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TRIZ für Ingenieure: Theorie und Praxis des erfinderischen Problemlösens
by Karen GaddTRIZ, sinngema? ubersetzt als Theorie des erfinderischen Problemlosens, ist eine machtige Methode, um aus dem Erfahrungsschatz fruherer Erkenntnisse aktuelle Probleme zu verstehen und zielgerichtet zu losen, mit denen Ingenieure in ihrer taglichen Arbeit konfrontiert sind, sei es bei der Entwicklung neuer oder bei der Verbesserung bestehender Produkte. Es gibt viele Ansatze zur Analyse von Problemen und zur Definition der Anforderungen an eine Losung; TRIZ vereint diese Ansatze konzeptionell und gibt daruber hinaus, im Gegensatz zu anderen Methoden, Ingenieursteams Werkzeuge an die Hand, mit denen - systematisch - Losungen fur gegebene Fragestellungen gefunden werden konnen. Damit ist TRIZ das Mittel der Wahl, um in Unternehmen und Forschungseinrichtungen Kreativitat und Innovationskraft zu fordern. Dieser leicht zugangliche Praxisfuhrer in die Welt von TRIZ entstand aus der langjahrigen Schulungs- und Beratungserfahrung der Autorin Karen Gadd. Auf einzigartig verstandliche und unterhaltsame Weise, unterstutzt durch speziell fur dieses Buch erstellte Illustrationen und Cartoons, gelingt es Karen Gadd, den Leserinnen und Lesern die TRIZ-Methode nahezubringen, so dass sie diese in der Praxis einsetzen konnen. Dabei werden die abstrakten Ansatze wie die Widerspruchsmatrix, Ressourcen-Checklisten und das Prinzip der Idealitat stets mit konkreten Beispielen und Fallstudien aus der Praxis untermauert.
TRIZ in Latin America: Case Studies
by Guillermo Cortes RoblesThis book describes the adoption process of TRIZ under challenging conditions and under serious limitations. It presents the integration of TRIZ with other techniques to solve problems in the Latin America industry. The chapters contain some industrial cases that explain the adoption process of TRIZ. They also describe the restrictions or limits on the use and adoption of TRIZ. This book describes a strategy to apply the TRIZ tools for product or service design. Case studies from different universities and enterprises are presented to facilitate the assimilation of the TRIZ concepts and tools.
TRIZ. Theory of Inventive Problem Solving: Level 1
by Vladimir PetrovThis introductory book describes the initial (first) level of studying the theory of inventive problem solving (TRIZ) from the series “TRIZ from A to Z,” and presents the most general methods for solving inventive problems and generating new ideas. Chapter 1 examines traditional technologies for problem solving, based on trial and error. Chapter 2 describes the general concept of TRIZ, while Chapter 3 explains the main notions of “system” approaches, like system thinking, system and its hierarchy, system effect, emergency, synergetic effect and systematicity. In turn, Chapter 4 describes the notion of “ideality” and Chapter 5 addresses the notion of resources, their types, and methods for using them. Chapter 6 acquaints readers with one of the most important aspects of TRIZ: contradiction. Chapter 7 describes the inventive principles, while Chapter 8 includes descriptions of the systems of trends proposed by G. Altshuller and the author. In closing, the author makes recommendations on how to most effectively use TRIZ tools, on how readers can improve their knowledge, skills and habits concerning the use of TRIZ, and on how they can hone their inventive thinking skills. The book also features Appendices that include analyses of selected problems, a list of the main websites related to TRIZ, and lists of examples, problems, illustrations, tables and formulae.
