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Showing 39,226 through 39,250 of 71,607 results

Logging in Plumas County

by Scott J. Lawson Daniel R. Elliott

Located within the northern Sierra Nevada mountain range, the forests of Plumas County were once seen as a source of endless timber. Lumber was needed during the Gold Rush for water flumes, mine timbers, and an array of buildings. While timber was abundant, the abilities of the early settlers to harvest, transport, and mill the logs were often very limited. Markets remained relatively local throughout the second half of the 19th century until the completion of the Western Pacific Railroad in 1909. This sparked a new rush of industry into the region. Vast tracts of untapped Plumas County timber were bought up by speculators, and many sawmills were erected. Logging in the western United States moved from animal power to steam engines to internal combustion in the space of about 50 years. While Plumas County's lumber industry was reflective of these developments, it also found its own identity as a timber-producing region that was nearly unequaled.

Logic: The 2nd Revised, Modified, and Enlarged Edition of “Logics for Computer and Data Sciences, and Artificial Intelligence” (Intelligent Systems Reference Library #245)

by Lech T. Polkowski

The book gives all interested in computer science, a deep review of relevant aspects of logic. In its scope are classical and non-classical logics. The content will be valid as well for those interested in linguistic, philosophy and many other areas of research both in humane and technical branches of science as logic permeates all genuine realms of science. The book contains a substantial part of classical results in logic like those by Gödel, Tarski, Church and Rosser as well as later developments like many-valued logics, logics for knowledge engineering, first-order logics plus inductive definitions. The exposition is rigorous yet without unnecessary abstractionism, so it should be accessible to readers from many disciplines of science. Each chapter contains a problem section, and problems are borrowed from research publications which allows for passing additional information, and it allows readers to test their skills. Extensive bibliography of 270 positions directs readers to research works of importance.

Logic and Algorithms in Computational Linguistics 2021 (Studies in Computational Intelligence #1081)

by Roussanka Loukanova Peter LeFanu Lumsdaine Reinhard Muskens

This book assesses the place of logic, mathematics, and computer science in present day, interdisciplinary areas of computational linguistics. Computational linguistics studies natural language in its various manifestations from a computational point of view, both on the theoretical level (modeling grammar modules dealing with natural language form and meaning and the relation between these two) and on the practical level (developing applications for language and speech technology). It is a collection of chapters presenting new and future research. The book focuses mainly on logical approaches to computational processing of natural language and on the applicability of methods and techniques from the study of formal languages, programming, and other specification languages. It presents work from other approaches to linguistics, as well, especially because they inspire new work and approaches.

Logic Circuit Design

by Shimon P. Vingron

In three main divisions the book covers combinational circuits, latches, and asynchronous sequential circuits. Combinational circuits have no memorising ability, while sequential circuits have such an ability to various degrees. Latches are the simplest sequential circuits, ones with the shortest memory. The presentation is decidedly non-standard. The design of combinational circuits is discussed in an orthodox manner using normal forms and in an unorthodox manner using set-theoretical evaluation formulas relying heavily on Karnaugh maps. The latter approach allows for a new design technique called composition. Latches are covered very extensively. Their memory functions are expressed mathematically in a time-independent manner allowing the use of (normal, non-temporal) Boolean logic in their calculation. The theory of latches is then used as the basis for calculating asynchronous circuits. Asynchronous circuits are specified in a tree-representation, each internal node of the tree representing an internal latch of the circuit, the latches specified by the tree itself. The tree specification allows solutions of formidable problems such as algorithmic state assignment, finding equivalent states non-recursively, and verifying asynchronous circuits.

Logic Circuit Design: Selected Topics and Methods

by Shimon P. Vingron

The 2nd edition has been thoroughly revised and is intended as a wakeup call in the stagnant and dormant field of switching algebra and logic circuit design. It presents the material in a concise but thorough way. The topics selected are an in-depth presentation of switching algebra, a theory of memory circuits (sometimes called flop flops), a new approach to asynchronous circuits, and a newly added part presenting a unique programming technique (or language) for programmable logic controllers (PLCs). Be ready for the unorthodox and controversial.

