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Showing 42,401 through 42,425 of 71,748 results

Metrology for Inclusive Growth of India

by Dinesh K. Aswal

This book describes the significance of metrology for inclusive growth in India and explains its application in the areas of physical–mechanical engineering, electrical and electronics, Indian standard time measurements, electromagnetic radiation, environment, biomedical, materials and Bhartiya Nirdeshak Dravyas (BND®). Using the framework of “Aswal Model”, it connects the metrology, in association with accreditation and standards, to the areas of science and technology, government and regulatory agencies, civil society and media, and various other industries. It presents critical analyses of the contributions made by CSIR-National Physical Laboratory (CSIR-NPL), India, through its world-class science and apex measurement facilities of international equivalence in the areas of industrial growth, strategic sector growth, environmental protection, cybersecurity, sustainable energy, affordable health, international trade, policy-making, etc. The book will be useful for science and engineering students, researchers, policymakers and entrepreneurs.

Metrology in Industry: The Key for Quality

by French College of Metrology

Metrology is an integral part of the structure of today’s world: navigation and telecommunications require highly accurate time and frequency standards; human health and safety relies on authoritative measurements in diagnosis and treatment, as does food production and trade; global climate studies also depend on reliable and consistent data. Moreover, international trade practices increasingly require institutions to display demonstrated conformity to written standards and specifications. As such, having relevant and reliable results of measurements and tests in compliance with mutually recognised standards can be a technical, commercial and statutory necessity for a company. This book, the results of a working group from the French College of Metrology and featuring chapters written by a range of experts from a variety of European countries, gives a comprehensive and international treatment of the subject. Academics involved in metrology as well as people involved in the metrology capacities of companies and institutions will find this book of great interest.


by Richard Kadrey

The cult-classic dystopian cyberpunk tale from New York Times bestselling author Richard Kadrey, after twenty years, now back in print in a special signed, collectible editionWelcome to our future: L.A. in the late twenty-first century--a segregated city of haves and have-nots, where morality is dead and technology rules. Here, a small wealthy group secludes themselves in gilded cages. Beyond their high-security compounds, far from their pretty comforts, lies a lawless wasteland where the angry masses battle hunger, rampant disease, and their own despair in order to survive.Jonny was born into this Hobbesian paradise. A streetwise hustler who deals drugs on the black market--narcotics that heal the body and cool the mind--he looks out for nobody but himself. Until a terrifying plague sweeps through L.A., wreaking death and panic, and no one, not even a clever operator like Jonny, is safe.lude a Q & A with Cory Doctorow.

Metropolitan Transportation Planning (2nd Edition)

by John W. Dickey

Metropolitan Transportation Planning (2nd Edition) by John W. Dickey.

Mexican Natural Resources Management and Biodiversity Conservation: Recent Case Studies

by Alfredo Ortega-Rubio

This book presents valuable and recent lessons learned regarding the links between natural resources management, from a Socio-Ecological perspective, and the biodiversity conservation in Mexico. It address the political and social aspects, as well as the biological and ecological factors, involved in natural resources management and their impacts on biodiversity conservation. It is a useful resource for researchers and professionals around the globe, but especially those in Latin American countries, which are grappling with the same Bio-Cultural heritage conservation issues.

Mexican Women in American Factories: Free Trade and Exploitation on the Border

by Carolyn Tuttle

Prior to the millennium, economists and policy makers argued that free trade between the United States and Mexico would benefit both Americans and Mexicans. They believed that NAFTA would be a “win-win” proposition that would offer U. S. companies new markets for their products and Mexicans the hope of living in a more developed country with the modern conveniences of wealthier nations. Blending rigorous economic and statistical analysis with concern for the people affected, Mexican Women in American Factories offers the first assessment of whether NAFTA has fulfilled these expectations by examining its socioeconomic impact on workers in a Mexican border town. Carolyn Tuttle led a group that interviewed 620 women maquila workers in Nogales, Sonora, Mexico. The responses from this representative sample refute many of the hopeful predictions made by scholars before NAFTA and reveal instead that little has improved for maquila workers. The women’s stories make it plain that free trade has created more low-paying jobs in sweatshops where workers are exploited. Families of maquila workers live in one- or two-room houses with no running water, no drainage, and no heat. The multinational companies who operate the maquilas consistently break Mexican labor laws by requiring women to work more than nine hours a day, six days a week, without medical benefits, while the minimum wage they pay workers is insufficient to feed their families. These findings will make a crucial contribution to debates over free trade, CAFTA, and the impact of globalization.

