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Metal Phosphates and Phosphonates: Fundamental to Advanced Emerging Applications (Engineering Materials)
by Ram K. GuptaThis book provides fundamental electrochemical behavior and understanding of devices based on Metal Phosphates and Phosphonates. The basic concepts, properties and emerging applications of these materials as batteries, supercapacitors, fuel cells, sensors, biomedical and environmental are covered. Apart from conventional techniques, this book explores new aspects of synthesizing Metal Phosphates and Phosphonates.
Metal-Polymer Systems: Interface Design and Chemical Bonding
by Jörg FriedrichThe result of decades of research by a pioneer in the field, this is the first book to deal exclusively with achieving high-performance metal-polymer composites by chemical bonding. Covering both the academic and practical aspects, the author focuses on the chemistry of interfaces between metals and polymers with a particular emphasis on the chemical bonding between the different materials. He elucidates the various approaches to obtaining a stable interface, including, but not limited to, thermodynamically driven redox reactions, bond protection to prevent hydrolysis, the introduction of barrier layers, and stabilization by spacer molecules. Throughout, chemical bonding is promoted as a simple and economically viable alternative to adhesion based on reversible weak physical interaction. Consequently, the text equips readers with the practical tools necessary for designing high-strength metal-polymer composites with such desired properties as resilience, flexibility, rigidity or degradation resistance.
Metal Powder-Based Additive Manufacturing
by Kun Zhou Changjun HanMetal Powder—Based Additive Manufacturing Highly comprehensive resource covering all key aspects of the current developments of metal powder—based additive manufacturing Metal Powder—Based Additive Manufacturing provides valuable knowledge and critical insights regarding the recent advances in various metal powder—based additive manufacturing techniques. This book also reviews typical powder preparation processes and highlights the significance of metal powder—based additive manufacturing for various industrial applications. The key features covered in this book: A rigorous overview of the underlying theories and practical applications of metal powder—based additive manufacturing techniques, including laser powder bed fusion, electron beam melting, laser-based directed energy deposition, and metal binder jetting. An expansive introduction of each technique and its significance pertaining to the printing processes, metallurgical defects, powder materials, equipment, and the microstructures and mechanical properties of the printed parts. A deep exploration of the preparation processes of metal powders for additive manufacturing and the effects of different processes on the powder properties. Comprehensive case studies of parts printed by metal powder—based additive manufacturing for various industrial applications. By providing extensive coverage of relevant concepts in the field of metal powder—based additive manufacturing, this book highlights its essential role in Industry 4.0 and serves as a valuable resource for scientists, engineers, and students in materials science, powder metallurgy, physics, and chemistry. The rich research experience of the authors in additive manufacturing ensures that the readers are provided with both an in-depth understanding and informative technical guidance of metal powder—based additive manufacturing.
Metal Recovery from Electronic Waste: Biological Versus Chemical Leaching For Recovery Of Copper And Gold (IHE Delft PhD Thesis Series)
by Arda IşildarWaste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) generation is a global problem. Despite the growing awareness and deterring legislation, most of the WEEE is disposed improperly, i.e. landfilled or otherwise shipped overseas, and treated in sub-standard conditions. Informal recycling of WEEE has catastrophic effects on humans and the environment. WEEE contains considerable quantities of valuable metals such as base metals, precious metals and rare earth elements (REE). Metal recovery from WEEE is conventionally carried out by pyrometallurgical and hydrometallurgical methods. <P><P>In this PhD research, novel metal recovery technologies from WEEE are investigated. Using acidophilic and cyanide-generating bacteria, copper and gold were removed from crushed electronic waste with removal efficiencies of 98.4 and 44.0%, respectively. The leached metals in solution were recovered using sulfidic precipitation and electrowinning separation techniques. Finally, a techno-economic assessment of the technology was studied. This research addresses the knowledge gap on two metal extraction approaches, namely chemical and biological, from a secondary source of metals. The essential parameters of the selective metal recovery processes, scale-up potential, techno-economic and sustainability assessment have been studied.
