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Showing 38,951 through 38,975 of 71,561 results

Linked Data: A Geographic Perspective

by Glen Hart Catherine Dolbear

Linked Data opens up structured data from databases to be searched and queried via the web, and a geographic element is increasingly being used to link to those data. This book helps you understand how to organize and describe data that includes geographic content and how to publish it as Linked Data for the Semantic Web, as well as explaining the benefits of doing so. In easy-to-understand terms, it equips you with the knowledge you need to think about Geographic Information through the lens of the Semantic Web.

Linking and Mining Heterogeneous and Multi-view Data (Unsupervised and Semi-Supervised Learning)

by Deepak P Anna Jurek-Loughrey

This book highlights research in linking and mining data from across varied data sources. The authors focus on recent advances in this burgeoning field of multi-source data fusion, with an emphasis on exploratory and unsupervised data analysis, an area of increasing significance with the pace of growth of data vastly outpacing any chance of labeling them manually. The book looks at the underlying algorithms and technologies that facilitate the area within big data analytics, it covers their applications across domains such as smarter transportation, social media, fake news detection and enterprise search among others. This book enables readers to understand a spectrum of advances in this emerging area, and it will hopefully empower them to leverage and develop methods in multi-source data fusion and analytics with applications to a variety of scenarios.Includes advances on unsupervised, semi-supervised and supervised approaches to heterogeneous data linkage and fusion; Covers use cases of analytics over multi-view and heterogeneous data from across a variety of domains such as fake news, smarter transportation and social media, among others;Provides a high-level overview of advances in this emerging field and empowers the reader to explore novel applications and methodologies that would enrich the field.

Linking Aquatic Exposure and Effects: Risk Assessment of Pesticides

by Theo C. Brock

Time-variable exposure profiles of pesticides are more often the rule than exception in the surface waters of agricultural landscapes. There is, therefore, a need to adequately address the uncertainties arising from time-variable exposure profiles in the aquatic risk assessment procedure for pesticides. Linking Aquatic Exposure and Effects: Risk As

Linking Climate Change Adaptation, Disaster Risk Reduction, and Loss & Damage

by Linda Anne Stevenson Amit Ranjan Dennis Mombauer Vositha Wijenayake Akio Takemoto Nafesa Ismail

This book advances knowledge on loss & damage (L&D) and its interlinkages with climate adaptation and disaster risk reduction. The book includes twelve case studies conducted across South and Southeast Asia, covering sectors including agriculture, rural livelihoods, energy, infrastructure and natural resources. These studies provide insights into complex climate-induced L&D, enhancing local, national and regional knowledge and contributing to global agendas.

Linking Expertise and Naturalistic Decision Making (Expertise: Research and Applications Series)

by Eduardo Salas Gary Klein

This book contains selected papers presented at the 1998 conference on Naturalistic Decision Making (NDM). The objectives of the conference were to: *make American researchers more aware of NDM research being conducted abroad, particularly in Europe; *connect NDM research with work in management and industry, to stretch beyond the military and paramilitary focus; and *formulate a more explicit connection between NDM and expertise. These objectives are reflected in the chapters of this volume.

Linking Science and Technology to Society's Environmental Goals

by Policy Division

Where should the United States focus its long-term efforts to improve the nation's environment? What are the nation's most important environmental issues? What role should science and technology play in addressing these issues? Linking Science and Technology to Society's Environmental Goals provides the current thinking and answers to these questions.Based on input from a range of experts and interested individuals, including representatives of industry, government, academia, environmental organizations, and Native American communities, this book urges policymakers to Use social science and risk assessment to guide decisionmaking. Monitor environmental changes in a more thorough, consistent, and coordinated manner. Reduce the adverse impact of chemicals on the environment. Move away from the use of fossil fuels. Adopt an environmental approach to engineering that reduces the use of natural resources. Substantially increase our understanding of the relationship between population and consumption. This book will be of special interest to policymakers in government and industry; environmental scientists, engineers, and advocates; and faculty, students, and researchers.

