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Life on Other Planets: A Memoir of Finding My Place in the Universe
by Aomawa ShieldsAs a child, Aomawa Shields was always bumping into things, her neck craned up at the sky, dreaming of becoming an astronaut. A year into an astrophysics PhD program, plagued by self-doubt and discouraged by a white male professor who suggested that she - a young Black woman who also loved fashion, makeup, and the arts - didn't belong, she left astronomy and pursued acting professionally for a decade, before a day job working for NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope drew her back to the stars. She was the oldest and the only Black student in her PhD cohort. This time, no professor, and no voice in her own head, would stop her.Now an astronomer and astrobiologist at the top of her field, Dr Shields studies the universe outside our solar system, researching and uncovering the planets circling distant stars with just the right conditions that could support life. But it's been a road as winding and complex as the physics she has mastered.Life on Other Planets is a journey of discovery on this world and on others, a story of creating a life that makes space for joy, love and wonder while being driven by one of our biggest questions: is anybody else out there? It is about the possibility of living between multiple worlds and not choosing - but instead charting a new path entirely.
Life on Other Planets: A Memoir of Finding My Place in the Universe
by Aomawa ShieldsAs a child, Aomawa Shields was always bumping into things, her neck craned up at the sky, dreaming of becoming an astronaut. A year into an astrophysics PhD program, plagued by self-doubt and discouraged by a white male professor who suggested that she - a young Black woman who also loved fashion, makeup, and the arts - didn't belong, she left astronomy and pursued acting professionally for a decade, before a day job working for NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope drew her back to the stars. She was the oldest and the only Black student in her PhD cohort. This time, no professor, and no voice in her own head, would stop her.Now an astronomer and astrobiologist at the top of her field, Dr Shields studies the universe outside our solar system, researching and uncovering the planets circling distant stars with just the right conditions that could support life. But it's been a road as winding and complex as the physics she has mastered.Life on Other Planets is a journey of discovery on this world and on others, a story of creating a life that makes space for joy, love and wonder while being driven by one of our biggest questions: is anybody else out there? It is about the possibility of living between multiple worlds and not choosing - but instead charting a new path entirely.
Life Science Ethics
by Gary L. ComstockDoes nature have intrinsic value? Should we be doing more to save wilderness and ocean ecosystems? What are our duties to future generations of humans? Do animals have rights? This revised edition of "Life Science Ethics" introduces these questions using narrative case studies on genetically modified foods, use of animals in research, nanotechnology, and global climate change, and then explores them in detail using essays written by nationally-recognized experts in the ethics field. Part I introduces ethics, the relationship of religion to ethics, how we assess ethical arguments, and a method ethicists use to reason about ethical theories. Part II demonstrates the relevance of ethical reasoning to the environment, land, farms, food, biotechnology, genetically modified foods, animals in agriculture and research, climate change, and nanotechnology. Part III presents case studies for the topics found in Part II.
The Life Scientific: Explorers
by Anna BuckleyInspiring life stories from BBC Radio 4's hit series The Life Scientific'In showing non-scientists why science offers so many paths to discovery it has no equal' Gillian Reynolds, TelegraphBased on Jim Al-Khalili's ground-breaking interviews, The Life Scientific: Explorers takes science out of its box and introduces us to the men and women who make it happen.The explorers featured in this volume include: Michele Dougherty, the mathematician who persuaded the Cassini mission to Saturn to make a diversion; Richard Fortey on his love of trilobites; Monica Grady, Meteorite Lady; neurosurgeon Henry Marsh on slicing through our thoughts; the Director of the British Antarctic Survey, Jane Francis; Jocelyn Bell Burnell describing how she missed out on a Nobel Prize; Brian Cox on quantum mechanics; and Nobel Prize winner John Sulston on why he thought it would be a good idea to sequence the human genome.
The Life Scientific: Explorers
by Anna BuckleyInspiring life stories from BBC Radio 4's hit series The Life Scientific'In showing non-scientists why science offers so many paths to discovery it has no equal' Gillian Reynolds, TelegraphBased on Jim Al-Khalili's ground-breaking interviews, The Life Scientific: Explorers takes science out of its box and introduces us to the men and women who make it happen.The explorers featured in this volume include: Michele Dougherty, the mathematician who persuaded the Cassini mission to Saturn to make a diversion; Richard Fortey on his love of trilobites; Monica Grady, Meteorite Lady; neurosurgeon Henry Marsh on slicing through our thoughts; the Director of the British Antarctic Survey, Jane Francis; Jocelyn Bell Burnell describing how she missed out on a Nobel Prize; Brian Cox on quantum mechanics; and Nobel Prize winner John Sulston on why he thought it would be a good idea to sequence the human genome.
