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Living With the Trees of Life: A Practical Guide to Rebooting the Planet through Tropical Agriculture and Putting Farmers First
by Roger LeakeyWith our world torn by climate change, deforestation, land degradation, hunger, malnutrition, poverty, loss of wildlife habitat, zoonotic pandemics, illegal migration and social injustice, this book seeks to find a practical and pragmatic way forwards. Based on the author's extensive experience of tropical agriculture and forestry around the world, as well as his combination of practical and academic agricultural qualifications, the second edition of Living with the Trees of Life presents a unique and positive perspective on resolving these big global issues. It aims to identify principles, strategies, techniques, and skills to find a path through the maze of options for sustainable living in the tropics and subtropics. The book specifically draws heavily on a single case study which involved working to resolve the failure of tropical and subtropical agriculture to feed, sustain and support the needs of rural communities. To address the 'big picture' facing society, the work identified the traditionally important indigenous trees of tropical ecosystems - the trees of life - as a missing component of farming systems. These trees are keystones of the natural environment. Their products and critical ecological and social services have been overlooked by modern agriculture and should be recognized as the natural capital of the environment providing the very many day-to-day needs of local people. Many of today's big problems can be traced back to the breakdown of the natural, social and human capital of farming systems. Hence, a focus on restoring the natural capital also has important benefits for the livelihoods of the rural population, as well as for the productivity of the agroecosystem. However, the real potential is to go much further and to build new natural capital in the form of new socially-modified tree crops producing a very wide range of food, medicinal and other non-food products for new local business enterprises. This then restores the degraded social and human capital and starts to create new physical and financial capitals much needed for employment and economic development. There is, however, a missing 6th capital - the political and social will to change the way we manage our world by re-booting tropical agriculture and putting the needs of local people at the forefront of farming systems. Drawing on the technologies from across the spectrum of current conventional approaches to agricultural production, Living with the Trees of Life seeks to promote the adoption of a new way ahead - described as Land Maxing - that also increases the returns on past investments in agriculture. The target readership of this book is a wide and diverse array of people engaged in advocating and/or adopting ways to address the issues affecting our divided and dysfunctional world, before it is too late. Written in an accessible and engaging style, this book tells the story of how a new area of crop science has emerged across the tropics to create highly nutritious crops which can enhance food security and start to address the big issues facing humanity. Thus, this book is a vital read for academics, policy makers, and the environmentally and socially aware public alike.
Living with Transformation: Self-Built Housing in the City of Dhaka
by Tareef Hayat KhanThis book describes and analyzes the phenomenon of spontaneous transformation in self-built houses in the context of developing countries. After describing briefly the history of self-built houses and the phenomenon of transformation around the world, it focuses on its context, the city of Dhaka. Firstly it describes the physical patterns of spontaneous transformation. Then it explains the explicit reasons behind those transformations. Finally, it carefully unveils the implicit values that are hidden behind those explicit reasons. The entire book is an ethnographic journey, which not only expresses unique stories of living with transformation, but also captivates the reader throughout with its compelling way of qualitative judgment.
Living with Water
by Paul Pechan Gert E. de VriesThe factors affecting water quality are many: The increasing buying power and health concerns of the world population contribute to the creation of new products whose production and disposal lead to the release of chemicals harmful to the environment; the ever-growing world population requires a steady food supply, which increases the pressure to use even more chemicals to control various crop pests; and due to climate change, head waters, rivers, and oceans are becoming increasingly warmer, acidic, and eutrophic as the result of carbod dioxide overload. Using specific examples, Water Quality and Resource Management will address the many challenges of providing clean water to the growing world population. It will also discuss the new technologies that are being developed, for example, to treat and reuse waste waters, and the innovative monitoring approaches that help scientists to assess water quality risks. Such risk assessments are urgently needed to help draft legislations and allow enforcement to ensure accessability to quality water for all. The structure of the book will be the following: Each chapter will provide information about a specific water environment and the challenges it faces. This will be followed by discussion of the pollution effects and actions taken to redress the situation. Finally, future trends will be discussed.
