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Showing 38,926 through 38,950 of 71,589 results

Linear Continuous-Time Systems

by Lyubomir T. Gruyitch

This book aims to help the reader understand the linear continuous-time time-invariant dynamical systems theory and its importance for systems analysis and design of the systems operating in real conditions, i.e., in forced regimes under arbitrary initial conditions. The text completely covers IO, ISO and IIO systems. It introduces the concept of the system full matrix P(s) in the complex domain and establishes its link with the also newly introduced system full transfer function matrix F(s). The text establishes the full block diagram technique based on the use of F(s), which incorporates the Laplace transform of the input vector and the vector of all initial conditions. It explores the direct relationship between the system full transfer function matrix F(s) and the Lyapunov stability concept, definitions and conditions, as well as with the BI stability concept, definitions, and conditions. The goal of the book is to unify the study and applications of all three classes of the of the linear continuous-time time-invariant systems, for short systems.

Linear Control System Analysis and Design with MATLAB (ISSN)

by Constantine H. Houpis Stuart N. Sheldon

This book uses numerous in-depth explanations, diagrams, calculations, and tables to provide an intensive overview of modern control theory and control system design. Mathematics is kept to a minimum, and engineering applications are stressed throughout. Completely updated and packed with student-friendly features, the sixth edition presents a range of updated examples using MATLAB, as well as an appendix listing MATLAB functions for optimizing control system analysis and design. Over 75 percent of the problems presented in the previous edition have been revised or replaced.

Linear Control Theory: Structure, Robustness, and Optimization (Automation and Control Engineering #33)

by Shankar P. Bhattacharyya Aniruddha Datta Lee H. Keel

Successfully classroom-tested at the graduate level, Linear Control Theory: Structure, Robustness, and Optimization covers three major areas of control engineering (PID control, robust control, and optimal control). It provides balanced coverage of elegant mathematical theory and useful engineering-oriented results. The first part of the book develops results relating to the design of PID and first-order controllers for continuous and discrete-time linear systems with possible delays. The second section deals with the robust stability and performance of systems under parametric and unstructured uncertainty. This section describes several elegant and sharp results, such as Kharitonov’s theorem and its extensions, the edge theorem, and the mapping theorem. Focusing on the optimal control of linear systems, the third part discusses the standard theories of the linear quadratic regulator, Hinfinity and l1 optimal control, and associated results. Written by recognized leaders in the field, this book explains how control theory can be applied to the design of real-world systems. It shows that the techniques of three term controllers, along with the results on robust and optimal control, are invaluable to developing and solving research problems in many areas of engineering.

Linear Dynamical Systems

by Mircea D. Grigoriu

This textbook provides a concise, clear, and rigorous presentation of the dynamics of linear systems that delivers the necessary tools for the analysis and design of mechanical/ structural systems, regardless of their complexity. The book is written for senior undergraduate and first year graduate students as well as engineers working on the design of mechanical/structural systems subjected to dynamic actions, such as wind/earthquake engineers and mechanical engineers working on wind turbines. Professor Grigoriu's lucid presentation maximizes student understanding of the formulation and the solution of linear systems subjected to dynamic actions, and provides a clear distinction between problems of practical interest and their special cases. Based on the author's lecture notes from courses taught at Cornell University, the material is class-tested over many years and ideal as a core text for a range of classes in mechanical, civil, and geotechnical engineering, as well as for self-directed learning by practitioners in the field.

Linear Electric Machines, Drives, and MAGLEVs Handbook

by Ion Boldea

Based on author Ion Boldea’s 40 years of experience and the latest research, Linear Electric Machines, Drives, and Maglevs Handbook provides a practical and comprehensive resource on the steady improvement in this field. The book presents in-depth reviews of basic concepts and detailed explorations of complex subjects, including classifications and practical topologies, with sample results based on an up-to-date survey of the field. Packed with case studies, this state-of-the-art handbook covers topics such as modeling, steady state, and transients as well as control, design, and testing of linear machines and drives. It includes discussion of types and applications—from small compressors for refrigerators to MAGLEV transportation—of linear electric machines. Additional topics include low and high speed linear induction or synchronous motors, with and without PMs, with progressive or oscillatory linear motion, from topologies through modeling, design, dynamics, and control. With a breadth and depth of coverage not found in currently available references, this book includes formulas and methods that make it an authoritative and comprehensive resource for use in R&D and testing of innovative solutions to new industrial challenges in linear electric motion/energy automatic control.

