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UAVs and Urban Spatial Analysis: An Introduction
by Tony H. Grubesic Jake R. NelsonThis book provides an introduction to the use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) for the geographic observation and spatial analysis of urban areas. The velocity of urban change necessitates observation platforms that not only enhance situational awareness for planning and allied analytical efforts, but also provide the ability to rapidly and inexpensively collect data and monitor change. UAVs can accomplish both of these tasks, but their use in urban environments is loaded with social, operational, regulatory and technical challenges that must be addressed for successful deployments. The book provides a resource for educators and students who work with geographic information and are seeking to enhance these data with the use of unmanned aerial vehicles. Topics covered include, 1) a primer on UAVs and the many different ways they can be used for geographic observation, 2) a detailed overview on the use of aviation maps and charts for operating UAVs in complex urban airspace, 3) techniques for integrating UAV-derived data with more traditional geographic information, 4) application of spatial analytical tools for urban and environmental planning, and 5) an exploration of privacy and public safety issues associated with UAV operation.
Übertragungstechnik: Grundlagen und Verfahren der digitalen Basisbandübertragung
by Christoph Lange Andreas AhrensDieses Lehrbuch ist eine einführende Darstellung der Übertragung digitaler Signale über gestörte Kanäle. Schwerpunkt ist die physikalisch-anschauliche und zugleich mathematisch-fundierte Erklärung der Übertragung im Basisband. Dazu werden notwendige Grundlagen der Signal- und Systemtheorie rekapituliert und funktionale Abhängigkeiten bei der Basisbandübertragung herausgearbeitet, um ein Verständnis der grundlegenden Probleme bei der Nachrichtenübertragung zu ermöglichen. Als wichtiger Übertragungskanal wird das Kupferkabel betrachtet und seine übertragungstechnischen Eigenschaften werden mit klassischen elektrotechnischen und systemtheoretischen Methoden beschrieben. Die zuvor beschriebenen Basisbandverfahren werden zur Übertragung über den linear verzerrenden Kanal eines Kupferkabels angewendet und Möglichkeiten der Filterung und Entzerrung erläutert. Dem einführenden Charakter des Lehrbuches entsprechend werden jeweils ausführliche Herleitungen angegeben sowie numerische Beispiele und eine Vielzahl von Abbildungen verwendet.
Ubiquitous and Mobile Learning in the Digital Age
by Dirk Ifenthaler J. Michael Spector Pedro Isaias Demetrios G. SampsonThis edited volume with selected expanded papers from CELDA (Cognition and Exploratory Learning in the Digital Age) 2011 (http://www.celda--conf.org/) will focus on Ubiquitous and Mobile Informal and Formal Learning in the Digital Age, with sub-topics: Mobile and Ubiquitous Informal and Formal Learning Environments (Part I), Social Web Technologies for new knowledge representation, retrieval, creation and sharing in Informal and Formal Educational Settings (Part II), Virtual Worlds and Game--based Informal and Formal Learning (Part III), Location--based and Context-- Aware Environments for Formal and Informal Learning Integration (Part IV) There will be approximately twenty chapters selected for this edited volume from among peer--reviewed papers presented at the CELDA (Cognition and Exploratory Learning in the Digital Age) 2011 Conference in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in November, 2011.
Ubiquitous Computing
by Stefan PosladThis book provides an introduction to the complex field of ubiquitous computingUbiquitous Computing (also commonly referred to as Pervasive Computing) describes the ways in which current technological models, based upon three base designs: smart (mobile, wireless, service) devices, smart environments (of embedded system devices) and smart interaction (between devices), relate to and support a computing vision for a greater range of computer devices, used in a greater range of (human, ICT and physical) environments and activities. The author details the rich potential of ubiquitous computing, the challenges involved in making it a reality, and the prerequisite technological infrastructure. Additionally, the book discusses the application and convergence of several current major and future computing trends. Key Features:Provides an introduction to the complex field of ubiquitous computingDescribes how current technology models based upon six different technology form factors which have varying degrees of mobility wireless connectivity and service volatility: tabs, pads, boards, dust, skins and clay, enable the vision of ubiquitous computingDescribes and explores how the three core designs (smart devices, environments and interaction) based upon current technology models can be applied to, and can evolve to, support a vision of ubiquitous computing and computing for the futureCovers the principles of the following current technology models, including mobile wireless networks, service-oriented computing, human computer interaction, artificial intelligence, context-awareness, autonomous systems, micro-electromechanical systems, sensors, embedded controllers and robotsCovers a range of interactions, between two or more UbiCom devices, between devices and people (HCI), between devices and the physical world.Includes an accompanying website with PowerPoint slides, problems and solutions, exercises, bibliography and further readingGraduate students in computer science, electrical engineering and telecommunications courses will find this a fascinating and useful introduction to the subject. It will also be of interest to ICT professionals, software and network developers and others interested in future trends and models of computing and interaction over the next decades.
