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Showing 39,326 through 39,350 of 71,647 results

Long Term Evolution in Unlicensed Bands

by Quang-Dung Ho Daniel Tweed Tho Le-Ngoc

This SpringerBrief focuses on the coexistence concerns emerging in LTE networks using unlicensed frequency bands. It provides a comprehensive review on LTE networks and their unavoidable need for enhanced capacity to meet the demands for future applications, including a need for low-cost options. LTE using unlicensed frequency (U-LTE) is then introduced as the most promising solution, and discussed from various perspectives to unveil its benefits, challenges, and requirements for coexistence with the widely-deployed IEEE 802. 11/Wi-Fi technology. Meeting these coexistence requirements is the most important factor for the acceptance of U-LTE, and the majority of this brief explores the big picture concerns and existing solutions related to coexistence-aware medium access protocols for background knowledge. A proposed network-aware adaptive listen-before-talk protocol is presented and evaluated. Finally, the authors identify a number of open technical questions and potential research issues in U-LTE. This SpringerBrief is suitable for telecom engineers, researchers, and academic professionals with valuable knowledge and potential working or research directions when designing and developing medium access protocols for next generation wireless access networks.

The Long-Term Fate of Invasive Species

by Arne Jernelöv

This book examines the long-term fate of invasive species by detailing examples of invaders from different zoological and botanical taxa from various places around the world. Readers will discover what happened, after a century or so, to 'classical' invaders like rabbits in Australia, house sparrows in North America, minks in Europe and water hyacinths in Africa and Asia. Chapters presented in the book focus on eighteen species in the form of in-depth case studies including: earthworms, zebra mussels, Canadian water weed, Himalayan balsam, house sparrows, rabbits, crayfish plague, Colorado beetles, water hyacinths, starlings, Argentine ant, Dutch elm disease, American mink, cane toad, raccoons, Canadian beavers, African killer bees and warty comb jelly. Invaded areas described are in Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, North America, Pacific islands, and South America. Readers will get some ideas about the likely future of current invaders from the fate of old ones. This book is intended for undergraduates studying environmental sciences, researchers and members of environmental NGO's.

Long-Term Health Consequences of Exposure to Burn Pits in Iraq and Afghanistan

by Committee on the Long-Term Health Consequences of Exposure to Burn Pits in Iraq Afghanistan

Many veterans returning from the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan have health problems they believe are related to their exposure to the smoke from the burning of waste in open-air "burn pits" on military bases. Particular controversy surrounds the burn pit used to dispose of solid waste at Joint Base Balad in Iraq, which burned up to 200 tons of waste per day in 2007. The Department of Veterans Affairs asked the IOM to form a committee to determine the long-term health effects from exposure to these burn pits. Insufficient evidence prevented the IOM committee from developing firm conclusions. This report, therefore, recommends that, along with more efficient data-gathering methods, a study be conducted that would evaluate the health status of service members from their time of deployment over many years to determine their incidence of chronic diseases.

Long-Term Health State Estimation of Energy Storage Lithium-Ion Battery Packs

by Qi Huang Shunli Wang Zonghai Chen Ran Xiong Carlos Fernandez Daniel-I. Stroe

This book investigates in detail long-term health state estimation technology of energy storage systems, assessing its potential use to replace common filtering methods that constructs by equivalent circuit model with a data-driven method combined with electrochemical modeling, which can reflect the battery internal characteristics, the battery degradation modes, and the battery pack health state. Studies on long-term health state estimation have attracted engineers and scientists from various disciplines, such as electrical engineering, materials, automation, energy, and chemical engineering. Pursuing a holistic approach, the book establishes a fundamental framework for this topic, while emphasizing the importance of extraction for health indicators and the significant influence of electrochemical modeling and data-driven issues in the design and optimization of health state estimation in energy storage systems. The book is intended for undergraduate and graduate students who are interested in new energy measurement and control technology, researchers investigating energy storage systems, and structure/circuit design engineers working on energy storage cell and pack.

