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Showing 53,901 through 53,925 of 64,249 results

Sicherheiten im Bauwesen nach Ansprüchen (Bau- und Architektenrecht nach Ansprüchen)

by Christiane Frye Barbara Münch

Der Bauvertrag ist ein Langzeitvertrag. Das Bedürfnis der am Bau Beteiligten nach Absicherung ihrer Ansprüche ist daher berechtigterweise groß. Dieses Praxisbuch wendet sich gleichermaßen an Auftraggeber und Auftragnehmer und beleuchtet das Recht gesetzlicher wie auch vertraglicher Sicherheiten umfassend, aber stets prägnant und praxisorientiert. Innerhalb der jeweiligen Sicherungsarten werden die Voraussetzungen aufgeführt, Probleme und Fallstricke beleuchtet und Rechtsfolgen aufgezeigt. Die Darstellung wird durch Übersichten ergänzt, aus denen sich die jeweiligen Anspruchsvoraussetzungen, Rechtsfolgen und Möglichkeiten der gerichtlichen Durchsetzung der Ansprüche überblicksartig ergeben.


by Adam Merschbacher

Die „Sicherheitsfibel“ wird dem Fachmann für Sicherheitstechnik, dem interessierten Laien und den Beratern in Versicherungen, kriminalpolizeilichen Präventiveinrichtungen, sowie Herstellern in der Planung künftiger Sicherheitsprodukte einen fundierten Überblick über wirkungsvolle und sinnvolle Sicherungsmaßnahmen im privaten und gewerblichen Umfeld geben. Das Wort „Gewerbe“ soll, auch wenn es nicht immer passend ist, für Unternehmen, Ladengeschäfte, Banken, Kirchen, Behörden, Museen, ja sogar für Zirkus und Tierpark stehen. Dabei spielt die Größe überhaupt keine Rolle. Die Sicherungsrichtlinien gelten für die Würstelbude ebenso wie für größte Industrieunternehmen. Sicherheit wird grob in mechanische und elektronische Sicherungsmaßnahmen eingeteilt. Die Themen Brandschutz und IT-Sicherheit sind so komplex, dass nur sehr oberflächlich darauf eingegangen werden kann.


by Adam Merschbacher

Die „Sicherheitsfibel“ wird dem Fachmann für Sicherheitstechnik, dem interessierten Laien und den Beratern in Versicherungen, kriminalpolizeilichen Präventiveinrichtungen, sowie Herstellern in der Planung künftiger Sicherheitsprodukte einen fundierten Überblick über wirkungsvolle und sinnvolle Sicherungsmaßnahmen im privaten und gewerblichen Umfeld geben. Das Wort „Gewerbe“ soll, auch wenn es nicht immer passend ist, für Unternehmen, Ladengeschäfte, Banken, Kirchen, Behörden, Museen, ja sogar für Zirkus und Tierpark stehen. Dabei spielt die Größe überhaupt keine RolleSicherheit wird grob in mechanische und elektronische Sicherungsmaßnahmen eingeteilt. Die Themen Brandschutz und IT-Sicherheit sind so komplex, dass nur sehr oberflächlich darauf eingegangen werden kann.

Sicherheitsgerichtete Echtzeitsysteme

by Wolfgang A. Halang Rudolf M. Konakovsky

Das Buch behandelt das wichtige Thema Sicherheit bei elektronischen Systemen. Anhand begrifflicher, methodischer und konzeptioneller Grundlagen sicherheitsgerichteter Echtzeitsysteme wird in die Denkweise der Sicherheitstechnik eingeführt. Architekturen für sichere Hardware sowie Verfahren zur Erstellung möglichst fehlerfreier Software und zu deren Verifizierung werden dargestellt und quantitativ bewertet. Weiterhin werden Ergebnisse jüngster Forschungen vorgestellt, so u.a. inhärent sicherheitsfördernde Paradigmen der Echtzeitprogrammierung und -ablauforganisation sowie unkonventionelle sicherheitsgerichtete Architekturen für sicherheitstechnisch abnehmbare Feldbusse und programmierbare elektronische Systeme. Das Buch wurde für die 2. Auflage gründlich überarbeitet und um die Darstellung neuer Patente erweitert.