Logic Design

by Wai-Kai Chen

In this volume drawn from the VLSI Handbook, the focus is on logic design and compound semiconductor digital integrated circuit technology. Expert discussions cover topics ranging from the basics of logic expressions and switching theory to sophisticated programmable logic devices and the design of GaAs MESFET and HEMT logic circuits. Logic Design

Logic Design of NanoICS (Nano- and Microscience, Engineering, Technology and Medicine #7)

by Svetlana N. Yanushkevich Vlad P. Shmerko Sergey Edward Lyshevski

Today's engineers will confront the challenge of a new computing paradigm, relying on micro- and nanoscale devices. Logic Design of NanoICs builds a foundation for logic in nanodimensions and guides you in the design and analysis of nanoICs using CAD. The authors present data structures developed toward applications rather than a purely theoretical treatment.Requiring only basic logic and circuits background, Logic Design of NanoICs draws connections between traditional approaches to design and modern design in nanodimensions. The book begins with an introduction to the directions and basic methodology of logic design at the nanoscale, then proceeds to nanotechnologies and CAD, graphical representation of switching functions and networks, word-level and linear word-level data structures, 3-D topologies based on hypercubes, multilevel circuit design, and fault-tolerant computation in hypercube-like structures. The authors propose design solutions and techniques, going beyond the underlying technology to provide more applied knowledge.This design-oriented reference is written for engineers interested in developing the next generation of integrated circuitry, illustrating the discussion with approximately 250 figures and tables, 100 equations, 250 practical examples, and 100 problems. Each chapter concludes with a summary, references, and a suggested reading section.

Logic for Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence

by Ricardo Caferra

Logic and its components (propositional, first-order, non-classical) play a key role in Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence. While a large amount of information exists scattered throughout various media (books, journal articles, webpages, etc.), the diffuse nature of these sources is problematic and logic as a topic benefits from a unified approach. Logic for Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence utilizes this format, surveying the tableaux, resolution, Davis and Putnam methods, logic programming, as well as for example unification and subsumption. For non-classical logics, the translation method is detailed. Logic for Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence is the classroom-tested result of several years of teaching at Grenoble INP (Ensimag). It is conceived to allow self-instruction for a beginner with basic knowledge in Mathematics and Computer Science, but is also highly suitable for use in traditional courses. The reader is guided by clearly motivated concepts, introductions, historical remarks, side notes concerning connections with other disciplines, and numerous exercises, complete with detailed solutions, The title provides the reader with the tools needed to arrive naturally at practical implementations of the concepts and techniques discussed, allowing for the design of algorithms to solve problems.

Logic Functions and Equations: Fundamentals and Applications using the XBOOLE-Monitor

by Bernd Steinbach Christian Posthoff

The greatly expanded and updated 3rd edition of this textbook offers the reader a comprehensive introduction to the concepts of logic functions and equations and their applications across computer science and engineering. The authors’ approach emphasizes a thorough understanding of the fundamental principles as well as numerical and computer-based solution methods. The book provides insight into applications across propositional logic, binary arithmetic, coding, cryptography, complexity, logic design, and artificial intelligence.Updated throughout, some major additions for the 3rd edition include:a new chapter about the concepts contributing to the power of XBOOLE;a new chapter that introduces into the application of the XBOOLE-Monitor XBM 2;many tasks that support the readers in amplifying the learned content at the end of the chapters;solutions of a large subset of these tasks to confirm learning success;challenging tasks that need the power of the XBOOLE software for their solution.The XBOOLE-monitor XBM 2 software is used to solve the exercises; in this way the time-consuming and error-prone manipulation on the bit level is moved to an ordinary PC, more realistic tasks can be solved, and the challenges of thinking about algorithms leads to a higher level of education.

Logic Locking: Ein praktischer Ansatz für sichere Hardware

by Rainer Leupers Dominik Sisejkovic

Eine subtile Veränderung, die zu katastrophalen Folgen führt - Hardware-Trojaner stellen zweifellos eine der größten Sicherheitsbedrohungen des modernen Zeitalters dar. Wie kann die Hardware vor diesen bösartigen Veränderungen geschützt werden? Eine mögliche Lösung verbirgt sich im Logic Locking, einer bekannten Technik zur Verschleierung von Hardware. In diesem Buch gehen wir Schritt für Schritt vor, um Logic Locking zu verstehen, von seiner grundlegenden Mechanik über die Implementierung in Software bis hin zu einer eingehenden Analyse der Sicherheitseigenschaften im Zeitalter des maschinellen Lernens. Dieses Buch kann als Nachschlagewerk sowohl für Anfänger als auch für Experten verwendet werden, die in die Welt des logischen Sperrens eintauchen wollen und dabei einen ganzheitlichen Überblick über die gesamte Infrastruktur erhalten möchten, die für den Entwurf, die Bewertung und den Einsatz moderner Sperrstrategien erforderlich ist.

