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Living Farms: Encouraging Sustainable Smallholders in Southern Africa
by Martin WhitesideDesigned as an accessible text on sustainable agriculture, this book contains information on community organization and participation, technologies for sustainability and the wider policy and service environment. The book looks at a variety of ways of encouraging sustainability through policy change and service provision, including: ways of improving financial services; ways of improving land security; and ways of improving training. The book is illustrated by a range of case studies and examples, and contains lists of contact addresses.
Living in Suburban Communities (First Step Nonfiction)
by Kristin SterlingAn introduction to the common characteristics of a suburban community.
Living in the Labyrinth of Technology
by Willem H. VanderburgFrom the very beginnings of their existence, human beings have distinguished themselves from other animals by not taking immediate experience for granted. Everything was symbolized according to its meaning and value: a fallen branch from a tree became a lever; a tree trunk floating in the river became a canoe. Homo logos created communities based on cultures: humanity's first megaproject.Further symbolization of the human community and its relation to nature led to the possibility of creating societies and civilizations. Everything changed as these interposed themselves between the group and nature. Homo societas created ways of life able to give meaning, direction, and purpose to many groups by means of very different cultures: humanity's second megaproject. What Das Kapital did for the nineteenth century and La technique did for the twentieth, Willem H. Vanderburg's Living in the Labyrinth of Technology seeks to create for the twenty-first century: an attempt at understanding the world in a manner not shackled to overspecialized scientific knowing and technical doing. Western civilization may well be creating humanity's third megaproject, based not on symbolization for making sense of and living in the world, but on highly specialized desymbolized knowing stripped of all peripheral understanding.Vanderburg focuses on two interdependent forces in his narrative, namely, people changing technology and technology changing people. The latter aspect, although rarely considered, turns out to be the more critical one for understanding the spectacular successes and failures of contemporary ways of life. As technology continues to change the social and physical world, the experiences of this world 'grow' people's minds and society's cultures, thereby re-creating human life in the image of technology. Living in the Labyrinth of Technology argues that the twenty-first century will be dominated by this pattern unless society intervenes on human (as opposed to technical) terms.
The Living Land: Agriculture, Food and Community Regeneration in the 21st Century
by Jules Pretty ObeThe Living Land sets out a new 'stakeholder' vision for rural regeneration in Europe. It integrates three themes: sustainable agriculture, localised food systems and rural community development. All three offer ways of rebuilding natural and social capital, and a large 'sustainability dividend' is waiting to be released from current practices - creating more jobs, more wealth and better lives from less.
Living on a Space Shuttle (Rookie Read-About® Science)
by Carmen BredesonThe toilet is like a vacuum cleaner. Being on the ceiling feels the same as being on the floor. Everything floats!
Living Roofs in Integrated Urban Water Systems
by Daniel Roehr Elizabeth Fassman-BeckWith the infrastructure to manage storm water threats in cities becoming increasingly expensive to build or repair, the design community needs to look at alternative approaches. Living roofs present an opportunity to compliment ground-level storm water control measures, contributing to a holistic, integrated urban water management system. This book offers tools to plan and design living roofs, in the context of effectively mitigating storm water. Quantitative tools for engineering calculations and qualitative discussion of potential influences and interactions of the design team and assembly elements are addressed.