Ubiquitous Computing Fundamentals
by John Krumm"…a must-read text that provides a historical lens to see how ubicomp has matured into a multidisciplinary endeavor. It will be an essential reference to researchers and those who want to learn more about this evolving field." -From the Foreword, Professor Gregory D. Abowd, Georgia Institute of Technology First introduced two decades ago, the term ubiquitous computing is now part of the common vernacular. Ubicomp, as it is commonly called, has grown not just quickly but broadly so as to encompass a wealth of concepts and technology that serves any number of purposes across all of human endeavor. While such growth is positive, the newest generation of ubicomp practitioners and researchers, isolated to specific tasks, are in danger of losing their sense of history and the broader perspective that has been so essential to the field’s creativity and brilliance. Under the guidance of John Krumm, an original ubicomp pioneer, Ubiquitous Computing Fundamentals brings together eleven ubiquitous computing trailblazers who each report on his or her area of expertise. Starting with a historical introduction, the book moves on to summarize a number of self-contained topics. Taking a decidedly human perspective, the book includes discussion on how to observe people in their natural environments and evaluate the critical points where ubiquitous computing technologies can improve their lives. Among a range of topics this book examines: How to build an infrastructure that supports ubiquitous computing applications Privacy protection in systems that connect personal devices and personal information Moving from the graphical to the ubiquitous computing user interface Techniques that are revolutionizing the way we determine a person’s location and understand other sensor measurements While we needn’t become expert in every sub-discipline of ubicomp, it is necessary that we appreciate all the perspectives that make up the field and understand how our work can influence and be influenced by those perspectives. This is important, if we are to encourage future generations to be as successfully innovative as the field’s originators.
Ubiquitous Computing in the Workplace: What Ethical Issues? An Interdisciplinary Perspective (Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing #333)
by Katharina Kinder-Kurlanda Céline Ehrwein NihanThis book provides an interdisciplinary collection of views on the ethical challenges and opportunities of workplaces in the Internet of things. Current developments within Ubiquitous computing (ubicomp) systems designed for the workplace are introduced and philosophical, organizational and socio-ethical considerations of ubicomp in workplaces are provided. Suggestions regarding the rules that should be respected in order to favor an adequate implementation of ubicomp in the workplace are offered, considering both intra-organizational but also wider societal concerns. The interdisciplinary collection of contributions invites the reader to engage in the discussion of ubicomp in everyday working environments.
Ubiquitous Information Technologies and Applications
by Doo-Soon Park Sang-Soo Yeo Weijia Jia Youn-Hee HanRecent advances in electronic and computer technologies have paved the way for the proliferation of ubiquitous computing and innovative applications that incorporate these technologies. This proceedings book describes these new and innovative technologies, and covers topics like Ubiquitous Communication and Networks, Security Systems, Smart Devices and Applications, Cloud and Grid Systems, Service-oriented and Web Service Computing, Embedded Hardware and Image Processing and Multimedia.
Ubiquitous Intelligent Systems: Proceedings of Second ICUIS 2022 (Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies #302)
by P. Karuppusamy Fausto Pedro García Márquez Tu N. NguyenThis book features a collection of high-quality, peer-reviewed papers presented at the Second International Conference on Ubiquitous Intelligent Systems (ICUIS 2022) organized by Shree Venkateshwara Hi-Tech Engineering College, Tamil Nadu, India, during March 10–11, 2022. The book covers topics such as cloud computing, mobile computing and networks, embedded computing frameworks, modeling and analysis of ubiquitous information systems, communication networking models, big data models and applications, ubiquitous information processing systems, next-generation ubiquitous networks and protocols, advanced intelligent systems, Internet of Things, wireless communication and storage networks, intelligent information retrieval techniques, AI-based intelligent information visualization techniques, cognitive informatics, smart automation systems, health care informatics and bioinformatics models, security and privacy of intelligent information systems, and smart distributed information systems.
