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The Medieval Peutinger Map
by Emily AlbuThe Peutinger Map remains the sole medieval survivor of an imperial world-mapping tradition. It depicts most of the inhabited world as it was known to the ancients, from Britain's southern coastline to the farthest reaches of Alexander's conquests in India, showing rivers, lakes, islands, and mountains while also naming regions and the peoples who once claimed the landscape. Onto this panorama, the mapmaker has plotted the ancient Roman road network, with hundreds of images along the route and distances marked from point to point. This book challenges the artifact's self-presentation as a Roman map by examining its medieval contexts of crusade, imperial ambitions, and competition between the German-Roman Empire and the papacy.
Medieval Siege Weapons: Western Europe AD 585-1385
by David NicolleThis text explores a range of devices and details the changes in medieval siege warfare brought about by the mixing of traditions from Greece, Rome, Persia, India and China.
Medieval Siege Weapons: Byzantium, the Islamic World & India AD 476-1526
by David NicolleDuring medieval era, the pre-existing military-technological traditions from the ancient worlds were brought together. Three civilizations were primarily responsible for this evolution: the Late-Roman or Byzantine Empire, the Islamic World, and latterly the Mongol 'World Empire'. This book examines the resulting stone-throwing machines from torsion 'energy storage' systems, to manpowered and counterbalance sling devices, rockets and others.
Medieval Warfare: Theory and Practice of War in Europe 300–1500
by Helen NicholsonWarfare in medieval times was never static or predictable - although there were ideals and conventions to follow, in the field commanders had to use their initiative and adapt to the needs of the moment. In this concise, wide-ranging study, Helen Nicholson provides the essential introductory guide to a fascinating subject. Medieval Warfare - surveys and summarises current debates and modern research into warfare throughout the whole of the medieval period across Europe - sets medieval warfare theory and practice firmly into context as a continuation and adaptation of practice under the Roman Empire, tracing its change and development across more than a millennium - considers military personnel, buildings and equipment, as well as the practice of warfare by land and sea
Meditations with Cows: What I've Learned from Daisy, the Dairy Cow Who Changed My Life
by Shreve StocktonAn intimate memoir on the work and wonder of ranch life, critiquing the inhumane and environmentally destructive factory farm system and offering sustainable alternatives for ethical omnivores.Although there are nearly 100 million cattle in the United States, these animals are often ignored or dismissed. In Meditations with Cows, Shreve Stockton inspires a more reverential attitude toward these affectionate and intelligent creatures as she shares captivating stories and photos of ranch life. At the center of the narrative is Daisy, the matriarch of the herd. Through the daily ritual of milking, Stockton forges a relationship with Daisy that deepens with each passing season: "When you have a milk cow, you are together every day, no matter the weather, no matter either of your moods. The hind leg of this twelve-hundred-pound animal towers over you as you crouch beside her... both of you aware of the fact that one well-aimed kick could kill you if she wished. Yet you are allowed to rest your cheek and forehead against her warm belly as you milk... her trust in you entwined with your trust in her, you become family." For anyone who loves animals or cares about the environmental impact of their food, Stockton explores conservation and the important role of cattle in local ecosystems, models the humane treatment of animals, and shows how pastured cattle can be our allies in averting climate crisis. Blending together narrative, science, and thoughtful reflection, Meditations with Cows offers a moving portrait of the rhythms of work, life, and hardship on the ranch.
Mediterranean Architecture and the Green-Digital Transition: Selected Papers from the World Renewable Energy Congress Med Green Forum 2022 (Innovative Renewable Energy)
by Ali SayighThis book contains selected papers presented during the World Renewable Energy Network’s biannual World Med Green Forum (MGF). The 2022 MGF highlights the role of renewable energy applications in the sustainable building sector with a focus on the Mediterranean region as a foundation for a truly positive energy future. MGF is an open roundtable for an international community of researchers, practitioners, and experts to discuss the most innovative and promising sustainable building technologies. The papers presented explore the intersection between twin transitions in policies, programs, projects, and experimentation, with the digital domain innovating the green building sector towards more reliable and inclusive planning and design practices in order to collectively envision future buildings and cities.