Linear Electric Machines, Drives, and MAGLEVs Handbook

by Ion Boldea

Linear motion is richly present in various industries, from direct electric propulsion in urban and interurban people movers on wheels or on magnetic “cushions” (MAGLEVs) to indoor transport of goods (conveyors, etc.), through plunger solenoids (to open hotel doors and as electromagnetic power switches), to compressor drives by linear oscillatory permanent magnet (PM) motors, smart phones integrated microphone and loudspeakers, and controlled vehicles’ suspension, etc. Besides the traditional rotary motor drives with mechanical transmissions, which mean friction limitations (weather dependent) in traction (heavy vehicles), more losses, positioning errors (backlash) in the process, and higher maintenance costs to handle them, linear motion in industry by direct electromagnetic forces is free of friction limitations for traction, free of mechanical transmission, and thus more efficient, with less maintenance cost and fewer positioning errors (backlash). This explains why they are used in so many applications already since the dramatic advancement of power electronics and digital control in the last four decades.Modeling, performance, design, control, and testing of linear electric machines (LEMs) show notable differences with respect to rotary electric motor drives, which warrant a dedicated treatment of these aspects.The Second Edition (First Edition: 2013) concentrates on the above technical aspects of various types of LEMs in close relationship with specific applications via numerical examples of modeling, design, control, and testing, with ample representative results from literature, industry and some of the author’s contributions, such as: Technical field and circuit modeling of linear induction motors in flat configurations for low and high speeds (with and without dynamic end effects) and in tubular configurations short travel design, control and testing Linear synchronous motor (LSM) drives in dc-excited, homopolar, reluctance and superconducting excitation configurations for urban and interurban high-speed vehicles propulsion and integrated propulsion and levitation (in MAGLEVs) modeling, design and control with full-scale numerical examples, with emphasis on lower KWh/passenger/Km at high speeds Flat and tubular linear permanent magnet (PM) synchronous motors (L-PMSMs), mainly destined to industrial indoor transport for automation at high efficiency in clean rooms Linear “flux-modulation” motors— new breed, suitable for very low-speed applications due to higher thrust density Plunger solenoids in various applications including new valve PM actuators with millisecond response time Linear resonant PM oscillatory motors design, control and testing mainly destined to compressors for higher efficiency in compact drives Attraction and repulsive force suspension (levitation) systems for MAGLEVs Active and passive guideway MAGLEVs in urban and superhigh-speed interurban transport at lower Kwh per passenger/km (in lighter vehicles without wheels) The numerous numerical design and control examples (with practical specifications) throughout the 23 chapters of the book allow the reader deep and fast access to a practical but thorough unitary (good for comparisons) methodology in designing and controlling LEMs for various applications.

Linear Electrodynamic Response of Topological Semimetals: Experimental Results Versus Theoretical Predicitons (Springer Series in Solid-State Sciences #199)

by Artem V. Pronin

This book provides a model description for the electromagnetic response of topological nodal semimetals and summarizes recent experimental findings in these systems. Specifically, it discusses various types of topological semimetals – Dirac, Weyl, nodal-line, triple-point, and multifold semimetals – and provides description for the characteristic features of the linear electrodynamic response for all these types of materials.Topological semimetals possess peculiar bulk electronic band structure, which leads to unusual electrodynamic response. For example, the low-energy inter-band optical conductivity of nodal semimetals is supposed to demonstrate power-law frequency dependence and the intra- and inter-band contributions to the conductivity are often mixed. Further, the magneto-optical response is also unusual, because of the non-equidistant spacing between the Landau levels. Finally, in semimetals with chiral electronic bands, e.g. in Weyl semimetals, the simultaneous application of parallel magnetic and electric fields leads to the chiral anomaly, i.e. to a misbalance between the electrons with diffident chiralities. This misbalance affects the electrodynamics properties of the material and can be detected optically. All these points are addressed here in detail.The book is written for a wide audience of physicists, working in the field of topological condensed matter physics. It gives a pedagogical introduction enabling graduate students and non-experts to familiarize themselves with the subject.

