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Mining in the Arctic: Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium, Nuuk, Greenland, 28-31 May 2001
by Hans Kristian Olsen Lida Lorentzen Ole RendalThe proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Mining in the Arctic, held in Greenland in 2001. The papers cover a wide variety of topics, including: mining exploration and exploitation; mining engineering and mine design; environmental impact of mining in the Arctic; and more.
Mining in the Himalayas: An Integrated Strategy
by A.K. SoniHimalaya, the world's most prominent mountain system of the world is a source of sustainence for the social, cultural and economic development of population across different countries. Unscientific, small-scale mining for harnessing reounrces including minerals has caused ecosystem damage. Therefore, an integrated and holistic approach to deal with the resource management is required. This book makes a focussed effort to explain how mining in the Himalaya is practiced with discussions pertaining to critiques and lacunas of mining and environmental practices. Status of mining practices in Himalaya is included along with the legal/environmental repercussions of mining.
Mining in Yuba County
by Yubaroots Kathleen SmithMining in Yuba County illustrates the story of how this geologically unique part of California drew multitudes of people from around the world during the early days of the Gold Rush. It depicts the region's evolution from anarchy to civilization. It gives faces to the individuals who were instrumental in creating society in Yuba. It elaborates on incidents in which Yuba influenced the nation, on matters as historically significant as California entering the Union as a free state and affecting the outcome of the Civil War. Mining in Yuba fostered technological advancement precipitated by the depletion of surface gold and the necessity to get to the obscured gold. Conflicts between miners and agriculturists over hydraulic mining were litigated, and landmark legal decisions regarding the regulation of hydraulic mining all but ended the practice and were the beginnings of environmental protectionism and water rights issues in California. Finally, it reveals that despite heavy regulations that exist today, there is still mining in Yuba County.
Mining Intelligence and Knowledge Exploration: 9th International Conference, MIKE 2021, Hammamet, Tunisia, November 1–3, 2021, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #13119)
by Richard Chbeir Yannis Manolopoulos Rajendra PrasathThis book constitutes revised selected papers from the refereed proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Mining Intelligence and Knowledge Exploration, MIKE 2021, which took place in Hammamet, Tunisia, in November 2021. The 22 full papers included in this book were carefully reviewed and selected from 61 submissions. They deal with topics such as evolutionary computation, knowledge exploration in IoT, artificial intelligence, machine learning, data mining and information retrieval, medical image analysis, pattern recognition and computer vision, speech / signal processing, text mining and natural language processing, intelligent security systems, Smart and Intelligent Systems, etc.
Mining Intelligence and Knowledge Exploration: 9th International Conference, MIKE 2023, Kristiansand, Norway, June 28–30, 2023, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #13924)
by Seifedine Kadry Rajendra PrasathThis book constitutes the refereed post-conference proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Mining Intelligence and Knowledge Exploration, MIKE 2023, held in Kristiansand, Norway, during June 28–30, 2023. The 22 full papers and 16 short papers included in this book were carefully reviewed and selected from 87 submissions. They were grouped into various subtopics including Knowledge Exploration in IoT, Medical Informatics, Machine Learning, Text Mining, Natural Language Processing, Cryptocurrency and Blockchain, Application of Artificial Intelligence, and other areas.
Mining Irish-American Lives: Western Communities from 1849 to 1920 (Mining the American West #1)
by Alan J. NoonanMining Irish-American Lives focuses on the importance and influence of the Irish within the mining frontier of the American West. Scholarship of the West has largely ignored the complicated lives of the Irish people in mining towns, whose life details are often kept to a bare minimum. This book uses individual stories and the histories of different communities—Randsburg, California; Virginia City, Nevada; Leadville, Colorado; Butte, Montana; Idaho’s Silver Valley; and the Comstock Lode, for example—to explore Irish and Irish-American lives. Historian Alan J. M. Noonan uses a range of previously overlooked sources, including collections of emigrant letters, hospital logbooks, private detective reports, and internment records, to tell the stories of Irish men and women who emigrated to mining towns to search for opportunity. Noonan details the periods, the places, and the experiences over multiple generations in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. He carefully examines their encounters with nativists, other ethnic groups, and mining companies to highlight the contested emergence of a hyphenated Irish-American identity. Unearthing personal details along with the histories of different communities, the book investigates Irish immigrants and Irish-Americans through the prism of their own experiences, significantly enriching the history of the period.
