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Minerals in Africa: Opportunities for the Continent’s Industrialisation
by Francis P. GudyangaAfrica’s dire need to industrialize is universally acknowledged and it is evident that the continent’s vast mineral resources can catalyze that industrialization. This requires the promotion of local beneficiation and value addition of minerals to yield materials on which modern Africa’s industry and society can rely. This book is, therefore, about transforming Africa’s comparative advantages in minerals into the continent’s competitive edge regarding materials. Mineral beneficiation and value addition form the basis and provide opportunities for mineral-driven Africa’s industrialization. The scope of the book is three-fold with inter-connected relationships: Information, Technical, and Policy oriented. It will be a useful reference material for mining undergraduate students on beneficiation and value addition of each of the minerals found in Africa. The book, while presenting a broad overview of beneficiation and value addition of Africa’s minerals, provides crucial starting material for postgraduate research students and R&D institutions who wish to delve into more advanced methods of extraction and utilization of mineral-derived materials that are in Africa for the purpose of industrialization of the continent.
Minerals latu sensu and Human Health: Benefits, Toxicity and Pathologies
by Celso Gomes Michel RautureauThis volume provides a comprehensive academic review of both positive and negative effects of minerals on human health and quality of life. The book adopts the concept of mineral latu sensu (mineral l.s.), which encompasses a broad spectrum of natural, inorganic, solid, and crystalline, of natural and inorganic chemical elements (metals and metalloids), of modified natural minerals, of biominerals, and of syntetic minerals, all products that branch across the disciplines of earth, soil, environmental, materials, nutrition, and health sciences. Using this broad framework, the authors are able to provide a multidisciplinary assessment on many types of minerals which can be essential, beneficial and hazardous to human health, covering applications in medical geology, medical hydrology or balneotherapy, pharmacology, chemistry, nutrition, and biophysics. The book performs historical analyses of the uses of minerals for therapeutic and cosmetic purposes to better understand current trends and developments in mineral research and human health. The book will be of interest to students, public health officials, environmental agencies and researchers from various disciplines, as well as scientific societies and organizations focusing on medical geology, health resort medicine (crenotherapy, hydrotherapy and climatotherapy), and on pharmaceutical, cosmetic and biomedical applications.
Mines and Miners of Cornwall and Devon: The Tin and Copper Industries
by Anthony BurtonThe eminent historian and author of The Rise of King Cotton uncovers the centuries-old story of tin mining in Southern England.Tin mining has existed in Cornwall and parts of Devon since before the Romans arrived in Britain. In this book, historian Anthony Burton explores the region’s tin mining industry from its earliest period through to the present day.A specialist in the history of technology, Burton examines the evolution of extraction methods from primitive pick and shovel operations to the later use of explosives, the rise of steam power, and beyond. Burton also looks at the changing politics and economics of the tin mining industry over the centuries.
Mines of Clear Creek County
by Ben M. DuganIn 1859, "Pikes Peak or bust!" spread across America and brought men and their families from all over to the Kansas goldfields seeking a new beginning. Thousands came to Clear Creek and Gilpin Counties and eventually settled all of Colorado. The mining communities of Idaho Springs, Georgetown, Empire, Silver Plume, Dumont, and Lawson all exist because of the pursuit of gold and silver. Gold was initially easy to get to, but in time, underground mineral development was necessary. New technologies and the Industrial Revolution made mining easier, but there was still work to be done to establish local fire departments, churches, schools, and governments.