Living Small: Life in a Tiny House (Fountas & Pinnell LLI Gold #Level T)
by Kate Foster<p>Bigger Doesn't Always Mean Better <p>How much living space do you need to be comfortable? Some people aren't sure that "living large" is necessary or even desirable these days. In fact, they think happiness is quite possible in a teeny, tiny house. <p>Text Elements: <p> <li>Genre: Expository Text Structures: Main: Categorical; Embedded: Compare/Contrast, Cause/Effect, Problem/Solution, Question/Answer, Temporal Sequence <li>Text Features: table of contents, headings, subheadings, photos, captions, sidebars, graphs, diagram, glossary</li> </p>
The Living Soil: A Lifetime Journey in Understanding It for Human Sustenance (SpringerBriefs in Environmental Science)
by Kodoth Prabhakaran NairThis book will address the importance of the soil management concept, vis-à-vis chemical fertilizer use on soil. Historically, soil testing has been used to quantify bio availability of plant nutrients to field grown crops. However, contemporary soil tests are based on philosophies and procedures developed several decades ago without significant changes in their general approach. For a soil test to be accurate, one needs to clearly understand the physico-chemico-physiologic processes at the soil-plant root interface, and, an understanding of soils and plant root systems as polycationic systems is essential. It is this knowledge that leads to sound prescriptive soil management practices inasmuch as nutrient bioavailability vis-à-vis chemical fertilizers application is concerned, because, of all the factors that govern sustainability of crop production, the nutrient factor is the most important, yet, it is also the least resilient to effective management. The author’s research spanning over three decades in Europe, Africa and Asia, establishes the fact that precise quantification of the nutrient’s “buffer power” holds the key to a clear understanding of the plant bioavailability of some of the most important plant nutrients in crop production, such as, phosphorus, potassium and zinc. “The Nutrient Buffer Power Concept” attempts to clearly explain the bio availability of the three plant nutrients named above on the basis of the diffusion model, as that is the process by which these three important principal plant nutrients are absorbed from the soil by the plant root. Possibly, other plant nutrients which are taken up by the plant roots by the same diffusive model, would also conform to the principles of the concept. A thorough knowledge of thermodynamic principles on the part of the researcher is an absolute pre requisite for this. The book chronicles more than three decades of the professional journey of the author in Europe, Africa and Asia, understanding soil for human sustenance, and developing the revolutionary soil management concept, now globally known as, "The Nutrient Buffer Power Concept" , which has brought the author a string of international recognitions, including the nomination for the "Alternative Nobel Prize" (The Right Livelihood Award),of Sweden, and succour to millions to poor and marginal farmers across Africa, Asia and Latin America.
The Living Soil Handbook: The No-Till Grower's Guide to Ecological Market Gardening
by Jesse FrostPrinciples and farm-tested practices for no-till market gardening--for healthier, more productive soil! From the host of the popular The No-Till Market Garden Podcast—heard around the world with over 850k downloads! Discovering how to meet the soil’s needs is the key task for every market gardener. In this comprehensive guide, Farmer Jesse Frost shares all he has learned through experience and experimentation with no-till practices on his home farm in Kentucky and from interviews and visits with highly successful market gardeners in his role as host of The No-Till Market Garden Podcast. The Living Soil Handbook is centered around the three basic principles of no-till market gardening: Disturb the soil as little as possible Keep it covered as much as possible Keep it planted as much as possible. Farmer Jesse then guides readers in applying those principles to their own garden environment, with their own materials, to meet their own goals. Beginning with an exploration of the importance of photosynthesis to living soil, Jesse provides in-depth information on: Turning over beds Using compost and mulch Path management Incorporating biology, maintaining fertility Cover cropping Diversifying plantings through intercropping Production methods for seven major crops Throughout, the book emphasizes practical information on all the best tools and practices for growers who want to build their livelihood around maximizing the health of their soil. Farmer Jesse reminds growers that “as possible” is the mantra for protecting the living soil: disturb the soil as little as you possibly can in your context. He does not believe that growers should anguish over what does and does not qualify as “no-till.” If you are using a tool to promote soil life and biology, that’s the goal. Jesse’s goal with The Living Soil Handbook is to provide a comprehensive set of options, materials, and field-tested practices to inspire growers to design a soil-nurturing no-till system in their unique garden or farm ecosystem. "[A] practical, informative debut. . . .Gardeners interested in sustainable agriculture will find this a great place to start."—Publishers Weekly "Frost offers a comprehensive, science-based, sympathetic, wholly practical guide to soil building, that most critical factor in vegetable gardening for market growers and home gardeners alike. A gift to any vegetable plot that will keep on giving."—Booklist (starred review)
Living the Audio Life: A Guide to a Career in Live Entertainment Sound
by Brad SchillerLiving the Audio Life details the aspects and procedures necessary for one to have a successful career in live entertainment sound. Encompassing a wide range of topics, the text clearly guides anyone interested in working in a position within the live entertainment audio field. The guide is broken into clearly defined sections, allowing the reader to easily navigate through various subjects including jobs, career, business, creativity, lifestyle, and travel. Real-world examples and documentation from the author and key industry experts allow the reader to gain insight into the essential practices that are helpful throughout a career. Additional in-depth interviews provide details of careers from industry veterans. Whether considering a career in live entertainment audio or just starting out, readers will find the resources for the key to success in audio. Students, those new to sound, and workers already within their careers can refer to the text as a guide throughout their journeys. With benefits to anyone interested in the audio field, Living the Audio Life is a key navigational resource for success.
