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Microwave Numerical Solutions
by Ștefan CantaragiuThis book provides rigorous mathematical models to enable understanding of the propagation characteristics of electromagnetic fields. The author also describes the configuration of real, existing propagation modes of the microwave line by means of accurate numerical methods. Coverage also includes a comprehensive introduction to microwave concepts and the design of active and passive microwave components. The interactive programs package generically named “Microwave Solutions”, available and stored in cloud repository, illustrates its modular use and implementation, and facilitates the integration of microwave components and circuits, and their applications. This book is a valuable source for anyone interested in broadening their knowledge of electromagnetism and microwave circuit design.
Microwave Photonics
by Chi H. LeeMicrowave photonics continues to see rapid growth. The integration of optical fiber and wireless networks has become a commercial reality and is becoming increasingly pervasive. Such hybrid technology will lead to many innovative applications, including backhaul solutions for mobile networks and ultrabroadband wireless networks that can provide users with very high bandwidth services. Microwave Photonics, Second Edition systematically introduces important technologies and applications in this emerging field. It also reviews recent advances in micro- and millimeter-wavelength and terahertz-frequency systems. The book features contributions by leading international researchers, many of whom are pioneers in the field. They examine wave generation, measurement, detection, control, and propagation in detail, as well as the devices and components that enable ultrawide-band and ultrafast transmission, switching, and signal processing. These devices and components include optical-controlled microwave devices, optical transmitters, receivers, switching devices, detectors, and modulators. The book explores the theory, techniques, and technologies that are fueling applications such as radio-over-fiber, injection-locked semiconductor lasers, and terahertz photonics. Throughout, the contributors share insights on overcoming current limitations and on potential developments. What’s New in This Edition Two new chapters, on fiber Bragg gratings for microwave photonics applications and ultrawide-band sub-THz photonic wireless links Updates throughout, reflecting advances in the field New illustrations in each chapter Fully illustrated with more than 300 figures and tables, this book offers a detailed, wide-ranging overview of the current state and future directions of this burgeoning technology.
Microwave Plasma Sources and Methods in Processing Technology
by Ladislav Bardos Hana BarankovaA practical introduction to microwave plasma for processing applications at a variety of pressures In Microwave Plasma Sources and Methods in Processing Technology, an award-winning team of researchers delivers a comprehensive introduction to microwaves and microwave-generated plasmas. Ideal for anyone interested in non-thermal gas discharge plasmas and their applications, the book includes detailed descriptions, explanations, and practical guidance for the study and use of microwave power, microwave components, plasma, and plasma generation. This reference includes over 130 full-color diagrams to illustrate the concepts discussed within. The distinguished authors discuss the plasmas generated at different levels of power, as well as their applications at reduced, atmospheric and higher pressures. They also describe plasmas inside liquids and plasma interactions with combustion flames. Microwave Plasma Sources and Methods in Processing Technology concludes with an incisive exploration of new trends in the study and application of microwave discharges, offering promising new areas of study. The book also includes: A thorough introduction to the basic principles of microwave techniques and power systems, including a history of the technology, microwave generators, waveguides, and wave propagation A comprehensive exploration of the fundamentals of the physics of gas discharge plasmas, including plasma generation, Townsend coefficients, and the Paschen curve Practical discussions of the interaction between plasmas and solid surfaces and gases, including PVD, PE CVD, oxidation, sputtering, evaporation, dry etching, surface activation, and cleaning In-depth examinations of microwave plasma systems for plasma processing at varied parameters Perfect for researchers and engineers in the microwave community, as well as those who work with plasma applications, Microwave Plasma Sources and Methods in Processing Technology will also earn a place in the libraries of graduate and PhD students studying engineering physics, microwave engineering, and plasmas.
