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Showing 38,901 through 38,925 of 71,598 results

The Limits of Technology and the End of History: Marx and Beyond

by Yefim Kats

This book examines the long-standing belief in infinite scientific and technological progress and links it to the Enlightenment ideal of man as a universal being and subject of the universal world history, destined to become a 'master and possessor of nature.' The author analyzes a broad range of issues in epistemology, the philosophy of history, and the philosophy of science and technology. Marx’s philosophy is explored to the extent that his dialectic of labor sheds light on Western technological optimism and the ideal of human universality and offers an elaborate framework for analyzing the intrinsic limits to technological progress. The focus is on his ‘early’ works, providing a theoretical and humanistic underbelly for the ‘mature’ ideas of the Capital. Examining the epistemic foundations of the belief in infinite progress, the author argues that actual infinity, either in the form of unbounded technological/scientific expansion or infinite complexity of nature, is redundant for the universality of man, his scientific pursuit and historical experience. The conundrum of universality and power calls for a systematic critique of instrumental reason, its practical applicability and value structure.

The Limits to Growth Revisited

by Ugo Bardi

"The Limits to Growth" (Meadows, 1972) generated unprecedented controversy with its predictions of the eventual collapse of the world's economies. First hailed as a great advance in science, "The Limits to Growth" was subsequently rejected and demonized. However, with many national economies now at risk and global peak oil apparently a reality, the methods, scenarios, and predictions of "The Limits to Growth" are in great need of reappraisal. In The Limits to Growth Revisited, Ugo Bardi examines both the science and the polemics surrounding this work, and in particular the reactions of economists that marginalized its methods and conclusions for more than 30 years. "The Limits to Growth" was a milestone in attempts to model the future of our society, and it is vital today for both scientists and policy makers to understand its scientific basis, current relevance, and the social and political mechanisms that led to its rejection. Bardi also addresses the all-important question of whether the methods and approaches of "The Limits to Growth" can contribute to an understanding of what happened to the global economy in the Great Recession and where we are headed from there.


by Jose Galizia Tundisi Takako Matsumura Tundisi

Limnology provides an in-depth and current overview of the field of limnology. The result of a major tour de force by two renowned and experienced experts, this unique and richly illustrated reference presents a wealth of data on limnology history, water as a substrate, lakes' origins and aquatic biota. Besides a general part, it gives special focu

Limnology, Climatology and Paleoclimatology of the East African Lakes

by Thomas C. Johnson Eric O. Odada

The large lakes of the East African Rift Valley are among the oldest on Earth, and are vital resources for the people of their basins. They are unique among the large lakes of the world in terms of their sensitivity to climatic change, rich and diverse populations of endemic species, circulation dynamics and water-column chemistry, and long, continuous records of past climatic change. A comprehensive study of the large African lakes is long overdue. The scientific justification for such an effort is noted in the previous paragraph and is illustrated in great detail in this volume. Societal need for the sustainable utilization of these lakes offers an even more compelling reason for examination of biological food webs, water quality, and past climate variability in East Africa. The lakes provide the most important source of protein for the people of the African Rift Valley, and fish populations are shifting dramatically in response to fishing pressure, introduction of exotic species, land use impact on water quality, and perhaps climatic change. Current estimates of primary productivity, the underpinning of the food resource, are extremely crude and based on only a few spot measurements.

Lincoln Clears a Path: Abraham Lincoln's Agricultural Legacy

by Peggy Thomas

Throughout his life, Abraham Lincoln tried to make life easier for others. Then during the darkest days of the Civil War, when everyone needed hope, President Lincoln cleared a path for all Americans to a better future.As a boy, Abraham Lincoln helped his family break through the wilderness and struggle on a frontier farm. When Lincoln was a young man, friends made it easier for him to get a better education and become a lawyer, so as a politician he paved the way for better schools and roads. President Lincoln cleared a path to better farming, improved transportation, accessible education, and most importantly, freedom. Author Peggy Thomas uncovers Abraham Lincoln's passion for agriculture and his country while illustrator Stacy Innerst cleverly provides a clear look as President Lincoln strives for positive change.

