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User-Centered Agile Method

by Dominique Deuff Mathilde Cosquer

Agile development methods began to emerge around 20 years ago. However, it was not until the early 2000s that they began to be widely used in industry. This growth was often due to the advent of Internet services requiring faster cycles of development in order to heighten the rate at which an ever-greater number of functionalities were made available. In parallel, user-centered design (UCD) methods were also becoming more and more widely used: hence, user-centered design and agile methods were bound to cross paths, at least in the telecoms industry! During this period, in the field of telecommunications, the explosion in the number of connected terminals, Web applications, new use environments (particularly in a domestic setting), etc., meant it was crucial to gain a fuller understanding of users’ requirements and better evaluate the relevance and acceptance of services’ attempts to cater for these requirements. Thus the user-centered agile method, as proposed in this book, aims to mutually integrate two existing methods: user-centered design – as used by ergonomists – and the agile Scrum method – as used by developers. The user testing method is also covered. Analyzing work on this subject spanning the past 10 years, the authors also provide an assessment of the feedback on the user-centered agile method. The method described in this book has been based on all these sources. It is a framework relying on the logic introduced by Scrum, i.e. a framework based on project management. The method proposed is seen as an extension of Scrum which is “centered on humans” because of the integration of user-centered design and user-testing. Therefore the description of the user-centered agile method is based on the basics of the agile Scrum method and uses its terminology and elements. As well as descriptive elements of the user-centered agile method, practical examples of how to implement it are also provided. Contents 1. Introduction. 2. Intrioduction to the Methods Employed. 3. Sources for this Work. 4. Description of The User-Centered Agile Method. 5. Case Studies. About the Authors Dominique Deuff worked at the National Institute of Informatics in Japan for 2½ years before coming back to France in June 2006 and joining Orange Labs France Telecom as a developer in a Scrum team. In 2008, she graduated with a Master’s degree in ergonomics and has since then been applying her new skills to various projects at Orange Labs Lannion. Mathilde Cosquer joined Orange Labs as an ergonomist after completing her PhD on the question of transparency of technical devices from the user’s point of view. She has taken part in the design and evaluation of numerous innovating services, but over the past four years, she has been more particularly involved in projects of interpersonal communication services.

User-centered Requirements: The Scenario-based Engineering Process

by Karen L. McGraw Karan Harbison

Developing today's complex systems requires more than just good software engineering solutions. Many are faced with complex systems projects, incomplete or inaccurate requirements, canceled projects, or cost overruns, and have their systems' users in revolt and demanding more. Others want to build user-centric systems, but fear managing the process. This book describes an approach that brings the engineering process together with human performance engineering and business process reengineering. The result is a manageable user-centered process for gathering, analyzing, and evaluating requirements that can vastly improve the success rate in the development of medium-to-large size systems and applications. Unlike some texts that are primarily conceptual, this volume provides guidelines, "how-to" information, and examples, enabling the reader to quickly apply the process and techniques to accomplish the following goals: * define high quality requirements, * enhance productive client involvement, * help clients maintain competitiveness, * ensure client buy-in and support throughout the process, * reduce missing functionality and corrections, and * improve user satisfaction with systems. This volume clearly details the role of user-centered requirements and knowledge acquisition within Scenario-Based Engineering Process (SEP) and identifies SEP products and artifacts. It assists project personnel in planning and managing effective requirements activities, including managing risks, avoiding common problems with requirements elicitation, organizing project participants and tools, and managing the logistics. Guidelines are provided for the following: selecting the right individual and group techniques to elicit scenarios and requirements from users; subject matter experts, or other shareholders; and ensuring engineers or analysts have the necessary skills.

User-Centered Technology: A Rhetorical Theory for Computers and Other Mundane Artifacts

by Robert R. Johnson

Presents a theoretical model for examining technology through a user perspective. Begins with a historical overview of the problem of technology use through the lens of rhetoric theory, and defines central areas of user-centered theory, such as user knowledge, human-technology interaction, and technological determinism. Draws also from human factors engineering, history, philosophy, and sociology to discuss ideological presuppositions of technology design and technological determinism. Ideas are applied in academic and nonacademic contexts. Annotation copyrighted by Book News, Inc., Portland, OR

User-Centric and Information-Centric Networking and Services: Access Networks, Storage and Cloud Perspective

by M. Bala Krishna

User-Centric Networks (UCN) and Information-Centric Networks (ICN) are new communication paradigms to increase the efficiency of content delivery and also content availability. In this new concept, the network infrastructure actively contributes to content caching and distribution. This book presents the basic concepts of UCN and ICN, describes the main architecture proposals for these networks, and discusses the main challenges to their development. The book also looks at the current challenges for this concept, including naming, routing and caching on the network-core elements, several aspects of content security, user privacy, and practical issues in implementing UCN and ICN.

