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Showing 42,876 through 42,900 of 71,607 results

Mikrosystemtechnik für Ingenieure

by Wolfgang Menz Oliver Paul

Die dritte Auflage des mittlerweile zum Standardwerk gereiften Lehrbuchs trägt den rasanten Entwicklungen in diesem interdisziplinären Gebiet umfassend Rechnung. Insbesondere die Kapitel Siliziumtechnik, Materialien und Alternative Technologien wurden stark erweitert. Außerdem sind neue Anwendungsaspekte hinzugekommen. Somit schlägt dieses Lehrbuch weiterhin in einzigartiger Weise den Bogen von den Grundlagen der Mikrosystemtechnik bis hin zu den aktuellen Anwendungen in einer Vielzahl von High-Tech Entwicklungen.

Mikrowellentechnik: Feldsimulation, nichtlineare Schaltungstechnik, Komponenten und Subsysteme, Plasmatechnik, Antennen und Ausbreitung

by Holger Heuermann

Das Buch behandelt die verschiedenen numerischen Feldsimulationsverfahren, nichtlineare Schaltungstechnik und deren S- und X-Parameter sowie modernste Leistungsverstärkertechniken. Weiterhin werden neuartig dargestellte Oszillatoren und das große neue Feld der GHz-Plasmatechnik beschrieben. Darüber hinaus deckt es mit den Themen Hohlleiter, Mischer, Phasenregelkreise, Antennen und Ausbreitungseffekte in Kombination mit dem Bachelor-Buch „Hochfrequenztechnik“ alle Aspekte ab, die den aktuellen Stand der GHz-Technik betreffen.Die in diesem Lehrbuch vorgestellte Mikrowellenelektronik und -technik fasst somit die moderne Technik der elektromagnetischen sowie nichtlinearen Grundlagen, die im ein- und zweistelligen GHz-Bereich für Funk-, Navigations-, Lokalisierungs-, Mess-, Heiz- und sonstige Systeme benötigt werden, zusammen.

Mikrowellentechnik: Feldsimulation, nichtlineare Schaltungstechnik, Komponenten und Subsysteme, Plasmatechnik, Antennen und Ausbreitung

by Holger Heuermann

Das Buch behandelt die verschiedenen numerischen Feldsimulationsverfahren, nichtlineare Schaltungstechnik und deren S- und X-Parameter sowie modernste Leistungsverstärkertechniken. Weiterhin werden neuartig dargestellte Oszillatoren und das große neue Feld der GHz-Plasmatechnik beschrieben. Darüber hinaus deckt es mit den Themen Hohlleiter, Mischer, Phasenregelkreise, Antennen und Ausbreitungseffekte in Kombination mit dem Bachelor-Buch „Hochfrequenztechnik“ alle Aspekte ab, die den aktuellen Stand der GHz-Technik betreffen.Die in diesem Lehrbuch vorgestellte Mikrowellenelektronik und -technik fasst somit die moderne Technik der elektromagnetischen sowie nichtlinearen Grundlagen, die im ein- und zweistelligen GHz-Bereich für Funk-, Navigations-, Lokalisierungs-, Mess-, Heiz- und sonstige Systeme benötigt werden, zusammen.

Mild Traumatic Brain Injury: A Science and Engineering Perspective

by Mark A. Mentzer

Mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI), directly related to chronic traumatic encephalopathy, presents a crisis in contact sports, the military, and public health. Mild Traumatic Brain Injury: A Science and Engineering Perspective reviews current understanding of mTBI, methods of diagnosis, treatment, policy concerns, and emerging technologies. It details the neurophysiology and epidemiology of brain injuries by presenting disease models and descriptions of nucleating events, characterizes sensors, imagers, and related diagnostic measures used for evaluating and identifying brain injuries, and relates emerging bioinformatics analysis with mTBI markers. The book goes on to discuss issues with sports medicine and military issues; covers therapeutic strategies, surgeries, and future developments; and finally addresses drug trials and candidates for therapy. The broad coverage and accessible discussions will appeal to professionals in diverse fields related to mTBI, students of neurology, medicine, and biology, as well as policy makers and lay persons interested in this hot topic. Features Summarizes the entire scope of the field of mTBI Details the neurophysiology, epidemiology, and presents disease models and descriptions of nucleating events Characterizes sensors, imagers, and related diagnostic measures and relates emerging bioinformatics analysis with mTBI markers Discusses issues with sports medicine and military issues Covers therapeutic strategies, surgeries, and future developments and addresses drug trials and candidates Dr Mark Mentzer earned his PhD in Electrical Engineering from the University of Delaware. He is a former research scientist at the US Army Research Laboratory where he studied mild traumatic brain injury and developed early-detection brain injury helmet sensors. He is a certified test director and contracting officer representative. He possesses two Level-III Defense Acquisition University Certifications in Science and Technology Management and in Test and Evaluation. During his career, he developed a wide range of sensors and instrumentation as well as biochemical processes to assess brain trauma. Mentzer currently teaches graduate systems engineering and computer science courses at the University of Maryland University College.


