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Microcontrollers: Fundamentals and Applications with PIC
by Fernando E. Valdes-Perez Ramon Pallas-ArenyMicrocontrollers exist in a wide variety of models with varying structures and numerous application opportunities. Despite this diversity, it is possible to find consistencies in the architecture of most microcontrollers. Microcontrollers: Fundamentals and Applications with PIC focuses on these common elements to describe the fundamentals of microcontroller design and programming. Using clear, concise language and a top-bottom approach, the book describes the parts that make up a microcontroller, how they work, and how they interact with each other. It also explains how to program medium-end PICs using assembler language. Examines analog as well as digital signals This volume describes the structure and resources of general microcontrollers as well as PIC microcontrollers, with a special focus on medium-end devices. The authors discuss memory organization and structure, and the assembler language used for programming medium-end PIC microcontrollers. They also explore how microcontrollers can acquire, process, and generate digital signals, explaining available techniques to deal with parallel input or output, peripherals, resources for real-time use, interrupts, and the specific characteristics of serial data interfaces in PIC microcontrollers. Finally, the book describes the acquisition and generation of analog signals either using resources inside the chip or by connecting peripheral circuits. Provides hands-on clarification Using practical examples and applications to supplement each topic, this volume provides the tools to thoroughly grasp the architecture and programming of microcontrollers. It avoids overly specific details so readers are quickly led toward design implementation. After mastering the material in this text, they will understand how to efficiently use PIC microcontrollers in a design process.
Microcosm Manual for Environmental Impact Risk Assessment: From Chemicals to Whole Effluent Toxicity (WET)
by Yuhei InamoriThis book offers a comprehensive guide to microcosms (N-systems) in multiple-species testing and aquatic ecosystem risk assessment. It provides standardized methods for creating the microbial ecosystem, and proposes a standardized microcosm system for environmental impact risk assessments. The book will be of interest to students and educators, researchers, government authorities, developers and manufacturers engaged in ecosystem preservation, water quality management personnel at sewage treatment or industrial effluent treatment facilities, and anyone involved in education, management and analysis evaluation for environmental standards and waste water quality standards.
Microcystic Aeruginosa Removal by Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF)
by Aleksandar VlaskiThe problem of reservoir eutrophication and resulting increase of algal activity is common for seven Dutch waterworks. In this context, the text investigates dissolved air flotation (DAF) as an alternative for algae removal, compared to conventionally applied sedimentation.
Microdrop Generation (Nano- and Microscience, Engineering, Technology and Medicine #Vol. 5)
by Eric R. LeeThe applications and use of inkjet-like microfluidic drop ejectors have grown rapidly in many fields, including biotechnology, drug discovery, combinatorial chemistry, and microfabrication. Yet to date, end users and even designers of microdrop systems for scientific applications have had no books to reference on the subject. Microdrop Generation meets the needs of all those who need to understand the physics and engineering behind microdrop technology. It also contains detailed, how-to information on the practical construction, operation, troubleshooting, and fluid formulation for microdrop ejection systems. Written by a highly experienced practitioner of the art, the book is organized as a self-contained tutorial of microdrop technology ideal for those new to the field.
Microdroplet Technology
by Yonghao Zhang Philip Day Andreas ManzMicrodroplet technology has recently emerged to provide new and diverse applications via microfluidic functionality, especially in various areas of biology and chemistry. This book, then, gives an overview of the principle components and wide-ranging applications for state-of-the-art of droplet-based microfluidics. Chapter authors are internationally-leading researchers from chemistry, biology, physics and engineering that present various key aspects of micrdroplet technology -- fundamental flow physics, methodology and components for flow control, applications in biology and chemistry, and a discussion of future perspectives. This book acts as a reference for academics, post-graduate students, and researcher wishing to deepen their understand of microfluidics and introduce optimal design and operation of new droplet-based microfluidic devices for more comprehensive analyte assessments.