User-Centric Networking

by Alessandro Aldini Alessandro Bogliolo

This work represents a milestone for the "ULOOP User-centric Wireless Local Loop" project funded by the EU IST Seventh Framework Programme. ULOOP is focused on the robust, secure, and autonomic deployment of user-centric wireless networks. Contributions by ULOOP partners as well as invited tutorials by international experts in the field. The expected impact is to increase awareness to user-centric networking in terms, e. g. , of business opportunities and quality of experience, and to present adequate technology to sustain the growth of user-friendly wireless architectures. Throughout the last 3 years, ULOOP has developed enabling technologies for user-centricity in wireless networks, with particular emphasis on social trust management, cooperation incentives, community building, mobility estimation, and resource management. This work will be of interest to researchers, policymakers, operators, vendors, and end-users interested in the current and future directions of user-centric access networks.

User Design

by Alison A. Carr-Chellman

User Design offers a fresh perspective on how front-line learners (users) can participate in the design of learning environments. The author challenges the universal assumption that front-line users must be relegated to the role of offering input, and that the actual design activity of learning systems must still be conducted only by experts. The b

User Experience Design in the Era of Automated Driving (Studies in Computational Intelligence #980)

by Andreas Riener Myounghoon Jeon Ignacio Alvarez

This book is dedicated to user experience design for automated driving to address humane aspects of automated driving, e.g., workload, safety, trust, ethics, and acceptance. Automated driving has experienced a major development boost in recent years. However, most of the research and implementation has been technology-driven, rather than human-centered. The levels of automated driving have been poorly defined and inconsistently used. A variety of application scenarios and restrictions has been ambiguous. Also, it deals with human factors, design practices and methods, as well as applications, such as multimodal infotainment, virtual reality, augmented reality, and interactions in and outside users. This book aims at 1) providing engineers, designers, and practitioners with a broad overview of the state-of-the-art user experience research in automated driving to speed-up the implementation of automated vehicles and 2) helping researchers and students benefit from various perspectives and approaches to generate new research ideas and conduct more integrated research.

User Experience Methods and Tools in Human-Computer Interaction

by Gavriel Salvendy Constantine Stephanidis

This book covers user experience methods and tools in designing user‑friendly products and servicesby encompassing widely utilized successful methods, including elicitation, analysis and establishment of requirements, collaborative idea generation with design teams and intended users, prototype testing and evaluation of the user experience through empirical and non‑empirical means.This book• Provides methods and tools tailored for each stage of the design process.• Discusses methods for the active involvement of users in the human‑centered design process.• Equips readers with an effective toolset for use throughout the design process, ensuring that what is created aligns with user needs and desires.• Covers a wide array of research and evaluation methods employed in HCI, from the initiation of the human‑centered development cycle to its culmination.This book is a fascinating read for individuals interested in Human-Computer Interaction research and applications.

User Generated Content

by Christian Alexander Bauer

Das Web 2.0 hat zu einem Wandel des Nutzerverhaltens in Internet geführt: Immer mehr Nutzer gehen vom passiven Konsum über zu einem interaktiven Nutzungsverhalten. Bei einem Großteil der produzierten Beiträge greifen sie dabei auf fremde, zumeist urheberrechtlich geschützte Inhalte zurück. Vor diesem Hintergrund geht der Autor der Frage nach, inwieweit diese unautorisierte Verwendung fremder Werke und Leistungen urheberrechtlich zulässig ist und in welchem Umfang dieses Phänomen zukünftig vom Gesetzgeber privilegiert werden sollte.