Sicherheitsgerichtete Echtzeitsysteme

by Wolfgang A. Halang Rudolf M. Konakovsky

Das Buch behandelt das wichtige Thema funktionale Sicherheit programmierbarer elektronischer Systeme. Anhand begrifflicher, methodischer und konzeptioneller Grundlagen sicherheitsgerichteter Echtzeitsysteme wird in die Denkweise der Sicherheitstechnik eingeführt. Architekturen für sichere Hardware sowie Verfahren zur Erstellung möglichst fehlerfreier Software und zu deren Verifizierung werden dargestellt und bewertet. Weiterhin werden Ergebnisse jüngster Forschungen vorgestellt wie inhärent sicherheitsfördernde Paradigmen der Echtzeitprogrammierung und -ablauforganisation oder unkonventionelle sicherheitsgerichtete Architekturen für sicherheitstechnisch abnehmbare Feldbusse und programmierbare elektronische Systeme.Das Buch wurde für die 3. Auflage gründlich überarbeitet und um die Darstellung neuer Patente und Normen erweitert. Die ZielgruppenStudierende der Automatisierungstechnik und der Informatik sowie Systemarchitekten und Entwickler.

Sicherung des Schienenverkehrs: Grundlagen Und Planung Der Leit- Und Sicherungstechnik

by Ulrich Maschek

Das Lehr- und Fachbuch zeigt systematisch und mit vielen Abbildungen, wie eine sichere Durchführung des Bahnbetriebs erfolgt. Sowohl die Stellwerkslogik als auch die Umsetzung in der Technik werden ausführlich beschrieben. Besonderen praktischen Nutzen hat das Kapitel zur LST-Planung, deren Darstellung am Beispiel eines elektronischen Stellwerks erfolgt. In der aktuellen Auflage wurde der Abschnitt zum European Train Control System aktualisiert und deutlich erweitert.

Sicherungstechnik für Bahnen im Stadtverkehr (essentials)

by Jörn Pachl

Für Vorlesungen an der TU Braunschweig entstand als systematische Einführung in das Thema der Siche­rungstechnik der Bahnen im Stadtverkehr ein Skript, das jetzt in Form dieses essentials der Allgemeinheit zugänglich gemacht wird. Bisher wurde in verfügbaren Lehrbüchern der Bahnsicherungstechnik auf die Besonderheiten bei Stadtschnellbahnen und Straßenbahnen eher am Rande verwiesen, was jedoch der großen Bedeutung dieser Bahnsysteme für den öffentlichen Personennahverkehr nicht gerecht wird.

Sichtbeton: Von der Planung bis zur Mängelvermeidung

by Joachim Schulz

Die Schalungshaut beeinflusst die Ansicht der Betonfläche - somit auch des Sichtbetons. Das Buch vermittelt Grundlagenkenntnisse, die erforderlich sind, um Sichtbeton "eindeutig" und "erschöpfend" - damit VOB-gerecht - zu beschreiben und fachgerecht auszuführen.

Sicilian Street Foods and Chemistry: The Palermo Case Study (SpringerBriefs in Molecular Science)