Mini-Forest Revolution: Using the Miyawaki Method to Rapidly Rewild the World
by Hannah Lewis"Hannah Lewis describes a gift to a despairing world. . . . There may be no single climate solution that has a greater breadth of benefits than mini-forests. . . [and] can be done by everyone everywhere."—Paul Hawken, from the foreword For readers who enjoyed Finding the Mother Tree and The Hidden Life of Trees comes the first-ever book about a movement to restore biodiversity in our cities and towns by transforming empty lots, backyards, and degraded land into mini-forests. Author Hannah Lewis is the forest maker turning asphalt into ecosystems to save the planet and she wants everyone to know they can do it too. In Mini-Forest Revolution, Lewis presents the Miyawaki Method, a unique approach to reforestation devised by Japanese botanist Akira Miyawaki. She explains how tiny forests as small as six parking spaces grow quickly and are much more biodiverse than those planted by conventional methods. She explores the science behind why Miyawaki-style mini-forests work and the myriad environmental benefits, including: cooling urban heat islands, establishing wildlife corridors, building soil health, sequestering carbon, creating pollinator habitats, and more. Today, the Miyawaki Method is witnessing a worldwide surge in popularity. Lewis shares the stories of mini-forests that have sprung up across the globe and the people who are planting them―from a young forest along the concrete alley of the Beirut River in Lebanon, to a backyard forest planted by tiny-forest champion Shubhendu Sharma in India. This inspiring book offers a revolutionary approach to planting trees and a truly accessible solution to the climate crisis that can be implemented by communities, classrooms, cities, clubs, and families everywhere.
Mini-Goats: Everything You Need to Know to Keep Miniature Goats in the City, Country, or Suburbs
by Sue WeaverYou don't have to find a farm to find a goat these days. Goats have become popular on hobby farms and even in suburban backyards for fleece, for milk, and just as pets. Goats are known for their easy-keeping qualities and delightful personalities, and what's easier to keep than a goat? A miniature goat! Including Pygmy Goats, Nigerian Dwarfs, Mini-Myotonics, Miniature Silky Fainting Goats, Miniature Dairy Goats, Pygoras, and Nigoras, mini goats have all of the traits that fanciers love about full-sized goat breeds in a compact size. City dwellers can even enjoy the companionship of a miniature goat-or two! In The Mini Goat Guide, experienced goat keeper and author Sue Weaver brings readers the most comprehensive and current information about selecting and caring for miniature goats.Inside The Mini-Goat Guide:The miniature goat breeds and their myriad sizes, shapes, coat types, and colors Preparing for mini goat ownership and selecting the right goats for you The miniature goat's behavior, temperament, social nature, and body languageHow to feed, house, exercise, groom, and provide proper health care for your mini goats Breeding goats and raising kidsSpecial considerations for owning dairy goats
Mini-Grids for Rural Electrification of Developing Countries
by Subhes C. Bhattacharyya Debajit PalitIn recognition of the fact that billions of people in the developing world do not have access to clean energies, the United Nations launched the Sustainable Energy for All Initiative to achieve universal energy access by 2030. Although electricity grid extension remains the most prevalent way of providing access, it is now recognized that the central grid is unlikely to reach many remote areas in the near future. At the same time, individual solutions like solar home systems tend to provide very limited services to consumers. Mini-grids offer an alternative by combining the benefits of a grid-based solution with the potential for harnessing renewable energies at the local level. The purpose of this book is to provide in-depth coverage of the use of mini-grids for rural electrification in developing countries, taking into account the technical, economic, environmental and governance dimensions and presenting case studies from South Asia. This book reports on research carried out by a consortium of British and Indian researchers on off-grid electrification in South Asia. It provides state-of-the art technical knowledge on mini-grids and micro-grids including renewable energy integration (or green mini-grids), smart systems for integration with the central grid, and standardization of systems. It also presents essential analytical frameworks and approaches that can be used to analyze the mini-grids comprehensively including their techno-economic aspects, financial viability and regulatory issues. The case studies drawn from South Asia demonstrate the application of the framework and showcase various successful efforts to promote mini-grids in the region. It also reports on the design and implementation of a demonstration project carried out by the team in a cluster of villages in Odisha (India). The book's multi-disciplinary approach facilitates understanding of the relevant practical dimensions of mini-grid systems, such as demand creation (through interventions in livelihood generation and value chain development), financing, regulation, and smart system design. Its state-of-the art knowledge, integrated methodological framework, simulation exercises and real-life case analysis will allow the reader to analyze and appreciate the mini-grid-related activities in their entirety. The book will be of interest to researchers, graduate students, practitioners and policy makers working in the area of rural electrification in developing countries.