The Life Scientific: Explorers
by Anna BuckleyInspiring life stories from BBC Radio 4's hit series The Life Scientific'In showing non-scientists why science offers so many paths to discovery it has no equal' Gillian Reynolds, TelegraphBased on Jim Al-Khalili's ground-breaking interviews, The Life Scientific: Explorers takes science out of its box and introduces us to the men and women who make it happen.The explorers featured in this volume include: Michele Dougherty, the mathematician who persuaded the Cassini mission to Saturn to make a diversion; Richard Fortey on his love of trilobites; Monica Grady, Meteorite Lady; neurosurgeon Henry Marsh on slicing through our thoughts; the Director of the British Antarctic Survey, Jane Francis; Jocelyn Bell Burnell describing how she missed out on a Nobel Prize; Brian Cox on quantum mechanics; and Nobel Prize winner John Sulston on why he thought it would be a good idea to sequence the human genome.
The Life Scientific: Inventors
by Anna BuckleyWhat does it take to be an inventor? Judging by the ingenious individuals who have come into The Life Scientific studio in the last eight years, there is no simple answer. Mathematicians, electricians, molecular biologists and mechanics can all transform lives. Some think with their hands, others make things in their minds. Most have a vision of the future. All are driven by a passionate determination to solve problems.These intimate accounts, based on interviews recorded for the popular BBC Radio 4 programme The Life Scientific, chart the life journeys of scientists and engineers working in Britain today from childhood interests to innovation. Explaining what they did when and why, they make science seem straightforward and exciting, revealing moments of disappointment, creativity, frustration and joy. The result is an illuminating collection of biographical short stories that make scientists and the work they do accessible to us all.
The Life Scientific: Inventors
by Anna BuckleyWhat does it take to be an inventor?Judging by the ingenious individuals who have come into The Life Scientific studio in the last eight years, there is no simple answer. Mathematicians, electricians, molecular biologists and mechanics can all transform lives. Some think with their hands, others make things in their minds. Most have a vision of the future. All are driven by a passionate determination to solve problems.These intimate accounts, based on interviews recorded for the popular BBC Radio 4 programme The Life Scientific, chart the life journeys of scientists and engineers working in Britain today from childhood interests to innovation. Explaining what they did when and why, they make science seem straightforward and exciting, revealing moments of disappointment, creativity, frustration and joy. The result is an illuminating collection of biographical short stories that make scientists and the work they do accessible to us all.
The Life Scientific: Virus Hunters
by Anna BuckleyBBC Radio 4's celebrated THE LIFE SCIENTIFIC has featured some of the world's most renowned experts in the field of deadly viruses. The interviews make sobering reading, a reminder of all the deadly viruses that have threatened global health, and why for the scientists working on the front line in the war against viruses, the arrival of Covid-19 came as no surprise. Among the contributors to this all-too-timely book are:Jeremy Farrar, before he became Director of the Wellcome Trust, worked in an Infectious Diseases Hospital in Vietnam. He was on the frontline tackling SARS and nine months later a highly pathogenic strain of bird flu, H5N1. Peter Piot was at the forefront of the Ebola epidemic in West Africa. He was the first to identify HIV in Africa. It took him fifteen years to persuade the world that it was also a heterosexual disease. Later as Executive Director of UN AIDS he fought for years to get the UN to take the threat of HIV seriously.Jonathan Ball studies how viruses operate at the molecular level, hoping to find their Achilles' heel and so develop effective vaccines. During the West Africa Ebola epidemic, he studied how the genome of the Ebola virus evolved as it spread from Guinea to Liberia and Sierra Leone. He has shown that as this virus (which more happily lives in bats) infects more humans, it becomes ever more infectious.Wendy Barclay seeks to understand how viruses are able to jump from animals to humans and why some viruses are so much more dangerous to humans than others. Most Londoners had no idea they were infected during the Swine Flu pandemic of 2009. The Bird Flu epidemic in Asia claimed thousands of livesKate Jones is a bat specialist who works on how ecological changes and human behaviour accelerate the spread of animal viruses into humans. Bats have been infected with coronaviruses for more than 10,000 years.
