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Treetops at Risk: Challenges of Global Canopy Ecology and Conservation
by Margaret Lowman Soubadra Devy T. GaneshForest canopies not only support high terrestrial biodiversity but also represent a critical interface between the atmosphere and the earth. They provide goods and services to support diverse human communities and offer opportunities to explore sustainable use of these resources for many generations of local livelihoods. Forest canopies are important carbon sequestration units, and in this sense, serve as climate control for the planet. Canopies are important energy production centers for the planet, and serve as the basis for many food chains. The canopy can also act as a hook for education outreach and conservation, inspiring ecotourism through recreation and other sustainable uses such as treetop walks, zip lines, and birding. Despite these critical services provided by forest canopies, almost no dedicated research in the treetops was initiated until as recently as the late 1970s when single rope techniques were developed by mountaineering professionals and adapted for use in the canopy. Subsequently, an array of canopy access tools was designed in the 1980s and early 1990s that have opened up this "eighth continent" for global exploration and discovery. This volume uses the major findings of the 5th international canopy conference as a platform for organization, but it does not mimic the sessions and presentations of the conference itself. Instead, it builds on the important themes that emerged from the conference and solicits articles that represent future priorities and advancements for canopy science in the next decade. Despite the global efforts of hundreds of forest scientists over the past 3 decades, forests are degrading at an accelerated rate and biodiversity is increasingly threatened by human activities. Given these trends - despite the very best efforts of the world's best scientists - other approaches must be taken. This volume summarizes the issue of "treetops at risk" and assembles a global authorship to examine past accomplishments and future initiatives critical in forest conservation.
Treffsichere Analysen, Diagnosen und Prognosen: Leben Ohne Statistik Nach Genichi Taguchi
by Herbert RueferDie zugrunde liegenden Prinzipien, erfunden und entwickelt von Dr. Genichi Taguchi (1924-2012), zum Entwurf von Experimenten oder Simulationsrechungen in vielparametrischen Systemen, werden heute als Taguchi Methode bezeichnet. Durch den großen Erfolg wurde sie auf viele andere Bereiche erweitert. In diesem Buch werden die Grundlagen dieser Methode so ausführlich wie geboten und so einfach und anschaulich wie möglich dargelegt. Dabei zeigt der Autor, wie breit gefächert das heutige Anwendungsspektrum ist und für welche unterschiedlichen Aufgabenstellungen sie eingesetzt werden kann. Die Anwendungsbeispiele reichen von der Optimierung eines Fermentationsprozesses in der Biotechnologie über die Kostenminimierung in der mechanischen Fertigung bis zur Erhaltung und Verbesserung der Konkurrenzfähigkeit in der industriellen Produktion. Das Buch gliedert sich in drei Teile. Im ersten Teil führt der Autor in die methodischen Grundlagen ein – immer unter Berücksichtigung der Zusammenhänge von Kosten, Präzision und Spezifikationen. Der zweite Teil beschäftigt sich mit Mustererkennung. Abweichende Muster können nach der Taguchi-Methode mit hoher Trennschärfe unterschieden und als Kollisionswarnung beim automatisierten Fahren, als Authentifizierung oder auch in der medizinischen Diagnostik und Therapeutik umgesetzt werden, wie die Fallbeispiele verdeutlichen. Im dritten Teil zeigt der Autor das Potenzial der Methodik für die Erstellung von Prognosen, ob im Kontext industrieller Anwendungen, für die Vorhersage von Krankheitsverläufen in der Medizin oder für das Eintreten von Naturereignissen. Der Band enthält zahlreiche vollständige numerische Fallbeispiele, wobei die Berechnungen durch Abbildungen oder Diagramme veranschaulicht werden. Im Anhang finden Leser eine ausführliche Darstellung der Theorie, so dass sie theoretische Fragen bei Bedarf vertiefen können. Studierende, Wissenschaftler, Ingenieure oder Entwicklungs- und Produktverantwortliche lernen mit dem Buch die Taguchi Methode anzuwenden – auch ohne mathematisch-statistisches Vorwissen. Diese geschilderten Verfahren sind bestens geeignet, um relativ schnell zuverlässige und präzise Lösungen für die unterschiedlichsten Problemstellungen zu finden. Ein echter Wettbewerbsvorteil in der Forschung oder für Unternehmen, die im internationalen Wettbewerb konkurrenzfähig bleiben wollen.