Living with Whales: Documents and Oral Histories of Native New England Whaling History (Native Americans of the Northeast)
by Nancy Shoemaker<p>Native Americans along the coasts of southern New England and Long Island have had close ties to whales for thousands of years. They made a living from the sea and saw in the world's largest beings special power and meaning. After English settlement in the early seventeenth century, the region's natural bounty of these creatures drew Natives and colonists alike to develop whale hunting on an industrial scale. By the nineteenth century, New England dominated the world in whaling, and Native Americans contributed substantially to whaleship crews. <p>In Living with Whales, Nancy Shoemaker reconstructs the history of Native whaling in New England through a diversity of primary documents: explorers' descriptions of their "first encounters," indentures, deeds, merchants' accounts, Indian overseer reports, crew lists, memoirs, obituaries, and excerpts from journals kept by Native whalemen on their voyages. These materials span the centuries-long rise and fall of the American whalefishery and give insight into the far-reaching impact of whaling on Native North American communities. One chapter even follows a Pequot Native to New Zealand, where many of his Maori descendants still reside today. <p>Whaling has left behind a legacy of ambivalent emotions. In oral histories included in this volume, descendants of Wampanoag and Shinnecock whalemen reflect on how whales, whaling, and the ocean were vital to the survival of coastal Native communities in the Northeast, but at great cost to human life, family life, whales, and the ocean environment.</p>
Living with Wood: A Guide for Toymakers, Hobbyists, Crafters, and Parents
by Dr. Seri C. RobinsonA comprehensive guide for wood workers of all ages that covers the science behind wood, its many uses, and optimal care. For anyone who has ever used, owned, or been curious about wood of any kind, this guide offers a fantastic summary of the science behind the material&’s anatomy, chemistry, and general upkeep. With the practical and accessible information presented here, you&’ll never have difficulty deciding what wood to work with or how to clean your boarded floors again. Living with Wood covers a broad range of topics, including best uses of wood in the home, finishing and coloring, woodworking machines, and unsafe woods. Whether you&’re building furniture, getting crafting, or caring for wooden antiques, this is your ideal guide to the most versatile, reliable, and beautiful material ever known.
Living Without Mathematical Statistics: Accurate Analysis, Diagnosis, and Prognosis Based on the Taguchi Method
by Herbert RueferThe book provides structured access to gaining accurate results of limited data applicable to science, technology, and manufacturing. The Taguchi Method is presented in every detail and also put into practice. The basic principle was developed in the 1950’s. Dr. Genichi Taguchi (1924 to 2012) kept perfecting his method until 2006, and it has been brought up-to-date until now. The main purpose of this book is to make the above knowledge available to a wide range of people of different backgrounds, regardless of their fields of expertise.
The Llobregat
by Antoni Ginebreda Damià Barceló Sergi SabaterThe Llobregat belongs to the most thoroughly studied rivers in Europe and is a paradigm of the confluence of human and natural disturbances in a single basin. Because of its location in a very densely populated region and its Mediterranean character, the Llobregat supports a mixture of irregular flow, water abstraction, excess nutrients, mining debris, and a wide array of pollutants. The aquatic organisms strive to survive in a dramatically changing river that passes through a succession of dams, weirs and channels. The long-term river monitoring as well as the research that has been carried out in the river for a long time have provided an extensive knowledge of these disturbances and their effects on the biological communities. This book highlights the available information, with emphasis on the hydrological, chemical and biological elements interspersed in the river. Experts in the field discuss the main nutrient patterns and pollutant occurrence and the responses of the biological quality elements as well as the river ecosystem to the overall natural and man-made influences.
LMF Lexical Markup Framework