mHealth and Human-Centered Design Towards Enhanced Health, Care, and Well-being (Studies in Big Data #120)

by Sofia Scataglini Silvia Imbesi Gonçalo Marques

The book examines the current state of mHealth and Human-Centered Design (HCD) initiatives toward health, care, and well-being. The present surge in interest in improving people's quality of life is creating new prospects for the development of innovative design solutions aimed at enhancing living conditions. The combination of emerging user needs and opportunities provided by recent innovative mHealth technologies enables research institutions, stakeholders, and academia to design new solutions to promote well-being, health, and care, thereby improving the quality of life of people of all ages. The book analyzes and discusses the most innovative services, products, and systems in the healthcare field. This strategy is in line with the concept of ambient assisted living or enhanced living environment, which focuses on the comfort and health of specific categories of users.This book covers several topics highlighting the importance of involving end-users in the design of innovative solutions in digital health care, and design considerations of mobile healthcare applications.Furthermore, the covered topics are described in their current applications in relevant fields focusing on the design of smart solutions, such as biomonitoring systems, activity recognition tools, smart living environments, physical autonomy, and virtual assistance.This editorial project is addressed to academics, designers, engineers, and practitioners in health care who want to promote cooperation between academia, stakeholders, and research institutions.

mHealth Multidisciplinary Verticals

by Sasan Adibi

An in-depth overview of the emerging concept; Mobile Health (mHealth), mHealth Multidisciplinary Verticals links applications and technologies to key market and vendor players. It also highlights interdependencies and synergies between various stakeholders which drive the research forces behind mHealth. The book explores the trends and directions w

Mic It!: Microphones, Microphone Techniques, And Their Impact On The Final Mix

by Ian Corbett

Capture great sound in the first place, and spend less time "fixing it in the mix" with Ian Corbett’s Mic It! Microphones, Microphone Techniques, and Their Impact on the Final Mix. With his expert guidance, you’ll quickly understand essential audio concepts as they relate to microphones and mic techniques, and learn how to apply them to your recording situation. Whether you only ever buy one microphone, are equipping a studio on a budget, or have a vast selection of great mics to use, you’ll learn to better use whatever tools you have. Mic It! gives you the background to design and discover your own solutions to record the best sound possible. The information in these pages will help you record great source tracks that can be easily developed into anything from ultra-clean mixes to huge, organic soundscapes. Beginning with essential audio theory, then discussing the desirable characteristics of good sound and the elements of a good stereo recording, the book covers microphones, mono and stereo mic techniques, the effect of the recording space or room, and large classical and jazz ensemble recording. A variety of mic techniques for vocals and instruments (both individual and groups) are presented, ranging from vital knowledge that no novice should be without, to advanced techniques that more experienced engineers can explore to benefit and vary the sound of their recordings. Corbett explains large room vs. layer-by-layer small-room recording situations, presents the best techniques for each, and shares typical production challenges and their resolutions. The book provides in depth information on how different mic techniques can be used, modified and fine-tuned to capture not only the best sound, but the best sound for the mix, as well as how to approach and set up the recording session, mixing, and avoid common recording and mixing mistakes.

Micellar Catalysis (Surfactant Science)

by null Mohammad Niyaz Khan

Micelles are prevalent in naturally occurring and biological catalytic reactions. However, it is only in recent decades that scientists have developed kinetic models clarifying how micelle-mediated catalysis works at a molecular level. Written by a leading expert in the field, Micellar Catalysis is an in-depth examination of how micelles affect rea

Micellar Enhanced Ultrafiltration: Fundamentals & Applications (IIT Kharagpur Research Monograph Series)

by null Sirshendu De null Sourav Mondal

A response to increasingly stringent regulation of pollution and toxicity levels in industrial waste discharge, Micellar Enhanced Ultrafiltration: Fundamentals & Applications offers the most complete book available on the benefits and use of micellar-enhanced ultrafiltration (MEUF) to achieve continuous removal of organic and inorganic pollutan

Michael Balz: Shells and Visions

by John Chilton

This book presents a review of the work of the architect Michael Balz, pioneer of concrete-shell architecture. It discusses his projects, both realized and unbuilt, many being designed in collaboration with the renowned Swiss engineer Heinz Isler.Profusely illustrated with original drawings and photographs, Michael Balz: Shells and Visions caters to the increasing interest in the design and construction of free-form reinforced concrete shells consequent on the advent of 3D modelling and form-finding software. The book describes architectural designs and practical construction issues to motivate contemporary shell designers.Balz’s experience of dealing with such difficulties as incompatibility with non-structural features and the insertion of windows into shells, and the assessment of buildings’ long-term performance allow readers to learn more easily how to cope with such issues in their own work.The book introduces Michael Balz, his early work with other architects, including his work on pneumatic forms with Frei Otto, and his evolution into an exponent of organic architecture. It then discusses completed projects, including the outdoor Theater unter den Kuppeln (1976), Ballettsaal (1979) and Balz House (1981). Competitions Balz entered and unrealized shell projects also receive attention, as does his work on the urban scale, highlighting conceptual designs of mega-cities. His visionary megastructures encourage the exploration of innovative solutions for city spaces by architects faced with today’s increased urbanization. Michael Balz: Shells and Visions will be of interest to students and professionals in the fields of architecture, structural engineering, building and urban design. It’s reflections on the cultural and contextual aspects of Balz’s work will help the architectural historian to appreciate its long-term significance.