Microwave Polarizers, Power Dividers, Phase Shifters, Circulators, and Switches (Wiley - IEEE)
by Joseph HelszajnDiscusses the fundamental principles of the design and development of microwave satellite switches utilized in military, commercial, space, and terrestrial communication This book deals with important RF/microwave components such as switches and phase shifters, which are relevant to many RF/microwave applications. It provides the reader with fundamental principles of the operation of some basic ferrite control devices and explains their system uses. This in-depth exploration begins by reviewing traditional nonreciprocal components, such as circulators, and then proceeds to discuss the most recent advances. This sequential approach connects theoretical and scientific characteristics of the devices listed in the title with practical understanding and implementation in the real world. Microwave Polarizers, Power Dividers, Phase Shifters, Circulators and Switches covers the full scope of the subject matter and serves as both an educational text and resource for practitioners. Among the many topics discussed are microwave switching, circular polarization, planar wye and equilateral triangle resonators, and many others. Translates concepts and ideas fundamental to scientific knowledge into a more visual description Describes a wide array of devices including waveguides, shifters, and circulators Covers the use of finite element algorithms in design Microwave Polarizers, Power Dividers, Phase Shifters, Circulators and Switches is an ideal reference for all practitioners and graduate students involved in this niche field.
Microwave Processing of Foods: Microwaves and Food (Food Engineering Series)
by Anubhav Pratap-Singh Ferruh Erdogdu Shaojin Wang Hosahalli S. RamaswamyThe application of microwaves has been a major advancement in food processing over the past 50 years, and yet to date there have been very few publications focusing exclusively on microwave processing and none covering the latest technological and theoretical advances. Microwave Processing of Foods: Challenges, Advances and Prospects fills this gap by covering all aspects of the microwave processing of foods including the latest novel advances in this fast-moving subject area. This text presents multidisciplinary views of novel microwave systems, novel process modeling, engineering and design, as well as practical approaches on methodology and findings regarding the effect of microwave on the food quality and process safety. The volume comprises several chapters on the newest processing and machinery aspects, engineering design and process modeling, process safety and novel processes based on full or partial application of microwave in food processing. This book also considers economic aspects, food quality issues and future trends of microwave application in the food industry. Each chapter in this text functions as a critical review, presenting the current state of knowledge based on the personal experience of the authors and the current state of published research in one particular area of food processing. While the main focus is on processing, the physical principles and the chemical and microbiological basis of the process are also covered, plus the impact of the technology on the quality and safety of food. This book presents a comprehensive and fully up-to-date reference on the principles and applications of microwave processing of food products.
Microwave Propagation and Remote Sensing: Atmospheric Influences with Models and Applications
by Pranab Kumar KarmakarBecause prevailing atmospheric/troposcopic conditions greatly influence radio wave propagation above 10 GHz, the unguided propagation of microwaves in the neutral atmosphere can directly impact many vital applications in science and engineering. These include transmission of intelligence, and radar and radiometric applications used to probe the atmosphere, among others. Where most books address either one or the other, Microwave Propagation and Remote Sensing: Atmospheric Influences with Models and Applications melds coverage of these two subjects to help readers develop solutions to the problems they present. This reference offers a brief, elementary account of microwave propagation through the atmosphere and discusses radiometric applications in the microwave band used to characterize and model atmospheric constituents, which is also known as remote sensing. Summarizing the latest research results in the field, as well as radiometric models and measurement methods, this book covers topics including: Free space propagation Reflection, interference, polarization, and other key aspects of electromagnetic wave propagation Radio refraction and its effects on propagation delay Methodology of estimating water vapor attenuation using radiosonde data Knowledge of rain structures and use of climatological patterns to estimate/measure attenuation of rain, snow, fog, and other prevalent atmospheric particles and human-made substances Dual/multifrequency methodology to deal with the influence of clouds on radiometric attenuation Deployment of microwaves to ascertain various tropospheric conditions Composition and characteristics of the troposphere, to help readers fully understand microwave propagation Derived parameters of water, free space propagation, and conditions and variable constituents such as water vapor and vapor pressure, density, and ray bending
Microwave, Radar & RF Engineering: With Laboratory Manual
by Prakash Kumar ChaturvediThis is a textbook for upper undergraduate and graduate courses on microwave engineering, written in a student-friendly manner with many diagrams and illustrations. It works towards developing a foundation for further study and research in the field. The book begins with a brief history of microwaves and introduction to core concepts of EM waves and wave guides. It covers equipment and concepts involved in the study and measurement of microwaves. The book also discuses microwave propagation in space, microwave antennae, and all aspects of RADAR. The book provides core pedagogy with chapter objectives, summaries, solved examples, and end-of-chapter exercises. The book also includes a bonus chapter which serves as a lab manual with 15 simple experiments detailed with proper circuits, precautions, sample readings, and quiz/viva questions for each experiment. This book will be useful to instructors and students alike.