User Group Leadership

by Michelle Malcher

This book is about starting and sustaining a technology user group. User groups are a wonderful way to connect with local and like-minded professionals for networking and learning. All the forums and social media on the internet can't replace face-to-face time spent discussing problems, upcoming technologies, and other pertinent topics. What every user group needs is leaders to organize meetings, find speakers, and connect the community. What every leader needs is good advice and guidance on how to begin a group and nurture new leadership to keep the group sustainable, and Michelle Malcher provides just that right sort of guidance in her book on User Group Leadership. This book is designed to help you understand what goes into starting and building a user group, giving you the tools and resources to do so. Learn what to expect before your first meeting, in the first three months, and in the first year. Malcher has experience from the local group level on up to the international level with the Independent Oracle User Group. If you're involved in technology and are ready to take on a position of leadership by which to help others network, succeed, and grow, then grab a copy of this book. You won't find a better source of guidance for starting and growing a new group on the technology of your choice. Learn what to know before you ever have your first meeting Prepare for each meeting with a list of things that should be done Grow your local members into future leaders What you'll learn Choose the right motivations for starting a group Build a governance structure and integrate with an umbrella group Locate and book interesting speakers Recruit help to share the administrative burden Grow the next generation of leadership Make a difference in people's careers by helping them grow and network and learn Who this book is for User Group Leadership is aimed at technology professionals interested in networking and learning with like-minded people in their same technology area. The book is especially aimed at the ambitious professional who is ready to step into a leadership role by creating a vibrant user community where no such community currently exists, but one is needed. Table of Contents 1. Development of a User Group 2. User Group Governance 3. Building Leaders and Volunteers 4. User Group Planning 5. User Group Members 6. Challenges 7. Career Development 8. From Techie to Leader 9. Qualities of a User Group Leader 10. Qualities of a User Group Volunteer

User Interface Design of Electronic Appliances

by Konrad Baumann Bruce Thomas

This simple and manageable guide to user interface design is written for the professional in industry working on product development and the decision process. It is directed not only to the human factors specialists, but also to technicians, designers, marketing and product managers and students.The book presents guidelines for user interface d

User Interface Requirements for Medical Devices: Driving Toward Safe, Effective, and Satisfying Products by Specification

by Michael Wiklund Erin Davis Alexandria Trombley

This book is a practical guide for individuals responsible for creating products that are safe, effective, usable, and satisfying in the hands of the intended users. The contents are intended to reduce the number of use errors involving medical devices that have led to injuries and deaths. The book presents the strong connection between user interface requirements and risk management for medical devices and instructs readers how to develop specific requirements that are sufficiently comprehensive and detailed to produce good results – a user-friendly product that is likely to be used correctly. The book’s tutorial content is complemented by many real-world examples of user interface requirements, including ones pertaining to an inhaler, automated external defibrillator, medical robot, and mobile app that a patient might use to manage her diabetes. The book is intended for people representing a variety of product development disciplines who have responsibility for producing safe, effective, usable, and satisfying medical devices, including those who are studying or working in human factors engineering, psychology, mechanical engineering, biomedical engineering, systems engineering, software programming, technical writing, industrial design, graphic design, and regulatory affairs.

User Interfaces for All: Concepts, Methods, and Tools (Human Factors And Ergonomics Ser. #4397)

by Constantine Stephanidis

User Interfaces for All is the first book dedicated to the issues of Universal Design and Universal Access in the field of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI). Universal Design (or Design for All) is an inclusive and proactive approach seeking to accommodate diversity in the users and usage contexts of interactive products, applications, and se

User Requirements for Wireless (River Publishers Series In Communications Ser.)

by Lene Tolstrup Sørensen Knud Erik Skouby

In most IT system development processes, the identification or elicitation of user requirements is recognized as a key building block. In practice, the identification of user needs and wants is a challenge and inadequate or faulty identifications in this step of an IT system development can cause huge problems with the final product. The elicitation of user requirements as such changes according to age groups;, to gender,; to cultural settings,; and into time; and experience in the use of the system/software. User requirements, therefore, cannot be used between projects, IT systems, and different software. That makes the elicitation of user requirements an inherent part of any software development project and a resourceful activity as well. This book provides insights to the process of identifying user requirements and to different types by describing varying case studies in which technologies or software has been developed. A variety of user requirements are provided illustrating the effect of changing the targeted user group with respect to age,; to the context and the different technologies or software as well as to the difference in viewpoint on ways of involving users in the elicitation process. Cases and user requirement elements discussed in the book include: • User requirements elicitation processes for children, construction workers, and farmers• User requirements for personalized services of a broadcast company• Variations in user involvement• Practical elements of user involvement and requirements elicitation• Usable security requirements for design of privacy.