Ubiquitous Intelligent Systems: Proceedings of ICUIS 2021 (Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies #243)
by P. Karuppusamy Isidoros Perikos Fausto Pedro García MárquezThis book features a collection of high-quality, peer-reviewed papers presented at International Conference on Ubiquitous Intelligent Systems (ICUIS 2021) organized by Shree Venkateshwara Hi-Tech Engineering College, Tamil Nadu, India, during April 16–17, 2021. The book covers topics such as cloud computing, mobile computing and networks, embedded computing frameworks, modeling and analysis of ubiquitous information systems, communication networking models, big data models and applications, ubiquitous information processing systems, next-generation ubiquitous networks and protocols, advanced intelligent systems, Internet of things, wireless communication and storage networks, intelligent information retrieval techniques, AI-based intelligent information visualization techniques, cognitive informatics, smart automation systems, healthcare informatics and bioinformatics models, security and privacy of intelligent information systems, and smart distributed information systems.
Übungsaufgaben und Berechnungen für den Baubetrieb: Klausurvorbereitung mit ausführlichen Lösungen
by Thomas Krause Bernd Ulke Jörg Lemke Joachim Martin Peter Sparla Wilfried StreitDas Buch beinhaltet Beispiele und Aufgaben aus der Baubetriebspraxis und ist als optimale Ergänzung zum Standardwerk Zahlentafeln für den Baubetrieb gedacht. Zahlreiche Aufgaben aus den Sachgebieten - wie zum Beispiel zur Lastermittlung, Vergütung und Abrechnung, VOB-Wissensüberprüfung, Ablaufplanung für ein Mehrfamilienhaus, Betoninstandsetzung an der Nagoldtalsperre, Projektorganisation, zum Qualitätsmanagement, zur Personalführung, Betriebsabrechung sowie Kalkulation einer Kanal- und Brückenbaustelle – sind praxisnah erklärt und gelöst. Entsprechende Querverweise zum Hauptwerk ermöglichen ein schnelles Auffinden der gewünschten Information zum Thema. Das Buch ist damit nicht nur sehr hilfreich beim Studium, sondern auch für die Baupraxis eine sichere Unterstützung für richtige Lösungen konkreter Aufgaben.
Übungsaufgaben zur Halbleiter-Schaltungstechnik
by Holger Göbel Henning SiemundDieses Übungsbuch enthält vollständig durchgerechnete Aufgaben aus der Halbleiter-Schaltungstechnik. Es werden die Themen Halbleiterphysik, Bauelemente, Verstärker- und Logikschaltungen sowie der Entwurf integrierter Schaltungen abgedeckt. Anhand ausgewählter Aufgaben erkennt der Leser die Vorgehensweise bei der Lösung von Problemen aus den verschiedenen Bereichen der Halbleiter-Schaltungstechnik. Das Erlernen von methodischen Fähigkeiten steht im Vordergrund, weshalb auf die ausführliche Darstellung der Lösungswege besonderer Wert gelegt wurde. Das Übungsbuch ergänzt das ebenfalls im Springer-Verlag erschienene Lehrbuch Einführung in die Halbleiter-Schaltungstechnik, es kann jedoch auch unabhängig von diesem verwendet werden.Online-Materialien auf dem Extrasserver: Studentenversion des Schaltungssimulators OrCAD-PSpice 9.1 sowie zugehörige PSpice-Dateien.
Übungsaufgaben zur Strömungsmechanik 2: 112 Aufgaben mit vollständigen Musterlösungen
by Valentin SchröderDieses Buch bietet in zwei Bänden vielfältige Aufgaben aus der Strömungsmechanik mit ausführlich vorgerechneten Lösungen und ist damit auch eine wertvolle Hilfe bei der Klausurvorbereitung. Es ist als Übungsbuch konzipiert und zielt darauf ab, die Inhalte der Vorlesung Strömungsmechanik anhand zahlreicher Beispiele besser verständlich zu machen. Das Buch wendet sich vor allem an Studierende der Fachbereiche Maschinenbau, Verfahrens- und Umwelttechnik an Fachhochschulen und Universitäten.Auf der Basis der Grundlagenkenntnisse des Fachs erhält der Leser Aufgaben zur Bearbeitung in verschiedenen Schwierigkeitsgraden – von kurzen Rechenübungen bis hin zu komplexen, mehrteiligen Anwendungsaufgaben. Die Übungsbeispiele decken dabei wichtige Anwendungsfälle der Lehrveranstaltung ab. Es wird besonderer Wert auf eine klar formulierte Aufgabenstellung, die verständliche Beschreibung der Vorgehensweise und die schrittweise, vollständige Lösungsfindung gelegt. Prüfungsaufgaben verschiedener Hochschulen sind ebenfalls Bestandteil des Buchs.
