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Micro- and Nano-Scale Sensors and Transducers
by Ezzat G. BakhoumThe rapidly emerging fields of nanotechnology and nano-fabrication have enabled the creation of new sensors with dramatic improvements in sensitivity and range, along with substantial miniaturization. And, although there are many books on nanotechnology, recent advances in micro and nano-scale sensors and transducers are not adequately represented
Micro and Nano Techniques for the Handling of Biological Samples
by null Jaime Castillo-Leon null Winnie Edith Svendsen null Maria DimakiSeveral micro- and nanomanipulation techniques have emerged in recent decades thanks to advances in micro- and nanofabrication. For instance, the atomic force microscope (AFM) uses a nano-sized tip to image, push, pull, cut, and indent biological material in air, liquid, or vacuum. Using micro- and nanofabrication techniques, scientists can make ma
Micro and Nano Technologies in Bioanalysis
by James W. Lee Robert S. FooteIn recent years, large-scale advances in technology have led to greater understanding of the world on a much tinier scale: the biomolecular level. In Micro and Nano Technologies in Bioanalysis: Methods and Protocols, expert researchers from across the globe explore the technology which makes this analysis possible, investigating the worlds of microfluidics and nanotechnologies, and examining physical science techniques for the separation, detection, manipulation, and analysis of biomolecules. This volume contains innovative protocols on the application of microfluidics and the utilization of physical science-related technologies that will prove to be invaluable in the field of molecular biology. Chapters contain cutting edge applications of emerging nanotechnologies, including quantum dots and molecular fluorescence for the imaging and tracking of biomolecules. Composed in the highly successful Methods in Molecular BiologyTM series format, each chapter contains a brief introduction, step-by-step methods, a list of necessary materials, and a Notes section which shares tips on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls. Comprehensive and groundbreaking, Micro and Nano Technologies in Bioanalysis: Methods and Protocols is a necessary tool for cellular biologists, biochemists, microbiologists, geneticists and medical researchers alike.
Micro-and Nanoelectromechanical Biosensors
by Liviu Nicu Thierry LeïchléMost books dedicated to the issues of bio-sensing are organized by the well-known scheme of a biosensor. In this book, the authors have deliberately decided to break away from the conventional way of treating biosensing research by uniquely addressing biomolecule immobilization methods on a solid surface, fluidics issues and biosensing-related transduction techniques, rather than focusing simply on the biosensor. The aim is to provide a contemporary snapshot of the biosensing landscape without neglecting the seminal references or products where needed, following the downscaling (from the micro- to the nanoscale) of biosensors and their respective best known applications. To conclude, a brief overview of the most popularized nanodevices applied to biology is given, before comparing biosensor criteria in terms of targeted applications.
Micro- and Nanoelectronics: Emerging Device Challenges and Solutions (Devices, Circuits, and Systems #35)
by Tomasz BrozekMicro- and Nanoelectronics: Emerging Device Challenges and Solutions presents a comprehensive overview of the current state of the art of micro- and nanoelectronics, covering the field from fundamental science and material properties to novel ways of making nanodevices. Containing contributions from experts in both industry and academia, this cutting-edge text: Discusses emerging silicon devices for CMOS technologies, fully depleted device architectures, characteristics, and scaling Explains the specifics of silicon compound devices (SiGe, SiC) and their unique properties Explores various options for post-CMOS nanoelectronics, such as spintronic devices and nanoionic switches Describes the latest developments in carbon nanotubes, iii-v devices structures, and more Micro- and Nanoelectronics: Emerging Device Challenges and Solutions provides an excellent representation of a complex engineering field, examining emerging materials and device architecture alternatives with the potential to shape the future of nanotechnology.
Micro and Nanoelectronics Devices, Circuits and Systems: Select Proceedings of MNDCS 2021 (Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering #781)
by Trupti Ranjan Lenka Durgamadhab Misra Arindam BiswasThe book presents select proceedings of the International Conference on Micro and Nanoelectronics Devices, Circuits and Systems (MNDCS-2021). The volume includes cutting-edge research papers in the emerging fields of micro and nanoelectronics devices, circuits, and systems from experts working in these fields over the last decade. The book is a unique collection of chapters from different areas with a common theme and will be immensely useful to academic researchers and practitioners in the industry who work in this field.
