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Mental Health and Well-being in Animals

by Dr Gina Alvino Melissa Bain Ngaio J Ngaio J C. A. Buffington Larry Carbone Kathy Carlstead Sharon Crowell-Davis Dr Victoria Cussen Ian J.H. Duncan Carine Elkhoraibi Daniel Q. Estep Temple Grandin Sophie S. Hall Suzanne Hetts Debra F. Horwitz Gary Landsberg Lori Marino David J. Mellor Professor Michael Mendl Professor Daniel Mills Karen L. Overall Elizabeth S. Paul Pamela J. Reid Claire Ricci-Bonot Lauren M. Robinson Amy Robinson-Junker Lynne M. Seibert David Shepherdson Daniel M. Weary Alexander Weiss Jacqueline Wilhelmy James W. Yeates

The second edition is fully revised, expanded, and comprehensively updated with the most current knowledge about the full array of mental health issues seen in animals. Written by key opinion leaders, internationally-recognized experts and specialists, it is comprehensive covering basic principles to mental wellness, emotional distress, suffering and mental illness, through to measurement and treatment. With even more practical information and clinical pearls, this book remains invaluable to veterinary professionals, animal welfare researchers and advocates, and other animal caregivers.

Mental Models: Design of User Interaction and Interfaces for Domestic Energy Systems

by Kirsten M. Revell Neville A. Stanton

There is a resurgence of interest in mental models due to advances in our understanding of how they can be used to help design and due to the development of practical methods to elicit them. This book brings both areas together with a focus on reducing domestic energy consumption. The book focuses on how mental models can be applied in design to bring out behaviour change resulting in increased achievement of home heating goals (reduced waste and improved comfort). This book also offers a method to extract and apply mental models to interface design. The approach enables mental models to be applied across domains when behaviour change was sought, and is validated as a useful design method.

Mental Models and Their Dynamics, Adaptation, and Control: A Self-Modeling Network Modeling Approach (Studies in Systems, Decision and Control #394)

by Jan Treur Laila Van Ments

This book introduces a generic approach to model the use and adaptation of mental models, including the control over this. In their mental processes, humans often make use of internal mental models as a kind of blueprints for processes that can take place in the world or in other persons. By internal mental simulation of such a mental model in their brain, they can predict and be prepared for what can happen in the future. Usually, mental models are adaptive: they can be learned, refined, revised, or forgotten, for example. Although there is a huge literature on mental models in various disciplines, a systematic account of how to model them computationally in a transparent manner is lacking. This approach allows for computational modeling of humans using mental models without a need for any algorithmic or programming skills, allowing for focus on the process of conceptualizing, modeling, and simulating complex, real-world mental processes and behaviors. The book is suitable for and is used as course material for multidisciplinary Master and Ph.D. students.

Una mente prodigiosa

by Sylvia Nasar

La magnífica biografía del gran genio John Nash, una obra que recoge lo mejor y lo peor de esta aventura apasionante por los caminos de la genialidad. En 1949, John Forbes Nash era un joven estudiante en Princeton que con su tesis doctoral, dedicada al desarrollo de la teoría de juegos, dio buena muestra de un talento que impresionó a hombres de la talla de Albert Einstein, Robert Oppenheimer y John von Neuman. Más tarde, cuando trabajaba como profesor en el MIT de Cambridge, Massachusetts, se dedicó a investigar y resolver problemas matemáticos de gran envergadura, y en 1994 fue galardonado con el Premio Nobel de Economía. Este currículum, en apariencia impecable, solo nos habla de una parte de la vida de Forbes, pero hay otros aspectos del genio que lo revelan como un hombre hundido en el desamor y perdido entre los fantasmas de la esquizofrenia, una enfermedad que lo mantuvo recluido durante años en clínicas mentales. Hace diez años, Sylvia Nasar siguió paso a paso las peripecias de la turbulenta vida del matemático para entregarnos esta magnífica biografía, que ahora cuenta con un nuevo prólogo de la autora. En ella se recoge lo mejor y lo peor de una aventura vital tan compleja e intrigante como un teorema con rostro humano. Reseñas:«Hay historias que merecen ser contadas y personajes que deberían ser ampliamente conocidos. La historia de la vida del matemático John Forbes Nash es una de ellas.»José Manuel Sánchez Ron, Babelia «Dos párrafos y me enganché.»Oliver sacks