Trois Semaines Au Printemps Dernier
by Victoria HowardFriday Harbor, un village pittoresque du Nord-ouest Pacifique, est le lieu de rendez-vous incontournable des pêcheurs et des plaisanciers. Pour Skye Dunbar, c’est l’endroit où elle peut surmonter la douleur de son cœur brisé et remettre sa vie sur les rails. Elle loue donc un bungalow sur la plage. Mais la dernière chose à laquelle elle s’attendait, c’était d’être accusée de piratage informatique. Jedediah Walker enquête sur la mort d’animaux marins retrouvés échoués sur les plages de l’île. Il découvre que les poissons contiennent une forte concentration de produits chimiques et envisage la possibilité que quelqu'un les déverse délibérément dans Puget Sound. Hâtif dans ses conclusions, il soupçonne la femme aux cheveux auburn qui lui loue son bungalow d’y être mêlée de près ou de loin. Skye tente de l’ignorer mais les circonstances les réunissent et, ensemble, ils feront tout pour découvrir les responsables de cette abomination écologique.
Tropane Alkaloids: Pathways, Potential and Biotechnological Applications
by Vikas Srivastava Shakti Mehrotra Sonal MishraThis book covers the current research on the biochemistry and biotechnological applications of plant-based Tropane alkaloids. Tropane alkaloids (TA)belong to the world’s oldest phytomedicines with their valuable ethno-pharmacological applications.The book compiles scientific ideas, perspectives and challenges in the application of TA in the present day. The book also provides case studies of Tropane alkaloid bearers. The book attempts to investigate the loop holes in existing methodologies, challenges and possible solutions through well thought-out scientific discussions from various eminent research groups. The book is split into three major sections. The first section includes an overview of Tropane alkaloids and their biosynthesis. This section addresses the biogenesis, evolutionary and ecological perspectives and enzymes in TA biosysnthesis. The second section covers aspects of genetic tools and biotechnological interventions in tropane alkaloid bearing plants. The third section presents various case studies in TA. This book is of high interest to students and researchers in biotechnology, plant biology and pharmacology. Alkaloids are of high medicinal value, and therefore, this book is an interesting read for industry experts, too.
Trophic Organization in Coastal Systems (CRC Marine Science)
by Robert J. LivingstonDerived from an unprecedented research effort covering over 70 field years of field data in a series of studies, Trophic Organization in Coastal Systems represents an alternative approach to coastal research that has been successfully applied to coastal resource management issues. This unique book is based upon a sequence of long-term, interdiscipl
Tropical Agroecosystems (Advances in Agroecology)
by John H. VandermeerTropical areas present ecological, cultural, and political problems that demand analysis that is distinct from general ecological analysis. The tropical environment is special in many ways, from the lack of a biological down season (winter), to generally poor soil conditions, to a reliance on traditional methods of agriculture in an undeveloped society. Presenting a broad range of approaches to agroecosystem analysis, this book addresses specific ecological issues associated with agricultural production, examines two case studies of agricultural transformation and its effect on biodiversity, and discusses key landscape relationships between agroecosystems, wildlife, and human disease.
Tropical Agroforestry
by Alain Atangana Damase Khasa Scott Chang Ann DegrandeAgroforestry is recognized as a sustainable land-use management in the tropics, as it provides environmental-friendly ecosystems; it also provides people with their every day need for food and cash. Since the recognition of agroforestry as a science, curricula have been developed for agroforestry programs for undergraduate and graduate trainings in Universities. Therefore, there is an urgent need to develop and make available educational material. This textbook strives to provide up-to-date information on tropical agroforestry to serve as educational material in the tropical context. The authoritative textbook of Nair (1993) on agroforestry was published 18 years ago, and before the advent of tree domestication, an important agroforestry practice today. In addition, many other research activities, such as carbon sequestration and integrated pest management, have been included in the agroforestry agenda. This textbook is intended for agroforestry students, teachers, and practitioners.
Tropical and Sub-Tropical Reservoir Limnology in China
by Bo-Ping Han Zhengwen LiuReservoirs are specific aquatic ecosystems and have complex behaviors of both natural lakes and rivers, regulated significantly by their functions such as flood controlling, hydropower generation, irrigation and fishery. This volume offers a general description of reservoir limnology in tropical and subtropical China. It functions as a window opening to all the aquatic scientists with a main focus on reservoirs in southern China and at the same time also covering several important, large reservoirs such as the Three Gorge Reservoir and Danjiangko Reservoir. Topics discussed are zooplankton, phytoplankton and zoobenthos communities, cyanobateria, nutrient budget, sediments, biogeochemical cycling of mercury, fishery and eutrophication.
