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Methode zur modellbasierten Bewertung und systematischen Verbesserung von Fertigungssystemen

by Michael Feldmeth

Zur Unterstützung der zukünftigen Umsetzung von schlanken Fertigungssystemen wurde in der vorliegenden Arbeit eine ergänzende Methode für die Fertigungsplanung entwickelt. Diese dient zur modellbasierten Bewertung und systematischen Verbesserung von Fertigungssystemen nach den Prinzipien der schlanken Produktion. Die Methode setzt sich aus den drei Methodenbausteinen Fertigungssystemmodell, Bewertungsmethode und Verbesserungsleitfaden zusammen. Bei der Ausgestaltung der einzelnen Methodenbausteine kommt der Betrachtung der Abhängigkeitsverhältnisse zwischen den ausgewählten Bewertungskriterien eine besondere Bedeutung zu.

Methoden der Statistik und Prozessanalyse: Eine anwendungsorientierte Einführung

by Yuri Shardt Heiko Weiß

Dieses Buch konzentriert sich auf die Anwendung von modernen Methoden derStatistik zur Modellierung und Analyse von Prozessmodellen der Verfahrenstechnik.Beispiele für moderne Methoden sind Matrixansätze, im Gegensatz zumanuellen Berechnungen, sowie das Konzept orthogonaler Basen. Diese Ansätzeermöglichen eine computergestützte Analyse von Versuchsplänen.Zunächst werden die wichtigsten Aspekte und Methoden der Statistik und Prozessanalysevorgestellt. Auf dieserGrundlage werden anschließend komplexere Methoden für die Anwendungerarbeitet. Hierbei legen die Autoren großen Wert auf eine kurze, jedoch umfassendeund konsistente Darstellung.Zur Erleichterung der Implementierung werden detaillierte Vorgehensweisen fürdie relevanten Konzepte vorgestellt und anhand geeigneter Beispiele vorgestellt. Die Beispiele sind so gewählt, dass sie mit vorhandenen Softwarewerkzeugen (Matlab, Excel) nachgebildet werden können. Für diesen Zweck werden Excel-Vorlagen undMATLAB-Programme bereitgestellt. Ein ausführliches deutsch-englisches Glossar ist ebenfalls enthalten.

Methoden des bestärkenden Lernens für die Produktionsablaufplanung

by Sebastian Lang

In diesem Open-Access-Buch wird eine Methode zur Adaption, Integration und Anwendung von bestärkenden Lernverfahren (Reinforcement Learning) für die Produktionsablaufplanung beschrieben. Die Methode wird anhand von typischen Problemstellungen der Produktionsablaufplanung hergeleitet und evaluiert. Die Produktionsablaufplanung ist eine Kernaufgabe der Produktion und Logistik, bei welcher Aufträge auf Ressourcen so verteilt und in Reihenfolge gebracht werden müssen, dass geforderte Nebenbedingungen der Planung erfüllt werden. Entsprechende Optimierungsprobleme sind meist NP-schwer, wodurch eine optimale Lösung gewöhnlich nicht unter wirtschaftlichen Bedingungen erzielbar ist. In der Industrie werden stattdessen Prioritätsregeln, Heuristiken oder Metaheuristiken verwendet, die entweder zeiteffizient zu Lasten der Lösungsgüte rechnen oder qualitativ hochwertige Lösungen unter hohem Rechenaufwand erzeugen. Das bestärkende Lernen ist eine Unterart des maschinellen Lernens und eine weitere Klasse potenzieller Lösungsstrategien. Probleme der Produktionsablaufplanung sind insoweit vergleichbar, als dass sie sich ebenfalls als stufenartige Entscheidungsketten modellieren lassen. Trotz ihrer Vorteile existiert bisher kaum allgemeines Wissen hinsichtlich der Anwendung des bestärkenden Lernens für die Produktionsablaufplanung.

Methoden zur Analyse von Steinartefakten: Eine Übersicht (essentials)

by Yvonne Tafelmaier Guido Bataille Viola Schmid Andreas Taller Manuel Will

Dieses essential gibt einen Überblick über aktuelle Analysemethoden von Gesteinsartefakten von der Attributanalyse ganzer Inventare bis hin zu mikroskopischen Gebrauchsspurenanalysen einzelner Artefakte. Dabei zeigen die vorgestellten Ansätze die Bandbreite der Analyse urgeschichtlicher Steinartefakte im deutschsprachigen Raum. Einfache Anwendungsbeispiele veranschaulichen die Möglichkeiten und Einschränkungen der jeweiligen Methode. Der Inhalt und die Struktur des essentials ist identisch mit Unterrichtseinheiten zur Erlernung von Methoden der Steinartefaktanalyse an der Universität Tübingen im Fachbereich Ältere Urgeschichte.