by Michele Barone Alessandra Pellerito

This book reviews the authenticity of certain Street Food specialties from the viewpoint of food chemists. At present, the food market clearly shows the predominance of fast-food operators in many Western countries. However, the concomitant presence of the traditional lifestyle model known as the Mediterranean Diet in Europe has also been increasingly adopted in many countries, in some cases with unforeseen effects such as offering Mediterranean-like foods for out-of-home consumption. This commercial strategy also includes the so-called Street Food, which is marketed as a variation on Mediterranean foods. One of the best known versions of Street Food products can be found in Sicily, Italy, and particularly in its largest city, Palermo. Because of certain authenticity issues, the Italian National Council of Research Chemists has issued four procedural guidelines for various Palermo specialties with the aim of attaining the traditional specialty guaranteed status in accordance with European Regulation (EU) No 1151/2012. The first chapter of the book provides a brief introduction to the general concept of Street Foods. The remaining four chapters describe four food specialties – Arancina, Sfincionello, Pane ca meusa, and Pane e panelle – typically produced in Palermo, with particular reference to their chemical composition, identification of raw materials from a chemical viewpoint, permissible cooking and preparation procedures (with chemical explanations), preservation, and storage. The book offers a unique guide to Street Food authenticity, and can also serve as a reference work for other traditional/historical products.

Sick Building Syndrome: Concepts, Issues and Practice

by Jack Rostron

Sick building syndrome is for many of us an enigma. The legislative precedents currently being set in North America underline the need for rational examination of the problem. This new collection of expert writing will help unravel the complex issues involved. The book explores sick building syndrome from a range of perspectives: architectural, medical, psychological and legal. Each chapter offers detailed insights into the condition and taken together they highlight the need for a collaborative approach. The effects of sick building syndrome should not be underestimated as it is thought that up to 30 percent of refurbished buildings may suffer from the condition. Extreme cases may lead to increased absenteeism among employees, reduced performance and ultimately building closure.

Sick Building Syndrome

by Sabah A. Abdul-Wahab

This volume throws light on the Sick Building Syndrome in Libraries and other public buildings, and the extent to which it is influenced by the internal environment of libraries. One of the signs of this disease is that the person suffers from a set of symptoms closely related to his/her presence in the building, without the identification of any clear causes, and his/her relief of these symptoms when he/she are out of the building. Hence, the book sheds on the extent to which the interior environment impacts upon the health of the people, and the extent to which this is reflected in their performance. The book can be used for teaching, research, and professional reference. It concludes with the recommendation that is essential to observe environmental dimensions when designing library and public buildings, taking into consideration the expected impact of SBS in library and public buildings on people. The significance of the book derives from the fact that it is the first of its kind to examine the issue of the interior environment and SBS of library and public building worldwide.

Sick Building Syndrome and the Problem of Uncertainty: Environmental Politics, Technoscience, and Women Workers

by Michelle Murphy

Before 1980, sick building syndrome did not exist. By the 1990s, it was among the most commonly investigated occupational health problems in the United States. Afflicted by headaches, rashes, and immune system disorders, office workers--mostly women--protested that their workplaces were filled with toxic hazards; yet federal investigators could detect no chemical cause. This richly detailed history tells the story of how sick building syndrome came into being: how indoor exposures to chemicals wafting from synthetic carpet, ink, adhesive, solvents, and so on became something that relatively privileged Americans worried over, felt, and ultimately sought to do something about. As Michelle Murphy shows, sick building syndrome provides a window into how environmental politics moved indoors. Sick building syndrome embodied a politics of uncertainty that continues to characterize contemporary American environmental debates. Michelle Murphy explores the production of uncertainty by juxtaposing multiple histories, each of which explains how an expert or lay tradition made chemical exposures perceptible or imperceptible, existent or nonexistent. She shows how uncertainty emerged from a complex confluence of feminist activism, office worker protests, ventilation engineering, toxicology, popular epidemiology, corporate science, and ecology. In an illuminating case study, she reflects on EPA scientists' efforts to have their headquarters recognized as a sick building. Murphy brings all of these histories together in what is not only a thorough account of an environmental health problem but also a much deeper exploration of the relationship between history, materiality, and uncertainty.

Sick Buildings: Definition, Diagnosis and Mitigation

by Thad Godish

This book is a comprehensive examination of the phenomenon of poor indoor air quality (IAQ) characterized as sick or problem buildings. Significant emphasis is given to defining the nature of the problem, the various potential causal and risk factors, problem building diagnostic protocols and contaminant measurements, and the mitigation of IAQ problems, including case histories. The book features a discussion on the potential causal factors studied extensively in Europe and recognized in North America as well.

