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Showing 42,851 through 42,875 of 71,607 results

Midnight Ride, Industrial Dawn: Paul Revere and the Growth of American Enterprise (Johns Hopkins Studies in the History of Technology)

by Robert Martello

Paul Revere's ride to warn the colonial militia of the British march on Lexington and Concord is a legendary contribution to the American Revolution. Midnight Ride, Industrial Dawn reveals another side of this American hero's life, that of a transformational entrepreneur instrumental in the industrial revolution.Robert Martello combines a biographical examination of Revere with a probing study of the new nation’s business and technological climate. A silversmith prior to the Revolution and heralded for his patriotism during the war, Revere aspired to higher social status within the fledgling United States. To that end, he shifted away from artisan silversmithing toward larger, more involved manufacturing ventures such as ironworking, bronze casting, and copper sheet rolling. Drawing extensively on the Revere Family Papers, Martello explores Revere’s vibrant career successes and failures, social networks, business practices, and the groundbreaking metallurgical technologies he developed and employed. Revere’s commercial ventures epitomized what Martello terms proto-industrialization, a transitional state between craft work and mass manufacture that characterizes the broader, fast-changing landscape of the American economy. Martello uses Revere as a lens to view the social, economic, and technological milieu of early America while demonstrating Revere’s pivotal role in both the American Revolution and the rise of industrial America.Original and well told, this account argues that the greatest patriotic contribution of America's Midnight Rider was his work in helping the nation develop from a craft to an industrial economy.

MIDSIZE FACILITIES: The Infrastructure for Materials Research

by National Research Council of the National Academies

Most of the instruments now used for materials research are too complex and expensive for individual investigators to own, operate, and maintain them. Consequently, they have become increasingly consolidated into multi-user, small to midsized research facilities, located at many sites around the country. The proliferation of these facilities, however, has drawn calls for a careful assessment of best principles for their operation. With support from the Department of Energy and the National Science Foundation, the NRC carried out a study to characterize and discuss ways to optimize investments in materials research facility infrastructure with attention to midsize facilities. This report provides an assessment of the nature and importance of mid-sized facilities, their capabilities, challenges they face, current investment, and optimizing their effectiveness.

Mighty LEGO Mechs: Flyers, Shooters, Crushers, and Stompers

by DK

Learn the incredible battle secrets of amazing LEGO mechs and compare your favorites. From Lloyd&’s Titan Mech to Spiderman&’s Spider Mech, discover all the most fearsome LEGO mechs and what gives them the edge in battle. Find out how many mechs Batman has, and read about all the battle features of LEGO Jurassic World&’s Dino-Mech. See awesome mechs go head-to-head, plus read how you can up-spec your mech. With amazing photography that shows off each mech in stunning detail, plus fact-packed data boxes so you can compare each mech, this book is perfect for any fan of LEGO mechs. ©2021 The LEGO Group

The Mighty Mars Rovers: The Incredible Adventures Of Spirit And Opportunity

by Elizabeth Rusch

On June 10, 2003, a little rover named Spirit blasted off on a rocket headed for Mars. On July 7, 2003, a twin rover named Opportunity soared through the solar system with the same mission: to find out if Mars ever had water that could have supported life. A thrilling addition to the acclaimed Scientists in the Field series, The Mighty Mars Rovers tells the greatest space robot adventure of all time through the eyes--and heart--of Steven Squyres, professor of astronomy at Cornell University and lead scientist on the mission. <P> This suspenseful page-turner captures the hair-raising human emotions felt during the adventures with two tough rovers.

A Migrant Family

by Larry Dane Brimner

We all know what a supermarket is, but what is a farmer's market? It's a place where people gather together to sell products -- such as flowers, herbs, vegetables, fruit, and more -- that they have grown or produced. Through lively text, readers will meet two families -- one Hmong American and the other German American -- as they work hard to prepare for a busy market season.

Migrants in the Digital Periphery: New Urban Frontiers of Control

by null Matt Mahmoudi

As the fortification of Europe's borders and its hostile immigration terrain has taken shape, so too have the biometric and digital surveillance industries. And when US Immigration Customs Enforcement aggressively reinforced its program of raids, detention, and family separation, it was powered by Silicon Valley corporations. In cities of refuge, where communities on the move once lived in anonymity and proximity to familial and diaspora networks, the possibility for escape is diminishing. As cities rely increasingly on tech companies to develop digital urban infrastructures for accessing information, identification, services, and socioeconomic life at large, they also invite the border to encroach further on migrant communities, networks, and bodies. In this book, Matt Mahmoudi unveils how the unsettling convergence of Silicon Valley logics, austere and xenophobic migration management practices, and racial capitalism has allowed tech companies to close in on the final frontiers of fugitivity—and suggests how we might counteract their machines through our own refusal.