Linear Electronics

by Marcelo Sampaio Alencar Raphael Tavares Alencar Raissa Bezerra Rocha Ana Isabela Cunha

A considerable amount of effort has been devoted, both in industry and academia, towards the design, performance, analysis and evaluation of amplification schemes and filters to be used in control systems, audio/video equipment, instrumentation and communication systems.This book is intended to serve as a complementary textbook for courses dealing with Linear Amplification, but also as a professional book, for engineers who need to update their knowledge in the electronics, control, and communications areas.The book is suitable for the undergraduate as well as the initial graduate levels of Electrical Engineering courses and is useful for the professional who wants to review or get acquainted with amplification theory. The book presents essential concepts in plain language and covers the most important applications of amplifier circuits. The book has four appendices, an appendix to detail the operational amplifier model, an appendix with specification data sheets, an appendix on Fourier transform and signal spectrum, including the concepts of convolution, autocorrelation and power spectral density, for deterministic signals, and a final one that presents and explains the usual electronics acronyms.

Linear Induction Accelerators for High-Power Microwave Devices

by Igor Vintizenko

Linear induction accelerators are successfully used as power supplies for numerous devices of relativistic high-frequency electronics. This book addresses ways to solve physical and engineering problems arising in the calculation, design, modeling and operation of linear induction accelerators intended for supplying relativistic microwave devices. It reviews and analyzes both classic and recent studies on the topic of linear induction accelerators (LIA) for generating and amplifying microwave radiation by relativistic devices.

Linear Models for the Prediction of the Genetic Merit of Animals

by Raphael A Mrode Ivan Pocrnic

Fundamental to any livestock improvement programme by animal scientists, is the prediction of genetic merit in the offspring generation for desirable production traits such as increased growth rate, or superior meat, milk and wool production. Covering the foundational principles on the application of linear models for the prediction of genetic merit in livestock, this new edition is fully updated to incorporate recent advances in genomic prediction approaches, genomic models for multi-breed and crossbred performance, dominance and epistasis. It provides models for the analysis of main production traits as well as functional traits and includes numerous worked examples. For the first time, R codes for key examples in the textbook are provided online. The book covers: - The relationship between the genome and the phenotype. - BLUP models for various livestock data and structure. - Incorporation of related ancestral parents and metafounders in prediction models. - Models for survival analysis and social interaction. - Advancements in genomic prediction approaches and selection. - Genomic models for multi-breed and crossbred performance. - Models for non-additive genetic effects including dominance and epistasis. - Estimation of genetic parameters including Gibbs sampling approaches. - Computation methods for solving linear mixed model equations. Suitable for graduate and postgraduate students, researchers and lecturers of animal breeding, genetics and genomics, this established textbook provides a thorough grounding in both the basics and in new developments of linear models and animal genetics.

Linear Multivariable Control Engineering Using GNU Octave

by Wolfgang Borutzky

This textbook presents an in-depth introductory survey of several fundamental advanced control concepts and techniques all ranging from modern ideas. The book emphasizes ideas, an understanding of key concepts, methodologies, and results. In line with this, the book addresses master’s students in the overlap of engineering and computer science as well as engineers working in various application fields and interested in useful control techniques and less in system theories appealing from a mathematical point of view. The book aims to show what methods and results learned for single-variable systems are also applicable to multivariable systems, what is different and why. The structured text covers a broad spectrum of topics from decentralized control to the use of linear matrix inequalities (LMIs). Methods and results are illustrated by many examples and using free, open source mathematical software, predominately GNU Octave. In some cases, the free mathematical software package Scilab is also used. The book features exercises and examples throughout.

Linear Optimization and Duality: A Modern Exposition

by Craig A. Tovey

Linear Optimization and Dualiyy: A Modern Exposition departs from convention in significant ways. Standard linear programming textbooks present the material in the order in which it was discovered. Duality is treated as a difficult add-on after coverage of formulation, the simplex method, and polyhedral theory. Students end up without knowing duality in their bones. This text brings in duality in Chapter 1 and carries duality all the way through the exposition. Chapter 1 gives a general definition of duality that shows the dual aspects of a matrix as a column of rows and a row of columns. The proof of weak duality in Chapter 2 is shown via the Lagrangian, which relies on matrix duality. The first three LP formulation examples in Chapter 3 are classic primal-dual pairs including the diet problem and 2-person zero sum games. For many engineering students, optimization is their first immersion in rigorous mathematics. Conventional texts assume a level of mathematical sophistication they don’t have. This text embeds dozens of reading tips and hundreds of answered questions to guide such students. Features Emphasis on duality throughout Practical tips for modeling and computation Coverage of computational complexity and data structures Exercises and problems based on the learning theory concept of the zone of proximal development Guidance for the mathematically unsophisticated reader About the Author Craig A. Tovey is a professor in the H. Milton Stewart School of Industrial and Systems Engineering at Georgia Institute of Technology. Dr. Tovey received an AB from Harvard College, an MS in computer science and a PhD in operations research from Stanford University. His principal activities are in operations research and its interdisciplinary applications. He received a Presidential Young Investigator Award and the Jacob Wolfowitz Prize for research in heuristics. He was named an Institute Fellow at Georgia Tech, and was recognized by the ACM Special Interest Group on Electronic Commerce with the Test of Time Award. Dr. Tovey received the 2016 Golden Goose Award for his research on bee foraging behavior leading to the development of the Honey Bee Algorithm.