Mining Law and Governance in Africa: Transformation and Innovation for a Sustainable Mining Sector
by Victoria R. NaluleThis book explores the various issues that characterise the African mining sector, drawing examples from different African countries and regional organisations. Although there is a massive literature on the subject, some issues have been neglected, including the crucial role of digitalisation and technological advancement in resolving the environmental and social challenges faced in Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining (ASM), deep-sea mining, mining contract negotiations and modernising mining laws to reflect the increasing role of critical minerals, to mention but a few. Therefore, the book unpacks the critical issues associated with the mining sector, explicitly reflecting on the practical solutions needed to address the challenges in the African mining sector. This book uniquely analyses and adds flavour to international mining’s fundamental concepts by describing a simulated annealing-based approach appropriate for complex mining projects in Africa. Book contributors comprise of academics from different universities including professors, practitioners, government policymakers, NGO executives and a variety of different experts. This multidisciplinary book will be of interest to African policymakers, governments, academics, industry professionals, energy and mining institutions, international organisations, universities across the globe and companies.
Mining Law and Regulatory Practice in Indonesia
by William A. Sullivan Christian Teo Purwono PartnersThe first and only English-language reference to the laws and regulations of the booming Indonesian mining sector As the growing Indonesian mining industry attracts new investment from foreign mining companies, those companies are faced with the daunting challenge of unraveling the hugely confusing and complex plethora of local laws and regulations that govern the industry. Until now, there has been no comprehensive English-language guide to Indonesia's mining laws that western companies could turn to for reliable guidance and advice. This detailed reference fills that gap for the mining companies, advisors, and consultants who must navigate this confusing and growing web of regulation on a daily basis. The only English-language reference on the subject of Indonesian mining law A valuable guide for anyone in the mining industry currently doing business or intending to do business in Indonesia Written by a highly regarded legal expert with deep experience in the Indonesian mining industry Combines all the relevant regulations in one comprehensive guide Ideal for professionals in the mining industry, as well as academics, government institutions, policy makers, and industry associations, Mining Law & Regulatory Practice in Indonesia is the perfect guide for an underserved market.
Mining Machines and Earth-Moving Equipment: Problems of Design, Research and Maintenance
by Marek SokolskiThis book presents central problems in the design, research and maintenance of large-size mining machines for open pits, mobile earth-moving machinery, hydraulic hammers for mining and civil engineering, and screening processes for bulk materials. It brings together the insights of numerous respected academics to offer a thorough and multifaceted overview of the topic. The first few chapters of the book deal with specific problems that frequently occur in machinery for open-pit mining. They focus on the resilience of large-size mining machines, degradation of steels used for supporting structures, and modelling of large-size rotary joints, as well as the noise hazards in connection with degradation processes. The book then moves on to discuss problems arising in earth-moving machinery, such as new approaches to the assessment of operation and maintenance, dynamic loads in front-end loader booms, and synchronic transfer of power from the engine to the driven wheels. The book concludes by discussing hydraulic hammers for mining and civil engineering, and screening processes for bulk materials that combine a vibroscreen with additional feed elements. The book is primarily intended for undergraduate and graduate mechanical engineering courses, but will also be of interest to researchers and mechanical engineers.
Mining Maintenance (Topics in Mining, Metallurgy and Materials Engineering)
by Carlos Sierra Emilio AndreaThis book delves into the maintenance challenges faced by various mining engineering sectors. Covering aspects like policy selection, breakdown prediction, risk assessment, equipment monitoring, and implementation of preventive measures, it offers practical solutions. Focused on real-world scenarios, this book equips aspiring professionals with hands-on skills essential for effective maintenance management in mining industries. Each chapter begins with a clear introduction and is followed by a series of exercises, providing students with a solid grasp of fundamental concepts and their practical application.