Miniature Final Fantasy
by Square Enix Tatsuya TanakaA whimsical collection of iconic scenes from the Final Fantasy series, cheerfully realized by miniature photographer Tatsuya Tanaka!Cloud and Sephiroth reenact their fateful showdown--an open beer can standing in for Nibel Reactor cooling tower. Setzer steers his airship Blackjack, mischievously recreated from corn on the cob. A chocobo flits and frolics across a field of . . . tennis balls. Tetsuya Tanaka's vibrant miniature photography is showcased side-by-side with concept art that details the process of each photo's creation. This tome catalogs fan-favorite moments captured from across the Final Fantasy series, followed by a longform interview with Tatsuya Tanaka himself. Dark Horse Books and Square Enix present Miniature Final Fantasy: No Adventure Too Large--Tatsuya Tanaka's miniature Final Fantasy scenes from his memorable Miniature Calendar series. This joyous collaboration celebrates the Final Fantasy series from a wholly unique perspective.
Miniature Joule-Thomson Cryocooling
by John M. Pfotenhauer Ben-Zion MaytalThis book is the first in English being entirely dedicated to Miniature Joule-Thomson Cryocooling. The category of Joule-Thomson (JT) cryocoolers takes us back to the roots of cryogenics, in 1895, with figures like Linde and Hampson. The "cold finger" of these cryocoolers is compact, lacks moving parts, and sustains a large heat flux extraction at a steady temperature. Potentially, they cool down unbeatably fast. For example, cooling to below 100 K (minus 173 Celsius) might be accomplished within only a few seconds by liquefying argon. A level of about 120 K can be reached almost instantly with krypton. Indeed, the species of coolant plays a central role dictating the size, the intensity and the level of cryocooling. It is the JT effect that drives these cryocoolers and reflects the deviation of the "real" gas from the ideal gas properties. The nine chapters of the book are arranged in five parts. *The Common Principle of Cyrocoolers shared across the broad variety of cryocooler types *Theoretical Aspects: the JT effect and its inversion, cooling potential of coolants, the liquefaction process, sizing of heat exchangers, level of pressurization, discharge of pressure vessels * Practical Aspects: modes of operation (fast cooldown, continuous, multi-staging, hybrid cryocoolers), pressure sources, configuration, construction and technologies, flow adjustment, MEMS, open and closed cycle, cooldown process and similarity, transient behavior * Mixed Coolant cryocooling: theory, practice and applications * Special Topics: real gas choked flow rates, gas purity, clog formation, optimal fixed orifice, modeling, cryosurgical devices, warming by the inverse JT effect The theoretical aspects may be of interest not only to those working with cryocoolers but also for others with a general interest in "real" gas thermodynamics, such as, for example, the inversion of the JT effect in its differential and integral forms, and the exceptional behavior of the quantum gases. A detailed list of references for each chapter comprises a broad literature survey. It consists of more than 1,200 relevant publications and 450 related patents. The systematically organized content, arranged under a thorough hierarchy of headings, supported by 227 figures and 41 tables, and accompanied by various chronological notes of evolution, enables readers a friendly interaction with the book. Dr. Ben-Zion Maytal is a Senior Researcher at Rafael-Advanced Defense Systems, Ltd., and an Adjunct Senior Teaching Fellow at the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel. Prof. John M. Pfotenhauer holds a joint appointment in the Departments of Mechanical Engineering and Engineering Physics at the University of Wisconsin - Madison.