Linear Parameter-Varying and Time-Delay Systems

by Corentin Briat

This book provides an introduction to the analysis and control of Linear Parameter-Varying Systems and Time-Delay Systems and their interactions. The purpose is to give the readers some fundamental theoretical background on these topics and to give more insights on the possible applications of these theories. This self-contained monograph is written in an accessible way for readers ranging from undergraduate/PhD students to engineers and researchers willing to know more about the fields of time-delay systems, parameter-varying systems, robust analysis, robust control, gain-scheduling techniques in the LPV fashion and LMI based approaches. The only prerequisites are basic knowledge in linear algebra, ordinary differential equations and (linear) dynamical systems. Most of the results are proved unless the proof is too complex or not necessary for a good understanding of the results. In the latter cases, suitable references are systematically provided. The first part pertains on the representation, analysis and control of LPV systems along with a reminder on robust analysis and control techniques. The second part is concerned with the representation and analysis of time-delay systems using various time-domain techniques. The third and last part is devoted to the representation, analysis, observation, filtering and control of LPV time-delay systems. The book also presents many important basic and advanced results on the manipulation of LMIs.

Linear Parameter-Varying Control for Engineering Applications

by Andrew P. White Guoming Zhu Jongeun Choi

The subject of this brief is the application of linear parameter-varying (LPV) control to a class of dynamic systems to provide a systematic synthesis of gain-scheduling controllers with guaranteed stability and performance. An important step in LPV control design, which is not well covered in the present literature, is the selection of weighting functions. The proper selection of weighting functions tunes the controller to obtain the desired closed-loop response. The selection of appropriate weighting functions is difficult and sometimes appears arbitrary. In this brief, gain-scheduling control with engineering applications is covered in detail, including the LPV modeling, the control problem formulation, and the weighting function optimization. In addition, an iterative algorithm for obtaining optimal output weighting functions with respect to the H2 norm bound is presented in this brief. Using this algorithm, the selection of appropriate weighting functions becomes an automatic process. The LPV design and control synthesis procedures in this brief are illustrated using: * air-to-fuel ratio control for port-fuel-injection engines; * variable valve timing control; and * application to a vibration control problem. After reading this brief, the reader will be able to apply its concepts to design gain-scheduling controllers for their own engineering applications. This brief provides detailed step-by-step LPV modeling and control design strategies along with an automatic weight-selection algorithm so that engineers can apply state-of-the-art LPV control synthesis to solve their own engineering problems. In addition, this brief should serve as a bridge between the H-infinity and H2 control theory and the real-world application of gain-scheduling control.

Linear Polyurethanes: Synthesis Methods, Chemical Structures, Properties and Applications

by null Piotr Krol

This volume describes in detail the mechanisms of the diisocyanates and polyols polyaddition process as well as its kinetic and process aspects important for obtaining linear polyurethanes. General kinetics of the process and its experimental verification, using GPC chromatography as well as NMR spectroscopy and MALDI-ToF spectrometry, are presente

Linear Programming and Algorithms for Communication Networks: A Practical Guide to Network Design, Control, and Management

by Eiji Oki

Explaining how to apply to mathematical programming to network design and control, Linear Programming and Algorithms for Communication Networks: A Practical Guide to Network Design, Control, and Management fills the gap between mathematical programming theory and its implementation in communication networks. From the basics all the way through to m

Linear Programming and Generalizations

by Eric V. Denardo

This book on constrained optimization is novel in that it fuses these themes: * use examples to introduce general ideas; * engage the student in spreadsheet computation; * survey the uses of constrained optimization;. * investigate game theory and nonlinear optimization, * link the subject to economic reasoning, and * present the requisite mathematics. Blending these themes makes constrained optimization more accessible and more valuable. It stimulates the student's interest, quickens the learning process, reveals connections to several academic and professional fields, and deepens the student's grasp of the relevant mathematics. The book is designed for use in courses that focus on the applications of constrained optimization, in courses that emphasize the theory, and in courses that link the subject to economics.