Übungsbuch Elektrotechnik für Dummies (Für Dummies)
by Michael FelleisenMithilfe dieses Buches können Sie - einfach und verständlich angeleitet - üben, was Sie in der Elektrotechnik-Klausur unbedingt beherrschen sollten. Von einfachen elektrischen Stromkreisen über das ohmsche Gesetz bis hin zu magnetischen Feldern und den Grundlagen der Gleichstromtechnik sind alle wichtigen Themen vertreten. Schon bald werden Sie Aufgaben zu Widerstand, Kondensator und Kapazität, Spule und Induktion ganz selbstverständlich lösen. Dank zahlreichen Beispielen und ausführlichen Lösungen entdecken Sie Ihre Schwächen und überwinden Sie. Klausuren stellen kein Problem mehr für Sie dar. Die nächste Prüfung kann also kommen.
Übungsbuch Mathematik für Fachschule Technik und Berufskolleg: 444 anwendungsorientierte Aufgaben mit ausführlichen Lösungen
by Heinz Rapp Jörg Matthias RappDieses Übungsbuch bringt viele Beispielaufgaben aus der Technik mit sehr ausführlichem Lösungsweg, vermittelt den Stoff anwendungsorientiert und ermöglicht ein erfolgreiches Selbststudium. Es führt zur Hochschulreife und eignet sich hervorragend zur Vorbereitung auf das technische Studium an Hochschulen. Viele Aufgaben unterschiedlichen Schwierigkeitsgrades sichern den Lernerfolg. Die Abschnitte zu Rotationsvolumen, Vektorprodukte, Lage von Geraden, Ebenengleichungen sowie das Potenzieren und Radizieren von komplexen Zahlen wurden erweitert.
Übungsbuch Signale und Systeme: Aufgaben und Lösungen
by Bernhard Rieß Christoph WallraffDieses Übungsbuch befasst sich mit dem Gebiet Signale und Systeme und beinhaltet insbesondere die Themen reelle und komplexe Fourier-Reihen, Differentialgleichungen, Faltung, Fourier- und Laplacetransformation. Das Buch ersetzt kein Lehrbuch oder den Besuch einer Vorlesung. Doch für Studierende des Faches Elektrotechnik ist dieses Buch hervorragend zur Prüfungsvorbereitung geeignet. Die Autoren fassen vor jedem Kapitel die notwendigen Grundlagen und Formeln kurz zusammen und ergänzen diese durch eine Vielzahl von Aufgaben und Musterlösungen zum Üben. Das Buch ist durch eine Vorlesungstätigkeit an der Hochschule Düsseldorf entstanden. Dort und an vielen anderen Universitäten, Hochschulen und Fachhochschulen wird dieses Fach im dritten oder vierten Semester im Studiengang Elektrotechnik gelehrt.
Übungsbuch Signale und Systeme: Aufgaben und Lösungen
by Bernhard Rieß Christoph WallraffDieses Übungsbuch befasst sich mit dem Gebiet Signale und Systeme und beinhaltet insbesondere die Themen reelle und komplexe Fourier-Reihen, Differentialgleichungen, Faltung, Fourier- und Laplacetransformation. Das Buch ersetzt kein Lehrbuch oder den Besuch einer Vorlesung. Doch für Studierende des Faches Elektrotechnik ist dieses Buch hervorragend zur Prüfungsvorbereitung geeignet. Die Autoren fassen vor jedem Kapitel die notwendigen Grundlagen und Formeln kurz zusammen und ergänzen diese durch eine Vielzahl von Aufgaben und Musterlösungen zum Üben. Das Buch ist durch eine Vorlesungstätigkeit an der Hochschule Düsseldorf entstanden. Dort und an vielen anderen Universitäten, Hochschulen und Fachhochschulen wird dieses Fach im dritten oder vierten Semester im Studiengang Elektrotechnik gelehrt.