by Gil FrancopouloThe community responsible for developing lexicons for Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Machine Readable Dictionaries (MRDs) started their ISO standardization activities in 2003. These activities resulted in the ISO standard – Lexical Markup Framework (LMF). After selecting and defining a common terminology, the LMF team had to identify the common notions shared by all lexicons in order to specify a common skeleton (called the core model) and understand the various requirements coming from different groups of users. The goals of LMF are to provide a common model for the creation and use of lexical resources, to manage the exchange of data between and among these resources, and to enable the merging of a large number of individual electronic resources to form extensive global electronic resources. The various types of individual instantiations of LMF can include monolingual, bilingual or multilingual lexical resources. The same specifications can be used for small and large lexicons, both simple and complex, as well as for both written and spoken lexical representations. The descriptions range from morphology, syntax and computational semantics to computer-assisted translation. The languages covered are not restricted to European languages, but apply to all natural languages. The LMF specification is now a success and numerous lexicon managers currently use LMF in different languages and contexts. This book starts with the historical context of LMF, before providing an overview of the LMF model and the Data Category Registry, which provides a flexible means for applying constants like /grammatical gender/ in a variety of different settings. It then presents concrete applications and experiments on real data, which are important for developers who want to learn about the use of LMF. Contents 1. LMF – Historical Context and Perspectives, Nicoletta Calzolari, Monica Monachini and Claudia Soria. 2. Model Description, Gil Francopoulo and Monte George. 3. LMF and the Data Category Registry: Principles and Application, Menzo Windhouwer and Sue Ellen Wright. 4. Wordnet-LMF: A Standard Representation for Multilingual Wordnets, Piek Vossen, Claudia Soria and Monica Monachini. 5. Prolmf: A Multilingual Dictionary of Proper Names and their Relations, Denis Maurel, Béatrice Bouchou-Markhoff. 6. LMF for Arabic, Aida Khemakhem, Bilel Gargouri, Kais Haddar and Abdelmajid Ben Hamadou. 7. LMF for a Selection of African Languages, Chantal Enguehard and Mathieu Mangeot. 8. LMF and its Implementation in Some Asian Languages, Takenobu Tokunaga, Sophia Y.M. Lee, Virach Sornlertlamvanich, Kiyoaki Shirai, Shu-Kai Hsieh and Chu-Ren Huang. 9. DUELME: Dutch Electronic Lexicon of Multiword Expressions, Jan Odijk. 10. UBY-LMF – Exploring the Boundaries of Language-Independent Lexicon Models, Judith Eckle-Kohler, Iryna Gurevych, Silvana Hartmann, Michael Matuschek and Christian M. Meyer. 11. Conversion of Lexicon-Grammar Tables to LMF: Application to French, Éric Laporte, Elsa Tolone and Matthieu Constant. 12. Collaborative Tools: From Wiktionary to LMF, for Synchronic and Diachronic Language Data, Thierry Declerck, Pirsoka Lendvai and Karlheinz Mörth. 13. LMF Experiments on Format Conversions for Resource Merging: Converters and Problems, Marta Villegas, Muntsa Padró and Núria Bel. 14. LMF as a Foundation for Servicized Lexical Resources, Yoshihiko Hayashi, Monica Monachini, Bora Savas, Claudia Soria and Nicoletta Calzolari. 15. Creating a Serialization of LMF: The Experience of the RELISH Project, Menzo Windhouwer, Justin Petro, Irina Nevskaya, Sebastian Drude, Helen Aristar-Dry and Jost Gippert. 16. Global Atlas: Proper Nouns, From Wikipedia to LMF, Gil Francopoulo, Frédéric Marcoul, David Cau
LMIs in Control Systems: Analysis, Design and Applications
by null Guang-Ren Duan null Hai-Hua YuAlthough LMI has emerged as a powerful tool with applications across the major domains of systems and control, there has been a need for a textbook that provides an accessible introduction to LMIs in control systems analysis and design. Filling this need, LMIs in Control Systems: Analysis, Design and Applications focuses on the basic analysis and d
by Gabriele NapolitanoLe sujet de la motivation dans le cadre professionnel est un sujet de plus en plus important pour les travailleurs, mais également pour les entreprises elles-mêmes. Cette thèse nait de l'intérêt envers les opérations concrètes qui peuvent mener à une amélioration de la motivation personnelle et non pas envers les diverses théories motivationelles existantes. C'est pour cette raison que j'ai décidé d'analyser le comportement d'une entreprise de pointe dans son secteur, celui des biens de consommation, qui est également l'une des entreprises les plus importantes et influentes au niveau mondial : Procter & Gamble. Nous verrons donc quel type de conséquences résultent de sa politique et de ses initiatives concernant la motivation du personnel, en insistant tout particulièrement sur les concepts de Promote from within et Diversity and Inclusion.
Load Flow Optimization and Optimal Power Flow
by J. C. DasThis book discusses the major aspects of load flow, optimization, optimal load flow, and culminates in modern heuristic optimization techniques and evolutionary programming. In the deregulated environment, the economic provision of electrical power to consumers requires knowledge of maintaining a certain power quality and load flow. Many case studies and practical examples are included to emphasize real-world applications. The problems at the end of each chapter can be solved by hand calculations without having to use computer software. The appendices are devoted to calculations of line and cable constants, and solutions to the problems are included throughout the book.
