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Liquid Crystal Colloids
by Igor MuševičThis book brings together the many concepts and discoveries in liquid crystal colloids contributed over the last twenty years and scattered across numerous articles and book chapters. It provides both a historical overview of the development of the field and a clear perspective on the future applications in photonics. The book covers all phenomena observed in liquid crystal colloids with an emphasis on experimental tools and applications of topology in condensed matter, as well as practical micro-photonics applications. It includes a number of spectacular manifestations of new topological phenomena not found or difficult to observe in other systems. Starting from the early works on nematic colloids, it explains the basics of topological defects in ordered media, charge and winding, and the elastic forces between colloidal particles in nematics. Following a detailed description of experimental methods, such as optical tweezing and particle tracking, the book eases the reader into the theoretical part, which deals with elastic deformation of nematic liquid crystals due to inclusions and surface alignment. This is discussed in the context of basic mean field Landau-de Gennes Q-tensor theory, with a brief explanation of the free-energy minimization numerical methods. There then follows an excursion into the topology of complex nematic colloidal structures, colloidal entanglement, knotting and linking. Nematic droplets, shells, handlebodies and chiral topological structures are addressed in separate chapters. The book concludes with an extensive chapter on the photonic properties of nematic dispersions, presenting the concept of integrated soft matter photonics and discussing the concepts of nematic and chiral nematic microlasers, surface-sensitive photonic devices and smectic microfibers. The text is complemented by a large bibliography, explanatory sketches and beautiful micrographs.
Liquid Crystal Displays
by Robert H. ChenAn unprecedented look into the basic physics, chemistry, and technology behind the LCDMost notably used for computer screens, televisions, and mobile phones, LCDs (liquid crystal displays) are a pervasive and increasingly indispensable part of our lives. Providing both an historical and a business-minded context, this extensive resource describes the unique scientific and engineering techniques used to create these beautiful, clever, and eminently useful devices.In this book, the history of the science and technology behind the LCD is described in a prelude to the development of the device, presenting a rational development theme and pinpointing innovations. The book begins with Maxwell's theory of electromagnetism, and the ultimately profound realization that light is an electromagnetic wave and an electromagnetic wave is light.The power of mathematical physics thus was brought to bear upon the study of light, and particularly the polarization of light by material bodies, including liquid crystals. After a brief historical description of polarization, a physical interpretation provides substance to the mathematical concepts. Subsequent chapters cover:Thermodynamics for liquid crystalsThe Maier-Saupe mean field, phenomenological, static continuum, and dynamic continuum theoriesThe transistor and integrated circuitGlass, panels, and modulesThe calculus of variationsThe active matrixSemiconductor fabricationThe global LCD businessAdditionally, the book illustrates how mathematics, physics, and chemistry are put to practical use in the LCDs we use every day. By describing the science from an historical perspective and in practical terms in the context of a device very familiar to readers, the book presents an engaging and unique view of the technology for everyone from science students to engineers, product designers, and indeed anyone curious about LCDs.Series Editor: Anthony C. Lowe, The Lambent Consultancy, Braishfield, UKThe Society for Information Display (SID) is an international society, which has the aim of encouraging the development of all aspects of the field of information display. Complementary to the aims of the society, the Wiley-SID series is intended to explain the latest developments in information display technology at a professional level. The broad scope of the series addresses all facets of information displays from technical aspects through systems and prototypes to standards and ergonomics.
