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Showing 42,151 through 42,175 of 71,800 results

Messunsicherheiten – Anwendungen: Für das Physikalische Praktikum (essentials)

by Thomas Bornath Günter Walter

In diesem Buch wird die Auswertung von Messdaten mit ihren Unsicherheiten für die Anwendung im Physikalischen Praktikum dargestellt. Für die wesentlichen Typen von Messaufgaben findet der Leser eine Zusammenstellung aller nötigen Formeln zur Bestimmung des Bestwertes und der kombinierten und erweiterten Messunsicherheit sowie praktische Hinweise für die Ermittlung von Unsicherheiten nach Typ B (nichtstatistische Methode). Zahlreiche durchgerechnete Beispiele geben konkrete Anleitungen und demonstrieren, wie die Ergebnisse ins Praktikumsprotokoll eingehen und wie sie diskutiert werden. Das vorliegende Kompendium ist sowohl für Studierende in einem Bachelor- oder Lehramtsstudiengang Physik als auch für Studierende in natur- und ingenieurwissenschaftlichen Studiengängen mit Nebenfach Physik geeignet.

Messunsicherheiten – Grundlagen: Für das Physikalische Praktikum (essentials)

by Thomas Bornath Günter Walter

In diesem Buch wird der Umgang mit Messdaten und ihren Unsicherheiten in knapper und anschaulicher Weise dargestellt. Im „Leitfaden zur Angabe der Unsicherheit beim Messen“ (ISO/IEC 98-3:2008) sind die Terminologie und die Methoden für die Behandlung von Messunsicherheiten international standardisiert. Auf dieser Grundlage werden dem Leser Kenntnisse über das Wesen von Messabweichungen, über Messunsicherheit und Wahrscheinlichkeitsverteilung, die Bestimmung der kombinierten und erweiterten Messunsicherheit und über Ausgleichsrechnung vermittelt.Das vorliegende Kompendium ist sowohl für Studierende in einem Bachelor- oder Lehramtsstudiengang Physik als auch für Studierende in natur- und ingenieurwissenschaftlichen Studiengängen mit Nebenfach Physik geeignet.

Meta-Algorithmics: Patterns for Robust, Low Cost, High Quality Systems (Wiley - IEEE)

by Steven J. Simske

The confluence of cloud computing, parallelism and advanced machine intelligence approaches has created a world in which the optimum knowledge system will usually be architected from the combination of two or more knowledge-generating systems. There is a need, then, to provide a reusable, broadly-applicable set of design patterns to empower the intelligent system architect to take advantage of this opportunity. This book explains how to design and build intelligent systems that are optimized for changing system requirements (adaptability), optimized for changing system input (robustness), and optimized for one or more other important system parameters (e.g., accuracy, efficiency, cost). It provides an overview of traditional parallel processing which is shown to consist primarily of task and component parallelism; before introducing meta-algorithmic parallelism which is based on combining two or more algorithms, classification engines or other systems. Key features: Explains the entire roadmap for the design, testing, development, refinement, deployment and statistics-driven optimization of building systems for intelligence Offers an accessible yet thorough overview of machine intelligence, in addition to having a strong image processing focus Contains design patterns for parallelism, especially meta-algorithmic parallelism – simply conveyed, reusable and proven effective that can be readily included in the toolbox of experts in analytics, system architecture, big data, security and many other science and engineering disciplines Connects algorithms and analytics to parallelism, thereby illustrating a new way of designing intelligent systems compatible with the tremendous changes in the computing world over the past decade Discusses application of the approaches to a wide number of fields; primarily, document understanding, image understanding, biometrics and security printing Companion website contains sample code and data sets

Meta-Analytic Structural Equation Modelling

by Suzanne Jak

This book explains how to employ MASEM, the combination of meta-analysis (MA) and structural equation modelling (SEM). It shows how by using MASEM, a single model can be tested to explain the relationships between a set of variables in several studies. This book gives an introduction to MASEM, with a focus on the state of the art approach: the two stage approach of Cheung and Cheung & Chan. Both, the fixed and the random approach to MASEM are illustrated with two applications to real data. All steps that have to be taken to perform the analyses are discussed extensively. All data and syntax files are available online, so that readers can imitate all analyses. By using SEM for meta-analysis, this book shows how to benefit from all available information from all available studies, even if few or none of the studies report about all relationships that feature in the full model of interest.