Logic Locking: A Practical Approach to Secure Hardware

by Dominik Sisejkovic Rainer Leupers

A subtle change that leads to disastrous consequences—hardware Trojans undoubtedly pose one of the greatest security threats to the modern age. How to protect hardware against these malicious modifications? One potential solution hides within logic locking; a prominent hardware obfuscation technique. In this book, we take a step-by-step approach to understanding logic locking, from its fundamental mechanics, over the implementation in software, down to an in-depth analysis of security properties in the age of machine learning. This book can be used as a reference for beginners and experts alike who wish to dive into the world of logic locking, thereby having a holistic view of the entire infrastructure required to design, evaluate, and deploy modern locking policies.

The Logic of Machines and Structures

by Paul Sandori

Based on common, everyday phenomena, the principles governing the balance of forces on machines and structures are extremely straightforward. Their expression in mathematical form, however, obscures their clarity. This volume exposes the principles of statics in their original simplicity, presenting them as an exercise in logic. The modern analytical method of reasoning is carefully preserved to assist students in their grasp of the thinking that underlies mathematical methods of analysis.Suitable for architecture and engineering students as well as other readers with minimal background in mathematics, this unique treatment also restores enjoyment to the study of statics. Author Paul Sandori develops the subject using crucial highlights and discoveries in the field's historical evolution, noting the brilliant early insights and intuitions that contributed to the modern science. The text is complemented by illustrations of source materials from Galileo, Newton, and others that document the discipline's evolution.

Logic Pro 9: Audio and Music Production

by Mark Cousins Russ Hepworth-Sawyer

First published in 2010. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

Logic Pro For Dummies

by Graham English

This one-stop source for Logic Pro insight helps you spend more time creating music Every minute you spend trying to figure out how to set up a new track or build a drum loop is a minute you don’t spend creating and recording your music. This guide to the recording software favored by Mac users helps you bypass the time needed to search for tech answers and spend more time capturing sounds. Discover the full recording power of Logic Pro, starting with launching a project and recording your audio. Explore the built-in digital instruments and beat makers, augment your recording power with plug-ins, and finalize your song by editing, adding effects, mixing, mastering, and sharing. The final step is music stardom! Learn your way around the Logic Pro interface and understand the workflow Set up your project and add tracks and regions Record acoustic audio or conduct your orchestra of MIDI instruments Edit, mix, automate, export, and feel proud of your audio filesFor beginning music creators and producers, this Dummies guide makes it simple to get started with Logic Pro.

Logic Pro X: Audio and Music Production

by Mark Cousins Russ Hepworth-Sawyer

From initial demos to mixing and mastering, seasoned authors Mark Cousins and Russ Hepworth-Sawyer show you how to get the most from Logic Pro X. By exploring the essential workflow and the creative possibilities offered by Logic’s virtual instruments and effects, Logic Pro X: Audio and Music Production leads you through the music creation and production process, giving you all the tips and tricks used by the pros to create release-quality recordings. Using full color screenshots throughout, alongside related boxouts that expand on the key concepts, Logic Pro X: Audio and Music Production is an informative and easy-to-read guide to using Logic Pro X. Key features include: Production FAQs – Instructional Walkthroughs and Knowledgebases present information clearly and answer common production–specific problems. Methods – Professional techniques for recording and editing in Logic Pro X – whether you’re dealing with real musicians or cutting-edge virtual instruments. Workflow – Use Logic Pro X’s tools and functions in an optimal way. Website – Access audio examples, samples (Apple Loops), Logic projects, sampler instruments, and instrument patches at Logic Pro X: Audio and Music Production covers more than just the software; it will help you make the most out of every recording session and will illuminate and inspire your creative and sonic endeavors!

Logic Pro X: Audio and Music Production

by Mark Cousins Russ Hepworth-Sawyer

From initial demos to mixing and mastering, seasoned authors Mark Cousins and Russ Hepworth-Sawyer show you how to get the most from Logic Pro X. By exploring the essential workflow and the creative possibilities offered by Logic’s virtual instruments and effects, Logic Pro X: Audio and Music Production leads you through the music creation and production process, giving you all the tips and tricks used by the pros to create release-quality recordings.Using full color screenshots throughout, alongside related boxouts that expand on the key concepts, Logic Pro X: Audio and Music Production is an informative and easy-to-read guide to using Logic Pro X.Key features include:Production FAQs – Instructional Walkthroughs and Knowledgebases present information clearly and answer common production–specific problems.Methods – Professional techniques for recording and editing in Logic Pro X – whether you’re dealing with real musicians or cutting-edge virtual instruments.Workflow – Use Logic Pro X’s tools and functions in an optimal way.Website – Access audio examples, samples (Apple Loops), Logic projects, sampler instruments, and instrument patches at Pro X: Audio and Music Production covers more than just the software; it will help you make the most out of every recording session and will illuminate and inspire your creative and sonic endeavors!

