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Logic Pro X: Audio and Music Production
by Mark Cousins Russ Hepworth-SawyerFrom initial demos to mixing and mastering, seasoned authors Mark Cousins and Russ Hepworth-Sawyer show you how to get the most from Logic Pro X. By exploring the essential workflow and the creative possibilities offered by Logic’s virtual instruments and effects, Logic Pro X: Audio and Music Production leads you through the music creation and production process, giving you all the tips and tricks used by the pros to create release-quality recordings. Using full color screenshots throughout, alongside related boxouts that expand on the key concepts, Logic Pro X: Audio and Music Production is an informative and easy-to-read guide to using Logic Pro X. Key features include: Production FAQs – Instructional Walkthroughs and Knowledgebases present information clearly and answer common production–specific problems. Methods – Professional techniques for recording and editing in Logic Pro X – whether you’re dealing with real musicians or cutting-edge virtual instruments. Workflow – Use Logic Pro X’s tools and functions in an optimal way. Website – Access audio examples, samples (Apple Loops), Logic projects, sampler instruments, and instrument patches at www.focalpress.com/cw/cousins Logic Pro X: Audio and Music Production covers more than just the software; it will help you make the most out of every recording session and will illuminate and inspire your creative and sonic endeavors!
Logic Pro X: Audio and Music Production
by Mark Cousins Russ Hepworth-SawyerFrom initial demos to mixing and mastering, seasoned authors Mark Cousins and Russ Hepworth-Sawyer show you how to get the most from Logic Pro X. By exploring the essential workflow and the creative possibilities offered by Logic’s virtual instruments and effects, Logic Pro X: Audio and Music Production leads you through the music creation and production process, giving you all the tips and tricks used by the pros to create release-quality recordings.Using full color screenshots throughout, alongside related boxouts that expand on the key concepts, Logic Pro X: Audio and Music Production is an informative and easy-to-read guide to using Logic Pro X.Key features include:Production FAQs – Instructional Walkthroughs and Knowledgebases present information clearly and answer common production–specific problems.Methods – Professional techniques for recording and editing in Logic Pro X – whether you’re dealing with real musicians or cutting-edge virtual instruments.Workflow – Use Logic Pro X’s tools and functions in an optimal way.Website – Access audio examples, samples (Apple Loops), Logic projects, sampler instruments, and instrument patches at www.focalpress.com/cw/cousinsLogic Pro X: Audio and Music Production covers more than just the software; it will help you make the most out of every recording session and will illuminate and inspire your creative and sonic endeavors!
Logic Synthesis and SOC Prototyping: RTL Design using VHDL
by Vaibbhav TaraateThis book describes RTL design, synthesis, and timing closure strategies for SOC blocks. It covers high-level RTL design scenarios and challenges for SOC design. The book gives practical information on the issues in SOC and ASIC prototyping using modern high-density FPGAs. The book covers SOC performance improvement techniques, testing, and system-level verification. The book also describes the modern Xilinx FPGA architecture and their use in SOC prototyping. The book covers the Synopsys DC, PT commands, and use of them to constraint and to optimize SOC design. The contents of this book will be of use to students, professionals, and hobbyists alike.