Sid Meier's Memoir!: A Life In Computer Games

by Sid Meier

The life and career of the legendary developer celebrated as the “godfather of computer gaming,” and creator of Civilization. Over his four-decade career, Sid Meier has produced some of the world’s most popular video games, including Sid Meier’s Civilization, which has sold more than 51 million units worldwide and accumulated more than one billion hours of play. Sid Meier’s Memoir! is the story of an obsessive young computer enthusiast who helped launch a multibillion-dollar industry. Writing with warmth and ironic humor, Meier describes the genesis of his influential studio, MicroProse, founded in 1982 after a trip to a Las Vegas arcade, and recounts the development of landmark games, from vintage classics like Pirates! and Railroad Tycoon, to Civilization and beyond. Articulating his philosophy that a video game should be “a series of interesting decisions,” Meier also shares his perspective on the history of the industry, the psychology of gamers, and fascinating insights into the creative process, including his rules of good game design.

Side by Side/Lado a Lado: The Story Of Dolores Huerta And Cesar Chavez/la Historia De Dolores Huerta Y Cesar Chavez

by Monica Brown

A bilingual Spanish-english Children's book. The story of Dolores Huerta and Cesar Chavez who organized migrant farmworkers of California and provided them justice.

Side-Channel Analysis of Embedded Systems: An Efficient Algorithmic Approach

by Maamar Ouladj Sylvain Guilley

It has been more than 20 years since the seminal publications on side-channel attacks. They aim at extracting secrets from embedded systems while they execute cryptographic algorithms, and they consist of two steps, measurement and analysis. This book tackles the analysis part, especially under situations where the targeted device is protected by random masking. The authors explain advances in the field and provide the reader with mathematical formalizations. They present all known analyses within the same notation framework, which allows the reader to rapidly understand and learn contrasting approaches. It will be useful as a graduate level introduction, also for self-study by researchers and professionals, and the examples are taken from real-world datasets.

Sidereus Nuncius, or The Sidereal Messenger (2nd Edition)

by Galileo Galilei Albert Van Helden

Galileo Galilei's Sidereus Nuncius is arguably the most dramatic scientific book ever published. It announced new and unexpected phenomena in the heavens, "unheard of through the ages," revealed by a mysterious new instrument. Galileo had ingeniously improved the rudimentary "spyglasses" that appeared in Europe in 1608, and in the autumn of 1609 he pointed his new instrument at the sky, revealing astonishing sights: mountains on the moon, fixed stars invisible to the naked eye, individual stars in the Milky Way, and four moons around the planet Jupiter. These discoveries changed the terms of the debate between geocentric and heliocentric cosmology and helped ensure the eventual acceptance of the Copernican planetary system. Albert Van Helden's beautifully rendered and eminently readable translation is based on the Venice 1610 edition's original Latin text. An introduction, conclusion, and copious notes place the book in its historical and intellectual context, and a new preface, written by Van Helden, highlights recent discoveries in the field, including the detection of a forged copy of Sidereus Nuncius, and new understandings about the political complexities of Galileo's work.


by Ted White Dave van Arnam

One minute I was in New York . . . walking down Sixth Avenue, a private eye on a two-bit job . . . Next minute I was in New York . . . a crazy town I almost recognised - but Goebbels was speaking in Union square, Hitler invited me to a cocktail party, and aliens from outer space were running the whole show. Fun City it wasn't . . . Plucked from his own "time", a pawn in a Galactic power play, Ron Archer fights his way through a deadly maze of intrigue and conspiracy to an incredible destiny at the end of the star lanes!