Miniature Sorption Coolers: Theory and Applications
by Lucio Piccirillo Gabriele Coppi Andrew MayIn recent years, there have been significant developments in detector technologies in the field of astrophysics, requiring lower temperatures with simple self-contained refrigerators. Temperatures in the range of 1K to 50mK are now achieved by using dedicated closed-cycle miniature sorption coolers. <P><P>This book presents the theoretical and experimental knowledge necessary to design and build your own miniature refrigerators, including both single shot and continuous 1 K, 300 mK and 100 mK coolers, and details how to write the needed design software. This text will be of interest to students and researchers, already familiar with basic physics and thermodynamics, who want to understand how sorption coolers and miniature dilution refrigerators work. <P><P>Features: <li>The first book dedicated to miniature sorption coolers <li>Covers the basic thermodynamic concepts needed to understand the behavior of liquid helium-3 and liquid helium-4 <li>Includes an appendix of Python example codes
Miniaturized Biosensing Devices: Fabrication and Applications
by Pranjal Chandra Kuldeep MahatoThis book presents tools and techniques for the development of miniature biosensors and their applications. The initial chapters discuss the advancements in the development of the transduction techniques, including optical, electrochemical, and piezoelectric, which are used for miniaturized biosensors. The book also reviews several technologies, such as nanotechnology, nanobiotechnology, immune-technology, DNA-technology, micro-manufacturing technology, electronic-circuit technology to increase the miniaturization and sensitivity of the biosensor platform. Subsequently, the chapters illustrate the applications of miniaturized biosensing systems in point-of-care monitoring of treatment and disease progression, environmental monitoring, food control, drug discovery, forensics, and biomedical research. Towards the end, the book discusses the advanced applications of biosensors in water quality monitoring, especially on-line detection systems and on-site detection of pesticides, heavy metals and bacteria in water. This book is an invaluable source for scientists working in biochemical engineering, bioengineering, and biomedical engineering in academia and industry.
Miniaturized Electrochemical Devices: Advanced Concepts, Fabrication, and Applications
by Sanket Goel Khairunnisa AmreenEvidently, electrochemical sensing has revolutionized the electroanalytical detections in the world. Since the 19th century, a huge amount of growth has been visible on various fronts, such as biosensors, energy devices, semiconductor devices, communication, embedded systems, sensors etc. However, the major research gap lies in the fact that most of the reported literatures are bulk systems; hence there are limitations for practical applications. Research in these domains has been carried out by both academia and industry, whereby academics is the backbone whose intellectual outputs have been widely adopted by the industry and implemented for consumers at large. In order to impart portability to the electrochemical sensors for point-of-care application, the collaboration of electrochemistry, microfluidics, electronics and communication as an interdisciplinary forum is crucial. The miniaturization, automation, IoT enabling and integration are the requirements for building the mentioned research gap. The conversion of electrochemical sensing theoretical concepts to practical applications in real time via miniaturization and integration of microfluidics will enhance this domain. In this context, of lately, several research groups have developed miniaturized microdevices as electrochemical-sensing platforms. This has led to a demand of offering a reference book as a guideline for the PhD programs in electrochemistry, MEMS, electronics and communication. Undoubtedly, this will have a huge impact for R&D in industries, public-funded research institutes and academic institutions. The book will provide a single forum to understand the current research trends and future perspectives of various electrochemical sensors and their integration in microfluidic devices, automation and point-of-care testing. For students, the book will become a motivation for them to explore these areas for their career standpoints. For the professionals, the book will become a thought-provoking stage to manoeuvre the next-generation devices/processes for commercialization.
Miniaturized Testing of Engineering Materials (Advanced Materials Science and Technology)
by V. Karthik K.V. Kasiviswanathan Baldev RajThis book is a comprehensive overview of methods of characterizing the mechanical properties of engineering materials using specimen sizes in the micro-scale regime (0.3-5.0 mm). A range of issues associated with miniature specimen testing like correlation methodologies for data transferability between different specimen sizes, use of numerical simulation/analysis for data inversion, application to actual structures using scooped out samples or by in-situ testing, and more importantly developing a common code of practice are discussed and presented in a concise manner.