Linking the Construction Industry: Electronic Operation and Maintenance Manuals

by Federal Facilities Council Staff

Technical report on industrial equipment

Linking Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries: 27th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries, TPDL 2023, Zadar, Croatia, September 26–29, 2023, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #14241)

by Omar Alonso Helena Cousijn Gianmaria Silvello Mónica Marrero Carla Teixeira Lopes Stefano Marchesin

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Linking Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries, TPDL 2023, held in Zadar, Croatia, during September 26–29, 2023.The 13 full papers and 17 short papers included in this book were carefully reviewed and selected from 69 submissions. They were organized in topical sections as follows: Applications and digital library systems; data citation and citation analysis; discovering science, monitoring and publishing science; knowledge creation; Human-Computer Interaction; digital humanities; and digital cultural heritage.

Linking Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries: 25th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries, TPDL 2021, Virtual Event, September 13–17, 2021, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #12866)

by Gerd Berget Mark Michael Hall Daniel Brenn Sanna Kumpulainen

This book constitutes the proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries, TPDL 2021, held in September 2021. Due to COVID-10 pandemic the conference was held virtually.The 10 full papers, 3 short papers and 13 other papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 53 submissions. TPDL 2021 attempts to facilitate establishing connections and convergences between diverse research communities such as Digital Humanities, Information Sciences and others that could benefit from ecosystems offered by digital libraries and repositories. This edition of TPDL was held under the general theme of “Linking Theory and Practice”. The papers are organized in topical sections as follows: Document and Text Analysis; Data Repositories and Archives; Linked Data and Open Data; User Interfaces and Experience.

Linking Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries: 26th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries, TPDL 2022, Padua, Italy, September 20–23, 2022, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #13541)

by Gianmaria Silvello Oscar Corcho Paolo Manghi Giorgio Maria Di Nunzio Koraljka Golub Nicola Ferro Antonella Poggi

This book constitutes the proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries, TPDL 2022, which took place in Padua, Italy, in September 2022. The 18 full papers, 27 short papers and 15 accelerating innovation papers included in these proceedings were carefully reviewed and selected from 107 submissions. They focus on digital libraries and associated technical, practical, and social issues.

Linux for Makers: Understanding the Operating System That Runs Raspberry Pi and Other Maker SBCs

by Aaron Newcomb

Linux is a powerful open-source operating system that has been around for many years and is widely used for running servers and websites. But most students and Makers encounter it for the first time when they are working on projects with their Raspberry Pi or similar single-board computers (SBCs) such as BeagleBone Black or Intel Galileo. Linux for Makers is the first book that explains the Linux operating system specifically for Makers, as opposed to programmers and administrators. By gaining a deeper understanding of Linux, Makers can add another useful tool to their kit that will help them build their projects more easily.Written with the Maker in mind, this book will focus mostly on Rasbian running on the Raspberry Pi as it is the most prolific in the ecosystem today. However most of the topics covered will apply broadly to other Linux distributions and will be called out when they may differ. Many times users cut and paste from a website tutorial into the Linux command line without understanding what they are actually doing only to be frustrated when they want to modify or tweak something to suit their needs. Also, many Makers shy away from using the Raspberry Pi or similar board because they feel Linux is too foreign and they think using a command line will be more difficult than using a GUI. This book aims to overcome those fears and provide a foundation for further learning and exploration. To that end, this book will focus on the basic principles that a Maker would need to know as opposed to other resources that go into detail that is not particularly relevant to building projects.