Meta-heuristic Algorithms for Optimal Design of Real-Size Structures

by Ali Kaveh Majid Ilchi Ghazaan

The contributions in this book discuss large-scale problems like the optimal design of domes, antennas, transmission line towers, barrel vaults and steel frames with different types of limitations such as strength, buckling, displacement and natural frequencies. The authors use a set of definite algorithms for the optimization of all types of structures. They also add a new enhanced version of VPS and information about configuration processes to all chapters. Domes are of special interest to engineers as they enclose a maximum amount of space with a minimum surface and have proven to be very economical in terms of consumption of constructional materials. Antennas and transmission line towers are the one of the most popular structure since these steel lattice towers are inexpensive, strong, light and wind resistant. Architects and engineers choose barrel vaults as viable and often highly suitable forms for covering not only low-cost industrial buildings, warehouses, large-span hangars, indoor sports stadiums, but also large cultural and leisure centers. Steel buildings are preferred in residential as well as commercial buildings due to their high strength and ductility particularly in regions which are prone to earthquakes.

Meta Heuristic Techniques in Software Engineering and Its Applications: METASOFT 2022 (Artificial Intelligence-Enhanced Software and Systems Engineering #1)

by Mihir Narayan Mohanty Swagatam Das Mitrabinda Ray Bichitrananda Patra

This book discusses an integration of machine learning with metaheuristic techniques that provide more robust and efficient ways to address traditional optimization problems. Modern metaheuristic techniques, along with their main characteristics and recent applications in artificial intelligence, software engineering, data mining, planning and scheduling, logistics and supply chains, are discussed in this book and help global leaders in fast decision making by providing quality solutions to important problems in business, engineering, economics and science. Novel ways are also discovered to attack unsolved problems in software testing and machine learning. The discussion on foundations of optimization and algorithms leads beginners to apply current approaches to optimization problems. The discussed metaheuristic algorithms include genetic algorithms, simulated annealing, ant algorithms, bee algorithms and particle swarm optimization. New developments on metaheuristics attract researchers and practitioners to apply hybrid metaheuristics in real scenarios.

Meta-theory of Law

by Mathieu Carpentier

This book is devoted to the theory of legal theory, also referred to as the "meta-theory of law".The aim of this emerging discipline is to determine the objectives, aims and methods of legal theory, and to establish the conditions of possibility as well as the validity criteria for theoretical discourse on law. The contributions in this book provide an overview of these aspects through different perspectives and approaches.The very purpose of legal theory has been disputed and the subject area is currently subject to increasing cross-fertilization between different, and sometimes diverging, traditions. Meta-theory of Law assesses these emerging trends by questioning two basic objects of legal theory, the "nature" and the "science" of law.

Meta-topolin: A Growth Regulator for Plant Biotechnology and Agriculture

by Naseem Ahmad Miroslav Strnad

Plant tissue culture (PTC) technology has gained unassailable success for its various commercial and research applications in plant sciences. Plant growth regulators (PGRs) are an essential part of any plant tissue culture intervention for propagation or modification of plants. A wide range of PGRs are available, including aromatic compounds that show cytokinin activities, promote cell division and micro-propagation, viz. kinetin, N6-benzyladenine and topolins. Topolins are naturally occurring aromatic compounds that have gained popularity as an effective alternative for other frequently used cytokinins in in vitro culture of plants. Among them, meta-topolin [6-(3-hydroxybenzlyamino) purine] is the most popular and its use in plant tissue culture has amplified swiftly. During the last few decades, there have been numerous reports highlighting the effectiveness of meta-topolin in micropropagation and alleviation of various physiological disorders, rooting and acclimatization of tissue culture raised plants.

Metabiology: Non-standard Models, General Semantics and Natural Evolution (Studies in Applied Philosophy, Epistemology and Rational Ethics #50)

by Arturo Carsetti

In the context of life sciences, we are constantly confronted with information that possesses precise semantic values and appears essentially immersed in a specific evolutionary trend. In such a framework, Nature appears, in Monod’s words, as a tinkerer characterized by the presence of precise principles of self-organization. However, while Monod was obliged to incorporate his brilliant intuitions into the framework of first-order cybernetics and a theory of information with an exclusively syntactic character such as that defined by Shannon, research advances in recent decades have led not only to the definition of a second-order cybernetics but also to an exploration of the boundaries of semantic information. As H. Atlan states, on a biological level "the function self-organizes together with its meaning". Hence the need to refer to a conceptual theory of complexity and to a theory of self-organization characterized in an intentional sense. There is also a need to introduce, at the genetic level, a distinction between coder and ruler as well as the opportunity to define a real software space for natural evolution. The recourse to non-standard model theory, the opening to a new general semantics, and the innovative definition of the relationship between coder and ruler can be considered, today, among the most powerful theoretical tools at our disposal in order to correctly define the contours of that new conceptual revolution increasingly referred to as metabiology. This book focuses on identifying and investigating the role played by these particular theoretical tools in the development of this new scientific paradigm. Nature "speaks" by means of mathematical forms: we can observe these forms, but they are, at the same time, inside us as they populate our organs of cognition. In this context, the volume highlights how metabiology appears primarily to refer to the growth itself of our instruments of participatory knowledge of the world.