Logic Synthesis for Finite State Machines Based on Linear Chains of States
by Alexander Barkalov Larysa Titarenko Jacek BieganowskiThis book discusses Moore finite state machines (FSMs) implemented with field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) including look-up table (LUT) elements and embedded memory blocks (EMBs). To minimize the number of LUTs in FSM logic circuits, the authors propose replacing a state register with a state counter. They also put forward an approach allowing linear chains of states to be created, which simplifies the system of input memory functions and, therefore, decreases the number of LUTs in the resulting FSM circuit. The authors combine this approach with using EMBs to implement the system of output functions (microoperations). This allows a significant decrease in the number of LUTs, as well as eliminating a lot of interconnections in the FSM logic circuit. As a rule, it also reduces the area occupied by the circuit and diminishes the resulting power dissipation. This book is an interesting and valuable resource for students and postgraduates in the area of computer science, as well as for designers of digital systems that included complex control units
Logic Synthesis for FPGA-Based Control Units: Structural Decomposition in Logic Design (Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering #636)
by Alexander Barkalov Larysa Titarenko Kamil Mielcarek Sławomir ChmielewskiThis book focuses on control units, which are a vital part of modern digital systems, and responsible for the efficiency of controlled systems. The model of a finite state machine (FSM) is often used to represent the behavior of a control unit. As a rule, control units have irregular structures that make it impossible to design their logic circuits using the standard library cells. Design methods depend strongly on such factors as the FSM used, specific features of the logic elements implemented in the FSM logic circuit, and the characteristics of the control algorithm to be interpreted.This book discusses Moore and Mealy FSMs implemented with FPGA chips, including look-up table elements (LUT) and embedded memory blocks (EMB). It is crucial to minimize the number of LUTs and EMBs in an FSM logic circuit, as well as to make the interconnections between the logic elements more regular, and various methods of structural decompositions can be used to solve this problem. These methods are reduced to the presentation of an FSM circuit as a composition of different logic blocks, the majority of which implement systems of intermediate logic functions different (and much simpler) than input memory functions and FSM output functions. The structural decomposition results in multilevel FSM circuits having fewer logic elements than equivalent single-level circuits. The book describes well-known methods of structural decomposition and proposes new ones, examining their impact on the final amount of hardware in an FSM circuit. It is of interest to students and postgraduates in the area of Computer Science, as well as experts involved in designing digital systems with complex control units. The proposed models and design methods open new possibilities for creating logic circuits of control units with an optimal amount of hardware and regular interconnections.
Logic Synthesis for FPGA-Based Finite State Machines
by Grzegorz Bazydlo Kamil Mielcarek Malgorzata Kolopienczyk Larysa Titarenko Alexander BarkalovThis book discusses control units represented by the model of a finite state machine (FSM). It contains various original methods and takes into account the peculiarities of field-programmable gate arrays (FPGA) chips and a FSM model. It shows that one of the peculiarities of FPGA chips is the existence of embedded memory blocks (EMB). The book is devoted to the solution of problems of logic synthesis and reduction of hardware amount in control units. The book will be interesting and useful for researchers and PhD students in the area of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, as well as for designers of modern digital systems.
Logic Synthesis for FPGA-Based Mealy Finite State Machines: Structural Decomposition in Logic Design
by null Alexander Barkalov null Larysa Titarenko null Kazimierz KrzywickiThis book is devoted to the logic synthesis of field programmable gate array (FPGA)-based circuits of Mealy finite state machines (FSM). Three new methods of state assignment are proposed, which allows obtaining FSM circuits required minimum amount of internal chip resources.Logic Synthesis for FPGA-Based Mealy Finite State Machines: Structural Decomposition in Logic Design contains several original synthesis and optimization methods based on the structural decomposition of FPGA-based FSM circuits developed by the authors. To optimize FSM circuits, the authors introduce the use of three methods of state assignment: twofold, extended, and composite. These methods allow for the creation of two- or three-level architectures of FSM circuits. The authors also demonstrate how the proposed methods, FSM architectures and synthesis methods can replace known solutions based on either functional decomposition or classical methods of structural decomposition. The authors also show how these architectures have regular systems of interconnections and demonstrate positive features compared to methods based on functional decomposition, including producing circuits with fewer elements that are faster and consume less power than their counterparts. The book includes experimental results proving the efficiency of the proposed solutions and compares the numbers in Look-up Tables (LUTs), showing the performance (maximum operating frequency) and power consumption for various methods of state assignment.The audience for this book is students, researchers, and engineers specializing in computer science/ engineering, electronics, and telecommunications. It will be especially useful for engineers working within the scope of algorithms, hardware-based software accelerators and control units, and systems based on the use of FPGAs.
Logic Synthesis for Genetic Diseases
by Pey-Chang Kent Lin Sunil P. KhatriThis book brings to bear a body of logic synthesis techniques, in order to contribute to the analysis and control of Boolean Networks (BN) for modeling genetic diseases such as cancer. The authors provide several VLSI logic techniques to model the genetic disease behavior as a BN, with powerful implicit enumeration techniques. Coverage also includes techniques from VLSI testing to control a faulty BN, transforming its behavior to a healthy BN, potentially aiding in efforts to find the best candidates for treatment of genetic diseases.