Methodenvorschlag zur Berechnung der Sonneneinstrahlung für Prognosen: Mathematische Verfahren für die ingenieurtechnische Anwendung

by Larissa Hille

In diesem Buch werden mathematische Verfahren zur Lösung folgender Aufgaben vorgestellt:(Absatz)- Berechnen der Sonnenposition;(Absatz)- Berechnen der Leistung, die ein Lichtstrahl auf seinem Weg durch die Atmosphäre durch Absorption und Streuung verliert;(Absatz)- Berechnen der Strahlenverteilung in einer Wolkenschicht;(Absatz)- Berechnen diffuser Strahlung, die aus einer Atmosphärenschicht bei einer vorgegebenen Verteilung der gestreuten Strahlung zu einer ebenen Oberfläche (Solarmodul) oder zur Seitenfläche eines stehenden Kegelstumpfs (Windkraftanlagenturm) gestreut wird und diese Fläche in bestimmten Winkeln trifft.

Methodical Development of Modular Product Families: Developing High Product Diversity in a Manageable Way

by Dieter Krause Nicolas Gebhardt

This book focuses on the development of multi-variant products using modular product structures and thus addresses the reduction of complexity from a product development perspective. These modular product structures allow for a greater variety of demand with a smaller, internal variety of components and processes. As a supplement to the common product development methodology, the necessary basics of modularity and variant diversity as well as the corresponding methods are presented comprehensively. The book thus summarizes the current state of science as well as the research activities of the past ten years at the Institute of Product Development and Design Technology at the TU Hamburg-Harburg.The target groupsThis book is aimed at product developers and decision makers in practice. Science is offered a helpful reference book and interested engineering students can immerse themselves in the development of modular product families with the necessary basics.This book is a translation of the original German 1st edition Methodische Entwicklung modularer Produktfamilien by Dieter Krause & Nicolas Gebhardt, published by Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH, part of Springer Nature in 2018. The translation was done with the help of artificial intelligence (machine translation by the service A subsequent human revision was done primarily in terms of content, so that the book will read stylistically differently from a conventional translation. Springer Nature works continuously to further the development of tools for the production of books and on the related technologies to support the authors.

Methodische Entwicklung modularer Produktfamilien: Hohe Produktvielfalt beherrschbar entwickeln

by Nicolas Gebhardt Dieter Krause

Dieses Buch fokussiert die Entwicklung von variantenreichen Produkten mithilfe modularer Produktstrukturen und adressiert so die Komplexit#65533;tsreduktion aus Sicht der Produktentwicklung. Durch diese modularen Produktstrukturen wird eine gr#65533;#65533;ere Nachfragevielfalt bei gleichzeitig geringer, unternehmensinterner Vielfalt an Komponenten und Prozessen m#65533;glich. Als Erg#65533;nzung zur g#65533;ngigen Produktentwicklungsmethodik werden die n#65533;tigen Grundlagen der Modularit#65533;t und Variantenvielfalt sowie die entsprechenden Methoden umfassend vorgestellt. Das Buch fasst damit den aktuellen Stand der Wissenschaft sowie die Forschungst#65533;tigkeiten der vergangenen zehn Jahre am Institut f#65533;r Produktentwicklung und Konstruktionstechnik der TU Hamburg-Harburg zusammen. Die Zielgruppen Dieses Buch richtet sich an Produktentwickler und Entscheider in der Praxis. Der Wissenschaft wird ein hilfreiches Nachschlagewerk geboten und interessierte Studierende der Ingenieurwissenschaften k#65533;nnen in die Entwicklung modularer Produktfamilien mit den n#65533;tigen Grundlagen eintauchen.