Load Frequency Control of Microgrids
by D P Kothari Bhuvnesh Khokhar K P Parmar Tripta ThakurThe book focuses on describing the emerging microgrid concept, and its various constituents, especially the EV technology, and investigates the load frequency control performance of different microgrid configurations by implementing the modern control theory. An exhaustive study is presented on the various renewable energy sources and an up-to-date status of their installed capacity and power generation. The text presents case studies for load frequency control of a microgrid in its various operating modes.This book: Discusses power system stability, significance of load frequency control in power system, modeling of a microgrid, and frequency deviation response. Covers various energy storage technologies such as superconducting magnetic energy storage, electrochemical energy storage, and compressed air energy storage. Presents modes of interaction of the electric vehicles with the utility grid and implementation of the electric vehicles for load frequency control. Illustrates control approaches for load frequency control and metaheuristic optimization algorithms. Showcases the study of load frequency control for standalone microgrid systems, grid-connected microgrid systems, and multi-microgrid systems. It is primarily written for senior undergraduates, and graduate students in the fields of electrical engineering, electronics, communication engineering, and renewable energy.
The Load-pull Method of RF and Microwave Power Amplifier Design
by John F. SevicUsing the load-pull method for RF and microwave power amplifier design This new book on RF power amplifier design, by industry expert Dr. John F. Sevic, provides comprehensive treatment of RF PA design using the load-pull method, the most widely used and successful method of design. Intended for the newcomer to load-pull, or the seasoned expert, the book presents a systematic method of generation of load-pull contour data, and matching network design, to rapidly produce a RF PA with first-pass success. The method is suitable from HF to millimeter-wave bands, discrete or integrated, and for high-power applications. Those engaged in design or fundamental research will find this book useful, as will the student new to RF and interested in PA design. The author presents a complete pedagogical methodology for RF PA design, starting with treatment of automated contour generation to identify optimum transistor performance with constant source power load-pull. Advanced methods of contour generation for simultaneous optimization of many variables, such as power, efficiency, and linearity are next presented. This is followed by treatment of optimum impedance identification using contour data to address specific objectives, such as optimum efficiency for a given linearity over a specific bandwidth. The final chapter presents a load-pull specific treatment of matching network design using load-pull contour data, applicable to both single-stage and multi-stage PA's. Both lumped and distributed matching network synthesis methods are described, with several worked matching network examples. Readers will see a description of a powerful and accessible method that spans multiple RF PA disciplines, including 5G base-station and mobile applications, as well as sat-com and military applications; load-pull with CAD systems is also included. They will review information presented through a practical, hands-on perspective. The book: Helps engineers develop systematic, accurate, and repeatable approach to RF PA design Provides in-depth coverage of using the load-pull method for first-pass design success Offers 150 illustrations and six case studies for greater comprehension of topics
Load-Pull Techniques with Applications to Power Amplifier Design
by Fadhel M. Ghannouchi Mohammad S. HashmiThis first book on load-pull systems is intended for readers with a broad knowledge of high frequency transistor device characterization, nonlinear and linear microwave measurements, RF power amplifiers and transmitters. Load-Pull Techniques with Applications to Power Amplifier Design fulfills the demands of users, designers, and researchers both from industry and academia who have felt the need of a book on this topic. It presents a comprehensive reference spanning different load-pull measurement systems, waveform measurement and engineering systems, and associated calibration procedures for accurate large signal characterization. Besides, this book also provides in-depth practical considerations required in the realization and usage of load-pull and waveform engineering systems. In addition, it also provides procedure to design application specific load-pull setup and includes several case studies where the user can customize architecture of load-pull setups to meet any specific measurement requirements. Furthermore, the materials covered in this book can be part of a full semester graduate course on microwave device characterization and power amplifier design.
Load Testing of Bridges: Proof Load Testing and the Future of Load Testing (Structures and Infrastructures)
by Eva O.L. LantsoghtLoad Testing of Bridges, featuring contributions from almost fifty authors from around the world across two interrelated volumes, deals with the practical aspects, the scientific developments, and the international views on the topic of load testing of bridges. Volume 13, Load Testing of Bridges: Proof Load Testing and the Future of Load Testing, focuses first on proof load testing of bridges. It discusses the specific aspects of proof load testing during the preparation, execution, and post-processing of such a test (Part 1). The second part covers the testing of buildings. The third part discusses novel ideas regarding measurement techniques used for load testing. Methods using non-contact sensors, such as photography- and video-based measurement techniques are discussed. The fourth part discusses load testing in the framework of reliability-based decision-making and in the framework of a bridge management program. The final part of the book summarizes the knowledge presented across the two volumes, as well as the remaining open questions for research, and provides practical recommendations for engineers carrying out load tests. This work will be of interest to researchers and academics in the field of civil/structural engineering, practicing engineers and road authorities worldwide.