Logic Synthesis for VLSI-Based Combined Finite State Machines: Synthesis Targeting ASICs, CPLDs and FPGAs (Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering #922)
by Alexander Barkalov Larysa Titarenko Kamil Mielcarek Małgorzata Mazurkiewicz Elżbieta KaweckaThe book is devoted to design and optimization of control units represented by combined finite state machines (CFSMs). The CFSMs combine features of both Mealy and Moore FSMs. Having states of Moore FSM, they produce output signals of both Mealy and Moore types. To optimize the circuits of CFSMs, we propose to use optimization methods targeting both Mealy and Moore FSMs. The book contains some original synthesis and optimization methods targeting hardware reduction in VLSI-based CFSM circuits. These methods take into account the peculiarities of both a CFSM model and a VLSI chip in use. The optimization is achieved due to combining classical optimization methods with new methods proposed in this book. These new methods are a mixed encoding of collections of microoperations and a twofold state assignment in CFSMs. All proposed methods target reducing the numbers of arguments in systems of Boolean functions representing CFSM circuits. Also, we propose to use classes of pseudoequivalent states of Moore FSMs to reduce the number of product terms in these systems.The book includes a lot of examples which contributes to a better understanding of the features of the synthesis methods under consideration. This is the first book entirely devoted to the problems associated with synthesis and optimization of VLSI-based CFSMs. We hope that the book will be interesting and useful for students and PhD students in the area of Computer Science, as well as for designers of various digital systems. We think that proposed CFSM models enlarge the class of models applied for implementation of control units with modern VLSI chips.
The Logician and the Engineer: How George Boole and Claude Shannon Created the Information Age
by Paul J. NahinHow two pioneers of math and technology ushered in the computer revolutionBoolean algebra, also called Boolean logic, is at the heart of the electronic circuitry in everything we use—from our computers and cars, to home appliances. How did a system of mathematics established in the Victorian era become the basis for such incredible technological achievements a century later? In The Logician and the Engineer, Paul Nahin combines engaging problems and a colorful historical narrative to tell the remarkable story of how two men in different eras—mathematician and philosopher George Boole and electrical engineer and pioneering information theorist Claude Shannon—advanced Boolean logic and became founding fathers of the electronic communications age. Nahin takes readers from fundamental concepts to a deeper and more sophisticated understanding of modern digital machines, in order to explore computing and its possible limitations in the twenty-first century and beyond.
Logics for Computer and Data Sciences, and Artificial Intelligence (Studies in Computational Intelligence #992)
by Lech T. PolkowskiThis volume offers the reader a systematic and throughout account of branches of logic instrumental for computer science, data science and artificial intelligence. Addressed in it are propositional, predicate, modal, epistemic, dynamic, temporal logics as well as applicable in data science many-valued logics and logics of concepts (rough logics). It offers a look into second-order logics and approximate logics of parts.The book concludes with appendices on set theory, algebraic structures, computability, complexity, MV-algebras and transition systems, automata and formal grammars.By this composition of the text, the reader obtains a self-contained exposition that can serve as the textbook on logics and relevant disciplines as well as a reference text.
Logistic Core Operations with SAP: Inventory Management, Warehousing, Transportation, and Compliance
by Bernd Lauterbach Jens Kappauf Matthias Koch"Logistic Core Operations with SAP" not only provides an overview of core logistics processes and functionality--it also shows how SAP's Business Suite covers logistic core operations, what features are supported, and which systems can be used to implement end-to-end processes in the following logistic core disciplines: Procurement, Distribution, Transportation, Warehouse Logistics and Inventory Management, and Compliance and Reporting. In this context the authors not only explain their integration, the organizational set-up, and master data, but also which solution fits best for a particular business need. This book serves as a solid foundation for understanding SAP software. No matter whether you are a student or a manager involved in an SAP implementation, the authors go far beyond traditional function and feature descriptions, helping you ask the right questions, providing answers, and making recommendations. The book assists you in understanding SAP terminology, concepts and technological components as well as their closed-loop integration. Written in a clear, straight-forward style and using practical examples, it contains valuable tips, illustrative screenshots and flowcharts, as well as best practices--showing how business requirements are mapped into software functionality.