Logic Synthesis and SOC Prototyping: RTL Design using VHDL

by Vaibbhav Taraate

This book describes RTL design, synthesis, and timing closure strategies for SOC blocks. It covers high-level RTL design scenarios and challenges for SOC design. The book gives practical information on the issues in SOC and ASIC prototyping using modern high-density FPGAs. The book covers SOC performance improvement techniques, testing, and system-level verification. The book also describes the modern Xilinx FPGA architecture and their use in SOC prototyping. The book covers the Synopsys DC, PT commands, and use of them to constraint and to optimize SOC design. The contents of this book will be of use to students, professionals, and hobbyists alike.

Logic Synthesis for Finite State Machines Based on Linear Chains of States

by Alexander Barkalov Larysa Titarenko Jacek Bieganowski

This book discusses Moore finite state machines (FSMs) implemented with field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) including look-up table (LUT) elements and embedded memory blocks (EMBs). To minimize the number of LUTs in FSM logic circuits, the authors propose replacing a state register with a state counter. They also put forward an approach allowing linear chains of states to be created, which simplifies the system of input memory functions and, therefore, decreases the number of LUTs in the resulting FSM circuit. The authors combine this approach with using EMBs to implement the system of output functions (microoperations). This allows a significant decrease in the number of LUTs, as well as eliminating a lot of interconnections in the FSM logic circuit. As a rule, it also reduces the area occupied by the circuit and diminishes the resulting power dissipation. This book is an interesting and valuable resource for students and postgraduates in the area of computer science, as well as for designers of digital systems that included complex control units

Logic Synthesis for FPGA-Based Control Units: Structural Decomposition in Logic Design (Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering #636)

by Alexander Barkalov Larysa Titarenko Kamil Mielcarek Sławomir Chmielewski

This book focuses on control units, which are a vital part of modern digital systems, and responsible for the efficiency of controlled systems. The model of a finite state machine (FSM) is often used to represent the behavior of a control unit. As a rule, control units have irregular structures that make it impossible to design their logic circuits using the standard library cells. Design methods depend strongly on such factors as the FSM used, specific features of the logic elements implemented in the FSM logic circuit, and the characteristics of the control algorithm to be interpreted.This book discusses Moore and Mealy FSMs implemented with FPGA chips, including look-up table elements (LUT) and embedded memory blocks (EMB). It is crucial to minimize the number of LUTs and EMBs in an FSM logic circuit, as well as to make the interconnections between the logic elements more regular, and various methods of structural decompositions can be used to solve this problem. These methods are reduced to the presentation of an FSM circuit as a composition of different logic blocks, the majority of which implement systems of intermediate logic functions different (and much simpler) than input memory functions and FSM output functions. The structural decomposition results in multilevel FSM circuits having fewer logic elements than equivalent single-level circuits. The book describes well-known methods of structural decomposition and proposes new ones, examining their impact on the final amount of hardware in an FSM circuit. It is of interest to students and postgraduates in the area of Computer Science, as well as experts involved in designing digital systems with complex control units. The proposed models and design methods open new possibilities for creating logic circuits of control units with an optimal amount of hardware and regular interconnections.

Logic Synthesis for FPGA-Based Finite State Machines

by Grzegorz Bazydlo Kamil Mielcarek Malgorzata Kolopienczyk Larysa Titarenko Alexander Barkalov

This book discusses control units represented by the model of a finite state machine (FSM). It contains various original methods and takes into account the peculiarities of field-programmable gate arrays (FPGA) chips and a FSM model. It shows that one of the peculiarities of FPGA chips is the existence of embedded memory blocks (EMB). The book is devoted to the solution of problems of logic synthesis and reduction of hardware amount in control units. The book will be interesting and useful for researchers and PhD students in the area of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, as well as for designers of modern digital systems.