Liquid Crystal Displays: Addressing Schemes and Electro-Optical Effects (Wiley Series in Display Technology)
by Ernst Lueder Seung Hee Lee Peter KnollLIQUID CRYSTAL DISPLAYS THE NEW EDITION OF THE GOLD-STANDARD IN TEACHING AND REFERENCING THE FUNDAMENTALS OF LCD TECHNOLOGIES This book presents an up-to-date view of modern LCD technology. Offering balanced coverage of all major aspects of the field, this comprehensive volume provides the theoretical and practical information required for the development and manufacture of high-performance, energy-efficient LCDs. The third edition incorporates new technologies and applications throughout. Several brand-new chapters discuss topics such as the application of Oxide TFTs and high mobility circuits, high-mobility TFT-semiconductors in LCD addressing, liquid crystal displays in automotive instrument clusters and touch-screen systems, and the use of ultra-high-resolution LCD panels in augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) displays. This practical reference and guide: Provides a complete account of commercially relevant LCD technologies, including their physics, mathematical descriptions, and electronic addressing Features extensively revised and expanded information, including more than 150 pages of new material Includes the addition of Oxide Transistors and their increased mobilities, the advances of fringe field switching and an overview of automotive displays Presents quantitative results with full equation sets, their derivation, and tabular summaries of related information sets
Liquid Crystal Elastomers: Materials and Applications
by Wim H. de JeuPreparation of Liquid Crystalline Elastomers, by F. Brömmel, D. Kramer, H. Finkelmann Applications of Liquid Crystalline Elastomers, by C. Ohm, M. Brehmer und R. Zentel Liquid Crystal Elastomers and Light, by Peter Palffy-Muhoray Electro-Opto-Mechanical Effects in Swollen Nematic Elastomers, by Kenji Urayama The Isotropic-to-Nematic Conversion in Liquid Crystalline Elastomers, by Andrija Lebar, George Cordoyiannis, Zdravko Kutnjak und Bostjan Zalar Order and Disorder in Liquid-Crystalline Elastomers, by Wim H. de Jeu und Boris I. Ostrovskii
Liquid-Crystal Nanomaterials
by Sergey F. Ermakov Nikolai K. MyshkinThis book discusses the tribological, rheological and optical properties of liquid-crystal nanomaterials as well as lubricant media. It also describes the formation of liquid-crystal materials and the application of cholesteric liquid-crystal compounds in technical friction units and in human and animal joints. Further, it shows the connection between the tribological and other physical properties of liquid-crystal cholesterol compounds and develops a lubricity conceptual model of cholesteric–nematic, liquid-crystalline nanostructures on the basis of physical and energetic interpretations. This general model is valid for all surfaces and friction pairs, including biopolymers, and could lead to applications of cholesteric liquid-crystalline nanomaterials in different friction units and tribosystems as well as in the treatment of joint diseases.
Liquid Crystalline Semiconductors
by Richard J. Bushby Mary O'Neill Stephen M. KellyThis is an exciting stage in the development of organic electronics. It is no longer an area of purely academic interest as increasingly real applications are being developed, some of which are beginning to come on-stream. Areas that have already been commercially developed or which are under intensive development include organic light emitting diodes (for flat panel displays and solid state lighting), organic photovoltaic cells, organic thin film transistors (for smart tags and flat panel displays) and sensors. Within the family of organic electronic materials, liquid crystals are relative newcomers. The first electronically conducting liquid crystals were reported in 1988 but already a substantial literature has developed. The advantage of liquid crystalline semiconductors is that they have the easy processability of amorphous and polymeric semiconductors but they usually have higher charge carrier mobilities. Their mobilities do not reach the levels seen in crystalline organics but they circumvent all of the difficult issues of controlling crystal growth and morphology. Liquid crystals self-organise, they can be aligned by fields and surface forces and, because of their fluid nature, defects in liquid crystal structures readily self-heal. With these matters in mind this is an opportune moment to bring together a volume on the subject of 'Liquid Crystalline Semiconductors'. The field is already too large to cover in a comprehensive manner so the aim has been to bring together contributions from leading researchers which cover the main areas of the chemistry (synthesis and structure/function relationships), physics (charge transport mechanisms and optical properties) and potential applications in photovoltaics, organic light emitting diodes (OLEDs) and organic field-effect transistors (OFETs). This book will provide a useful introduction to the field for those in both industry and academia and it is hoped that it will help to stimulate future developments.