Miniemulsion Polymerization Technology (Wiley-Scrivener #34)
by Vikas MittalExplains miniemulsion technology and techniques and why they have many distinct advantages over the conventional emulsion polymerization technology Miniemulsion Polymerization Technology comprises 10 papers by many of the world's experts on the subject. It summarizes the recent advances in miniemulsion polymerization technology including the advances on the selection of surfactants and co-surfactants, the expansion of miniemulsion technology in various polymers and co-polymer systems, and the use of miniemulsion polymerization for the synthesis of advanced polymer particle morphologies. There have been a large number of texts on emulsion and other forms of polymerization methods, but miniemulsion polymerization, though it provides unique routes for polymer particle synthesis, has been neglected. This edited volume: Details the use of miniemulsion polymerization in encapsulation, core shell functional particles, nitroxide mediated polymerization, atom transfer radical polymerization or radical addition fragmentation chain transfer polymerization, to generate advanced polymer nanoparticles or organic-inorganic composite particles Examines the wide spectrum of commercial possibilities of miniemulsion polymerization Provides both introductory material as well as deep insights into the synthesis of polymer particles
Minimal Cells: Design, Construction, Biotechnological Applications
by Guillermo Gosset Alvaro R. LaraThis book provides a comprehensive overview of the design, generation and characterization of minimal cell systems. Written by leading experts, it presents an in-depth analysis of the current issues and challenges in the field, including recent advances in the generation and characterization of reduced-genome strains generated from model organisms with relevance in biotechnology, and basic research such as Escherichia coli, Corynebacterium glutamicum and yeast. It also discusses methodologies, such as bottom-up and top-down genome minimization strategies, as well as novel analytical and experimental approaches to characterize and generate minimal cells. Lastly, it presents the latest research related to minimal cells of serveral microorganisms, e.g. Bacillus subtilis.The design of biological systems for biotechnological purposes employs strategies aimed at optimizing specific tasks. This approach is based on enhancing certain biological functions while reducing other capacities that are not required or that could be detrimental to the desired objective. A highly optimized cell factory would be expected to have only the capacity for reproduction and for performing the expected task. Such a hypothetical organism would be considered a minimal cell. At present, numerous research groups in academia and industry are exploring the theoretical and practical implications of constructing and using minimal cells and are providing valuable fundamental insights into the characteristics of minimal genomes, leading to an understanding of the essential gene set. In addition, research in this field is providing valuable information on the physiology of minimal cells and their utilization as a biological chassis to which useful biotechnological functions can be added.
Minimally Processed Foods
by Mohammed Wasim Siddiqui Mohammad Shafiur RahmanThe safety and efficacy of minimal food processing depends on the use of novel preservation technologies. This book first examines what is meant by minimally processed foods, including fresh-cut, cooked-chilled, and part-baked products. Next explored are the technologies or methods to produce quality products in terms of safety and nutrition, including: edible coating, natural preservatives (i. e. , antimicrobial, flavour enhancer, anti-browning), advanced packaging (active, antimicrobial, and modified or controlled atmosphere), and selected non-thermal techniques (high pressure, pulsed electric field, ultrasound, light). Preservation of food is crucial to achieving a secure and safe global food supply with the desired sensory quality. In addition, the increasing consumer demand for safe, ready-to-serve, ready-to-eat-and-cook products with minimal chemical preservatives has raised expectations. However, foods deemed minimally processed, such as fresh-cut fruits and vegetables, cooked-chilled, and half-baked foods, are delicate products that need special care in preparation, processing, storage, and handling. As a result, new technologies to develop minimally processed foods have aggressively advanced. Minimally Processed Foods: Technologies for Safety, Quality, and Convenience explores both the definition of minimally processed foods and the methods and technologies used to achieve the safety and nutritional value consumers demand. About the Editors Mohammed Wasim Siddiqui, Bihar Agricultural University, Sabour, Bhagalpur, India Mohammad Shafiur Rahman, Sultan Qaboos University, Al-khod, Oman
Minimally Processed Refrigerated Fruits and Vegetables
