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Locating Technology Education in STEM Teaching and Learning: What Does the ‘T’ Mean in STEM? (Contemporary Issues in Technology Education)
by Wendy Fox-Turnbull P. John WilliamsThis book offers clarity and consistency of thinking in relation to Technology Education when situated within a STEM approach to teaching. It examines the range of Innovations and Issues which are being considered by schools as they implement STEM, with particular focus on the place of Technology, or the ‘T’ in STEM. The book is divided into three sections: Philosophy, Implementation and Issues and Innovations, with each containing five to seven chapters. The first section lays the foundations for the remainder of the book: it focuses the readers on the technology aspect of STEM education and situates it to align with the international understanding of technology education. The second section provides insights into how STEM is best implemented to give technology due consideration across a range of disciplines with technology education, including engineering, food technology, and textile technology. This section also provides suggestions for the successful implementation of the STEM approach, and offers further insight through a range of case studies. The third section outlines and discusses a range of issues that pose a threat to the position and understanding of technology within the STEM teaching and learning approach. This section also examines how technology and STEM are situated within, are supported or are threatened by, other current innovations and approaches to teaching an integrated curriculum, such as the Maker Space Movement and Play-based Learning.
Location and Postproduction Sound for Low-Budget Filmmakers
by Michael TiernoThis book covers everything you need to know to master the fundamentals of location sound recording and postproduction sound in a comprehensive one-stop guide. This user-friendly book provides real world situations to analyze the many kinds of location recording configurations and postproduction scenarios and offers easy-to-adopt, budget-conscious solutions to some of the most common issues that arise when working with sound. Chapters cover the theory of sound, preproduction with a sound emphasis, microphone selection, testing equipment, how to boom and mix on set, synchronization and time code, and editing sound while doing a picture cut in a traditional picture software platform. Additionally, the book discusses bringing a project into a Digital Audio Workstation and explores basic sound design, dialogue editing, Automated Dialogue Replacement, Foley, sound effects, music for film, re-recording the final mix, and outputting sound to finish a project. Accompanying examples allow readers the opportunity to try out the various techniques and drills on location, in postproduction, or both. Aimed at students, early career and independent filmmakers, as well as those considering a vocation in location and postproduction sound, Location and Postproduction Sound for Low-Budget Filmmakers makes achieving great sound attainable for all, and is an invaluable tool for anyone wanting to better understand the art of film sound.
Location Awareness in the Age of Google Maps
by Rebecca NooneLocation Awareness in the Age of Google Maps explores the mundane act of navigating cities in the age of digital mapping infrastructures.Noone follows the frictions routing through Google Maps’ categorising and classifying of spatial information. Complicating the assumption that digital maps distort a sense of direction, Noone argues that Google Maps’ location awareness does more than just organise and orient a representation of space—it also organises and orients imaginaries of publicness, selfsufficiency, legibility, and error. At the same time, Location Awareness in the Age of Google Maps helps to animate the ordinary ways people are challenging and refusing Google Maps’ vision of the world. Drawing on an arts-based field study spanning the streets of London, New York, London, Toronto, and Amsterdam, Noone’s encounters of "asking for directions" open up lines of inquiry and spatial scores that cut through Google‘s universal mapping project.Location Awareness in the Age of Google Maps will be essential reading for information studies and media studies scholars and students with an interest in embodied information practices, critical information studies, and critical data studies. The book will also appeal to an urban studies audience engaged in work on the digital city and the datafication of urban environments.
Location-Based Information Systems (Open Access): Developing Real-Time Tracking Applications
by Miguel A. Labrador Alfredo J. Perez Pedro M. WightmanDrawing on the authors' more than six years of R&D in location-based information systems (LBIS) as well as their participation in defining the Java ME Location API 2.0, Location-Based Information Systems: Developing Real-Time Tracking Applications provides information and examples for creating real-time LBIS based on GPS-enabled cellular phones
Location-Based Management for Construction: Planning, scheduling and control
by Russell Kenley Olli SeppänenWith extensive case studies for illustration, this is a practitioner's guide to an entirely new production system for construction management using flowline scheduling. Covering the entire process of presenting a comprehensive management system – from design, through measurement, scheduling, and visualization and control – its emphasis is on reducing cost and increasing quality. Drawing its components together into a management system, the authors not only include theory and explanations of how and why it works, but also examine and present a suite of methods for successful project implementation. Perfect as a how-to guide for researchers and advanced construction students to discover the simple application of the new techniques, and invaluable for acquiring the practical tools for planning and controlling projects.