Line Groups in Physics

by Milan Damnjanovic Ivanka Milosevic

This volume gives a detailed and up-to-date overview of the line groups, the groups that describe the symmetry of quasi-one dimensional crystals. Nanotubes, nanowires, nanosprings, nanorods, and polymers are examples remarkable enough to have kept nanoscience as a leading field within material science and solid state physics for more than fifteen years now. The authors present the mathematical foundations, including classifications of the line groups, quasi one-dimensional crystals and quantum numbers, together with important applications. Extensive illustrations related to the physics of nanotubes make the book essential reading in this field above all. The book clearly demonstrates how symmetry is a most profound property of nature and contains valuable results that are published here for the first time.

Line Loss Analysis and Calculation of Electric Power Systems

by Anguan Wu Baoshan Ni

Presents the fundamentals and calculation of transmission line losses, their reduction, and economic implications • Written by a very experienced expert in this field• Introduces various technical measures for loss reduction, and appended with a large number of examples• Offers a progressive and systematic approach to various aspects of the problems• A timely and original book to meet the challenges of power and grid industry development

Línea de Quiebre

by Cole Steele

Los detectives Román Lee y Lonnie Temple descubren una conspiración en el Hospital Memorial con la ayuda de la Dra. Marlene Scott. El primer procedimiento en el mundo para unir de forma física un cerebro humano con un implante de IA es un éxito y todos los ojos se posan en la compañía del multimillonario Sebastián Conroy, Neurolink, y su empleado recientemente repotenciado, John Bentley. Pero apenas unas semanas después de ser dado de alta, algo ha estado sucediendo agudizando su memoria y su personalidad. John Bentley está perdiendo la noción del tiempo. Los minutos se convierten en horas. Despertar en un callejón junto al edificio donde trabaja es solo el comienzo. Podría haber perdido mucho más…

Linear Algebra Based Controllers: Design and Applications

by Gustavo Scaglia Mario Emanuel Serrano Pedro Albertos

This book summarizes the application of linear algebra-based controllers (LABC) for trajectory tracking for practitioners and students across a range of engineering disciplines. It clarifies the necessary steps to apply this straight-forward technique to a non-linear multivariable system, dealing with continuous or discrete time models, and outlines the steps to implement such controllers. In this book, the authors present an approach of the trajectory tracking problem in systems with dead time and in the presence of additive uncertainties and environmental disturbances. Examples of applications of LABC to systems in real operating conditions (mobile robots, marine vessels, quadrotor and pvtol aircraft, chemical reactors and First Order Plus Dead Time systems) illustrate the controller design in such a way that the reader attains an understanding of LABC.

Linear Algebra, Signal Processing, and Wavelets - A Unified Approach: Python Version (Springer Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics and Technology)

by Øyvind Ryan

This book offers a user friendly, hands-on, and systematic introduction to applied and computational harmonic analysis: to Fourier analysis, signal processing and wavelets; and to their interplay and applications. The approach is novel, and the book can be used in undergraduate courses, for example, following a first course in linear algebra, but is also suitable for use in graduate level courses. The book will benefit anyone with a basic background in linear algebra. It defines fundamental concepts in signal processing and wavelet theory, assuming only a familiarity with elementary linear algebra. No background in signal processing is needed. Additionally, the book demonstrates in detail why linear algebra is often the best way to go. Those with only a signal processing background are also introduced to the world of linear algebra, although a full course is recommended.The book comes in two versions: one based on MATLAB, and one on Python, demonstrating the feasibility and applications of both approaches. Most of the code is available interactively. The applications mainly involve sound and images. The book also includes a rich set of exercises, many of which are of a computational nature.