Living the Lighting Life: A Guide to a Career in Entertainment Lighting
by Brad SchillerLiving the Lighting Life provides practical tools and advice for a successful career in entertainment lighting. This easy-to-navigate guide offers real-world examples and documentation from the author and key industry experts, giving readers a comprehensive overview of the lighting life. The book provides insight on: Different job opportunities in the entertainment lighting industry; Business procedures, contracts, time sheets, and invoices; Tips on self-promotion, networking, and continual learning; The lighting lifestyle, healthy living, and work-related travel; Maintaining and developing creativity to provide innovative lighting and solutions. With insightful interviews from industry veterans, Living the Lighting Life is a key navigational resource for anyone considering a career in entertainment lighting or just starting out.
Living the Lighting Life: A Guide to a Career in Entertainment Lighting
by Brad SchillerLiving the Lighting Life provides practical tools and advice for a successful career in entertainment lighting. This easy-to-navigate guide offers real-world examples and documentation from the author and key industry experts, giving readers a comprehensive overview of the lighting life. The book provides insight on: Different job opportunities in the entertainment lighting industry; Business procedures, contracts, time sheets, and invoices; Tips on self-promotion, networking, and continual learning; The lighting lifestyle, healthy living, and work-related travel; Maintaining and developing creativity to provide innovative lighting and solutions. With insightful interviews from industry veterans, Living the Lighting Life is a key navigational resource for anyone considering a career in entertainment lighting or just starting out.
Living the Stories We Create: Preparing Students for the Digital Age (SpringerBriefs in Education)
by Ellen McCabeThis work explores the potential of digital media to rectify the disparity between formal learning contexts and contemporary perceptions and expectations of narrative. How can education systems respond to the changing technological landscape, thus preparing students to become active participants in society as well as to realise the extent of their own potential? This book explores such concepts in the classroom environment through direct engagement with students and teachers with the case of Shakespeare's Macbeth. Written in approximately 1606, Macbeth has its roots in a culture of orality and yet has sustained through centuries of print dominance. Indeed, as both text and performance the work itself embodies both the literary and the oral. Yet as a staple of many second level curricula increasingly Macbeth is perceived as an educational text. Macbeth reflects its cultural moment, an age of ambiguity where much like today notions of selfhood, privacy, societal structures, media and economy were being called into question. Thus Macbeth can be understood as a microcosm of the challenges existing in contemporary education in both content and form. This book examines Macbeth as a case-study in seeking to explore the implications of digital media for learning, as well as its possible potential to constructively facilitate in realigning formal learning contexts to contemporary experiences of narrative.
Living Under the Threat of Earthquakes: Short and Long-term Management of Earthquake Risks and Damage Prevention in Nepal (Springer Natural Hazards)
by Uwe E. Dorka Rameshwar Adhikari Jörn H. KruhlThis book addresses earthquakes, with a special focus on the Ghorka earthquake, which struck parts of central Nepal in April 2015. Drawing on this disastrous event, it closely examines various aspects of earthquakes in contributions prepared by international experts. The topics covered include: the geological and geophysical background of seismicity; a detailed inventory of the damage done by the earthquake; effective damage prevention through earthquake-safe buildings and settlements; restoration options for world-heritage buildings; strategies for providing technical and medical relief and, lastly, questions associated with public life and economy in a high-risk seismic zone. Combining perspectives from various fields, the book presents the state of the art in all earthquake-related fields and outlines future approaches to risk identification, damage prevention, and disaster management in all parts of society, administration, and politics in Nepal. Beyond the specific disaster in Nepal, the findings presented here will have broader implications for how societies can best deal with disasters.