Location-Based Services Handbook: Applications, Technologies, and Security
by Syed A. Ahson Mohammad IlyasLocation-Based Services Handbook: Applications, Technologies, and Security is a comprehensive reference containing all aspects of essential technical information on location-based services (LBS) technology. With broad coverage ranging from basic concepts to research-grade material, it presents a much-needed overview of technologies for positioning and localizing, including range- and proximity-based localization methods, and environment-based location estimation methods. Featuring valuable contributions from field experts around the world, this book addresses existing and future directions of LBS technology, exploring how it can be used to optimize resource allocation and improve cooperation in wireless networks. It is a self-contained, comprehensive resource that presents: A detailed description of the wireless location positioning technology used in LBS Coverage of the privacy and protection procedure for cellular networks—and its shortcomings An assessment of threats presented when location information is divulged to unauthorized parties Important IP Multimedia Subsystem and IMS-based presence service proposals The demand for navigation services is predicted to rise by a combined annual growth rate of more than 104 percent between 2008 and 2012, and many of these applications require efficient and highly scalable system architecture and system services to support dissemination of location-dependent resources and information to a large and growing number of mobile users. This book offers tools to aid in determining the optimal distance measurement system for a given situation by assessing factors including complexity, accuracy, and environment. It provides an extensive survey of existing literature and proposes a novel, widely applicable, and highly scalable architecture solution. Organized into three major sections—applications, technologies, and security—this material fully covers various location-based applications and the impact they will have on the future.
Location, Localization, and Localizability: Location-awareness Technology for Wireless Networks
by Yunhao Liu Zheng YangTime flies since the debut of this book. In the past ten years, localization technology has evolved from small saplings into towering trees. Robots and drones with autonomous positioning and navigation capabilities, once considered unreachable fantasies, have gradually become a reality. However, while we are being amazed at the groundbreaking changes brought about by technology, as researchers, we still need to remain acutely attentive to the current limitations of localization. Some significant challenges still impede the widespread deployment. For example, traditional Wi-Fi fingerprint-based wireless localization, due to various challenges in fingerprint database collection and maintenance, has remained stay in the laboratory, and even when using smartphones for localization in malls, we still cannot achieve the outdoor GPS-like experience. The list goes on and on. Against this backdrop, the reissue of this book aims to more comprehensively reflect the latest developments in localization technology. We have added introductions to emerging technologies such as passive high-precision localization based on wireless signal CSl and autonomous localization for smart devices. Additionally, we have integrated and further streamlined technical chapters that now appear outdated adapting to the pace of the times. This book aims to provide a comprehensive and in-depth view of location-awareness technology in today’s popular wireless networks. However, the obvious diversity of networks, from short-range Bluetooth to long-range telecommunication networks, makes it very challenging to organize materials. Although general principles exist, the implementation differs from network to network and application to application. The book can serve as a guidebook for the technicians and practitioners in the industry of location systems. They can expect to obtain a comprehensive understanding of the field, in order to compare and select localization solutions fulfilling various application requirements. Abundant references in the book open up a broader domain for advanced study. In addition, the book is tailored toward a textbook for college researchers and graduate students.
Location, Localization, and Localizability
by Yunhao Liu Zheng YangThis book reflects up-to-date research, fundamental theories, and key techniques of of wireless localization technology and error-controlling techniques. It also presents and discusses the issue of localizability, as well as privacy issues associated with LBS. This book encompasses the significant and quickly growing area of wireless localization technology. It presents comprehensive and up-to-date research in both fundamental theories and key techniques of network localization. In addition to localization approaches, it also is the first book to address the issue of localizability. The privacy issue of LBS technology is also discussed.