Sidewalk City: Remapping Public Space in Ho Chi Minh City

by Annette Miae Kim

For most, the term public space conjures up images of large, open areas: community centers for meetings and social events; the ancient Greek agora for political debates; green parks for festivals and recreation. In many of the world s major cities, however, public spaces like these are not a part of the everyday lives of the public. Rather, business and social lives have always been conducted along main roads and sidewalks. With increasing urban growth and density, primarily from migration and immigration, rights to the sidewalk are being hotly contested among pedestrians, street vendors, property owners, tourists, and governments around the world. With"Sidewalk City," Annette Miae Kim provides the first multidisciplinary case study of sidewalks in a distinctive geographical area. She focuses on Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, a rapidly growing and evolving city that throughout its history, her multicultural residents have built up alternative legitimacies and norms about how the sidewalk should be used. Based on fieldwork over 15 years, Kim developed methods of spatial ethnography to overcome habitual seeing, and recorded both the spatial patterns and the social relations of how the city s vibrant sidewalk life is practiced. In "Sidewalk City," she transforms this data into an imaginative array of maps, progressing through a primer of critical cartography, to unveil new insights about the importance and potential of this quotidian public space. This richly illustrated and fascinating study of Ho Chi Minh City s sidewalks shows us that it is possible to have an aesthetic sidewalk life that is inclusive of multiple publics aspirations and livelihoods, particularly those of migrant vendors. "

Sidney D. Drell: Into the Heart of Matter, Passionately

by Lenora Ferro

Sidney Drell (1926–2016) left a legacy worthy of many lifetimes. Physicist, professor, national security expert, amateur musician, behind-the-scenes diplomat, and champion for peace and human rights, he was also friend and mentor. Dozens of interviews with those whose lives he touched reveal Drell as a man of brilliance, curiosity, and passions, whose devotion to the arts, family, and community equaled his love for physics. Teaching at Stanford University and working at its linear particle accelerator, Drell made significant scientific contributions. Not content to leave science in the lab or classroom, Drell brought his intellectual heft to public service, advising the US government on issues relating to science, advocating for Russian dissident Andrei Sakharov, and urging nuclear disarmament. Scaling the heights of achievement with a down-to-earth sensibility, Drell met his destiny empowered and validated by a prodigious mind, generous spirit, and tact in fostering goodwill for the benefit of all.

Sieben Energiewendemärchen?: Eine Vorlesungsreihe für Unzufriedene

by André D. Thess

Viele Menschen in Deutschland sind unzufrieden mit dem Stil öffentlicher Debatten zu Energiepolitik und Klimawandel. Denn zahlreiche Wortführer vermengen Dichtung mit Wahrheit, Gedanken mit Gefühlen und pflegen den Gestus moralischer Überlegenheit. Das vorliegende Buch nimmt sieben kontroverse Energiewendethemen unserer Zeit unter die Lupe. Der Autor legt durch sachliche und zugleich unterhaltsame Analysen den Wahrheitsgehalt der Argumentationsgebäude frei und beschreibt ihre vielgestaltigen politischen Fassaden. Er zeigt insbesondere, dass energie- und klimapolitische Entscheidungen durch Verknüpfung wissenschaftlicher Erkenntnisse mit persönlichen Werturteilen zustande kommen und dass es deshalb in einer freiheitlich-demokratischen Gesellschaft keine alternativlose Energie- und Klimapolitik geben kann. Das Buch bildet mit seiner sorgfältig beschriebenen Analysemethode und praxisnahen Kopfrechenaufgaben den Leitfaden für eine sachgerechte, kontroverse und zugleich kurzweilige Energie- und Klimadebatte mit Familie, Freunden, Kollegen und Politikern.