Microelectrofluidic Systems: Modeling and Simulation (Nano- and Microscience, Engineering, Technology and Medicine)
by null Tianhao Zhang null Krishnendu Chakrabarty null Richard B. FairComposite systems that integrate microelectromechanical and microelectrofluidic (MEF) components with electronics are emerging as the next generation of system-on-a-chip (SOC) designs. However, there remains a pressing need for a structured methodology for MEFS design automation, including modeling techniques and simulation and optimization tools. Integrating top-down and bottom-up design philosophies, Microelectrofluidic Systems presents the first comprehensive design strategy for MEFS. This strategy supports hierarchical modeling and simulation from the component level to the system level. It leads to multi-objective optimization tools valuable in all phases of the design process, from conceptualization to final manufacturing. The authors begin by defining the basic variables and elements needed to describe MEFS behavior, then model that behavior across three layers of abstraction: the low-level component, high-level reconfigurable architecture, and bio/chemical application layers. They have developed a hierarchical integrated design environment with SystemC and present its architecture and associated functional packages. Microelectrofluidic Systems is visionary in its leverage of electronic design principles for microsystem design and heralds a new era of automated SOC design. The strategy it presents holds the potential for significant reductions in design time and life-cycle maintenance costs, and its techniques and tools for robust design and application flexibility can lead to the high-volume production needed for the inevitably growing product market.
Microelectromechanical Systems: Advanced Materials and Fabrication Methods
by Committee on Advanced Materials Fabrication Methods for Microelectromechanical SystemsMicroelectromenchanical systems (MEMS) is a revolutionary field that adapts for new uses a technology already optimized to accomplish a specific set of objectives. The silicon-based integrated circuits process is so highly refined it can produce millions of electrical elements on a single chip and define their critical dimensions to tolerances of 100-billionths of a meter. The MEMS revolution harnesses the integrated circuitry know-how to build working microsystems from micromechanical and microelectronic elements. MEMS is a multidisciplinary field involving challenges and opportunites for electrical, mechanical, chemical, and biomedical engineering as well as physics, biology, and chemistry. As MEMS begin to permeate more and more industrial procedures, society as a whole will be strongly affected because MEMS provide a new design technology that could rival--perhaps surpass--the societal impact of integrated circuits.
Microelectronic Circuit Design for Energy Harvesting Systems
by Maurizio Di Paolo EmilioThis book describes the design of microelectronic circuits for energy harvesting, broadband energy conversion, new methods and technologies for energy conversion. The author also discusses the design of power management circuits and the implementation of voltage regulators. Coverage includes advanced methods in low and high power electronics, as well as principles of micro-scale design based on piezoelectric, electromagnetic and thermoelectric technologies with control and conditioning circuit design.
Microelectronic Design of Fuzzy Logic-Based Systems (International Series on Computational Intelligence)
by null Iluminada Baturone null Angel Barriga null Carlos Jimenez-Fernandez null Diego R. Lopez null Santiago Sanchez-SolanoFuzzy logic has virtually exploded over the landscape of emerging technologies, becoming an integral part of myriad applications and a standard tool for engineers. Until recently, most of the attention and applications have centered on fuzzy systems implemented in software. But these systems are limited. Problems that require real-time operation, low area, or low power consumption demand hardware designed to the fuzzy paradigm - and engineers with the background and skills to design it.Microelectronic Design of Fuzzy Logic-Based Systems offers low-cost answers to issues that software cannot resolve. From the theoretical, architectural, and technological foundation to design tools and applications, it serves as your guide to effective hardware realizations of fuzzy logic.Review fuzzy logic theory and the basic issues of fuzzy sets, operators, and inference mechanisms Explore the trade-offs between efficient theoretical behavior and practical hardware realizations Discover the properties of the possible microelectronic realizations of fuzzy systems - conventional processors, fuzzy coprocessors, and fuzzy chips Investigate the design of fuzzy chips that implement the whole fuzzy inference method into silicon Analyze analog, digital, and mixed-signal techniques Reduce your design effort for fuzzy systems with CAD tools - learn the requirements they should meet and survey current environments. Put it all together - see examples and case studies illustrating how all of this is used to solve particular problems related to control and neuro-fuzzy applications
Microelectronic Systems