Mentoring and Sponsoring: Keys to Success

by Maria Angela Capello Eve Sprunt

This book is a compilation of very personal approaches to mentoring and sponsoring, breaking the stereotypes of seniority, age or experience. The authors have provided a platform to understand that mentoring and especially sponsoring are in fact a win-win relation, in which both sides, mentors and mentees; and sponsors and sponsored individuals learn from each other, enhancing their career paths. How they managed to create a growth space for themselves and their teams through mentoring and sponsoring, is a story of professional leadership. They shared a privileged outlook to understand the root causes of barriers, as well as to envision plausible solutions for difficult career crossroads, in which mentorship or sponsoring was key to steer step changes.The authors propose not only their vision, but a remarkable collection of unfiltered interviews with young and renown professionals in many sectors, from photography to music, research, sports, energy, and more, completing a vision of what is key for both sides of the equation pertinent to mentoring and sponsoring: the givers and the receivers. They explain what is needed to gain the most out of the mentoring and sponsoring loops, with their own career stories.Success is supported by many factors, in which the most important are the technical competency and performance aligned with resilience. However, in the long path of a career, mentors and particularly sponsors play a foundational and frequently a changing-life role, improving our perspective or triggering reflections and actions that benefitted our journeys at work and in life.This book provides insights on what works for an effective mentoring and sponsoring process. It is useful for all professionals, especially those starting their career journeys.

Merapi Volcano: Geology, Eruptive Activity, and Monitoring of a High-Risk Volcano (Active Volcanoes of the World)

by Ralf Gertisser Valentin R. Troll Thomas R. Walter I Gusti Made Agung Nandaka Antonius Ratdomopurbo

This book provides the first comprehensive compilation of cutting-edge research on Merapi volcano on the island of Java, Indonesia, one of the most iconic volcanoes in the world. It integrates results from both the natural (geology, petrology, geochemistry, geophysics, physical volcanology) and social sciences, and provides state-of-the-art information on volcano monitoring, the assessment of volcanic hazards, and risk mitigation measures.As one of Indonesia’s most active and dangerous volcanoes, Merapi is perhaps best known for its pyroclastic density currents, which are produced by gravitational or explosive lava dome failures (commonly referred to as Merapi-type nuées ardentes). Merapi’s eruptions have posed a persistent threat to life, property and infrastructure within the densely populated areas on the volcano’s flanks, as demonstrated most recently by catastrophic eruptions, which attracted worldwide media interest.

Mercator: The Man Who Mapped the Planet

by Nicholas Crane

An enthralling biography of the man who created the first real map of the world and changed civilizationBorn at the dawn of the age of discovery, Gerhard Mercator lived in an era of formidable intellectual and scientific advances. At the center of these developments were the cartographers who painstakingly pieced together the evidence to create ever more accurate pictures of the planet. Mercator was the greatest of all of them-a poor farm boy who attended one of Europe's top universities, was persecuted and imprisoned by the Inquisition, but survived to coin the term "atlas" and to produce the so-called projection for which he is known. Devoutly religious, yet gripped by Aristotelian science, Mercator struggled to reconcile the two, a conflict mirrored by the growing clash in Europe between humanism and the Church.Mercator solved the dimensional riddle that had vexed cosmographers for so long: How could the three-dimensional globe be converted into a two-dimensional map while retaining true compass bearings? The projection revolutionized navigation and has become the most common worldview.Nicholas Crane-a fellow geographer-has combined a keen eye for historical detail with a gift for vivid storytelling to produce a masterful biography of the man who mapped the planet.

The Mercenary Option

by Couch

After losing his son in the September 11 attacks, wealthy industrialist Joseph Simpson forms the Intervention Force (IFOR) -- a surgical strike team led by former Navy SEAL Garrett Walker. Officially, the group is a rogue operation with no government affiliation. But when the impossible becomes absolutely necessary, IFOR is... THE MERCENARY OPTION Shortly after the terror attacks on America, the American president announces the construction of an oil pipeline across Afghanistan. To stop this, and deter further Western encroachment in Central Asia, a vindictive Saudi prince retains ex-KGB terror broker Pavel Zelinkow -- a prime mover behind al Qaeda's 9/11 attack. Zelinkow plans to steal two nuclear weapons, detonating one of them among the pipeline construction crews and their military guardians, while the target of the second bomb is a mystery. U.S. special operations forces cannot be used against the terrorists hiding in Iran, so IFOR is called into action for the first time on a mission that will test them to their limits: take out the terrorists, recover the nukes, and get Zelinkow -- dead or alive.