Mining, Materials, and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): 2030 and Beyond
by Cristian Parra, Brandon Lewis, and Saleem H. AliMining, Materials, and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): 2030 and Beyond provides a systematic assessment of how the mining and materials sector contributes to the 17 sustainable development goals (SDGs) set forth by the United Nations in 2015. While the target date of 2030 is considered a benchmark for reaching these goals, the book looks beyond this date and considers a longer-term vision. FEATURES Written by a consortium of authors from developing and developed countries Offers coverage of environmental, economic, and social dimensions of the SDGs Follows the 17 SDGs and includes a short chapter on each, followed by a case example Includes longer conceptual chapters that consider cross-cutting issues as well Aimed at those working in minerals, mining, and materials, this work offers readers a practical vision of how these sectors can have a positive impact on meeting these vital global targets.
Mining, Mobility, and Social Change in the Global South: Regional Perspectives (Routledge Studies of the Extractive Industries and Sustainable Development)
by Gerardo Castillo Guzmán Matthew Himley David BreretonThis volume focuses on how, why, under what conditions, and with what effects people move across space in relation to mining, asking how a focus on spatial mobility can aid scholars and policymakers in understanding the complex relation between mining and social change. This collection centers the concept of mobility to address the diversity of mining-related population movements as well as the agency of people engaged in these movements. This volume opens by introducing both the historical context and conceptual tools for analyzing the mining-mobility nexus, followed by case study chapters focusing on three regions with significant histories of mineral extraction and where mining currently plays an important role in socio-economic life: the Andes, Central and West Africa, and Melanesia. Written by authors with expertise in diverse fields, including anthropology, development studies, geography, and history, case study chapters address areas of both large- and smallscale mining. They explore the historical-geographical factors shaping mining-related mobilities, the meanings people attach to these movements, and the relations between people’s mobility practices and the flows of other things put in motion by mining, including capital, ideas, technologies, and toxic contamination. The result is an important volume that provides fresh insights into the social geographies and spatial politics of extraction. This book will be of great interest to students and scholars of mining and the extractive industries, spatial politics and geography, mobility and migration, development, and the social and environmental dimensions of natural resources more generally.
Mining, Mobility, and Social Change in the Global South: Regional Perspectives (Routledge Studies of the Extractive Industries and Sustainable Development)
by Gerardo Castillo Guzmán Matthew Himley David BreretonThis volume focuses on how, why, under what conditions, and with what effects people move across space in relation to mining, asking how a focus on spatial mobility can aid scholars and policymakers in understanding the complex relation between mining and social change. This collection centers the concept of mobility to address the diversity of mining-related population movements as well as the agency of people engaged in these movements. This volume opens by introducing both the historical context and conceptual tools for analyzing the mining-mobility nexus, followed by case study chapters focusing on three regions with significant histories of mineral extraction and where mining currently plays an important role in socio-economic life: the Andes, Central and West Africa, and Melanesia. Written by authors with expertise in diverse fields, including anthropology, development studies, geography, and history, case study chapters address areas of both large- and smallscale mining. They explore the historical-geographical factors shaping mining-related mobilities, the meanings people attach to these movements, and the relations between people’s mobility practices and the flows of other things put in motion by mining, including capital, ideas, technologies, and toxic contamination. The result is an important volume that provides fresh insights into the social geographies and spatial politics of extraction. This book will be of great interest to students and scholars of mining and the extractive industries, spatial politics and geography, mobility and migration, development, and the social and environmental dimensions of natural resources more generally.
Mining Multimedia Documents
by Wahiba Ben Karaa Nilanjan DeyThe information age has led to an explosion in the amount of information available to the individual and the means by which it is accessed, stored, viewed, and transferred. In particular, the growth of the internet has led to the creation of huge repositories of multimedia documents in a diverse range of scientific and professional fields, as well as the tools to extract useful knowledge from them. <P><P>Mining Multimedia Documents is a must-read for researchers, practitioners, and students working at the intersection of data mining and multimedia applications. It investigates various techniques related to mining multimedia documents based on text, image, and video features. It provides an insight into the open research problems benefitting advanced undergraduates, graduate students, researchers, scientists and practitioners in the fields of medicine, biology, production, education, government, national security and economics.