User Science and Engineering: 5th International Conference, i-USEr 2018, Puchong, Malaysia, August 28–30, 2018, Proceedings (Communications in Computer and Information Science #886)

by Natrah Abdullah Wan Adilah Wan Adnan Marcus Foth

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 5th International Conference on User Science and Engineering, i-USEr 2018, held in Puchong, Malaysia, in August 2018. The 32 papers accepted for i-USEr 2018 were selected from 72 submissions with a thorough double-blind review process. The selected papers illustrate how HCI is inclusive and omnipresent within the domains of informatics, Internet of Things, Quality of Life, and others. They are organized in the following topical sections: design, UX and usability; HCI and underserved; technology and adoption; human centered computing; HCI and IT infrastructure; and HCI and analytics.

User Unfriendly: Consumer Struggles with Personal Technologies, from Clocks and Sewing Machines to Cars and Computers

by Joseph J. Corn

We’ve all been there. Seduced by the sleek designs and smart capabilities of the newest gadgets, we end up stumped by their complicated set-up instructions and exasperating error messages. In this fascinating history, Joseph J. Corn maps two centuries of consumer frustration and struggle with personal technologies.Aggravation with the new machines people adopt and live with is as old as the industrial revolution. Clocks, sewing machines, cameras, lawn mowers, bicycles, electric lights, cars, and computers: all can empower and exhilarate, but they can also exact a form of servitude. Adopters puzzle over which type and model to buy and then how to operate the device, diagnose its troubles, and meet its insatiable appetite for accessories, replacement parts, or upgrades. It intrigues Corn that we put up with the frustrations our technology thrusts upon us, battling with the unfamiliar and climbing the steep learning curves. It is this ongoing struggle, more than the uses to which we ultimately put our machines, that animates this thought-provoking study.Having extensively researched owner’s manuals, computer user-group newsletters, and how-to literature, Corn brings a fresh, consumer-oriented approach to the history of technology. User Unfriendly will be valuable to historians of technology, students of American culture, and anyone interested in our modern dependence on machines and gadgets.

A User's Guide to Ellipsometry (Dover Civil and Mechanical Engineering)

by Harland G. Tompkins

This text on optics for graduate students explains how to determine material properties and parameters for inaccessible substrates and unknown films as well as how to measure extremely thin films. Its 14 case studies illustrate concepts and reinforce applications of ellipsometry -- particularly in relation to the semiconductor industry and to studies involving corrosion and oxide growth.A User's Guide to Ellipsometry will enable readers to move beyond limited turn-key applications of ellipsometers. In addition to its comprehensive discussions of the measurement of film thickness and optical constants in film, it also considers the trajectories of the ellipsometric parameters Del and Psi and how changes in materials affect parameters. This volume also addresses the use of polysilicon, a material commonly employed in the microelectronics industry, and the effects of substrate roughness. Three appendices provide helpful references.

A Users Guide to Vacuum Technology

by John F. O'Hanlon Timothy A. Gessert

A USERS GUIDE TO VACUUM TECHNOLOGY Choose and understand the vacuum technology that fits your project’s needs with this indispensable guide Vacuum technology is used to provide process environments for other kinds of engineering technology, making it an unsung cornerstone of hundreds of projects incorporating analysis, research and development, manufacturing, and more. Since it is very often a secondary technology, users primarily interested in processes incorporating it will frequently only encounter vacuum technology when purchasing or troubleshooting. There is an urgent need for a guide to vacuum technology made with these users in mind. For decades, A User’s Guide to Vacuum Technology has met this need, with a user-focused introduction to vacuum technology as it is incorporated into semiconductor, optics, solar sell, and other engineering processes. With an emphasis on otherwise neglected subjects and on accessibility to the secondary user of vacuum technology, it balances treatment of older systems that are still in use with a survey of the latest cutting-edge technologies. The result promises to continue as the essential guide to vacuum systems. Readers of the fourth edition of A User’s Guide to Vacuum Technology will also find: Expanded treatment of gauges, pumps, materials, systems, and best??operating practices Detailed discussion of cutting-edge topics like ultraclean vacuum and contamination control An authorial team with decades of combined research and engineering experience A User’s Guide to Vacuum Technology is essential for those entering emerging STEM programs, engineering professionals and graduate students working with a huge range of engineering technologies.