Logistic Core Operations with SAP: Procurement, Production and Distribution Logistics
by Bernd Lauterbach Jens Kappauf Matthias Koch"Logistic Core Operations with SAP" not only provides an overview of core logistics processes and functionality--it also shows how SAP's Business Suite covers logistic core operations, what features are supported, and which systems can be used to implement end-to-end processes in the following logistic core disciplines: Procurement, Distribution, Transportation, Warehouse Logistics and Inventory Management, and Compliance and Reporting. In this context the authors not only explain their integration, the organizational set-up, and master data, but also which solution fits best for a particular business need. This book serves as a solid foundation for understanding SAP software. No matter whether you are a student or a manager involved in an SAP implementation, the authors go far beyond traditional function and feature descriptions, helping you ask the right questions, providing answers, and making recommendations. The book assists you in understanding SAP terminology, concepts and technological components as well as their closed-loop integration. Written in a clear, straight-forward style and using practical examples, it contains valuable tips, illustrative screenshots and flowcharts, as well as best practices--showing how business requirements are mapped into software functionality.
by Joelle MoranaAs a first destination for Bac + 4 and above students, but also for teachers and researchers, this book presents in 42 sheets - from 4 to 5 pages each - the fundamental elements to the setting up of a logistics. Indeed, many books exist in logistics, but they usually focus on the development of a particular theme. In this case, the logistics in 42 sheets offers an overview of the key elements to consider for the implementation of a logistics. And to go further, each sheet offers a bibliography "development" themes and subtopics.
Logistics 4.0: Digital Transformation of Supply Chain Management
by Turan Paksoy; Çiğdem Koçhan; Sadia Samar AliIndustrial revolutions have impacted both, manufacturing and service. From the steam engine to digital automated production, the industrial revolutions have conduced significant changes in operations and supply chain management (SCM) processes. Swift changes in manufacturing and service systems have led to phenomenal improvements in productivity. The fast-paced environment brings new challenges and opportunities for the companies that are associated with the adaptation to the new concepts such as Internet of Things (IoT) and Cyber Physical Systems, artificial intelligence (AI), robotics, cyber security, data analytics, block chain and cloud technology. These emerging technologies facilitated and expedited the birth of Logistics 4.0. Industrial Revolution 4.0 initiatives in SCM has attracted stakeholders’ attentions due to it is ability to empower using a set of technologies together that helps to execute more efficient production and distribution systems. This initiative has been called Logistics 4.0 of the fourth Industrial Revolution in SCM due to its high potential. Connecting entities, machines, physical items and enterprise resources to each other by using sensors, devices and the internet along the supply chains are the main attributes of Logistics 4.0. IoT enables customers to make more suitable and valuable decisions due to the data-driven structure of the Industry 4.0 paradigm. Besides that, the system’s ability of gathering and analyzing information about the environment at any given time and adapting itself to the rapid changes add significant value to the SCM processes. In this peer-reviewed book, experts from all over the world, in the field present a conceptual framework for Logistics 4.0 and provide examples for usage of Industry 4.0 tools in SCM. This book is a work that will be beneficial for both practitioners and students and academicians, as it covers the theoretical framework, on the one hand, and includes examples of practice and real world.
Logistics and the Out-bound Supply Chain
by John Meredith SmithThe control and organisation of the flow of goods in the supply chain is of vital importance to industry and commerce, including manufacturing industrial enterprises, where the timely and efficient delivery of their output at an economic cost is of great concern. This book considers the out-bound supply chain and the associated out-bound logistics ie the flow of goods from the point of production or manufacture to the point of consumption. In doing so, it has to cover a range of management topics and techniques, including measures of performance, order management and forecasting, stock management and management of the supply chain. Written in clear and jargon-free language, this book, whilst intended primarily students of engineering and manufacturing, at 3rd year undergraduate and postgraduate level, would also be of interest to logistics and operations management students. Typical examination questions are included.
Logistics Engineering Handbook
by G. Don TaylorAchieving state-of-the-art excellence and attaining the cost reductions associated with outstanding logistics efforts is an obvious gain in terms of competitive edge and profitability. As logistics tools evolve in comprehensiveness and complexity, and the use of these new tools becomes more pervasive, maintaining a position of leadership in logisti
The Logistics Handbook
by James F. Robeson William C. Copacino R. Edwin HoweThe Logistics Handbook encompasses all of the latest advances in warehousing and distribution. It provides invaluable "how to" problem-solving tools and techniques for all the ever-increasing logistical problems managers face -- making it the most complete and authoritative handbook to date. Special features include:* The most in-depth coverage of a wide range of topics, including information systems, benchmarking, and environmental issues* Contributions found nowhere else from the leading executives, consultants, and academics in the field, such as C. John Langley, James Heskett, and David Anderson* State of the art graphics* Information-packed appendixes of logistics publications and organizationsThis all-inclusive reference will enable the next generation of managers to thoroughly integrate their logistics operations at all levels -- strategic, structural, functional, and implementation -- into a comprehensive logistics strategy.