Location Strategies: International Site and Facility Planning as part of Corporate Strategies
by Thomas GlatteThis books covers new aspects of location strategies and site selection through globalization. It elaborates real estate specific requirements to the planning and analysis process of industrial corporations in an international environment. It explains methods relevant for professionals in the field and discusses in detail an extensive list of site selection criterias. The book is built on existing and broadly recognized research and accelerates this know-how in an real reastate and international context. The challenges for location strategies as well as management alternatives for practitioners are shown and explained through practical examples.
The Locavore's Dilemma: In Praise of the 10,000-mile Diet
by Pierre Desrochers Hiroko ShimizuA feisty, scrupulously-researched deconstruction of the ?eat localOCO ethos?and how it distracts us from solving serious global food issues
Lock-in Thermography: Basics and Use for Evaluating Electronic Devices and Materials (Springer Series in Advanced Microelectronics #10)
by Otwin Breitenstein Wilhelm Warta Martin C. SchubertThis is the first book on lock-in thermography, an analytical method applied to the diagnosis of microelectronic devices. This useful introduction and guide reviews various experimental approaches to lock-in thermography, with special emphasis on the lock-in IR thermography developed by the authors themselves.
Locking Plates in Veterinary Orthopedics (AVS Advances in Veterinary Surgery)
by Matthew D. Barnhart Karl C. MaritatoLocking Plates in Veterinary Orthopedics is a comprehensive and state-of-the-art guide to all aspects of using locking plates to treat orthopedic conditions in dogs, cats, and large animals. • Offers a proven approach to using locking plates in veterinary practice • Highlights practical clinical applications with illustrative clinical cases • Includes information on the history, principles, and materials as well as specific techniques • Presents data on both traumatic and non-traumatic applications • Provides instructive color photographs to demonstrate the procedures
by John J. NanceA passenger plane is electronically hijacked—and may be aimed at a target that could kill millions: &“A wild ride through the night sky.&” —Capt. &“Sully&” Sullenberger, #1 New York Times–bestselling author Over the Atlantic in the dark of night, the electronic brain of Pangia Airlines Flight 10 quietly and without warning disconnects all the cockpit controls and reverses course on its own. The crew of the huge Airbus 330 at first senses nothing, the flight displays still showing them on course to New York. But with puzzled passengers reporting stars on the wrong side and growing alarm over the sudden failure of all their radios—not to mention armed fighters pulling alongside to force them to land—the confused pilots discover that Flight 10 is streaking back toward the hyper-volatile Middle East, and there is nothing they can do about it. An alphabet soup of federal agencies struggle for answers. Messages fly between Washington and Tel Aviv as suspicions grow about a plot to spark a nuclear war. The presence of a hated former head of state in first class fuels fearful speculation. As time and fuel run low, flying at full throttle toward a hostile border, Capt. Jerry Tollefson and First Officer Dan Horneman have to put their personal animosities aside and risk everything to wrest control from the electronic ghost holding them—and perhaps the world—on a course to certain disaster. And in the war room in Tel Aviv, the interim Prime Minister of Israel grapples with a horrifying choice between three hundred airborne lives and the probability of millions more casualties . . . &“King of the modern-day aviation thriller.&” —Publishers Weekly
Lockout-Tagout: Verriegelung Von Stellgliedern Zur Umfassenden Wartungssicherung Von Maschinen (essentials)
by Lars Schnieder Tim-Colin UhdeDas Inverkehrbringen und der Betrieb von Maschinen erfordern, das Einhalten von (Sicherheits-)Anforderungen zu dokumentieren, in Gefährdungsbeurteilungen das Risiko zu ermitteln, Schutzmaßnahmen abzuleiten und umzusetzen. Trotz des einheitlichen Rechtsrahmens kommt es gerade bei Instandhaltungsarbeiten weiterhin zu schweren Arbeitsunfällen, z.B. durch unkontrolliert austretende Energien wegen deaktivierter Schutzmechanismen. Die Autoren führen in den Rechtsrahmen der Maschinen- und Betriebssicherheit ein und leiten daraus die wichtige Absicherung unkontrollierter Energiequellen während der Instandhaltung ab. Mit Lockout-Tagout stellen sie ein anerkanntes Verfahren zur Verbesserung der Betriebssicherheit vor. Hierzu kombinieren die Autoren Verfahrensanweisungen, technische Maßnahmen und Schulungen mit einer kontinuierlichen Überwachung der Wirksamkeit der Maßnahmen.Die AutorenDr.-Ing. Lars Schnieder verantwortet in einer Software-Entwicklungsfirma das Geschäftsfeld Sicherheitsbegutachtung. Er ist international als Sachverständiger für die Maschinen- und Betriebssicherheit tätig.Tim-Colin Uhde ist in dieser Firma als Sachverständiger für die Maschinen- und Betriebssicherheit tätig.
