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Methods in Chemosensory Research (Frontiers in Neuroscience)
by Sidney A. Simon Miguel A.L. NicolelisMethods in Chemosensory Research describes new molecular, electrophysiological, engineering, genetic, behavioral, psychophysical, and imaging techniques that have recently been adapted to investigate the basic neuronal mechanisms underlying chemoreception. Written by leaders in the field of neuronal chemoreception specializing in olfaction, gustation, baroreception, and chemical irritation caused by environmental pollutants, this unique book combines novel methods to investigate all aspects of taste and olfaction. These methods range from the molecular level to the investigation of individual cell taste and olfactory epithelia.
Methods in Karst Hydrogeology: IAH: International Contributions to Hydrogeology, 26
by Nico Goldscheider David DrewFilling a gap in the karst literature, this book describes methods most appropriate for use in karst terrains. These include methods that are basic to all hydrogeological studies, such as hydraulic investigations, hydrochemistry, geophysics, isotope chemistry and modelling, with the emphasis placed on their application to karst systems. The various chapters of this book are written by experts in all the different methods. Most of the chapters are multi-authored, and the authors include hydrogeologists who are experienced in evaluating a variety of karst environments and who together, provide a balanced view of all the karst methods.
Methods in Product Design: New Strategies in Reengineering
by Ali K. Kamrani Maryam Azimi Abdulrahman M. Al-AhmariAs industries adopt consumer-focused product development strategies, they should offer broader product ranges in shorter design times and the processes that can manufacture in arbitrary lot sizes. In addition, they would need to apply state-of-the-art methods and tools to easily conduct early product design and development trade-off analysis among competing objectives. Methods in Product Design: New Strategies in Reengineering supplies insights into the methods and techniques that enable implementing a consumer-focused product design philosophy by integrating design and development capabilities with intelligent computer-based systems. The book defines customer focused design and discusses ways to assess changing demands and sources, and delves into what is needed to successfully manufacture goods in a demanding market. It reviews proven methods for assessing customer need. Then, after showing how changing needs impact the reengineering of products, it explains how change can be efficiently achieved. It details how IT advances and technology support customer-focused product development, discusses cutting-edge mass customization principles that maximize cost-effective production, and illustrates how to implement effective predictive maintenance policies.Methods in Product Design: New Strategies in Reengineering provides methods, state-of-the-art technologies, and new strategies for customer-focused product design and development that allow organizations to quickly respond to the demanding global marketplace.
Methods in Rhizosphere Biology Research (Rhizosphere Biology)
by Didier Reinhardt Anil K. SharmaThis book compiles various methodologies used in understanding interactions within the rhizosphere. An in-depth understanding of the rhizosphere is essential to developing successful strategies for future sustainable agriculture. The book summarizes methods and techniques used to study the mechanisms involved in mutualistic symbioses and pathogenic interactions of plants with various microbial organisms including fungi, bacteria, and oomycetes. Each chapter discusses different methodologies used in rhizosphere biology, while also providing real-world experimental data and trouble-shooting tips. Interested researchers will also find a wealth of literature references for further research. As the first comprehensive manual and compilation of methods and techniques used in rhizosphere biology, the book represents an essential resource for all researchers who are newcomers to soil microbiology experimentation.
Methods of Air Sampling and Analysis
by Jr., James LodgeIncludes precise directions for a long list of contaminants! All contaminants you can analyze or monitor with a given method are consolidated together to facilitate use. This book is especially valuable for indoor and outdoor air pollution control, industrial hygiene, occupational health, analytical chemists, engineers, health physicists, biologists, toxicologists, and instrument users.