The Mediterranean Diet: Constituents and Health Promotion (Modern Nutrition)
by Antonia-Leda Matalas Antonis Zampelas Vassilis Stavrinos Ira WolinskyAdults living in certain olive-growing areas of the Mediterranean Basin display high life expectancies and rates of chronic disease that are among the lowest in the world. These benefits are achieved despite socioeconomic indicators that are often much lower than those of more industrial nations in North America and Europe. Attention has focused on
Mediterranean Foods: Composition and Processing
by Rui M. da Cruz Maria M. VieiraThe Mediterranean region is well known around the world for its rich culinary history. While most books tend to only focus on the nutritional, culinary, and/or health aspects of Mediterranean cuisine, this book presents a more scientific approach and discusses the composition of specific foods from the Mediterranean basin as well as specific processing methodologies applied to produce food in this area of the world.
Mediterranean Fruits Bio-wastes: Chemistry, Functionality and Technological Applications
by Mohamed Fawzy Ramadan Mohamed A. FaragTraditional Mediterranean fruits (i.e., be grapes, oranges, apples, pears, peaches, cherries, plums, figs, melons, watermelon and dates) are of major commercial and nutritional value to the region. Processing of such fruits, however, results in large amounts of bio-waste material. Efficient, inexpensive and environmentally friendly use of fruit industry waste is thus highly cost-effective and minimizes environmental impact. The natural antioxidants and bioactive compounds found in Mediterranean fruit bio-wastes could play a major role in the alleged health benefits of the Mediterranean diet, and could be used in pharmaceuticals as well as novel food applications. This book presents a multidisciplinary forum of discussion on the chemistry, functional properties and health-promoting effects of bioactive compounds in Mediterranean fruit bio-wastes, as well as novel food and non-food applications. The text provides the scientific fundamentals of the health-promoting benefits and applications of Mediterranean fruit bio-wastes, reviews the relevant recovery issues and explores different techniques to develop new applications. With a diversity of perspectives, from food science to environmental chemistry and horticultural research, this volume provides comprehensive, up-to-date knowledge to researchers and industry professionals working in the areas of food waste valorization.
Mediterranean Green Buildings & Renewable Energy: Selected Papers from the World Renewable Energy Network's Med Green Forum
by Ali SayighThis book highlights scientific achievements in the key areas of sustainable electricity generation and green building technologies, as presented in the vital bi-annual World Renewable Energy Network’s Med Green Forum. Renewable energy applications in power generation and sustainable development have particular importance in the Mediterranean region, with its rich natural resources and conducive climate, making it a perfect showcase to illustrate the viability of using renewable energy to satisfy all energy needs. The papers included in this work describe enabling policies and offer pathways to further develop a broad range of renewable energy technologies and applications in all sectors – for electricity production, heating and cooling, agricultural applications, water desalination, industrial applications and for the transport sector.
Mediterranean Oak Woodland Working Landscapes
by Gregorio Montero Jose Luis Oviedo Pro Lynn Huntsinger Mario Diaz Pablo Campos Paul F Starrs Richard B StandifordThe oak tree was a boon companion as humans expanded their presence across much of the globe. While oak woodlands (Quercus spp.) come today in stunningly diverse forms, the stately dehesas of Spain and the dramatic oak-dominated ranchlands of California are working landscapes where cultivation and manipulation for a couple of millennia have shaped Mediterranean-type ecosystems into a profoundly modified yet productive environment that is sought-after by every manner of species. The grazing of wildlife and livestock in oak woodlands yields a remarkable plant and animal biodiversity, creating a mosaic of habitats and visually pleasing savannas. Added products unique to Spain such as Iberian pigs and cork, and in California multiple landowner benefits, include valued ecosystem services that allow owners, visitors, and conservation supporters to experience the benefits of woodland life. With its 15 chapters a decade in the making, this handsomely illustrated book covers key topics in oak woodland policy, ecology, and management in Spain and California, presenting new research results and reviewing an existing expert literature.