Microwave Radiation of the Ocean-Atmosphere
by Alexander Grankov Alexander MilshinThe book describes different approaches to the analysis of heat and dynamic processes in the ocean-atmosphere interface with satellite passive radiometric observations of microwaves. It examines the feasibility of determining synoptic, seasonal and year-to-year variations of sensible, latent heat and momentum fluxes to a useful accuracy using the DMSP SSM/I data directly from the measured brightness temperatures. In addition, the text considers the parameters of the ocean surface and the near surface atmosphere as they relate to the processes of the ocean-atmosphere heat and dynamic interaction. These processes can be analyzed from satellites using a variety of methods, including comparison of data of synchronous satellite passive microwave radiometric and direct oceanographic and meteorological measurements, and the modeling of their variations and analysis of interrelations at different time scales.
Microwave Radiometry and Remote Sensing of the Earth's Surface and Atmosphere
by P. Pampaloni S. PalosciaThis book contains a selection of refereed papers presented at the 6 Specialist Meeting on Microwave Radiometry and Remote Sensing of the Environment held in Florence, Italy on March 15-18, 1999. Over the last two decades, passive microwave remote sensing has made considerable progress, and has achieved significant results in the study of the Earth's surface and atmosphere. Many years of observations with ground-based and satellite-borne sensors have made an important contribution to improving our knowledge of many geophysical processes of the Earth's environment and of global changes. The evolution in microwave radiometers aboard satellites has increased steadily over recent years. At the same time, many investigations have been carried out both to improve the algorithms for the retrieval of geophysical parameters and to develop new technologies. The book is divided into four main sections: three of these are devoted to the observation of the Earth's surface and atmosphere, and the fourth, to future missions and new technologies. The first section deals with the study of sea and land surfaces, and reports recent advances in remote sensing of ocean wind, sea ice, soil moisture and vegetation biomass, including electromagnetic modelling and the assimilation of radiometric data in models of land surface processes. The following two sections are devoted to the measurement of atmospheric quantities which are of fundamental importance in climatology and meteorology, and, since they influence radio-wave propagation, they also impact on several other fields, including geodesy, navigational satellite and radioastronomy. The last section presents an overview of new technologies and plans for future missions.
Microwave Remote Sensing Tools in Environmental Science
by Costas A. Varotsos Vladimir F. KrapivinThis book gives new insight to the study of the global environmental changes using the ecoinformatics and microwave remote sensing tools together with the adaptive-evolutionary technology of geoinformation monitoring. The main advantage of this book consists in the accumulation of the interdisciplinary scientific knowledge for the parameterization of the global biogeochemical cycles and other environmental processes in the context of globalization and sustainable development. In this regard, the crucial global problems of the dynamics of the climate-nature-society system have been considered and the key problems of ensuring its sustainable development have been addressed. An analysis of the present trend in changing ecological systems has been discussed, including different types of forest ecosystems and ocean aquatories. The emphasis has been given to the accomplishment of the global geoinformation monitoring, which could provide a reliable control of the environmental processes development with reliable prognostic estimates of the consequences of human activities. A new approach to the numerical modelling of the climate-nature-society system has been presented and demonstrative results have been given about the modelling of the dynamics of this system‟s characteristics, in cases of realization of some scenarios of the anthropogenic impacts to the biogeochemical cycles, the land ecosystems and oceans. Methods and algorithms for the big data manipulation and processing in the remote sensing environmental monitoring systems have been described.