Methods of Analysis for Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals
by W. Jeffrey HurstIn the quest for accurate and efficient analysis of the diverse area encompassed by functional foods and nutraceuticals, analysts encounter unique challenges. Uncertainty over which compound is responsible for a particular health benefit forces analysts to look for marker compounds, sometimes at extremely low levels, and sometimes as part of a matr
Methods of Analysis of Food Components and Additives (Chemical & Functional Properties of Food Components)
by Semih ÖtleşWith diet, health, and food safety news making headlines on a regular basis, the ability to separate, identify, and analyze the nutrients, additives, and toxicological compounds found in food and food components is more important than ever. This requires proper training in the application of best methods, as well as efforts to improve existing meth
Methods of Analytical Dynamics (Dover Civil and Mechanical Engineering)
by Leonard MeirovitchA balanced presentation that encompasses both formalism and structure in analytical dynamics, this text also addresses solution methods. Its remarkably broad and comprehensive exploration of the subject employs an approach as natural as it is logical. In addition to material usually covered in graduate courses in dynamics and nonlinear mechanics, Methods of Analytical Dynamics presents selected modern applications.Contents include discussions of fundamentals of Newtonian and analytical mechanics, motion relative to rotating reference frames, rigid body dynamics, behavior of dynamical systems, geometric theory, stability of multi-degree-of-freedom autonomous and nonautonomous systems, and analytical solutions by perturbation techniques. Later chapters cover transformation theory, the Hamilton-Jacobi equation, theory and applications of the gyroscope, and problems in celestial mechanics and spacecraft dynamics. Two helpful appendixes offer additional information on dyadics and elements of topology and modern analysis. 128 figures. 1970 edition.
Methods of Applied Mathematics for Engineers and Scientists
by Tomas B. CoBased on course notes from over twenty years of teaching engineering and physical sciences at Michigan Technological University, Tomas Co's engineering mathematics textbook is rich with examples, applications, and exercises. Professor Co uses analytical approaches to solve smaller problems to provide mathematical insight and understanding, and numerical methods for large and complex problems. The book emphasizes applying matrices with strong attention to matrix structure and computational issues such as sparsity and efficiency. Chapters on vector calculus and integral theorems are used to build coordinate-free physical models with special emphasis on orthogonal coordinates. Chapters on ODEs and PDEs cover both analytical and numerical approaches. Topics on analytical solutions include similarity transform methods, direct formulas for series solutions, bifurcation analysis, Lagrange-Charpit formulas, shocks/rarefaction and others. Topics on numerical methods include stability analysis, DAEs, high-order finite-difference formulas, Delaunay meshes, and others. MATLAB® implementations of the methods and concepts are fully integrated.
Methods of Mathematical Modelling: Fractional Differential Equations (Mathematics and its Applications)
by Harendra Singh Devendra Kumar Dumitru BaleanuThis book features original research articles on the topic of mathematical modelling and fractional differential equations. The contributions, written by leading researchers in the field, consist of chapters on classical and modern dynamical systems modelled by fractional differential equations in physics, engineering, signal processing, fluid mechanics, and bioengineering, manufacturing, systems engineering, and project management. The book offers theory and practical applications for the solutions of real-life problems and will be of interest to graduate level students, educators, researchers, and scientists interested in mathematical modelling and its diverse applications. Features Presents several recent developments in the theory and applications of fractional calculus Includes chapters on different analytical and numerical methods dedicated to several mathematical equations Develops methods for the mathematical models which are governed by fractional differential equations Provides methods for models in physics, engineering, signal processing, fluid mechanics, and bioengineering Discusses real-world problems, theory, and applications
Methods of Mathematical Modelling and Computation for Complex Systems (Studies in Systems, Decision and Control #373)
by Jagdev Singh Hemen Dutta Devendra Kumar Dumitru Baleanu Jordan HristovThis book contains several contemporary topics in the areas of mathematical modelling and computation for complex systems. The readers find several new mathematical methods, mathematical models and computational techniques having significant relevance in studying various complex systems. The chapters aim to enrich the understanding of topics presented by carefully discussing the associated problems and issues, possible solutions and their applications or relevance in other scientific areas of study and research. The book is a valuable resource for graduate students, researchers and educators in understanding and studying various new aspects associated with complex systems. Key Feature • The chapters include theory and application in a mix and balanced way. • Readers find reasonable details of developments concerning a topic included in this book. • The text is emphasized to present in self-contained manner with inclusion of new research problems and questions.