Michael Balz: Schalen und Visionen

by John Chilton

Dieses Buch gibt einen Überblick über das Werk des Architekten Michael Balz, dem Pionier der Betonschalenarchitektur. Es behandelt seine realisierten und nicht realisierten Projekte, von denen viele in Zusammenarbeit mit dem renommierten Schweizer Ingenieur Heinz Isler entworfen wurden.Michael Balz. Schalen und Visionen ist reichlich mit Originalzeichnungen und Fotos illustriert: Schalen und Visionen trägt dem zunehmenden Interesse am Entwurf und der Konstruktion von Stahlbeton-Freiformschalen Rechnung, das mit dem Aufkommen von 3D-Modellierungs- und Formfindungssoftware einhergeht. Das Buch beschreibt architektonische Entwürfe und praktische Konstruktionsfragen, um zeitgenössische Schalendesigner zu motivieren.Balz' Erfahrung im Umgang mit Schwierigkeiten wie der Unvereinbarkeit mit nicht-strukturellen Merkmalen und dem Einbau von Fenstern in Schalen sowie der Bewertung der langfristigen Leistungsfähigkeit von Gebäuden ermöglicht es den Lesern, leichterzu lernen, wie sie mit solchen Problemen bei ihrer eigenen Arbeit umgehen können.Das Buch stellt Michael Balz vor, seine frühe Arbeit mit anderen Architekten, einschließlich seiner Arbeit an pneumatischen Formen mit Frei Otto, und seine Entwicklung zu einem Vertreter der organischen Architektur. Anschließend werden realisierte Projekte besprochen, darunter das Theater unter den Kuppeln (1976), der Ballettsaal (1979) und das Haus Balz (1981). Wettbewerbe, an denen Balz teilgenommen hat, und nicht realisierte Rohbauprojekte finden ebenfalls Beachtung, ebenso wie seine Arbeiten im städtischen Maßstab, wobei die konzeptionellen Entwürfe für Megastädte im Mittelpunkt stehen. Seine visionären Megastrukturen ermutigen Architekten, angesichts der zunehmenden Urbanisierung innovative Lösungen für den Stadtraum zu finden. Michael Balz: Schalen und Visionen wird für Studenten und Fachleute aus den Bereichen Architektur, Bauingenieurwesen, Bauwesen und Stadtplanung vonInteresse sein. Die Überlegungen zu den kulturellen und kontextuellen Aspekten von Balz' Werk werden dem Architekturhistoriker helfen, seine langfristige Bedeutung zu schätzen.

Michael Collins: A Life

by Dr James Mackay

The most charismatic figure to emerge during the struggles for the independence of Ireland was undoubtedly Michael Collins. This remarkable biography, which draws on much hitherto unpublished material, charts the dramatic rise of the country boy who became head of the Free State and the commander-in-chief of the army.

Michael Polanyi and His Generation: Origins of the Social Construction of Science

by Mary Jo Nye

In Michael Polanyi and His Generation, Mary Jo Nye investigates the role that Michael Polanyi and several of his contemporaries played in the emergence of the social turn in the philosophy of science. This turn involved seeing science as a socially based enterprise that does not rely on empiricism and reason alone but on social communities, behavioral norms, and personal commitments. Nye argues that the roots of the social turn are to be found in the scientific culture and political events of Europe in the 1930s, when scientific intellectuals struggled to defend the universal status of scientific knowledge and to justify public support for science in an era of economic catastrophe, Stalinism and Fascism, and increased demands for applications of science to industry and social welfare. At the center of this struggle was Polanyi, who Nye contends was one of the first advocates of this new conception of science. Nye reconstructs Polanyi's scientific and political milieus in Budapest, Berlin, and Manchester from the 1910s to the 1950s and explains how he and other natural scientists and social scientists of his generation--including J. D. Bernal, Ludwik Fleck, Karl Mannheim, and Robert K. Merton--and the next, such as Thomas Kuhn, forged a politically charged philosophy of science, one that newly emphasized the social construction of science.