Liquid Crystals (Wiley Series in Pure and Applied Optics)
by Iam-Choon KhooThe latest edition of the leading resource on the properties and applications of liquid crystals In the newly revised Third Edition of Liquid Crystals, Professor Iam Choon Khoo delivers a comprehensive treatment of the fundamentals and applied aspects of optical physics, light scattering, electro-optics, and non-linear optics of liquid crystals. The book's opening chapters include coverage of the foundational physics and optical properties of liquid crystals and lead to more advanced content on the display, photonics and nonlinear optics applications of liquid crystals. New topics, including photonic crystals, metamaterials, ultrafast nonlinear optics, and fabrication methods for massive cholesteric and blue phase liquid crystals are discussed at length. Analytical methods and experimental observations of nonlinear light propagation through liquid crystalline and anisotropic materials and devices are also discussed. Liquid Crystals offers an insightful and unique treatment of the nonlinear optics of liquid crystals. New and expanded sections round out this new edition and add to the most up-to-date resource on this topic available today. The book also includes: A thorough introduction to liquid crystals, including their molecular structures, chemical compositions, order parameter, phase transition, and free energies Practical discussions of nematic, cholesteric, smectic, and ferroelectric liquid crystals, and explorations of linear and nonlinear light scattering in these phases. A detailed quantum mechanical treatment of the linear and nonlinear electronic optical response of liquid crystal molecules to optical fields. A self-contained discussion of the fundamentals of nonlinear optics/photonics and comprehensive review of all liquid crystalline materials-based nonlinear optical processes and applications. The latest edition of Liquid Crystals is an indispensable resource for graduate students, professors, research scientists and engineers in industrial or government laboratories. It's also an ideal reference for anyone seeking a one-stop textbook with complete coverage of the optical, electro-optical, and non-linear optical properties and processes of liquid crystals.
Liquid Crystals
by Carsten TschierskeFluorinated Liquid Crystals: Design of Soft Nanostructures and Increased Complexity of Self-Assembly by Perfluorinated Segments, by Carsten Tschierske Liquid Crystalline Crown Ethers, by Martin Kaller and Sabine Laschat Star-Shaped Mesogens - Hekates: The Most Basic Star Structure with Three Branches, by Matthias Lehmann DNA-Based Soft Phases, by Tommaso Bellini, Roberto Cerbino and Giuliano Zanchetta Polar and Apolar Columnar Phases Made of Bent-Core Mesogens, by N. Vaupotič, D. Pociecha and E. Gorecka Spontaneous Achiral Symmetry Breaking in Liquid Crystalline Phases, by H. Takezoe Nanoparticles in Liquid Crystals and Liquid Crystalline Nanoparticles, by Oana Stamatoiu, Javad Mirzaei, Xiang Feng and Torsten Hegmann Stimuli-Responsive Photoluminescent Liquid Crystals, by Shogo Yamane, Kana Tanabe, Yoshimitsu Sagara and Takashi Kato
Liquid Crystals Beyond Displays: Chemistry, Physics, and Applications
by Quan LiThe chemistry, physics, and applications of liquid crystals beyond LCDs Liquid Crystals (LCs) combine order and mobility on a molecular and supramolecular level. But while these remarkable states of matter are most commonly associated with visual display technologies, they have important applications for a variety of other fields as well. Liquid Crystals Beyond Displays: Chemistry, Physics, and Applications considers these, bringing together cutting-edge research from some of the most promising areas of LC science. Featuring contributions from respected researchers from around the globe, this edited volume emphasizes the chemistry, physics, and applications of LCs in areas such as photovoltaics, light-emitting diodes, filed-effect transistors, lasers, molecular motors, nanophotonics and biosensors. Specific chapters look at magnetic LCs, lyotropic chromonic LCs, LC-based chemical sensors, LCs in metamaterials, and much more. Introducing readers to the fundamentals of LC science through the use of illustrative examples, Liquid Crystals Beyond Displays covers not only the most recent research in the myriad areas in which LCs are being utilized, but also looks ahead, addressing potential future developments. Designed for physicists, chemists, engineers, and biologists working in academia or industry, as well as graduate students specializing in LC technology, this is the first book to consider LC applications across a wide range of fields.