Methods of Measuring Environmental Parameters
by Yuriy PosudinProvides a systematic review of modern methods and instruments for measuring environmental parameters * Profiles the most modern methods and instruments for environment control and monitoring * Gives an assessment of biotic and abiotic factors and their effect on quality of atmosphere and indoor air, soil, water * Provides a brief description of the main climatic (pressure, wind, temperature, humidity, precipitation, solar radiation), atmospheric, hydrographic, and edaphic factors * Covers a wide range environmental methods and instrumentation including those used in the fields of meteorology, air pollution, water quality, soil science and more * Supplied with practical exercises, problems, and tests that will help the reader to learn more deeply contents of the book
Methods of Molecular Analysis in the Life Sciences
by Andreas Hofmann Anne Simon Tanja Grkovic Malcolm Jones Andreas Hofmann Anne Simon Tanja GrkovicDelivering fundamental insights into the most popular methods of molecular analysis, this text is an invaluable resource for students and researchers. It encompasses an extensive range of spectroscopic and spectrometric techniques used for molecular analysis in the life sciences, especially in the elucidation of the structure and function of biological molecules. Covering the range of up-to-date methodologies from everyday mass spectrometry and centrifugation to the more probing X-ray crystallography and surface-sensitive techniques, the book is intended for undergraduates starting out in the laboratory and for more advanced postgraduates pursuing complex research goals. The comprehensive text provides strong emphasis on the background principles of each method, including equations where they are of integral importance to the individual techniques. With sections on all the major procedures for analysing biological molecules, this book will serve as a useful guide across a range of fields, from new drug discovery to forensics and environmental studies.
Methods of Operations Research
by Dr Saul I. Gass Philip M. Morse George E. KimballOperations research originated during World War II with the military's need for a scientific method of providing executive departments with a quantitative decision-making basis. This volume — co-written by the father of operations research and one of his closest associates — originally appeared in classified form but was later made available to scientists, engineers, and other nonmilitary professionals. The authors discuss probability and the use of measures of effectiveness. They explore strategical kinematics, tactical analysis, gunnery and bombardment problems, operational experiments with equipment and tactics, and organizational and procedural problems. This new edition features an introduction by Saul I. Gass. 51 figures. 31 tables.
Methods of Partial Deafness Treatment
by Henryk SkarżyńskiThis book presents the revolutionary approach to the treatment of hearing loss proposed by Professor Henryk Skarżyński and developed in collaboration with the group of internationally recognized experts on clinical and experimental otolaryngology, otosurgery, and audiology. The authors present an in-depth look at different aspects of this comprehensive concept of treatment of partial and total deafness with hearing implants, and discuss the approaches to diagnostics and patient selection, results in different groups of patients, the surgical technique, and procedures. This book also covers audiological aspects, auditory training, patient's performance, and psychology. This book is a comprehensive review of the method of partial and total deafness treatment developed and introduced into clinical practice by Professor Henryk Skarżyński. The publication is noteworthy for presenting a multifaceted approach to the subject from related science experts’ and clinicians’ point of view.
Methods of the Alignment-Relay Technique for Nanosystems: Optimization and Innovation (Springer Theses)
by Monika SnowdonThis thesis addresses the problem of improving the alignment of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) in transistor applications, taking a unique approach using iptycenes acting as molecular tweezers in combination with a liquid crystal solvent. As part of a project to test the effectiveness of a multi-step method, the so-called Alignment Relay Technique (ART), this work contributed evidence for the selectivity and stability of ART, as well as providing the first proof-of-concept that ART can be used to create CNT field-effect transistors (FETs). The thesis effectively explains and illustrates the chemical synthesis of the tweezers, the concept and actualization of the technique, the various factors observed to influence deposition and selectivity, along with material fabrication using both photolithography and electron beam lithography. This research advances knowledge of transistors and expands the applications of small organic molecules in the field of materials science. Particular highlights of this thesis include: an extensive review of ART, its advantages, and limitations; development of new material chemistry methods for the optimization of semiconducting CNT selectivity; and a comprehensive exploration of fabrication and characterization of CNTFETs for future applications.