Tropical and Subtropical Fruits: Postharvest Physiology, Processing and Packaging
by Jasim Ahmed Maria Gloria Lobo Ferhan OzadaliTropical and sub-tropical fruits have gained significant importance in global commerce. This book examines recent developments in the area of fruit technology including: postharvest physiology and storage; novel processing technologies applied to fruits; and in-depth coverage on processing, packaging, and nutritional quality of tropical and sub-tropical fruits. This contemporary handbook uniquely presents current knowledge and practices in the value chain of tropical and subtropical fruits world-wide, covering production and post-harvest practices, innovative processing technologies, packaging, and quality management. Chapters are devoted to each major and minor tropical fruit (mango, pineapple, banana, papaya, date, guava, passion fruit, lychee, coconut, logan, carombola) and each citrus and non-citrus sub-tropical fruit (orange, grapefruit, lemon/lime, mandarin/tangerine, melons, avocado, kiwifruit, pomegranate, olive, fig, cherimoya, jackfruit, mangosteen). Topical coverage for each fruit is extensive, including: current storage and shipping practices; shelf life extension and quality; microbial issues and food safety aspects of fresh-cut products; processing operations such as grading, cleaning, size-reduction, blanching, filling, canning, freezing, and drying; and effects of processing on nutrients and bioavailability. With chapters compiled from experts worldwide, this book is an essential reference for all professionals in the fruit industry.
Tropical Cloud Forest Ecology in Hainan Island
by Wenxing LongThis book introduces ecology of tropical cloud forests in China, a high-altitudinal tropical forest. The findings are novel in revealing environmental characteristics, community features, diversity patterns, plant strategies, community assembly mechanisms, and diversity-ecosystem functions of tropical cloud forests in China. The knowledge of this book will bridge the gaps of our understanding on the tropical forest in China and the world-wide, and will enrich the theory of tropical forest community ecology.Written by experts in the field, this book will serve as an invaluable reference for tropical forest ecology researchers.
Tropical Deforestation: A socio-economic approach (Earthscan Library Collection: Natural Resource Management Set Ser.)
by C. J. JepmaThe depletion of the tropical rain forests has attracted considerable attention in recent times, and the serious consequences for the global biosphere are widely acknowledged. Yet deforestation continues apace, and in some areas (for example, southeast Asia) the very existence of the forests is seriously threatened. Contrary to popular belief, evidence suggests that local economic and living conditions are more significant in this than timber exploitation for exports to the Northern countries. Tropical Deforestation - A Socio-Economic Approach offers a new perspective on the economic imperatives which encourage indigenous populations to encroach upon their own forests, and shows how action against deforestation must form part of a wider movement to improve both the living conditions of the local inhabitants and the durability of their national economies. Part 1 offers an overview of the processes surrounding deforestation, and an assessment of the current situation. Part 2 analyses the land-use issues, and explains the socioeconomic imperatives in the affected regions. In an absorbing conclusion. Part 3 guides the reader through a series of hypothetical policy scenarios, using a specially adapted economic computer model, to predict which combinations of policies and trade arrangements might bring about a more beneficial state of affairs.
Tropical Deltas and Coastal Zones: Food Production, Communities and Environment at the Land–Water Interface
by Chu T. Hoanh Brian W. Szuster Kam Suan-Pheng Abdelbagi M. Ismail Andrew D. NobleFocusing on the developing countries of Asia, Africa and South America, chapters of the book explore the diverse livelihoods of people in these areas and the impact of land-water management on the environment. New techniques and methodologies are explored in land and water management to try and solve the conflicts between rice-based agriculture, aquaculture, fisheries and the environment in tropical delta regions.
