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Showing 42,751 through 42,775 of 71,628 results

Microprogrammed State Machine Design

by Michel A. Lynch

Microprogrammed State Machine Design is a digital computer architecture text that builds systematically from basic concepts to complex state-machine design. It provides practical techniques and alternatives for designing solutions to data processing problems both in commerce and in research purposes. It offers an excellent introduction to the tools and elements of design used in microprogrammed state machines, and incoporates the necessary background in number systems, hardware building blocks, assemblers for use in preparing control programs, and tools and components for assemblers .The author conducts an in-depth examination of first- and second-level microprogrammed state machines. He promotes a top-down approach that examines algorithms mathematically to exploit the simplifications resulting from choosing the proper representation and application of algebraic manipulation. The steps involved in the cycle of design and simulation steps are demonstrated through an example of running a computer through a simulation. Other topics covered in Microprogrammed State Machine Design include a discussion of simulation methods, the development and use of assembler language processors, and comparisons among various hardware implementations, such as the Reduced Instruction Set Computer (RISC) and the Digital Signal Processor (DSP). As a text and guide, Microprogrammed State Machine Design will interest students in the computer sciences, computer architectects and engineers, systems programmers and analysts, and electrical engineers.

Microrobotics for Micromanipulation (Wiley-iste Ser. #466)

by Nicolas Chaillet Stéphane Régnier

Microrobotics for Micromanipulation presents for the first time, in detail, the sector of robotics for handling objects of micrometer dimensions. At these dimensions, the behavior of objects is significantly different from the better known, higher scales, which leads us to implement solutions sometimes radically different from those most commonly used. This book details the behavior of objects at the micrometer scale and suitable robotics solutions, in terms of actuators, grippers, manipulators, environmental perception and microtechnology. This book includes corrected exercises, enabling engineers, students and researchers to familiarize themselves with this emerging area and to contribute to its development through scientific measures.

Microscale and Nanoscale Heat Transfer: Analysis, Design, and Application

by Mourad Rebay Sadik Kakaç Renato M. Cotta

Microscale and Nanoscale Heat Transfer: Analysis, Design, and Applications features contributions from prominent researchers in the field of micro- and nanoscale heat transfer and associated technologies and offers a complete understanding of thermal transport in nano-materials and devices. Nanofluids can be used as working fluids in thermal system

Microscale and Nanoscale Heat Transfer: Fundamentals and Engineering Applications

by C.B. Sobhan G.P. Peterson

Through analyses, experimental results, and worked-out numerical examples, Microscale and Nanoscale Heat Transfer: Fundamentals and Engineering Applications explores the methods and observations of thermophysical phenomena in size-affected domains. Compiling the most relevant findings from the literature, along with results from their own re

Microscale Flow and Heat Transfer: Mathematical Modelling and Flow Physics (Mechanical Engineering Series)

by Amit Agrawal Hari Mohan Kushwaha Ravi Sudam Jadhav

This book covers concepts and the latest developments on microscale flow and heat transfer phenomena involving a gas. The book is organised in two parts: the first part focuses on the fluid flow and heat transfer characteristics of gaseous slip flows. The second part presents modelling of such flows using higher-order continuum transport equations. The Navier-Stokes equations based solution is provided to various problems in the slip regime. Several interesting characteristics of slip flows along with useful empirical correlations are documented in the first part of the book. The examples bring out the failure of the conventional equations to adequately describe various phenomena at the microscale. Thereby the readers are introduced to higher order continuum transport (Burnett and Grad) equations, which can potentially overcome these limitations. A clear and easy to follow step by step derivation of the Burnett and Grad equations (superset of the Navier-Stokes equations) is provided in the second part of the book. Analytical solution of these equations, the latest developments in the field, along with scope for future work in this area are also brought out.Presents characteristics of flow in the slip and transition regimes for a clear understanding of microscale flow problems;Provides a derivation of Navier-Stokes equations from microscopic viewpoint;Features a clear and easy to follow step-by-step approach to derive Burnett and Grad equations;Describes a complete compilation of few known exact solutions of the Burnett and Grad equations, along with a discussion of the solution aided with plots;Introduces the variants of the Navier-Stokes, Burnett and Grad equations, including the recently proposed Onsager-Burnett and O13 moment equations.