Long-term Modeled Projections of the Energy Sector: An Incremental Approach to Narrowing Down the Uncertainty Range (Springer Geophysics)

by Yuri D. Kononov

This book covers available approaches to improving the performance and impact of long-term projections of the national energy sector development. In turn, it introduces an original multi-stage approach to narrowing down the uncertainty range of the input data and resulting projections. Its unique contribution is that it limits the scope for each of the projection timeframe segments step-by-step. This is done in the course of iterative calculations, which employ dedicated methods and other tools to elucidate and solve top-priority problems specific to each time segment. In closing, the book provides a detailed treatment of two essential research problems: 1) long-term forecasting for regional energy markets, and 2) the quantitative assessment of a) the barriers that are likely to hinder energy sector development and b) strategic-level energy security threats.

Long-Term Non-Operating Reliability of Electronic Products (Electronic Packaging Ser.)

by Judy Pecht

In today's electronic environment, operating reliability for continued daily use of electronic products is essential. This book discusses the reliability of products that lie dormant for long periods of time and are subject to stresses such as humidity, ionic contaminants, temperature, radiation, shock, and vibration. Non-operating reliability is especially critical for life-saving electronic products such as fire alarm systems, standby power sources, and burglar alarms. Air bags in automobiles, earthquake alarm systems, and radiation warning systems in nuclear power plants are also covered. This physics-of-failure approach is also important to maintaining defense hardware such as missiles and munitions systems which often lie dormant for years before being deployed on very short notice

Long-Term Reliability of Nanometer VLSI Systems: Modeling, Analysis and Optimization

by Sheldon Tan Mehdi Tahoori Taeyoung Kim Shengcheng Wang Zeyu Sun Saman Kiamehr

This book provides readers with a detailed reference regarding two of the most important long-term reliability and aging effects on nanometer integrated systems, electromigrations (EM) for interconnect and biased temperature instability (BTI) for CMOS devices. The authors discuss in detail recent developments in the modeling, analysis and optimization of the reliability effects from EM and BTI induced failures at the circuit, architecture and system levels of abstraction. Readers will benefit from a focus on topics such as recently developed, physics-based EM modeling, EM modeling for multi-segment wires, new EM-aware power grid analysis, and system level EM-induced reliability optimization and management techniques.Reviews classic Electromigration (EM) models, as well as existing EM failure models and discusses the limitations of those models;Introduces a dynamic EM model to address transient stress evolution, in which wires are stressed under time-varying current flows, and the EM recovery effects. Also includes new, parameterized equivalent DC current based EM models to address the recovery and transient effects;Presents a cross-layer approach to transistor aging modeling, analysis and mitigation, spanning multiple abstraction levels;Equips readers for EM-induced dynamic reliability management and energy or lifetime optimization techniques, for many-core dark silicon microprocessors, embedded systems, lower power many-core processors and datacenters.

Long-term Research Challenges in Wind Energy - A Research Agenda by the European Academy of Wind Energy

by Gijs Van Kuik Joachim Peinke

This book presents the view of European wind energy experts on the long-term research challenges to be solved in order to develop wind energy beyond the applications of today and tomorrow. By this book, the European Academy of Wind Energy (eawe), representing universities and institutes with a significant wind energy programme in 14 countries, wants to: identify current technological and scientific barriers and to stimulate new creative ideas to overcome these barriers define priorities for future scientific research rethink our scientific view of wind energy stimulate the cooperation among researchers in fundamental and applied sciences towards wind energy research The eawe has discussed these long-term research with an explicit focus on a longer-term perspective, in contrast to research agendas addressing short- to medium-term research activities. In other words, this long-term research agenda is driven by problems and curiosity, addressing basic research and fundamental knowledge in 11 research areas, ranging from physics and design to environmental and societal aspects. Because of the very nature of this initiative, this document does not intend to be permanent or complete. It shows the vision of the experts of the European Academy of Wind Energy, but other views may be possible. The eawe sincerely hopes that it will spur an even more intensive discussion worldwide within the wind energy community.

