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Showing 42,726 through 42,750 of 71,631 results

Microphone Arrays (Springer Topics in Signal Processing #22)

by Jacob Benesty Gongping Huang Jingdong Chen Ningning Pan

This book explains the motivation for using microphone arrays as opposed to using a single sensor for sound acquisition. The book then goes on to summarize the most useful ideas, concepts, results, and new algorithms therein. The material presented in this work includes analysis of the advantages of using microphone arrays, including dimensionality reduction to remove the redundancy while preserving the variability of the array signals using the principal component analysis (PCA). The authors also discuss benefits such as beamforming with low-rank approximations, fixed, adaptive, and robust distortionless beamforming, differential beamforming, and a new form of binaural beamforming that takes advantage of both beamforming and human binaural hearing properties to improve speech intelligibility. The book makes the microphone array signal processing theory and applications available in a complete and self-contained text. The authors attempt to explain the main ideas in a clear and rigorous way so that the reader can easily capture the potentials, opportunities, challenges, and limitations of microphone array signal processing. This book is written for those who work on the topics of microphone arrays, noise reduction, speech enhancement, speech communication, and human-machine speech interfaces.

Microplasma Sprayed Hydroxyapatite Coatings

by Arjun Dey Anoop Kumar Mukhopadhyay

There has been enormous growth in the use of medical implants. However, in the case of hip replacement, loosening of metallic prosthesis fixed with polymethylmethylacrylate bone cement has resulted in painstaking revision surgery, which is a major problem for the patient, surgeon, and biomedical technology itself. In fact, global recognition of thi

Microplastic: Distribution, Avoidance, Usage

by Andreas Fath

The book presents the entire spectrum of the microplastics problem in our waters, from the collection of water samples to their analysis and interpretation. As part of the "R(h)eines Wasser" project, the author swam the Rhine and, based on this experience, addresses a sensitive issue that will occupy humanity for many years to come.

Microplastic Compact: Worth Knowing for Everyone (essentials)

by Andreas Fath

Will we suffocate in our own plastic waste in the coming years? Or will we manage to turn the corner in time? The constantly growing amount of plastic waste is problematic for the environment and for people who consume the plastic waste in the form of microplastics. The author Andreas Fath explains in a scientifically well-founded but generally understandable way what microplastics are, where they come from and what dangers they pose.The translation was done with the help of artificial intelligence (machine translation by the A subsequent human revision was done primarily in terms of content.

Microplastic in the Environment: Pattern and Process (Environmental Contamination Remediation and Management)

by Michael S. Bank

This open access book examines global plastic pollution, an issue that has become a critical societal challenge with implications for environmental and public health. This volume provides a comprehensive, holistic analysis on the plastic cycle and its subsequent effects on biota, food security, and human exposure. Importantly, global environmental change and its associated, systems-level processes, including atmospheric deposition, ecosystem complexity, UV exposure, wind patterns, water stratification, ocean circulation, etc., are all important direct and indirect factors governing the fate, transport and biotic and abiotic processing of plastic particles across ecosystem types. Furthermore, the distribution of plastic in the ocean is not independent of terrestrial ecosystem dynamics, since much of the plastic in marine ecosystems originates from land and should therefore be evaluated in the context of the larger plastic cycle. Changes in species size, distribution, habitat, and food web complexity, due to global environmental change, will likely alter trophic transfer dynamics and the ecological effects of nano- and microplastics. The fate and transport dynamics of plastic particles are influenced by their size, form, shape, polymer type, additives, and overall ecosystem conditions. In addition to the risks that plastics pose to the total environment, the potential impacts on human health and exposure routes, including seafood consumption, and air and drinking water need to be assessed in a comprehensive and quantitative manner. Here I present a holistic and interdisciplinary book volume designed to advance the understanding of plastic cycling in the environment with an emphasis on sources, fate and transport, ecotoxicology, climate change effects, food security, microbiology, sustainability, human exposure and public policy.