Liquid Crystals in Biotribology
by Sergey Ermakov Alexandr Beletskii Oleg Eismont Vladimir NikolaevThis book summarizes the theoretical and experimental studies confirming the concept of the liquid-crystalline nature of boundary lubrication in synovial joints. It is shown that cholesteric liquid crystals in the synovial liquid play a significant role in the mechanism of intra-articular friction reduction. The results of structural, rheological and tribological research of the creation of artificial synovial liquids containing cholesteric liquid crystals in natural synovial liquids are described. These liquid crystals reproduce the lubrication properties of natural synovia and provide a high chondroprotective efficiency. They were tested in osteoarthritis models and in clinical practice.
Liquid Crystals with Nano/Micro Particles and Their Applications
by Jayeeta Chattopadhyay Rohit SrivastavaLCs are self-organized anisotropic fluids that are thermodynamically located between the isotropic liquid and the crystalline phase, exhibiting the fluidity of liquids as well as the long-range lattice order that can only be found in crystalline solids. The addition of nanomaterials to a LC material produces a composite or colloidal dispersion and results into a revolutionary change in their applications. This book will discuss the remarkable performances of nano-particle aided liquid crystals in metamaterials, photonics, functionalized polymer fibres, sensing, and medical diagnostics.
Liquid Institutionalization at Sea: Reflexivity and Power Dynamics of Blue Governance Arrangements
by Jan P.M. van TatenhoveThis book presents an innovative theory of liquid institutionalization at sea and explores the building blocks of this theory focusing in particular on institutionalization, blue governance arrangements, reflexivity and power. The book opens with an overview of stability and change in new institutional theory before moving on to discuss liquid institutionalization in more detail. The author applies this approach to three different cases: Arctic shipping; deep seabed mining; and transboundary regionalization in Europe. For each of these cases the book describes the emerging blue governance arrangements, the type of liquid institutionalization and the consequences this has for power and reflexivity.
Liquid Lean: Developing Lean Culture in the Process Industries
by Raymond C. FloydWhile Lean practices have been successfully implemented into the process industry with excellent results for over 20 years (including the author‘s own award winning example at Exxon Chemical), that industry has been especially slow in adopting Lean. Part of the problem is that the process industry needs its own version of Lean. The larger part of t
Liquid Marbles: Formation, Characterization, and Applications
by Andrew T. TyowuaCertain small solid particles are surface-active at fluid interfaces and thus are able to stabilize materials previously considered impossible to stabilize in their absence. Liquid marbles, particle-coated non-sticking liquid droplets, represent one of these materials. Preparation of liquid marbles was described only about 15 years ago and they are now widely studied by many research groups and numerous applications of liquid marbles have been advanced. The book is written for postgraduates and researchers working on the area who are training to become chemists, soft matter physicists, materials scientists, and engineers.
Liquid Metal Biomaterials: Principles and Applications (Springer Series in Biomaterials Science and Engineering #10)
by Jing Liu Liting YiThis is the first-ever book to illustrate the principles and applications of liquid metal biomaterials. Room-temperature liquid metal materials are rapidly emerging as next-generation functional materials that display many unconventional properties superior to those of conventional biomaterials. Their outstanding, unique versatility (“one material, diverse capabilities”) opens many exciting opportunities for the medical sciences. The book reviews representative applications of liquid metal biomaterials from both therapeutic and diagnostic aspects. It also discusses related efforts to employ liquid metals to overcome today’s biomedical challenges. It will provide readers with a comprehensive understanding of the technical advances and fundamental discoveries on the frontier, and thus equip them to investigate and utilize liquid metal biomaterials to tackle various critical problems.