Mediterranean Protected Areas in the Era of Overtourism: Challenges and Solutions
by Ante Mandić Lidija PetrićThis book comprises studies that reflect on various influences of excessive tourism development in protected areas, and solutions designed and initiated to mitigate such challenges. A large proportion of tourism in Mediterranean destinations constitutes nature-based tourism, in particular, tourism in parks and protected areas. As a destination experiences higher intensity and density of tourism, the potential conflict between maintaining a healthy natural environment and economic development also increases. This has urged planners and decision-makers to devise and adopt innovative approaches that seek to strike a balance between tourism development and nature conservation. This book demonstrates the importance of collaboration across and beyond disciplines and of all groups of stakeholders for maximization of societal impacts and tourism-related benefits.
The Mediterranean Way of Eating: Evidence for Chronic Disease Prevention and Weight Management
by John J.B. Anderson Marilyn C. SparlingThis book presents evidence-based research that validates the traditional Mediterranean way of eating with respect to health. It offers information about an enjoyable, healthy way of eating that has stood the test of time, along with practical suggestions for incorporating the Mediterranean diet into daily life. The book addresses nutrients found in Mediterranean foods, how they function in the body, and why they are essential for optimal health. It highlights the Mediterranean diet's effectiveness in weight management and prevention and treatment of various chronic diseases.
Medium/Heavy Duty Truck Engines, Fuel And Computerized Management Systems
by Sean BennettThe most comprehensive guide to highway diesel engines and their management systems available today, Medium/Heavy Duty Truck Engines, Fuel & Computerized Management Systems, 3E is a user-friendly resource for both entry-level and experienced technicians alike. Coverage includes the full range of truck diesels, from light duty to heavy duty, as well as the most current diesel engine management electronics used in the industry. The updated third edition features all-new discussions of series and parallel hybrid drive trains that use both electric and hydraulic hybrid technology, emerging battery and ultra capacitor technology popular in hybrid electric vehicles, expanded coverage of the new Delphi E3 injectors used in post-2007 Caterpillar, Detroit Diesel, Volvo and Mack engines, and more. With an emphasis on today's computer technology that sets it apart from any other book on the market, this is an ideal guide to working effectively in modern truck service facilities.
The Medium Is the Massage: An Inventory of Effects
by Marshall Mcluhan Quentin FioreFirst published in 1967, this text is now more relevant than ever, as McLuhan's foresights about the impact of new media is actualized at unprecedented speeds via the Internet. It portrays technologies as an extension of man, illustrating how our senses are massaged and our preceptions altered as these devices become integral parts of our lives.
Medusa's Child
by John J. NanceA pilot races through the sky to stop a nuclear catastrophe in this &“compelling&” thriller by the New York Times–bestselling author of Pandora&’s Clock (People). Vivian Henry hasn&’t heard her ex-husband&’s voice in three years, but it still fills her with fear. Dangerous and brilliant, Dr. Rogers Henry is calling because he&’s dying. He offers Vivian a fortune in insurance money if she&’ll carry out one final task for him: Take the Medusa device to Washington, DC. The Medusa is his life&’s work—a thermonuclear bomb capable of knocking out all modern technology in the country—and he wants her to deliver it to the Pentagon before it falls into the wrong hands. Cargo plane captain Scott McKay is miles above the ground when the Medusa begins to speak. A recording of Dr. Henry&’s voice announces that the device is active and about to explode. With nowhere to land, Captain McKay must rely on his instincts and fly like he has never flown before to prevent a worldwide apocalypse. Medusa&’s Child proves once again that John Nance is the &“king of the modern-day aviation thriller&” (Publishers Weekly).