by Paul Sorensen Liisa Ecola Martin Wachs

This primer presents some promising and innovative mileage fee system designs and transition strategies. For states or localities that are considering a transition to mileage fees, awareness of these strategies can help determine whether shifting from fuel taxes to mileage fees merits further consideration. For jurisdictions already engaged in detailed assessments of mileage fees, these concepts can help reduce costs and build public support.

Milestones in Analog and Digital Computing

by Herbert Bruderer

This Third Edition is the first English-language edition of the award-winning Meilensteine der Rechentechnik; illustrated in full color throughout in two volumes. The Third Edition is devoted to both analog and digital computing devices, as well as the world's most magnificient historical automatons and select scientific instruments (employed in astronomy, surveying, time measurement, etc.). It also features detailed instructions for analog and digital mechanical calculating machines and instruments, and is the only such historical book with comprehensive technical glossaries of terms not found in print or in online dictionaries. The book also includes a very extensive bibliography based on the literature of numerous countries around the world.Meticulously researched, the author conducted a worldwide survey of science, technology and art museums with their main holdings of analog and digital calculating and computing machines and devices, historical automatons and selected scientific instruments in order to describe a broad range of masterful technical achievements. Also covering the history of mathematics and computer science, this work documents the cultural heritage of technology as well.

Militarizing Outer Space: Astroculture, Dystopia and the Cold War (Palgrave Studies in the History of Science and Technology)

by Alexander C. T. Geppert Daniel Brandau Tilmann Siebeneichner

Militarizing Outer Space explores the dystopian and destructive dimensions of the Space Age and challenges conventional narratives of a bipolar Cold War rivalry. Concentrating on weapons, warfare and vio​lence, this provocative volume examines real and imagined endeavors of arming the skies and conquering the heavens. The third and final volume in the groundbreaking ​European Astroculture trilogy, ​Militarizing Outer Space zooms in on the interplay between security, technopolitics and knowledge from the 1920s through the 1980s. Often hailed as the site of heavenly utopias and otherworldly salvation, outer space transformed from a promised sanctuary to a present threat, where the battles of the future were to be waged. Astroculture proved instrumental in fathoming forms and functions of warfare’s futures past, both on earth and in space. The allure of dominating outer space, the book shows, was neither limited to the early twenty-first century nor to current American space force rhetorics.

The Military: Entertainment Complex (MetaLABprojects)

by Tim Lenoir; Luke Caldwell

With the rise of drones and computer-controlled weapons, the line between war and video games continues to blur. In this book, the authors trace how the realities of war are deeply inflected by their representation in popular entertainment. War games and other media, in turn, feature an increasing number of weapons, tactics, and threat scenarios from the War on Terror. <p><p> While past analyses have emphasized top-down circulation of pro-military ideologies through government public relations efforts and a cooperative media industry, The Military-Entertainment Complex argues for a nonlinear relationship, defined largely by market and institutional pressures. Tim Lenoir and Luke Caldwell explore the history of the early days of the video game industry, when personnel and expertise flowed from military contractors to game companies; to a middle period when the military drew on the booming game industry to train troops; to a present in which media corporations and the military influence one another cyclically to predict the future of warfare. <p> In addition to obvious military-entertainment titles like America’s Army, Lenoir and Caldwell investigate the rise of best-selling franchise games such as Call of Duty, Battlefield, Medal of Honor, and Ghost Recon. The narratives and aesthetics of these video games permeate other media, including films and television programs. This commodification and marketing of the future of combat has shaped the public’s imagination of war in the post-9/11 era and naturalized the U.S. Pentagon’s vision of a new way of war.