Treibstoff der Macht: Eine Geschichte des Erdöls und der europäischen Einfuhrabhängigkeit
by Alexander SmithDas Erdöl ist der Lebenssaft der industriellen Gesellschaften und zugleich der am meisten politisierte Rohstoff. Europa hat sich in der Vergangenheit in eine gefährliche Abhängigkeit von Ölimporten manövriert. Die vorliegende Studie geht der Frage nach, wie es seit dem frühen 19. Jahrhundert zu Europas Ölsucht gekommen ist und wie sich die Interdependenzbeziehungen zwischen den erdölexportierenden Staaten und den europäischen Einfuhrländern im Zeitverlauf verändert haben. Die Entwicklung der internationalen Ölindustrie und des europäischen Erdölverbrauchs wird dabei in einer historischen Längsschnittanalyse als pfadabhängiger Prozess nachgezeichnet und anhand eines polit-ökonomischen Untersuchungsmodells durchleuchtet. Mit dem Verlust der Kontrollmacht durch die OPEC hat die „Ölwaffe“ als wirkungsvolles außenpolitisches Instrument ausgedient. Europas Versorgungssicherheit mit Erdöl hat in den vergangenen Jahrzehnten deutlich zugenommen.
The Tremendous Baron Time Machine (The Bizarre Baron Inventions #4)
by Eric BowerW.B. is back and more disappointed than ever when he discovers a new series of popular books that depict the Barons as bumbling fools. His parents M and P, along with Rose Blackwood, laugh at the books until their plummeting reputation starts scaring off the buyers of their inventions, leaving the family without an income. As family members start disappearing one by one, P realizes that the author of the books is not out to ruin just their reputation, he’s determined to erase their past. All of the Barons must race to intercept their rival time-traveler and stop him from erasing the entire Baron family from existence before their time runs out.
Trench Rescue: Principles and Practice to NFPA 1006 and 1670
by Ron Zawlocki Craig DashnerTrench Rescue: Principles and Practice to NFPA 1006 and 1670 is the most comprehensive trench rescue resource on the market, delivering updated information on soil assessment, trench protection, shoring techniques, and more.
Trending Topics in Escherichia coli Research: The Latin American Perspective
by Alfredo G. TorresThe Latin American region has been at the forefront in combating infections caused by Escherichia coli strains in humans, animals, and the environment. The continuous emergence and evolution of pathogenic E. coli strains associated with human and animal infections have demonstrated that (i) groups of related pathogenic E. coli are responsible for most infections caused by this bacterial species; (ii) diverse virulence phenotypes expressed during infection defined each one of these pathogroups; (iii) the geographical distribution of pathogroups in Latin America and the evolution of new isolates was defined by the dominant pathogroup and presence of distinct virulence strains; (iv) acquisition of mobile elements or accumulation of point mutations accelerate the development of antibiotic resistance in some of these strains. The Latin American Coalition for Escherichia coli Research (LACER), a multidisciplinary network of over seventy research groups in eleven Latin American countries and the USA, was established in 2009 to apply One Health principles in defining and combating this pathogen. The previous edition of this text, Escherichia coli in the Americas (c. 2016) was the culmination of their wisdom about E. coli, from its role as a commensal bacterium to its characteristics as a pathogen causing disease in animals and humans. This new edition presents recent advances and contextualizes all aspects of E. coli in a One Health perspective, from the environment, to animals, to humans. It addresses E. coli interactions with host microbiota, CNS, and phages. It includes cutting edge insights on hybrid strains, molecular mechanisms of virulence and pathogenesis, resistance, domestic and wild reservoirs, disease surveillance in Latin America, genomic analysis, food safety, and new therapies. Crucially, it also provides translations and analysis of key reports on Escherichia coli published in Spanish and Portuguese. This book serves as a critical resource for scientists in industry and academia, clinicians managing associated infections, and trainees and students studying basic and clinical aspects of E. coli pathogenesis.
Trending Topics on Fermented Foods
by José Guilherme Prado Martin Juliano De Dea Lindner Gilberto Vinícius de Melo Pereira Ramesh C. RayThis book presents the trends in research on fermented foods, introducing successful cases related to the fermentation of foods in restaurants, ideas for popularizing fermented foods among the population, as well as pioneering and inspiring initiatives aimed at regulating the production and marketing of fermented foods. Fermentation has been used for thousands of years to produce a variety of foods. In the last decades, research has been increasingly devoted to the study of fermented food’s microbiome, unraveling the main aspects of the ecology of bacteria, fungi, and viruses and their impacts on product quality. Recently, research focused on the functionality of fermented foods, which has shown health benefits associated with their consumption. The science of food fermentation has evolved very quickly, mainly from the development of omic-based approaches widely used in studies around the world. Thus, despite the vast content about the microbiology of bioprocesses used in the production of fermented foods and beverages, novel insights are constantly provided by research in the area.