Microscale Soft Robotics

by Jaeyoun Jay Kim

This book presents the technological basics and applications of small-scale (mm to sub-mm in length-scales) soft robots and devices, written for researchers in both academia and industry. Author Jaeyoun Kim presents technological motivations, enabling factors, and examples in an inter-linked fashion, making it easy for readers to understand and explore how microscale soft robots are a solution to researchers in search of technological platforms for safe, human-friendly biomedical devices. A compact and timely introduction, this book summarizes not only the enabling factors for soft robots and MEMS devices, but also provides a survey of progress in the field and looks to the future in terms of the material, design, and application aspects this technology demonstrates.

Microscale Technologies for Cell Engineering

by Ankur Singh Akhilesh K. Gaharwar

This book offers readers cutting-edge research at the interface of polymer science and engineering, biomedical engineering, materials science, and biology. State-of-the-art developments in microscale technologies for cell engineering applications are covered, including technologies relevant to both pluripotent and adult stem cells, the immune system, and somatic cells of the animal and human origin. This book bridges the gap in the understanding of engineering biology at multiple length scale, including microenvironmental control, bioprocessing, and tissue engineering in the areas of cardiac, cartilage, skeletal, and vascular tissues, among others. This book also discusses unique, emerging areas of micropatterning and three-dimensional printing models of cellular engineering, and contributes to the better understanding of the role of biophysical factors in determining the cell fate. Microscale Technologies for Cell Engineering is valuable for bioengineers, biomaterial scientists, tissue engineers, clinicians, immunoengineers, immunologists and stem cell biologists, as it offers a review of the current cutting-edge cell engineering research at multiple length scale and will be valuable in developing new strategies for efficient scale-up and clinical translation.

Microscales of Turbulence

by Vedat S Arpaci

This monograph presents the microscales of complex (buoyant, thermocapillary, two-phase, reacting, radiating, pulsating, etc.) turbulent flows and interprets heat and mass transfer correlations in terms of these scales. The author introduces a general methodology for the development of microscales for complex turbulent flows. Then he provides, by these scales, a fundamental interpretation for a number of momentum, heat, and mass transfer correlations which are assumed to be empirical. Lastly, he develops correlations in terms of these scales for environmentally and/or technologically important problems related to buoyancy driven flows, pulsating flows, diffusion flows, fires, etc.

Microscopic Imaging Through Turbid Media

by Min Gu Xiaosong Gan Xiaoyuan Deng

This book provides a systematic introduction to the principles of microscopic imaging through tissue-like turbid media in terms of Monte-Carlo simulation. It describes various gating mechanisms based on the physical differences between the un scattered and scattered photons and method for microscopic image reconstruction, using the concept of the effective point spread function. Imaging an object embedded in a turbid medium is a challenging problem in physics as well as in bio photonics. A turbid medium surrounding an object under inspection causes multiple scattering, which degrades the contrast, resolution and signal-to-noise ratio. Biological tissues are typically turbid media. Microscopic imaging through a tissue-like turbid medium can provide higher resolution than transillumination imaging in which no objective is used. This book serves as a valuable reference for engineers and scientists working on microscopy of tissue turbid media.

Microscopic Techniques for the Non-Expert

by Sathish-Kumar Kamaraj Arun Thirumurugan Shanmuga Sundar Dhanabalan Samuel A. Hevia

This book covers fundamental microscopic techniques for Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM), Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM), and other microscopic tools. It provides step-by-step instructions and explanations of the basic fundamental concepts and mechanisms and guides the reader on resolving queries related to taking and analyzing microscopy images. The latest advancements and developments in microscopic equipment are described. Theoretical background on microscopy is also provided to enhance the reader’s understanding of microscopy techniques and tools. Microscopic Techniques for the Non-Expert is an ideal book for undergraduate and postgraduate students, as well as researchers with a background in environmental science, materials science, biomedicine, engineering, or bio-nanotechnology.

