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Showing 39,176 through 39,200 of 71,607 results

Local Energy Communities: Emergence, Places, Organizations, Decision Tools (Routledge Explorations in Energy Studies)

by Gilles Debizet

This book draws on social science analysis to understand the ongoing dynamics within and surrounding local energy communities in reliably electrified countries: Belgium, Canada, Colombia, France, Germany, India, the Netherlands, Spain, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. It offers a comprehensive overview of recent results and thus outlines a diversity of drivers and levers for scaling up energy communities or, at least, local energy sharing. Analysing the main types of energy communities such as collective self-consumption, citizen cooperatives and peer-to-peer digital platforms, the book does not only raise new questions for social scientists, but also offers a comprehensive overview for all those contributing to the circular economy and the decentralization of energy production in inhabited areas where energy consumption is concentrated. This book provides input for the ongoing debates in many European countries implementing the national law on the European directives for energy communities. Furthermore, without evading the antagonism between cooperative and market approaches, or the contradictions between different issues, the book outlines the innovative decision-making tools that can facilitate the development of local energy production and sharing systems. As well as being of interest to postgraduates and researchers in the field of energy studies, this book will be vital to energy professionals looking to support local energy communities’ decision-making and design, who wish to consider sociological, organizational and territorial dimensions.

Local Energy Markets: Paving the Path Toward the Low-Carbon Digital Power Distribution System

by Meng Song Ciwei Gao Mingyu Yan Yunting Yao Tao Chen

This book provides insight into the coordinated optimization of local energy market (LEM) with low-carbon digital operation of the distribution system from a demand-side perspective. There are four sections to characterize the ongoing development and future trends of LEM, including trading behaviors of prosumers, market design considering the impacts of uncertainties, LEM constrained by the distribution network, green LEM considering carbon emission and cutting-edge technologies. This book is expected to offer researchers, engineers, and graduate students in the fields of electrical engineering and energy economics with a unique understanding of LEM.

Local Exhaust Ventilation: Aerodynamic Processes and Calculations of Dust Emissions

by Ivan Logachev Konstantin Logachev Olga Averkova

This book examines the computations of gas-borne dust flows in local exhaust ventilation systems and provides practical recommendations for the energy-efficient containment of dust emissions. It discusses basic approaches to operational energy savings for local exhaust ventilation systems, including shaping intake openings of open local exhaust devices after determining boundaries of vortex areas, increasing the working distance of suction openings, inhibiting carryover of dust into aspiration network by promoting rotational aerodynamic fields, and more. Color photos throughout illustrate dust behavior, flow lines, and patterns.

Local Experiences of Mining in Peru: Social and Spatial Transformations in the Andes (Routledge Studies of the Extractive Industries and Sustainable Development)

by Gerardo Castillo Guzmán

This book uses a multimethod approach to examine local experience of contemporary mining development in the Peruvian Andes, creating an understanding of the transformations that rural societies experience in this context. Mining is a major component of economic growth in many resource endowed countries, whilst also causing mixed social, cultural, and environmental effects. Most current literature on contemporary mining in Peru is largely focussed on conflict; however, in this text, the author takes a differing approach by examining the experiences of families in the vicinity of Rio Tinto’s La Granja exploration copper project, Northern Peru, an area with great significance due to the mining investment and development, which has taken place over the past 25 years. The book first provides a critical discussion about production of space theories, and debates on spatial mobility, highlighting their relevance to understanding large-scale mining developments, especially in the Peruvian Andes. The following chapters analyze spatial transformations mining development has prompted, focusing on four axes: access to space, production, mobility, and representations of space. A comprehensive narrative is constructed drawing on diverse voices and perspectives, including those of family heads and their partners, local leaders, company employees, and social scientists. The book concludes by discussing how the findings challenge some of the current accounts of the social effects of mining developement on rural communities and pose significant implications for sustainable development programs and place-based practices. By taking an interdisciplinary approach, this book will appeal to a wide audience including geographers, social anthropologists, and social scientists interested in the social effects of mining as well as researchers interested in current Latin American Studies and Rural Development.