Metal Recovery from Industrial Waste (Advances In Trace Substances Research Ser.)
by Clyde S. BrooksThis book is offered as a practical primer on the hydrometallurgy of nonferrous metal reclamation from industrial wastes, as well as a brief discussion of pyrometallurgy, biological, and other separation processes. The objectives are to acquaint nontechnical readers with the subject as well as providing a detailed survey of current research and industrial practice to technical readers concerned with the management of industrial waste.
Metal Removal and Recovery from Mining Wastewater and E-waste Leachate (IHE Delft PhD Thesis Series)
by Suthee JanyasuthiwongMetal contamination in the environment is a persisting global issue. The metal reservoirs in the earth have declined due to society’s needs and due to uncontrolled mining activities. Therefore, the idea to recover metals from waste streams has emerged. In this thesis, cost competitive technologies such as adsorption using agro-wastes and precipitation using an inverse fluidized bed (IFB) reactor were investigated, with special emphasis on the recovery of base metals. Groundnut shell showed good potential for metal (Cu, Pb and Zn) removal. From artificial neural network modeling, the performance of the sulfate reducing bacteria (SRB) was found to be strongly pH dependent; the removal efficiency of Cu and Zn in the IFB at pH 5.0 was >97%. Electronic waste is a good candidate as secondary metal resource. The recovery of Cu from computer printed circuited boards (PCBs) using biogenic sulfide precipitation was investigated as well. Using this technology, Cu could be recovered at ~0.48 g Cu/g PCBs.
Metal-Responsive Base Pair Switching of Ligand-type Uracil Nucleobases (Springer Theses)
by Keita MoriIn this thesis, the author proposes "metal-responsive base pair switching" of ligand-modified nucleobases as a novel tool for stimuli-responsive control of DNA assemblies. It is written to demonstrate broad applicability of the base pair switching in dynamic DNA nanotechnology and inspire researchers to use this technique. Based on specific interactions between ligand-type nucleobases and target metal ions, in this volume, DNA hybridization was dynamically controlled through strand displacement reactions. The base pair switching was further applied to develop metal-dependent DNA molecular machines. This novel strategy for stimuli-responsive regulation of DNA assemblies will greatly expand the scope of dynamic DNA nanotechnology. This volume uniquely features importance of elaborate molecular design based on chemistry for imparting stimuli responsiveness to DNA assemblies.
Metal Soaps in Art: Conservation and Research (Cultural Heritage Science)
by Francesca Casadio Katrien Keune Petria Noble Annelies Van Loon Ella Hendriks Silvia A. Centeno Gillian OsmondThis go-to reference work surveys the current state of knowledge in the field of metal soap-related degradation phenomena in art works. It contains detailed descriptions and images of the different phenomena and addresses the practical aspects of soap formation, preventive conservation, and treatment.The occurrence of metal soaps is one of the defining issues in the conservation of painted surfaces, and one that presently leaves innumerable open questions. It is estimated that around 70% of paintings in museum collections are affected by some form of metal soap-related degradation. In recent years, significant advances have been made in the detection and characterization of these compounds through interdisciplinary approaches including conventional spectroscopy and microscopy as well as emerging synchrotron-based techniques. This book for the first time captures a panoramic overview of the state of knowledge of metal soaps related to both scientific analysis and implications for conservation and treatment. It also critically examines open questions. The book is accessible to audiences with varied backgrounds (e.g. conservators, students of conservation science) while simultaneously presenting the technical details indispensable for academics and researchers active in this field.
Metal Sprays and Spray Deposition
by Hani Henein Volker Uhlenwinkel Udo FritschingThis book describes and illustrates metal spray and spray deposition from the process engineering, metallurgical, and application viewpoints. The authors include step-by-step fundamental information for the metal spray process and detail current engineering developments and applications. They offer industry insight on non-equilibrium solidification processes for yielding stable metal structures and properties.