Military Adaptation in War

by Williamson Murray

Military Adaptation in War addresses one of the most persistent, yet rarely examined, problems that military organizations confront: namely, the problem of how to adapt under the trying, terrifying conditions of war. This work builds on the volume that Professor Williamson Murray edited with Allan Millett on military innovation (a quite different problem, though similar in some respects). In Clausewitzian terms, war is a contest, an interactive duel, which is of indeterminate length and presents a series of intractable problems at every level, from policy and strategy down to the tactical. Moreover, the fact that the enemy is adapting at the same time presents military organizations with an ever-changing set of conundrums that offer up no easy solutions. As the British general, James Wolfe, suggested before Quebec: "War is an option of difficulties. " Dr. Murray provides an in-depth analysis of the problems that military forces confront in adapting to these difficulties.

The Military and Modernization (Controversy Ser.)

by Henry Bienen

There is a growing body of work on the military in developing countries. Few studies, have explored in-depth questions concerning the social origins of offi cers and enlisted men or trace career patterns within the armed forces of the developing world. With the exception of Latin America, it has been rare for a study to assess the performance of ruling, or non-ruling, militaries for political development and modernization of their societies. Th is oversight is exactly what Henry Bienen addresses in this collection.

Military Blunders: The How And Why Of Military Failure

by Saul David

Retelling the most spectacular cock-ups in military history, this graphic account has a great deal to say about the psychology of military incompetence and the reasons even the most well-oiled military machines inflict disaster upon themselves. Beginning in AD9 with the massacre of Varus and his legions in the Black Forest all the way up to present day conflict in Afghanistan it analyses why things go wrong on the battlefield and who is to blame.

Military Blunders: The How And Why Of Military Failure

by Saul David

Retelling the most spectacular cock-ups in military history, this graphic account has a great deal to say about the psychology of military incompetence and the reasons even the most well-oiled military machines inflict disaster upon themselves. Beginning in AD9 with the massacre of Varus and his legions in the Black Forest all the way up to present day conflict in Afghanistan it analyses why things go wrong on the battlefield and who is to blame.

Military Capabilities for Hybrid War: Insights from the Israel Defense Forces in Lebanon and Gaza

by David E. Johnson

The Israel Defense Forces have gained much experience against hybrid opponents--Hezbollah and Hamas--in recent conflicts in Lebanon and Gaza. The lessons from these experiences are relevant to understanding the capabilities the U.S. Army and the joint force will require in the future. Principal findings highlight the importance of combined arms fire and maneuver; precision, standoff fires; responsive air and artillery support; and heavy forces.

The Military Covenant: Its Impact on Civil–Military Relations in Britain

by Sarah Ingham

The Military Covenant states that in exchange for their military service and their willingness to make the ultimate sacrifice, soldiers should receive the nation’s support. Exploring the concept’s invention by the Army in the late 1990s, its migration to the civilian sphere from 2006 and its subsequent entrenchment in public policy, Ingham seeks to understand the Covenant’s progress from the esoteric confines of Army doctrine to national recognition. Drawing on interviews with senior commanders, policy-makers and representatives of Forces’ charities, this study highlights how the Army deployed the Military Covenant to convey the pressure on the institution caused by the concurrent combat operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. While achieving a better deal for soldiers whose sacrifice became all too apparent, the Military Covenant licensed unprecedented incursion into politics by senior commanders, enabling them to out-manoeuvre the Blair-Brown governments and to challenge the existing norms within Britain’s civil-military relationship. As British Forces prepare to leave Afghanistan, this study considers the value Britain accords to military service and whether civilian society will continue to uphold its Covenant with those who have served the nation.

Military Enlistment of Hispanic Youth: Obstacles and Opportunities

by Jacob Alex Klerman Meredith Kleykamp Beth J. Asch David S. Loughran Christopher Buck

Although polls of Hispanic youth show a strong propensity to serve in the military, Hispanics are nonetheless underrepresented among military recruits. The authors discuss the major characteristics that disproportionately disqualify Hispanic youth and explore actions that could be taken to increase Hispanic enlistments.