Michael Vey 3: Battle of the Ampere (Michael Vey #3)

by Richard Paul Evans

The hair-raising action continues for Michael Vey in this charged third installment of the #1 New York Times bestselling series.Michael, Taylor, Ostin and the rest of the Electroclan have destroyed the largest of the Elgen Starxource plants, but now they’re scattered across the Amazon jungle. The Elgen have joined forces with the Peruvian army to capture the Electroclan, and only Michael has managed to remain free. With his friends due to stand trial for terrorism—a charge that may carry the death penalty—Michael will need all his wits and his abilities if he’s to save them. Meanwhile, on the other side of the world, Dr. Hatch and his loyal Electric Children have seized control of the E.S. Ampere—the super yacht the Elgen use as their headquarters. With the Elgen fleet now under his control, Hatch heads back to Peru to pick up his army and then begin his quest for global domination. Michael will have to free his friends then find a way to stop Hatch, but the organization behind the mysterious voice that has guided him to this point has been compromised. Hatch knows Michael and the Electroclan are coming. And he’s ready for them. Can the Electroclan win the battle of the Ampere? Or has Michael’s luck finally run out?

Michael Vey 4: Hunt for Jade Dragon (Michael Vey #4)

by Richard Paul Evans

Michael and his friends must rescue a child prodigy as the thrilling action continues in this electrifying fourth installment of the New York Times bestselling series!Michael, Taylor, Ostin and the rest of the Electroclan head to China in search of a girl who may have discovered why Michael and his friends became electric. Her name is Lin Julung, or Jade Dragon, and she’s a child prodigy with an IQ higher than Einstein’s—and Ostin’s. But Hatch gets to her first, and the Elgen are holding her prisoner in their Taiwan Starxource plant. Now the Voice wants Michael and the Electroclan to go to Taiwan and free her before Hatch can realize his dreams of an army of electric children. The hunt for Jade Dragon is on, and it’s a race against time!

Michael Vey 6: Fall of Hades (Michael Vey #6)

by Richard Paul Evans

Michael and his friends try to recruit Hatch&’s Electric Youth to their side as the thrilling action continues in this electrifying sixth installment of the New York Times bestselling series!Michael and the Electroclan are about to embark on their deadliest mission yet. Some of them may not make it back. The head of the resistance, known only as the voice, believes that the best way to wipe out the Elgen is to steal their money. That means capturing the Joule, the Elgen boat that serves as a floating treasury. To do this, Michael and his friends need help…a lot of help. They’ve learned about a highly placed member of the Elite Elgen Guard named Welch, who wants to defect. They also know that Hatch has condemned three of his electric youth to death. If the Electroclan can get to Welch before the Elgen do, and if they can rescue Quentin, Torstyn, and Tara, they just might be able to steal the Joule. But it’s a big “if”… The stakes have never been higher, and Michael and his friends are about to be tested in ways they never imagined.


by Algis Budrys

Published less than a decade into the Internet era, this remarkable science fiction novel foreshadows many of the world&’s technological advances One of the world&’s wealthiest and most influential men, journalist Laurent Michaelmas lives in a penthouse overlooking New York City&’s Central Park with his superintelligent computer, Domino. He attained his fame and power after hacking into the worldwide computer network. He then went on to use his unique gifts to create a version of the UN that would ensure global peace. In short, he and Domino secretly run the world. But now he has reason for concern. A Swiss doctor has cured an astronaut believed to have vaporized in a shuttle explosion during an expedition to the outer planets of the solar system. Suspecting that something extraterrestrial is behind this miraculous recovery, Michaelmas uses his immense influence to launch an international investigation. Are there really aliens in their midst? Is the resurrection of a dead man an attempt to cancel history and destroy the world&’s precarious balance of power?

Michigan Oil and Gas

by Jack R. Westbrook

Michigan is commonly recognized as a manufacturing center and for its splendid tourist attractions. Lesser known is Michigan's role as a leader in the production of oil and gas. Since the discovery of commercial quantities of oil in Saginaw in 1925, Michigan has grown to become the 12th-largest natural gas and 17th-largest crude oil producer of the 34 states producing oil and gas. Michigan's petroleum heritage spans 64 of the state's 68 Lower Peninsula counties and has played a role in shielding communities from the financial devastation of the Great Depression, funding acquisition of hundreds of public recreation projects through the Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund, and rising to meet environmental challenges through improving technologies. Michigan Oil and Gas documents that heritage with photographs from the Clarke Historical Library Norman X. Lyon and Michigan Oil & Gas News Collections.