Microplastic Pollution: Occurrence, Health Risk and Challenges (Sustainable Industrial and Environmental Bioprocesses)

by Navish Kataria Vinod Kumar Garg Changseok Han Eldon R. Rene

This reference book reviews various aspects of microplastics, from their sources and manifestation in terrestrial, aquatic, and air environments to their fate in wastewater treatment systems. It also covers sampling, analysis, and detection methods for microplastics, along with advanced instrumentation for quantification. Further, the book presents health risk analysis and the toxicity of microplastic contamination, including their ecotoxicological impact on the environment and health risks associated with their accumulation in the tropical food chain and food web. The chapters also present studies exploring the health risks associated with microplastic additives and their interactions with other pollutants. The final chapters focus on plastic and microplastics management, exploring advanced technologies for bioplastics production, the biodegradation of plastics and bioplastics, and the role of nanotechnology in plastic management. This book serves as an important source for researchers, policymakers, and environmentalists concerned about the impact of microplastics on ecosystems and human health.

Microplastic Pollution (Sustainable Textiles: Production, Processing, Manufacturing & Chemistry)

by Subramanian Senthilkannan Muthu

This book addresses the emergent need to act on reducing or getting rid of micro plastic pollution, to achieve a sustainable environment. Microplastics are small plastic pieces, which are less than five millimeters long which can be harmful to our oceans and aquatic life. These predominantly include microfibers from clothing, microbeads, and plastic pellets. Microplastics impact aquatic creatures, turtles and birds. According to the first study on estimation of human ingestion of microplastic, on average a person consumes at least 50,000 particles of microplastic a year and breathes a similar quantity. Ingested microplastic particles can physically damage organs and also compromise immune function and stymie growth and reproduction. This book presents six informative chapters in order to alleviate the above mentioned issues​.

Microplastic sources, fate and solution

by Anish Khan Chongqing Wang Abdullah M. Asiri

This book provides an overview of the sources, occurrence, fate and solution of microplastics. Microplastics in sediment and soil environment have been only scarcely surveyed, and no profound discussion on microplastics removal is summarized until this book. Here we focus on sharing clear schematic information and the book sufficiently supports important microplastic topics: such as microbial network, microplastic toxicology and accumulation, agricultural plastics, nylon microplastics, polystyrene microplastics, polyethylene microplastics and many more. The book mainly provides an overview of recent advances in knowledge of sources, occurrence, distribution, chemical behavior and ecological threats while it also presents information related to feasible solutions for microplastic pollution management. This comprehensive resource will be valuable up-to-date knowledge for environmental scientists, ecotoxicologists, ecologists, marine biologists, environmental chemists in the academic field and this book is intended to be beneficial information for environmental managers, water suppliers, wastewater treatment, plastics manufacturer, and policy makers as well.

Microplastics: Analytical Challenges and Environmental Impacts

by Hyunjung Kim

This book introduces the growing problem of microplastics pollution in the soil and aquatic environment and its interaction with other chemical pollutants. Further, it provides a detailed review of existing analysis techniques for characterization, separation, and quantification of microplastics including their merits and demerits with possible suggestions. Additionally, the regulatory need and actions for improving the economic and quality of plastic recycling, curbing microplastic littering, and stakeholders, researchers, and recyclers challenges are reviewed comprehensively. Priorities are identified to bridge the knowledge gaps for appropriate management of existing challenges. Features: Provides a comprehensive description of the fate and environmental impact of microplastics, along with various characterization methods Overviews the interaction of microplastics with other toxic chemicals and further their transportation in environment Explains how microplastics enter in environment and its effect on biota and human health Analyses existing analytical techniques for characterization of microplastics Describes societal awareness related to use of plastic and discarding This book focusses on graduate students, researchers in environmental engineering, ecological engineering, chemical and biological engineering, plastics and material sciences/engineering, waste management. materials science.