Long-Term Stewardship and the Nuclear Weapons Complex: The Challenge Ahead

by Katherine N. Probst Michael H. McGovern

Decades of U.S. nuclear weapons production have exacted a heavy environmental toll. The Department of Energy estimates that cleaning up waste and contamination resulting from production activities will cost over $150 billion. Yet even once that money is spent, these sites will need long-term attention to assure protection of human health and the environment. In the authors' words, stewardship refers to 'institutions, information, and strategies needed to ensure protection of people and the environment, both in the short and the long term.' Probst and McGovern make a compelling case for establishing a formal program of long-term stewardship for contaminated sites. Their report details the requirements of a successful stewardship program and discusses the daunting technical and political challenges facing such efforts, including the designation of an institutional home for key stewardship functions. The legacy of environmental damage is considerable; hazardous waste disposal, radioactive waste, and contaminated facilities are among the problems that will remain after DOE cleanup efforts are complete. Stewardship planning, according to Probst and McGovern, must start now.

Long-Term Strength of Materials: Reliability Assessment and Lifetime Prediction of Engineering Structures

by Alexander Chudnovsky Kalyan Sehanobish

The physics of fracture processes, which includes Fracture mechanics, is crucial for understanding the longevity and reliability of any structure, from fracture initiation to propagation and final catastrophic failure. This textbook introduces the thermodynamics of irreversible processes along with entropy to address the time dependency of fracture. Working from observations of structural failure, the book identifies the principal failure types such as brittle fracture, with considerations of solo crack initiation and crack propagation associated with collective distributed damage. The other type is ductile fracture, when a crack blunts immediately on the application of stress resulting in large deformation. The book then addresses the life of a structure in a specific environment and load condition, using irreversible thermodynamics and the entropy criterion to address cooperative fracture and novel statistical Fracture mechanics to address solo fracture. Applies well-established concepts from mechanics, absent in contemporary Fracture mechanics Uses novel concepts of mechanics, irreversible thermodynamics, and statistical Fracture mechanics The book is ideal for graduate students and design engineers in civil and materials engineering, as well as mechanical and chemical engineering. Students using the book need no more than basic college-level mechanics, mathematics, and statistics knowledge.

Long-Term Structural Health Monitoring by Remote Sensing and Advanced Machine Learning: A Practical Strategy via Structural Displacements from Synthetic Aperture Radar Images (SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology)

by Alireza Entezami Bahareh Behkamal Carlo De Michele

This book offers an in-depth investigation into the complexities of long-term structural health monitoring (SHM) in civil structures, specifically focusing on the challenges posed by small data and environmental and operational changes (EOCs). Traditional contact-based sensor networks in SHM produce large amounts of data, complicating big data management. In contrast, synthetic aperture radar (SAR)-aided SHM often faces challenges with small datasets and limited displacement data. Additionally, EOCs can mimic the structural damage, resulting in false errors that can critically affect economic and safety issues. Addressing these challenges, this book introduces seven advanced unsupervised learning methods for SHM, combining AI, data sampling, and statistical analysis. These include techniques for managing datasets and addressing EOCs. Methods range from nearest neighbor searching and Hamiltonian Monte Carlo sampling to innovative offline and online learning frameworks, focusing on data augmentation and normalization. Key approaches involve deep autoencoders for data processing and novel algorithms for damage detection. Validated using simulated data from the I-40 Bridge, USA, and real-world data from the Tadcaster Bridge, UK, these methods show promise in addressing SAR-aided SHM challenges, offering practical tools for real-world applications. The book, thereby, presents a comprehensive suite of innovative strategies to advance the field of SHM.

Long Wavelength Infrared Detectors

by Manijeh Razeghi

This timely work presents a comprehensive overview of the development of new generations of infrared detectors based on artificially synthesized quantum structures. The growth of quantum wells and superlattices is well documents in this volume, as are the principal new superlattice technologies for long wavelength infrared detection. Featuring insightful contributions from researchers working at the "cutting edge" of this exciting field, this volume is sure to become an essential reference for advanced graduate students and researchers alike.