Liquid Metal Processing: Applications to Aluminium Alloy Production
by null I.G. Brodova null P.S. Popel null G.I. EskinThe title presents an up-to-date account of the research, development, and applications of metallic alloys, recent research into the structure of charge materials, melt treatment, and casting technologies, and their influence on the properties of melts and ingots. This research has confirmed theoretical concepts about the microheterogenous constitu
Liquid Metal Soft Machines: Principles and Applications (Topics in Mining, Metallurgy and Materials Engineering)
by Jing Liu Lei Sheng Zhi-Zhu HeThis book discusses the core principles and practical applications of a brand new machine category: liquid-metal soft machines and motors. After a brief introduction on the conventional soft robot and its allied materials, it presents the new conceptual liquid-metal machine, which revolutionizes existing rigid robots, both large and small. It outlines the typical features of the soft liquid-metal materials and describes the various transformation capabilities, mergence of separate metal droplets, self-rotation and planar locomotion of liquid-metal objects under external or internal mechanism. Further, it introduces a series of unusual phenomena discovered while developing the shape changeable smart soft machine and interprets the related mechanisms regarding the effects of the shape, size, voltage, orientation and geometries of the external fields to control the liquid-metal transformers. Moreover, the book illustrates typical strategies to construct a group of different advanced functional liquid-metal soft machines, since such machines or robots are hard to fabricate using rigid-metal or conventional materials. With highly significant fundamental and practical findings, this book is intended for researchers interested in establishing a general method for making future smart soft machine and accompanying robots.
Liquid Metals: Properties, Mechanisms, and Applications
by Lei Fu Mengqi ZengAn up-to-date exploration of the properties and most recent applications of liquid metals In Liquid Metal: Properties, Mechanisms, and Applications, a pair of distinguished researchers delivers a comprehensive exploration of liquid metals with a strong focus on their structure and physicochemical properties, preparation methods, and tuning strategies. The book also illustrates the applications of liquid metals in fields as varied as mediated synthesis, 3D printing, flexible electronics, biomedicine, energy storage, and energy conversion. The authors include coverage of reactive mediums for synthesizing and assembling nanomaterials and direct-writing electronics, and the book offers access to supplementary video materials to highlight the concepts discussed within. Recent advancements in the field of liquid metals are also discussed, as are new opportunities for research and development in this rapidly developing area. The book also includes: A thorough introduction to the fundamentals of liquid metal, including a history of its discovery, its structure and physical properties, and its preparation Comprehensive explorations of the external field tuning of liquid metal, including electrical, magnetic, and chemical tuning Practical discussions of liquid metal as a new reaction medium, including nanomaterial synthesis and alloy preparation In-depth examinations of constructing techniques of liquid metal-based architectures, including injection, imprinting, and mask-assisted depositing Perfect for materials scientists, electrochemists, and catalytic chemists, Liquid Metal: Properties, Mechanisms, and Applications also belongs in the libraries of inorganic chemists, electronics engineers, and biochemists.
Liquid Phase Aerobic Oxidation Catalysis: Industrial Applications and Academic Perspectives
by Shannon S. Stahl Paul L. AlstersThe first book to place recent academic developments within the context of real life industrial applications, this is a timely overview of the field of aerobic oxidation reactions in the liquid phase that also illuminates the key challenges that lie ahead. As such, it covers both homogeneous as well as heterogeneous chemocatalysis and biocatalysis, along with examples taken from various industries: bulk chemicals and monomers, specialty chemicals, flavors and fragrances, vitamins, and pharmaceuticals. One chapter is devoted to reactor concepts and engineering aspects of these methods, while another deals with the relevance of aerobic oxidation catalysis for the conversion of renewable feedstock. With each chapter written by a team of academic and industrial researchers, this is a valuable reference for synthetic and catalytic chemists at universities as well as those working in the pharmaceutical and fine chemical industries seeking a better understanding of these reactions and how to design large scale processes based on this technology.