The Mercenary River: Private Greed, Public Good: A History of London's Water

by Nick Higham

Anyone interested in the real London needs to read this. - Andrew MarrNo city can survive without water, and lots of it. Today we take the stuff for granted: turn a tap and it gushes out. But it wasn't always so. For centuries London, one of the largest and richest cities in the world, struggled to supply its citizens with reliable, clean water. The Mercenary River tells the story of that struggle from the middle ages to the present day. Based on new research, it tells a tale of remarkable technological, scientific and organisational breakthroughs; but also a story of greed and complacency, high finance and low politics. Among the breakthroughs was the picturesque New River, neither new nor a river but a state of the art aqueduct completed in 1613 and still part of London's water supply: the company that built it was one of the very first modern business corporations, and also one of the most profitable. London water companies were early adopters of steam power for their pumps. And Chelsea Waterworks was the first in the world to filter the water it supplied its customers: the same technique is still used to purify two-thirds of London's drinking water. But for much of London's history water had to be rationed, and the book also chronicles our changing relationship with water and the way we use it. Amongst many stories, Nick Higham's page-turning narrative uncovers the murky tale of how the most powerful steam engine in the world was first brought to London; the extraordinary story of how one Victorian London water company deliberately cut off 2,000 households, even though it knew they had no alternative source of supply; the details of a financial scandal which brought two of the water companies close to collapse in the 1870s; and finally asks whether today's 21st century water companies are an improvement on their Victorian predecessors.

The Mercenary River: Private Greed, Public Good: A History of London's Water

by Nick Higham

No city can survive without water, and lots of it. Today we take the stuff for granted: turn a tap and it gushes out. But it wasn't always so. For centuries London, one of the largest and richest cities in the world, struggled to supply its citizens with reliable, clean water. The Mercenary River tells the story of that struggle from the middle ages to the present day. Based on new research, it tells a tale of remarkable technological, scientific and organisational breakthroughs; but also a story of greed and complacency, high finance and low politics. Among the breakthroughs was the picturesque New River, neither new nor a river but a state of the art aqueduct completed in 1613 and still part of London's water supply: the company that built it was one of the very first modern business corporations, and also one of the most profitable. London water companies were early adopters of steam power for their pumps. And Chelsea Waterworks was the first in the world to filter the water it supplied its customers: the same technique is still used to purify two-thirds of London's drinking water. But for much of London's history water had to be rationed, and the book also chronicles our changing relationship with water and the way we use it.Amongst many stories, Nick Higham's compelling narrative uncovers the murky tale of how the most powerful steam engine in the world was first brought to London; the extraordinary story of how one Victorian London water company deliberately cut off 2,000 households, even though it knew they had no alternative source of supply; the details of a financial scandal which brought two of the water companies close to collapse in the 1870s; and finally asks whether today's 21st century water companies are an improvement on their Victorian predecessors.(P) 2022 Headline Publishing Group Ltd

Mercury: A True Book

by Larry Dane Brimner

Describes the orbit, rotation, temperature, and surface formations of the planet Mercury and the probe Mariner X that took pictures of it in 1974 and 1975.

Mercury and the Everglades. A Synthesis and Model for Complex Ecosystem Restoration: Volume II – Aquatic Mercury Cycling and Bioaccumulation in the Everglades

by Darren G. Rumbold Curtis D. Pollman Donald M. Axelrad

This book integrates 30 years of mercury research in the Florida Everglades to inform scientists and policy makers. The Everglades is an iconic ecosystem by virtue of its expanse; diversity of biota; and multiple international designations. Despite this, the Everglades has been subjected to multiple threats including: habitat loss, hydrologic alterations, invasive species and altered water quality. Less well recognized as a threat to Everglades human use and wildlife populations is the toxic metal, mercury. The first half of Volume II focuses on biogeochemistry and factors unique to the Everglades that make it extraordinarily susceptible to mercury methylation following its deposition: warm subtropical climate, shallow depth, high levels of dissolved organic matter, sulfate contamination, nutrient enrichment and sediment redox conditions (for review of atmospheric mercury deposition significance, see Vol. I). The second half of Volume II answers the “so what” question – why biomagnification of the methylmercury produced in the Everglades is a threat to the health of top predators including humans. The results of the synthesis presented in Volume II suggest that the mercury problem in the Florida Everglades is one of the worst in the world due to its areal extent and the degree of risk to ecological receptors and humans.