Tropical Dry Deciduous Forest: Research Trends and Emerging Features
by J. S. Singh R. K ChaturvediTropical dry deciduous forests (TDFs) can be found in severe and extremely variable climates characterized by low annual rainfall, 5-6 dry months within the annual cycle, and nutrient-poor soil. Several terms have been used for this vegetation type such as seasonally dry tropical forest (SDTF), tropical dry deciduous forest, monsoon forest, caatinga, cuabal, etc. More than any other factor, the lack of precipitation during a prolonged portion of the year is what produces true dry forest, an ecosystem type characterized by plants and animals with specific adaptations to survive the long dry season. Deciduousness is the single most important adaptation among plants to the extended droughts. Most of the trees drop their leaves after the rains end, and essentially halt photosynthesis, as they would otherwise be unable to survive the water loss during the dry season. TDFs are subject to intensive anthropogenic disturbances and are among the most at-risk ecosystems in the world. In order to assess the conservation status of this forest type, information is required on its distribution pattern, climate, the structure and functional traits of its vegetation, phenology, strategies for coping with drought and nutrient poverty, and disturbances and their effects. In this book, we review important studies on TDFs around the globe, particularly those in the northern dry deciduous forests of India. We put forward the claim that those TDFs that experience drought and arise on nutrient-poor sites feature adaptations such as deciduousness, as well as a variety of nutrient conservation strategies. They also experience biotic disturbances, which can result in fragmentation and ecosystem conversion, and therefore exhibit changes in biomass, productivity, and soil microbial biomass, etc.
Tropical Ecosystems in Australia: Responses to a Changing World
by Dilwyn GriffithsOver the last century, the world has lived through changes more rapid than those experienced at any other time in human history, leading to pressing environmental problems and demands on the world’s finite resources. Nowhere is this more evident than across the world’s warm belt; a region likely to have the greatest problems and which is home to some of the world’s most disadvantaged people. This book reviews aspects of the biology of tropical ecosystems of northern Australia, as they have been affected by climatic, social and land-use changes. Tropical Australia can be regarded as a microcosm of the world’s tropics and as such, shares with other tropical regions many of the conflicts between various forms of development and environmental considerations. The book draws on a wide range of case studies of tropical Australian ecosystems ranging from coastal coral reefs and mangroves, known to be among the most vulnerable to the effects of the imposed changes, to cropping and pasture lands which, under careful management, have the potential remain as productive and sustainable agricultural or forestry ecosystems. Expert author Dilwyn Griffiths -emphasizes the importance of maintaining an active program for the establishment and management of national parks and environmental reserves -describes the effects of mining and other forms of industrial and urban development with particular reference to mine-site rehabilitation - explores problems relating to the restoration of marginally uneconomic farming land as alternative forms of land-use such as carbon farming through photosynthetically-driven carbon sequestration. This accessible reference work should find a place in educational libraries at all levels and become an essential resource for environmentalists and anyone with interests in various forms of land-use and development.
Tropical Ecosystems: Structure, Functions and Challenges in the Face of Global Change
by Satish Chandra Garkoti Skip J. Van Bloem Peter Z. Fulé Rajeev L. SemwalThe book brings together research topics having a broad focus on human and climate change impacts on the terrestrial ecosystems in the tropics in general and more specifically from the most significant and vulnerable Himalayan ecosystem. A total of 16 contributions included in the book cover a diverse range of global change themes such as the impacts of changing temperature and precipitation on soil ecosystems, forest degradation, extent and impacts of invasive species, plant responses to pollution, climate change impacts on biodiversity and tree phenology, environmental changes associated with land use, importance of traditional knowledge in climate change adaptation, timberline ecosystems, and role of integrated landscape modeling for sustainable management of natural resources. The book is a collective endeavour of an international multidisciplinary group of scientists focused on improving our understanding of the impacts of global change on the structure and functioning of tropical ecosystems and addressing the challenges of their future sustainable management. We hope that the book will help researchers working in the areas of ecology and environmental science to update their knowledge. We also expect that natural resource managers and policy planners will find explanations for some of their observations and hypotheses on multiple global change factors impacting tropical ecosystems and especially Himalayan ecosystems.