Metal Toxicity in Plants: Perception, Signaling and Remediation
by Dharmendra K. Gupta Luisa M. SandalioHeavy metal accumulation in soil and water from natural sources or anthropogenic activities have produced severe environmental contamination in some parts of the world due to the persistence of metals in the environment by their accumulation throughout the food chain. The purpose of this book is to present the most recent advances in this field, mainly concerning the uptake and translocation of heavy metals in plants, mechanisms of toxicity, perception of metal and regulation of cell response under metal stress. Another key feature of this book is related to the studies on signaling and remediation processes in recent years, which have taken advantage of recent technological advances including "omic" approaches. In recent years transcriptomic, proteomic and metabolomic studies have become very important tools for analyzing both the dynamics of changes in gene expression and the profiles of protein and metabolites under heavy metal stress. This information is also very useful for plotting the complex signaling and metabolic network induced by heavy metals, in which hormones and reactive oxygen species (ROS) also play an important role. Understanding the mechanism involved in sequestration and hyperaccumulation is very important to developing new strategies of phytoremediation, which are reviewed in several chapters of this book. The information included yields very stimulating insights into the mechanism involved in the regulation of plant responses to heavy metals, which in turn improve our knowledge of cell regulation under metal stress and the use of plants for phytoremediation.
Metal Toxicology Handbook
by Debasis Bagchi and Manashi BagchiHeavy metals and metalloids, singly or in combination, induce toxic manifestations either through acute or chronic pathology. In particular, long-term chronic exposure to diverse heavy metals and metalloids to humans and animals can lead to numerous physical, muscular, neurological, nephrological, and diverse degenerative diseases and dysfunctions, including multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases, cardiovascular disorders, and several others. Recognized heavy metals such as lead, mercury, arsenic, cadmium, thallium, and hexavalent chromium are known for enormous toxicity. The immediate vital signs of acute heavy metal exposure include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and acute abdominal pain. Mercury has been identified as the most toxic heavy metal, and mercury poisoning is known as acrodynia or pink disease. Similarly, lead, another toxic heavy metal, was at one time an integral part of painting. Metal Toxicology Handbook further explains and discusses the varying attributes of metals, discussing toxicity, safety, and proper human utilization of metals. Beginning with a broad overview of metals, metalloids, redox biology, and neurodegeneration and going further into the roles, benefits, and toxicity of metals with each section, the text contains 28 chapters from eminent researchers and scientists in their respective fields and is a must-have for anyone researching the potential toxicity in metals. Key Features Discusses the pathology of metal toxicity Highlights the benefits of metals Explains the mechanism and salient features of restoring metabolic homeostasis Highlights dose-dependent beneficial and adverse effects of vanadium safety and toxicity The initial introductory section provides a broad overview of metals, metalloids, redox biology, and neurodegeneration. The second section discusses the pathology of metal toxicity in two chapters, while the third section highlights the mechanism and salient features of restoring metabolic homeostasis in two chapters. The fourth section demonstrates the aspect of radionuclides toxicity. In a change of pace, the fifth section discusses the benefits of metals in four chapters. The sixth section, titled "Toxic Manifestations by Diverse Heavy Metals and Metalloids," provides fourteen chapters that discuss the toxicological mechanism and manifestation of individual metals. The editors have crafted a commentary titled "A Treatise on Metal Toxicity" and summarized a vivid scenario of metal toxicity and its consequences.