Military Flight Aptitude Tests, Fifth Edition: 6 Practice Tests + Comprehensive Review (Barron's Test Prep)

by Terry L. Duran

Be prepared for exam day with Barron&’s. Trusted content from Military Flight Aptitude Test experts!Barron&’s Military Flight Aptitude Tests includes in-depth content review and practice. It&’s the only book you&’ll need to be prepared for exam day.Written by Experienced EducatorsLearn from Barron&’s--all content is written and reviewed by Military Flight Aptitude Test expertsBuild your understanding with comprehensive review tailored to the most recent exams:AFOQT (Air Force Officer Qualifying Test)SIFT (Army Selection Instrument for Flight Training)ASTB-E (Navy/Marine Corps/Coast Guard Aviation Selection Test Battery)Get a leg up with tips, strategies, and study advice for exam day--it&’s like having a trusted tutor by your sideBe Confident on Exam DaySharpen your test-taking skills with 6 practice tests, including 2 practice AFOQTs, 2 practice SIFTs, and 2 practice ASTB-EsReinforce your learning with detailed answers and explanations for all test questionsStrengthen your knowledge with in-depth review covering all major subtests and topics covered on each exam, including language, mathematics, technical knowledge, science, and mental skillsDeepen your understanding with expert advice about becoming an officer and aviator, detailed summaries of common aircraft used by the U.S. military today, a glossary of key terms and definitions, and much more

Military Geography: For Professionals and The Public

by John M. Collins

This book covers many topics that are crucial to military planning but often receive only passing mention in histories or briefings. Collins, a former Army officer, stresses land geography, but he does not stint oceans, the atmosphere, or interplanetary space. His discussions of urban areas are too brief, given the increasing amount of large-scale violence in cities since the end of World War II.

Military Geosciences and Desert Warfare

by Eric V. Mcdonald Thomas Bullard

This book is a collection of papers presented at the 9th International Conference of Military Geoscience that was held in 2011. The conference included discussion on a diverse range of geosciences, including military history, military geology, teaching geology from a military prospective, geological influence on the battlefield, and environmental and cultural issues related to management of military lands. Geology and geography have played a significant role in military history, from providing the stone for primitive tools and weapons, to the utilization of terrain in offensive and defensive strategies. Specific to this volume, deserts comprise nearly a third of the Earth's surface and have been the site of numerous battles where the dust, heat, and a lack of food and water have provided challenges to military leaders and warriors. This book examines the role of deserts in past and modern warfare, the problems and challenges in managing military lands in desert regions, and how desert environmental conditions can impact military equipment and personnel. This proceedings volume should be of interest to scholars, professionals, and those interested in military history, warfare, geology, geography, cultural resources, general science, and military operations.

The Military in San Diego (No Ser.)

by Scott McGaugh

No city is as proud of its military heritage as San Diego, known as "Navy Town, USA." Congress also has designated San Diego as "the Birthplace of Naval Aviation." However, its community fabric reflects a more diverse and tightly woven relationship with our nation's defense. Over the past century, the city has invented and then reinvented itself in response to shifting world affairs and national priorities. It began with a successful campaign to become a West Coast Navy base in the early 1900s. By the 1930s, military aircraft manufacturing drove economic development. After explosive growth in World War II, San Diego emerged as an established military metropolis. At the dawn of the Cold War, San Diego recast itself as a home for Cold War research and development and defense contractors. Today, San Diego is an internationally renowned defense science and technology development center, a city in which one in four jobs and fully 50 percent of regional domestic product are defense related. Like no other city in America, San Diego has grown from a remote military presidio outpost to become a preeminent Pacific powerhouse.

The Military-Industrial Complex at 50

by David Swanson

This book is the most comprehensive collection available explaining what the military industrial complex (MIC) is, where it comes from, what damage it does, what further destruction it threatens, and what can be done and is being done to chart a different course.