Linux para principiantes

by Jason Cannon Marcio Domingues

Se quer aprender a usar Linux mas não sabe por onde começar, siga este livro. Saber por onde começar quando se inicia a aprendizagem de uma nova tecnologia pode ser um desafio, especialmente se o assunto parecer tão vasto. Pode existir tanta informação disponível que se torna difícil escolher por onde começar, ou pior, começa-se por uma via de aprendizagem e rapidamente se encontram demasiados conceitos, comandos e nuances que não estão explicadas. Este tipo de experiência torna-se frustrante e conduz a mais perguntas do que respostas. Linux para principiantes não parte de nenhum pressuposto acerca do seu conhecimento anterior de Linux. Não precisa de conhecimentos prévios para beneficiar deste livro. Será guiado passo a passo usando uma abordagem lógica e sistemática. À medida que novos conceitos, comandos ou jargão surgem, estes serão explicados em linguagem simples tornando a aprendizagem fácil para qualquer pessoa. Eis o que pode aprender se ler Linux para principiantes: *Como obter acesso a um servidor Linux se ainda não tem. *O que é uma distribuição Linux e qual escolher *Que software é preciso para se ligar a um servidor Linux a partir de Mac e Windows. *O que é SSh e como usar, incluindo criar e usar chaves SSH. *O Sistema de ficheiros e onde encontrar programas, configurações e documentos. *Comandos básicos de Linux mais comuns. *Criar, mover, eliminar e mudar o nome de pastas. *Listar, ler, criar, editar, copiar e eliminar ficheiros *Como funcionam as permissões e como decifrar o sistema de permissões do Linux *Como usar os editores nano, vi, e emacs. *Dois métodos para procurar ficheiros e pastas *Como comparar o conteúdo de ficheiros *O que são pipes, porque são uteis e como as usar. *Como comprimir ficheiros

Linux Per Principianti

by Eugenia Franzoni Jason Cannon

Se volete imparare ad usare Linux ma non sapete dove iniziare, continuate a leggere.Sapere dove iniziare quando si impara qualcosa di nuovo può essere un problem,a soprattutto se l'argomento sembra così vasto. Ci possono essere così tante informazioni a disposizione che non si riesce nemmeno a decidere da dove iniziare, o peggio, si comincia ad imparare e si scoprono velocemente così tanti concetti, esempi di programmazione e dettagli che non vengono spiegati. Questo tipo di esperienza è frustrante e lascia con più domande che risposte.Linux per principianti non dà per scontato niente su quello che già conoscete di Linux. Non serve sapere niente per trarre beneficio da questo libro. Verrete guidati passo dopo passo usando un approccio logico e sistematico. A mano a mano che incontrerete nuovi concetti, codice e termini, questi verranno spiegati in linguaggio chiaro, rendendo semplice comprenderli per chiunque.Ecco cosa imparerete leggendo Linux per principianti:Come accedere ad un server Linux se non ne avete uno.Cosa è una distribuzione di Linux e come sceglierne una.Quale software serve per connettersi a Linux da computer Mac e Windows, con gli screenshot.Cosa è SSH e come usarla, compresa la creazione di chiavi SSH.La struttura del filesystem di Linux e dove trovare i programmi, i file di configurazione e la documentazione.I comandi Linux di base che userete più spesso.Creare, rinominare, spostare e cancellare le directory.Elencare, leggere, creare, modificare, copiare e cancellare i file.Come funzionano esattamente i permessi e come decifrare quelli più strani con facilità.Come usare gli editor nano, vi ed emacs.Due metodi per cercare file e directory.Come paragonare il contenuto dei file.Cosa sono le pipe, perché sono utili e come usarle.Come comprimere i file per risparmiare spazio e trasferirli facilmente.Come e perché redirigere l'input e l'output delle applicazioni.Come person

Lion Lights: My Invention That Made Peace With Lions

by Richard Turere Shelly Pollock

Named an Outstanding Science Trade Book for 2022 by the National Science Teaching Association and the Children’s Book Council. California Eureka Silver Honoree 2022 A story of ingenuity and perseverance. Richard Turere’s own story: Richard grew up in Kenya as a Maasai boy, herding his family’s cattle, which represented their wealth and livelihood. Richard’s challenge was to protect their cattle from the lions who prowled the night just outside the barrier of acacia branches that surrounded the farm’s boma, or stockade. Though not well-educated, 12-year-old Richard loved tinkering with electronics. Using salvaged components, spending $10, he surrounded the boma with blinking lights, and the system works; it keeps lions away. His invention, Lion Lights, is now used in Africa, Asia, and South America to protect farm animals from predators.