A User's Manual to the PMBOK Guide

by Cynthia Stackpole

The professional standard in the field of project management, A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge better known as the PMBOK® Guide published by the Project Management Institute (PMI) serves as the ultimate resource for professionals and as a valuable studying and training device for students taking the PMP® exam. A User's Manual to the PMBOK® Guide takes the next logical step to act as a true user's manual. Its accessible format and easy-to-understand language helps to not only distill essential information contained in the PMBOK® Guide--Fourth Edition, but also fills an educational gap by offering instruction on how to apply its various tools and techniques. This book: * Defines each project management process in the PMBOK® Guide--Fourth Edition, describes their intent, and discusses their individual ITTOs (inputs, tools and techniques, and outputs) * Features examples, handy tips, and sample forms to supplement learning * Is written by the author who was project manager of the PMBOK ®Guide--Fourth Edition * Contains a data flow diagram of each process in the PMBOK® Guide--Fourth Edition to show how information is distributed A User's Manual to the PMBOK® Guide simplifies the PMBOK® Guide--Fourth Edition to provide the springboard from which successful project management processes are interpreted and carried out in the real world. Thorough in coverage and rich in content, this manual is a worthy companion to augment the important strategies laid out in the PMBOK® Guide Fourth Edition--and the one book that aspiring or professional project managers should never be without.

A User's Manual to the PMBOK Guide

by Cynthia Snyder Stackpole

The must-have manual to understand and use the latest edition of the Fifth Edition The professional standard in the field of project management, A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide—Fifth Edition) published by the Project Management Institute (PMI®) serves as the ultimate resource for professionals and as a valuable studying and training device for students taking the PMP® Exam. A User's Manual to the PMBOK® Guide takes the next logical step to act as a true user's manual. With an accessible format and easy-to-understand language, it helps to not only distill essential information contained in the PMBOK® Guide—Fifth Edition, but also fills an educational gap by offering instruction on how to apply its various tools and techniques. This edition of the User's Manual: Defines each project management process in the PMBOK® Guide—Fifth Edition, describes the intent, and discusses the individual ITTOs (inputs, tools and techniques, and outputs) Features examples, handy tips, and sample forms to supplement learning Contains a data flow diagram of each process in the PMBOK® Guide—Fifth Edition to show how information is distributed Is updated to provide deeper coverage of stakeholder management and to include new processes for scope, schedule, cost, and stakeholder management The User's Manual enables you to put the PMBOK Guide—Fifth Edition to work on your projects. It will help you implement the processes described in the PMBOK Guide—Fifth Edition and apply the tools and techniques to help make your projects successful. Thorough in coverage and rich in content, it is a worthy companion to augment the important strategies laid out in the PMBOK® Guide—Fifth Edition, and the one book that aspiring or professional project managers should never be without. Fully updated to align with A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide)–Fifth Edition Describes how to apply tools and techniques for projects and how to create process outputs Presents information by process group Expands upon the PMBOK® Guide with information on the sponsor's role and planning loops Integrates and describes interpersonal skills into the process where they are identified (PMBOK, PMI, PMP and Project Management Professional are registered marks of the Project Management Institute, Inc.)

Uses of Elemental Diets in Clinical Situations

by G. Bounous

The studies presented in this book demonstrate that a new concept in the management of carious intestinal disorders should be considered, namely, that common nutrients may protect or heal the mucosa by virtue of the particular form and mode in which they are delivered to the intestinal lumen and their availability to the mucosal cells. The substitution of intact protein in the formula by hydrolysate appears to me an important factor.

Uses of Technology in Primary and Secondary Mathematics Education: Tools, Topics And Trends (ICME-13 Monographs)

by Paul Drijvers Lynda Ball Hans-Stefan Siller Silke Ladel Michal Tabach Colleen Vale

This book provides international perspectives on the use of digital technologies in primary, lower secondary and upper secondary school mathematics. It gathers contributions by the members of three topic study groups from the 13th International Congress on Mathematical Education and covers a range of themes that will appeal to researchers and practitioners alike. The chapters include studies on technologies such as virtual manipulatives, apps, custom-built assessment tools, dynamic geometry, computer algebra systems and communication tools. Chiefly focusing on teaching and learning mathematics, the book also includes two chapters that address the evidence for technologies’ effects on school mathematics. The diverse technologies considered provide a broad overview of the potential that digital solutions hold in connection with teaching and learning. The chapters provide both a snapshot of the status quo of technologies in school mathematics, and outline how they might impact school mathematics ten to twenty years from now.