Linear Algebra, Signal Processing, and Wavelets - A Unified Approach: MATLAB Version (Springer Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics and Technology)

by Øyvind Ryan

This book offers a user friendly, hands-on, and systematic introduction to applied and computational harmonic analysis: to Fourier analysis, signal processing and wavelets; and to their interplay and applications. The approach is novel, and the book can be used in undergraduate courses, for example, following a first course in linear algebra, but is also suitable for use in graduate level courses. The book will benefit anyone with a basic background in linear algebra. It defines fundamental concepts in signal processing and wavelet theory, assuming only a familiarity with elementary linear algebra. No background in signal processing is needed. Additionally, the book demonstrates in detail why linear algebra is often the best way to go. Those with only a signal processing background are also introduced to the world of linear algebra, although a full course is recommended. The book comes in two versions: one based on MATLAB, and one on Python, demonstrating the feasibility and applications of both approaches. Most of the MATLAB code is available interactively. The applications mainly involve sound and images. The book also includes a rich set of exercises, many of which are of a computational nature.

Linear and Integer Optimization: Theory and Practice, Third Edition (Advances in Applied Mathematics)

by Gerard Sierksma Yori Zwols

Presenting a strong and clear relationship between theory and practice, Linear and Integer Optimization: Theory and Practice is divided into two main parts. The first covers the theory of linear and integer optimization, including both basic and advanced topics. Dantzig's simplex algorithm, duality, sensitivity analysis, integer optimization models

Linear and Non-Linear Deformations of Elastic Solids

by Arabinda Roy Rasajit Kumar Bera

Linear and Non-Linear Deformations of Elastic Solids aims to compile the advances in the field of linear and non-linear elasticity through discussion of advanced topics. Broadly classified into two parts, it includes crack, contact, scattering and wave propagation in linear elastic solids and bending vibration, stability in non-linear elastic solids supported by MATLAB examples. This book is aimed at graduate students and researchers in applied mathematics, solid mechanics, applied mechanics, structural mechanics and includes comprehensive discussion of related analytical/numerical methods.

Linear and Non-linear Numerical Analysis of Foundations

by John W. Bull

Correctly understanding, designing and analyzing the foundations that support structures is fundamental to their safety. This book by a range of academic, design and contracting world experts provides a review of the state-of-the-art techniques for modelling foundations using both linear and non linear numerical analysis. It applies to a range of i

Linear and Non-Linear System Theory

by T Thyagarajan D Kalpana

Linear and Non-Linear System Theory focuses on the basics of linear and non-linear systems, optimal control and optimal estimation with an objective to understand the basics of state space approach linear and non-linear systems and its analysis thereof. Divided into eight chapters, materials cover an introduction to the advanced topics in the field of linear and non-linear systems, optimal control and estimation supported by mathematical tools, detailed case studies and numerical and exercise problems. This book is aimed at senior undergraduate and graduate students in electrical, instrumentation, electronics, chemical, control engineering and other allied branches of engineering. Features Covers both linear and non-linear system theory Explores state feedback control and state estimator concepts Discusses non-linear systems and phase plane analysis Includes non-linear system stability and bifurcation behaviour Elaborates optimal control and estimation

Linear and Non-Linear Video and TV Applications

by Daniel Minoli

Provides options for implementing IPv6 and IPv6 multicast in service provider networksNew technologies, viewing paradigms, and content distribution approaches are taking the TV/video services industry by storm. Linear and Nonlinear Video and TV Applications: Using IPv6 and IPv6 Multicast identifies five emerging trends in next-generation delivery of entertainment-quality video. These trends are observable and can be capitalized upon by progressive service providers, telcos, cable operators, and ISPs.This comprehensive guide explores these evolving directions in the TV/video services industry, including worldwide deployment of IPv6, IPTV services, web-produced video content, and the plethora of different screens available, from TV to iPad. It offers practical suggestions as to how these technologies can be implemented in service provider networks to support cost-effective delivery of entertainment, and how new revenue-generating services can be brought to market.Important topics include:Evolving video consumption habits and possible network implicationsAn overview of IPv6 address capabilities, protocols, quality of service (QoS), and moreProcess descriptions of IP multicast and IPv6 multicast approaches and challengesA detailed overview of IPTV systems and technologies, including architectural requirements, QoE and QoS, security and content protection, networks, and moreInternet-based TV technologies: streaming, content distribution networks, P2P networks, and cloud computingNon-traditional video content sources and their implicationsLinear and Nonlinear Video and TV Applications: Using IPv6 and IPv6 Multicast is indispensable reading for planners, CTOs, and engineers at broadcast TV operations, Cable TV operations, satellite operations, Internet and IS providers, telcos, and wireless providers.