Metalanguages for Dissecting Translation Processes: Theoretical Development and Practical Applications (Routledge Advances in Translation and Interpreting Studies)
by Rei MiyataThis edited volume covers the development and application of metalanguages for concretely describing and communicating translation processes in practice. In a modern setting of project-based translation, it is crucial to bridge the gaps between various actors involved in the translation process, especially among clients, translation service providers (TSPs), translators, and technology developers. However, we have been confronted with the lack of common understanding among them about the notion and detailed mechanisms of translation. Against this backdrop, we are developing systematic, fine-grained metalanguages that are designed to describe and analyse translation processes in concrete terms. Underpinned by the rich accumulation of theoretical findings in translation studies and established standards of practical translation services, such as ISO 17100, our metalanguages extensively cover the core processes in translation projects, namely project management, source document analysis, translation, and revision. Gathering authors with diverse backgrounds and expertise, this book proffers the fruits of the contributors’ collaborative endeavour; it not only provides practicable metalanguages, but also reports on wide-ranging case studies on the application of metalanguages in practical and pedagogical scenarios. This book supplies concrete guidance for those who are involved in the translation practices and translation training/education. In addition to being of practical use, the metalanguages reflect explication of the translation process. As such, this book provides essential insights for researchers and students in the field of translation studies. The up-to-date versions of the metalanguages, related materials, and the corrigendum for the book content are available on our project website: https://tntc-project.github.io
Metal–Crucible Interactions
by Nagaiyar KrishnamurthyMetal–Crucible Interactions suggests solutions to a major challenge in high-temperature materials processing. It offers a holistic presentation of the current knowledge of metal–crucible interactions in a compact volume so that readers can make informed decisions on materials selection. Presenting practical information, this book: • Provides an extensive summary of the compatibility a huge variety of metal–container combinations, assembles information about all known significant interactions, and evaluates how they are managed• Explains the underlying reasons for the occurrence and extent of incompatibility between metals and containment and presents some possible solutions• Outlines analytical experimental techniques to quantify compatibility/incompatibility• Covers issues and resolution in interrelated solid–solid, solid–liquid, solid–gas and solid–liquid–gas processes determining compatibility• Discusses all the metals - ferrous, common non ferrous, reactive and refractory metals, rare earths, and the important alloys as well as compounds and special compositions that tide over or remain prone to degradation due to compatibility issues• Highlights the value of addressing all interrelated issues in arriving at reliable solutions to compatibility challenges Aimed at readers in industries dealing with materials processing at high temperatures, research scientists and engineers, and graduate students, this book addresses a topic vital to stimulating immediate and long-term research and development, in ways not previously covered in other books.
Metalle: Struktur Und Eigenschaften Der Metalle Und Legierungen
by Erhard Hornbogen Hans Warlimont Birgit SkrotzkiDieses ausgezeichnete Standardwerk bietet eine Darstellung der Struktur und Eigenschaften der Metalle und ihrer Anwendungen als Werkstoffe. Die Autoren beschreiben im ersten, wissenschaftlichen Teil den atomaren und mikroskopischen Aufbau, die thermodynamischen und die grundlegenden physikalischen und mechanischen Eigenschaften der Metalle sowie die Grundlagen der thermisch aktivierten Reaktionen und der Phasenumwandlungen. Die wichtigsten experimentellen Untersuchungsmethoden werden erläutert, wobei die mikroskopischen und Beugungsverfahren einen Schwerpunkt bilden. Im zweiten, technischen Teil werden die Werkstoffgruppen der Metalle und ihre anwendungsbezogenen Eigenschaften behandelt. Dabei wird auf die zugrunde liegenden Legierungen und die Verfahren zur gezielten Einstellung ihrer Eigenschaften eingegangen. Schwerpunkte bei der Darstellung der Werkstoffe sind die Stähle, die teilchengehärteten Legierungen, die Magnetwerkstoffe und die pulvermetallurgisch hergestellten Werkstoffe. Außerdem werden die Oberflächeneigenschaften und die Verfahren zur Oberflächenbehandlung dargestellt. Das Buch wurde für die 6. Auflage gründlich überbearbeitet und aktualisiert und es erscheint jetzt im neuen Layout.