Microwave RF Antennas and Circuits
by Ofer AlufThis book describes a new concept for analyzing RF/microwave circuits, which includes RF/microwave antennas. The book is unique in its emphasis on practical and innovative microwave RF engineering applications. The analysis is based on nonlinear dynamics and chaos models and shows comprehensive benefits and results. All conceptual RF microwave circuits and antennas are innovative and can be broadly implemented in engineering applications. Given the dynamics of RF microwave circuits and antennas, they are suitable for use in a broad range of applications. The book presents analytical methods for microwave RF antennas and circuit analysis, concrete examples, and geometric examples. The analysis is developed systematically, starting with basic differential equations and their bifurcations, and subsequently moving on to fixed point analysis, limit cycles and their bifurcations. Engineering applications include microwave RF circuits and antennas in a variety of topological structures, RFID ICs and antennas, microstrips, circulators, cylindrical RF network antennas, Tunnel Diodes (TDs), bipolar transistors, field effect transistors (FETs), IMPATT amplifiers, Small Signal (SS) amplifiers, Bias-T circuits, PIN diode circuits, power amplifiers, oscillators, resonators, filters, N-turn antennas, dual spiral coil antennas, helix antennas, linear dipole and slot arrays, and hybrid translinear circuits. In each chapter, the concept is developed from the basic assumptions up to the final engineering outcomes. The scientific background is explained at basic and advanced levels and closely integrated with mathematical theory. The book also includes a wealth of examples, making it ideal for intermediate graduate level studies. It is aimed at electrical and electronic engineers, RF and microwave engineers, students and researchers in physics, and will also greatly benefit all engineers who have had no formal instruction in nonlinear dynamics, but who now desire to bridge the gap between innovative microwave RF circuits and antennas and advanced mathematical analysis methods.
Microwave Systems Design
by Zaiki AwangThe aim of this book is to serve as a design reference for students and as an up-to-date reference for researchers. It also acts as an excellent introduction for newcomers to the field and offers established rf/microwave engineers a comprehensive refresher. The content is roughly classified into two - the first two chapters provide the necessary fundamentals, while the last three chapters focus on design and applications. Chapter 2 covers detailed treatment of transmission lines. The Smith chart is utilized in this chapter as an important tool in the synthesis of matching networks for microwave amplifiers. Chapter 3 contains an exhaustive review of microstrip circuits, culled from various references. Chapter 4 offers practical design information on solid state amplifiers, while Chapter 5 contains topics on the design of modern planar filters, some of which were seldom published previously. A set of problems at the end of each chapter provides the readers with exercises which are compiled from actual university exam questions. An extensive list of references is available at the end of each chapter to enable readers to obtain further information on the topics covered.
Microwave Tomography
by Sima Noghanian Abas Sabouni Travis Desell Ali AshtariThis book provides a detailed overview on the use of global optimization and parallel computing in microwave tomography techniques. The book focuses on techniques that are based on global optimization and electromagnetic numerical methods. The authors provide parallelization techniques on homogeneous and heterogeneous computing architectures on high performance and general purpose futuristic computers. The book also discusses the multi-level optimization technique, hybrid genetic algorithm and its application in breast cancer imaging.
Microwaves in Nanoparticle Synthesis
by Nick Serpone Satoshi HorikoshiFor the first time, this comprehensive handbook presents the emerging field of microwave technology for the synthesis of nanoparticles. Divided into three parts--fundamentals, methods, and applications--it covers topics including microwave theory, scale-up, microwave plasma synthesis, characterization, and more. This offers both an important volume for academic researchers, and a resource for those in industry exploring the applications of nanoparticles in semiconductors, electronics, catalysis, sensors, and more.