Tropical Forage Legumes: Harnessing the Potential of Desmanthus and Other Genera for Heavy Clay Soils
by John R. Lazier Nazeer AhmadThe development of legume use in agricultural production in the tropics lags far behind the temperate areas and extensive research over recent decades has aimed to rectify the lack of available leguminous fodder species available for heavy clay soils. This book draws together that research and explores the importance of heavy clay soils to agricultural productivity in the tropics and subtropics and the identification of adapted, productive forage legumes for these environments. Covering over four decades of international research, Tropical Forage Legumes: · Includes a detailed analysis of the forage germplasm available which is adapted to heavy clay soils · Covers the adaptation of a wide range of forages on Australian clay soils, and the evaluation of successful native and exotic forage legume species that have potential for those in Belize · Explores the genetics of the most promising genera, Desmanthus and Stylosanthes, and looks at the results from countries where new genotypes have been found to be productive and persistent · Provides details of a number of exciting new species, especially those in Desmanthus which have the potential to be, or have been commercialized · Makes recommendations for future research Providing an invaluable example of how a global search for adapted and productive forage germplasm has been - and can be - undertaken, and allowing access to a significant body of knowledge that was acquired before the digitalization of reports, this book will be a key resource for new scientists and experienced researchers in the areas of agriculture and forage agronomy.
Tropical Forage Plants: Development and Use
by W. D. Pitman Antonio Sotomayor-RiosTropical Forage Plants: Development and Use covers the research and resulting pasture development in the tropics and subtropics, which has undergone dramatic changes in the past few decades. Providing a broad, global perspective, it serves as a comprehensive resource covering a wide range of subjects pertaining to forage and animal production in th
Tropical Forest Biomes (Greenwood Guides to Biomes of the World)
by Barbara A. HolzmanThe book is arranged with a general introduction to tropical forest biomes and chapters on the Tropical Rainforest Biome and Regional Expressions of the Tropical Rainforest Biome, and the Tropical Seasonal Forest Biome and Regional Expressions of the Tropical Seasonal Forest Biome.
Tropical Forest Conservation and Industry Partnership: An Experience from the Congo Basin (Conservation Science and Practice #14)
by Connie J. Clark John R. PoulsenHistorically, the conservation of forests and wildlife has focused on the creation of national parks and reserves. However, only 9% of protected areas are larger than 14,000 hectares, likely making them too small to conserve ecosystem services and prevent loss of wide-ranging keystone species such as elephant and leopard. New approaches are needed that extend conservation beyond protected area boundaries into areas where economic considerations prevail. The book describes one such emerging model of conservation: the integration of the private sector into partnerships to protect biodiversity and improve forest management. While such partnerships are being created in nearly every sector of resource extraction, detailed analyses of how such partnerships work and whether they benefit biodiversity conservation are rare. Using a case study from the Congo Basin, the book examines principles of conservation and partnership, and provides technical and methodological details to replicate an innovative conservation model. It presents concrete solutions for expanding conservation across multi-use landscapes, a necessary action as industry expands to all the corners of the globe.
Tropical Forest Ecosystem Services in Improving Livelihoods For Local Communities
by Zaiton Samdin Norfaryanti Kamaruddin Sheriza Mohd RazaliThis edited book covers major importance of tropical forest diversity and its values to vegetation, wildlife, and the local community. It addresses the current issues and opportunities in the Southeast Asia’s tropical forests. This book lays the groundwork for a better understanding of tropical forest ecosystem services. Ecosystem services has four concepts: provisioning, regulating, cultural and supporting services. In an era of rapid population growth and increasing pressure on tropical natural resources, ecosystem services have become central to the discussion of climate change mitigation. The values of tropical forest ecosystem services deserve to be the highlighted when it comes to shaping responsible behaviors towards sustainable development goals (SDGs). This book is of interest and useful to researchers and academics teaching in the field of tropical forest conservation, tropical ecosystems, tropical products technology, ecotourism, forest plantation management, bio industrial economy, agroforestry business and marketing. Professionals, foresters, industrial entrepreneurs, ecologists, and a valuable source of reference to the relevant researchers and students in the region.