Linear Stochastic Systems

by Anders Lindquist Giorgio Picci

This book presents a treatise on the theory and modeling of second-order stationary processes, including an exposition on selected application areas that are important in the engineering and applied sciences. The foundational issues regarding stationary processes dealt with in the beginning of the book have a long history, starting in the 1940s with the work of Kolmogorov, Wiener, Cramér and his students, in particular Wold, and have since been refined and complemented by many others. Problems concerning the filtering and modeling of stationary random signals and systems have also been addressed and studied, fostered by the advent of modern digital computers, since the fundamental work of R. E. Kalman in the early 1960s. The book offers a unified and logically consistent view of the subject based on simple ideas from Hilbert space geometry and coordinate-free thinking. In this framework, the concepts of stochastic state space and state space modeling, based on the notion of the conditional independence of past and future flows of the relevant signals, are revealed to be fundamentally unifying ideas. The book, based on over 30 years of original research, represents a valuable contribution that will inform the fields of stochastic modeling, estimation, system identification, and time series analysis for decades to come. It also provides the mathematical tools needed to grasp and analyze the structures of algorithms in stochastic systems theory.

Linear Synchronous Motors: Transportation and Automation Systems, Second Edition (Electric Power Engineering Series)

by Jacek F. Gieras Zbigniew J. Piech Bronislaw Tomczuk

Considered to be the first book devoted to the subject, Linear Synchronous Motors: Transportation and Automation Systems, Second Edition evaluates the state of the art, demonstrating the technological innovations that are improving the design, construction, and performance of modern control systems. This new edition not only illustrates the development of linear synchronous motor drives, but it also discusses useful techniques for selecting a motor that will meet the specific requirements of linear electrical drives. New Features for the Second Edition: Several updated and expanded sections, as well as two new chapters on FEM Even more numerical examples, calculations, and mathematical models Broadened target audience that includes researchers, scientists, students, and more Evaluating trends and practical techniques for achieving optimal system performance, the authors showcase ready-to-implement solutions for common roadblocks in this process. The book presents fundamental equations and calculations used to determine and evaluate system operation, efficiency, and reliability, with an exploration of modern computer-aided design of linear synchronous motors, including the finite element approach. It covers topics such as linear sensors and stepping motors, magnetic levitation systems, elevators, and factory automation systems. It also features case studies on flat PM, tubular PM, air-cored, and hybrid linear synchronous motors, as well as 3D finite element method analysis of tubular linear reluctance motors, and linear oscillatory actuators. With such an exceptional presentation of practical tools and conceptual illustrations, this volume is an especially powerful resource. It will benefit readers from all walks by providing numerical examples, models, guidelines, and diagrams to help develop a clear understanding of linear synchronous motor operations, characteristics, and much more.

Linear Systems

by S. P. Bhattacharyya L. H. Keel D. N. Mohsenizadeh

This brief presents recent results obtained on the analysis, synthesis and design of systems described by linear equations. It is well known that linear equations arise in most branches of science and engineering as well as social, biological and economic systems. The novelty of this approach is that no models of the system are assumed to be available, nor are they required. Instead, a few measurements made on the system can be processed strategically to directly extract design values that meet specifications without constructing a model of the system, implicitly or explicitly. These new concepts are illustrated by applying them to linear DC and AC circuits, mechanical, civil and hydraulic systems, signal flow block diagrams and control systems. These applications are preliminary and suggest many open problems. The results presented in this brief are the latest effort in this direction and the authors hope these will lead to attractive alternatives to model-based design of engineering and other systems.

Linear Systems

by Henri Bourlès Godfrey K. Kwan

Linear systems have all the necessary elements (modeling, identification, analysis and control), from an educational point of view, to help us understand the discipline of automation and apply it efficiently. This book is progressive and organized in such a way that different levels of readership are possible. It is addressed both to beginners and those with a good understanding of automation wishing to enhance their knowledge on the subject. The theory is rigorously developed and illustrated by numerous examples which can be reproduced with the help of appropriate computation software. 60 exercises and their solutions are included to enable the readers to test and enhance their knowledge.