Lion's Run (The Kenneth Aubrey & Patrick Hyde Series)

by Craig Thomas

New York Times–Bestselling Author: A British spy goes into action when his boss is framed for treason in this &“bracing thriller . . . the suspense is galvanizing&” (The Wall Street Journal). After baiting Kenneth Aubrey with a potential defector, the KGB gets their hooks in by framing Aubrey himself as a traitor—and a killer. Now the head of British intelligence is enduring house arrest and interrogation, and things look bleak. His field agent, Patrick Hyde, is convinced someone within their own ranks must have conspired with the KGB to destroy the long-serving spymaster—and his quest to uncover the double agent will take him from Afghanistan to Czechoslovakia and into a top-secret computer system . . . &“A cloak-and-dagger grand tour . . . When it comes to keeping the story moving and stoking up the excitement, Mr. Thomas knows his business.&” —The New York Times

The Lipid Handbook with CD-ROM

by null Frank D. Gunstone null John L. Harwood

Extensively revised, reorganized, and expanded, the third edition of the industry standard, The Lipid Handbook reflects many of the changes in lipid science and technology that have occurred in the last decade. It places a stronger emphasis on the nutritional, medical, and agricultural aspects of lipids to reflect the increased interest and research in these areas in the past 10 years and beyond. This edition features updated chapters and expanded coverage, including additional compounds to its dictionary. Written by experts from a diverse range of fields, many of whom have contributed new research in the areas under review, this handbook remains an essential reference.

Lipid Metabolism and Health

by Robert J. Moffatt Bryant Stamford

That a relation exists between lipids/lipoproteins and coronary artery disease is no longer an arguable point. However, the complexities associated with this relationship, and the number of factors that can impact and alter circumstances and clinical status, are many and diverse. Consequently, this relationship continues to receive a great deal of

Lipid Oxidation in Food and Biological Systems: A Physical Chemistry Perspective

by Carlos Bravo-Diaz

This book offers a new physical chemistry perspective on the control of lipid oxidation reactions by antioxidants, and it further explores the application of several oxidation inhibition strategies on food and biological systems. Divided in 3 parts, the book reviews the latest methods to control lipid oxidation, it examines lipid oxidation and inhibition in different food systems, and it finishes with an overview of the biological, health and nutritional effects of lipid oxidation. Chapters from expert contributors cover topics such as the use of magnetic methods to monitor lipid and protein oxidation, the kinetics and mechanisms of lipid oxidation and antioxidant inhibition reactions, interfacial chemistry, oxidative stress and its impact in human health, nutritional, sensory and physiological aspects of lipid oxidation, and new applications of plant and marine antioxidants. While focused on lipid peroxidation in food and biological systems, the chemistry elucidated in this book is applicable also to toxicology, medicine, plant physiology and pathology, and cosmetic industry. The book will therefore appeal to researchers in the lipid oxidation field covering food, biological and medical areas.

Lipid Technologies and Applications (Oily Press Lipid Library Ser.)

by Frank D. Gunstone Fred B. Padley

""Provides a comprehensive review of the major technologies and applications of lipids in food and nonfood uses, including current and future trends. Discusses the nature of lipids, their major sources, and role in nutrition.

Lipids: Nutrition and Health

by Claude Leray

The role of lipids in nutrition science has evolved considerably in the past decade with new concepts following new discoveries. Lipids: Nutrition and Health reviews the role of dietary lipids in maintaining health, bringing the latest knowledge from a myriad of sources into one convenient resource. Taking a combined approach that integrates lipid

Lipids in Aquatic Ecosystems

by Martin Kainz Michael T. Arts Michael T. Brett

Evidence now suggests that the roles of essential fatty acids as growth promoters and as indices of health and nutrition are fundamentally similar in freshwater and marine ecosystems. Lipids in Aquatic Ecosystems integrates this divergent literature into a coordinated, digestible form. Chapters are organized so as to discuss and synthesize the flow of lipids from lower to higher trophic levels, up to and including humans. Linkages between the production, distribution and pathways of these essential compounds within the various levels of the aquatic food webs, and their ultimate uptake by humans and other terrestrial organisms, are highlighted throughout the book. This book will be of interest to researchers and resource managers working with aquatic ecosystems.