Micro and Nanoelectronics Devices, Circuits and Systems: Select Proceedings of MNDCS 2022 (Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering #904)
by Trupti Ranjan Lenka Durgamadhab Misra Lan FuThis book presents select proceedings of the International Conference on Micro and Nanoelectronics Devices, Circuits and Systems (MNDCS-2022). The book includes cutting-edge research papers in the emerging fields of micro and nanoelectronics devices, circuits, and systems from experts working in these fields over the last decade. The book is a unique collection of chapters from different areas with a common theme and is immensely useful to academic researchers and practitioners in the industry who work in this field.
Micro and Nanoelectronics Devices, Circuits and Systems: Select Proceedings of MNDCS 2023 (Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering #1067)
by Trupti Ranjan Lenka Samar K. Saha Lan FuThis book presents select proceedings of the International Conference on Micro and Nanoelectronics Devices, Circuits and Systems (MNDCS-2023). The book includes cutting-edge research papers in the emerging fields of micro and nanoelectronics devices, circuits, and systems from experts working in these fields over the last decade. The book is a unique collection of chapters from different areas with a common theme and is immensely useful to academic researchers and practitioners in the industry who work in this field.
Micro- and Nanoflows: Modeling And Experiments (Fluid Mechanics And Its Applications Ser. #118)
by Valery Ya. Rudyak Vladimir M. Aniskin Anatoly A. Maslov Andrey V. Minakov Sergey G. MironovThis book describes physical, mathematical and experimental methods to model flows in micro- and nanofluidic devices. It takes in consideration flows in channels with a characteristic size between several hundreds of micrometers to several nanometers. Methods based on solving kinetic equations, coupled kinetic-hydrodynamic description, and molecular dynamics method are used. Based on detailed measurements of pressure distributions along the straight and bent microchannels, the hydraulic resistance coefficients are refined. Flows of disperse fluids (including disperse nanofluids) are considered in detail. Results of hydrodynamic modeling of the simplest micromixers are reported. Mixing of fluids in a Y-type and T-type micromixers is considered. The authors present a systematic study of jet flows, jets structure and laminar-turbulent transition. The influence of sound on the microjet structure is considered. New phenomena associated with turbulization and relaminarization of the mixing layer of microjets are discussed. Based on the conducted experimental investigations, the authors propose a chart of microjet flow regimes. When addressing the modeling of microflows of nanofluids, the authors show where conventional hydrodynamic approaches can be applied and where more complicated models are needed, and they analyze the hydrodynamic stability of the nanofluid flows. The last part of the book is devoted the statistical theory of the transport processes in fluids under confined conditions. The authors present the constitutive relations and the formulas for transport coefficients. In conclusion the authors present a rigorous analysis of the viscosity and diffusion in nanochannels and in porous media.
Micro- and Nanomanipulation Tools
by Christofer Hierold Yu Sun Osamu Tabata Xinyu Liu Gary K. Fedder Oliver Brand Jan G. KorvinkCombining robotics with nanotechnology, this ready reference summarizes the fundamentals and emerging applications in this fascinating research field. This is the first book to introduce tools specifically designed and made for manipulating micro- and nanometer-sized objects, and presents such examples as semiconductor packaging and clinical diagnostics as well as surgery. The first part discusses various topics of on-chip and device-based micro- and nanomanipulation, including the use of acoustic, magnetic, optical or dielectrophoretic fields, while surface-driven and high-speed microfluidic manipulation for biophysical applications are also covered. In the second part of the book, the main focus is on microrobotic tools. Alongside magnetic micromanipulators, bacteria and untethered, chapters also discuss silicon nano- and integrated optical tweezers. The book closes with a number of chapters on nanomanipulation using AFM and nanocoils under optical and electron microscopes. Exciting images from the tiniest robotic systems at the nano-level are used to illustrate the examples throughout the work. A must-have book for readers with a background ranging from engineering to nanotechnology.