by Albert Heuberger Randolf Hanke Günter Elst Karlheinz Kirsch Janina HeppnerThis book is dedicated to Prof. Dr. Heinz Gerhäuser on the occasion of his retirement both from the position of Executive Director of the Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits IIS and from the Endowed Chair of Information Technologies with a Focus on Communication Electronics (LIKE) at the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg. Heinz Gerhäuser's vision and entrepreneurial spirit have made the Fraunhofer IIS one of the most successful and renowned German research institutions. He has been Director of the Fraunhofer IIS since 1993, and under his leadership it has grown to become the largest of Germany's 60 Fraunhofer Institutes, a position it retains to this day, currently employing over 730 staff. Likely his most important scientific as well as application-related contribution was his pivotal role in the development of the mp3 format, which would later become a worldwide success. The contributions to this Festschrift were written by both Fraunhofer IIS staff and external project team members in appreciation of Prof. Dr. Gerhäuser's lifetime academic achievements and his inspiring leadership at the Fraunhofer IIS. The papers reflect the broad spectrum of the institute's research activities and are grouped into sections on circuits, information systems, visual computing, and audio and multimedia. They provide academic and industrial researchers in fields like signal processing, sensor networks, microelectronics, and integrated circuits with an up-to-date overview of research results that have a huge potential for cutting-edge industrial applications.
Microelectronic Systems: Circuits, Systems and Applications
by Karlheinz Kirsch Janina HeppnerThis book is dedicated to Prof. Dr. Heinz Gerhäuser on the occasion of his retirement both from the position of Executive Director of the Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits IIS and from the Endowed Chair of Information Technologies with a Focus on Communication Electronics (LIKE) at the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg.Heinz Gerhäuser's vision and entrepreneurial spirit have made the Fraunhofer IIS one of the most successful and renowned German research institutions. He has been Director of the Fraunhofer IIS since 1993, and under his leadership it has grown to become the largest of Germany's 60 Fraunhofer Institutes, a position it retains to this day, currently employing over 730 staff. Likely his most important scientific as well as application-related contribution was his pivotal role in the development of the mp3 format, which would later become a worldwide success.The contributions to this Festschrift were written by both Fraunhofer IIS staff and external project team members in appreciation of Prof. Dr. Gerhäuser's lifetime academic achievements and his inspiring leadership at the Fraunhofer IIS. The papers reflect the broad spectrum of the institute's research activities and are grouped into sections on circuits, information systems, visual computing, and audio and multimedia. They provide academic and industrial researchers in fields like signal processing, sensor networks, microelectronics, and integrated circuits with an up-to-date overview of research results that have a huge potential for cutting-edge industrial applications.
Microelectronic Test Structures for CMOS Technology
by Mark B. Ketchen Manjul BhushanMicroelectronic Test Structures for CMOS Technology and Products addresses the basic concepts of the design of test structures for incorporation within test-vehicles, scribe-lines, and CMOS products. The role of test structures in the development and monitoring of CMOS technologies and products has become ever more important with the increased cost and complexity of development and manufacturing. In this timely volume, IBM scientists Manjul Bhushan and Mark Ketchen emphasize high speed characterization techniques for digital CMOS circuit applications and bridging between circuit performance and characteristics of MOSFETs and other circuit elements. Detailed examples are presented throughout, many of which are equally applicable to other microelectronic technologies as well. The authors' overarching goal is to provide students and technology practitioners alike a practical guide to the disciplined design and use of test structures that give unambiguous information on the parametrics and performance of digital CMOS technology.
by Maurizio Paolo EmilioThis book serves as a practical guide for practicing engineers who need to design analog circuits for microelectronics. Readers will develop a comprehensive understanding of the basic techniques of analog modern electronic circuit design, discrete and integrated, application as sensors and control and data acquisition systems,and techniques of PCB design. · Describes fundamentals of microelectronics design in an accessible manner; · Takes a problem-solving approach to the topic, offering a hands-on guide for practicing engineers; · Provides realistic examples to inspire a thorough understanding of system-level issues, before going into the detail of components and devices; · Uses a new approach and provides several skills that help engineers and designers retain key and advanced concepts.