Longe da Vista, Longe do Coração: O Guia do Escritor para Dominar o Ponto de Vista

by João Romão Ken Pelham

Descrição do livro: Como é que você põe de parte o filtro de escritor de ponto de vista e expressa o que uma personagem fictícia vê, ouve, pensa e experiencia? Como é que mantém o ponto de vista consistente? Como é que evita que o leitor deixe de estar sob o feitiço da sua narrativa e fique baralhado, dizendo "O quê? Espera aí..."? Uma das técnicas mais difíceis de compreender é a de saber escrever a partir da perspetiva das personagens fictícias. Longe da Vista, Longe do Coração é uma obra essencial, tanto para escritores de ficção, como de não ficção. Esta ensina, através de exemplos, a como detetar - e, mais importante, a como retificar - erros óbvios e não tão óbvios de ponto de vista narrativo.

The Longest Yawn (Science Solves It!)

by Jennifer Dussling

Solve kid-sized dilemmas and mysteries with the Science Solves It! series. These fun books for kids ages 5–8 blend clever stories with real-life science. Why did the dog turn green? Can you control a hiccup? Is that a UFO? Find the answers to these questions and more as kid characters dive into physical, life, and earth sciences. Barry's teacher says that acting is mainly about control. But how can Barry control hiccups and yawns? Will he ever be a real actor? Books in this perfect STEM series will help kids think like scientists and get ahead in the classroom. Activities and experiments are included in every book! (Level Two; Science topic: Involuntary reflexes)

Longevity and Development: Proceedings of the 2nd International Congress Age.Comm, November 11–12, 2021 (Lecture Notes in Bioengineering)

by Maria João Guardado Moreira Lucinda Sofia A. Carvalho Paulo J. Sequeira Gonçalves Vítor Manuel Barreiros Pinheira

This book focuses on the dynamic process of aging and on interventions to support the development of older and integrated societies, from a multidisciplinary point of view. Gathering contributions from researchers and professionals with different backgrounds, including social and health sciences, education, engineering and IT, biology, geography and environmental science, it aims at understanding the phenomenon of population aging, in order to contribute to the development of future functional communities, fostering well-being and autonomy of the elderly, their integration and participation. Based on the proceedings of the 2nd International Congress Age.Comm Longevity and Development, organised online on November 11-12, 2021, from Castelo Branco, Portugal, this book addresses a wide range of specialists dealing with the process of aging, integration and community development in the societies of the future.

Longitude: The True Story of a Lone Genius Who Solved the Greatest Scientific Problem of His Time

by Dava Sobel

Biography of John Harrison, who solved the problem of figuring out what a ship's latitude was, by figuring out how a ship could keep precise time at sea.

Longman Science

by Pearson Education

Longman Science prepares students in grades 6-12 for success in a standards-based science program with a broad overview of life, earth, and physical science. All activities are specifically geared to students in the early stages of English language acquisition, and help build content knowledge, skills, and learning strategies. Special offer: Take advantage of our special offer: get the Longman Science Student Book and Workbook for only$44. 95. That's 25% off the regular price of these two books combined. Click here for details. Features For beginning to high beginning English language learners. "Getting Started" unit introduces concepts of science, safety, and the scientific method. Reading strategies are explicitly taught and modeled throughout the readings. Science skills, such as using and interpreting visuals, charts, and graphs are taught and recycled throughout each lesson. Unit Review provides additional practice, extension projects, further reading, and a Unit Experiment. Vocabulary building activities and glossaries help students access and build mastery of the content.