Micro and Nanomanufacturing Volume II
by Mark J. Jackson Waqar AhmedThis completly revised new edition offers a comprehensive treatment of micro and nanofabrication techniques and applies established and research laboratory manufacturing techniques to various materials. Designed as a companion volume to the book Micro and Nanomanufacturing, it covers topics such as aligned nanowire growth, molecular dynamics simulation of nanomaterials, atomic force microscopy for microbial cell surfaces, 3D printing of pharmaceuticals, microvascular coaptation methods, and more. The chapters also cover a wide variety of applications in areas such as surgery, auto components, living cell detection, dentistry, nanoparticles in medicine, and aerospace components, with six brand new chapters covering applications including the role of nanotechnology and nanomaterials in the manufacture of Lithium-ion batteries for electric vehicles, the incineration of waste materials, the manufacturing of cosmetics, sputtered thin films for biomedical applications, and the manufacture of nanofibers using electrospinning. Micro and Nanomanufacturing Volume II is an ideal text for professionals working in the field and for graduate students in micro and nanomanufacturing courses.
Micro and Nanomechanics, Volume 5
by La Vern Starman Jennifer Hay Nikhil KaranjgaokarMicro-and Nanomechanics, Volume 5 of the Proceedings of the 2016 SEM Annual Conference & Exposition on Experimental and Applied Mechanics, the fifth volume of ten from the Conference, brings together contributions to this important area of research and engineering. The collection presents early findings and case studies on a wide range of areas, including: MEMS: Materials & Interfaces Microscale & Microstructural Effects on Mechanical Behavior Novel Nano-scale Probes Nanoindentation & Beyond Nanomechanics Dynamic Micro/Nano Mechanics
Micro and Nanomechanics, Volume 5
by Lavern Starman Jenny HayMicro-and Nanomechanics, Volume 5 of the Proceedings of the 2017 SEM Annual Conference & Exposition on Experimental and Applied Mechanics, the fifth volume of nine from the Conference, brings together contributions to this important area of research and engineering. The collection presents early findings and case studies on a wide range of areas, including: MEMS & Energy Harvesting 1D & 2D Materials/Fabrication Micro/Nano Microscopy Techniques Nanomechanics Flexible & Stretchable Electronics Interfaces & Adhesion
Micro- and Nanophotonic Technologies
by Kazuaki Sakoda Marcel Van de Voorde Patrick MeyrueisEdited and authored by leading experts from top institutions in Europe, the US and Asia, this comprehensive overview of micro- and nanophotonics covers the physical and chemical fundamentals, while clearly focusing on the technologies and applications in industrial R&D. As such, the book reports on the four main areas of telecommunications and display technologies; light conversion and energy generation; light-based fabrication of materials; and micro- and nanophotonic devices in metrology and control.
Micro and Nanoplastics in Soil: Threats to Plant-Based Food
by Naga Raju Maddela Kondakindi Venkateswar Reddy Pabbati RanjitThis contributed volume gives a state-of-the-art overview of microplastics and nanoplastics (MPs and NPs) in soils and their relationship with growing plants. Through chapters contributed by a wide variety of researchers, the book offers readers an understanding of MP and NP adsorption, uptake, and effects, as well as implications for trophic transmission, food safety, and security. Cutting-edge topics such as trophic transfer and remediation of MPs and NPs in soil samples are also addressed. The book begins with a primer on terrestrial MPs and NPs, their effects on terrestrial plants, and how these contaminants affect human populations. From there, the volume is split into four sections which address both problems caused by MPs and NPs in soil and potential remediation solutions. The first section deals with the mechanics of how MPs and NPs pollute soils and how toxic chemicals affect the soil profile and its flora, fauna and microbes. The second section of the book discusses trophic transfer of MPs and NPs from roots to shoot, shoot to leaves, and then to fruits. The third section details the threats to humans that are present as a result of MPs and NPs in soils. The fourth and last section gives covers bioremediation techniques that can be employed in order to reclaim polluted soils.
Micro- and Nanoscale Fluid Mechanics: Transport in Microfluidic Devices
by Brian J. KirbyThis text focuses on the physics of fluid transport in micro- and nanofabricated liquid-phase systems, with consideration of gas bubbles, solid particles, and macromolecules. This text was designed with the goal of bringing together several areas that are often taught separately - namely, fluid mechanics, electrodynamics, and interfacial chemistry and electrochemistry - with a focused goal of preparing the modern microfluidics researcher to analyze and model continuum fluid mechanical systems encountered when working with micro- and nanofabricated devices. This text is not a summary of current research in the field, and it omits any discussion of microfabrication techniques or any attempt to summarize the technological state of the art. This text serves as a useful reference for practicing researchers but is designed primarily for classroom instruction. Worked sample problems are inserted throughout to assist the student, and exercises are included at the end of each chapter to facilitate use in classes.