by Fatih Yildiz Robert C. WileyThe first edition of Minimally Processed and Refrigerated Fruits and Vegetables, edited by Robert C. Wiley and Fatih Yildiz, was published in 1994. At the time of publication, this was a new concept and was well-received by the scientific community. Minimally processed foods are whole plant tissues (the identity of the plant tissue is recognized by consumers), which may contain active enzymes, live tissues, and plant cells. These are some of the basics for the healthy food design. The overall function of these foods is to provide convenient (ready-to-serve, ready-to cook, free of any pesticides and contaminants),like-fresh products for food service and retail consumers. Minimally Processed and Refrigerated Foods (MPR) have been popular in many countries. The following are some of the advantages offered by MPR produce foods: 1. Ease of portion control in the food service industry 2. Lower transportation cost (all inedible portions of the produce are removed prior to transportation) 3. No waste is generated at the point of consumption 4. Utilization and recycling of the waste is much easier 5. Value-added new fruit and vegetable products and meal development is possible and easy 6. No requirement is needed for phytosanitary control during trade 7-No glycation end products formation during processing, 8. Degree of food processing is minimized for optimal health of human, the processing plant for MPR produce, which is not addressed in any other books on this topic, will be described in this second edition. Also, comparison of minimal processing technologies with other technologies was explained in the first publication and will be updated in this second edition. During the last 200 years the purpose of food processing was a-safety(sterilization, Pasteurization,1804 Nicholas Apert,Pasteur 1867), and b-prevention of deficiency diseases(Enrichments),but MPR foods provides a two new dimensions to food processing ; a-Prevention of chronic diseases(bioactive compounds) and b-Optimum health (functional foods,Superfoods,Neutraceuticals, and Medical foods) for human.
Minimization of Climatic Vulnerabilities on Mini-hydro Power Plants
by Mrinmoy MajumderThis Brief presents the multi criteria decision making (MCDM) techniques like Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Fuzzy Analytical Network Process (ANP) to find out the importance of the influencing factors to develop the Climatic Vulnerability Index (CVI) that will represent the vulnerability of the Hydro-Power Plant (HPP) to climatic abnormalities. The cognitive ability of neuro-genetic modeling is applied to minimize CVI so that the conditions required to reduce the effect of climate change on HPP can be identified. The results from the study are found to be encouraging. The scarcity and pollution potential of conventional sources of energy has enforced scientists worldwide to look for efficient, flexible, cost effective but reliable alternative energy resources. Among many available options the energy extracted from water was found to be the least expensive, most flexible and moderately reliable renewable energy source which has the potential to replace the dependency on conventional fuels.
Minimizing of Automotive Transmission Rattle Noise by Means of Gear Oils: Lubrication for Improved Properties
by Axel BaumannCaused by downsizing of combustion engines, the torque fluctuation at the crankshaft induces torsional vibrations in the powertrain. Manual transmissions and dual clutch transmissions are particularly sensitive to gear-rattle noise. Gear-rattle noise arises from oscillations of loose parts with clearance, e.g. idler gears, synchronizer rings and gearshift sleeves. The aim of this research is the formulation of a gear oil for the application in a manual transmission to minimize gear rattling noise. Acoustic measurements on a gear-rattle noise test bench verify the noise reduction of the developed gear oils with commonly used low oil viscosity. An analysis of the transmission error proves that gear tooth impacts during rattling lead to elastic deformation of the meshing gear pairs. The main source for the intensity of gear-rattle noise is the additional presence of meshing impacts at the beginning of each gear pair meshing. Gear-rattle noise reduction can be achieved by avoiding meshing impacts, e.g. by minimizing the traction coefficient of the gear oil.
Minimizing Spurious Tones in Digital Delta-Sigma Modulators
by Kaveh Hosseini Michael Peter KennedyThis book describes several Digital Delta-Sigma Modulator (DDSM) architectures, including multi stage noise shaping (MASH), error feedback modulator (EFM) and single quantizer (SQ)-DDSM modulators, with a focus on predicting and maximizing their cycle lengths. The authors aim to demystify an important aspect of these particular DDSM structures, namely the existence of spurs resulting from the inherent periodicity of DDSMs with constant inputs. Simulink and MATLAB models and code are presented in Chapters 2-5 to enable the reader to reproduce the results in this work and to explore further. These examples will also be helpful for first-time designers of DDSMs.