Liquid Pipeline Hydraulics
by E. Shashi MenonAvoiding lengthy mathematical discussions, this reference specifically addresses issues affecting the day-to-day practices of those who design, operate, and purchase liquid pipelines in the oil, water, and process industries. Liquid Pipeline Hydraulics supplies an abundance of practical examples and applications for an in-depth understanding of liq
Liquid Piston Engines
by Aman Gupta Shubham Sharma Sunny NarayanWhether used in irrigation, cooling nuclear reactors, pumping wastewater, or any number of other uses, the liquid piston engine is a much more efficient, effective, and “greener” choice than many other choices available to industry. Especially if being used in conjunction with solar panels, the liquid piston engine can be extremely cost-effective and has very few, if any, downsides or unwanted side effects. As industries all over the world become more environmentally conscious, the liquid piston engine will continue growing in popularity as a better choice, and its low implementation and operational costs will be attractive to end-users in developing countries. This is the only comprehensive, up-to-date text available on liquid piston engines. The first part focuses on the identification, design, construction and testing of the liquid piston engine, a simple, yet elegant, device which has the ability to pump water but which can be manufactured easily without any special tooling or exotic materials and which can be powered from either combustion of organic matter or directly from solar heating. It has been tested, and the authors recommend how it might be improved upon. The underlying theory of the device is also presented and discussed. The second part deals with the performance, troubleshooting, and maintenance of the engine. This volume is the only one of its kind, a groundbreaking examination of a fascinating and environmentally friendly technology which is useful in many industrial applications. It is a must-have for any engineer, manager, or technician working with pumps or engines.
Liquid Radioactive Waste Treatment: LWRT 2022 (Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering #469)
by Yuriy Zabulonov Igor Peer Mark ZheleznyakThis book presents the latest scientific advancements and innovative R&D solutions for the treatment of liquid radioactive waste in the context of practical threats in Ukraine. It includes research and engineering insights from the International Conference “Liquid Radioactive Waste Treatment: Ukrainian Context” (LWRT 2022), which was held in Kyiv, Ukraine on June 30, 2022. This publication covers a wide range of topics related to the treatment and management of radioactive waste, with a particular emphasis on safety considerations. The included articles also explore various aspects of environmental engineering and innovative R&D solutions, as well as the sustainability challenges associated with radioactive waste in the context of postwar reconstruction efforts. The contributions featured in this publication were selected through a rigorous international peer-review process. The carefully curated collection of articles showcases a diverse range of exciting ideas, poised to inspire novel research directions and stimulate interdisciplinary collaborations.
Liquid Silicone Rubber: Chemistry, Materials, and Processing
by Johannes Karl FinkThe scientific literature with respect to liquid silicone rubbers is collected in this monograph. The text focuses on the fundamental issues such as properties, curing methods, special materials, as well as the latest development and provides a broad overview of the materials used therein. In particular, materials and compositions for liquid functional rubbers are discussed. Also, methods of curing and special properties are described, such as tracking and erosion resistance, adhesion properties, storage and thermal stability. Methods of curing are precision casting, hybrid additive manufacturing, peroxide curing, ultraviolet curing, liquid injection molding, or hot embossing. The book includes applications including automotive and underwater applications, electrical and optical uses, as well as medical uses.
Liquid Spray from Nozzles: Experimental and Computer Simulation of Hydrodynamics and Interphase Heat and Mass Transfer (Innovation and Discovery in Russian Science and Engineering)
by Nikolay N. SimakovThis book advances a new view of phenomena associated with the spray of liquids from a nozzle in a gas. New results of experimental studies and numerical simulation of the hydrodynamics of an emerging two-phase flow and accompanying interphase heat and mass transfer therein are presented. The book is ideal for specialists who develop and use technologies involving the spraying of liquids in a gas, such as burning and pyrolysis of liquid hydrocarbons, granulation and drying of polymers, and dust and gas scrubbing.
Liquid-Vapor Phase-Change Phenomena: An Introduction to the Thermophysics of Vaporization and Condensation Processes in Heat Transfer Equipment, Third Edition
by Van P. CareySince the second edition of Liquid-Vapor Phase-Change Phenomena was written, research has substantially enhanced the understanding of the effects of nanostructured surfaces, effects of microchannel and nanochannel geometries, and effects of extreme wetting on liquid-vapor phase-change processes. To cover advances in these areas, the new third edition includes significant new coverage of microchannels and nanostructures, and numerous other updates. More worked examples and numerous new problems have been added, and a complete solution manual and electronic figures for classroom projection will be available for qualified adopting professors.