Mining of Mineral Deposits
by Genadiy Pivnyak Volodymyr Bondarenko Iryna Kovalevs’ka Mykhaylo IlliashovIn the last decades coal production capacity has increased rapidly and its quality, power and the reliability of equipment has steadily improved. Moreover, stability of production processes can be controlled better. In connection with that, unification of scientific schools focusing on "Mining of deposits" is an integral trend from the viewpoint of technical and technological policy. This collection of papers represents the scientific and technical achievements with regard to mineral deposits mining intensification based on effective use of modern techniques and technologies. Also, specific attention is paid to progressive and innovational technologies in the coal industry of leading countries. Widening the range of mining-geological conditions under which drivage and maintenance of mining activities are carried out, requires application of new constructive decisions. Hence, this collection of papers is focusing on the following topics: results of new equipment introduction; experiments on mutual interaction of roof support elements, protective construction and near-the-contour rock massif; analytical and calculation methods of geomechanical tasks solution; development of gas hydrates and technologies of underground coal gasification; studies on environment protection; economic aspects; management and marketing in mining production, and other important aspects of mineral deposits exploitation.
Mining Project Value Optimization
by Greg Guanlin YouThis book provides a holistic approach of integrated mine planning and scheduling to optimize mining projects using the discounted cash flow rate of return (DCF-ROR) method. There are nine chapters in the book. Chapter 1 is the Introduction, which provides overviews of mineral assets, minerals in Australia, mineral exploration, mining methods, and significance of valuation, optimization, and integrated mine planning. Chapter 2 is the Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves Estimation, including grade composition method, inverse distance weighting method, ordinary Kriging method and block model. Chapter 3 is the Feasibility Study that delves into three phased feasibility study, namely scoping, prefeasibility and feasibility studies, data requirements, risk identification and mitigation in the feasibility study, and mining project cost estimation. Chapter 4 is the Valuation of Mineral Projects. It starts with the time value of money; followed by methods to calculate cash flow, discounted cash flow (DCF), net present value (NPV), internal rate of return (IRR) and payback period; valuation methods, including market-, income-, and cost-based approaches; and finally the sensitivity study of key factors influencing the valuation of mining projects. Chapter 5 is the Mine Planning and Open Pit Optimization that covers different types of mine planning, block model valuation, Lerchs-Grossmann and floating cone techniques for pit optimization. Chapter 6 is the Life of Mine Optimization that details a case study of strip mining optimization using the DCF-ROR method and integrated LOM optimization of open pit mining. Chapter 7 is the Production Schedule Optimization of Surface Mining, covering production schedule optimization, equipment availability and utilization, and loading and hauling equipment match optimization. Chapter 8 is the Optimization of Underground Mine Planning and Scheduling that delves to a case study of room and pillar mining optimization using the DCF-ROR method and mathematical programs for underground stope layout and production schedule optimization. Chapter 9 is the Conclusion of the book. The book can benefit students and professionals in multiple ways. Firstly, divisions and confusions may arise from different contexts of technical frameworks, taxation, and relevant legislations in literature. Having quality contents in one book will improve the efficiency of study. Secondly, the inclusion of plentiful hands-on examples and calculation tables underscores the practical application of the concepts, bridging the gap between theoretical knowledge and real-world scenarios. Thirdly, the book adopts an integrated approach to evaluate and optimize mineral projects, utilizing methodologies such as DCF-ROR for optimization, ordinary Kriging for ore reserve estimation, and multi-level optimization including strategic planning, pit optimization, life of mine optimization, and production schedule optimization. Finally, the content is fully aligned with internationally recognized standards such as the VALMIN and JORC codes, ensuring compliance with industry best practices and guidelines.