Methodisches Konstruieren: Auf den Punkt gebracht

by Paul Naefe

Dieses Lehrbuch orientiert sich an den VDI-Richtlinien 2221 und 2222. Ausgehend von der Beschreibung der betrieblichen Einordnung der Konstruktion wird anschaulich dargestellt, wie auf der Basis der Systemtechnik die Tätigkeit des Konstruierens mit methodischer Unterstützung effizient, zielsicher und mit optimalem Ergebnis erfolgen kann. Die wesentlichsten anzuwendenden Methoden werden beschrieben. Schwerpunkte bilden die Themen Funktionenstruktur und kostengerechtes Konstruieren mit starkem Praxisbezug. Studenten aber auch Ingenieuren und Technikern dient dieses Buch als zuverlässiger Ratgeber und ermöglicht einen raschen Zugang zum methodischen Konstruieren. In der aktuellen Auflage wurden die Kapitel Arbeitsschritte des Konstruktionsprozesses, Aufgabenstellung und Konzipieren überarbeitet; außerdem wurden viele Bilder qualitativ verbessert.

Methodologies and Intelligent Systems for Technology Enhanced Learning

by Pierpaolo Vittorini Rosella Gennari Tania Di Mascio Sara Rodríguez Fernando De la Prieta Carlos Ramos Ricardo Azambuja Silveira

This book presents the outcomes of the 7th International Conference in Methodologies and Intelligent Systems for Technology Enhanced Learning (MIS4TEL'17), hosted by the Polytechnic of Porto, Portugal from 21 to 23 June 2017. Expanding on the topics of the previous conferences, it provided an open forum for discussing intelligent systems for technology enhanced learning (TEL) and their roots in novel learning theories, empirical methodologies for their design or evaluation, stand-alone and web-based solutions, and makerspaces. It also fostered entrepreneurship and business startup ideas, bringing together researchers and developers from industry, education and the academic world to report on the latest scientific research, technical advances and methodologies.

Methodologies and Intelligent Systems for Technology Enhanced Learning, 10th International Conference (Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing #1241)

by Pierpaolo Vittorini Tania Di Mascio Laura Tarantino Marco Temperini Rosella Gennari Fernando De la Prieta

This book intends to bring together researchers and developers from industry, the education field, and the academic world to report on the latest scientific research, technical advances, and methodologies. The 10th International Conference in Methodologies and Intelligent Systems for Technology Enhanced Learning is hosted by the University of L’Aquila and is going to be held in L’Aquila (Italy). Initially planned on the 17th to the 19th of June 2020, it was postponed to the 7th to the 9th of October 2020, due to the COVID-19 outbreak. The 10th edition of this conference and its related workshops expand the topics of the evidence-based TEL workshops series in order to provide an open forum for discussing intelligent systems for TEL, their roots in novel learning theories, empirical methodologies for their design or evaluation, stand-alone solutions, or web-based ones. This bridge has been realized also thanks to the sponsor of this edition of MIS4TEL: the Armundia Group, the support from national associations (AEPIA, APPIA, CINI, and EurAI), and organizers (UNIVAQ, UNIROMA1, UNIBZ, UCV, UFSC, USAL, AIR institute, UNC, and UNIBA)

Methodologies and Intelligent Systems for Technology Enhanced Learning, 10th International Conference. Workshops: Volume 2 (Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing #1236)

by Zuzana Kubincová Loreto Lancia Elvira Popescu Minoru Nakayama Vittorio Scarano Ana B. Gil

This book features papers from workshops at the 10th International Conference on Methodologies and Intelligent Systems for Technology Enhanced Learning, which was hosted by the University of L'Aquila (Italy) from 17th to 19th June 2020. The workshops provided participants with the opportunity to present and discuss novel research ideas on emerging topics complementing the main conference. They particularly focused on multi-disciplinary and transversal aspects such as TEL in nursing education programs, social and personal computing for web-supported learning communities, interactive environments and emerging technologies for eLearning, and TEL for future citizens.

