nations has acknowledged the problem and approved the “2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development”. On 1st January 2016, the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the Agenda officially came into force. These goals cover the three dimensions of sustainable development: economic growth, social inclusion and environmental protection. The Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals comprehensively addresses the SDGs in an integrated way. It encompasses 17 volumes, each one devoted to one of the 17 SDGs. This volume is dedicated to SDG 14 “Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development". Marine and coastal bio-resources, play an essential role in human well-being and social and economic development. This volume addresses this sustainability challenge providing the description of a range of terms, which allows a better understanding and fosters knowledge about it.Concretely, the defined targets are:Prevent and significantly reduce marine pollution of all kinds, in particular from land-based activities, including marine debris and nutrient pollutionSustainably manage and protect marine and coastal ecosystems to avoid significant adverse impacts, including by strengthening their resilience, and take action for their restoration in order to achieve healthy and productive oceansMinimize and address the impacts of ocean acidification, including through enhanced scientific cooperation at all levelsEffectively regulate harvesting and end overfishing, illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing and destructive fishing practices and implement science-based management plans, in order to restore fish stocks in the shortest time feasible, at least to levels that can produce maximum sustainable yield as determined by their biological characteristicsConserve at least 10 per cent of coastal and marine areas, consistent with national and international law and based on the best available scientific informationProhibit certain forms of fisheries subsidies which contribute to overcapacity and overfishing, eliminate subsidies that contribute to illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing and refrain from introducing new such subsidies, recognizing that appropriate and effective special and differential treatment for developing and least developed countries should be an integral part of the World Trade Organization fisheries subsidies negotiation 16Increase the economic benefits to small island developing states and least developed countries from the sustainable use of marine resources, including through sustainable management of fisheries, aquaculture and tourism Increase scientific knowledge, develop research capacity and transfer marine technology, taking into account the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission Criteria and Guidelines on the Transfer of Marine Technology, in order to improve ocean health and to enhance the contribution of marine biodiversity to the development of developing countries, in particular small island developing states and least developed countriesProvide access for small-scale artisanal fishers to marine resources and marketsEnhance the conservation and sustainable use of oceans and their resources by implementing international law as reflected in the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, which provides the legal framework for the conservation and sustainable use of oceans and their resources, as recalled in paragraph 158 of “The future we want”Editorial Board</di

Life by Algorithms: How Roboprocesses Are Remaking Our World

by Catherine Besteman Hugh Gusterson

Essays on the downsides, dysfunctions, and dangers of automated decision-making: “An excellent survey of the algorithmically managed life.” —ChoiceThe phone systems that businesses use to screen calls. The link between student standardized test scores and public schools’ access to resources. The algorithms that regulate patient diagnoses and reimbursements to doctors. The impenetrable corporate bureaucracy that can drive customers in need of help up the wall—or drive them to suicide.The storage, sorting, and analysis of massive amounts of information have enabled the automation of decision-making at an unprecedented level. Meanwhile, computers have offered a model of cognition that increasingly shapes our approach to the world. The proliferation of “roboprocesses” is the result, as editors Catherine Besteman and Hugh Gusterson observe in this rich and wide-ranging volume, which features contributions from a distinguished cast of scholars in anthropology, communications, international studies, and political science.Though automatic processes are designed to be engines of rational systems, the stories in Life by Algorithms reveal how they can in fact produce absurd, inflexible, or even dangerous outcomes. Joining the call for “algorithmic transparency,” the contributors bring exceptional sensitivity to everyday sociality into their critique to better understand how the perils of modern technology affect finance, medicine, education, housing, the workplace, food production, public space, and emotions—not as separate problems but as linked manifestations of a deeper defect in the fundamental ordering of our society.“‘The Machine Stops,’ E. M. Forster’s 1909 science fiction story, tells the tale of a human society collapsing when the technology upon which it has become dependent fails. Think of [this] volume as ‘The Machine Starts,’ a collection of unsettling ethnographic accounts of the rise of algorithmic governance . . . A necessary and sobering call to arms.” —Stefan Helmreich, Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyContributors include: Catherine Besteman * Alex Blanchette * Robert W. Gehl * Hugh Gusterson * Catherine Lutz * Ann Lutz Fernandez * Joseph Masco * Sally Engle Merry * Keesha M. Middlemass * Noelle Stout * Susan J. Terrio

Life-Cost Approach to Building Evaluation

by Craig Langston

Life-cost approach to building evaluation comprehensively addresses in a reader-friendly, accessible way the fundamentals of life-cost studies in the built environment. It includes the time-value of money, discounted cash-flow analysis, differential price-level movement and affordability fluctuations. Contemporary issues such as occupancy costs, sustainability implications and value adding are also addressed. Replete with illustrations and examples, this innovative book provides a holistic approach to evaluation that integrates life-costing to broader social and environmental criteria.Important features include:- presentation materials to facilitate face-to-face and online learning - review questions- worked tutorial exercises, and- example examination papers.

Life Cycle Analysis and Assessment in Civil Engineering: Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium on Life-Cycle Civil Engineering (IALCCE 2018), 28-31 October 2018, Ghent, Belgium (Life-Cycle of Civil Engineering Systems)

by Robby Caspeele Luc Taerwe Dan M. Frangopol

This volume contains the papers presented at IALCCE2018, the Sixth International Symposium on Life-Cycle Civil Engineering (IALCCE2018), held in Ghent, Belgium, October 28-31, 2018. It consists of a book of extended abstracts and a USB device with full papers including the Fazlur R. Khan lecture, 8 keynote lectures, and 390 technical papers from all over the world.Contributions relate to design, inspection, assessment, maintenance or optimization in the framework of life-cycle analysis of civil engineering structures and infrastructure systems. Life-cycle aspects that are developed and discussed range from structural safety and durability to sustainability, serviceability, robustness and resilience. Applications relate to buildings, bridges and viaducts, highways and runways, tunnels and underground structures, off-shore and marine structures, dams and hydraulic structures, prefabricated design, infrastructure systems, etc. During the IALCCE2018 conference a particular focus is put on the cross-fertilization between different sub-areas of expertise and the development of an overall vision for life-cycle analysis in civil engineering.The aim of the editors is to provide a valuable source of cutting edge information for anyone interested in life-cycle analysis and assessment in civil engineering, including researchers, practising engineers, consultants, contractors, decision makers and representatives from local authorities.

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