Micro- and Nanoscale Phenomena in Tribology
by Yip-Wah ChungDrawn from presentations at a recent National Science Foundation Summer Institute on Nanomechanics, Nanomaterials, and Micro/Nanomanufacturing, Micro- and Nanoscale Phenomena in Tribology explores the convergence of the multiple science and engineering disciplines involved in tribology and the connection from the macro to nano world. Written by spe
Micro and Nanostructured Epoxy / Rubber Blends
by Christophe Sinturel Sabu Thomas Raju ThomasEpoxy resins are polymers which are extensively used as coating materials due to their outstanding mechanical properties and good handling characteristics. A disadvantage results from their high cross-link density: they are brittle and have very low resistance to crack growth and propagation. This necessitates the toughening of the epoxy matrix without impairing its good thermomechanical properties. The final properties of the polymer depend on their structure. The book focuses on the microstructural aspects in the modification of epoxy resins with low molecular weight liquid rubbers, one of the prime toughening agents commonly employed. The book follows thoroughly the reactions of elastomer-modified epoxy resins from their liquid stage to the network formation. It gives an in-depth view into the cure reaction, phase separation and the simultaneous development of the morphology. Chapters on ageing, failure analysis and life cycle analysis round out the book.
Micro- and Nanostructured Multiphase Polymer Blend Systems: Phase Morphology and Interfaces
by Sabu Thomas Charef Harrats Gabriel GroeninckxMicro- and Nanostructured Multiphase Polymer Blend Systems: Phase Morphology and Interfaces focuses on the formation of phase morphology in polymer blends and copolymers and considers various types of blends including thermosets, thermoplastics, thermoplastic vulcanizates, and structured copolymers. The book carefully debates the processing
Micro- and Nanotechnologies-Based Product Development
by Neelesh Kumar Mehra Arvind GulbakeThis book provides comprehensive information of the nanotechnology-based pharmaceutical product development including a diverse range of arenas such as liposomes, nanoparticles, fullerenes, hydrogels, thermally responsive externally activated theranostics (TREAT), hydrogels, microspheres, micro- and nanoemulsions and carbon nanomaterials. It covers the micro- and nanotechnological aspects for pharmaceutical product development with the product development point of view and also covers the industrial aspects, novel technologies, stability studies, validation, safety and toxicity profiles, regulatory perspectives, scale-up technologies and fundamental concept in the development of products. Salient Features: Covers micro- and nanotechnology approaches with current trends with safety and efficacy in product development. Presents an overview of the recent progress of stability testing, reverse engineering, validation and regulatory perspectives as per regulatory requirements. Provides a comprehensive overview of the latest research related to micro- and nanotechnologies including designing, optimisation, validation and scale-up of micro- and nanotechnologies. Is edited by two well-known researchers by contribution of vivid chapters from renowned scientists across the globe in the field of pharmaceutical sciences. Dr. Neelesh Kumar Mehra is working as an Assistant Professor of Pharmaceutics & Biopharmaceutics at the Department of Pharmaceutics, National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education & Research (NIPER), Hyderabad, India. He received ‘TEAM AWARD’ for successful commercialisation of an ophthalmic suspension product. He has authored more than 60 peer-reviewed publications in highly reputed international journals and more than 10 book chapter contributions. He has filed patents on manufacturing process and composition to improved therapeutic efficacy for topical delivery. He guided PhD and MS students for their dissertations/research projects. He has received numerous outstanding awards including Young Scientist Award and Team Award for his research output. He recently published one edited book, ‘Dendrimers in Nanomedicine: Concept, Theory and Regulatory Perspectives’, in CRC Press. Currently, he is editing books on nano drug delivery-based products with Elsevier Pvt Ltd. He has rich research and teaching experience in the formulation and development of complex, innovative ophthalmic and injectable biopharmaceutical products including micro- and nanotechnologies for regulated market. Dr. Arvind Gulbake is working as an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Pharmacy, School of Pharmaceutical & Population Health Informatics, at DIT University, Dehradun, India. He has authored more than 40 peer-reviewed publications in highly reputed international journals, four book chapters and a patent contribution. He has received outstanding awards including Young Scientist Award and BRG Travel Award for his research. He is an assistant editor for IJAP. He guided PhD and MS students for their dissertations/research projects. He has successfully completed extramural project funded by SERB, New Delhi, Government of India. He has more than 12 years of research and teaching experience in the formulation and development of nanopharmaceuticals.