Living with Algorithms: Agency and User Culture in Costa Rica
by Ignacio SilesA nuanced account from a user perspective of what it&’s like to live in a datafied world.We live in a media-saturated society that increasingly transforms our experiences, relations, and identities into data others can analyze and monetize. Algorithms are key to this process, surveilling our most mundane practices, and to many, their control over our lives seems absolute. In Living with Algorithms, Ignacio Siles critically challenges this view by surveying user dynamics in the global south across three algorithmic platforms—Netflix, Spotify, and TikTok—and finds, surprisingly, a more balanced relationship. Drawing on a wealth of empirical evidence that privileges the user over the corporate, Siles examines the personal relationships that have formed between users and algorithms as Latin Americans have integrated these systems into the structures of everyday life, enacted them ritually, participated in public with and through them, and thwarted them. Sometimes users follow algorithms, Siles finds, and sometimes users resist them. At times, users do both. Agency lies in the navigation of the spaces in-between. By analyzing what we do with algorithms rather than what algorithms do to us, Living with Algorithms clarifies the debate over the future of datafication and whether we have a say in its development. Concentrating on an understudied region of the global south, the book provides a new perspective on the commonalities and differences among users within a global ecology of technologies.
Living with Complexity
by Donald A. NormanWhy we don't really want simplicity, and how we can learn to live with complexity.If only today's technology were simpler! It's the universal lament, but it's wrong. In this provocative and informative book, Don Norman writes that the complexity of our technology must mirror the complexity and richness of our lives. It's not complexity that's the problem, it's bad design. Bad design complicates things unnecessarily and confuses us. Good design can tame complexity.Norman gives us a crash course in the virtues of complexity. Designers have to produce things that tame complexity. But we too have to do our part: we have to take the time to learn the structure and practice the skills. This is how we mastered reading and writing, driving a car, and playing sports, and this is how we can master our complex tools. Complexity is good. Simplicity is misleading. The good life is complex, rich, and rewarding—but only if it is understandable, sensible, and meaningful.
Living with Herds
by Natasha FijnDomestic animals have lived with humans for thousands of years and remain essential to the everyday lives of people throughout the world. In this book, Natasha Fijn examines the process of animal domestication in a study that blends biological and social anthropology, ethology, and ethnography. She examines the social behavior of humans and animals in a contemporary Mongolian herding society. After living with Mongolian herding families, Dr. Fijn has observed through firsthand experience both sides of the human-animal relationship. Examining their reciprocal social behavior and communication with one another, she demonstrates how herd animals influence Mongolian herders' lives and how the animals themselves are active partners in the domestication process.
Living with Monsters? Social Implications of Algorithmic Phenomena, Hybrid Agency, and the Performativity of Technology: IFIP WG 8.2 Working Conference on the Interaction of Information Systems and the Organization, IS&O 2018, San Francisco, CA, USA, December 11-12, 2018, Proceedings (IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology #543)
by Ulrike Schultze Margunn Aanestad Magnus Mähring Carsten Østerlund Kai RiemerThis book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the IFIP WG 8.2 Working Conference on Information Systems and Organizations, IS&O 2018, held in San Francisco, CA, USA, in December 2018.The 11 revised full papers presented together with one short paper and 2 keynote papers were carefully reviewed and selected from 47 submissions. The papers are organized in the following topical sections: setting the stage; social implications of algorithmic phenomena; hybrid agency and the performativity of technology; and living with monsters.