Minimizing the Use of Chemicals to Control Scaling in Sea Water Reverse Osmosis: Improved Prediction of the Scaling Potential of Calcium Carbonate (IHE Delft PhD Thesis Series)
by null Tarek Kamal WalyA comprehensive and detailed study on the scaling potential of calcium carbonate in seawater reverse osmosis systems (SWRO), this book provides a new approach for calculating the degree of supersaturation and the pH of the SWRO systems concentrates with the assistance of the feed-water pH and the inorganic carbon constituents. Furthermore, the book highlights the weakness in the present supersaturation indices and membrane manufacturers programs. Finally, the research suggested that SWRO concentrate is much lower undersaturated with respect to calcium carbonate than previously thought. This was confirmed by comprehensive pilot testing where acids and antiscalants used to prevent calcium carbonate scaling were completely eliminated from the pilot plant.
The Minimum Core for Information and Communication Technology: Audit And Test (Achieving QTLS Series)
by Alan ClarkeThe teacher training framework, introduced in September 2007, requires all teachers in the post-16 sector to possess knowledge, understanding and personal skills to at least level 2 in the minimum core for ICT. Coverage and assessment of the minimum core have to be embedded in all Certificate and Diploma courses leading to QTLS and ATLS status. This book is a practical guide to ICT for trainee teachers in the Lifelong Learning Sector. It enables trainee teachers to identify and develop their own ICT skills and to support their students in ICT.
The Minimum Core for Information and Communication Technology: Audit And Test (Achieving QTLS Series)
by Sandra MurrayThis book supports trainee teachers in the Lifelong Learning Sector in the assessment of their knowledge of ICT. A self-audit section is included to help trainees understand their level of competence and confidence and will help them identify any gaps in their knowledge and skills. This is followed by exercises and activities to support and enhance learning. The book covers all the content of the LLUK standards for the minimum core for information and communication technology. Coverage and assessment of the core have to be embedded in all Certificate and Diploma courses leading to QTLS and ATLS status.
The Minimum Means of Reprisal: China's Search for Security in the Nuclear Age
by Jeffrey G. LewisAmong the five nations authorized under the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty to possess nuclear weapons, China has the smallest nuclear force and maintains the most restrained nuclear posture. In The Minimum Means of Reprisal, Jeffrey Lewis examines patterns in Chinese defense investments, strategic force deployments, and arms control behavior to develop an alternative assessment of China's nuclear forces. The Minimum Means of Reprisal finds that China's nuclear deployment and arms control patterns stem from the belief that deterrence is relatively unaffected by changes in the size, configuration, and readiness of nuclear forces. As a result, Lewis argues, Chinese policy has tended to sacrifice offensive capability in favor of greater political control and lower economic costs. The future of cooperative security arrangements in space will depend largely on the U. S. -Chinese relationship. Lewis warns that changes in U. S. defense strategy, including the development of new strategic forces and the weaponization of space, will prevent the United States from reassuring China in the event that its leaders begin to lose confidence in their restrained deterrent. The result may further damage the already weakened arms control regime and increase the threat to the United States and the world. Lewis provides policy guidance for those interested in the U. S. -Chinese security relationship and in global security arrangements more generally.
Minimum Quantity Lubrication Machining: Process Analysis and Analytical Modeling
by Xia JiThis book focuses on the effect of minimum quantity lubrication (MQL) on the mechanical and thermal history, which will mainly determine the quality of the machined components. By analyzing the details of the lubrication and cooling effects in MQL machining, the book provides readers with an accurate and fast way to predict the residual stress of machined components. These process analyses and quality prediction will be beneficial for understanding the MQL machining theory and its widespread application in industry.