Meeresbiologisches Materialien wirbellosen Ursprungs
by Hermann EhrlichDas Buch Das Werk ist eine Quelle für modernes Wissen über Biomineralisation, Biomimetik und bioinspirierte Materialwissenschaft in Bezug auf wirbellose Meerestiere. Der Autor liefert die kohärenteste Analyse der Natur, des Ursprungs und der Entwicklung von Biokompositen und Biopolymeren, die aus der großen Vielfalt der wirbellosen Meeresorganismen isoliert und in deren ungewöhnlichen Strukturformationen beobachtet wurden. Das grundlegende Format ist das eines großen Übersichtsartikels, mit großzügiger Verwendung von Verweisen auf die Originalliteratur. Das Buch enthält eine Fülle neuer und neu zusammengestellter Informationen, darunter Dutzende von bisher unveröffentlichten Bildern einzigartiger mariner Lebewesen und Strukturen vom Nano- bis zum Mikrobereich, einschließlich hochauflösender Raster- und Transmissionselektronenmikroskopaufnahmen. Das Material ist sowohl nach biologischen (Phyla) als auch nach funktionellen Gesichtspunkten geordnet. Es wird eine Klassifizierung der biologischen Materialien marinen Ursprungs vorgeschlagen und diskutiert. Ein Großteil der einschlägigen Daten ist in Tabellen organisiert, und es wird ausgiebig Gebrauch von elektronenmikroskopischen Aufnahmen und Strichzeichnungen gemacht. Mehrere moderne Themen, wie z.B. "Biomineralisierungs-, Demineralisierungs- und Remineralisierungsphänomene" oder "Phänomene der mehrphasigen Biomineralisation", werden ausführlich diskutiert. Traditionell werden aktuelle Konzepte wie die hierarchische Organisation von Biokompositen und Skelettstrukturen, strukturelle Biogerüste, Bioskulpturierung, Biomimetismus und Bioinspiration als Werkzeuge für das Design innovativer Materialien sowohl aus biologischer als auch aus materialwissenschaftlicher Sicht anhand zahlreicher einzigartiger Beispiele marinen Ursprungs kritisch analysiert. Diese Monographie gibt einen Überblick über die wichtigsten Fortschritte auf dem Gebiet der marinen Biomaterialien und zeigt mehrere Ansätze auf, die von verschiedenen Labors eingeführt und erforscht werden."
Meet Charles Darwin - An eStory
by Charles MargerisonMeet Charles Darwin, responsible for the theory of natural selection and author of On Origin of the Species. Darwin is arguably one of the most influential characters in world history, in that he redefined so many pre-conceived ideas. He was far ahead of his time. His amazing life comes alive through BioViews. You can follow the young Darwin from his early years, when his mother died, to his medical studies where his curiosity in natural order and development sent him off on explorations that would ultimately change the way the world is regarded.A BioView® is a short biographical story, similar to an interview. These unique audio stories provide an easy way of learning about amazing people who made major contributions to our world.
Meet Henry Wellcome - An eStory
by Charles MargerisonMeet Henry Wellcome. Discover his amazing life story in this unique audio story from The Amazing People Club. He may have saved your life with the medicines he developed and produced. Henry willed his entire fortune to further development and research to The Wellcome Trust, which is one of the largest biomedical charities in the world. Travel with Henry Wellcome from the log cabin in which he was born in Wisconsin on his epic journeys around the world, driven by his thirst for knowledge and insatiable curiosity. Henry Wellcome's story comes to life through BioViews®. These are short biographical narratives, similar to interviews. They provide an easy way of learning about amazing people who made major contributions and changed our world.