Methods to Assess the Quality of Meat Products (Methods and Protocols in Food Science)
by José Manuel Lorenzo Paulo E. S. Munekata Rubén Domínguez Mirian PateiroThis volume provides standardize analytical processes and techniques used for the analysis of meat and meat products. Chapters guide readers through methods on different chemical parameters, measurement of pH, correct determination of texture parameters in different meat and meat products, fat extraction, free amino acids, hydrolyzed amino acids extraction, nitrites and nitrates in meat and meat products, liquid chromatography, and techniques used for the determination of antioxidant capacity in meat and meat products. Authoritative and cutting-edge, Methods to Assess the Quality of Meat Products aims to be a useful practical guide to researches to help further their study in this field.
Methylmercury Accumulation in Rice: Process and Regulation (Emergent Environmental Pollution)
by Xinbin Feng Jörg Rinklebe Jianxu WangThis book presents state-of-the-art knowledge related to concerns about methylmercury (MeHg) in the soil-rice system. It covers increasing concerns about human exposure to methylmercury through the consumption of Hg-contaminated rice and shows the global contamination of soil and how Hg can be mobilized, immobilized, methylated, and demethylated in soils. The authors present the biogeochemical process through which rice plants accumulate Hg. This book comprehensively displays the biogeochemical behavior of Hg in paddy soils and rice plants, as well as the current remediation technologies to mitigate Hg risks from paddy soil ecosystems.Features: Provides cutting-edge knowledge on mercury in paddy field ecosystems Discusses the key biogeochemical transformation processes of mercury in soil Explains the accumulation processes of mercury in rice plants Includes case studies on how to inhibit mercury accumulation in rice plants Shows the application of Hg stable isotope traces in paddy soil-rice field studies Intended for researchers, graduate students, and professionals working in fields such as Geochemistry, Agronomy, and Environmental Science and Engineering, this book will be an important resource for anyone interested in Hg contamination in soils and rice and the related risk for human and environmental health.
Metodi e Modelli Matematici per le Dinamiche Urbane (UNITEXT #128)
by Sergio Albeverio Paolo Giordano Alberto VancheriIl testo presenta metodi e modelli per lo studio delle città viste come sistemi evolutivi che interagiscono con il territorio circostante. Gli aspetti morfologici, strutturali e dinamici sono sottolineati e analizzati con metodi qualitativi e quantitativi originati dalla matematica e dalla fisica, ma anche ispirati da altre scienze naturali e dallo studio dei sistemi socio-economici. Il libro usa la matematica in vari modi: i concetti e i metodi che vanno oltre quelli della matematica elementare vengono introdotti ed esposti brevemente, con particolare attenzione a quelli attinenti a probabilità e statistica che, non facendo parte dell'educazione di base, vengono presentati sistematicamente tramite capitoli appositi. Contributi più specializzati includono argomenti come la dinamica urbana, l'analisi di progetti architettonici per il territorio, l'uso di automi cellulari stocastici, la sintassi dello spazio urbano, l'influenza del paesaggio e della geografia, e i modelli per la mobilità urbana. Il libro è rivolto agli studenti di corsi avanzati di architettura, urbanistica e ingegneria, e a tutte le persone che studiano il territorio o vi operano.
Metrics of Sensory Motor Coordination and Integration in Robots and Animals: How to Measure the Success of Bioinspired Solutions with Respect to their Natural Models, and Against More ‘Artificial’ Solutions? (Cognitive Systems Monographs #36)
by Fabio Bonsignorio Elena Messina Angel P. del Pobil John HallamThis book focuses on a critical issue in the study of physical agents, whether natural or artificial: the quantitative modelling of sensory–motor coordination.Adopting a novel approach, it defines a common scientific framework for both the intelligent systems designed by engineers and those that have evolved naturally. As such it contributes to the widespread adoption of a rigorous quantitative and refutable approach in the scientific study of ‘embodied’ intelligence and cognition. More than 70 years after Norbert Wiener’s famous book Cybernetics: or Control and Communication in the Animal and the Machine (1948), robotics, AI and life sciences seem to be converging towards a common model of what we can call the ‘science of embodied intelligent/cognitive agents’. This book is interesting for an interdisciplinary community of researchers, technologists and entrepreneurs working at the frontiers of robotics and AI, neuroscience and general life and brain sciences.