Military Industry and Regional Defense Policy: India, Iraq and Israel (Cass Military Studies)

by Timothy D. Hoyt

Military Industry and Regional Defense Policy re-examines military industrialization in the developing world, focusing on policy-making in producer states and the impact of security perceptions on such policy-making. Timothy D. Hoyt reassesses the role of regional state sub-systems in international relations, and recent historical studies of international technology and arms transfers. Looking at Israel, Iraq and India, the three most powerful regional powers in the Cold War era, he presesnts an expert analysis of the three-sided phenomena of the regional hegemony, the regional competitor and the small over-achiever. This new book breaks away from existing literature on military industries in the developing world, which has focused on their economic and development costs and benefits. These past studies have used primitive methodologies that focus on the production of complete weapons systems - a misleading gauge in a world of growing international defense cooperation. They have also ignored empirical evidence of the impact of local military industrial production on Cold War regional conflict, and of the defence planning and concerns that drove development of indigenous military industries in key regional powers. This new text delivers an incisive new perspective.

Military Injury Biomechanics: The Cause and Prevention of Impact Injuries

by Melanie Franklyn Peter Vee Lee

Military Injury Biomechanics: The Cause and Prevention of Impact Injuries is a reference manual where information and data from a large number of sources, focussing on injuries related to military events, has been critically reviewed and discussed. The book covers the cause and prevention of impact injuries to all the major body regions, while topics such as the historical background of military impact biomechanics, the history and use of anthropomorphic test devices for military applications and the medical management of injuries are also discussed. An international team of experts have been brought together to examine and review the topics. The book is intended for researchers, postgraduate students and others working or studying defence and impact injuries.

Military Innovation in The Interwar Period

by Williamson Murray Allan R. Millett

In 1914, the armies and navies that faced each other were alike right down to the strengths of their companies and battalions and the designs of their battleships and cruisers. Differences were of degree rather than essence. During the interwar period, however, the armed forces grew increasingly asymmetrical, developing different approaches to the same problems. This 1996 study of major military innovations in the 1920s and 1930s explores differences in exploitation by the seven major military powers. The comparative essays investigate how and why innovation occurred or did not occur, and explain much of the strategic and operative performance of the Axis and Allies in World War II. The essays focus on several instances of how military services developed new technology and weapons and incorporated them into their doctrine, organisation and styles of operations.

Military Intelligence Blunders and Cover-Ups: New Revised Edition

by Colonel John Hughes-Wilson

This book is a professional military-intelligence officer's and a controversial insider's view of some of the greatest intelligence blunders of recent history. It includes the serious developments in government misuse of intelligence in the recent war with Iraq. Colonel John Hughes-Wilson analyses not just the events that conspire to cause disaster, but why crucial intelligence is so often ignored, misunderstood or spun by politicians and seasoned generals alike. This book analyses: how Hitler's intelligence staff misled him in a bid to outfox their Nazi Party rivals; the bureaucratic bungling behind Pearl Harbor; how in-fighting within American intelligence ensured they were taken off guard by the Viet Cong's 1968 Tet Offensive; how over confidence, political interference and deception facilitated Egypt and Syria's 1973 surprise attack on Israel; why a handful of marines and a London taxicab were all Britain had to defend the Falklands; the mistaken intelligence that allowed Saddam Hussein to remain in power until the second Iraq War of 2003; the truth behind the US failure to run a terrorist warning system before the 9/11 WTC bombing; and how governments are increasingly pressurising intelligence agencies to 'spin' the party-political line.

Military Intelligence Blunders and Cover-Ups: New Revised Edition

by John Hughes-Wilson

This book is a professional military-intelligence officer's and a controversial insider's view of some of the greatest intelligence blunders of recent history. It includes the serious developments in government misuse of intelligence in the recent war with Iraq. Colonel John Hughes-Wilson analyses not just the events that conspire to cause disaster, but why crucial intelligence is so often ignored, misunderstood or spun by politicians and seasoned generals alike. This book analyses: how Hitler's intelligence staff misled him in a bid to outfox their Nazi Party rivals; the bureaucratic bungling behind Pearl Harbor; how in-fighting within American intelligence ensured they were taken off guard by the Viet Cong's 1968 Tet Offensive; how over confidence, political interference and deception facilitated Egypt and Syria's 1973 surprise attack on Israel; why a handful of marines and a London taxicab were all Britain had to defend the Falklands; the mistaken intelligence that allowed Saddam Hussein to remain in power until the second Iraq War of 2003; the truth behind the US failure to run a terrorist warning system before the 9/11 WTC bombing; and how governments are increasingly pressurising intelligence agencies to 'spin' the party-political line.

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