Load Testing of Bridges: Current Practice and Diagnostic Load Testing (Structures and Infrastructures)
by Eva O.L. LantsoghtLoad Testing of Bridges, featuring contributions from almost fifty authors from around the world across two interrelated volumes, deals with the practical aspects, the scientific developments, and the international views on the topic of load testing of bridges. Volume 12, Load Testing of Bridges: Current practice and Diagnostic Load Testing, starts with a background to bridge load testing, including the historical perspectives and evolutions, and the current codes and guidelines that are governing in countries around the world. The second part of the book deals with preparation, execution, and post-processing of load tests on bridges. The third part focuses on diagnostic load testing of bridges. This work will be of interest to researchers and academics in the field of civil/structural engineering, practicing engineers and road authorities worldwide.
Loadings in Thermal Barrier Coatings of Jet Engine Turbine Blades
by Tomasz Sadowski Przemysław GolewskiThis book discusses complex loadings of turbine blades and protective layer Thermal Barrier Coating (TBC), under real working airplane jet conditions. They obey both multi-axial mechanical loading and sudden temperature variation during starting and landing of the airplanes. In particular, two types of blades are analyzed: stationary and rotating, which are widely applied in turbine engines produced by airplane factories.
Loads of Levers
by Amy TaoWhy does a baseball travel much faster when hit with a bat than if pitched? Learn how force is applied in this fun experiment! Using a marker, a ruler, and a can, you can perform your own lever experiments. You'll understand the power of weight, such as how a balance beam operates, but on a smaller scale, while learning about the science behind balance.
The Lobster Chronicles
by Linda GreenlawAfter seventeen years at sea, Greenlaw decided it was time to take a break from being a swordboat captain, the career that would later earn her a prominent role in Sebastian Junger's The Perfect Storm and a portrayal in the subsequent film. She felt she needed to return home-to a tiny island seven miles off the Maine coast with a population of 70 year-round residents, 30 of whom are her relatives. She would pursue a simpler life; move back in with her parents and get to know them again; become a professional lobsterman; and find a guy, build a house, have kids, and settle down. But all doesn't go quite as planned. The lobsters resolutely refuse to crawl out from under their rocks and into the traps she and her sternman (AKA, her father) have painstakingly set. Her fellow Islanders, an extraordinary collection of characters, draw her into their bizarre Island intrigues. Eligible bachelors prove even more elusive than the lobsters. And as mainlanders increasingly fish waters that are supposed to be reserved for Islanders, she realizes that the island might be heading for a "gear war," a series of attacks and retaliations that have been known to escalate from sabotage of equipment to extreme violence.
Lobsters: Biology, Management, Aquaculture and Fisheries
by Bruce PhillipsThis expanded and fully updated Second Edition of the most comprehensive and successful book on lobsters, comprises contributions from many of the world’s experts, each providing core information for all those working in lobster biology, fisheries research and management and lobster aquaculture. Under the editorship of Bruce Phillips, the Second Edition of Lobsters: Biology, Management, Fisheries and Aquaculture delivers exhaustive coverage of these fascinating creatures, stretching from growth and development to management and conservation. A number of chapters from the First Edition covering Growth, Reproduction, Diseases, Behaviour, Nutrition, Larval and Post-Larval Ecology and Juvenile and Adult Ecology have been replaced by new chapters including Lobsters in Ecosystems, Genetics, Translocation, Climate Change, Ecolabelling of Lobsters, Casitas and Other Artificial Shelters, Systems to maximise Economic Benefits.. These new chapters reflect changes that are occurring in lobster management and new research developments brought on by social, climatic and economic changes. As well as information from new research output, information in each chapter is also included on individual commercial Genera, including aspects of Species and distribution, Predators and diseases, Ecology and behaviour, Aquaculture and enhancement, Harvest of wild populations and their regulations, Management and conservation. The chapter on slipper lobsters has also been expanded to include Thenus and Ibacus species which are now subject to commercial fisheries. The changes that have occurred in some lobster fisheries, the new management arrangements in place, the status of stocks and the current economic and social situation of each fishery have also been covered and discussed in great detail. Fisheries scientists, fisheries managers aquaculture personnel, aquatic and invertebrate biologists, physiologists, ecologists, marine biologists and environmental biologists will all find Lobsters Second Edition to be a vital source of reference. Libraries in all universities and research establishments where biological and life sciences and fisheries and aquaculture are studied and taught will find it an extremely valuable addition to their shelves.