Micro and Smart Devices and Systems
by K. J. Vinoy G. K. Ananthasuresh Rudra Pratap S. B. KrupanidhiThe book presents cutting-edge research in the emerging fields of micro, nano and smart devices and systems from experts working in these fields over the last decade. Most of the contributors have built devices or systems or developed processes or algorithms in these areas. The book is a unique collection of chapters from different areas with a common theme and is immensely useful to academic researchers and practitioners in the industry who work in this field.
Micro-computed Tomography (micro-CT) in Medicine and Engineering
by Kaan OrhanThis book focuses on applications of micro CT, CBCT and CT in medicine and engineering, comprehensively explaining the basic principles of these techniques in detail, and describing their increasing use in the imaging field.It particularly highlights the scanning procedure, which represents the most crucial step in micro CT, and discusses in detail the reconstruction process and the artifacts related to the scanning processes, as well as the imaging software used in analysis. Written by international experts, the book illustrates the application of micro CT in different areas, such as dentistry, medicine, tissue engineering, aerospace engineering, geology, material engineering, civil engineering and additive manufacturing. Covering different areas of application, the book is of interest not only to specialists in the respective fields, but also to broader audience of professionals working in the fields of imaging and analysis, as well as to students of the different disciplines.
by Kai Cheng Dehong HuoMicro-Cutting: Fundamentals and Applications comprehensively covers the state of the art research and engineering practice in micro/nano cutting: an area which is becoming increasingly important, especially in modern micro-manufacturing, ultraprecision manufacturing and high value manufacturing.This book provides basic theory, design and analysis of micro-toolings and machines, modelling methods and techniques, and integrated approaches for micro-cutting. The fundamental characteristics, modelling, simulation and optimization of micro/nano cutting processes are emphasized with particular reference to the predictabilty, producibility, repeatability and productivity of manufacturing at micro and nano scales.The fundamentals of micro/nano cutting are applied to a variety of machining processes including diamond turning, micromilling, micro/nano grinding/polishing, ultraprecision machining, and the design and implementation of micro/nano cutting process chains and micromachining systems.Key features* Contains contributions from leading global experts* Covers the fundamental theory of micro-cutting* Presents applications in a variety of machining processes* Includes examples of how to implement and apply micro-cutting for precision and micro-manufacturingMicro-Cutting: Fundamentals and Applications is an ideal reference for manufacturing engineers, production supervisors, tooling engineers, planning and application engineers, as well as machine tool designers. It is also a suitable textbook for postgraduate students in the areas of micro-manufacturing, micro-engineering and advanced manufacturing methods.
Micro-electrical Discharge Machining Processes: Technologies And Applications (Materials Forming, Machining and Tribology)
by Golam Kibria Muhammad P. Jahan B. BhattacharyyaThis book offers a comprehensive collection of micro electrical discharge machining (EDM) processes, including hybrid processes. It discusses the theory behind each process and their applications in various technological as well as biomedical domains, and also presents a brief background to various micro EDM processes, current research challenges, and detailed case studies of micro-manufacturing miniaturized parts. The book serves as a valuable guide for students and researchers interested in micro EDM and other related processes.
Micro Electro Discharge Machining: Principles and Applications (Micro and Nanomanufacturing Series)
by Ajay M. Sidpara Ganesh MalayathMicro Electro Discharge Machining (EDM) is a prominent technology for the fabrication of micro components in many fields. Nowadays, it is used like a conventional machine tool due to favorable characteristics. This book provides the fundamental knowledge of the principles of the process and its variants, the different process parameters, the role of machine components and systems, the challenges, and how to eliminate processing errors. It also includes real life applications of micro EDM in different areas with the most relevant examples.