Migration, Agriculture and Rural Development: IMISCOE Short Reader (IMISCOE Research Series)

by Domenica Farinella Michele Nori

This open access short reader looks into the dynamics which have reshaped rural development and human landscapes in European agriculture and the role of immigrant people. Within this framework it analyses contemporary rural migrations and the emergence of immigrants in relation to the incorporation of agrarian systems into global markets, the European agricultural governance (CAP), and the struggle of local territories as differentiated practices in constant stress between innovation and resilience. It specifically explores the case of immigrant shepherds to describe the reconfiguration of agriculture systems and rural landscapes in Europe following intense immigration and the related provision of skilled labour at a relatively low cost. Being written in a very accessible way, this reader is an interesting read to students, researchers, academics, policy makers, and practitioners.

Migration and Worker Fatalities Abroad

by Akm Ahsan Ullah Mallik Akram Hossain Kazi Maruful Islam

This book investigates the alarming of fatalities among migrant workers. The authors argue that migrant workers are often powerless and unprotected by national laws, unearthing new truths on migrant workers as significant economic players.

Migration, Diaspora and Information Technology in Global Societies (Routledge Research in Information Technology and Society)

by Jane Vincent Leopoldina Fortunati Raul Pertierra

Migrants and diaspora communities are shaped by their use of information and communication technologies. This book explores the multifaceted role played by new media in the re-location of these groups of people, assisting them in their efforts to defeat nostalgia, construct new communities, and keep connected with their communities of origin. Furthermore, the book analyses the different ways in which migrants contribute, along with natives, in co-constructing contemporary societies – a process in which the cultures of both groups are considered. Drawing on contributions from a range of disciplines including sociology, anthropology, psychology and linguistics, it offers a more profound understanding of one of the most significant phenomena of contemporary international societies – the migration of nearly a billion people worldwide - and the relationship between technology and society.

Migration in Seismic Prospecting: Russian Translations Series 82

by E.A. Kozlov

This book first attempts to formulate the problem of 'migration’ as a method applied in seismic prospecting and then to comprehend the unifying fundamentals of the numerous and various migration techniques now in use. Guidelines are offered for the practical implementation of this method in complex structural as well as stratigraphic environment and the shortcomings and limitations that ought to be kept in mind when accomplishing migration or interpreting the resultant data are discussed. It will prove of use not only to practising professionals engaged in designing or running migration procedures, but also to those who would rather deal with the results of migration.

Migration, Mining, and the African Diaspora

by Barbara P. Josiah

From the late 1800s, African workers migrated to the mineral-rich hinterland areas of Guyana, mined gold, diamonds, and bauxite; diversified the country's economy; and contributed to national development. Utilizing real estate, financial, and death records, as well as oral accounts of the labor migrants along with colonial officials and mining companies' information stored in National Archives in Guyana, Great Britain, and the U. S. Library of Congress, the study situates miners into the historical structure of the country's economic development. It analyzes the workers attraction to mining from agriculture, their concepts of "order and progress," and how they shaped their lives in positive ways rather than becoming mere victims of colonialism. In this contentious plantation society plagued by adversarial relations between the economic elites and the laboring class, in addition to producing the strategically important bauxite for the aviation era of World Wars I & II, for almost a century the workers braved the ecologically hostile and sometimes deadly environments of the gold and diamond fields in the quest for El Dorado in Guyana.

Migration on Wings

by Lakshmi Kantha

This book is an effort to explore the technical aspects associated with bird flight and migration on wings. After a short introduction on the birds migration, the book reviews the aerodynamics and Energetics of Flight and presents the calculation of the Migration Range. In addition, the authors explains aerodynamics of the formation flight and finally introduces great flight diagrams.