Trends and Advancements of Image Processing and Its Applications (EAI/Springer Innovations in Communication and Computing)
by Prashant Johri Mario José Diván Ruqaiya Khanam Marcelo Marciszack Adrián WillThis book covers current technological innovations and applications in image processing, introducing analysis techniques and describing applications in remote sensing and manufacturing, among others. The authors include new concepts of color space transformation like color interpolation, among others. Also, the concept of Shearlet Transform and Wavelet Transform and their implementation are discussed. The authors include a perspective about concepts and techniques of remote sensing like image mining, geographical, and agricultural resources. The book also includes several applications of human organ biomedical image analysis. In addition, the principle of moving object detection and tracking — including recent trends in moving vehicles and ship detection – is described.Presents developments of current research in various areas of image processing;Includes applications of image processing in remote sensing, astronomy, and manufacturing;Pertains to researchers, academics, students, and practitioners in image processing.
Trends and Applications in Advanced Polymeric Materials
by Sanjay K. Nayak Smita Mohanty Lakshmi UnnikrishnanThe book comprises recent innovations and developments in various high performance applications of advanced polymeric materials. It is a compilation of work from eminent academicians and scientists and the chapters provide insight into the effect of tailoring the polymeric systems, blending matrices with nano / micro fillers for improved performance and properties. The book details the following topics: Smart & high performance coatings High barrier packaging Solar energy harvesting Power generation using polymers Polymer sensors Conducting polymers Gas transport membranes Smart drug delivery systems
Trends and Applications in Information Systems and Technologies: Volume 4 (Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing #1368)
by Hojjat Adeli Álvaro Rocha Gintautas Dzemyda Fernando Moreira Ana Maria Ramalho CorreiaThis book is composed of a selection of articles from The 2021 World Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (WorldCIST'21), held online between 30 and 31 of March and 1 and 2 of April 2021 at Hangra de Heroismo, Terceira Island, Azores, Portugal.WorldCIST is a global forum for researchers and practitioners to present and discuss recent results and innovations, current trends, professional experiences and challenges of modern information systems and technologies research, together with their technological development and applications.The main topics covered are: A) Information and Knowledge Management; B) Organizational Models and Information Systems; C) Software and Systems Modeling; D) Software Systems, Architectures, Applications and Tools; E) Multimedia Systems and Applications; F) Computer Networks, Mobility and Pervasive Systems; G) Intelligent and Decision Support Systems; H) Big Data Analytics and Applications; I) Human–Computer Interaction; J) Ethics, Computers & Security; K) Health Informatics; L) Information Technologies in Education; M) Information Technologies in Radiocommunications; N) Technologies for Biomedical Applications.
Trends and Applications in Information Systems and Technologies: Volume 3 (Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing #1367)
by Álvaro Rocha Hojjat Adeli Gintautas Dzemyda Fernando Moreira Ana Maria Ramalho CorreiaThis book is composed of a selection of articles from The 2021 World Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (WorldCIST'21), held online between 30 and 31 of March and 1 and 2 of April 2021 at Hangra de Heroismo, Terceira Island, Azores, Portugal.WorldCIST is a global forum for researchers and practitioners to present and discuss recent results and innovations, current trends, professional experiences and challenges of modern information systems and technologies research, together with their technological development and applications.The main topics covered are: A) Information and Knowledge Management; B) Organizational Models and Information Systems; C) Software and Systems Modeling; D) Software Systems, Architectures, Applications and Tools; E) Multimedia Systems and Applications; F) Computer Networks, Mobility and Pervasive Systems; G) Intelligent and Decision Support Systems; H) Big Data Analytics and Applications; I) Human–Computer Interaction; J) Ethics, Computers & Security; K) Health Informatics; L) Information Technologies in Education; M) Information Technologies in Radiocommunications; N) Technologies for Biomedical Applications.