Methodologies and Intelligent Systems for Technology Enhanced Learning, 11th International Conference (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems #326)

by Fernando De la Prieta Rosella Gennari Marco Temperini Tania Di Mascio Pierpaolo Vittorini Zuzana Kubincova Elvira Popescu Davide Rua Carneiro Loreto Lancia Agnese Addone

State-of-the-art and novel methodologies and technologies allow researchers, designers, and domain experts to pursue technology-enhanced learning (TEL) solutions targeting not only cognitive processes but also motivational, personality, or emotional factors. The International Conference in Methodologies and Intelligent Systems for Technology-Enhanced Learning (MIS4TEL'21) is hosted by the University of Salamanca and was held in Salamanca (Spain) from October 6–8, 2021. The annual appointment of MIS4TEL established itself as a consolidated fertile forum where scholars and professionals from the international community, with a broad range of expertise in the TEL field, share results and compare experiences. The calls for papers of the 11th edition of the conference welcomed novel research in TEL and expands on the topics of the previous editions: It solicited work from new research fields (ranging from artificial intelligence and agent-based systems to robotics, virtual reality, Internet of things and wearable solutions, among others) concerning methods and technological opportunities, and how they serve to create novel approaches to TEL, innovative TEL solutions, and valuable TEL experiences.

Methodologies and Intelligent Systems for Technology Enhanced Learning, 12th International Conference (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems #580)

by Marco Temperini Vittorio Scarano Ivana Marenzi Milos Kravcik Elvira Popescu Rosa Lanzilotti Rosella Gennari Fernando De La Prieta Tania Di Mascio Pierpaolo Vittorini

The 12th International Conference in Methodologies and Intelligent Systems for Technology Enhanced Learning was hosted by the University of L'Aquila and was held in L'Aquila (Italy) from July 13 to 15, 2022. The conference has established itself as a consolidated fertile forum where scholars and professionals from the international community, with a broad range of expertise in the TEL field, share results and compare experiences Technologies in TEL are capable of delivering smart, personalized, tailored, and motivating learning solutions. Methods are coming from different fields, such as education, psychology, medicine, computer science, and from diverse communities, where collaboration and co-working are used.

Methodologies and Intelligent Systems for Technology Enhanced Learning, 13th International Conference (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems #764)

by Marcelo Milrad Nuno Otero María Cruz Sánchez-Gómez Juan José Mena Dalila Durães Filippo Sciarrone Claudio Alvarez-Gómez Manuel Rodrigues Pierpaolo Vittorini Rosella Gennari Tania Di Mascio Marco Temperini Fernando De la Prieta

Education is the cornerstone of any society; it serves as one of the foundations for many of its social values and characteristics. mis4TEL’23 promotes the interaction among the scientific community to discuss applications of Technology Enhanced Learning solutions targeting not only cognitive and social processes but also motivational, personality, or emotional factors. In addition, current trends concerning the use of artificial intelligence can help and augment learning opportunities for learners and educators. The 13th International Conference on Methodologies and Intelligent Systems for Technology Enhanced Learning (mis4TEL’23) technical program includes 26 contributions (13 full papers and 13 short papers). mis4TEL’23 is hosted by the LASI and Centro Algoritmi of the University of Minho (Portugal). The authors would like to thank all the contributing authors, the members of the Program Committee, National Associations (AEPIA and APPIA), and the sponsors (AIR Institute and Camara Municipal de Guimarães).

Methodologies and Intelligent Systems for Technology Enhanced Learning, 14th International Conference (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems #1171)

by Christothea Herodotou Sofia Papavlasopoulou Carlos Santos Marcelo Milrad Nuno Otero Pierpaolo Vittorini Rosella Gennari Tania Di Mascio Marco Temperini Fernando De la Prieta

Education is the cornerstone of any society, and it serves as one of the foundations for many of its social values and characteristics. mis4TEL’24 promotes the interaction among the scientific community to discuss applications of Technology Enhanced Learning solutions targeting not only cognitive and social processes but also motivational, personality, or emotional factors. In addition, current trends concerning the use of Artificial Intelligence can help and augment learning opportunities for learners and educators. The 14th International Conference on Methodologies and Intelligent Systems for Technology Enhanced Learning (mis4TEL’24) technical program includes 29 contributions (17 full papers and 12 short papers). mis4TEL’24 is hosted by the BISITE Research Group of the University of Salamanca (Spain). We would like to thank all the contributing authors, the members of the Program Committee, National Associations (AEPIA, APPIA, and LASI), and the sponsors (AIR Institute).