Metalle: Struktur und Eigenschaften der Metalle und Legierungen
by Hans Warlimont Erhard HornbogenDieses ausgezeichnete Standardwerk bietet eine Darstellung der Struktur und Eigenschaften der Metalle und ihrer Anwendungen als Werkstoffe. Die Autoren beschreiben im ersten, wissenschaftlichen Teil den atomaren und mikroskopischen Aufbau, die thermodynamischen und die grundlegenden physikalischen und mechanischen Eigenschaften der Metalle sowie die Grundlagen der thermisch aktivierten Reaktionen und der Phasenumwandlungen. Die wichtigsten experimentellen Untersuchungsmethoden werden erl#65533;utert, wobei die mikroskopischen und Beugungsverfahren einen Schwerpunkt bilden. Im zweiten, technischen Teil werden die Werkstoffgruppen der Metalle und ihre anwendungsbezogenen Eigenschaften behandelt. Dabei wird auf die zugrunde liegenden Legierungen und die Verfahren zur gezielten Einstellung ihrer Eigenschaften eingegangen. Schwerpunkte bei der Darstellung der Werkstoffe sind die St#65533;hle, die teilchengeh#65533;rteten Legierungen, die Magnetwerkstoffe und die pulvermetallurgisch hergestellten Werkstoffe. Au#65533;erdem werden die Oberfl#65533;cheneigenschaften und die Verfahren zur Oberfl#65533;chenbehandlung dargestellt. Das Buch wurde f#65533;r die 6. Auflage gr#65533;ndlich #65533;berbearbeitet und aktualisiert und es erscheint jetzt im neuen Layout.
Metallic Amorphous Alloy Reinforcements in Light Metal Matrices
by S. Jayalakshmi M. GuptaThis book presents cutting-edge research on the design and development of novel, advanced high-strength, light-weight materials via the incorporation of novel reinforcements, namely, metallic amorphous alloys/bulk metallic glasses (BMG), in light metal matrix composites (LMMCs) based on Al and Mg. The book begins with an introduction to conventional ceramic reinforced light metal matrix composites, along with the major drawbacks which limit their application. Metallic amorphous alloys/Bulk Metallic Glasses (BMG) are new class of metallic materials that are distinctly differently from conventional metals/alloys in terms of their structure and thermal behavior, and exhibit extremely high strength (1 to 2 GPa) and large elastic strain limit (1 to 2%). Given these unique properties, upon their incorporation into Al/Mg-matrices, they provide superior interfacial properties, i. e. high degree of compatibility with the matrix due to their metallic nature when compared to conventional ceramic reinforcements, and thereby significantly enhance the mechanical performance of LMMCs. Amorphous/BMG reinforced LMMCs is an emerging research field and the existing literature is meager. This book discusses the various processing methods that would be suitable for these novel materials. A comparison of mechanical properties and strengthening mechanisms of amorphous/BMG reinforced composites with those of conventional ceramic composites is presented. Future research directions and wider research potential of the novel materials are discussed, and prospective applications are highlighted. For ease of understanding and comparison, appropriate schematics, tables, and figures are provided.
Metallic Biomaterials: New Directions and Technologies
by Hong Cai Jun-Qiang Wang Xiaoxue Xu Yufeng Zheng Zhigang XuWith its comprehensive coverage of recent progress in metallic biomaterials, this reference focuses on emerging materials and new biofunctions for promising applications. The text is systematically structured, with the information organized according to different material systems, and concentrates on various advanced materials, such as anti-bacterial functionalized stainless steel, biodegradable metals with bioactivity, and novel structured metallic biomaterials. Authors from well-known academic institutes and with many years of clinical experience discuss all important aspects, including design strategies, fabrication and modification techniques, and biocompatibility.
Metallic Biomaterials: Metals for Medical Devices
by Takao HanawaMetallic materials are used in many medical devices due to their high mechanical reliability and their excellent strength and toughness. They account for more than 70% of internally implantable devices (implants). This book helps understand the necessity and problems of metal materials used in medical applications. This book was written with the goal of helping students learn the essentials of metallic biomaterials and acquire knowledge that can be applied in a progressive manner. The target audience for this book are students, graduate students, engineers, medical doctors, and others who need knowledge about metallic biomaterials.