Microplastics: Environmental Pollution and Degradation Process

by Ajay Kumar Mishra Pankaj Raizada Elsayed T. Helmy Santhiagu Arockiasamy Rangabhashiyam Selvasembian

This book presents microplastics pollution in land and water bodies, their hazardous effects, characterization approaches, and suitable means of utilizing advanced treatment options to solve the problem. It is mainly understood that microplastic pollutants are associated with water bodies, however there also exists soil contamination and their interaction with the food web. The discussions related to strategies and policies for the management of microplastics are very limited. This book not only narrows microplastic pollution in marine or fresh water bodies, but also takes into account the terrestrial environment, including the toxicity effects, characterization aspects and treatment approaches. The main feature of the book includes latest research related to microplastics pollution, examining the different health effects including environmental (related) issues and highlights the advances in treatment approaches. The book serves as a guide with an up-to-date information on microplastics related problems, useful for students, researchers, professionals/environmentalists and also as a reference for policy makers.

Microplastics: Footprints On The Earth and Their Environmental Management

by Ramkumar Muthuvairavasamy

This book presents information on the origin and distribution of microplastics, evaluates the methods of their detection, documents their interactions with natural systems, and analyzes the current understanding of their management. Owing to the size, varied compositions, pathways of transport, accumulation and myriad processes of interactions with ecosystems, the microplastics pose severe threats to ecosystem services and natural environmental systems. Therefore, the environmental challenges that microplastics present and the strategies to mitigate their harmful impacts are of great importance to the scientific community, and only a few publications exist that collate this information in a single resource. The book aims to be a comprehensive resource for students, professionals and practitioners of environmental studies on microplastics and how to better understand the threats they pose and the practices to manage them.

Microplastics and Pollutants: Interactions, Degradations and Mechanisms

by V. Sivasankar T. G. Sunitha

This volume discusses the adsorptive profiles of microplastic (MP) pollutants, covering their structural identity, sorption ability and degradation due to photolytic, hydrolytic, mechanical, and other environmental factors. In addition to the quantitation of (MPs) in the environment, the book unveils the deleterious effects on aquatic species and humans due to adsorbed inorganic/organic contaminants on the surface of MPs. The present book finds its uniqueness by presenting in-depth discussions on the interactions and mechanisms of microplastics with organic pollutants, microalgae, and human systems. The interactions and mechanisms between microplastics and microalgae are explored to understand the possible remediation pathways in microplastic contaminated water resources. Students and researchers in the fields of environmental science and engineering, biotechnology, aquaculture, marine technology, and water chemistry can benefit from this book. Furthermore, industries, NGOs and stakeholders dealing with wastewater, solid waste/environmental pollution will find this book useful.

Microplastics in African and Asian Environments: The Influencers, Challenges, and Solutions (Emerging Contaminants and Associated Treatment Technologies)

by Chaitanya B. Pande Johnbosco C. Egbueri Joshua O. Ighalo

This innovative book tackles the pressing global environmental issue of microplastic pollution, with a particular focus on the diverse and ecologically significant regions of Africa and Asia. Through comprehensive analysis, it unveils the alarming extent of microplastic contamination in these regions, highlighting the urgent need for attention and action. The book provides a thorough introduction to microplastics, exploring their composition, formation process, and mechanisms of infiltration into terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. It explains their transport mechanisms, their presence in air, water, soil, sediments, wetlands, and their far-reaching ecological impacts on food security and human health. It investigates their direct and indirect effects on public health, including inhalation, ingestion, toxicological implications, and overall consequences. The book also examines the interactions between human activities, socioeconomic factors, and microplastic proliferation across different environmental compartments. Drawing insights from case studies across coastal cities and remote rural areas, the book illustrates the scope and magnitude of this problem in Africa and Asia. Furthermore, it provides an overview of analytical techniques and methodologies employed in microplastic research, such as GIS, remote sensing, spectroscopy, and computational modelling. It meticulously analyzes current mitigation techniques, best practices, policy frameworks, and the role of public awareness in addressing this issue. The book offers insights into future research directions, mitigation strategies, and broader ecological and human health aspects of microplastic pollution. Designed as a graduate-level resource, this interdisciplinary book is invaluable for researchers across disciplines, policymakers working in these regions, and anyone concerned about the pervasive issue of microplastic pollution and its far-reaching consequences across several other regions of the world.