Methodologies and Intelligent Systems for Technology Enhanced Learning, 8th International Conference (Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing #804)

by Tania Di Mascio Pierpaolo Vittorini Rosella Gennari Fernando De la Prieta Sara Rodríguez Marco Temperini Ricardo Azambuja Silveira Elvira Popescu Loreto Lancia

This book presents the outcomes of the 8th International Conference in Methodologies and Intelligent Systems for Technology Enhanced Learning held in Toledo (Spain) hosted by the University of Castilla-La Mancha from 20 th to 22nd June 2018. Further expanding the topics of the previous editions, the conference provided an open forum for discussing intelligent systems for technology enhanced learning (TEL) and their roots in novel learning theories, empirical methodologies for their design or evaluation, stand-alone and web-based solutions and maker spaces, and also fostering entrepreneurship and increasing business startup ideas. It brought together researchers and developers from industry, the education field and the academic world to report on the latest scientific research, technical advances and methodologies.

Methodologies and Intelligent Systems for Technology Enhanced Learning, Workshops, 12th International Conference (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems #538)

by Zuzana Kubincová Alessandra Melonio Dalila Durães Davide Rua Carneiro Mehdi Rizvi Loreto Lancia

This book covers the 12th International Conference in Methodologies and Intelligent Systems for Technology Enhanced Learning which was hosted by the University of L'Aquila and was held in L'Aquila (Italy) from July 13 to 15, 2022. The conference has established itself as a consolidated fertile forum where scholars and professionals from the international community, with a broad range of expertise in the TEL field, share results and compare experiences. Technologies in TEL are capable of delivering smart, personalized, tailored, and motivating learning solutions. Methods are coming from different fields, such as education, psychology, medicine, computer science, and from diverse communities, where collaboration and co-working are used.

Methodologies and Intelligent Systems for Technology Enhanced Learning, Workshops - 13th International Conference (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems #769)

by Loreto Lancia Zuzana Kubincová Federica Caruso Tae-Eun Kim Malinka Ivanova Maria Angela Pellegrino

This book includes the accepted papers of the four selected workshops which focus on integration of emerging technologies into education and training (ETELT), Interactive Environments and Emerging Technologies for eLearning (IEETeL), Technology Enhanced Learning in Nursing Education (Nursing), and Technology Enhanced Learning for Future Citizens (TEL4FC). Education is the cornerstone of any society; it serves as one of the foundations for many of its social values and characteristics. mis4TEL’23 promotes the interaction among the scientific community to discuss applications of Technology Enhanced Learning solutions targeting not only cognitive and social processes but also motivational, personality, or emotional factors. In addition, current trends concerning the use of artificial intelligence can help and augment learning opportunities for learners and educators. We would like to thank all the contributing authors, the members of the program committee, national associations (AEPIA, and APPIA), and the sponsors (AIR Institute, and Camara Municipal de Guimarães).

Methodologies and Results in Grapevine Research

by Etti Or Hipólito Medrano Luigi Bavaresco Serge Delrot Stella Grando

Grapevine is a crop of major economical interest, and wine represents a multicultural heritage which has been growing since several milleniums. Yet, modern viticulture must face several challenges. Global climate has increased berry sugar content (and alcohol in the wine) whereas phenolic and aromatic ripeness are not always achieved. Water supply is becoming shorter. New varieties better adapted to new climatic conditions might have to be planted, which may affect wine typicity. Phytochemical treatments are more controlled, and the consumer pays increasing attention to environmentally safe practices. New methods reducing pesticide use, but maintaining yield and typicity, must be designed. The present book illustrates the recent progress made in ecophysiology, molecular and cell biology, and pathology of grapevine, as well as in precision viticulture and berry composition. Combination of these new tools with field observations will undoubtly make it easier to face the challenges described above. These multidisciplinary contributions will be of interest to anyone involved in grapevine and wine activities.

Methodologies and Techniques for Advanced Maintenance

by Lorenzo Fedele

The management of technical plants for productivity and safety is generally a complex activity, particularly when many plants in one territory are affected, quality guarantees and cost results are required, and the technology involved is heterogeneous and innovative. To enable readers to manage technical plants efficiently, despite the above complications, Methodologies and Techniques for Advanced Maintenance presents theories, methodologies and practical tools for the realization of an intelligent maintenance management system for distant monitoring. It also covers the development and running of a remote control center. The so-called granted availability management system (GrAMS) was conceived to enable organizations involved in technical-industrial plant management to move towards "well known availability" and "zero failures" management. In particular, Methodologies and Techniques for Advanced Maintenance deals with the diagnostic aspects and safety levels of technical plants (such as elevators, thermo-technical plants, etc.). The author also discusses the usage of ad hoc designed software analysis tools based on neural networks and reliability indicators. Methodologies and Techniques for Advanced Maintenance is a useful text for practitioners and researchers in maintenance and facilities. Its application spans industrial, plant, technological, infrastructure and civil fields.