Microscopy and Microanalysis for Lithium-Ion Batteries

by Cai Shen

The past three decades have witnessed the great success of lithium-ion batteries, especially in the areas of 3C products, electrical vehicles, and smart grid applications. However, further optimization of the energy/power density, coulombic efficiency, cycle life, charge speed, and environmental adaptability are still needed. To address these issues, a thorough understanding of the reaction inside a battery or dynamic evolution of each component is required. Microscopy and Microanalysis for Lithium-Ion Batteries discusses advanced analytical techniques that offer the capability of resolving the structure and chemistry at an atomic resolution to further drive lithium-ion battery research and development. Provides comprehensive techniques that probe the fundamentals of Li-ion batteries Covers the basic principles of the techniques involved as well as its application in battery research Describes details of experimental setups and procedure for successful experiments This reference is aimed at researchers, engineers, and scientists studying lithium-ion batteries including chemical, materials, and electrical engineers, as well as chemists and physicists.

Microscopy of Oxidation

by G.W. Lorimer

Microscopy of Oxidation: the proceedings of the Second International Conference Held at Selwyn College, University of Cambridge, in 1991.

Microscopy of Oxidation: Proceedings of the Second International Conference Held at Selwyn College, University of Cambridge, 29-31 March 1993

by S.B. Newcomb

Microscopy of Oxidation: the proceedings of the Second International Conference Held at Selwyn College, University of Cambridge, on 29-31 1993.

Microscopy of Semiconducting Materials: 1999 Proceedings of the Institute of Physics Conference held 22-25 March 1999, University of Oxford, UK (Institute of Physics Conference Series)

by A G Cullis R Beanland

With IC technology continuing to advance, the analysis of very small structures remains critically important. Microscopy of Semiconducting Materials provides an overview of advances in semiconductor studies using microscopy. The book explores the use of transmission and scanning electron microscopy, ultrafine electron probes, and EELS to investigat

Microscopy of Semiconducting Materials 1983, Third Oxford Conference on Microscopy of Semiconducting Materials, St Catherines College, March 1983

by A.G. Cullis

This volume contains invited and contributed papers at the conference on Microscopy of Semiconducting Materials which took place on 21–23 March 1983 in St Cathernine's College, Oxford. The conference was the third in the series devoted to advances in microscopical studies of semiconductors.

Microscopy of Semiconducting Materials 1987, Proceedings of the Institute of Physics Conference, Oxford University, April 1987

by A.G. Cullis

The various forms of microscopy and related microanalytical techniques are making unique contributions to semiconductor research and development that underpin many important areas of microelectronics technology. Microscopy of Semiconducting Materials 1987 highlights the progress that is being made in semiconductor microscopy, primarily in electron probe methods as well as in light optical and ion scattering techniques. The book covers the state of the art, with sections on high resolution microscopy, epitaxial layers, quantum wells and superlattices, bulk gallium arsenide and other compounds, properties of dislocations, device silicon and dielectric structures, silicides and contacts, device testing, x-ray techniques, microanalysis, and advanced scanning microscopy techniques. Contributed by numerous international experts, this volume will be an indispensable guide to recent developments in semiconductor microscopy for all those who work in the field of semiconducting materials and research development.

Microscopy of Semiconducting Materials 2001: Proceedings Of The Royal Microscopical Society Conference, Oxford University, 25-29 March 2001

by A.G. Cullis

The Institute of Physics Conference Series is a leading International medium for the rapid publication of proceedings of major conferences and symposia reviewing new developments in physics and related areas. Volumes in the series comprise original refereed papers and are regarded as standard referee works. As such, they are an essential part of major libration collections worldwide.The twelfth conference on the Microscopy of Semiconducting Materials (MSM) was held at the University of Oxford, 25-29 March 2001. MSM conferences focus on recent international advances in semiconductor studies carried out by all forms of microscopy. The event was organized with scientific sponsorship by the Royal Microscopical Society, The Electron Microscopy and Analysis Group of the Institute of Physics and the Materials Research Society. With the continual shrinking of electronic device dimensions and accompanying enhancement in device performance, the understanding of semiconductor microscopic properties at the nanoscale (and even at the atomic scale) is increasingly critical for further progress to be achieved. This conference proceedings provides an overview of the latest instrumentation, analysis techniques and state-of-the-art advances in semiconducting materials science for solid state physicists, chemists, and materials scientists.