Mining Science and Technology: Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Mining Science and Technology, Xuzhou, China 20-22 October 2004
by Yuehan Wang Shirong Ge Guangli GuoJointly sponsored by the China University of Mining and Technology and the University of Nottingham, UK, a total of 187 papers have been included in the proceedings, of which fifty-two are contributed by authors outside of China. Scholars and experts from both China and abroad discuss and exchange information on the latest developments in mining sc
Mining Social Networks and Security Informatics
by Zeki Erdem Jon Rokne Suheil Khoury Tansel ÖzyerCrime, terrorism and security are in the forefront of current societal concerns. This edited volume presents research based on social network techniques showing how data from crime and terror networks can be analyzed and how information can be extracted. The topics covered include crime data mining and visualization; organized crime detection; crime network visualization; computational criminology; aspects of terror network analyses and threat prediction including cyberterrorism and the related area of dark web; privacy issues in social networks; security informatics; graph algorithms for social networks; general aspects of social networks such as pattern and anomaly detection; community discovery; link analysis and spatio-temporal network mining. These topics will be of interest to researchers and practitioners in the general area of security informatics. The volume will also serve as a general reference for readers that would want to become familiar with current research in the fast growing field of cybersecurity.
Mining Towns of Southern Colorado
by Victoria Miller Staci Comden Sara SzakalyLesser known than the gold and silver mines of Western lore, Southern Colorado's extensive coal mines fueled the engines for Western industrialization in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Of the numerous companies operating the mines, the Colorado Fuel and Iron Company (CF&I) was king. With a total of 62 mines, the majority of them in Colorado's Las Animas, Huerfano, and Fremont Counties, CF&I ruled the lives of countless miners in company towns scattered throughout Southern Colorado. Working long hours, often in cramped underground caverns, the workers emerged to families living in lonely mountain landscapes completely provisioned with company homes, stores, schools, and churches. Images of America: Mining Towns of Southern Colorado gives an intimate glimpse into the lives of these pioneer mining families.
Miniplant-Technik: in der Prozessindustrie
by Herausgegeben Von Ludwig Deibele Ralf DohrnNur in Ausnahmefällen lassen sich technische Anlagen für neue Produktionsverfahren der chemischen Industrie an Hand von Literaturdaten und rechnerischer Simulation entwickeln und auslegen. Der übliche Weg des Scale-up führt über den Laborversuch und den anschließenden Aufbau einer Technikumsanlage zur technischen Großanlage. Die Miniplanttechnik ermöglicht die Entwicklung technischer Anlagen in nur einem Schritt vom Labor zur funktionierenden Großanlage. Dabei werden alle Verfahrensschritte im kleinstmöglichen Maßstab, der noch einen reproduzierbaren Dauerbetrieb erlaubt, als Gesamtverfahren aufgebaut und mit Originalprodukten betrieben. Der zeitaufwendige und kostenintensive Zwischenschritt vom Laborversuch über die Technikumsanlage entfällt. Das vorliegende Buch beschreibt allgemeine Anforderungen an Miniplantanlagen und befasst sich mit Fragen, die vor dem Bau einer verfahrensspezifischen Anlage geklärt werden müssen. Hierzu gehören sowohl die Festlegung des Reaktionsablaufs und der Aufarbeitung mit den erforderlichen Verfahrensschritten, Trennsequenzen und Verfahrensabläufe als auch die Verschaltung der Einzelschritte. Den Hauptteil des Buches nimmt die Beschreibung der Apparaturen ein, die heute für die einzelnen verfahrenstechnischen Grundoperationen in Miniplantanlagen zur Verfügung stehen. Chemiker, Verfahrenstechniker und Ingenieure aus der chemischen, petrochemischen und pharmazeutischen Industrie, die sich mit der Planung und dem Aufbau großtechnischer Anlagen befassen, finden in diesem Buch wertvolle Informationen für ihre tägliche Arbeit; Berufseinsteiger und Wissenschaftler an Technischen Hochschulen und Informationen wird ein leichter Einstieg in das faszinierende Gebiet der Miniplanttechnik ermöglicht.