Methodology and Technology for Power System Grounding (Wiley - IEEE)

by Jinliang He Rong Zeng Bo Zhang

Grounding is the fundamental measures to ensure the safe operation of power systems, including power apparatus and control/monitoring systems, and guarantee the personal safety. Grounding technology is an interdiscipline involving electrical engineering, high voltage technology, electric safety, electromagnetics, numerical analysis, and geological exploration Methodology and Technology for Power System Grounding: Covers all topics related to power system grounding Presents fundaments and theories of grounding systems Well balances technology and methodology related to grounding system design Helps to understand the grounding analysis softwares Highlights the advanced research works in the field of grounding systems Comprehensively introduces numerical analysis methods Discovers impulse ionization phenomenon of soil around the grounding conductors Touches on lightning impulse characteristics of grounding devices for towers and buildings As a comprehensive treatment of the topic, Methodology and Technology for Power System Grounding is ideal for engineers and researchers in power system, lightning protection, and grounding. The book will also better equip postgraduates, senior undergraduate students in electrical engineering.

A Methodology for Processing Raw LIDAR Data to Support Urban Flood Modelling Framework: UNESCO-IHE PhD Thesis

by Ahmad Fikri Bin Abdullah

The consequences of recent floods and flash floods in many parts of the world have been devastating. One way to improving flood management practice is to invest in data collection and modelling activities which enable an understanding of the functioning of a system and the selection of optimal mitigation measures. A Digital Terrain Model (DTM) provides the most essential information for flood managers. Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) surveys which enable the capture of spot heights at a spacing of 0.5m to 5m with a horizontal accuracy of 0.3m and a vertical accuracy of 0.15m can be used to develop high accuracy DTM but needs careful processing before using it for any application.This book presents the augmentation of an existing Progressive Morphological filtering algorithm for processing raw LiDAR data to support a 1D/2D urban flood modelling framework. The key characteristics of this improved algorithm are: (1) the ability to deal with different kinds of buildings; (2) the ability to detect elevated road/rail lines and represent them in accordance to the reality; (3) the ability to deal with bridges and riverbanks; and (4) the ability to recover curbs and the use of appropriated roughness coefficient of Manning‘s value to represent close-to-earth vegetation (e.g. grass and small bush).

Methodology for Structural Analysis of Polysaccharides (SpringerBriefs in Molecular Science)

by Qingbin Guo Lianzhong Ai Steve Cui

Written by an academic and industry insider, this book provides an informed study on polysaccharide structural analysis and characterization. Specifically focused on analytical techniques, methodologies, and interpretation of data, featured topics include: monosaccharide composition; methylation analysis; 1D & 2D NMR (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance) and MALDI-TOF- (MS) Mas spectrometry.This book is aimed at advanced undergraduates, academic and industrial researchers and professionals studying or using biobased polymers.

Methodology of Complex Activity: Foundations of Understanding and Modelling (Studies in Systems, Decision and Control #300)

by Mikhail V. Belov Dmitry A. Novikov

This book develops and describes a general methodology that can be applied to any complex human activity (activity with a non-trivial, multi-level internal structure).The structural components of complex activities are considered, and their logical, cause-and-effect, and process structures are functionally described. Considerable attention is paid to organization and management, uncertainties, and the lifecycles of activities, as well as the actors, subject matter, resources, knowledge, and methods involved. Several typical examples are used throughout the text to illustrate the implementation of common approaches involving the functioning of work groups, organizational units, projects, and organizations in general: a retail bank, an aircraft manufacturer, a fire department, and a nuclear power plant. In addition, the book employs a system of connected technical models, in order to ensure that the results are of practical applicability for both experts on the ground and scholars engaged in research on the general principles of how activities (practical, scientific, etc.) are organized or on the management of socio-technical systems.

Methodology of Crevice Corrosion Testing for Stainless Steels in Natural and Treated Seawaters

by Ulf Kivisakk

This book describes the work performed to develop a new test methodology to characterise the susceptibility of stainless steels to crevice corrosion in natural and treated seawaters. It also describes the experimental procedures to perform crevice corrosion testing.

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