Meet Joe Copper: Masculinity and Race on Montana's World War II Home Front
by Matthew L. BassoOC I realize that I am a soldier of production whose duties are as important in this war as those of the man behind the gun. OCO So began the pledge that many home front men took at the outset of World War II when they went to work in the factories, fields, and mines while their compatriots fought in the battlefields of Europe and on the bloody beaches of the Pacific. The male experience of working and living in wartime America is rarely examined, but the story of men like these provides a crucial counter-narrative to the national story of Rosie the Riveter and GI Joe that dominates scholarly and popular discussions of World War II. In "Meet Joe Copper," Matthew L. Basso describes the formation of a powerful, white, working-class masculine ideology in the decades prior to the war, and shows how it thrivedOCoon the job, in the community, and through union politics. Basso recalls for us the practices and beliefs of the first- and second-generation immigrant copper workers of Montana while advancing the historical conversation on gender, class, and the formation of a white ethnic racial identity. "Meet Joe Copper" provides a context for our ideas of postwar masculinity and whiteness and finally returns the men of the home front to our reckoning of the Greatest Generation and the New Deal era.
Meet Me in the Middle: A VeeFriends Book
by Gary VaynerchukNew York Times bestselling author, entrepreneur, and internet personality Gary Vaynerchuk gives kids a jump-start on getting ahead in Meet Me in the Middle, an all-original picture book featuring his beloved VeeFriends characters!With its unique two-in-one flip-book format, Meet Me in the Middle encourages young readers to see how different the world looks from another point of view. Start the book from the front and readers will learn about Eager Eagle’s day. Flip it over and readers will see the same story from Patient Pig’s perspective. It’s a fun story about how real success comes from seeing how the other side does it.Inspired by the lessons in the million-copy bestselling book Twelve and a Half, Meet Me in the Middle gives parents and educators a way to talk to kids about empathy, problem solving, and compromise—the essential keys to success, at any age!
Meet the Machines
by Amy TaoLearn all about machines, which is any tool that makes movement easier.
Meet Your Bike
by Liz HuyckA bicycle is a fun and efficient way to get from one place to another. But have you ever wondered what parts make up a bike? Some bikes have hand lever brakes while others do not. Riders with more experience usually set their seats a bit higher than those with less experience. Learn more about the functions of a bike's moving parts!
Meeting Critical Laboratory Needs for Animal Agriculture
by Division on Earth and Life Studies Board on Agriculture and Natural Resources Board on Life Sciences National Research Council Committee on an Analysis of the Requirements and Alternatives for Foreign Animal and Zoonotic Disease Research and Diagnostic Laboratory CapabilitiesOutbreaks of animal disease can have catastrophic repercussions for animal agriculture, the food supply, and public health. Rapid detection, diagnosis and response, as well as development of new vaccines, are central to mitigating the impact of disease outbreaks. The proposed National Bio- and Agro-Defense Facility (NBAF) is a next-generation laboratory for animal disease diagnostics, training, and research that would provide core critical components for defense against foreign animal and zoonotic disease threats. But it will be a major investment with estimated construction costs of $1.14 billion, as currently designed. Meeting Critical Laboratory Needs for Animal Agriculture: Examination of Three Optionsdiscusses the laboratory infrastructure needed to effectively address the threat posed by animal and zoonotic diseases and analyzes three options for creating this infrastructure: building NBAF as currently designed, building a scaled-back version of the NBAF, or maintaining current research capabilities at Plum Island Animal Disease Center while leveraging biosafety level-4 large animal capabilities at foreign laboratories.
Meeting the Energy Needs of Future Warriors
by Committee on Soldier Power/Energy SystemsThe central characteristic of the evolution of the combat soldier in recent years is an increasingly sophisticated array of sensing, communications, and related electronics for use in battlefield situations. The most critical factor for maintaining this evolution will be the development of power supply systems capable of operating those electronics effectively for missions up to 72 hours long. To address the challenge, it is important that new approaches be sought on how to integrate and power these electronics. To assist in addressing this problem, the Army requested the National Research Council to review the state of the art and to recommend technologies that will support the rapid development of effective power systems for the future warrior. This report presents the results of that review. It provides an assessment of various technology options for different power level requirements, power system design, and soldier energy sinks. The report also describes future design concepts, focusing on low-power systems. Recommendations for technology development and system design are presented.