Metallic Glass-Based Nanocomposites: Molecular Dynamics Study of Properties
by Sumit SharmaMetallic Glass-Based Nanocomposites: Molecular Dynamics Study of Properties provides readers with an overview of the most commonly used tools for MD simulation of metallic glass composites and provides all the basic steps necessary for simulating any material on Materials Studio. After reading this book, readers will be able to model their own problems on this tool for predicting the properties of metallic glass composites. This book provides an introduction to metallic glasses with definitions and classifications, provides detailed explanations of various types of composites, reinforcements and matrices, and explores the basic mechanisms of reinforcement-MG interaction during mechanical loading. It explains various models for calculating the thermal conductivity of metallic glass composites and provides examples of molecular dynamics simulations. Aimed at students and researchers, this book caters to the needs of those working in the field of molecular dynamics (MD) simulation of metallic glass composites.
Metallic, Magnetic, and Carbon-Based Nanomaterials: Synthesis and Biomedical Applications (The ECS Series of Texts and Monographs)
by Ajit Khosla Irshad A. Wani Mohammad N. LoneA comprehensive guide to an explosively popular and transformative technology Nanotechnology has revolutionized the manipulation of matter at the molecular level, with extraordinary consequences for a huge range of technological and scientific fields. Metallic, magnetic and carbon-based nanomaterials have been at the forefront of this revolution, with their impact felt especially strongly in biomedical industries. The future of drug delivery, imaging, diagnostics, and more will be transformed by nanotechnology and its ever-growing applications. Metallic, Magnetic and Carbon-Based Nanomaterials offers a comprehensive introduction to these materials and their recent developments. Beginning with the foundational concepts of nanotechnology, its characterization, and its methods, the book moves through major categories of nanotechnology in turn. Detailed discussion of applications and future areas of research rounds out an indispensable volume. Metallic, Magnetic and Carbon-Based Nanomaterials readers will also find: Fully up-to-date data on major nanotechnology synthesis techniquesDetailed discussion of nanotechnologies including quantum dots, magnetic nanoparticles, graphene, and many moreAnalysis of applications including tumor biology investigation, in vivo animal imaging, and others Metallic, Magnetic and Carbon-Based Nanomaterials is ideal for graduate students in pharmaceutical sciences, biomedical engineering, and materials sciences. It is also a useful reference book for researchers working in the areas of biomedical engineering and nanomaterials synthesis, as well as those working in toxicology, especially nanotoxicology.
Metallic Micro and Nano Materials
by Masumi SakaThis book focuses on the metallic Nano- and Micro-materials (NMMs) fabricated by physical techniques such as atomic diffusion. A new technology for fabricating NMMs by atomic diffusion is presented. Two kinds of atomic diffusion are treated; one is a phenomenon caused by electron flow in high density and called electromigration and the other is stress migration which depends on a gradient of hydrostatic stress in a material. In three parts, the book describes the theory of atomic diffusion, the evaluation of physical properties and the treatment and applications of metallic NNMS. The new methods such as atomic diffusion are expected are expected to be crucial for the fabrication of NNMs in the future and to partially replace methods based on chemical reactions.
Metallic Nanocrystallites and their Interaction with Microbial Systems
by Anil K. SureshAlthough interactions between nanoparticles and microorganisms in the environment are unavoidable and commonplace, it is still not clear what potential effects they may have. Metallic Nanocrystallites and their Interface with Microbial Systems not only illustrates how microbes and these particular nanoparticles interact but also it describes the consequences of these interactions. This brief discusses the impact of gold, silver, zinc oxide, and cerium oxide nanoparticles on the growth and viability of both Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacterium. Moreover, it analyses the relationship between bacterial growth inhibition, reactive oxygen species generation, the regulation of transcriptional stress genomes, and the toxicity of these materials. Finally, it reviews the specific metallic nanomaterials and highlights their modes of synthesis, reactivity at surfaces, and the importance of assay procedures in determining their toxicity levels. Various microscopy techniques used to determine their mechanisms of action are also presented. Metallic Nanocrystallites and their Interface with Microbial Systems will be a valuable source to the scientific and industrial community as well as to students and researchers in microbiology, biotechnology, nanotechnology, toxicology, materials science, biomedical engineering, cell and molecular biology.