Migration Processes in the Soil and Groundwater Zone (CRC Press Revivals)

by Ludwig Luckner

This comprehensive work integrates knowledge from physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics, geology, engineering, and several other fields. Its purpose is to provide solution methods, techniques of parameter estimation, and tools for solving the complex problems of mathematical modeling. The main topics presented include fundamentals of mathematical modeling of migration processes; analytical, numerical, and inverse solutions to migration problems; and techniques of parameter estimation and monitoring of migration processes. The book is perfect for anyone involved in the areas of hydrogeology, soil science, environmental engineering, subsurface cleanup, water sciences, agronomy, land development, and civil engineering. It provides professionals with a survey of the methodology of migration model building, the mathematical tools for solving these models, and the technique of parameter estimation in laboratories and in the field. Consultants will appreciate the book's multidisciplinary theoretical background and first approximations for a broad variety of migration data. Professors and students gain an integrated survey of subsurface solute and heat transport, storage, transformation, and exchange processes in both theoretical and practical applications, complete with example problems and solutions.

Mike Holt's Illustrated Guide To Basic Electrical Theory

by Mike Holt Enterprises Inc

Do you know where electricity comes from? To be able to say yes to that question, you must understand a bit about the physics of matter. What value does a brief study of the nature of matter have for the student of electrical theory? The understanding that comes from that study lays the foundation for understanding electrical theory. Only when you know the theory can you truly have confidence in the practical aspects of your electrical work. This full-color textbook provides hundreds of illustrated graphics, detailed examples, practice questions, practice exams, summaries and a comprehensive practice final exam.

Mike Meyers' Comptia A+ Guide To Managing And Troubleshooting PCs ): (exams 220-1001 & 220-1002

by Mike Meyers

Fully Updated, Essential Skills for a Successful IT Career. Written by the leading authority on CompTIA A+ certification and training, this four-color guide will help you pass CompTIA A+ exams 220-1001 and 220-1002 and become a certified IT professional with proven expertise in hardware and software. Mike Meyers’ CompTIA A+® Guide to Managing and Troubleshooting PCs, Sixth Edition offers complete coverage of the latest exam objectives. You’ll get on-the-job tips, end-of-chapter review questions, and hundreds of photographs and illustrations. Learn how to: •Work with CPUs, RAM, BIOS, motherboards, power supplies, and other personal computer components•Install, configure, and maintain hard drives•Manage input devices and removable media•Set up, upgrade, and maintain all versions of Windows•Troubleshoot and fix computer problems•Establish users and groups•Set up video and multimedia cards•Administer smartphones, tablets, and other mobile devices•Set up wired and wireless networks•Connect to the Internet•Protect your personal computer and your network•Install printers and other peripherals•Implement virtualization and cloud-based technologies•Understand safety and environmental issues.

Mike Meyers' CompTIA A+ Guide to Managing and Troubleshooting PCs: (Exams 220-1101 & 220-1102)

by Mike Meyers Travis A. Everett Andrew Hutz

Fully Updated, Essential Skills for a Successful IT Career. <p><p>Created and edited by the leading authority on CompTIA A+ certification and training, this four-color guide will help you pass CompTIA A+ exams 220-1101 and 220-1102 and become a certified IT professional with proven expertise in hardware and software. Mike Meyers’ CompTIA A+™ Guide to Managing and Troubleshooting PCs, Seventh Edition offers complete coverage of the latest exam objectives. You’ll get on-the-job tips, end-of-chapter review questions, and hundreds of photographs and illustrations.

Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel

by Virginia Lee Burton

Mike and his trusty steam shovel, Mary Anne, have a very important job. They dig deep canals for boats to travel through, cut mountain passes for trains, and hollow out cellars for big city skyscrapers- the very symbol of modern industrial America. But with progress comes new machines, and soon the inseparable duo are out of work. Mike believes that Mary Anne can dig as much in a day as a hundred men can dig in a week, and the two have one last chance to prove it and save Mary Anne from the scrap heap. What happens next in the small town of Popperville is a testament to their friendship, as well as old-fashioned hard work and ingenuity.

Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel

by Virginia Lee Burton

Mike and his trusty steam shovel, Mary Anne, dig deep canals for boats to travel through, cut mountain passes for trains, and hollow out cellars for city skyscrapers -- the very symbol of industrial America. But with progress come new machines, and soon the inseparable duo are out of work. Mike believes that Mary Anne can dig as much in a day as one hundred men can dig in a week, and the two have one last chance to prove it and save Mary Anne from the scrap heap. What happens next in the small town of Popperville is a testament to their friendship, and to old-fashioned hard work and ingenuity.