Tropical Forestry Handbook
by Laslo Pancel Michael KöhlThis book provides a cross-section of all outstanding experience in all fields of tropical forestry under a drastically changing environment induced by climate change. It sheds light on the existing know-how and presents it in a concise and efficient way for the scientist and professional in charge of planning, implementing and evaluating forest resources. The Tropical Forestry Handbook provides proven and/or promising alternative concepts which can be applied to solve organizational, administrative and technical challenges prevailing in the tropics. Presented are state of the art methods in all fields concerning tropical forestry. Emphasize is given to methods which are adapted to- and which safeguard - environmental conditions.
Tropical Fruit Tree Diversity: Good practices for in situ and on-farm conservation (Issues in Agricultural Biodiversity)
by Bhuwon Sthapit Hugo Lamers Ramanatha Rao Arwen BaileyFarmers have developed a range of agricultural practices to sustainably use and maintain a wide diversity of crop species in many parts of the world. This book documents good practices innovated by farmers and collects key reviews on good practices from global experts, not only from the case study countries but also from Brazil, China and other parts of Asia and Latin America. A good practice for diversity is defined as a system, organization or process that, over time and space, maintains, enhances and creates crop genetic diversity, and ensures its availability to and from farmers and other users. Drawing on experiences from a UNEP-GEF project on "Conservation and Sustainable Use of Wild and Cultivated Tropical Fruit Tree Diversity for Promoting Livelihoods, Food Security and Ecosystem Services", with case studies from India, Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand, the authors show how methods for identifying good practices are still evolving and challenges in scaling-up remain. They identify key principles effective as a strategy for mainstreaming good practice into development efforts. Few books draw principles and lessons learned from good practices. This book fills this gap by combining good practices from the research project on tropical fruit trees with chapters from external experts to broaden its scope and relevance.
Tropical Natural Fibre Composites
by Mohd Sapuan SalitThis book covers the different aspects of tropical natural fibre composites in areas such as properties, design and analysis, manufacturing techniques, material selection of kenaf, oil palm, sugar palm, pineapple leaf, coconut, sugarcane and banana based fibre composites. Important properties such as mechanical and thermal of natural fibres as well their composites are presented. A study on the composite fibre-matrix interface is highlighted together with the design process and analysis of products from natural fibre composites. An overview on the manufacturing techniques (conventionally used to produce fibre glass fibre composites) such as pultrusion and filament winding is described to produce natural fibre composites. The importance of material selection system to obtain the most optimum materials for application in engineering components from natural fibre composites is covered with a strong focus on the concurrent engineering for natural fibre composites.
Tropical Peatland Eco-evaluation
by Mitsuru Osaki Nobuyuki Tsuji Tsuyoshi Kato Albertus SulaimanThis book focuses on eco-evaluation system monitoring and sensing, carbon-water modeling, mapping, and disaster prediction. It is the 3rd book on tropical peatland issues, following 1st "Tropical Peatland Ecosystem" and 2nd "Tropical Peatland Eco-management" publications. Tropical peatland is also a wetland, mangrove, and rainforest. With this nature, two major key elements of tropical peatland are water and forest. This book introduces the relationship and interaction among water, oxygen, and nutrients as well as aspects of the forest as the driving force of carbon stock and the carbon cycle. Eco-evaluation system is key to conserving, managing, and restoring tropical peatlands, however comprehensive system for Eco-evaluation in the Tropics is not yet established. This book reviews and proposes Eco-evaluation methods in the Tropics Ecosystem, focusing mainly on the peatland ecosystem and others, covering Social Capital such as Credit, Bonds, National Accounting, etc.