by Stephen RomanoThe acclaimed author of Resurrection Express breaks all the rules in this non-stop suspense thriller packed with killers, comic books, drug lords, and film nerds.For the last five years, Jollie, Andy, and Mark have lived together in a crazy bohemian crash pad in Austin, Texas, immersed in an endless summer of sex, drugs, and rock and roll. But one of them is not what they seem to be. And when that person finally blows a decades-long cover during a violent attack on a powerful Austin dope dealer, all hell breaks loose in the bloody, bullet-riddled aftermath. As the façade of the normal world sizzles away, revealing an ominous shadow league of endemic spies and assassins known only as METRO, Jollie, Andy, and Mark must run like hell into a very dark night, where love and friendship will bind them, a terrifying hatchet man will close in to kill them, and the pitch black truth about everything will be revealed, again and again...
Metrology and Instrumentation: Practical Applications for Engineering and Manufacturing (Wiley-ASME Press Series)
by Samir MekidMetrology and Instrumentation: Practical Applications for Engineering and Manufacturing provides students and professionals with an accessible foundation in the metrology techniques, instruments, and governing standards used in mechanical engineering and manufacturing. The book opens with an overview of metrology units and scale, then moves on to explain topics such as sources of error, calibration systems, uncertainty, and dimensional, mechanical, and thermodynamic measurement systems. A chapter on tolerance stack-ups covers GD&T, ASME Y14.5-2018, and the ISO standard for general tolerances, while a chapter on digital measurements connects metrology to newer, Industry 4.0 applications.
Metrology and Physical Mechanisms in New Generation Ionic Devices
by Umberto CelanoThis thesis presents the first direct observations of the 3D-shape, size and electrical properties of nanoscale filaments, made possible by a new Scanning Probe Microscopy-based tomography technique referred to as scalpel SPM. Using this innovative technology and nm-scale observations, the author achieves essential insights into the filament formation mechanisms, improves the understanding required for device optimization, and experimentally observes phenomena that had previously been only theoretically proposed.
Metrology and Standardization of Nanotechnology: Protocols and Industrial Innovations
by Daisuke Fujita Debra L. Kaiser Elisabeth Mansfield Marcel Van de VoordeFor the promotion of global trading and the reduction of potential risks, the role of international standardization of nanotechnologies has become more and more important. This book gives an overview of the current status of nanotechnology including the importance of metrology and characterization at the nanoscale, international standardization of nanotechnology, and industrial innovation of nano-enabled products. First the field of nanometrology, nanomaterial standardization and nanomaterial innovation is introduced. Second, major concepts in analytical measurements are given in order to provide a basis for the reliable and reproducible characterization of nanomaterials. The role of standards organizations are presented and finally, an overview of risk management and the commercial impact of metrology and standardization for industrial innovations.
Metrology for Fire Experiments in Outdoor Conditions
by Xavier SilvaniNatural fires can be considered as scale-dependant, non-linear processes of mass, momentum and heat transport, resulting from a turbulent reactive and radiative fluid medium flowing over a complex medium, the vegetal fuel. In natural outdoor conditions, the experimental study of natural fires at real scale needs the development of an original metrology, one able to capture the large range of time and length scales involved in its dynamic nature and also able to resist the thermal, mechanical and chemical aggression of flames on devices. Robust, accurate and poorly intrusive tools must be carefully set-up and used for gaining very fluctuating data over long periods. These signals also need the development of original post-processing tools that take into account the non-steady nature of their stochastic components. Metrology for Fire Experiments in Outdoor Conditions closely analyzes these features, and also describes measurements techniques, the thermal insulation of fragile electronic systems, data acquisition, measurement errors and optimal post-processing algorithms. This book is intended for practitioners as a reference guide for optimizing measurements techniques in an outdoor environment. Advanced-level students and researchers will also find the book invaluable.