Minor Spices and Condiments: Global Economic Potential
by Kodoth Prabhakaran NairSpices can be classified as major spices, like Black pepper, Cardamom, Turmeric, Ginger etc, and minor spices and condiments, and tree spices. This book will discuss exclusively minor spices and condiments. Spices constitute a very important group of agricultural products, which, since antiquity, have been considered indispensable in the culinary art of flavoring foods. The history of spices is very much entwined with the history of mankind. And, some spice crops like Black pepper predominates in the family of spices. In fact, colloquially, it is called “King”of spices and, another, Cardamom, is called the “Queen”of spices. There is worthwhile amount of published work, on these in addition to Turmeric and Ginger. Both ISO (International Organization for Standardization) and ISI (Indian Standards Institution) (now BIS (Bureau of Indian Standards)) experts concluded, after considerable deliberations, that there is no clear-cut division between “spices” and “çondiments”, and, as such, they have been clubbed together. The term “Spices and Condiments” applies to such natural plant or vegetable products or mixtures, thereof, used in whole or ground form, mainly for imparting flavor, aroma and piquancy to foods and also for seasoning of foods and beverages like soups etc. A detailed survey of published literature proves that there are a number of minor spices, which have tremendous commercial potential, globally. And, an authentic book on these will not only serve as an important guide to the academic community, but, also provide a fillip to industry involved in value addition.
The Minotaur (Jake Grafton #2)
by Stephen CoontsFrom a New York Times–bestselling author: A military pilot is entangled in the hunt for a Cold War spy selling high-tech secrets to the USSR. Navy pilot Jake Grafton flies fighter jets with ice water in his veins. But when he&’s assigned a desk job in the Pentagon as the head of a top-secret stealth bomber program, his nerve is tested as never before. Colleagues start dying mysteriously, test flights are sabotaged, and the program is threatened at every level. If Grafton can&’t infiltrate a web of espionage and counterespionage centered on the deadly traitor code-named the Minotaur, he stands to lose much more than just his career. The Minotaur is an exhilarating thriller revealing the complexities of military technology R&D by the acclaimed author of Flight of the Intruder, The Red Horseman, and other novels. In the words of Tom Clancy, &“Stephen Coonts, like Jake Grafton, just keeps getting better.&” This ebook features an illustrated biography of Stephen Coonts, including rare photos from the author&’s personal collection.
The Minotaur (Jake Grafton #2)
by Stephen CoontsFrom a New York Times–bestselling author: A military pilot is entangled in the hunt for a Cold War spy selling high-tech secrets to the USSR. Navy pilot Jake Grafton flies fighter jets with ice water in his veins. But when he&’s assigned a desk job in the Pentagon as the head of a top-secret stealth bomber program, his nerve is tested as never before. Colleagues start dying mysteriously, test flights are sabotaged, and the program is threatened at every level. If Grafton can&’t infiltrate a web of espionage and counterespionage centered on the deadly traitor code-named the Minotaur, he stands to lose much more than just his career. The Minotaur is an exhilarating thriller revealing the complexities of military technology R&D by the acclaimed author of Flight of the Intruder, The Red Horseman, and other novels. In the words of Tom Clancy, &“Stephen Coonts, like Jake Grafton, just keeps getting better.&” This ebook features an illustrated biography of Stephen Coonts, including rare photos from the author&’s personal collection.
by David WellingtonSomeone is smuggling Russian guns into the United States to arm domestic terrorists, and it's up to Special Forces veteran Jim Chapel to uncover who is behind the plot. The prime suspect is Ygor Favorov, a notorious Russian operative who defected just before the fall of the Soviet Union. But exposing a billionaire double agent is far from easy, and Chapel must fight his way through a small army of security guards to confront the Russian and defuse a secret that could lead to war between the United States and Russia.
MiNRS (MiNRS #1)
by Kevin SylvesterA boy and his friends must find a way to survive in the mining tunnels after their new space colony is attacked in this gritty action-adventure novel, which School Library Journal called “a solid survival story.”In space. Underground. And out of time. Christopher Nichols and his family live on a new planet, Perses, as colonists of Melming Mining’s Great Mission to save the earth. Dozens of families like Christopher’s have relocated, too, like his best friend Elena Rosales. A communications blackout with Earth hits, and all of Perses is on its own for three months. It’s okay, though, because the colonists have prepared, stockpiling food and resources to survive. But they never prepared for an attack. Landers, as the attackers are called, obliterate the colony to steal the metal and raw ore. Now in a race against time, Christopher, along with a small group of survivors, are forced into the maze of mining tunnels. The kids run. They hide. But can they survive?