Linear and Nonlinear Circuits: Volume 2 (Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering #620)

by Mauro Parodi Marco Storace

This book provides readers with the necessary background information and advanced concepts in the field of circuits, at the crossroads between physics, mathematics and system theory. It covers various engineering subfields, such as electrical devices and circuits, and their electronic counterparts. Based on the idea that a modern university course should provide students with conceptual tools to understand the behavior of both linear and nonlinear circuits, to approach current problems posed by new, cutting-edge devices and to address future developments and challenges, the book places equal emphasis on linear and nonlinear, two‐terminal and multi‐terminal, as well as active and passive circuit components. This second volume focuses on dynamical circuits, which are characterized by time evolution and by the concept of state. The content is divided into a set of introductory and a set of advanced‐level topics, mirroring the approach used in the previously published volume. Whenever possible, circuits are compared to physical systems of different natures (e.g. mechanical or biological) that exhibit the same dynamical behavior. The book also features a wealth of examples and numerous solved problems. Further topics, such as a more general framing of linear and nonlinear components, will be discussed in volume 3.

Linear and Nonlinear Control of Small-Scale Unmanned Helicopters

by Ioannis A. Raptis Kimon P. Valavanis

There has been significant interest for designing flight controllers for small-scale unmanned helicopters. Such helicopters preserve all the physical attributes of their full-scale counterparts, being at the same time more agile and dexterous. This book presents a comprehensive and well justified analysis for designing flight controllers for small-scale unmanned helicopters guarantying flight stability and tracking accuracy. The design of the flight controller is a critical and integral part for developing an autonomous helicopter platform. Helicopters are underactuated, highly nonlinear systems with significant dynamic coupling that needs to be considered and accounted for during controller design and implementation. Most reliable mathematical tools for analysis of control systems relate to modern control theory. Modern control techniques are model-based since the controller architecture depends on the dynamic representation of the system to be controlled. Therefore, the flight controller design problem is tightly connected with the helicopter modeling. This book provides a step-by-step methodology for designing, evaluating and implementing efficient flight controllers for small-scale helicopters. Design issues that are analytically covered include: * An illustrative presentation of both linear and nonlinear models of ordinary differential equations representing the helicopter dynamics. A detailed presentation of the helicopter equations of motion is given for the derivation of both model types. In addition, an insightful presentation of the main rotor's mechanism, aerodynamics and dynamics is also provided. Both model types are of low complexity, physically meaningful and capable of encapsulating the dynamic behavior of a large class of small-scale helicopters. * An illustrative and rigorous derivation of mathematical control algorithms based on both the linear and nonlinear representation of the helicopter dynamics. Flight controller designs guarantee that the tracking objectives of the helicopter's inertial position (or velocity) and heading are achieved. Each controller is carefully constructed by considering the small-scale helicopter's physical flight capabilities. Concepts of advanced stability analysis are used to improve the efficiency and reduce the complexity of the flight control system. Controller designs are derived in both continuous time and discrete time covering discretization issues, which emerge from the implementation of the control algorithm using microprocessors. * Presentation of the most powerful, practical and efficient methods for extracting the helicopter model parameters based on input/output responses, collected by the measurement instruments. This topic is of particular importance for real-life implementation of the control algorithms. This book is suitable for students and researches interested in the development and the mathematical derivation of flight controllers for small-scale helicopters. Background knowledge in modern control is required.