Miko's Muzzy Mess (AstroKids #4)

by Robert Elmer

WELCOME TO 2175! Meet the Astrokids--Miko, Buzz, Mir, DeeBee, and Tag--five friends learning biblical truth through out-of-this-world adventures aboard space station CLEO-7. Everyone thought I was the only stowaway on CLEO-7--until we found two muzzies hiding in the walls of the station. So cuddly and cute! What was to worry about? But with just a nibble of my chocolate bar, things got out of hand. Before long, the station was crawling with thousands of hungry muzzies. Yikes! And it was all my fault! Could we AstroKids catch all the muzzy invaders, or was this good-bye CLEO-7?

Mikro- und Ultrafiltration mit Membranen

by Siegfried Ripperger

Mikro- und Ultrafiltration mit Membranen Klar strukturiert und kompakt wird hier die Mikro- und Ultrafiltration mit Membranen behandelt, von den Grundlagen und Charakterisierung von Membranen bis hin zu industriellen Anwendungen und Instandhaltung Die Mikro- und Ultrafiltration mit Membranen ist eine verbreitete und etablierte Schlüsseltechnologie für die Aufbereitung von Stoffströmen. Im Buch werden sowohl die Grundlagen der Mikro- und Ultrafiltration mit Membranen, Herstellung und Charakterisierung, Filtrationsverfahren, industrielle Anwendungen als auch die Instandhaltung und Reinigung von Membranen behandelt. Prinzipien und praktische Anwendungen werden klar strukturiert dem Leser zugänglich gemacht Behandelt alle Prozesse von Grundlagen bis zu den Anwendungen Unverzichtbar für die Ausarbeitung, Etablierung und Instandhaltung von Membrantrennverfahren Es bietet eine umfassende Einführung in die Theorie und Praxis der Membranfiltration und gibt wertvolle Einblicke in die verschiedenen Anwendungen und Technologien. Ob Sie nun ein erfahrener Ingenieur sind oder gerade erst in die Welt der Membranfiltration eintauchen, dieses Buch wird Ihnen helfen, Ihre Kenntnisse zu vertiefen und Ihre Fähigkeiten zu verbessern. Mit klaren Erklärungen, anschaulichen Beispielen und praktischen Tipps ist es ein unverzichtbares Nachschlagewerk für jeden, der sich mit der Filtration von Flüssigkeiten beschäftigt.

Mikrobielles Leben auf Fassaden

by Wolfgang Hofbauer Georg Gärtner

Architekten, Bauingenieure, Bausachverständige und andere Fachleute sowie Bauherren, Wissenschaftler und Masterstudenten finden in diesem Buch alle Informationen zu Fassadenalgen und -pilzen. Es gibt einen detaillierten Überblick über die Mikroorganismen, die das anfängliche Wachstum an den Außenfassaden von Gebäuden bilden und befasst sich mit den ökophysiologischen Eigenschaften, die die Rahmenbedingungen charakterisieren, unter denen diese Mikroorganismen an Fassaden auftreten können. Neben einem Bestimmungsschlüssel für die charakteristischen Anflüge an Fassaden von Mikroorganismen enthält dieses Buch eine ausführliche Beschreibung der einzelnen Organismen unter Angabe ihres ökologischen Verbreitungsgebiets. Darüber hinaus werden die verschiedenen ökologischen Parameter in kurzen Kapiteln diskutiert. Auch Maßnahmen zur Vorbeugung und Bekämpfung der Besiedelung von Fassaden mit Mikroorganismen werden thematisiert.

Mikrocontroller: Grundlagen der Hard- und Software der Mikrocontroller ATtiny2313, ATtiny26 und ATmega32

by Herbert Bernstein

Die Mikrocontroller ATtiny2313, ATtiny26 und ATmega32 von Atmel sind im Unterricht und in der Praxis für ihre vielseitigen Anwendungen und einfache Programmierbarkeit bekannt. Der ATtiny2313 ist ein reiner digitaler Prozessor und mit diesem lernt man das Grundprinzip, erklärt anhand von einfachen Beispielen. Auch die Programmierung in Assembler wird an Beispielen ausführlich behandelt. Der ATtiny26 ist ein Prozessor mit internen AD-Wandlern an den Eingängen und DA-Wandlern an den Ausgängen. Beispiele für die Programmierung in Assembler runden das Prinzip ab. Der ATmega32 in seinem 40-poligen DIL-Gehäuse bildet die Lösung für einen kleinen Computer mit LCD-Anzeige und zahlreichen Peripheriebausteinen. Das besondere für die Programmierung in Assembler ist der kompatible Befehlssatz für die drei Mikrocontroller. Die 2. Auflage enthält neue Unterkapitel zu den Themen Schrittmotorenansteuerung mittels Mikrocontroller und programmierbarer autonomer Roboter.