Microscopy of Semiconducting Materials 2003

by Cullis

Modern electronic devices rely on ever-greater miniaturization of components, and semiconductor processing is approaching the domain of nanotechnology. Studies of devices in this regime can only be carried out with the most advanced forms of microscopy. Accordingly, Microscopy of Semiconducting Materials focuses on international developments in semiconductor studies carried out by all forms of microscopy. It provides an overview of the latest instrumentation, analysis techniques, and state-of-the-art advances in semiconducting materials science for solid state physicists, chemists, and material scientists.

Microscopy of the Heart

by Peter Lipp Lars Kaestner

This book provides in depths information on different microscopy approaches and supplies the reader with methods how to untangle highly complex processes involved in physiological and pathophysiological cardiac signaling. Microscopy approaches have established themselves as the quasi gold standard that enables us to appreciate the underlying mechanisms of physiological and pathophysiological cardiac signaling. This book presents the most important microscopy techniques from the level of individual molecule e.g. Förster-Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET), up to cellular and tissue imaging, e.g. electron microscopy (TEM) or light sheet microscopy. The book is intended for graduate students and postdocs in cardiovascular research, imaging and cell biology, pre-clinical and clinical researchers in cardiovascular sciences as well as decision makers of the pharmaceutical industry.

Microscopy Techniques for Biomedical Education and Healthcare Practice: Principles in Light, Fluorescence, Super-Resolution and Digital Microscopy, and Medical Imaging (Biomedical Visualization #2)

by Leonard Shapiro

This edited book has a strong focus on advances in microscopy that straddles research, medical education and clinical practice. These advances include the shift in power from conventional to digital microscopy. The first section of this book covers imaging techniques and morphometric image analysis with its applications in biomedicine using different microscopy modes. Chapters highlight the rich development of fluorescence methods and technologies; particle tracking techniques with applications in biomedical research and nanomedicine; the way in which visualizations have revolutionized taxonomy from gross anatomy to genetics; and the psychology of perception and how it affects our understanding of cells and tissues. The book’s first section concludes by exploring the use of CT modalities to evaluate anterior deformities in craniosynostosis. In the second section of the book, chapters on anatomical and cell biology education explore the history of anatomical models and their use in educational settings. This includes examples in 3D printing and functional human anatomical models that can be created using easily available resources and the use of biomedical imaging in visuospatial teaching of anatomy; the novel use of ultrasound in medical education and practice; and skill acquisition in histology education using a flowchart called a ‘decision tree’. This book will appeal to histologists, microscopists, cell biologists, clinicians and those involved in anatomical education and biomedical visualization, as well as students in those respective fields.

Microsensing Networks for Sustainable Cities

by Saurabh Sinha Johannes Lambrechts

This book explores the microsensing technologies and systems now available to monitor the quality of air and water within the urban environment and examines their role in the creation of sustainable cities against the background of the challenges posed by rapid urbanization. The opening section addresses the theoretical and conceptual background of microsensing networks. The coverage includes detailed description of microsensors, supported by design-specific equations, and clear explanation of the ways in which devices that harvest energy from ambient sources can detect and quantify pollution. The practical application of such systems in addressing environmental impacts within cities and in sustainable urban planning is then discussed with the aid of case studies in developing countries. The book will be of interest to all who wish to understand the benefits of microsensing networks in promoting sustainable cities through better delivery of information on health hazards and improved provision of data to environmental agencies and regulatory bodies in order to assist in monitoring, decision-making, and regulatory enforcement.