Linear Systems: Optimal and Robust Control

by null Alok Sinha

Balancing rigorous theory with practical applications, Linear Systems: Optimal and Robust Control explains the concepts behind linear systems, optimal control, and robust control and illustrates these concepts with concrete examples and problems.Developed as a two-course book, this self-contained text first discusses linear systems, incl

Linear Systems: Non-Fragile Control and Filtering (Automation And Control Engineering Ser. #40)

by Guang-Hong Yang Xiang-Gui Guo Wei-Wei Che Wei Guan

Linear Systems: Non-Fragile Control and Filtering presents the latest research results and a systematic approach to designing non-fragile controllers and filters for linear systems. The authors combine the algebraic Riccati technique, the linear matrix inequality (LMI) technique, and the sensitivity analysis method to establish a set of new non-fragile (insensitive) control methods. This proposed method can optimize the closed-loop system performance and make the designed controllers or filters tolerant of coefficient variations in controller or filter gain matrices. A Systematic Approach to Designing Non-Fragile Controllers and Filters for Linear Systems The text begins with developments and main research methods in non-fragile control. It then systematically presents novel methods for non-fragile control and filtering of linear systems with respect to additive/multiplicative controller/filter gain uncertainties. The book introduces the algebraic Riccati equation technique to solve additive/multiplicative norm-bounded controller/filter gain uncertainty, and proposes a structured vertex separator to deal with the numerical problem resulting from interval-bounded coefficient variations. It also explains how to design insensitive controllers and filters in the framework of coefficient sensitivity theory. Throughout, the book includes numerical examples to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed design methods. More Effective Design Methods for Non-Fragile Controllers and Filters The design and analysis tools described will help readers to better understand and analyze parameter uncertainties and to design more effective non-fragile controllers and filters. Providing a coherent approach, this book is a valuable reference for researchers, graduate students, and anyone who wants to explore the area of non-fragile control and filtering.

Linear Systems Theory

by João P. Hespanha

Linear systems theory is the cornerstone of control theory and a well-established discipline that focuses on linear differential equations from the perspective of control and estimation. In this textbook, João Hespanha covers the key topics of the field in a unique lecture-style format, making the book easy to use for instructors and students. He looks at system representation, stability, controllability and state feedback, observability and state estimation, and realization theory. He provides the background for advanced modern control design techniques and feedback linearization, and examines advanced foundational topics such as multivariable poles and zeros, and LQG/LQR.The textbook presents only the most essential mathematical derivations, and places comments, discussion, and terminology in sidebars so that readers can follow the core material easily and without distraction. Annotated proofs with sidebars explain the techniques of proof construction, including contradiction, contraposition, cycles of implications to prove equivalence, and the difference between necessity and sufficiency. Annotated theoretical developments also use sidebars to discuss relevant commands available in MATLAB, allowing students to understand these important tools. The balanced chapters can each be covered in approximately two hours of lecture time, simplifying course planning and student review. Solutions to the theoretical and computational exercises are also available for instructors.Easy-to-use textbook in unique lecture-style format Sidebars explain topics in further detail Annotated proofs and discussions of MATLAB commands Balanced chapters can each be taught in two hours of course lecture Solutions to exercises available to instructors

Linear Systems Theory (Systems Engineering Ser.)

by Ferenc Szidarovszky

This second edition comprehensively presents important tools of linear systems theory, including differential and difference equations, Laplace and Z transforms, and more.Linear Systems Theory discusses:Nonlinear and linear systems in the state space form and through the transfer function methodStability, including marginal stability, asymptotical stability, global asymptotical stability, uniform stability, uniform exponential stability, and BIBO stabilityControllabilityObservabilityCanonical formsSystem realizations and minimal realizations, including state space approach and transfer function realizationsSystem designKalman filtersNonnegative systemsAdaptive controlNeural networksThe book focuses mainly on applications in electrical engineering, but it provides examples for most branches of engineering, economics, and social sciences.What's New in the Second Edition?Case studies drawn mainly from electrical and mechanical engineering applications, replacing many of the longer case studiesExpanded explanations of both linear and nonlinear systems as well as new problem sets at the end of each chapterIllustrative examples in all the chaptersAn introduction and analysis of new stability conceptsAn expanded chapter on neural networks, analyzing advances that have occurred in that field since the first editionAlthough more mainstream than its predecessor, this revision maintains the rigorous mathematical approach of the first edition, providing fast, efficient development of the material.Linear Systems Theory enables its reader to develop his or her capabilities for modeling dynamic phenomena, examining their properties, and applying them to real-life situations.

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