by Christine Lang Boris A. Shenderov Alexander V. Sinitsa Mikhail M. Zakharchenko

Aimed at students, researchers, nutritionists, and developers in food technology, this research text addresses the nascent field of metabiotics. Metabiotics are products based on components of cells, metabolites, and signaling molecules released by probiotic strains, engineered to optimize host-specific physiological functions in a way that traditional probiotics cannot. This book examines the history, processes, design, classifications, and functions of metabiotics. It includes an overview of the composition and function of the gut microbiota, and discusses development of target-specific metabiotics. Further coverage includes comparisons to traditional probiotics, as well as probiotic safety and side-effects. Metabiotics: Present State, Challenges and Perspectives provides a complete history and understanding of this new field, the next phase of the probiotic industry.

Metabolic Adaptations in Plants During Abiotic Stress

by Akula Ramakrishna Sarvajeet Singh Gill

Key features: Serves as a cutting-edge resource for researchers and students who are studying plant abiotic stress tolerance and crop improvement through metabolic adaptations Presents the latest trends and developments in the field of metabolic engineering and abiotic stress tolerance Addresses the adaptation of plants to climatic changes Gives special attention to emerging topics such as the role of secondary metabolites, small RNA mediated regulation and signaling molecule responses to stresses Provides extensive references that serve as entry points for further research Metabolic Adaptations in Plants during Abiotic Stress covers a topic of past, present and future interest for both scientists and policy makers as the global challenge of climate change is addressed. Understanding the mechanisms of plant adaptation to environmental stresses can provide the necessary tools needed to take action to protect them, and hence ourselves. This book brings together recent findings about metabolic adaptations during abiotic stress and in diverse areas of plant adaptation. It covers not only the published results, but also introduces new concepts and findings to offer original views on the perspectives and challenges in this field.

Metabolic Engineering for Bioprocess Commercialization

by Stephen Van Dien

This volume reviews the current metabolic engineering tools and technologies from a practical point of view, and guides researchers as they overcome challenges at various stages of organism and bioprocess development. Microbes have been engineered to produce a variety of industrial products such as fuels, basic chemicals, fine chemicals, nutritional supplements, and pharmaceutical intermediates, and new tools such as gene synthesis, advanced cloning techniques, 'omics' analysis, and mathematical modeling have greatly accelerated the pace of innovation in the field. Written by leading experts in the field from both academia and industry, key topics include synthetic biology, pathway engineering, metabolic flux manipulation, adaptive evolution, and fermentation process scale-up. It is suitable for non-specialists, and is a valuable resource for anyone embarking on the exciting path to harnessing the metabolic potential of microorganisms.

Metabolic Medicine and Surgery

by Michael M. Rothkopf Michael J. Nusbaum Lisa P Haverstick

The first comprehensive overview of an emerging field, Metabolic Medicine and Surgery introduces a new paradigm in patient management that crosses existing subspecialty boundaries. This approach is necessitated by the challenges of treating patients with obesity, metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular disease and prediabetes, as well as those with mald

Metabolic Pathway Design: A Practical Guide (Learning Materials in Biosciences)

by Pablo Carbonell

This textbook presents solid tools for in silico engineering biology, offering students a step-by-step guide to mastering the smart design of metabolic pathways. The first part explains the Design-Build-Test-Learn-cycle engineering approach to biology, discussing the basic tools to model biological and chemistry-based systems. Using these basic tools, the second part focuses on various computational protocols for metabolic pathway design, from enzyme selection to pathway discovery and enumeration. In the context of industrial biotechnology, the final part helps readers understand the challenges of scaling up and optimisation. By working with the free programming language Scientific Python, this book provides easily accessible tools for studying and learning the principles of modern in silico metabolic pathway design. Intended for advanced undergraduates and master’s students in biotechnology, biomedical engineering, bioinformatics and systems biology students, the introductory sections make it also useful for beginners wanting to learn the basics of scientific coding and find real-world, hands-on examples.