Microelectronics (Electronics Handbook Series)
by Jerry C. WhitakerWhen it comes to electronics, demand grows as technology shrinks. From consumer and industrial markets to military and aerospace applications, the call is for more functionality in smaller and smaller devices. Culled from the second edition of the best-selling Electronics Handbook, Microelectronics, Second Edition presents a summary of the current state of microelectronics and its innovative directions.This book focuses on the materials, devices, and applications of microelectronics technology. It details the IC design process and VLSI circuits, including gate arrays, programmable logic devices and arrays, parasitic capacitance, and transmission line delays. Coverage ranges from thermal properties and semiconductor materials to MOSFETs, digital logic families, memory devices, microprocessors, digital-to-analog and analog-to-digital converters, digital filters, and multichip module technology. Expert contributors discuss applications in machine vision, ad hoc networks, printing technologies, and data and optical storage systems. The book also includes defining terms, references, and suggestions for further reading. This edition features two new sections on fundamental properties and semiconductor devices.With updated material and references in every chapter, Microelectronics, Second Edition is an essential reference for work with microelectronics, electronics, circuits, systems, semiconductors, logic design, and microprocessors.
Microelectronics and Signal Processing: Advanced Concepts and Applications
by Sanket GoelThis book is about general and specific areas involved in electrical and electronics engineering which comprises broad subjects such as MEMS and Microfluidics, VLSI, Communication and Signal Processing. This book discusses the recent trends in various aspects of research areas for diverse applications like biomedical, biochemical, and power source systems. It also discusses modelling, simulating, and prototyping of the different electronic-based systems for carrying out varied applications. With this book, the readers will understand the multiplatform fundamentals guiding electrical and biomedical devices that form the current features such as automation, integration, and miniaturization of a particular device. This book showcases a unique platform as it covers the different areas of research in this trending era as a benchmark. This book is a link between the electronics and cutting-edge technologies that are being used for numerous applications representing the physical and virtual developments of electronic devices. Therefore, this book will mostly uphold the innovation and originality involved in the development of miniaturized devices, and proposing new methods, emphasizing with different areas of electrical and electronics engineering. This book entitles various approaches involved in electrical, biomedical, and electronics for modern distribution of research strategies and covers the state-of-art research themes. These include signal sensing, signal simulators, 3D printing technology, power systems, data acquisition systems, instrumentation, electrochemical sensing, electromechanical measurements, and signal analysis. The book will provide the academic perspectives of the cutting-edge R&D outputs from the faculty members and Ph.D. students, amalgamating the newer cross-dimensional areas, such as cyber-physical systems, nanoelectronics, smart-sensors, point-of-need devices, etc. The book will become a benchmark to the readers to understand the academic aspect of the contemporary work and the way forward on how this will lead to help the society-at-large.
Microelectronics, Circuits and Systems: Select Proceedings of Micro2021 (Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering #976)
by Abhijit Biswas Aminul Islam Rishu Chaujar Olga JaksicThis book covers the proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Microelectronics, Circuits, and Systems (Micro2021) having design and developments of devices, micro- and nanotechnologies, and electronic appliances. This book includes the latest developments and emerging research topics in material sciences, devices, microelectronics, circuits, nanotechnology, system design and testing, simulation, sensors, photovoltaics, optoelectronics, and its different applications. This book is of great attraction to researchers and professionals working in electronics, microelectronics, electrical, and computer engineering.