Local Food Environments: Food Access in America

by Kimberly B. Morland Yael M. Lehmann Allison E. Karpyn

"In this book, Morland, Lehmann, and Karpyn discuss the critical need for healthy food financing programs as a vehicle to improve food access for all Americans. In my career as a public servant, there are very few legislative achievements that I’m prouder of than the Healthy Food Financing Initiative, which started in my home state of Pennsylvania. The program gained status as a proven and economically sustainable federal program that is helping to improve the quality of life in our neighborhoods: by allowing millions access to healthy, affordable food." – Congressman Dwight Evans United States House of Representatives, Pennsylvania, District 3 "If we work together, we can create a healthy food system that is equitable and accessible to all. This book highlights the importance of healthy food projects like grocery stores, farmers markets, co-ops, and other healthy food retail in revitalizing local communities across the country. Without basic nourishment, kids and families simply won’t be successful – which is why this book is a must read." – Sam Kass President Obama’s Senior Nutrition Policy Advisor and Executive Director of Let’s Move! "Morland and colleagues’ new second edition provides an excellent foundation for courses in food policy and community nutrition. Their detailed review of the economics of local and national food financing will open students’ minds to the complexity inherent in measuring and interpreting outcomes." – Robert S. Lawrence, MD, MACP Founder and Former Director of the Center for a Livable Future Johns Hopkins University, Bloomberg School of Public Health Features ● Describes how disparities in food access formed in the United States ● Includes federal policies and programs aimed at addressing food access in underserved areas, including the Healthy Food Financing Initiative ● Features examples of state initiatives that address poor access to food retailers ● Provides methods for program evaluation utilizing principals of implementation and dissemination science ● Includes critical thinking questions and embedded videos aimed to generate discussions on how restricted local food environments in the United States are rooted in economic disparities that impact food access as well as housing, education, and job opportunities

Local Food Plants of Brazil (Ethnobiology)

by Michelle Cristine Medeiros Jacob Ulysses Paulino Albuquerque

There has been growing academic interest in local food plants. This is a subject that lies at the frontiers of knowledge of various areas, such as environmental sciences, nutrition, public health, and humanities. To date, however, we do not have a book bringing these multi-disciplinary perspectives to bear on this complex field. This book presents the current state of knowledge on local Brazilian food plants through a multidisciplinary approach, including an overview of food plants in Brazil, as well as comprehensive nutritional data. It compiles basic theories on the interrelationship between biodiversity and food and nutrition security, as well as ethnobotanical knowledge of local Brazilian food plants. Additionally, this title provides various methods of learning and teaching the subject, including through social media, artificial intelligence, and through workshops, among others.

Local Forest Management: The Impacts of Devolution Policies

by David Stuart Edmunds Eva Karoline Wollenberg

'A well written book, astutely organized.' Development and Change Local Forest Management is built around careful and illuminating case studies of the effects of devolution policies on the management of forests in several Asian countries. The studies demonstrate that devolution policies - contrary to the claims of governments - actually increased governmental control over the management of local resources and did so at lower cost. The controversial findings show that if local forest users are to exercise genuine control over forest management, they must be better represented in the processes of forming, implementing and evaluating devolution policies. In addition, the guiding principle for policy discussions should be to create sustainable livelihoods for local resource users, especially the poorest among them, rather than reducing the cost of government forest administration. This book is essential reading for forest and other natural resource managers, policy makers, development economists and forestry professionals and researchers.

Local Governance of Peatland Restoration in Riau, Indonesia: A Transdisciplinary Analysis (Global Environmental Studies)

by Masaaki Okamoto Takamasa Osawa Wahyu Prasetyawan Akhwan Binawan

This open access book is one in a series of four volumes introducing peatland conservation and restoration in Indonesia. It focuses on local governance, in particular on regional and local perspectives in Riau, the most peat-destructed province of Indonesia. The book fills a vital gap in the existing literature that overlooks social science and humanities perspectives. Written by authors from different disciplines and backgrounds (including scholars and NGO activists), the approaches to the topic are various and unique, including analysis of GPS logs, social media, geospatial assessments, online interviews (conducted due to the Covid-19 pandemic), and more conventional questionnaires and surveys of community members. The chapters cover an interdisciplinary understanding of peatland destruction and broadly offer insights into environmental governance. While presenting combined studies of established fieldwork methodologies and contemporary technology such as drones and geospatial information, the book also explores the potential of long-distance research with rural communities through online facilitation, which was brought about by Covid-19, but that may have long­term implications. Readers will gain a comprehensive understanding of the complexities surrounding peatland conservation and restoration and recognize the significance of locally inclusive approaches that use contemporary but accessible technologies to sustainably govern the globally important resource of peatland. That approach would be useful for other environmentally fragile but important regions and give some ideas to achieve the United Nations’ SDGs for 1)No Poverty, 5)Gender Equality, 13)Climate Action, 15)Life of Land.