Mercury and the Making of California: Mining, Landscape, and Race, 1840–1890 (Mining the American West)

by Andrew Scott Johnston

Mercury and the Making of California, Andrew Johnston’s multidisciplinary examination of the history and cultural landscapes of California’s mercury-mining industry, raises mercury to its rightful place alongside gold and silver in the development of the American West. Gold and silver could not be refined without mercury; therefore, its production and use were vital to securing power and wealth in the West. The first industrialized mining in California, mercury mining had its own particular organization, structure, and built environments. These were formed within the Spanish Empire, subsequently transformed by British imperial ambitions, and eventually manipulated by American bankers and investors. In California mercury mining also depended on a workforce differentiated by race and ethnicity. The landscapes of work and camp and the relations among the many groups involved in the industry—Mexicans, Chileans, Spanish, English, Irish, Cornish, American, and Chinese—form a crucial chapter in the complex history of race and ethnicity in the American West. This pioneering study explicates the mutual structuring of the built environments of the mercury-mining industry and the emergence of California’s ethnic communities. Combining rich documentary sources with a close examination of the existing physical landscape, Johnston explores both the detail of everyday work and life in the mines and the larger economic and social structures in which mercury mining was enmeshed, revealing the significance of mercury mining for Western history.

Mercury Cadmium Telluride

by Arthur Willoughby Peter Capper James Garland Safa Kasap

Mercury cadmium telluride (MCT) is the third most well-regarded semiconductor after silicon and gallium arsenide and is the material of choice for use in infrared sensing and imaging. The reason for this is that MCT can be 'tuned' to the desired IR wavelength by varying the cadmium concentration.Mercury Cadmium Telluride: Growth, Properties and Applications provides both an introduction for newcomers, and a comprehensive review of this fascinating material. Part One discusses the history and current status of both bulk and epitaxial growth techniques, Part Two is concerned with the wide range of properties of MCT, and Part Three covers the various device types that have been developed using MCT. Each chapter opens with some historical background and theory before presenting current research. Coverage includes:Bulk growth and properties of MCT and CdZnTe for MCT epitaxial growthLiquid phase epitaxy (LPE) growthMetal-organic vapour phase epitaxy (MOVPE)Molecular beam epitaxy (MBE)Alternative substratesMechanical, thermal and optical properties of MCTDefects, diffusion, doping and annealingDry device processingPhotoconductive and photovoltaic detectorsAvalanche photodiode detectorsRoom-temperature IR detectors

Mercury Control

by Evan J. Granite Henry W. Pennline Constance Senior

This essential handbook and ready reference offers a detailed overview of the existing and currently researched technologies available for the control of mercury in coal-derived gas streams and that are viable for meeting the strict standards set by environmental protection agencies.Written by an internationally acclaimed author team from government agencies, academia and industry, it details US, EU, Asia-Pacific and other international perspectives, regulations and guidelines.

Mercury Hazards to Living Organisms

by null Ronald Eisler

Complex and ever changing in its forms and functions, the element mercury follows a convoluted course through the environment and up the food chain. The process is complicated further by the fact that the difference between tolerable natural background levels and harmful effects in the environment is exceptionally small and still not completely und

Mercury Pollution: A Transdisciplinary Treatment

by Sharon L. Zuber Michael C. NewmanCRC

How does mercury get out of the ground and into our food? Is tuna safe to eat? What was the Minamata Disaster? Mercury Pollution: A Transdisciplinary Treatment addresses these questions and more. The editors weave interdisciplinary threads into a tapestry that presents a more complete picture of the effects of mercury pollution and provides new way

Mercury Pollution in Minamata (SpringerBriefs in Environmental Science)

by Hisashi Yokoyama

This book is open access under a CC BY 4.0 license. It overviews the poisoning which occurred in the 1950s and 1960s among the residents in Minamata who ate seafood contaminated with methylmercury discharged from the chemical factory, Chisso Corporation. It describes the history, symptoms pathogenesis and research on the causal agent, and discusses the responses of Chisso and the national and local governments to the outbreak, the victims, the compensation and environmental restructuring as well as the court ruling on claims. Based on lecture notes from a university course, it includes students’ suggestions for avoiding a repeat of the tragedy. The issue has not been settled yet, and this analysis of the incident provides useful insights into solutions to the current global mercury pollution problem.

Mercury Stories: Understanding Sustainability through a Volatile Element

by Henrik Selin Noelle Eckley Selin

An interdisciplinary analysis of human interactions with mercury through history that sheds light on efforts to promote and achieve sustainability.In Mercury Stories, Henrik Selin and Noelle Eckley Selin examine sustainability through analyzing human interactions with mercury over thousands of years. They explore how people have made beneficial use of this volatile element, how they have been harmed by its toxic properties, and how they have tried to protect themselves and the environment from its damaging effects. Taking a systems approach, they develop and apply an analytical framework that can inform other efforts to evaluate and promote sustainability.