Lockout-Tagout: Verriegelung von Stellgliedern zur umfassenden Wartungssicherung von Maschinen (essentials)
by Lars Schnieder Tim-Colin UhdeDas Inverkehrbringen und der Betrieb von Maschinen erfordern, das Einhalten von (Sicherheits-)Anforderungen zu dokumentieren, in Gefährdungsbeurteilungen das Risiko zu ermitteln, Schutzmaßnahmen abzuleiten und umzusetzen. Trotz des einheitlichen Rechtsrahmens kommt es gerade bei Instandhaltungsarbeiten weiterhin zu schweren Arbeitsunfällen, z.B. durch unkontrolliert austretende Energien wegen deaktivierter Schutzmechanismen. Die Autoren führen in den Rechtsrahmen der Maschinen- und Betriebssicherheit ein und leiten daraus die wichtige Absicherung unkontrollierter Energiequellen während der Instandhaltung ab. Mit Lockout-Tagout stellen sie ein anerkanntes Verfahren zur Verbesserung der Betriebssicherheit vor. In der 2. Auflage dieses Buches wurde die systematische Vorgehensweise zur Umsetzung eines Programms zur Gefährdungsbeherrschung von Betreibern von Maschinen grundlegend erweitert und ergänzt. Hierzu kombinieren die Autoren Verfahrensanweisungen, technische Maßnahmen und Schulungen mit einer kontinuierlichen Überwachung der Wirksamkeit der Maßnahmen.
Locksmith: A Felix Taylor Adventure
by Nicholas MaesCommended for the 2009 Best Books for Kids & Teens, long-listed for the 2009 CLA Book of the Year for Children Award Twelve-year-old Lewis Castorman is a master locksmith: there is no lock on earth that he is unable to open. He is therefore flattered when world-renowned chemist Ernst K. Grumpel invites him to his office in New York City and offers him a lock-picking assignment. His confidence quickly turns to dismay, however, when he learns this job will take him to Yellow Swamp in northern Alberta, the scene of a disastrous chemical spill a year earlier. He is also horrified to discover that Grumpel is utterly ruthless and, through his chemical inventions, can alter the rules of nature at his will. But the assignment is one that Lewis can’t refuse. How is Grumpel able to create such miraculous transformations? What secrets has he locked away and why has he taken pains to store them in Alberta? Despite the strange discoveries Lewis will make at every turn in his adventures, nothing will prepare him for the final encounter that awaits him in Yellow Swamp.