Local Knowledge, Intellectual Property and Agricultural Innovation

by Michael Blakeney Kadambot H. M. Siddique

This book examines the role of local knowledge in promoting agricultural innovation and legislative support for agricultural innovation through intellectual property laws and the protection of farmers’ rights. In assessing the role of intellectual property in promoting agricultural innovation the book examines plant variety rights protection, the patenting of plant varieties and plant breeding methods; gene patents and climate change; open source biotechnology and agricultural innovation and geographical indications and the marketing of agricultural products. As a test bed for the application of the themes of the book, it applies a case study approach to look at the role of local knowledge and intellectual property rights in the cultivation of traditional rice varieties in Kerala, South West India and the extent to which this cultivation is supported by Indian legislation. The book concludes with an examination of the success of self-help groups, such as Farmers’ Clubs. This book appeals to all readers interested in policies to promote sustainable agriculture at a time of increasing food insecurity. A special feature of the book is the case study approach. To date, the role of local knowledge and agricultural innovation has been almost entirely ignored and the role of intellectual property in this space has been largely ignored. The book is a result of a research collaboration between the University of Western Australia and Kerala Agricultural University, funded in part by the Australian Research Council.

Local Models for Spatial Analysis

by Christopher D. Lloyd

Focusing on solutions, this second edition provides guidance for readers who face a variety of real-world problems. The text presents a complete introduction to key concepts and a clear mapping of the methods. New chapters address spatial patterning in single variables and spatial relations. The author distinguishes between local and global methods and provides detailed coverage of geographical weighting, image texture measures, local spatial autocorrelation, and geographically weighted regression.

Local Networks and the Internet: From Protocols to Interconnection (Wiley-iste Ser.)

by Laurent Toutain Ana Minaburo

This title covers the most commonly used elements of Internet and Intranet technology and their development. It details the latest developments in research and covers new themes such as IP6, MPLS, and IS-IS routing, as well as explaining the function of standardization committees such as IETF, IEEE, and UIT. The book is illustrated with numerous examples and applications which will help the reader to place protocols in their proper context.

Local Positioning Systems: LBS Applications and Services

by Krzysztof W. Kolodziej Johan Hjelm

Local Positioning Systems: LBS Applications and Services explores the possible approaches and technologies to location problems including people and asset tracking, mobile resource management, public safety, and handset location-based services. The book examines several indoor positioning systems, providing detailed case studies of existing applications and their requirements, and shows how to set them up. Other chapters are dedicated to position computation algorithms using different signal metrics and determination methods, 2D/3D indoor map data and location models, indoor navigation, system components and how they work, privacy, deployment issues, and standards. In detail, the book explains the steps for deploying a location-enabled network, including doing a site-survey, creating a positioning model and floor maps, and access point placement and configuration. Also presented is a classification for network-based and ad-hoc positioning systems, and a framework for developing indoor LBS services. This comprehensive guide will be invaluable to students and lecturers in the area of wireless computing. It will also be an enabling resource to developers and researchers seeking to expand their knowledge in this field.

Local Responses to Mine Closure in South Africa: Dependencies and Social Disruption (Routledge Studies of the Extractive Industries and Sustainable Development)

by Sethulego Matebesi Lochner Marais Verna Nel

This book investigates mine closure and local responses in South Africa, linking dependencies and social disruption. Mine closure presents a major challenge to the mining industry and government policymakers globally, but particularly in the Global South. South Africa is experiencing notable numbers of mine closures, and this book explores the notion of social disruption, a concept often applied to describe the effects of mine growth on communities but often neglecting the impact of mine closures. The book begins with three theoretical chapters that discuss theory, closure cost frameworks and policy development in South Africa. It uses evolutionary governance theory to show how mining creates dependencies and how mining growth often blinds communities and governments to the likelihood of closure. Too easily, mining goes ahead with no concern for the possibility, or indeed inevitability, of eventual closure and how mining communities will cope. These impacts are showcased through eight place-based case studies from across South Africa, one focusing on mine workers, to demonstrate that mine closure causes significant social disruption. This book will be of interest to students and scholars researching the social impacts of mining and the extractive industries, social geography and sustainable development, as well as policymakers and practitioners working with mine closure and social impact assessments.

Local Site Effects and Ground Failures: Select Proceedings of 7th ICRAGEE 2020 (Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering #117)

by T. G. Sitharam Ravi Jakka L. Govindaraju

This volume presents select papers presented at the 7th International Conference on Recent Advances in Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics. The papers discuss advances in the fields of soil dynamics and geotechnical earthquake engineering. Some of the themes include ground response analysis & local site effect, seismic slope stability and landslides, application of AI in geotechnical earthquake engineering, etc. A strong emphasis is placed on connecting academic research and field practice, with many examples, case studies, best practices, and discussions on performance based design. This volume will be of interest to researchers and practicing engineers alike.