Mercury Toxicity: Challenges and Solutions (Environmental Science and Engineering)

by Nitish Kumar

This book presents mercury toxicity with respect to remediation and health issues. It covers sources of mercury contamination, its impact on human health, and prospective remediation by both bioremediation and phytoremediation with the application of recent advanced techniques such as genetic engineering and nanotechnology.Both anthropogenic activities and natural processes cause the release of mercury into different spheres of the environment resulting in severe adverse impacts. Increased anthropogenic discharge of mercury leads to disturbance in its natural biogeochemical cycle, which results in unenviable diseases and hazardous health effects. Mercury pollution is responsible for causing neurobehavioral, kidney, heart, gastrointestinal, liver, and other diseases. Many published works about the impact of mercury on health are also available worldwide; however, there is no complete understanding available on toxicological studies of mercury that covers the broader spectrum of findings ranging from sources of exposure to mercury toxicity to its remediation strategies.This book brings together a diverse group of environmental science, sustainability, and health researchers to address the challenges posed by global mass poisoning caused by mercury contamination. The book also proposes solutions to contamination through multi-disciplinary approaches.The book contains three sections. The first part describes the different sources and distribution of mercury in soil and plant ecosystems. The second part explains the health risks linked to mercury toxicity. The third part addresses sustainable mercury toxicity mitigation strategies and the potential applications of recent technology in providing solutions. This book is a valuable resource to students, academics, researchers, and environmental professionals working in the field of mercury contamination.

Mercury Toxicity Mitigation: Sustainable Nexus Approach (Earth and Environmental Sciences Library)

by Nitish Kumar

Mercury is a naturally occurring element that is toxic in nature. According to the US Environmental Protection Agency, the safe limit of mercury ion in drinking water is 10 nM to avoid the serious health problems to humans. Mercury is a pollutant of global concern. Both anthropogenic activities and natural processes cause its release into different spheres of the environment resulting in severe adverse impacts. Increased anthropogenic discharge of mercury leads to disturbance in its natural biogeochemical cycle which results in to unenviable diseases and hazardous health effects.This book will provide state-of-the-art information to the graduate students training in toxicology, risk assessors, researchers and medical providers at large. Many monographs, book chapters, contemporary reviews, and peer reviewed articles about mercury health impact are also available worldwide. However, there is no complete understanding available on toxicological studies of mercury, which covers the broader spectrum of findings that range from sources of exposure to mercury toxicity as well as its remediation strategies. It is aimed to bring the readers updated information about the sources of mercury contamination, and its impact on human health and on prospective mitigation strategies through multi-disciplinary approaches. The book contains three sections. First section describes the different sources and distribution of mercury in the environment. Second section explains the health risks linked to mercury poisoning. Third section addresses sustainable mercury toxicity mitigation strategies through multi-disciplinary approaches. The key topic of this book will cover following: •Source and distribution of mercury in the environment•Effects and responses of mercury toxicity in plants• Health risk linked to mercury poisoning• Sustainable mercury toxicity mitigation strategiesThis book is a valuable resource to students, academics, researchers, and environmental professionals doing field work on mercury contamination throughout the world.

Merging Optimization and Control in Power Systems: Physical and Cyber Restrictions in Distributed Frequency Control and Beyond (IEEE Press Series on Control Systems Theory and Applications)

by Zhaojian Wang Changhong Zhao Feng Liu Peng Yang

Merging Optimization and Control in Power Systems A novel exploration of distributed control in power systems with insightful discussions of physical and cyber restrictions In Merging Optimization and Control in Power Systems an accomplished team of engineers deliver a comprehensive introduction to distributed optimal control in power systems. The book re-imagines control design within the framework of cyber-physical systems with restrictions in both the physical and cyber spaces, addressing operational constraints, non-smooth objective functions, rapid power fluctuations caused by renewable generations, partial control coverage, communication delays, and non-identical sampling rates. This book bridges the gap between optimization and control in two ways. First, optimization-based feedback control is explored. The authors describe feedback controllers which automatically drive system states asymptotically to specific, desired optimal working points. Second, the book discusses feedback-based optimization. Leveraging the philosophy of feedback control, the authors envision the online solving of complicated optimization and control problems of power systems to adapt to time-varying environments. Readers will also find: A thorough argument against the traditional and centralized hierarchy of power system control in favor of the merged approach described in the book Comprehensive explorations of the fundamental changes gripping the power system today, including the increasing penetration of renewable and distributed generation, the proliferation of electric vehicles, and increases in load demand Data, tables, illustrations, and case studies covering realistic power systems and experiments In-depth examinations of physical and cyber restrictions, as well as the robustness and adaptability of the proposed model Perfect for postgraduate students and researchers with the prerequisite knowledge of power system analysis, operation, and dynamics, convex optimization theory, and control theory, Merging Optimization and Control in Power Systems is an advanced and timely treatment of distributed optimal controller design.