Local and Nonlocal Micromechanics of Heterogeneous Materials
by Valeriy A. BuryachenkoThis book presents the micromechanics of random structure heterogeneous materials, a multidisciplinary research area that has experienced a revolutionary renascence at the overlap of various branches of materials science, mechanical engineering, applied mathematics, technical physics, geophysics, and biology. It demonstrates intriguing successes of unified rigorous theoretical methods of applied mathematics and statistical physics in material science of microheterogeneous media. The prediction of the behaviour of heterogeneous materials by the use of properties of constituents and their microstructure is a central problem of micromechanics. This book is the first in micromechanics where a successful effort of systematic and fundamental research of the microstructure of the wide class of heterogeneous materials of natural and synthetic nature is attempted. The uniqueness of the book lies in its development and expressive representation of statistical methods quantitatively describing random structures which are at most adopted for the forthcoming evaluation of a wide variety of macroscopic transport, electromagnetic, strength, and elastoplastic properties of heterogeneous materials.
Local Applications of the Ecological Approach To Human-Machine Systems (Resources for Ecological Psychology Series)
by Peter Hancock, John Flach, Jeff Caird and Klim VicenteThere is a growing consensus in the human factors/ergonomics community that human factors research has had little impact on significant applied problems. Some have suggested that the problem lies in the fact that much HF/E research has been based on the wrong type of psychology, an information processing view of psychology that is reductionistic and context-free. Ecological psychology offers a viable alternative, presenting a richer view of human behavior that is holistic and contextualized. The papers presented in these two volumes show the conceptual impact that ecological psychology can have on HF/E, as well as presenting a number of specific examples illustrating the ecological approach to human-machine systems. It is the first collection of papers that explicitly draws a connection between these two fields. While work in this area is only just beginning, the evidence available suggests that taking an ecological approach to human factors/ergonomics helps bridge the existing gap between basic research and applied problems.
Local Climate Zone Application in Sustainable Urban Development: Experience from East and Southeast Asian High-Density Cities
by Ran Wang Chao Ren Meng Cai Yuan ShiThe study of local climate zones (LCZ) links urban morphology, land use and land cover types, human activity, and thermal properties, and provides a standard framework for studying urban climatic issues. In recent years, the LCZ scheme attracts more and more attention from climatologists, urban planners, environmental engineers, as well as architects due to its combination of urban climatic scientific research outputs and urban planning and morphology language. Urbanization and higher-density living, an ongoing and continued path of human development, brings various urban climatic and environmental problems. Urban development in a sustainable way is vital for high-density cities to build a comfortable living environment.This book is the first one presenting systematically the latest LCZ applications by taking Asian high-density cities as an example. Generally, four parts are introduced and discussed in this book. At first, a general background of urbanization and its impacts is introduced, and the basic knowledge of LCZ. The second part introduces the methodology and techniques of LCZ data development. In the third part, various applications of LCZ are demonstrated in practice, including application to urban heat island, land use and land cover analysis, wind environment, energy consumption, thermal comfort studies and so on. Lastly, this book concludes the progress, challenges, limitations, and future work of LCZ-related studies.The book will be of interest to all that are working on or interested in urban climate, sustainable urban development, and policy-making.
Local Content for the International Petroleum Industry
by Eduardo G. Pereira Tonje P. GormleyThe term “local content” refers to the value petroleum activities bring to a country beyond the direct revenues from hydrocarbons. Job creation, taxes and fees, and the infusion of talent and education all contribute to local content. With the insight of experts from around the world, this text explores the policies of more than two dozen countries, each with its own approach. It also discusses historical context and how countries could learn from the best and the worst of local content development. Host countries that remain assertive in local content policies also have a better track record in tackling other associated problems. These include economic and social issues as well as also the development of a diverse and well-educated local work force. This text is a valuable resource for legal counsels (in-house and external), governmental authorities, business development managers, economists, NGOs, and academics.
Local Distribution Pipelines in Nontechnical Language
by Thomas O. MiesnerMore than two million miles of local distribution pipelines deliver natural gas to homes, businesses, schools, and hospitals throughout the United States, and many more serve the rest of the world. These small-diameter, low-pressure pipelines serve as a critical link between high-pressure transportation pipelines and end users. Local Distribution Pipelines in Nontechnical Language explains natural gas distribution systems, a vital component in the overall natural gas transportation system, from their humble beginnings delivering “town gas” to handling today’s complex urban infrastructure. Benefits for Readers: Knowing what goes on “behind” the City Gate Understanding the many components required for local distribution pipelines to function properly Learning how LDCs are managed and operated to assure continual supply Comprehending the specialized design, engineering, construction, and maintenance of these system