Longwall Mining, 3rd Edition

by Syd S. Peng

In the past 13 years since the publication of Longwall Mining, 2nd edition in 2006, although there have been no major changes in longwall mining technology and operations, many incremental developments in the whole system as well as various subsystems of the existing longwall mining operational technologies as detailed in the 2nd edition have been added to this edition. Major developments are automation, and health and safety technology, as well as equipment reliability, thereby greatly increasing productivity and cutting cost. In particular, the longwall system can now run automatically cut by cut forever without operators' intervention provided that the geology allows it. Other health and safety features such as LASC, personal proximity detection, color lighting, automatic shield water sprays and remote shearer control are fully operational. There are more than 7000 sensors installed in current longwall mining systems. The big data obtained and fast communication technology have been fully utilized to improve and solve operational problems in real time. Those features are fully documented in the new edition. In pursuit of high productivity and cutting cost, life cycle management that increases equipment reliability has been implemented by OEM. Automation improvement such as tail-end automatic chain tensioner greatly extends AFC chain's service life. Other incremental improvements including dust and methane controls, entry development, panel design and face move are addressed. Additional operational issues such as extension of panel width and compatibility test are also discussed. Since the last plow longwall mine was closed in 2018, the chapter on plow longwalling has been dropped and in its place Automation of Longwall Components and System is added. Also, a new chapter Longwall Top Coal Caving Mining (LTCC) is added due to its successful application in Australia since 2005. Longwall Mining, 3rd edition will be of interest to professionals and academics in the field of mining engineering specifically, serving both as a reference work and an (under)graduate textbook, but will also interest civil, geomechanical and geological engineers and rock mechanics professionals, as well as coal operators, mining consultants, researchers, equipment manufacturers, and government regulators.

Lonnie Johnson: NASA Scientist and Inventor of the Super Soaker (Little Inventor)

by Lucia Raatma

Why is Lonnie Johnson important? He invented the Super Soaker! Readers follow his journey from a NASA engineer working on missions to Jupiter and Saturn to becoming the inventor of one of the most popular toys in the United States. This story of hard work is filled with engaging text and colorful images, all reviewed by Smithsonian experts.

Look-Ahead Based Sigma-Delta Modulation

by Erwin Janssen Arthur Van Roermund

The aim of this book is to expand and improve upon the existing knowledge on discrete-time 1-bit look-ahead sigma-delta modulation in general, and to come to a solution for the above mentioned specific issues arising from 1-bit sigma-delta modulation for SA-CD. In order to achieve this objective an analysis is made of the possibilities for improving the performance of digital noise-shaping look-ahead solutions. On the basis of the insights obtained from the analysis, several novel generic 1-bit look-ahead solutions that improve upon the state-of-the-art will be derived and their performance will be evaluated and compared. Finally, all the insights are combined with the knowledge of the SA-CD lossless data compression algorithm to come to a specifically for SA-CD optimized look-ahead design.

Look and Cook Breakfast: A First Book of Recipes in Pictures (Look and Cook)

by Valorie Fisher

A Good Housekeeping Best Kids&’ Book of 2024! In this companion title to Look and Cook Snacks, these easy-to-follow and engaging visual recipes will have kids ages 4–8 making their favorite breakfast dishes for the whole family to enjoy!Designed for children who can&’t yet read, Look and Cook Breakfast: A First Book of Recipes in Pictures is a must-have introduction to cooking for kids ages 4 to 8. Following the same easy-to-read visual layout of Look and Cook Snacks, this cookbook features delicious sweet and savory breakfast recipes for the whole family to enjoy—homemade granola, zucchini muffins, and more! Key features for kids include:Step-by-step visual instructions: Let kids who can&’t yet read and visual learners guide their own cooking journey.A guide to kitchen basics: Learn skills like mixing and measuring, and proper handling of safe-to-use kitchen equipment.Family-friendly recipes: Delicious, easy, and healthy breakfast dishes for the entire family to enjoy making and eating together!

Look and Cook Snacks: A First Book of Recipes in Pictures

by Valorie Fisher

The first of its kind, Look and Cook Snacks is an entirely visual guide to cooking. Designed for children who can&’t yet read, this is a must-have introduction to the joys of cooking for kids ages 4 to 7. From scrumptious fruit smoothies to easy-peasy pizzas, each recipe will let your kid will take charge of their discovery of the kitchen! Key features for kids include: Step-by-step visual instructions— Let kids who can&’t yet read and visual learners guide their own cooking journey. A guide to kitchen basics— Learn skills like mixing and measuring, and proper handling of safe-to-use kitchen equipment. Family-friendly recipes— Delicious, easy, and healthy snacks for the entire family to enjoy making and eating together!