Local Strength of Ship Structures

by Piero Caridis

Ship structures can be extremely large, and their structural arrangements are often complex and of a considerable variety. Local Strength of Ship Structures examines the basic aspects of ship structural analysis and design using mathematical tools, with an emphasis on an understanding of the physics of the behaviour of these structures. A fundamental understanding of these concepts is essential to use computer‑based tools effectively. In addition to mathematical models, reference is made to test data that have been obtained over many years and used to gain insight into ship structural behaviour.Features: Provides an introduction to local ship strength problems, structural arrangements and the different types of materials used in ship construction Examines the fundamentals of engineering mechanics with a particular focus on marine structure problems Covers the basics of ship structural analysis and design using mathematical tools

Local Structural Characterisation

by Duncan W. Bruce Richard I. Walton Dermot O'Hare

Inorganic materials are at the heart of many contemporary real-world applications, in electronic devices, drug delivery, bio-inspired materials and energy storage and transport. In order to underpin novel synthesis strategies both to facilitate these applications and to encourage new ones, a thorough review of current and emerging techniques for materials characterisation is needed.Examining important techniques that allow investigation of the structures of inorganic materials on the local atomic scale, Local Structural Characterisation discusses: Solid-State NMR SpectroscopyX-Ray Absorption and Emission SpectroscopyNeutrons and Neutron SpectroscopyEPR Spectroscopy of Inorganic MaterialsAnalysis of Functional Materials by X-Ray Photoelectron SpectroscopyThis addition to the Inorganic Materials Series provides a detailed and thorough review of these spectroscopic techniques and emphasises the interplay between chemical synthesis and physical characterisation.

Localization in Underwater Sensor Networks (Wireless Networks)

by Jing Yan Haiyan Zhao Yuan Meng Xinping Guan

Ocean covers 70.8% of the Earth’s surface, and it plays an important role in supporting all life on Earth. Nonetheless, more than 80% of the ocean’s volume remains unmapped, unobserved and unexplored. In this regard, Underwater Sensor Networks (USNs), which offer ubiquitous computation, efficient communication and reliable control, are emerging as a promising solution to understand and explore the ocean. In order to support the application of USNs, accurate position information from sensor nodes is required to correctly analyze and interpret the data sampled. However, the openness and weak communication characteristics of USNs make underwater localization much more challenging in comparison to terrestrial sensor networks.In this book, we focus on the localization problem in USNs, taking into account the unique characteristics of the underwater environment. This problem is of considerable importance, since fundamental guidance on the design and analysis of USN localization is very limited at present. To this end, we first introduce the network architecture of USNs and briefly review previous approaches to the localization of USNs. Then, the asynchronous clock, node mobility, stratification effect, privacy preserving and attack detection are considered respectively and corresponding localization schemes are developed. Lastly, the book’s rich implications provide guidance on the design of future USN localization schemes.The results in this book reveal from a system perspective that underwater localization accuracy is closely related to the communication protocol and optimization estimator. Researchers, scientists and engineers in the field of USNs can benefit greatly from this book, which provides a wealth of information, useful methods and practical algorithms to help understand and explore the ocean.

Localization in Wireless Networks

by Miodrag Potkonjak Jessica Feng Sanford Sasha Slijepcevic

In a computational tour-de-force, this volume wipes away a host of problems related to location discovery in wireless ad-hoc sensor networks. WASNs have recognized potential in many applications that are location-dependent, yet are heavily constrained by factors such as cost and energy consumption. Their "ad-hoc" nature, with direct rather than mediated connections between a network of wireless devices, adds another layer of difficulty. Basing this work entirely on data-driven, coordinated algorithms, the author's aim is to present location discovery techniques that are highly accurate--and which fit user criteria. The research deploys nonparametric statistical methods and relies on the concept of joint probability to construct error (including location error) models and environmental field models. It also addresses system issues such as the broadcast and scheduling of the beacon. Reporting an impressive accuracy gain of almost 17 percent, and organized in a clear, sequential manner, this book represents a stride forward in wireless localization.