Trends and Applications in Information Systems and Technologies: Volume 2 (Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing #1366)
by Álvaro Rocha Hojjat Adeli Gintautas Dzemyda Fernando Moreira Ana Maria Ramalho CorreiaThis book is composed of a selection of articles from The 2021 World Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (WorldCIST'21), held online between 30 and 31 of March and 1 and 2 of April 2021 at Hangra de Heroismo, Terceira Island, Azores, Portugal.WorldCIST is a global forum for researchers and practitioners to present and discuss recent results and innovations, current trends, professional experiences and challenges of modern information systems and technologies research, together with their technological development and applications. The main topics covered are: A) Information and Knowledge Management; B) Organizational Models and Information Systems; C) Software and Systems Modeling; D) Software Systems, Architectures, Applications and Tools; E) Multimedia Systems and Applications; F) Computer Networks, Mobility and Pervasive Systems; G) Intelligent and Decision Support Systems; H) Big Data Analytics and Applications; I) Human–Computer Interaction; J) Ethics, Computers & Security; K) Health Informatics; L) Information Technologies in Education; M) Information Technologies in Radiocommunications; N) Technologies for Biomedical Applications.
Trends and Applications in Information Systems and Technologies: Volume 1 (Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing #1365)
by Álvaro Rocha Hojjat Adeli Gintautas Dzemyda Fernando Moreira Ana Maria Ramalho CorreiaThis book is composed of a selection of articles from The 2021 World Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (WorldCIST'21), held online between 30 and 31 of March and 1 and 2 of April 2021 at Hangra de Heroismo, Terceira Island, Azores, Portugal.WorldCIST is a global forum for researchers and practitioners to present and discuss recent results and innovations, current trends, professional experiences and challenges of modern information systems and technologies research, together with their technological development and applications.The main topics covered are: A) Information and Knowledge Management; B) Organizational Models and Information Systems; C) Software and Systems Modeling; D) Software Systems, Architectures, Applications and Tools; E) Multimedia Systems and Applications; F) Computer Networks, Mobility and Pervasive Systems; G) Intelligent and Decision Support Systems; H) Big Data Analytics and Applications; I) Human–Computer Interaction; J) Ethics, Computers & Security; K) Health Informatics; L) Information Technologies in Education; M) Information Technologies in Radiocommunications; N) Technologies for Biomedical Applications.
Trends and Applications of Serious Gaming and Social Media
by Youngkyun Baek Ryan Ko Tim MarshThis book highlights the challenges and potential of educational learning or industry-based training using serious games and social media platforms. In particular, the book addresses applications used in businesses and education-related organizations in Asia, where the framework and experience of serious games have been used to address specific problems in the real world. The topics that will be present in this book includes future of serious games and immersive technologies and their impact on society; online and mobile games; achievement systems in serious games; persuasive technology and games for saving and money management; malware analytics for social networking; serious games for mental health interventions; educational implications of social network games; learning and acquiring subject knowledge using serious games in classrooms. The target audience for this book includes scientists, engineers and practitioners involved in the field of Serious Games. The major part of this book comprises of papers that have been presented at the Serious Games and Social Connect 2012 conference held in Singapore (October 4, 2012). All the contributions have been peer reviewed and by scientific committee members with report about quality, content and originality.
Trends and Challenges in Maritime Energy Management (Wmu Studies In Maritime Affairs Ser. #6)
by Fabio Ballini Dimitrios Dalaklis Momoko Kitada Aykut I. ÖlçerThis book provides an overview of contemporary trends and challenges in maritime energy management (MEM). Coordinated action is necessary to achieve a low carbon and energy-efficient maritime future, and MEM is the prevailing framework aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions resulting from maritime industry activities. The book familiarizes readers with the status quo in the field, and paves the way for finding solutions to perceived challenges. The 34 contributions cover six important aspects: regulatory framework; energy-efficient ship design; energy efficient ship and port operation; economic and social dimensions; alternative fuels and wind-assisted ship propulsion; and marine renewable energy. This pioneering work is intended for researchers and academics as well as practitioners and policymakers involved in this important field.
Trends and Challenges in Multidisciplinary Research for Global Sustainable Development: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Applied Science and Advanced Technology (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems #965)
by Angel Moisés Hernández Ponce Khemisset Marcos Escobar Liline Daniel Canales Hernández Marivel Zea Ortiz Róger E. Sánchez AlonsoSince its beginning the International Conference on Applied Sciences and Advanced Technology (ICASAT) was planned as a multidisciplinary space and as a platform to explore the frontiers of knowledge in different areas such as Machine Vision, Biotechnology, Computer Sciences, Mechatronics and, Sustainability. Also, a multidisciplinary perspective is required in all aspects of science, engineering, and research, moving towards a more complete overview of recent advances. On its third edition, ICASAT received works focused on the Trends and Challenges for Global Sustainable Development. This book is a collection of the works presented during ICASAT 2023.