Life Stories: Well-Renowned Scientists Reflect on Their Lives and the Future of Life on Earth
by Heather Newbold"THIS BOOK IS FOR PEOPLE WHO WANT TO KNOW WHAT IS Happening to life on Earth-and to us. This knowledge is so important for our survival that I invited prominent scientists who investigate the planet's life-support system to tell their stories for our benefit. It is rare for scientists to discuss publicly their experiences, emotions, and beliefs because such expression is considered unscientific. This collection of personal and professional reflections is exceptional for its revelation of scientists' private lives and thoughts. Their profound understanding, appreciation, and reverence for life is inspirational and potentially transformative. We can experience it by following the development of their awareness, knowledge, and wisdom through their lives. These leading scientists began their careers in different scientific fields-in chemistry, nuclear physics, engineering, astronomy, and meteorology, as well as in the life sciences. In the forefront of their disciplines, they researched diverse aspects of the biosphere, yet reached convergent conclusions regarding the plight of our planet."
Life Story
by Virginia Lee BurtonEarth takes center stage in this updated version of Virginia Lee Burton's 1962 classic Life Story. Told through five acts, Burton's art and text tell the history of earth from beginning to present day. Readers will gain an in-depth understanding of the planet's history and their leading roles in it today. The book has been updated with cutting-edge science, including up-to-the-minute information on fossil records and the geologic principles. We are thrilled to provide this updated artistic and visionary work in time for the anniversary of Virginia Lee Burton's 100th birthday.
Life Support Systems for Humans in Space
by Erik SeedhouseLife support systems are an integral part of crewed spacecraft designs and habitation systems. This textbook introduces the LSS capabilities that sustain humans who live and work in space, and it is written at a level appropriate for both undergraduate and postgraduate students.The book begins with the basics of space physiology before detailing the features that make up different kinds of life support systems. It includes concise descriptions of how atmospheric pressure is monitored, how oxygen levels are maintained, how waste management is achieved and how water is recycled, and also describes the processes of fire detection and suppression. Several chapters are devoted to chronicling the evolution of life support systems through the decades. Each chapter includes a list of learning objectives, summary sections and review questions. Additionally, various analogs for spaceflight life support systems are examined, including nuclear submarines and our natural life support system here on Earth! Overall, this book serves as an approachable primer for any student seeking to understand the intricacies of spacecraft life support systems.
Life Without Oil: Why We Must Shift to a New Energy Future
by Steve Hallett John WrightHallett (botany and plant pathology, Purdue U. ), who is joined by John Wright, an energy and environmental journalist, contends that oil and natural gas supplies will wane by the end of the century and that society has failed to see this problem and act on it. He describes the history of the world in terms of energy use, how the petroleum interval of the last century fits into larger civilization, and how the rise of civilizations has been a story of human access to increasingly powerful sources of energy and that problems with access to energy have led to societal collapse. He examines problems that are likely to occur in different countries over the next half century, effects on the global economy, and what can be done about them it by considering nuclear power, reconnecting communities, focusing on sustainable agriculture, and recognizing that the laws of ecology override the economy. Annotation ©2011 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (booknews.com)
Lifeboat Sailors: Inside the U.S. Coast Guard's Small Boat Stations
by Dennis L. NobleWritten by a former Coast Guard senior chief, this volume explores the state of the Coast Guard's small boat rescue crews. He tells the stories of a number of rescues. He also explores the bureaucratic structure of the service and recounts complaints of station personnel that the command structure is unresponsive to the needs of the average Coast Guardsman. The Library of Congress cataloging cites the subtitle as "inside the U. S. Coast Guard's small boat stations.
Lifeline Engineering Systems: Network Reliability Analysis and Aseismic Design
by Jie Li Wei LiuThis book, for the first time, introduces comprehensively all main topics of lifeline earthquake engineering, including the structure analysis, network evaluation, and network design. The distinctive features involved in this book are the construction of theories and methods for stochastic analysis of structures based the physical idea, probability analytical algorithms for network evaluation by employing Boolean Algebra, functional evaluation of water distribution networks using hydraulic analysis, and network design methods by employing genetic, simulated annealing, and hybrid algorithms.