Microplastics in Human Consumption

by E. V. Ramasamy Ajay Kumar Harit

This book highlights plastic pollution, especially microplastics, and the consequences on the environment and on the human diet through food chain/web transmission and contamination through processing and packaging of various human food items including water and beverages. This book provides a detailed outlook on the microplastics, their origin, distribution, categories, presence in human food items and their impact on the ecosystem, organisms and so forth. It covers updated information on microplastic contamination in the biotic and abiotic products of the sea/ocean, the contamination of microplastics in drinking water/bottled water, honey, sugar and so forth. Features: Discusses the presence of microplastics in matrices prone to human consumption. Includes general information on microplastics, their origin, types, shapes, size and nomenclature. Reviews microplastics in different types of human consumable items. Illustrates fundamental methods and techniques used in microplastics research. Explores overall impacts of microplastics in the organisms contaminated with the same. This book is aimed at researchers, graduate students and faculty members interested in plastic pollution, microplastics, environmental science, food consumption and analysis.

Microplastics in Marine Ecosystem: Sources, Risks, Mitigation Technologies, and Challenges

by Shobhika Parmar Vijay Kumar Sharma Vir Singh

This book addresses pertinent issues relating to microplastic pollution including its sources and sink of the microplastics and their environmental fate. It focuses on the impacts of microplastic pollution on marine life and human health. Available conventional methods and future solutions for the prevention and control of the marine microplastic pollution, such as bacterial and marine fungus biodegradation, membrane technology, and bioengineered microbes are included along with limitations and future challenges. Features: Provides detailed insight into the marine microplastics pollution, fate, health impacts, and removal technology Reviews ecological risks and environmental fate of microplastic pollution to the marine ecosystem Describes control and prevention methods of the microplastics pollution Covers global legislature for the mitigation of microplastic to the marine environment Discusses the role of community participation for the reduction of microplastic emissions This book is aimed at researchers and professionals in environmental engineering, science, and chemistry, marine pollution, marine and aquatic science.

Microplastics in Terrestrial Environments: Emerging Contaminants and Major Challenges (The Handbook of Environmental Chemistry #95)

by Yongming Luo Defu He

This book focuses on microplastics as emerging persistent contaminants in terrestrial environments. Scientists from around the globe review recent advances in multi-disciplinary research on micro(nano)plastics, including analytical methods; the sources, fate and distribution of microplastics; ecological risks; toxicity and health risks; and control and countermeasures for microplastics in terrestrial environments. Offering a comprehensive overview of microplastics in terrestrial environments, the book is a valuable resource for environmental researchers, ecologists and toxicologists, as well as for policymakers and non-experts.

Microplastics in the Environment: From Formation to Remediation

by Xinxing Zhang

Authoritative reference addressing the characteristics, technologies, and solutions surrounding the most concerning environmental pollutant Microplastics in the Environment delivers a systematic and in-depth overview of microplastics generation mechanisms, risk prevention, and control solutions. Written by a highly qualified academic with significant research experience in microplastic pollution treatment, green polymer material functionalization, and recycling of solid waste, Microplastics in the Environment explores sample topics including: Characteristics of microplastics, such as their large specific surface area and small size, resulting in the formation of composite contamination New microplastics blocking approaches and technologies, and the mechanism of microplastics generation under the coupling effect of multiple environmental factors Transport and migration of microplastics, as well as their ecotoxicity to organisms in various environments, especially the complex estuarine environment The current state of plastic production, with insight on how society can find solutions to the expanding plastics industry Microplastics in the Environment is an essential reference on the subject for polymer chemists, materials scientists, environmental chemists, plastics technologists, and ecotoxicologists, as well as all professionals in the plastics industry, especially those focused on sustainability.