Trends and Contemporary Technologies for Photocatalytic Degradation of Dyes (Environmental Science and Engineering)
by Sushma Dave Jayashankar DasThis book looks at the recent developments in the area of photocatalytic degradation of dyes using photocatalytic techniques, for example by means of various nanoparticles, heterogeneous, and hybrid systems. Dyes are one of the major groups of water pollutants and are widely used in a diverse range of industries. The toxic effects of organic dyes in wastewater can have a great environmental impact, therefore there is significant interest and need to remove these dyes effectively and efficiently during wastewater treatment.This volume covers a plethora of basics on the photochemistry of dyes and provides information on technological perspectives including reactor designs and process intensification. Since many industries release a significant amount of colored effluents, which are toxic and difficult to remove by conventional methods, the comprehensive studies herein will contribute to helping reduce the impact of colored effluents in wastewater on the environment.
Trends and Future Directions in Security and Emergency Management (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems #257)
by Šárka Hošková-Mayerová Irena TušerThis book aims to inform about the current empirical results of the work of experts in the field security and emergency management and risk management in connecting science, theory and practice in various fields related to security management and emergency management. The chapters present research work and case studies from international, state as well as regional levels. The book is divided into five sections, which deal with Safety and Security Science, Security and Emergency managment, Threats and Risks, Cyber Risks and Extraordinary Event, Preparation and Solutions. The book is intended primarily for scientific communities established in security sciences, theorists and experts working in various positions and levels of security organizations, universities with specializations in security studies, but also for the expert public interested in security issues or entities directly responsible for security and emergency management.
Trends and Innovations in Energetic Sources, Functional Compounds and Biotechnology: Science, Simulation, Experiments (Engineering Materials)
by Carlton A. Taft Paulo Fernando de AlmeidaThis book offers a roadmap to the future, addressing pressing challenges such as energy sustainability, environmental preservation, and advancements in biotechnology and pharmaceuticals. From the exploration of novel perovskite materials for environmental NO reduction to the development of game-changing biotechnological strategies for simultaneous CO2 capture and H2S conversion, this book spans a diverse range of topics. The content dives into the realms of artificial intelligence, nanotechnology, and state-of-the-art photovoltaic solar cells. The chapters explore the potential of psychedelic substances for treating mental disorders and the use of computational tools in pesticide development. Moreover, the reader can uncover the secrets of copaiba tree oil-resin active ingredients with multifaceted medicinal properties and the application of electrical current in alcoholic fermentation. With contributions from esteemed researchers, this book offers insights into the forefront of scientific progress.
Trends and Innovations in Information Systems and Technologies: Volume 3 (Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing #1161)
by Álvaro Rocha Hojjat Adeli Luís Paulo Reis Sandra Costanzo Irena Orovic Fernando MoreiraThis book gathers selected papers presented at the 2020 World Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (WorldCIST’20), held in Budva, Montenegro, from April 7 to 10, 2020.WorldCIST provides a global forum for researchers and practitioners to present and discuss recent results and innovations, current trends, professional experiences with and challenges regarding various aspects of modern information systems and technologies.The main topics covered are A) Information and Knowledge Management; B) Organizational Models and Information Systems; C) Software and Systems Modeling; D) Software Systems, Architectures, Applications and Tools; E) Multimedia Systems and Applications; F) Computer Networks, Mobility and Pervasive Systems; G) Intelligent and Decision Support Systems; H) Big Data Analytics and Applications; I) Human–Computer Interaction; J) Ethics, Computers & Security; K) Health Informatics; L) Information Technologies in Education; M) Information Technologies in Radiocommunications; and N) Technologies for Biomedical Applications.