Mikromagnetische Charakterisierung des Ermüdungsverhaltens und der Eigenspannungsrelaxation tiefgebohrter Proben des Vergütungsstahls 42CrMo4 (Werkstofftechnische Berichte │ Reports of Materials Science and Engineering)

by Nikolas Baak

Nikolas Baak befasst sich mit der Qualifizierung mikromagnetischer Methoden zur Bewertung der durch Tiefbohren erzeugten Randzonen hinsichtlich ihrer Oberflächenintegrität und deren Einfluss auf das Ermüdungsverhalten. Dabei wird das Ziel verfolgt, durch den Bohrprozess einen vorteilhaften Eigenspannungszustand zu erreichen. Beim hier eingesetzten Einlippen-Tiefbohren kommt es aufgrund des asymmetrischen Werkzeugaufbaus zu einer Art Festwalzprozess. Dadurch werden sowohl sehr hohe Oberflächengüten, als auch der gewünschte Druckeigenspannungszustand erzeugt. Da die meisten Verfahren zur Bestimmung der Oberflächenintegrität entweder zerstörend sind oder auch einen freien Zugang zur Oberfläche benötigen, werden hier zerstörungsfreie Prüfverfahren dafür ertüchtigt, die Oberflächenintegrität sowie den Ermüdungszustand der Bauteile zu bestimmen. Für beide hier betrachteten mikromagnetischen Verfahren, einerseits die Barkhausenrauschen-Analyse und andererseits die Wirbelstromprüfung, werden speziell angefertigte Sensoren, welche das Messsignal an der Innenseite der Bohrung detektieren können, verwendet. Die Messdaten der mikromagnetischen Verfahren werden mit den etablierten Verfahren zur Bestimmung der Oberflächenintegrität, wie bspw. Röntgendiffraktometrie, korreliert.

Mikroplastik in der aquatischen Umwelt: Quellen, Senken und Transportpfade (essentials)

by Kryss Waldschläger

Mikroplastik ist derzeit ein allgegenwärtiges Thema in den Medien und wird daher auch in der Bevölkerung als umweltrelevante Problematik wahrgenommen. Da jedoch viel Halbwissen zur Meinungsbildung beiträgt, bereitet dieses essential den aktuellen Forschungstand auf und stellt ihn allgemein verständlich dar. Angefangen bei den Grundlagen der Mikroplastikdefinition und den derzeit bekannten Quellen über bisher nachgewiesene Konzentrationen in der aquatischen Umwelt bis hin zu den Senken wird der Weg des Mikroplastiks durch die Gewässer dieser Erde beschrieben. Abschließend wird auf die Umweltrisiken, die Mikroplastik für die Ökosysteme, die aquatischen Organismen und den Menschen birgt, eingegangen. Dabei werden viele Wissenslücken aufgezeigt, die zukünftig geschlossen werden müssen und die innerhalb der üblicherweise kurzen Beiträge in Massenmedien so nicht präsentiert werden.Die Autorin: Kryss Waldschläger hat Bauingenieurwesen studiert und arbeitet derzeit als wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Institut für Wasserbau und Wasserwirtschaft der RWTH Aachen University. Dort untersucht sie im Rahmen ihrer Promotion das Transportverhalten von Mikroplastik in Fließgewässern.

Mikroplastik kompakt: Wissenswertes für alle (essentials)

by Andreas Fath

Werden wir in den kommenden Jahren in unserem eigenen Plastikmüll ersticken? Oder schaffen wir es, noch rechtzeitig die Kurve zu kriegen? Die stetig wachsende Plastikmüllmenge ist problematisch für die Umwelt und den Mensch, der den Plastikmüll in Form von Mikroplastik aufnimmt. Der Autor Andreas Fath erklärt wissenschaftlich fundiert, aber allgemein verständlich, was Mikroplastik ist, wo es herkommt und welche Gefahren damit verbunden sind.

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