Lipids, Lipophilic Components and Essential Oils from Plant Sources

by Shakhnoza S. Azimova Valentina I. Vinogradova Anna I. Glushenkova

A comprehensive collection covering more than 3,000 plants Offers systematic information on the lipids and natural oils that can be extracted from each part of the plant Includes material not previously readily available in English

Liposome-Based Drug Delivery Systems (Biomaterial Engineering)

by Wan-Liang Lu Xian-Rong Qi

This volume describes the protocols for fabrication of liposomal drug delivery system, and consists of two parts. The first part emphasizes the basic protocols and concepts for fabrication of drug-loaded liposomes. For new investigators, laying the groundwork is the first step. This part focuses on the fabrication details in liposomes formulations, which are the so-called small tricks while usually not disclosed in mostly published research articles. However, these processing details are crucial for the preparation of liposomes. And the second part focuses on the strategies in modified and/or functionalized liposomes to adapt to pathophysiological environment, as well as their application in treating diseases. As new analytical and synthetic technologies become available, and improved understanding of pathophysiology, various functionalized drug liposomes are developing to fit the requirements of different therapeutic purposes, exhibiting a broad range of applications. Accordingly, the objectives of this part are aimed at deeply unearthing the formulation of drug-loaded liposomes, describing the detailed operation of liposomal formulation, and further demonstrating their potential applications. Therefore, this volume shows the features of experimental report or protocol for proving a guide to scientists, research students, and young investigators in pharmaceutical enterprises.

Liquid and Crystal Nanomaterials for Water Pollutants Remediation

by Uma Shanker

Nanoscience technology is playing a vital role in multidisciplinary research due to its unique characteristics at nanoscale as compared to bulk materials. In view of such excellent properties, like high surface area, semiconducting nature, and non-toxicity, nanotechnology has emerged as a promising means to curb pollution. Liquid and crystal nanomaterials aim for products and processes that are ecofriendly, economically sustainable, safe, and energy-efficient. One of the most popular fields widely adopted is photocatalysis of nanomaterials that involves photo-conduction in efficient removal/degradation of noxious pollutants. This book focuses on generation of liquid and crystal nanomaterials for environmental remediation.

Liquid Assets: An Economic Approach for Water Management and Conflict Resolution in the Middle East and Beyond

by Franklin Fisher Annette Huber-Lee

Liquid Assets shows that the common view of water as an inevitable cause of future wars is neither rational nor necessary. Typically, two or more parties with claim to the same water sources are thought to play a zero-sum game with each side placing a high emotional and political value over the ownership of the water. However, Franklin Fisher and his coauthors demonstrate that when disputes in ownership are expressed as disputes about money values, in most cases, the benefits of ownership will be surprisingly small. By assigning an economic value to water and treating water as a tradable resource, parties see that the gains from cooperation exceed the costs resulting from the change in ownership. A zero-sum game becomes a win-win situation. To support this new approach, Liquid Assets presents an innovative water allocation model that can be used to assist water management, the cost-benefit analysis of water infrastructure, and the resolution of disputes. The model takes system-wide effects into account and is the first to overcome the failure of actual water markets to cope with the divergence between social and private benefits (as implied by agricultural subsidies), permitting the model-user to impose his or her own values or policies. Liquid Assets applies its methodology to Israel, Jordan, and Palestine, a region where water is scarce and water conflicts are often thought to be explosive. Indeed, this book is the result of a joint effort of Israeli, Jordanian, Palestinian, American, and Dutch experts. But the book‘s message and methods are not restricted to the Middle East. They are applicable to water management and water disputes around the globe.

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Showing 38,951 through 38,975 of 71,561 results