Lifelines of Our Society: A Global History of Infrastructure (Infrastructures)
by Dirk van LaakA comprehensive history and examination of global infrastructures and the outsized role they play in our lives.Infrastructure is essential to defining how the public functions, yet there is little public knowledge regarding why and how it became today&’s strongest global force over government and individual lives. Who should build and maintain infrastructures? How are they to be protected? And why are they all in such bad shape? In Lifelines of Our Society, Dirk van Laak offers broad audiences a history of global infrastructures—focused on Western societies, over the past two hundred years—that considers all their many paradoxes. He illustrates three aspects of infrastructure: their development, their influence on nation building and colonialism, and finally, how individuals internalize infrastructure and increasingly become not only its user but regulator.Beginning with public works, infrastructure in the nineteenth century carried the hope that it would facilitate world peace. Van Laak shows how, instead, it transformed to promote consumerism&’s individual freedoms and our notions of work, leisure, and fulfillment. Lifelines of Our Society reveals how today&’s infrastructure is both a source and a reflection of concentrated power and economic growth, which takes the form of cities under permanent construction. Symbols of power, van Laak describes, come with vulnerability, and this book illustrates the dual nature of infrastructure&’s potential to hold nostalgia and inspire fear, to ease movement and govern ideas, and to bring independence to the nuclear family and control governments of the Global South.
Lifelong Kindergarten: Cultivating Creativity through Projects, Passion, Peers, and Play (The\mit Press Ser.)
by Mitchel ResnickHow lessons from kindergarten can help everyone develop the creative thinking skills needed to thrive in today's society.In kindergartens these days, children spend more time with math worksheets and phonics flashcards than building blocks and finger paint. Kindergarten is becoming more like the rest of school. In Lifelong Kindergarten, learning expert Mitchel Resnick argues for exactly the opposite: the rest of school (even the rest of life) should be more like kindergarten. To thrive in today's fast-changing world, people of all ages must learn to think and act creatively—and the best way to do that is by focusing more on imagining, creating, playing, sharing, and reflecting, just as children do in traditional kindergartens.Drawing on experiences from more than thirty years at MIT's Media Lab, Resnick discusses new technologies and strategies for engaging young people in creative learning experiences. He tells stories of how children are programming their own games, stories, and inventions (for example, a diary security system, created by a twelve-year-old girl), and collaborating through remixing, crowdsourcing, and large-scale group projects (such as a Halloween-themed game called Night at Dreary Castle, produced by more than twenty kids scattered around the world). By providing young people with opportunities to work on projects, based on their passions, in collaboration with peers, in a playful spirit, we can help them prepare for a world where creative thinking is more important than ever before.
Lifelong Learning Imperative in Engineering: Summary of a Workshop
by National Academy of Engineering Debasish DuttaThe 21st century is witnessing a rapid increase in the pace of knowledge creation in the sciences and engineering. Competing in this global economy requires a science and engineering workforce that is consistently at the technological forefront. Dr. Charles Vest, President of the National Academy of Engineering, in a speech at the University of Michigan on October 15, 2007, put it simply: prospering in the knowledge age requires people with knowledge. The purpose of the Lifelong Learning Imperative Workshop, summarized in this volume, was to consider learning opportunities for the engineering professional. The participants in the workshop addressed the necessity of lifelong learning, the history of continuing education, possible delivery systems, systems used by other professions, and the current state of learning when viewed in the light of the rapid rate of technological change.
Lifelong Technology-Enhanced Learning: 13th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, EC-TEL 2018, Leeds, UK, September 3-5, 2018, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #11082)
by Viktoria Pammer-Schindler Mar Pérez-Sanagustín Hendrik Drachsler Raymond Elferink Maren ScheffelThis book constitutes the proceedings of the 13th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, EC-TEL 2018, held in Leeds, UK, in September 2018.The 42 full and short papers, 7 demo papers, and 23 poster papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 142 submissions. This year, the European Conference on Technology-Enhanced Learning (EC-TEL) will engage researchers, practitioners, educational developers, entrepreneurs and policy makers in a joint discussion on how to put science, technology and practice at the service of learning to embrace these challenges on the topic: Lifelong technology enhanced learning: Dealing with the complexity of 21st century challenges. Chapter "" is available open access under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License via link.springer.com.