Microplastics in the Terrestrial Environment: Pathways and Remediation Strategies

by Surajit Mondal Papita Das Arnab Mondal Poushali Chakraborty

This book aims to address details and research gaps in the impacts of microplastics in terrestrial ecosystems. It addresses the impact of microplastics on the soil environment, and highlights and discusses their transport behavior, pollution level, and the combined effects of the microplastics with other pollutants on the soil ecology. Furthermore, it also highlights the effects of UV irradiations and mechanical abrasions from soil fauna and various agricultural practices.Features: Covers advances in plastic/micro-/nano-plastic pollution and possible pathways of pollution. Demonstrates the mitigation measures to minimize such pollution loads, with a special focus on the application of nanotechnology. Explores recycle and value-added products from waste plastic. Promotes development of alternate clean energy sources. Introduces appropriate alternatives and/or finding strategies to mitigate the existing microplastic crisis using suitable approaches. This book is aimed at researchers and graduate students in environmental and chemical engineering, as well as remediation.

Microplastics Pollution and Worldwide Policies on Plastic Use (ISSN)

by Tin Sin Lee Soo Tueen Bee

Microplastics Pollution and Worldwide Policies on Plastic Use discusses microplastic pollution and global policies developed to tackle the problem. It details the mechanisms of microplastics occurrence, sources, and impacts. It then offers a comprehensive overview of the various policies created by specific countries in Asia, Europe, the Americas, and Africa to address plastics use and minimize its effects. Describes microplastics pollution found worldwide in drinking water and food chains. Addresses policies implemented in Asia, Europe, the Americas, and Africa and details local policies for various countries within each region, including requirements and penalties for non-compliance. Explains the mission and vision of global organizations such as the United Nations, G7, World Economic Forum, World Bank, and Lisbon Treaty. This book is aimed at academics, industrial professionals, policy makers, and general readers interested in the mitigation of microplastic pollution.

Microplastics Pollution Control in Water Systems: Practical Solutions

by Javid Ahmad Parray Aparna B. Gunjal Nowsheen Shameem A. K. Haghi

This book covers advanced solutions for managing water systems pollution caused by microplastics. It provides a comprehensive overview of microplastic contamination, spanning detection in municipal water systems, removal from wastewater using sustainable technologies, and monitoring methods in natural environments. The book also discusses the impacts of microplastics on water bodies and the limitations of current treatment processes, presenting complementary methods to address microplastic contamination. In this book, particular attention is given to practical insights into dealing with microplastic pollution, and readers will find several case studies such as the application of nonwoven electrospun nano-membranes and activated carbon adsorbents for microplastics removal, alongside novel laboratory experiments and field methods like the invertebrate kick-netting technique. The book also offers a forward-looking approach, discussing cutting-edge topics like the application of artificial intelligence for microplastic identification, and the impact of land use patterns on soil microplastic pollution. The book concludes with a chapter devoted to smart management solutions, providing a glimpse into future trends and perspectives in the field. Given its breadth and coverage, the book appeals not only to academics and researchers in the fields of environmental chemistry and environmental sciences but also to professionals and policymakers dealing with microplastic pollution and research.