Linear and Nonlinear Instabilities in Mechanical Systems: Analysis, Control and Application

by Hiroshi Yabuno

Linear and Nonlinear Instabilities in Mechanical Systems: Analysis, Control and Application Hiroshi Yabuno, University of Tsukuba, Japan An in-depth insight into nonlinear analysis and control As mechanical systems become lighter, faster, and more flexible, various nonlinear instability phenomena can occur in practical systems. The fundamental knowledge of nonlinear analysis and control is essential to engineers for analysing and controlling nonlinear instability phenomena. The book bridges the gap between the mathematical expressions of nonlinear dynamics and the corresponding practical phenomena. Linear and Nonlinear Instabilities in Mechanical Systems: Analysis, Control and Application provides a detailed and informed insight into the fundamental methods for analysis and control for nonlinear instabilities from the practical point of view. Key features: Refers to the behaviours of practical mechanical systems as aircraft, railway vehicle, robot manipulator, micro/nano sensor Enhances the rigorous and practical understanding of mathematical methods from an engineering point of view. The theoretical results obtained by nonlinear analysis are interpreted by using accompanied videos on the real nonlinear behaviors of nonlinear mechanical systems. Linear and Nonlinear Instabilities in Mechanical Systems: Analysis, Control and Application is an essential textbook for students on engineering courses, and can also be used for self-study or reference by engineers.

Linear and Nonlinear Optical Responses of Chiral Multifold Semimetals (Springer Theses)

by Miguel Ángel Sánchez Martínez

Since the initial predictions for the existence of Weyl fermions in condensed matter, many different experimental techniques have confirmed the existence of Weyl semimetals. Among these techniques, optical responses have shown a variety of effects associated with the existence of Weyl fermions. In chiral crystals, we find a new type of fermions protected by crystal symmetries — the chiral multifold fermions — that can be understood as a higher-spin generalization of Weyl fermions.This work provides a complete description of all chiral multifold fermions, studying their topological properties and the k·p models describing them. We compute the optical conductivity of all chiral multifold fermions and establish their optical selection rules. We find that the activation frequencies are different for each type of multifold fermion, thus constituting an experimental fingerprint for each type of multifold fermion.Building on the theoretical results obtained in the first part of our analysis, we study two chiral multifold semimetals: RhSi and CoSi. We analyze the experimental results with k·p and tight-binding models based on the crystal symmetries of the material. We trace back the features observed in the experimental optical conductivity to the existence of multifold fermions near the Fermi level and estimate the chemical potential and the scattering lifetime in both materials.Finally, we provide an overview of second-order optical responses and study the second-harmonic generation of RhSi. We find a sizeable second-harmonic response in the low-energy regime associated with optical transitions between topological bands. However, this regime is extremely challenging to access with the current experimental techniques.We conclude by providing an overview of the main results, highlighting potential avenues to further research on chiral multifold semimetals and the future of optical responses as experimental probes to characterize topological phases.

Linear and Nonlinear Optical Spectroscopy and Microscopy (Progress in Optical Science and Photonics #29)

by Mengtao Sun Xijiao Mu Rui Li

The nonlinear optical spectrum signal technology is a new type of optical characterization technology owing to its non-invasiveness and good biocompatibility. This book highlights a comprehensive introduction to the Stimulated Raman scattering (SRS), Anti-Stokes Raman Spectroscopy (CARS), Two-photon Excited Fluorescence (TPEF) and Second Harmonic Generation signals (SHG) technologies. The four types of nonlinear optical signals technologies, especially two-dimensional and three-dimensional imaging, have great application potential in physics, materials science, chemistry and biomedicine. The book covers principles, theoretical calculation methods, signal measurement methods and imaging specific methods. The theoretical part starts from the basics of nonlinear optics and the relationship with strong light, and gradually transitions to theoretical calculation methods for specific optical signals. it combines the classical theory and the quantum theory to help readers develop a thorough understanding of the technologies. The book is a good reference for graduate students majored in physics and chemistry and for researchers working on optics, photonics and materials science.