Microservices From Day One

by Cloves Carneiro Jr. Tim Schmelmer

Learn what a microservices architecture is, its advantages, and why you should consider using one when starting a new application. The book describes how taking a microservices approach from the start helps avoid the complexity and expense of moving to a service-oriented approach after applications reach a critical code base size or traffic load. Microservices from Day One discusses many of the decisions you face when adopting a service-oriented approach and defines a set of rules to follow for easily adopting microservices. The book provides simple guidelines and tips for dividing a problem domain into services. It also describes best practices for documenting and generating APIs and client libraries, testing applications with service dependencies, optimizing services for client performance, and much more. Throughout the book, you will follow the development of a sample project to see how to apply the best practices described. What You Will Learn: Apply guidelines and best practices for developing projects that use microservices Define a practical microservices architecture at the beginning of a project that allows for fast development Define and build APIs based on real-world best practices Build services that easily scale by using tools available in most programming languages Test applications in a distributed environment Who This Book is For: Software engineers and web developers who have heard about microservices, and want to either move the project/applications they work on to a service-oriented environment, or want to start a new project knowing that building services helps with ease of scaling and maintainability. The book is a reference for developers who have a desire to build software in smaller, more focused and manageable chunks, but do not know how to get started.

The Microsoft Antitrust Cases: Competition Policy for the Twenty-first Century

by Andrew I. Gavil Harry First

For more than two decades, the U.S. Department of Justice, various states, the European Commission, and many private litigants pursued antitrust actions against the tech giant Microsoft. In investigating and prosecuting Microsoft, federal and state prosecutors were playing their traditional role of reining in a corporate power intent on eliminating competition. Seen from another perspective, however, the government's prosecution of Microsoft -- in which it deployed the century-old Sherman Antitrust Act in the volatile and evolving global business environment of the digital era -- was unprecedented. In this book, two experts on competition policy offer a comprehensive account of the multiple antitrust actions against Microsoft--from beginning to end -- and an assessment of the effectiveness of antitrust law in the twenty-first century. Gavil and First describe in detail the cases that the Department of Justice and the states initiated in 1998, accusing Microsoft of obstructing browser competition and perpetuating its Windows monopoly. They cover the private litigation that followed, and the European Commission cases decided in 2004 and 2009. They also consider broader issues of competition policy in the age of globalization, addressing the adequacy of today's antitrust laws, their enforcement by multiple parties around the world, and the difficulty of obtaining effective remedies -- all lessons learned from the Microsoft cases.

The Microsoft Antitrust Cases: Competition Policy for the Twenty-first Century

by Andrew I. Gavil Harry First

For more than two decades, the U.S. Department of Justice, various states, the European Commission, and many private litigants pursued antitrust actions against the tech giant Microsoft. In investigating and prosecuting Microsoft, federal and state prosecutors were playing their traditional role of reining in a corporate power intent on eliminating competition. Seen from another perspective, however, the government's prosecution of Microsoft -- in which it deployed the century-old Sherman Antitrust Act in the volatile and evolving global business environment of the digital era -- was unprecedented. In this book, two experts on competition policy offer a comprehensive account of the multiple antitrust actions against Microsoft--from beginning to end -- and an assessment of the effectiveness of antitrust law in the twenty-first century. Gavil and First describe in detail the cases that the Department of Justice and the states initiated in 1998, accusing Microsoft of obstructing browser competition and perpetuating its Windows monopoly. They cover the private litigation that followed, and the European Commission cases decided in 2004 and 2009. They also consider broader issues of competition policy in the age of globalization, addressing the adequacy of today's antitrust laws, their enforcement by multiple parties around the world, and the difficulty of obtaining effective remedies -- all lessons learned from the Microsoft cases.

Microsoft Excel 2019 Programming by Example: With VBA, XML, and ASP

by Julitta Korol

Updated for Excel 2019 and based on the bestselling editions from previous versions, Microsoft Excel 2019 Programming by Example with VBA, XML and ASP is a practical, how-to book on Excel programming, suitable for readers already proficient with the Excel user interface (UI). The book includes companion files with all of the source code and figures used in the text (available with Amazon proof of purchase by writing to the publisher at <p><p> If you are looking to automate Excel routine tasks, this book will progressively introduce you to programming concepts via numerous illustrated hands-on exercises. More advanced topics are demonstrated via custom projects. From recording and editing a macro and writing VBA code to working with XML documents and using Classic ASP pages to access and display data on the Web, this book takes you on a programming journey that will change the way you work with Excel. The book provides information on performing automatic operations on files, folders, and other Microsoft Office applications. It also covers proper use of event procedures, testing and debugging, and guides you through programming advanced Excel features such as PivotTables, PivotCharts, and the Ribbon interface.

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