Logic Synthesis for FPGA-Based Mealy Finite State Machines: Structural Decomposition in Logic Design

by null Alexander Barkalov null Larysa Titarenko null Kazimierz Krzywicki

This book is devoted to the logic synthesis of field programmable gate array (FPGA)-based circuits of Mealy finite state machines (FSM). Three new methods of state assignment are proposed, which allows obtaining FSM circuits required minimum amount of internal chip resources.Logic Synthesis for FPGA-Based Mealy Finite State Machines: Structural Decomposition in Logic Design contains several original synthesis and optimization methods based on the structural decomposition of FPGA-based FSM circuits developed by the authors. To optimize FSM circuits, the authors introduce the use of three methods of state assignment: twofold, extended, and composite. These methods allow for the creation of two- or three-level architectures of FSM circuits. The authors also demonstrate how the proposed methods, FSM architectures and synthesis methods can replace known solutions based on either functional decomposition or classical methods of structural decomposition. The authors also show how these architectures have regular systems of interconnections and demonstrate positive features compared to methods based on functional decomposition, including producing circuits with fewer elements that are faster and consume less power than their counterparts. The book includes experimental results proving the efficiency of the proposed solutions and compares the numbers in Look-up Tables (LUTs), showing the performance (maximum operating frequency) and power consumption for various methods of state assignment.The audience for this book is students, researchers, and engineers specializing in computer science/ engineering, electronics, and telecommunications. It will be especially useful for engineers working within the scope of algorithms, hardware-based software accelerators and control units, and systems based on the use of FPGAs.

Logic Synthesis for Genetic Diseases

by Pey-Chang Kent Lin Sunil P. Khatri

This book brings to bear a body of logic synthesis techniques, in order to contribute to the analysis and control of Boolean Networks (BN) for modeling genetic diseases such as cancer. The authors provide several VLSI logic techniques to model the genetic disease behavior as a BN, with powerful implicit enumeration techniques. Coverage also includes techniques from VLSI testing to control a faulty BN, transforming its behavior to a healthy BN, potentially aiding in efforts to find the best candidates for treatment of genetic diseases.

Logic Synthesis for VLSI-Based Combined Finite State Machines: Synthesis Targeting ASICs, CPLDs and FPGAs (Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering #922)

by Alexander Barkalov Larysa Titarenko Kamil Mielcarek Małgorzata Mazurkiewicz Elżbieta Kawecka

The book is devoted to design and optimization of control units represented by combined finite state machines (CFSMs). The CFSMs combine features of both Mealy and Moore FSMs. Having states of Moore FSM, they produce output signals of both Mealy and Moore types. To optimize the circuits of CFSMs, we propose to use optimization methods targeting both Mealy and Moore FSMs. The book contains some original synthesis and optimization methods targeting hardware reduction in VLSI-based CFSM circuits. These methods take into account the peculiarities of both a CFSM model and a VLSI chip in use. The optimization is achieved due to combining classical optimization methods with new methods proposed in this book. These new methods are a mixed encoding of collections of microoperations and a twofold state assignment in CFSMs. All proposed methods target reducing the numbers of arguments in systems of Boolean functions representing CFSM circuits. Also, we propose to use classes of pseudoequivalent states of Moore FSMs to reduce the number of product terms in these systems.The book includes a lot of examples which contributes to a better understanding of the features of the synthesis methods under consideration. This is the first book entirely devoted to the problems associated with synthesis and optimization of VLSI-based CFSMs. We hope that the book will be interesting and useful for students and PhD students in the area of Computer Science, as well as for designers of various digital systems. We think that proposed CFSM models enlarge the class of models applied for implementation of control units with modern VLSI chips.

The Logician and the Engineer: How George Boole and Claude Shannon Created the Information Age

by Paul J. Nahin

How two pioneers of math and technology ushered in the computer revolutionBoolean algebra, also called Boolean logic, is at the heart of the electronic circuitry in everything we use—from our computers and cars, to home appliances. How did a system of mathematics established in the Victorian era become the basis for such incredible technological achievements a century later? In The Logician and the Engineer, Paul Nahin combines engaging problems and a colorful historical narrative to tell the remarkable story of how two men in different eras—mathematician and philosopher George Boole and electrical engineer and pioneering information theorist Claude Shannon—advanced Boolean logic and became founding fathers of the electronic communications age. Nahin takes readers from fundamental concepts to a deeper and more sophisticated understanding of modern digital machines, in order to explore computing and its possible limitations in the twenty-first century and beyond.

Logics for Computer and Data Sciences, and Artificial Intelligence (Studies in Computational Intelligence #992)

by Lech T. Polkowski

This volume offers the reader a systematic and throughout account of branches of logic instrumental for computer science, data science and artificial intelligence. Addressed in it are propositional, predicate, modal, epistemic, dynamic, temporal logics as well as applicable in data science many-valued logics and logics of concepts (rough logics). It offers a look into second-order logics and approximate logics of parts.The book concludes with appendices on set theory, algebraic structures, computability, complexity, MV-algebras and transition systems, automata and formal grammars.By this composition of the text, the reader obtains a self-contained exposition that can serve as the textbook on logics and relevant disciplines as well as a reference text.

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