Microelectronics, Circuits and Systems: Select Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Micro2020 (Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering #755)
by Abhijit Biswas Raghvendra Saxena Debashis DeThis book presents a collection of peer-reviewed articles from the 7th International Conference on Microelectronics, Circuits, and Systems – Micro 2020. The volume covers the latest development and emerging research topics of material sciences, devices, microelectronics, circuits, nanotechnology, system design and testing, simulation, sensors, photovoltaics, optoelectronics, and its different applications. This book also deals with several tools and techniques to match the theme of the conference. It will be a valuable resource for researchers, professionals, Ph.D. scholars, undergraduate and postgraduate students working in Electronics, Microelectronics, Electrical, and Computer Engineering.
Microelectronics, Communication Systems, Machine Learning and Internet of Things: Select Proceedings of MCMI 2020 (Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering #887)
by Vijay Nath Jyotsna Kumar MandalThis volume presents peer-reviewed papers of the First International Conference on Microelectronics, Communication Systems, Machine Learning, and the Internet of Things (MCMI-2020). This book discusses recent trends in technology and advancement in microelectronics, nano-electronics, VLSI design, IC technologies, wireless communications, optical communications, SoC, advanced instrumentations, signal processing, internet of things, machine learning, image processing, green energy, hybrid vehicles, weather forecasting, cloud computing, renewable energy, CMOS sensors, actuators, RFID, transducers, real-time embedded system, sensor network and applications, EDA design tools and techniques, fuzzy logic & artificial intelligence, high-performance computer architecture, AI-based robotics & applications, brain-computer interface, deep learning, advanced operating systems, supply chain development & monitoring, physical systems design, ICT applications, e-farming, information security, etc. It includes original papers based on theoretical, practical, experimental, simulations, development, application, measurement, and testing. The applications and solutions discussed in the book will serve as good reference material for young scholars, researchers, and academics.
Microelectronics, Electromagnetics and Telecommunications
by Jaume Anguera Suresh Chandra Satapathy Vikrant Bhateja K.V.N. SunithaThe volume contains 94 best selected research papers presented at the Third International Conference on Micro Electronics, Electromagnetics and Telecommunications (ICMEET 2017) The conference was held during 09-10, September, 2017 at Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, BVRIT Hyderabad College of Engineering for Women, Hyderabad, Telangana, India. The volume includes original and application based research papers on microelectronics, electromagnetics, telecommunications, wireless communications, signal/speech/video processing and embedded systems.
Microelectronics, Electromagnetics and Telecommunications: Proceedings of the Fifth ICMEET 2019 (Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering #655)
by P. Satish Rama Chowdary V. V. S. S. S. Chakravarthy Jaume Anguera Suresh Chandra Satapathy Vikrant BhatejaThis book discusses the latest developments and outlines future trends in the fields of microelectronics, electromagnetics and telecommunication. It includes original research presented at the International Conference on Microelectronics, Electromagnetics and Telecommunication (ICMEET 2019), organized by the Department of ECE, Raghu Institute of Technology, Andhra Pradesh, India. Written by scientists, research scholars and practitioners from leading universities, engineering colleges and R&D institutes around the globe, the papers share the latest breakthroughs in and promising solutions to the most important issues facing today’s society.
Microelectronics, Electromagnetics and Telecommunications: Proceedings Of The Fourth Icmeet 2018 (Lecture Notes In Electrical Engineering #521)
by Ganapati Panda Suresh Chandra Satapathy Birendra Biswal Ramesh BansalThe book discusses the latest developments and outlines future trends in the fields of microelectronics, electromagnetics and telecommunication. It contains original research works presented at the International Conference on Microelectronics, Electromagnetics and Telecommunication (ICMEET 2018), organised by GVP College of Engineering (A), Andhra Pradesh, India. The respective papers were written by scientists, research scholars and practitioners from leading universities, engineering colleges and R&D institutes from all over the world, and share the latest breakthroughs in and promising solutions to the most important issues facing today’s society.