Locksport: A Hackers Guide to Lockpicking, Impressioning, and Safe Cracking
by Matt Burrough Jos Weyers Walter Belgers BandEAtoZ Nigel TolleyA comprehensive, fully illustrated guide to the fascinating sport of picking locks, Locksport is authored by five of the field&’s foremost champions. Together, they&’ll show you how to ethically, efficiently, and effectively bypass anything—from simple locks and safe dials to deadlocks and vaults.Welcome to the world of locksport, the sport of defeating locks. Whether you&’re new to the challenge of lockpicking or aiming for championship gold, this book serves as your definitive guide, packed with practical advice from a team of experts.DIVE INTO THE ESSENTIALS WITH LOCKSPORT FOUNDATIONSHow various locks work and how to maintain and disassemble practice locks What makes some locks more secure than othersThe laws, competitions, and communities that make up the world of locksportMASTER YOUR CRAFT WITH HANDS-ON TECHNIQUESHow to pick pin tumblers and lever locks, make impressions or craft a working key from a blank, and manipulate open combination safe locks How to work with picks, rakes, tension wrenches, files, magnification tools, safe-lock graphs, and depth-measuring instrumentsThe intricacies of security pins, wards, dimple locks, keyways, and antique locksGAIN THE COMPETITIVE EDGE WITH COMPETITION INSIGHTSThe ins and outs of competition setup and tools and how to host your own competitions Expert strategies for managing your nerves and gathering lock intelWhat it&’s like to participate in timed head-to-head competitions, PicTacToe™, escape challenges, and other lockpicking contestsFrom mastering your first padlock to conquering a competition, Locksport will show you how to take your skills to the next level—and have endless fun doing it.
Locomotive to Aeromotive: Octave Chanute and the Transportation Revolution
by Tom Crouch Simine ShortFrench-born and self-trained civil engineer Octave Chanute designed America's two largest stockyards, created innovative and influential structures such as the Kansas City Bridge over the previously "unbridgeable" Missouri River, and was a passionate aviation pioneer whose collaborative approach to aeronautical engineering problems helped the Wright brothers take flight. Drawing on a rich trove of archival material and exclusive family sources, Locomotive to Aeromotive is the first detailed examination of Chanute's life and his immeasurable contributions to the fields of engineering and transportation, from the ground transportation revolution of the mid-nineteenth century to the early days of aviation. Aviation researcher and historian Simine Short brings to light in colorful detail many previously overlooked facets of Chanute's life, in both his professional accomplishments and his personal relationships. Through the reflections of other engineers, scientists and pioneers in various fields who knew him, Short characterizes Chanute as a man who believed in fostering and supporting people who were willing to learn. This well-researched biography cements Chanute's place as a preeminent engineer, pioneer, and mentor in the history of transportation in the United States and the development of the airplane.
Loess and Loess Geohazards in China
by Bin Li Yanrong Li Jingui ZhaoLoess is a product of aeolian deposition during the Quaternary glaciation cycles and covers approximately 6% of the Earth’s land. The Loess Plateau of China, which is home to a population of nearly three hundred million, has the thickest and most complete loess strata, where loess geohazards occur most frequently due to the weak geoenvironment and dense human activities. In recent years, the engineering geological characteristics of loess and geohazards in loess areas have gradually received increasing attention from academic researchers. <P><P>This book reviews an informative collection of up-to-date literature in this field. It presents the unique features of loess and loess geohazards, and provides a strong foundation for future study via eight systematically structured chapters, e.g., origin and spatial distribution, loess landforms, microstructure, physical properties, permeability, shear strength, tensile strength, and loess geohazard. It can serve as a principal reference for researchers, practical engineers and technicians who are engaged in loess geology and surface processes, and is suitable especially for undergraduate and postgraduate students in the field of loess engineering geology.
Loft Conversions
by John CouttsPressure on space and changes in planning law mean that loft conversions are now at the forefront in the race to improve the performance of Britain's ageing housing stock. Since 1990, roof space conversions have increased UK housing capacity by more than 200 million square feet - a living area equivalent to a medium-sized city - without the loss of a single square foot of greenfield land.Loft Conversions is the definitive technical guide to the conversion of roof spaces in single family dwellings. It brings together a wealth of practical and regulatory guidance in a form that is easy to read and comprehensively illustrated.This fully revised and updated second edition is intended primarily for architects, builders, surveyors and others professionally involved in the process of loft conversion. The insights it provides are also invaluable to self-builders and to householders wishing to achieve a deeper understanding of what a loft conversion involves.