Look I'm an Engineer (Look! I'm Learning)

by DK

This playful preschool activity ebook for kids will unleash your child's curiosity and creativity as they play their way through 15 super fun STEM projects.Every project features bright photography and charming illustrations, which support the easy-to-follow instructions. Perfect for ages 3-6, this children's book will excite little ones by revealing the everyday ways they can be an engineer. Children are born with everything they need to be great engineers - inquisitive minds, unlimited imagination, and super senses. With this educational ebook in hand, little readers are encouraged to use their senses to investigate and discover the world of science and math while having fun.This kids book is ridiculously cool and filled with fun experiments you and your kids can do together. They'll learn how to make the strongest paper bridges, how to power a tugboat with an elastic band, which materials make the best parachutes, and much more. These ingenious hands-on activities align with subjects taught at school, including science, math, and technology.Children have the opportunity to do what they do best with this awesome kids' activity ebook - imagine, create, learn, problem-solve, and above all, play their way to engineering discovery.Get Your Engineering Hat Ready!You were born with everything you need to be an engineer - a brilliant brain and spectacular senses! Get ready to touch, smell, see, hear, and taste your way to engineering excellence. Find out how to make a floating rescue raft, what makes a bridge super strong, why paper planes glide and much, much more!Full of amazing engineering creations for kids to make like: - A magical woodland den- A sweet, sweet pyramid- The coolest paper bridge - A totally artistic painting pendulum (we're learning gravity here)- And much more!Prepare to have all the FUN!DK's Look! I'm Learning series of exciting and educational STEM ebooks focus on the sensory experience of practical learning and play and finds the science in everyday activities. Hands-on learning experiences tap straight into kids' insatiable curiosity and sense of wonder. These ebooks for children are perfect for ages 3–6 as they are formatted with a padded cover and toddler-tough pages. The series encourages children to develop independence and improves their critical thinking, investigation skills, and motor skills. Try the other titles in the series next, including Look I'm A Scientist, Look I'm A Mathematician, and Look I'm A Cook.

Look It Up!: What Patients, Doctors, Nurses, and Pharmacists Need to Know about the Internet and Primary Health Care

by Julie Barlow Pierre Pluye Roland Grad

Doctors Pierre Pluye and Roland Grad, internationally recognized experts in the fields of knowledge translation and health information studies, along with bestselling author and journalist Julie Barlow, take readers behind the scenes to show how online information is affecting self-care and primary health care in medicine, nursing, and pharmacy. Based on fifteen years of in-depth interviews and research, Look It Up! provides essential tips for patients and clinicians to administer and receive the best possible primary health care, while avoiding the perils of unguided self-diagnosis. This book shows how, by dint of an inquiring mind and a smartphone, rapid and accurate acquisition of knowledge keeps primary care clinicians up to date. It also shows how people can determine whether a test is more beneficial than harmful, and how information helps resolve disagreements and improve collaboration with patients and families, and among doctors, pharmacists, and nurses. In the age of easily accessible online information, clinicians have to think differently about how they work. Organized around numerous real clinical stories, Look It Up! is an illuminating and lively guide to improving patient care.

Looking Ahead: Human Factors Challenges in A Changing World

by Raymond S. Nickerson

This volume aims to review some of the recent developments and trends that seem especially relevant to any attempt to understand near-term-future possibilities; to consider what a variety of knowledgeable people are saying about changes and developments that could occur; and to relate the possibilities to needs and opportunities for human factors research. Human factors, in this case, includes not only the implications of human capabilities and limitations for the design of equipment and machines intended for human use, but also applied psychology in a more general sense. In particular, it is taken to involve social systems as well as physical ones, the interaction of people with the environment as well as with machines, the facilitation of communication between people as well as between people and computers, and the design of policies and procedures as well as the design of equipment. The author's intention is to focus on anticipated problems -- including opportunities as well as difficulties -- and ask how human factors research might contribute to solutions. It is assumed that there are ways in which such research could be useful in addressing societal problems that the profession has not yet realized and that these are more likely to be recognized in the future if the community is actively seeking to identify them.

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