Living with Oil: Promises, Peaks, and Declines on Mexico's Gulf Coast
by Lisa BregliaFor decades, Mexico has been one of the world’s top non-OPEC oil exporters, but since the 2004 peak and subsequent decline of the massive offshore oilfield—Cantarell—the prospects for the country have worsened. Living with Oil takes a unique look at the cultural and economic dilemmas in this locale, focusing on residents in the fishing community of Isla Aguada, Campeche, who experienced the long-term repercussions of a 1979 oil spill that at its height poured out 30,000 barrels a day, a blowout eerily similar to the 2010 Deepwater Horizon disaster. Tracing the interplay of the global energy market and the struggle it creates between citizens, the state, and multinational corporations, this study also provides lessons in the tug-of-war between environmentalism and the lure of profits. In Mexico, oil has held status as a symbol of nationalist pride as well as a key economic asset that supports the state’s everyday operations. Capturing these dilemmas in a country now facing a national security crisis at the hands of violent drug traffickers, cultural anthropologist Lisa Breglia covers issues of sovereignty, security, and stability in Mexico’s post-peak future. The first in-depth account of the local effects of peak oil in Mexico, emphasizing the everyday lives and livelihoods of coastal Campeche residents, Living with Oil demonstrates important aspects of the political economy of energy while showing vivid links between the global energy marketplace and the individual lives it affects.
Living with Robots: What Every Anxious Human Needs to Know
by Ruth Aylett Patricia A. VargasThe truth about robots: two experts look beyond the hype, offering a lively and accessible guide to what robots can (and can't) do.There&’s a lot of hype about robots; some of it is scary and some of it utopian. In this accessible book, two robotics experts reveal the truth about what robots can and can&’t do, how they work, and what we can reasonably expect their future capabilities to be. It will not only make you think differently about the capabilities of robots; it will make you think differently about the capabilities of humans. Ruth Aylett and Patricia Vargas discuss the history of our fascination with robots—from chatbots and prosthetics to autonomous cars and robot swarms. They show us the ways in which robots outperform humans and the ways they fall woefully short of our superior talents. They explain how robots see, feel, hear, think, and learn; describe how robots can cooperate; and consider robots as pets, butlers, and companions. Finally, they look at robots that raise ethical and social issues: killer robots, sexbots, and robots that might be gunning for your job. Living with Robots equips readers to look at robots concretely—as human-made artifacts rather than placeholders for our anxieties. Find out: •Why robots can swim and fly but find it difficult to walk •Which robot features are inspired by animals and insects•Why we develop feelings for robots •Which human abilities are hard for robots to emulate
Living with Robots
by Paul Dumouchel Luisa DamianoFrom artificial intelligence to artificial empathy, “a timely and well-written volume that addresses many contemporary and future moral questions” (Library Journal).Today’s robots engage with human beings in socially meaningful ways, as therapists, trainers, mediators, caregivers, and companions. Social robotics is grounded in artificial intelligence, but the field’s most probing questions explore the nature of the very real human emotions that social robots are designed to emulate.Social roboticists conduct their inquiries out of necessity—every robot they design incorporates and tests a number of hypotheses about human relationships. Paul Dumouchel and Luisa Damiano show that as roboticists become adept at programming artificial empathy into their creations, they are abandoning the conventional conception of human emotions as discrete, private, internal experiences. Rather, they are reconceiving emotions as a continuum between two actors who coordinate their affective behavior in real time. Rethinking the role of sociability in emotion has also led the field of social robotics to interrogate a number of human ethical assumptions, and to formulate a crucial political insight: there are simply no universal human characteristics for social robots to emulate. What we have instead is a plurality of actors, human and nonhuman, in noninterchangeable relationships.Foreshadowing an inflection point in human evolution, Living with Robots shows that for social robots to be effective, they must be attentive to human uniqueness and exercise a degree of social autonomy. More than mere automatons, they must become social actors, capable of modifying the rules that govern their interplay with humans.“A detailed tour of the philosophy of artificial intelligence (AI)?especially as it applies to robots intended to build social relationships with humanity. . . . If we are to build a robust, appropriate ethical structure around the next generation of technical development?some combination of deep learning, artificial intelligence, robotics and artificial empathy?we need to understand that managing the impact of these technologies is far too important to be left to those who are enthusiastically engaged in producing them.” —Times Higher Education