Trends and Innovations in Information Systems and Technologies: Volume 1 (Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing #1159)
by Álvaro Rocha Hojjat Adeli Luís Paulo Reis Sandra Costanzo Irena Orovic Fernando MoreiraThis book gathers selected papers presented at the 2020 World Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (WorldCIST’20), held in Budva, Montenegro, from April 7 to 10, 2020. WorldCIST provides a global forum for researchers and practitioners to present and discuss recent results and innovations, current trends, professional experiences with and challenges regarding various aspects of modern information systems and technologies. The main topics covered are A) Information and Knowledge Management; B) Organizational Models and Information Systems; C) Software and Systems Modeling; D) Software Systems, Architectures, Applications and Tools; E) Multimedia Systems and Applications; F) Computer Networks, Mobility and Pervasive Systems; G) Intelligent and Decision Support Systems; H) Big Data Analytics and Applications; I) Human–Computer Interaction; J) Ethics, Computers & Security; K) Health Informatics; L) Information Technologies in Education; M) Information Technologies in Radiocommunications; and N) Technologies for Biomedical Applications.
Trends and Innovations in Information Systems and Technologies: Volume 2 (Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing #1160)
by Álvaro Rocha Hojjat Adeli Luís Paulo Reis Sandra Costanzo Irena Orovic Fernando MoreiraThis book gathers selected papers presented at the 2020 World Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (WorldCIST’20), held in Budva, Montenegro, from April 7 to 10, 2020. WorldCIST provides a global forum for researchers and practitioners to present and discuss recent results and innovations, current trends, professional experiences with and challenges regarding various aspects of modern information systems and technologies. The main topics covered are A) Information and Knowledge Management; B) Organizational Models and Information Systems; C) Software and Systems Modeling; D) Software Systems, Architectures, Applications and Tools; E) Multimedia Systems and Applications; F) Computer Networks, Mobility and Pervasive Systems; G) Intelligent and Decision Support Systems; H) Big Data Analytics and Applications; I) Human–Computer Interaction; J) Ethics, Computers & Security; K) Health Informatics; L) Information Technologies in Education; M) Information Technologies in Radiocommunications; and N) Technologies for Biomedical Applications.
Trends and Issues in Instructional Design and Technology
by Robert A. Reiser John V. DempseyTrends and Issues in Instructional Design and Technology, Third Edition, provides readers with a clear picture of the field of instructional design and technology, the trends and issues that have affected it in the past and present, and those trends and issues likely to affect it in the future. The text will prepare its readers to master the skills associated with IDT, clearly describe the nature of the field, familiarize themselves with the field's history and its current status, and describe recent trends and issues impacting on the field. Written by the leading figures in the field with contributions from Elizabeth Boling, Richard Clark, Ruth Clark, Walter Dick, Marcy Driscoll, Michael Hannafin, John Keller, James Klein, David Jonassen, Richard Mayer, David Merrill, Charles Reigeluth, Marc Rosenberg, Allison Rossett, Sharon Smaldino, Harold Stolovitch, Brent Wilson, Robert Reiser, John Dempsey, and many others, this book clearly defines and describes the rapidly converging fields of instructional design, instructional technology, and performance technology.
Trends and Issues in Instructional Design and Technology
by Robert A. Reiser John V. Dempsey Alison A. Carr-ChellmanTrends and Issues in Instructional Design and Technology provides current and future IDT professionals with a clear picture of current and future developments in the field that are likely to impact their careers and the organizations they work for. The fifth edition of this acclaimed, award-winning book has been designed to help instructional design and educational technology students, scholars, and practitioners to acquire the skills and knowledge essential to attaining their professional goals. In addition to the thorough and comprehensive updates made across the text, this revision adds 24 new chapters covering artificial intelligence, alternative ID models, social emotional learning, return on investment, micro-credentials and badging, designing for e-learning, hybrid learning, professional ethics, diversity and accessibility, and more.By exploring the field’s purpose and history, theories and models, emerging technologies and environments, and continual challenges and newfound concerns, this text provides an integral survey of the field’s contemporary landscape.
Trends and Technological Challenges in Green Energy: Selected Papers from ICGET 2023 (Green Energy and Technology)
by Zhijun PengTrends and Technological Challenges in Green Energy: Selected Papers from ICGET 2023 offers readers selected and expanded papers from the 2023 8th International Conference on Green Energy Technologies held at the University of the Applied Sciences in Hamburg, Germany. It features innovative work by academics, researchers, and industry experts highlighting the latest renewable energy developments. The book covers fundamental and practical applications for green energy resources, including security, energy consumption, localization, energy access, environment-friendly energy systems, sustainable energy development, energy-saving technologies, and conservation. It is a valuable interdisciplinary reference for young researchers, postgraduate students, professionals, and industry practitioners working with green energy technology and applications.