Logistics Management: Strategies and Instruments for digitalizing and decarbonizing supply chains - Proceedings of the German Academic Association for Business Research, Halle, 2019 (Lecture Notes in Logistics)
by Christian Bierwirth Thomas Kirschstein Dirk SackmannThe conference proceedings contains contributions to the Logistics Management conference 2019. The objective of the LM conferences is to discuss new ideas and technical developments related to the management of logistic systems. A special focus is put on digitalization of supply chains and decarbonization in the transport industry.
Logistics Management: Contributions of the Section Logistics of the German Academic Association for Business Research, 2021, Dresden, Germany (Lecture Notes in Logistics)
by Udo Buscher Rainer Lasch Jörn SchönbergerThe work contains selected and thoroughly reviewed research papers of the topics Operations Management, Supply Chain Management, Digitalization, Sustainability, Transportation Management, Process Management, Risk Management, Corporate Social Responsibility and Governance. The papers reflect the current state-of-the-art in logistics and supply chain management and new ideas and technical developments are discussed.
Logistics Management: Contributions of the Section Logistics of the German Academic Association for Business Research, 2023, Dresden, Germany (Lecture Notes in Logistics)
by Udo Buscher Janis S. Neufeld Rainer Lasch Jörn SchönbergerThis book gathers peer-reviewed research papers based on selected contributions to the 13th Logistics Management Conference (LM 2023), held on 13.-15.09.2023, in Dresden, Germany. They report on cutting-edge methods and strategies for supply chain management, digitalisation, sustainable development, discussing their application in both manufacturing and service industries.
Logistics Management: Conception and Functions
by Hans-Christian PfohlBased on the drivers of the development of logistics, the success factors of logistics management in excellent companies are analyzed. Logistics management in and between companies requires a change in thinking on the operational as well as on the strategic and normative level of action. The functions of logistics management are explained in detail and discussed with regard to their design. The explanations are based on the presentation of the interplay of the normative, strategic and operational levels of action and the contribution of logistics to the achievement of corporate objectives. Essential building blocks for the implementation of the logistics concept are strategic logistics planning and logistics controlling. In addition to the organizational and operational issues, supply chain management is becoming increasingly important for the interorganizational realization of the logistics concept: because it is precisely from cooperation and collaboration that additional potential for sustainable value enhancement of the company through logistics arises. In order to exploit these potentials, it is important to promote suitable employees in a targeted manner. Therefore, the book concludes with a consideration of the special aspects of personnel management in logistics.On the one hand, the book addresses the practitioner who wants to profitably implement the concepts presented here. On the other hand, it is aimed at lecturers at universities, colleges and academies to support their courses. Students who are interested in the management-related issues of logistics will receive valuable information for their studies and future professional activities.
Logistics of Facility Location and Allocation
by Dileep R. SuleAn introduction to pragmatic methods for solving complex problems in facilities location: choosing from among known feasible sites or a broad range described as an area, placing facilities, and assigning customers. It emphasizes careful location and customer allocation to determine optimum use of time and cost - improving flow of materials and services and reducing the need for duplication or construction redundancies.
Logistics Operations and Management for Recycling and Reuse (EcoProduction)
by Paulina Golinska-DawsonThe aim of this book is to present quantitative and qualitative aspects of logistics operations supporting recycling and reuse. In individual chapters, the authors address various issues related to reverse network configuration and the organization of collection, transportation, warehousing and reprocessing activities. Moreover a number of best practice examples from different countries and industries are provided. This book will be a valuable resource for both academics and practitioners who want to deepen their knowledge of logistics operations and management for recycling and reuse.
Logistics Systems: Business Fundamentals
by Hans-Christian PfohlDer Autor erläutert logistische Teilsysteme wie Auftragsabwicklung, Lagerhaltung oder Beschaffungs- und Produktionslogistik aus betriebswirtschaftlicher Sicht. Die veränderten Anforderungen an das Dienstleistungsangebot von Logistikunternehmen werden ebenso behandelt wie gesamtwirtschaftliche Rahmenbedingungen und internationale Logistiksysteme. Das Buch wurde für die Neuauflage umfassend bearbeitet und aktualisiert, insbesondere hinsichtlich statistischer Auswertungen und neuer Entwicklungen wie z. B. RFID-Technologie und Intralogistik.