Microwaves, Millimeter Wave and Terahertz Liquid Crystals: Preparation, Characterization and Applications (Modern Antenna)
by Anyong Qing Yizhe Zhao Zhiyong ZhangThis book is the first ever monograph on nematic liquid crystals for microwaves, millimeter waves and terahertz waves. It presents the first hand independent studies on nematic liquid crystals for microwaves, millimeter waves and terahertz waves. This book opens with an introduction to generic liquid crystals and a retrospective review about nematic liquid crystals in microwaves, millimeter waves and terahertz waves. Attention is then focused on the latest in-house progress on microwave, millimeter wave and terahertz nematic liquid crystals. Synthesis and characterization of novel nematic liquid crystals are first presented, followed by indigenous technologies to manufacture functional nematic liquid crystal devices for microwaves, millimeter waves and terahertz waves. A few self-developed representative advanced functional devices are shown to demonstrate the promising perspective of liquid crystals for not only microwaves, millimeter waves and terahertz waves but also many other non-display applications. The presented studies will attract scientists, engineers and students from various disciplines, such as materials, chemical, electrical, biological, and biomedical engineering. The book is intended for undergraduates, graduates, researchers, professionals and industrial practitioners who are interested in developing novel liquid crystals and further extending liquid crystals beyond display.
Microwaves Photonic Links: Components and Circuits
by Christian Rumelhard Catherine Algani Anne-Laure BillabertThis book presents the electrical models for the different elements of a photonic microwave link like lasers, external modulators, optical fibers, photodiodes and phototransistors. The future trends of these components are also introduced: lasers to VCSEL, external modulators to electro-absorption modulators, glass optical fibers to plastic optical fibers, photodiodes to UTC photodiodes or phototransistors. It also describes an original methodology to evaluate the performance of a microwave photonic link, based on the developed elcetrical models, that can be easily incorporated in commercial electrical circuits simulation software to simulate this complete link.
Mid-Air Zillionaire (AstroKids #9)
by Robert ElmerBook 9 of AstroKids. Miko learns that she's inherited not just a fortune, but an entire planet! Will her new wealth ruin her friendships and happy life on CLEO7? And can she protect her inheritance from a sneaky developer?
Mid-Infrared Fluoride and Chalcogenide Glasses and Fibers (Progress in Optical Science and Photonics #18)
by Pengfei Wang Haitao Guo Xunsi Wang Peiqing Zhang Shunbin Wang Shijie Jia Gerald Farrell Shixun DaiThis book gives an overview on mid-infrared optical glass and fibers laser, it cover the underlying principle, historic background, as well as recent advances in materials processing and enhanced properties for rare earth doped luminescence, spectroscopy lasers, or optical nonlinearity applications. It describes in great detail, the preparation of high purity non-oxide IR glass and fibers to be used as mid-IR fiber laser and supercontinuum sources for optical fiber spectroscopy. It will be useful for academics, researchers and engineers in various disciplines who require a broad introduction to the subject and would like to learn more about the state-of-the-art and upcoming trends in mid-infrared fiber source development, particularly for industrial, medical and military applications.
Middle American Terranes, Potential Correlatives, and Orogenic Processes
by J. Duncan Keppie J. Brendan Murphy F. Ortega-Gutierrez W. G. ErnstConsisting of papers that have appeared recently in International Geology Review, Middle American Terranes, Potential Correlatives, and Orogenic Processes focuses on Middle American terranes in which tectonic processes, including flat-slab subduction, for orogenic development are examined at various times since the late Mesoproterozoi
Middle School: Born to Rock (Middle School #11)
by James Patterson Chris TebbettsIn the next book in James Patterson's bestselling Middle School series, Rafe Khatchadorian's hilarious little sister, Georgia, is back for another rollicking adventure! It's not easy being Rafe Khatchadorian's sister. He's got quite a reputation around school, and Georgia's got it hard enough as is! With a super secret crush on her classmate Sam Marks, a Rube Goldberg machine challenge to dominate, and constant confrontations with vicious Missy Trillin and her evil Princess Patrol to look forward to, Georgia can't help but throw all her energy into the one thing that makes her happy: her kick-butt, all-girl rock band, We Stink! When Georgia's favorite rock band, Lulu and the Handbags, advertise a major music competition where the winner gets to jam with Lulu herself, Georgia will pull all the stops to make sure We Stink wins--even if it means asking her annoying older brother, Rafe, for help! Will his crazy ideas work, or land her in serious trouble?