Siemens Step 7 (TIA Portal) Programming, a Practical Approach

by Jon Stenerson David Deeg

We saw the need for an understandable book on Siemens Step 7 programming. The book includes a link to download a trial version of Siemens Step 7 (TIA Portal) software. We wanted the book to be practical, and also have breadth and depth of coverage. We also wanted it to be affordable for readers. <p><p>There are many practical explanations and examples to illustrate and ease learning. There is also a step-by-step appendix on creating a project to ease the learning curve. The book covers various models of Siemens PLCs including S7-300, S7-1200, S7-400, and S7-1500. <p><p>The coverage of project organization provides the basis for a good understanding of programming and project organization. The book covers ladder logic and Function Block Diagram (FBD) programming. Linear and modular programming are covered to provide the basis for an understanding of how an S7 project is organized and how it functions.There is In-depth coverage of ladder logic, timers, counters, math, special instructions, function blocks, and technology objects. Wiring and use of of I/O modules for various PLC models is covered. Sinking/sourcing, and the wiring of digital and analog modules are covered. <p><p>There are also practical examples of the use and application of analog modules and their resolution. There is also a chapter that features step-by-step coverage on how to create a working HMI application. The setup and application of Technology Objects for PID and motion control are also covered. There are extensive questions and exercises for each chapter to guide and aide learning. The book includes answers to selected chapter questions and programming exercises.

SiGe and Si Strained-Layer Epitaxy for Silicon Heterostructure Devices

by John D. Cressler

What seems routine today was not always so. The field of Si-based heterostructures rests solidly on the shoulders of materials scientists and crystal growers, those purveyors of the semiconductor “black arts” associated with the deposition of pristine films of nanoscale dimensionality onto enormous Si wafers with near infinite precision. We can now grow near-defect free, nanoscale films of Si and SiGe strained-layer epitaxy compatible with conventional high-volume silicon integrated circuit manufacturing. SiGe and Si Strained-Layer Epitaxy for Silicon Heterostructure Devices tells the materials side of the story and details the many advances in the Si-SiGe strained-layer epitaxy for device applications. Drawn from the comprehensive and well-reviewed Silicon Heterostructure Handbook, this volume defines and details the many advances in the Si/SiGe strained-layer epitaxy for device applications. Mining the talents of an international panel of experts, the book covers modern SiGe epitaxial growth techniques, epi defects and dopant diffusion in thin films, stability constraints, and electronic properties of SiGe, strained Si, and Si-C alloys. It includes appendices on topics such as the properties of Si and Ge, the generalized Moll-Ross relations, integral charge-control relations, and sample SiGe HBT compact model parameters.

SiGe-based Re-engineering of Electronic Warfare Subsystems

by Wynand Lambrechts Saurabh Sinha

This book provides readers a thorough understanding of the applicability of new-generation silicon-germanium (SiGe) electronic subsystems for electronic warfare and defensive countermeasures in military contexts. It explains in detail the theoretical and technical background, and addresses all aspects of the integration of SiGe as an enabling technology for maritime, land, and airborne / spaceborne electronic warfare, including research, design, development, and implementation. The coverage is supported by mathematical derivations, informative illustrations, practical examples, and case studies. While SiGe technology provides speed, performance, and price advantages in many markets, to date only limited information has been available on its use in electronic warfare systems, especially in developing nations. Addressing that need, this book offers essential engineering guidelines that especially focus on the speed and reliability of current-generation SiGe circuits and highlight emerging innovations that help to ensure the sustainable long-term integration of SiGe into electronic warfare systems.

Sigma 7

by Colin Burgess

Colin Burgess offers a comprehensive yet personal look at the 1962 orbital mission of Wally Schirra aboard the spacecraft Sigma 7, the first book about this popular pioneering astronaut which explores his entire life and accomplishments. This continues the Pioneers in Early Spaceflight series, the volumes of which form an excellent record of Project Mercury's pioneering early phase of the Space Age. Schirra's pre-NASA life is examined, as well as his training as a NASA astronaut and for his Mercury MA-8 flight. The 6-orbit flight of Sigma 7 is fully covered from its origins through to the spacecraft's safe recovery from the ocean after a highly successful Mercury mission. Schirra's participation on the Gemini 6 and Apollo 7 missions is also told, but in brief, and the book also relates his post-NASA life and activities through to his passing in 2007. The Mercury Seven occupy a unique spot in the history of human spaceflight, and Schirra is at last given his due as one of the contributing astronauts in this painstakingly researched book.

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