Living with the Earth, Fourth Edition: Concepts in Environmental Health Science
by Gary S. Moore Kathleen A. BellShelving Guide; Environmental ScienceThis is a groundbreaking and innovative book now in its fourth edition. The first edition won the CHOICE award for outstanding Academic Book while editions two and three became bestsellers on their own right. This fourth edition is packed with new updates on current world events associated with environmental issues and related health concerns. The author maintains traditional concepts and merges them with new and controversial issues. The book has been revised to include up-to-date topics with and a revised Web site with updated links.So what Coverage of emergency preparedness for environmental health practitioners Discussion of population dynamics especially with regard to overpopulation and underpopulation around the world and their respective influences on social, economic, and environmental concerns. The mechanisms of environmental disease, emphasizing genetic disease and its role in developmental disorders and cancer. Human behaviors and pollution are presented along with respect to their roles in cancer risk. The ever increasing issues surrounding emerging and re-emerging diseases around the earth and the introduction of an increasing number of emerging diseases. The growing problems of asthma and other health effects associated with air pollution. An exploration of the mechanisms of toxicity with special reference to the immune system and endocrine disruption. The ongoing issues of the creation and disposal of hazardous waste along with the controversies surrounding disposal are presented. The issues and benefits of recycling are explored. The use of HACCP in assuring food quality, food safety issues, and the Food Quality Protection Act are discussed. Numerous technical illustrations, charts, graphs, and photographs are included What on the Web? Test bank and study questions giving a complete review of the concepts covered. Search tools for online journals and databases covering useful, up-to-date information in health and environmental topics Subject specific links by chapter as well as Federal, state, and organization sites with relevant information Downloadable PowerPoint files for each Chapter providing the instructor with ready-made presentation materials that can be modified as needed. Downloadable and printable test questions and answers for each chapter available to instructors
Living with the Genie: Essays on Technology and the Quest for Human Mastery
by Alan Lightman Daniel Sarewitz Christina DesserGroup of essays presented in this book provide a short-term and a long-term analysis of technological progress made by the society. The book raises some question regarding living standard. These essays raise some profound philosophical questions on progress and the human condition that the progress embodies.
Living with the Genie: Essays On Technology And The Quest For Human Mastery
by Alan Lightman Daniel Sarewitz Christina DesserAt a time when scientific and technological breakthroughs keep our eyes focused on the latest software upgrades or the newest cell-phone wizardry, a group of today's most innovative thinkers are looking beyond the horizon to explore both the promise and the peril of our technological future. Human ingenuity has granted us a world of unprecedented personal power -- enabling us to communicate instantaneously with anyone anywhere on the globe, to transport ourselves in both real and virtual worlds to distant places with ease, to fill our bellies with engineered commodities once available to only a privileged elite. Through our technologies, we have sought to free ourselves from the shackles of nature and become its master. Yet science and technology continually transform our experience and society in ways that often seem to be beyond our control. Today, different areas of research and innovation are advancing synergistically, multiplying the rate and magnitude of technological and societal change, with consequences that no one can predict.Living with the Genie explores the origins, nature, and meaning of such change, and our capacity to govern it. As the power of technology continues to accelerate, who, this book asks, will be the master of whom?
Living with the Trees of Life
by Roger LeakeyBased on the career of Roger Leakey, the former Director of Research at the International Centre for Research in Agroforestry, this book presents the experiences of real life situations in rural villages of remote and distant places. Living with the Trees of Life demonstrates how the multi-disciplinary science of agroforestry, which embraces biology, genetics, ecology, agronomy, horticulture, forestry, soil science, food science, and the social sciences, can offer hope from the doom and gloom often emanating from the tropics. Written in an accessible and engaging style that will appeal to both a professional and general readership, this book takes a more positive approach to the issues facing agriculture and highlights an innovative approach to resolving the big issues of poverty, malnutrition, hunger and environmental degradation including climate change.