Linear and Nonlinear Programming with Maple: An Interactive, Applications-Based Approach

by null Paul E. Fishback

Helps Students Understand Mathematical Programming Principles and Solve Real-World ApplicationsSupplies enough mathematical rigor yet accessible enough for undergraduatesIntegrating a hands-on learning approach, a strong linear algebra focus, Maple software, and real-world applications, Linear and Nonlinear Programming with Maple : An Interactive,

Linear and Nonlinear Rotordynamics: A Modern Treatment with Applications (Wiley Series In Nonlinear Science Ser. #Vol. 11)

by Yukio Ishida Toshio Yamamoto

A wide-ranging treatment of fundamental rotordynamics in order to serve engineers with the necessary knowledge to eliminate various vibration problems. New to this edition are three chapters on highly significant topics: Vibration Suppression - The chapter presents various methods and is a helpful guidance for professional engineers. Magnetic Bearings - The chapter provides fundamental knowledge and enables the reader to realize simple magnetic bearings in the laboratory. Some Practical Rotor Systems - The chapter explains various vibration characteristics of steam turbines and wind turbines. The contents of other chapters on Balancing, Vibrations due to Mechanical Elements, and Cracked Rotors are added to and revised extensively. The authors provide a classification of rotating shaft systems and general coverage of key ideas common to all branches of rotordynamics. They offers a unique analysis of dynamical problems, such as nonlinear rotordynamics, self-excited vibration, nonstationary vibration, and flow-induced oscillations. Nonlinear resonances are discussed in detail, as well as methods for shaft stability and various theoretical derivations and computational methods for analyzing rotors to determine and correct vibrations. This edition also includes case studies and problems.

Linear and Nonlinear System Modeling

by Tamal Roy Suman Lata Tripathi Souvik Ganguli

Written and edited by a team of experts in the field, this exciting new volume presents the cutting-edge techniques, latest trends, and state-of-the-art practical applications in linear and nonlinear system modeling. Mathematical modeling of control systems is, essentially, extracting the essence of practical problems into systematic mathematical language. In system modeling, mathematical expression deals with modeling and its applications. It is characterized that how a modeling competency can be categorized and its activity can contribute to building up these competencies. Mathematical modeling of a practical system is an attractive field of research and an advanced subject with a variety of applications. The main objective of mathematical modeling is to predict the behavior of the system under different operating conditions and to design and implement efficient control strategies to achieve the desired performance. A considerable effort has been directed to the development of models, which must be understandable and easy to analyze. It is a very difficult task to develop mathematical modeling of complicated practical systems considering all its possible high-level non-linearity and cross couple dynamics. Although mathematical modeling of nonlinear systems sounds quite interesting, it is difficult to formulate the general solution to analyze and synthesize nonlinear dynamical systems. Most of the natural processes are nonlinear, having very high computational complexity of several numerical issues. It is impossible to create any general solution or individual procedure to develop exact modeling of a non-linear system, which is often improper and too complex for engineering practices. Therefore, some series of approximation procedures are used, in order to get some necessary knowledge about the nonlinear system dynamics. There are several complicated mathematical approaches for solving these types of problems, such as functional analysis, differential geometry or the theory of nonlinear differential equations.

Linear and Nonlinear Waves in Microstructured Solids: Homogenization and Asymptotic Approaches

by Igor V. Andrianov Jan Awrejcewicz Vladyslav Danishevskyy

This book uses asymptotic methods to obtain simple approximate analytic solutions to various problems within mechanics, notably wave processes in heterogeneous materials. Presenting original solutions to common issues within mechanics, this book builds upon years of research to demonstrate the benefits of implementing asymptotic techniques within mechanical engineering and material science. Focusing on linear and nonlinear wave phenomena in complex micro-structured solids, the book determines their global characteristics through analysis of their internal structure, using homogenization and asymptotic procedures, in line with the latest thinking within the field. The book’s cutting-edge methodology can be applied to optimal design, non-destructive control and in deep seismic sounding, providing a valuable alternative to widely used numerical methods. Using case studies, the book covers topics such as elastic waves in nonhomogeneous materials, regular and chaotic dynamics based on continualisation and discretization and vibration localization in 1D Linear and Nonlinear lattices. The book will be of interest to students, research engineers, and professionals specialising in mathematics and physics as well as mechanical and civil engineering.

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Showing 38,901 through 38,925 of 71,598 results