Localized Corrosion in Complex Environments

by Mike Yongjun Tan

LOCALIZED CORROSION IN COMPLEX ENVIRONMENTS A comprehensive exploration of the monitoring, prediction, and prevention of major forms of localized corrosion in complex industrial environments In Localized Corrosion in Complex Environments, distinguished researcher Dr. Mike Yongjun Tan delivers a solution focused approach to localized corrosion issues in complex environments with the potential to affect structural integrity, public safety, environmental protection, or energy and water deliverability. The book focuses on significant civil and industrial infrastructures exposed to complex corrosion environments, like underground and offshore gas, oil, and water pipelines. The author offers information to help ensure the continued safe operation of aging infrastructures and discusses the limitations of current technologies and the need to continuously develop new and more efficient technologies to manage integrity, prevent structural failures, protect the environment, and reduce operational costs. Readers will also find: A thorough introduction to the major issues relevant to infrastructural corrosion issues Comprehensive explorations of issues likely to affect future fuel and energy infrastructures, like hydrogen containing pipelines and offshore and onshore wind farms Practical discussions of recent progress in inspection and monitoring technologies, as well as the protection provided by protective coatings Fulsome treatments of the use of corrosion inhibitors Perfect for materials and corrosion scientists, physical chemists, engineers, regulators, technologists, and environmentalists, Localized Corrosion in Complex Environments will also earn a place in the libraries of corrosion and materials engineers, maintenance engineers, pipeline engineers, field personnel, and anyone responsible for the integrity of production and transmission of oil, gas, and water.

Localized Dynamics of Thin-Walled Shells (Chapman & Hall/CRC Monographs and Research Notes in Mathematics)

by Gennadi I. Mikhasev Petr E. Tovstik

Localized Dynamics of Thin-Walled Shells focuses on localized vibrations and waves in thin-walled structures with variable geometrical and physical characteristics. It emphasizes novel asymptotic methods for solving boundary-value problems for dynamic equations in the shell theory, in the form of functions which are highly localized near both fixed and moving lines/points on the shell surface. Features First-of-its-kind work, synthesizing knowledge of the localization of vibrations and waves in thin-walled shells with a mathematical tool to study them Suitable for researchers working on the dynamics of thin shells and also as supplementary reading for undergraduates studying asymptotic methods Offers detailed analysis of wave processes in shells with varying geometric and physical parameters

Localized Energy Transition in the 4th Industrial Revolution (Energy Transition in the 21st Century)

by Opeyeolu Timothy Laseinde

This book presents a holistic view on localized energy transition while addressing current challenges associated with the production of biofuels, introducing new materials to produce solar photovoltaic (PV) panels, and digital systems for sustainable energy monitoring on a small scale, carbon capture, and sequestration. Also, each chapter of the book addresses specific aspects of the renewable and sustainable energy space while focusing more on energy improvement and storage technologies that are practical focused.Features: Offers useful information on new forms of renewable energy generation with reference to Industry 4.0. Illustrates practical approaches to energy transition. Provides guidance on renewable energy sources and energy storage systems. Discusses the application of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR)-related approaches to emerging energy storage technologies. Includes studies that reveal approaches to realizing productivity, profitability, and increased return on investment (ROI). This book is aimed at graduate students and researchers in mechanical, chemical, and mechatronics engineering and renewable energy systems.

Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance Based Nanobiosensors

by Yi-Tao Long Chao Jing

This book introduces the fundamentals and applications of the localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) property of noble metallic nanoparticles, with an emphasis on the biosensing applications of plasmonic nanoparticles, especially in living cell imaging and photothermal therapy. It provides an overview of the different operating principles of plasmonic sensors, particularly the single-nanoparticle-based detections, and a series of creative biosensors based on the modulation of different parameters of nanoparticles (particle size, shape, composition and surrounding medium) for label-free detection. The interparticle coupling effect, plasmon resonance energy transfer, electron transfer on plasmonics surface are also covered in this book. This book is intended for graduate students and researchers working in the interdisciplinary field combining chemistry, biology, material science and nanophotonics. Yi-Tao Long is a Professor at the School of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering, East China University of Science and Technology, China.

Locally Relevant ICT Research: 10th International Development Informatics Association Conference, IDIA 2018, Tshwane, South Africa, August 23-24, 2018, Revised Selected Papers (Communications in Computer and Information Science #933)

by Filistea Naude Marita Turpin Kirstin Krauss

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 10th International Development Informatics Association Conference, IDIA 2018, held in Tshwane, South Africa, in August 2018.The 20 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 61 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on ICT adoption and impact; mobile education; e-education; community development; design; innovation and maturity; data.

Locating, Classifying and Countering Agile Land Vehicles

by David D. Sworder John E. Boyd

This book examines real-time target tracking and identification algorithms with a focus on tracking an agile target. The authors look at several problems in which the tradeoff of accuracy and confidence must be made. These issues are explored within the context of specific tracking scenarios chosen to illustrate the tradeoffs in a simple and direct manner. The text covers the Gaussian wavelet estimator (GWE) which has a flexible architecture that is able to fuse uncommon sensor combinations with non-temporal structural constraints.

Locating Global Advantage: Industry Dynamics in the International Economy

by Martin Kenney Richard Florida

What determines where an industry will be successful today, and why.

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