Logan's Turbomachinery: Flowpath Design and Performance Fundamentals, Third Edition (Mechanical Engineering)
by Bijay SultanianLogan's Turbomachinery: Flowpath Design and Performance Fundamentals, Third Edition is the long-awaited revision of this classic textbook, thoroughly updated by Dr. Bijay Sultanian. While the basic concepts remain constant, turbomachinery design has advanced since the Second Edition was published in 1993. Airfoils in modern turbomachines feature three-dimensional geometries, Computational Fluid Mechanics (CFD) has become a standard design tool, and major advances have been made in the materials and manufacturing technologies that affect turbomachinery design. The new edition adresses these trends to best serve today's students, and design engineers working in turbomachinery industries.
Logarithmic Voltage-to-Time Converter for Analog-to-Digital Signal Conversion (Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering #558)
by Mauro Santos Jorge Guilherme Nuno HortaThis book presents a novel logarithmic conversion architecture based on cross-coupled inverter. An overview of the current state of the art of logarithmic converters is given where most conventional logarithmic analog-to-digital converter architectures are derived or adapted from linear analog-to-digital converter architectures, implying the use of analog building blocks such as amplifiers. The conversion architecture proposed in this book differs from the conventional logarithmic architectures. Future possible studies on integrating calibration in the voltage to time conversion element and work on an improved conversion architecture derived from the architecture are also presented in this book.
Logged On
by Jody Zall Kusek Zubair K. Bhatti Tony VerheijenLogged On looks at mobile and smart phone technology through the lens of good government management. How will developing governments deliver goods and services that citizens care about? How will government in these countries leapfrog over traditional public management reforms to help reach out to and collaborate directly with the citizen? This book provides example after example where this has happened and how mobile technology has helped provide solutions to old problems. Our astounding revelation that mobile technology is helping to fight corruption in Pakistan, improve health delivery in Bangladesh, provide access to government by the ordinary citizen in India, and help monitor elections in Afghanistan. If this Is possible in some place in poor South Asian countries considered the most poor in the world, then how can these examples be spread to further in these counties or in other countries? Logged on Government provides a look back on conventional solutions that have mostly not worked and why mobile solutions are taking hold. The book offers a model called Smart Proactive Government based on a Feedback model being used in Punjab, Pakistan. The book also offers five solutions that are present in every successful mobile and smart phone example that the authors reviewed.
Logging in Grays Harbor
by Gene Woodwick Brian WoodwickGrays Harbor reigned supreme as the "Logging Capital of the World" for 150 years. Homesteaders became loggers and hired local Indians, who had logged the area's massive trees since ancient times. Sailors, too, were hired to rig spar trees. They fearlessly plied lumber schooners across destructive waters and carried timber products to the East Coast, South America, and other foreign ports. Over time, power saws replaced crosscut saws, and logging methods evolved. Today, loggers in Grays Harbor have begun a new phase of producing timber products that is built on a heritage of strong families, good citizens, and hard work.
Logging in Mason County: 1946-1985
by Michael FredsonIn 1946, the US Forest Service and Simpson Logging Company agreed to a sustained yield unit, cooperatively managing lands for 100 years for "community stability." Championed by USFS chief William Greeley and dubbed the "Sustained Steal" by detractors, the Shelton Cooperative Sustained Yield Unit nonetheless provided jobs for returning World War II veterans. Simpson Logging built the largest logging camp in the continental United States, Camp Grisdale, which had a two-room school and a two-lane bowling alley. Shelton and McCleary were saved from becoming ghosts towns, and downtown Shelton was modernized with a shopping center, parks, and schools. Mason County's Forest Festival was a weekend celebration for 30,000 visitors that included a parade and logging shows. As the only cooperative unit established in the United States, it attracted national attention, including TV personality Arthur Godfrey. In 1961, the movie Ring of Fire was filmed above Camp Grisdale. As World War II memories faded, logging practices were challenged by notions of wilderness and recreation. Improved equipment reduced the jobs, and when Simpson withdrew from the sustained yield agreement, employees were disenfranchised.