Metabolic Pathway Engineering (Methods in Molecular Biology #2096)

by Michael E. Himmel Yannick J. Bomble

This book illustrates experimental and computational methodologies used to achieve cost effective biological processes for the production of fuels and biochemicals through multiple approaches to increasing yield, titers, and productivity in a robust host. The volume includes the most recent and cutting-edge aspects of pathway engineering, flux analysis, and metabolic enzyme engineering. Each chapter highlights the complexity and challenges of the problem as well as the methods used to solve this problem or changes needed in current methods. As a part of the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology series, chapters include the kind of detailed implementation advice that gives researchers a much needed boost. Authoritative and practical, Metabolic Pathway Engineering benefits not only scientists working on more fundamental aspects of this endeavor but also those in the biochemical industry working on strain engineering for robust industrial processes.

The Metabolic Pathway Engineering Handbook: Fundamentals

by Christina D. Smolke

This first volume of the Metabolic Pathway Engineering Handbook provides an overview of metabolic pathway engineering with a look towards the future. It discusses cellular metabolism, including transport processes inside the cell and energy generating reactions, as well as rare metabolic conversions. This volume also explores balances and reaction

The Metabolic Pathway Engineering Handbook: Tools and Applications

by Christina D. Smolke

This second volume of the Metabolic Pathway Engineering Handbook delves into evolutionary tools and gene expression tools for metabolic pathway engineering. It covers applications of emerging technologies including recent research genome-wide technologies, DNA and phenotypic microarrays, and proteomics tools for experimentally determining flux thro

Metabolic Regulation and Metabolic Engineering for Biofuel and Biochemical Production

by Kazuyuki Shimizu

The global warming problem is becoming critical year by year, causing climate disaster all over the world, where it has been believed that the CO2 gas emitted from the factories and the burning of fossil fuels may be one of the reasons of global warming. Moreover, the global stock of fossil fuels is limited, and may run out soon within several tens of years. Although wind, geo-thermal, and tide energies have been considered as clean energy sources, those depend on the land or sea locations and subject to the climate change. Biofuel and biochemical production from renewable bio-resources has thus been paid recent attention from environmental protection and energy production points of view, where the current chemical and energy producing plants can be also utilized with slight modification. The so-called 1st generation biofuels have been produced from corn starch and sugarcane in particular in USA and Brazil. However, this causes the problem of the so-called "food and energy issues" as the production scale increases. The 2nd generation biofuel production from lingo-cellulosic biomass or wastes has thus been paid recent attention. However, it requires energy intensive pretreatment for the degradation of lingo-cellulosic biomass, and the fermentation is slow due to low growth rate, and thus the productivity of biofuels and bio-chemicals is low. The 3rd generation biofuel production from photosynthetic organisms such as cyanobacteria and algae has been also paid attention, because such organisms can grow with only sun light and CO2 in the air, but the cell growth rate and thus the productivity of the fuels is significantly low. The main part or core of such production processes is the fermentation by micro-organisms. In particular, it is critical to properly understand the cell metabolism followed by the efficient metabolic engineering. The book gives comprehensive explanation of the cell metabolism and the metabolic regulation mechanisms of a variety of micro-organisms. Then the efficient metabolic engineering approaches are explained to properly design the microbial cell factories for the efficient cell growth and biofuel and biochemical production.

Metabolic & Therapeutic Aspects of Amino Acids in Clinical Nutrition

by Luc A. Cynober

The first edition of this innovative book brought a new perspective to the metabolic and therapeutic aspects of amino acids in clinical nutrition. Since its publication, a number of very important advances have been made in the field and interesting new findings have emerged. Until now, no reference has fully explored the promising new developments

Metabolic Therapies in Orthopedics, Second Edition

by Ingrid Kohlstadt Kenneth Cintron

The first medical reference textbook to compile an unprecedented synthesis of evidence for regenerative orthopedics by key opinion leaders Thirty-five authors address your clinical questions What emerging technologies are right for my clinical practice? How can I strengthen my patients before their orthopedic surgery? Practically speaking, how can I leverage the latest metabolic therapies to safeguard my patients from toxins, medications, food and chronic diseases known to adversely affect the musculoskeletal system? "Ask the Author" feature Would you like to discuss a patient with a particular author? Now you can do so at First to be second Did you notice this book is the first book in regenerative orthopedics to publish a second edition? This diverse author team leads the growing field of regenerative orthopedics and offers the broadest and in-depth approach to leveraging metabolic therapies. This book comprises the professional opinion of its authors. It does not claim to represent guidelines, recommendations, or the current standard of medical care.