Microelectronics, Electromagnetics and Telecommunications
by Suresh Chandra Satapathy N Bheema Rao S Srinivas Kumar C Dharma Raj V Malleswara Rao G V K SarmaThis volume contains 73 papers presented at ICMEET 2015:International Conference on Microelectronics, Electromagnetics andTelecommunications. The conference was held during 18 - 19 December, 2015 atDepartment of Electronics and Communication Engineering, GITAM Institute ofTechnology, GITAM University, Visakhapatnam, INDIA. This volume contains papersmainly focused on Antennas, Electromagnetics, Telecommunication Engineering andLow Power VLSI Design.
Microelectronics - Systems and Devices
by Owen BishopThis is a completely new textbook written to be fully in line with the new BTEC Higher National unit from Edexcel, the 2000 specification Advanced GNVQ unit, BTEC NII and NIII, and A-Level modules. The resulting breadth of coverage makes Microelectronics - Systems and Devices an excellent international student text.The book takes a student-centred approach towards microelectronics, with Test Your Knowledge features to check understanding, and numerous Activities suitable for practicals, homeworks and other assignments. Key facts, formulae and definitions are highlighted to aid revision, and theory is backed up by numerous examples throughout the book. Each chapter ends with a set of problems, which include exam-style questions and multiple-choice questions, with numerical and multi-choice answers provided in the back of the book. In addition, a number of Assignments appear through the book for which answers are provided in a separate lecturer's supplement (free to adopters). The Assignments are ideal for tests or revision homeworks. As well as matching the latest syllabuses, this book covers the latest devices in use in colleges: the 80C31 and PIC families. The material is suitably flexible to provide a core text for colleges using other chips such as the 8051, the 8086/Pentium family and 'classics' such as the Z80 and 6502.Owen Bishop's talent for introducing the world of electronics has long been a proven fact with his Beginner's Guide to Electronics, Understand Electronics and a range of popular circuit construction guides chosen by thousands of students, lecturers and electronics enthusiasts. He is also well known for his college texts such as Understand Technical Mathematics.
Microelectronics to Nanoelectronics: Materials, Devices & Manufacturability
by Anupama B. KaulComposed of contributions from top experts, Microelectronics to Nanoelectronics: Materials, Devices and Manufacturability offers a detailed overview of important recent scientific and technological developments in the rapidly evolving nanoelectronics arena. Under the editorial guidance and technical expertise of noted materials scientist Anupama B. Kaul of California Institute of Technology’s Jet Propulsion Lab, this book captures the ascent of microelectronics into the nanoscale realm. It addresses a wide variety of important scientific and technological issues in nanoelectronics research and development. The book also showcases some key application areas of micro-electro-mechanical-systems (MEMS) that have reached the commercial realm. Capitalizing on Dr. Kaul’s considerable technical experience with micro- and nanotechnologies and her extensive research in prestigious academic and industrial labs, the book offers a fresh perspective on application-driven research in micro- and nanoelectronics, including MEMS. Chapters explore how rapid developments in this area are transitioning from the lab to the market, where new and exciting materials, devices, and manufacturing technologies are revolutionizing the electronics industry. Although many micro- and nanotechnologies still face major scientific and technological challenges and remain within the realm of academic research labs, rapid advances in this area have led to the recent emergence of new applications and markets. This handbook encapsulates that exciting recent progress by providing high-quality content contributed by international experts from academia, leading industrial institutions—such as Hewlett-Packard—and government laboratories including the U.S. Department of Energy’s Sandia National Laboratory. Offering something for everyone, from students to scientists to entrepreneurs, this book showcases the broad spectrum of cutting-edge technologies that show significant promise for electronics and related applications in which nanotechnology plays a key role.
Microemulsions: Properties and Applications
by Monzer FanunThe effective use of microemulsions has increased dramatically during the past few decades as major industrial applications have expanded in a variety of fields. Microemulsions: Properties and Applications provides a complete and systematic assessment of all topics affecting microemulsion performance and discusses the fundamental characteristics, t