Michigan's C. Harold Wills: The Genius Behind the Model T and the Wills Sainte Claire Automobile

by Alan Naldrett Lynn Lyon Naldrett Terry Ernest

One of the unsung heroes of the auto world, C. Harold Wills designed the Model T when he worked as Henry Ford's right-hand man. Later, he founded his own company to produce the legendary Wills Sainte Claire. Every endeavor displayed his trademark inventiveness, from the development of the overhead cam engine to the toboggan run on the roof of his house. He used his money to create one of the first worker model cities at Marysville, Michigan. In this long-overdue biography, Alan and Lynn Lyon Naldrett preserve the legacy of an automotive icon.

Michoud Assembly Facility

by Cindy Donze Manto

After an auspicious beginning as a royal land grant from French king Louis XV to a wealthy French citizen of New Orleans in 1763, the land Michoud Assembly Facility occupies remained in private ownership until 1940, when it was sold to the US government. Prior to World War II, the site was used to grow sugar, hunt muskrat, and build railroad and telephone lines. In 1941, the world's largest industrial site was built, covering 43 acres of unobstructed, low-humidity, air-cooled space under one roof to construct C-46 cargo planes. The Korean War required the assembly of Sherman and Patton tanks there, while the space race compelled the design and assembly of the colossal Saturn I, IB, and V rocket boosters for the Apollo program that reported directly to Dr. Wernher von Braun. The 1970s saw the fabrication of the enormous external tank for the Space Shuttle program. Today, Michoud Assembly Facility continues to support the US space program by building major components for the Orion Multi-Purpose Crew Vehicle (or MPCV).

Micro: 30 Clever Coding and Electronics Projects for Kids

by Simon Monk

Build your own secret laboratory with 30 coding and electronic projects!The BBC micro:bit is a tiny, cheap, yet surprisingly powerful computer that you can use to build cool things and experiment with code. The 30 simple projects and experiments in this book will show you how to use the micro:bit to build a secret science lab complete with robots, door alarms, lie detectors, and more--as you learn basic coding and electronics skills.Here are just some of the projects you'll build: • A "light guitar" you can play just by moving your fingers • A working lie detector • A self-watering plant care system • A two-wheeled robot • A talking robotic head with moving eyes • A door alarm made with magnetsLearn to code like a Mad Scientist!


by Richard Preston Michael Crichton

In Jurassic Park, he created a terrifying new world. Now, in Micro, Michael Crichton reveals a universe too small to see and too dangerous to ignore.In a locked Honolulu office building, three men are found dead with no sign of struggle except for the ultrafine, razor-sharp cuts covering their bodies. The only clue left behind is a tiny bladed robot, nearly invisible to the human eye.In the lush forests of Oahu, groundbreaking technology has ushered in a revolutionary era of biological prospecting. Trillions of microorganisms, tens of thousands of bacteria species, are being discovered; they are feeding a search for priceless drugs and applications on a scale beyond anything previously imagined.In Cambridge, Massachusetts, seven graduate students at the forefront of their fields are recruited by a pioneering microbiology start-up. Nanigen MicroTechnologies dispatches the group to a mysterious lab in Hawaii, where they are promised access to tools that will open a whole new scientific frontier.But once in the Oahu rain forest, the scientists are thrust into a hostile wilderness that reveals profound and surprising dangers at every turn. Armed only with their knowledge of the natural world, they find themselves prey to a technology of radical and unbridled power. To survive, they must harness the inherent forces of nature itself.An instant classic, Micro pits nature against technology in vintage Crichton fashion. Completed by visionary science writer Richard Preston, this boundary-pushing thriller melds scientific fact with pulse-pounding fiction to create yet another masterpiece of sophisticated, cutting-edge entertainment.

Micro-algae: Cultivation and Refining Processes (Clean Energy Production Technologies)

by Pradeep Verma

This edited book provides an account of past, present, and future constraints in microalgae-based biorefineries, emphasizing cultivation and refining processes. The book offers an insight into the recent advancements in the technologies and methods developed microalgae-based biorefinery for bioenergy and biochemicals production. The fast depletion of fossil fuels has forced researchers to move out of reliance on fossil fuels for the industrial and energy sector’s needs. Due to its rich protein and lipid content, microalgal biomass has been considered one of the suitable substrates for the biorefinery. Microalgal production and harvesting for biofuel and chemicals is a tedious task. Several technological advances have been observed in this area, thus systematically checking the viability of technology at laboratory scale and then moving to large scale production, harvesting, extraction, processing, and characterization is the main focus of the book. This book is equally beneficial for researchers and engineers in biomass-based biorefineries or the bachelors, master, or young budding graduate students as a textbook.

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