Lifestyle Medicine, Fourth Edition (Lifestyle Medicine Ser.)
by James M. RippeThe fourth edition of Dr. James Rippe’s classic Lifestyle Medicine textbook continues to lead and inform the rapidly growing field of lifestyle medicine. This is the discipline that focuses on the impact of daily habits and actions on both short- and long-term health and quality of life.The first edition of this comprehensive work named the field of lifestyle medicine in the academic medical literature. The fourth edition continues to span and expand the field and offers extensive evidence-based literature in virtually every aspect of lifestyle medicine. This Textbook, edited by cardiologist Dr. James Rippe, who is a leading lifestyle medicine researcher, represents the combined wisdom and recommendations of over 325 experts in virtually every aspect of lifestyle medicine. Chapter authors have been chosen because of their background as leaders in various aspects of lifestyle medicine.Lifestyle Medicine, Fourth Edition contains extensive sections on the treatment and prevention of coronary heart disease,stroke, cancer, diabetes, obesity, substance abuse, dementia, and many other clinical conditions. Key lifestyle modalities such as physical activity, nutrition, weight management, sleep, stress reduction, and positive connections with other humans are supported by detailed discussion and state-of-the-art evidence. The expanded section on behavioral medicine provides an important framework for these discussions. Every chapter has been completely revised and many new topics added, such as lifestyle medicine for nursing, psychiatry, and preventive neurology.The fourth edition of this classic text continues to serve as the leading, comprehensive textbook in lifestyle medicine. The original has been called the “indispensable bible” of lifestyle medicine, and the fourth edition of this work continues to justify this designation.There is no longer any serious doubt that daily habits and actions have a significant impact on multiple aspects of health. The fourth edition of Lifestyle Medicine provides the scientific evidence to support this assertion and will serve as an invaluable reference and guide, not only to lifestyle medicine practitioners but to all primary care physicians, subspecialty physicians, nurses, and other healthcare practitioners.
Lifetime Analysis by Aging Intensity Functions (Studies in Systems, Decision and Control #196)
by Magdalena SzymkowiakThis book addresses a range of aging intensity functions, which make it possible to measure and compare aging trends for lifetime random variables. Moreover, they can be used for the characterization of lifetime distributions, also with bounded support. Stochastic orders based on the aging intensities, and their connections with some other orders, are also discussed. To demonstrate the applicability of aging intensity in reliability practice, the book analyzes both real and generated data. The estimated, properly chosen, aging intensity function is mainly recommended to identify data’s lifetime distribution, and secondly, to estimate some of the parameters of the identified distribution. Both reliability researchers and practitioners will find the book a valuable guide and source of inspiration.
Lifetime Controlling Defects in Tool Steels
by Christian Rudolf SoharIn this thesis Christian Sohar describes his investigation into the gigacycle fatigue behavior of tool steels. In an interdisciplinary approach he uses knowledge and methods from a wide variety of disciplines including materials science, metallurgy, chemistry, physics and mechanical engineering. Christian gives a general introduction into steel tools and fatigue in materials. Later he extensively discusses the experimental techniques and results. Indeed it is the detail of the content in this thesis which makes it an invaluable resource for students entering the field and scientists working in related disciplines. Overall, the thesis helps us understand more about the mechanical behavior of metallic materials with complex microstructure and high hardness.
Lifetime Environmental Impact of Buildings
by Marc Méquignon Hassan Ait HaddouThis work discusses the impact of the life of buildings on sustainable development methods The study of the lifespan of the building is used to assess and manage the environmental impacts associated with all the stages of a product's life, from raw material extraction through to repair, maintenance and 'end of life' scenarios. While several papers have discussed the greenhouse gas emissions of buildings, less research has been done on how these are affected by the lifespan of the building. This book serves to highlight the pertinence of this factor and contributes to providing new ideas on efficiency within the life cycle assessment of a structure.
Lifetime Reliability-aware Design of Integrated Circuits
by Mohsen Raji Behnam GhavamiThis book covers the state-of-the-art research in design of modern electronic systems used in safety-critical applications such as medical devices, aircraft flight control, and automotive systems. The authors discuss lifetime reliability of digital systems, as well as an overview of the latest research in the field of reliability-aware design of integrated circuits. They address modeling approaches and techniques for evaluation and improvement of lifetime reliability for nano-scale CMOS digital circuits, as well as design algorithms that are the cornerstone of Computer Aided Design (CAD) of reliable VLSI circuits. In addition to developing lifetime reliability analysis and techniques for clocked storage elements (such as flip-flops), the authors also describe analysis and improvement strategies targeting commercial digital circuits.
Lifting the Fog of Peace: How Americans Learned to Fight Modern War
by Janine DavidsonHow military organizations trained for conventional war adapt—or fail to adapt—to nontraditional missions