Metabolism of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in the Aquatic Environment

by null Usha Varanasi

This book shows how the biological transport, bioaccumulation, disposition, and toxicity of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) in the aquatic environment are influenced by the ability or inability of organisms to metabolize these environmental pollutants. Written by leading scientists in the fields of PAH metabolism and toxicity in both aquatic and mammalian systems, this book discusses recent advances in the areas of PAH biogeochemistry and bioaccumulation, microbial degradation, enzymes of activation, and detoxication, metabolism of PAH, and laboratory and field studies on carcinogenic/toxic effects. Additionally, important similarities and differences in metabolism of PAH by aquatic and terrestrial organisms are featured. The discussion of bioavailability, metabolism, and subsequent toxic effects should aid in the assessment of the ecological consequences of PAH in the aquatic environment.

Metabolomics, Proteomics and Gene Editing Approaches in Biofertilizer Industry: Volume II

by Pramod Kumar Sahu Vagish Dwibedi Sukhminderjit Kaur

Biofertilizer refers to the live or latent microbial inoculants capable of enhancing plant growth through direct and indirect mechanisms. This book covers strategies for harnessing the integrated technologies, omics, proteomics, and metabolomics for the development of potential novel biofertilizers. Modern techniques for enhancing the efficacy and quality of biofertilizers has been discussed in detail. Increasing crop productivity poses a great challenge due to increasing global population and researchers are looking for solutions to this using sustainable approaches. Biofertilizers play an imperative role in enhancing yield production in crops and this book covers detailed account of biofertilizers on a single platform. It also provides guidance on sustainable ways of increasing crop production and helps in generating ideas to formulate collaboration between public and private sectors for future innovation in the field of biofertilizers.This book is especially designed for the research graduates, young researchers and scholars who are directly involved in the research-related activities of the biofertilizers. It can also be useful to professors, lecturers, biotechnologists, biofertilizer production specialists and other stakeholders associated with strain improvement for biofertilizer development.

Metagenomic Systems Biology: Integrative Analysis of the Microbiome

by Shailza Singh

The book serves as an amalgamation of knowledge and principles used in the area of systems and synthetic biology, and targets inter-disciplinary research groups. The readers from diversified areas would be benefited by the valuable resources and information available in one book. Microbiome projects with efficient data handling can fuel progress in the area of microbial synthetic biology by providing a ready to use plug and play chassis. Advances in gene editing technology such as the use of tailor made synthetic transcription factors will further enhance the availability of synthetic devices to be applied in the fields of environment, agriculture and health. The different chapters of the book reviews a broad range of topics, including food microbiome in ecology, use of microbiome in personalized medicine, machine learning in biomedicine. The book also describes ways to harness and exploit the incredible amounts of genomic data. The book is not only limited to medicine but also caters to the needs of environmentalists, biochemical engineers etc. It will be of interest to advanced students and researchers in life sciences, computational biology, microbiology and other inter-disciplinary areas.

Metaharmonic Lattice Point Theory (Chapman & Hall Pure and Applied Mathematics)

by null Willi Freeden

Metaharmonic Lattice Point Theory covers interrelated methods and tools of spherically oriented geomathematics and periodically reflected analytic number theory. The book establishes multi-dimensional Euler and Poisson summation formulas corresponding to elliptic operators for the adaptive determination and calculation of formulas and identities of

Metaheuristic Algorithms in Industry 4.0 (Advances in Metaheuristics)

by Pritesh Shah Ravi Sekhar Anand J. Kulkarni Patrick Siarry

Due to increasing industry 4.0 practices, massive industrial process data is now available for researchers for modelling and optimization. Artificial Intelligence methods can be applied to the ever-increasing process data to achieve robust control against foreseen and unforeseen system fluctuations. Smart computing techniques, machine learning, deep learning, computer vision, for example, will be inseparable from the highly automated factories of tomorrow. Effective cybersecurity will be a must for all Internet of Things (IoT) enabled work and office spaces. This book addresses metaheuristics in all aspects of Industry 4.0. It covers metaheuristic applications in IoT, cyber physical systems, control systems, smart computing, artificial intelligence, sensor networks, robotics, cybersecurity, smart factory, predictive analytics and more. Key features: Includes industrial case studies. Includes chapters on cyber physical systems, machine learning, deep learning, cybersecurity, robotics, smart manufacturing and predictive analytics. surveys current trends and challenges in metaheuristics and industry 4.0. Metaheuristic Algorithms in Industry 4.0 provides a guiding light to engineers, researchers, students, faculty and other professionals engaged in exploring and implementing industry 4.0 solutions in various systems and processes.

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