Microplastics Pollution in Aquatic Media: Occurrence, Detection, and Removal (Environmental Footprints and Eco-design of Products and Processes)

by Mika Sillanpää Ali Khadir Subramanian Senthilkannan Muthu

This book highlights one of the most important water pollutants known as Microplastics. It has been reported that humans and the environment are dealing with microplastics particles in water and aquatic media. Despite the fact that such pollution might have mainly started out from the sea, it is now in lakes, rivers, ponds and even drinking water. This book presents as overview of microplastics in freshwater environments in different regions around the world. It discusses the ecotoxicological effects of microplastics, the removal/remediation techniques of microplastics and the role of water/wastewater treatment plants in spreading microplastics. This book is a valuable resource, covering wide aspects of microplastics from sources, detection and characterization to removal and their fate in treatment plants.

Micropolar Theory of Shells and Plates (Foundations of Engineering Mechanics)

by Sergey A. Ambartsumian (posthumous)

For the first time, the Micropolar Theory of Elasticity is applied to solving a wide variety of problems connected to the specifics of nanomaterials. Namely, their unique physical-mechanical characteristics and behaviors under various stress-induced conditions.These theories have been constructed based on the equations of the classical theory of elasticity as well as other equations that have till now remained untouched in their application to molecular theories of solid deformable media. The book also introduces a new applied micropolar theory of thin shells which is based on Cosserat's pseudo-continuum. It explores the theory’s application to a category of nanomaterial shells and plates previously neglected from classical theories due to their unconventional size and structure. Theoretical results are accompanied by solutions of certain problems, essential for various applications.The book consists of six chapters. The first chapter is a review of the essential data on the non-symmetric theory of elasticity. The second and third chapters are devoted to various theories of plate bending and solutions to some basic problems. Chapter four refers to membrane or, so-called, momentary shell theory. Chapter five deals with the theory of very shallow shells. Finally, chapter six presents the geometry of the nonlinear theory of plates and the theory of very shallow shells.The book is intended for researchers, postgraduate students, and engineers, interested in the design of structures from nanomaterials and in the problems of mechanics of deformable bodies, theories of shells and plates, and their applications in micromechanics.

Microporous Materials for Separation Membranes

by Xiaoqin Zou Guangshan Zhu

A guide to membrane separation based on a variety of porous materials with promising separation applications Microporous Materials for Separation Membranes offers an in-depth guide that explores microporous materials? potential for membrane applications. The authors?two experts on the topic?examine a wide range of porous materials that have application potential including: microporous silica, porous carbons, zeolites, metal-organic frameworks (MOFs), and porous organic frameworks (POFs). Comprehensive in scope, the book covers a broad range of topics on membrane separations such as: hydrogen recovery, carbon dioxide capture, air purification, hydrocarbon separation, pervaporation, and water treatment. In addition, this up-to-date resource explores the most recent materials for preparing microporous membranes and explores the most promising applications for industrial use. This important book: -Examines the use of microporous materials as membranes to perform with different gases and liquids -Offers an overview of the basic knowledge of membrane separation and an intense examination of separations -Describes the state-of-the-art of membrane separation with porous materials -Highlights the most promising applications of industrial interest Written for scientists working in the fields of membranes, gas and liquid, Microporous Materials for Separation Membranes offers a valuable guide to the potential of microporous materials for membrane applications.

Microporous Media: Synthesis, Properties, and Modeling (Surfactant Science Ser. #120)

by Freddy Romm

Microporous Media presents new developments from nearly a decade of advancement. Written by a leading researcher in the field, this reference provides examples of the most original scientific and technical research impacting studies in porosity and microporosity, and illustrates methods to forecast the properties of microporous structures for impro

Microprobe Characterization of Optoelectronic Materials

by Juan Jimenez

Each chapter in this book is written by a group of leading experts in one particular type of microprobe technique. They emphasize the ability of that technique to provide information about small structures (i.e. quantum dots, quantum lines), microscopic defects, strain, layer composition, and its usefulness as diagnostic technique for device degradation. Different types of probes are considered (electrons, photons and tips) and different microscopies (optical, electron microscopy and tunneling). It is an ideal reference for post-graduate and experienced researchers, as well as for crystal growers and optoelectronic device makers.

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