Metallic Nanoparticles for Health and the Environment (Advances in Bionanotechnology)
by Md Sabir Alam Md Noushad Javed Jamilur R. AnsariMetallic Nanoparticles for Health and the Environment covers different routes of synthesis for metallic nanoparticles and their process variables. Both the functions and roles of these particles as a drug delivery system and diagnostic agent and other potential theranostic purposes against metabolic disorders, photocatalysis applications, as well as wastewater treatments, are discussed. The book compares the different properties of bulk metallic forms and their nanoparticulated forms. It discusses the mechanisms and impacts of different process variables in different synthesis routes, as well as emerging trends in clinics and so forth. Features: Covers different routes of synthesis to create metallic nanoparticles (MNPs) of different characteristics with reference to bulk forms of metals. Describes formulation parameters that have a significant effect on these MNPs including dimensions, morphology, mechanism, surface properties, and other characteristics. Discusses different roles and performances of MNPs in photothermal therapy, metabolic disorders, mechanisms in bacterial, fungal, and viral infections, and inflammatory pathways. Reviews the potential and emerging roles of different MNPs with site target delivery applications and genetic manipulation purposes. Examines the advantages and challenges of these MNPs against remediation of pollutants and toxicants, owing to their superior surface catalytic activities. This book is aimed at researchers and professionals in nanomaterials, pharmaceuticals, and drug delivery.
Metallic Nanostructures
by Yujie Xiong Xianmao LuThis book details the design for creation of metal nanomaterials with optimal functionality for specific applications. The authors describe how to make desired metal nanomaterials in a wet lab. They include an overview of applications metal nanomaterials can be implemented in and address the fundamentals in the controlled synthesis of metal nanostructures.
Metallic Powders for Additive Manufacturing: Science and Applications
by Enrique J. Lavernia Kaka Ma Julie M. Schoenung James F. Shackelford Baolong ZhengMetallic Powders for Additive Manufacturing Overview of successful pathways for producing metal powders for additive manufacturing of high-performance metallic parts and components with tailored properties Metallic Powders for Additive Manufacturing introduces the readers to the science and technology of atomized metal powders beyond empirical knowledge and the fundamental relationships among the chemistry, microstructure, and morphology of atomized metallic powders and their behavior during additive manufacturing. The text sets a foundation of the underlying science that controls the formation and microstructure of atomized metallic droplets, including the relations among the properties of metallic powders, their performance during the manufacturing processes, and the resulting products. Other topics covered include the influence of powder on defect formation, residual stress, mechanical behavior, and physical properties. The concluding two chapters encompass considerations of broader societal implications and overarching themes, including the exploration of alternative feedstock materials, economic analysis, and sustainability assessment. These chapters offer valuable perspectives on the prospective trajectory of the field. Written by a team of experienced and highly qualified professors and academics, Metallic Powders for Additive Manufacturing includes information on: Atomization techniques such as Vacuum Induction Gas Atomization (VIGA), Electrode Induction Melting Gas Atomization (EIMGA), and Plasma Rotating Electrode Process (PREP) Atomization science and technology, covering control of atomization parameters, powder size distribution, effect of processing variables, and theoretical models of atomization Heat transfer and solidification of droplets, covering nucleation, microstructure development, and important thermal and solidification conditions during atomization Atomization of Al, Fe, Ni, Co, Ti, and high entropy alloys, as well as composite powders for additive manufacturing, and guidelines for atomization equipment and powder handling Fundamental processing principles in a variety of metal additive manufacturing processes Powder characteristics and requirements for different additive manufacturing processes Effect of powder chemistry and physical characteristics on additive manufacturing processes, and the microstructure and properties of the built parts Evaluation of alternative feedstock sources for metal additive manufacturing, beyond gas atomized powder Economic and sustainability perspectives on powder production and additive manufacturing Metallic Powders for Additive Manufacturing is an excellent combination of rigorous fundamentals and a practice-oriented and forward-looking resource on the subject for materials scientists and practicing engineers seeking to understand, optimize, and further develop the field of powder production and additive manufacturing.