Middle Tennessee Horse Breeding
by Rob Dehart Perky BeiselBreeding fine horses has been both big business and pastime for Middle Tennesseans since settlers first entered the Cumberland Valley during the American Revolution. The fertile pastures and mild climate of the area lent itself to horse breeding, and the populace embraced the benefits. Horses functioned as the technology that plowed fields, moved goods and people, and serviced the military. Horse racetracks dotted the landscape, and a person's social status sometimes rested on the possession of fine horses and good horsemanship. This combination of culture and geography in Middle Tennessee gave rise to some of the most celebrated horse breeders in the nation.
The MIDI Manual: A Practical Guide to MIDI in the Project Studio (Audio Engineering Society Presents Ser.)
by David Miles HuberThe MIDI Manual is a complete reference on MIDI, written by a well-respected sound engineer and author. This best-selling guide provides a clear explanation of what MIDI is, how to use electronic instruments and an explanation of sequencers and how to use them. You will learn how to set up an efficient MIDI system and how to get the best out of your music. The MIDI Manual is packed full of useful tips and practical examples on sequencing and mixing techniques. It also covers editors/librarians, working with a score, MIDI in mass media and multimedia and synchronisation. The MIDI spec is set out in detail along with the helpful guidelines on using the implementation chart. Illustrated throughout with helpful photos and screengrabs, this is the most readable and clear book on MIDI available.
The MIDI Manual: A Practical Guide to MIDI within Modern Music Production (Audio Engineering Society Presents)
by David Miles HuberThe MIDI Manual: A Practical Guide to MIDI within Modern Music Production, Fourth Edition, is a complete reference on MIDI. Written by David Miles Huber (a 4x Grammy-nominated musician, producer and author), this best-selling guide provides clear explanations of what MIDI 1.0 and 2.0 are, acting as a guide for electronic instruments, the DAW, MIDI sequencing and how to make best use of them. You will learn how to set up an efficient MIDI system and how to get the most out of your production room and ultimately … your music. Packed full of useful tips and practical examples on sequencing and mixing techniques, The MIDI Manual also covers in-depth information on system interconnections, controllers, groove tools, the DAW, synchronization and more. For the first time, the MIDI 2.0 spec is explained in light of the latest developments and is accompanied with helpful guidelines for the long-established MIDI 1.0 spec and its implementation chart. Illustrated throughout with helpful photos and screenshots, this is the most readable and clearly explained book on MIDI available.
Midnight Black: Thrilling action and suspense starring the Gray Man (Gray Man #14)
by Mark GreaneyWith his lover imprisoned in a Russian gulag, the Gray Man will stop at nothing to free her in this latest entry in the #1 New York Times bestselling series.A winter sunrise over the great plains of Russia is no cause for celebration. The temperature barely rises above zero, and the guards at Penal Colony IK22 are determined to take their misery out on the prisoners - chief among them, one Zoya Zakharova.Once a master spy for Russian foreign intelligence, then the partner and lover of the Gray Man, Zakharova has information the Kremlin wants, and they don't care what they have to do to get it.But if they think a thousand miles of frozen wasteland and the combined power of the Russian police state is enough to protect them, they don't know the Gray Man. He's coming, and no one's safe.
The Midnight Kid (Science Solves It!)
by Nan WalkerSolve kid-sized dilemmas and mysteries with the Science Solves It! series. These fun books for kids ages 5–8 blend clever stories with real-life science. Why did the dog turn green? Can you control a hiccup? Is that a UFO? Find the answers to these questions and more as kid characters dive into physical, life, and earth sciences. If the aliens in the movie don't need sleep, then Peter doesn't either! Right? Books in this perfect STEM series will help kids think like scientists and get ahead in the classroom. Activities and experiments are included in every book! (Level Two; Science topic: Sleep)