Merritt Parkway, The: The Road that Shaped a Region (Transportation)

by Laurie Heiss Jill Smyth

Decorated with a breathtaking landscape and a treasured collection of diversely styled bridges, the Merritt Parkway runs thirty-seven and a half miles through Fairfield County. From its complicated beginnings to the present, authors Laurie Heiss and Jill Smyth navigate the hard-fought yet picturesque path of this beloved road. Meet the bridge artist, the landscapers, the politicians and the activists whose involvement in the Merritt transformed Fairfield County from farms and country estates to one of the wealthiest counties in the nation. With the dedication of preservationists and conservationists, the Merritt Parkway today remains both functional and beautiful, holding a unique place in the heart of Connecticut's drivers.

MES Guide for Executives: Why and How to Select, Implement, and Maintain a Manufacturing Execution System

by Bianca Scholten

Are you having trouble demonstrating to management what a manufacturing execution system (MES) is and what it can do for you? Or do you simply need to justify why your company even needs an MES? Perhaps you're the executive decision maker and just need some answers. Bianca Scholten, author of the best-selling book The Road to Integration: A Guide to Applying ISA-95 in Manufacturing, shares her expertise on the topic in this easy-to-read guide to MES. In recent decades, industrial companies have invested much time and money in not only machine and production line automation but also ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) systems. The MES falls between these two layers. Many plants rely on outdated methods for both preparatory activities (such as detailed production scheduling and recipe management) and retrospective activities (such as data collection, reporting, and analysis). MES can provide an effective remedy to this time-consuming, error-prone situation. Ideal for CEOs, CFOs, and managers, Scholten's book sheds light on how to complete your plant's move into the twenty-first century. Using knowledge gleaned from her extensive experience as an MES consultant and from IT professionals, production managers, and colleagues who have been through the MES experience, Scholten covers MES selection, what to expect during implementation and initial use, the advantages of using a single MES for multiple sites (and how to develop one), and return on investment considerations. She also provides a bird's-eye view of the widely adopted ISA-95 standard to facilitate effective, efficient communication between company systems.

Mesenchymal Stem Cells - Basics and Clinical Application I

by Cornelia Kasper Massimo Dominici Roland Jacobs Ralf Hass Birgit Weyand

Prospective Isolation and Characterization of Human Bone Marrow-Derived MSCs, by A. Harichandan, K. Sivasubramaniyan, H.-J. Bühring Urine as a Source of Stem Cells, by Christina Benda, Ting Zhou, Xianming Wang, Weihua Tian, Johannes Grillari, Hung-Fat Tse, Regina Grillari-Voglauer, Duanqing Pei, Miguel A. Esteban Expansion of Mesenchymal Stem/Stromal Cells under Xenogenic-Free Culture Conditions, by Sven Kinzebach, Karen Bieback Adipose-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells: Biology and Potential Applications, by Danielle Minteer, Kacey G Marra, J Peter Rubin Potential for Osteogenic and Chondrogenic Differentiation of MSC, by Antonina Lavrentieva, Tim Hatlapatka, Anne Neumann, Birgit Weyand, Cornelia Kasper Potential for Neural Differentiation of Mesenchymal Stem Cells, by Letizia Ferroni, Chiara Gardin, Ilaria Tocco, Roberta Epis, Alessandro Casadei, Vincenzo Vindigni, Giuseppe Mucci, Barbara Zavan Migratory Properties of Mesenchymal Stem Cells, by Thomas Dittmar, Frank Entschladen Dissecting Paracrine Effectors for Mesenchymal Stem Cells, by Stefania Bruno, Federica Collino, Ciro Tetta, Giovanni Camussi Proteomics Approaches in the Identification of Molecular Signatures of Mesenchymal Stem Cells, by Yin Xiao, Jiezhong Chen Does the Adult Stroma Contain Stem Cells?, by Richard Schäfer

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