Uses of Technology in Upper Secondary Mathematics Education

by Stephen Hegedus Colette Laborde Corey Brady Sara Dalton Hans-Stefan Siller Michal Tabach Jana Trgalova Luis Moreno-Armella

This survey addresses the use of technology in upper secondary mathematics education from four points of view: theoretical analysis of epistemological and cognitive aspects of activity in new technology mediated learning environments, the changes brought by technology in the interactions between environment, students and teachers, the interrelations between mathematical activities and technology, skills and competencies that must be developed in teacher education. Research shows that the use of some technologies may deeply change the solving processes and contribute to impact the learning processes. The questions are which technologies to choose for which purposes, and how to integrate them, so as to maximize all students' agency. In particular the role of the teacher in classrooms and the content of teacher education programs are critical for taking full advantage of technology in teaching practice.

Using 137Cs Resampling Method to Estimate Mean Soil Erosion Rates for Selected Time Windows (Environmental Science and Engineering)

by Paolo Porto Emil Fulajtar Lee Kheng Heng

This book provides guidelines for using a new approach of resampling the Cs-137 radionuclide tracer which is used to estimate soil erosion rates. The Cs-137 resampling approach will improve significantly the use of the Cs-137 method for assessment of soil erosion, because resampling the radionuclide repeatedly (at least two times, but more sampling campaigns are possible) allows to avoid several methodological difficulties associated with Cs-137 method, namely the problems with small-scale spatial heterogeneity, the question of representativeness of reference site, reference samples, and inappropriate time extent of evaluated period. All these methodological problems are very important for reliability and accuracy of erosion rates estimated by Cs-137 method. If using single sampling approach, the small-scale spatial heterogeneity can be overcome by high number of sampling points, but this is time and labour demanding solution increasing the expenses of the erosion research. The representativeness of reference site is evaluated usually on the basis of expert judgement and knowledge of land use history of studied area, but this approach is often uncertain because the expert judgement can be subjective and the data on land use history is often not sufficient. Further, in many areas an appropriate reference site is not available, what limits the territorial extent of using Cs-137 method. The resampling approach offers its second sampling to be done in a proximate vicinity of the same points sampled during the first sampling campaign. A great advantage is the possibility to decide how long time windows should be investigated. Choosing the time schedule of first and second sampling allows to shorten the time window and adjust it to the study objectives. This is a great improvement of the Cs-137 method, because the time period since the Cs-137 fallout is still growing and thus if using the single sampling approach the results refer to still longer and longer time window(since the Cs-137 fallout until the sampling time), and this period (recently ca 60 years assuming the maximum Cs-137 fallout in 1963) is too long to represent stable land use, because land uses are changing over the time and having the same land use over six decades is rather rare. The improvement of Cs-137 method achieved by resampling approach is significantly contributing to understanding the erosion dynamics and estimating its rates under changing environmental conditions (such as land uses, weather), and it will bring a significant benefit to soil conservation programmes, because Cs-137 method is indispensable for assessing the medium and long term soil erosion rates, and this information is among the basic inputs needed for planning and designing soil conservation measures.

Using Apps for Learning Across the Curriculum: A Literacy-Based Framework and Guide

by David O'Brien Richard Beach

How can apps be used to foster learning with literacy across the curriculum? This book offers both a theoretical framework for considering app affordances and practical ways to use apps to build students’ disciplinary literacies and to foster a wide range of literacy practices. Using Apps for Learning Across the Curriculum presents a wide range of different apps and also assesses their value features methods for and apps related to planning instruction and assessing student learning identifies favorite apps whose affordances are most likely to foster certain disciplinary literacies includes resources and apps for professional development provides examples of student learning in the classroom A website ( with resources for teaching and further reading for each chapter, a link to a blog for continuing conversations about topics in the book (, and more enhance the usefulness of the book.

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