Übungsbuch Signale und Systeme: Aufgaben und Lösungen
by Christoph Wallraff Bernhard RießDieses Übungsbuch befasst sich mit dem Gebiet Signale und Systeme und beinhaltet insbesondere die Themen reelle und komplexe Fourier-Reihen, Differentialgleichungen, Faltung, Fourier- und Laplacetransformation. Das Buch ersetzt kein Lehrbuch oder den Besuch einer Vorlesung. Doch für Studierende des Faches Elektrotechnik ist dieses Buch hervorragend zur Prüfungsvorbereitung geeignet. Die Autoren fassen vor jedem Kapitel die notwendigen Grundlagen und Formeln kurz zusammen und ergänzen diese durch eine Vielzahl von Aufgaben und Musterlösungen zum Üben. Das Buch ist durch eine Vorlesungstätigkeit an der Hochschule Düsseldorf entstanden. Dort und an vielen anderen Universitäten, Hochschulen und Fachhochschulen wird dieses Fach im dritten oder vierten Semester im Studiengang Elektrotechnik gelehrt. In der vorliegenden 2. Auflage wurde die Anzahl der Übungsaufgaben insbesondere in den Kapiteln zu Differentialgleichungen sowie der Fourier- und der Laplacetransformation deutlich erweitert.
Übungsbuch Werkstoffkunde und Werkstoffprüfung für Dummies (Für Dummies)
by Rainer SchwabKristallgitter, Zustandsdiagramme, Wärmebehandlung, Stähle, Nichteisenmetalle, Kunststoffe und Hochleistungskeramiken. Die Werkstoffkunde und die Werkstoffprüfung sind vielseitig und anspruchsvoll. Passgenau auf den Bestseller "Werkstoffkunde und Werkstoffprüfung für Dummies" abgestimmt, üben Sie die wichtigen und schwierigen Themen. In bewährter Weise führt Sie Rainer Schwab durch ein intensives Training. Mit einfachen Aufwärmübungen legen Sie los und steigern sich dann Schritt für Schritt zu immer anspruchsvolleren Aufgaben. Mit fast 400 konkreten Fragestellungen samt ausführlichen Lösungen festigen Sie Ihr Wissen, viele Abbildungen sowie über 500 Ankreuzaufgaben helfen Ihnen dabei. Sie gewinnen Sicherheit in den wichtigen Grundlagen und legen damit die Basis für eine erfolgreiche Prüfung.
Uchuva (Physalis peruviana L.) Reproductive Biology
by Fernando Ramírez Thomas Lee DavenportThis work reviews and explores various aspects of uchuva growth and development from seed germination, vegetative growth and phyllotaxy, floral development, pollination, and pollen morphology through fruit development, properties and health benefits. Other sections of the book cover uchuva genetic diversity, hybridization, chromosome number and morphological diversity. Uchuva is economically important in most South American counties, has been growing in popularity in Central America, and is marketed in North American and Europe as the golden berry. This is the first concise reference work that delves into the fascinating world of uchuva reproductive biology. It includes the latest scientific references, some of which have been contributed by the authors of the current book. The authors have observed the plant in the field and have produced a unique photographic record to help the reader see the actual morphological structures and developmental processes in action.
UDL in the Cloud!: How to Design and Deliver Online Education Using Universal Design for Learning
by Katie Novak Tom ThibodeauUDL in the Cloud helps educators design and deliver more accessible, engaging, and effective online learning experiences. Drawing on years of experience in K-12 and postsecondary settings, authors Katie Novak and Tom Thibodeau offer a highly practical approach to developing e-courses, virtual snow days, flipped classes, and blended learning experiences that meet the needs of diverse learners.
UFOs: (a True Book: Space Exploration) (A True Book (Relaunch))
by Jenny MasonFrom the first time a person looked up at the sky and wondered "What's our there?" humans have dreamed about exploring the cosmos.This book is part of a series, A True Book: Space Exploration, that includes the titles Human Missions to Outer Space, Mars Rovers, The International Space Station, and UFO's. The series features the latest NASA imagery and lively text to bring the wonder of space exploration directly to readers.Over the years, there have been hundreds of reports of UFO (or unidentified flying object) sightings—which the U.S. government seemed to ignore. But a recently released Pentagon report tells a different story. For five years, a secret government agency was tracking and investigating these sightings. Now, in the pages of this book, the details of that report can be revealed! Share in the joy of exploration and discovery with UFO's.
UFOs: Unidentified Aerial Phenomena: Observations, Explanations and Speculations
by Karl SvozilUnidentified phenomena in space, in the Earth's atmosphere, and in waters are too important to leave their exploration to the military and scientific laypersons. Their proper scientific study is important for a variety of reasons; in particular, scientists and the public at large need to know the basic facts, to be informed about the way evidence is recorded, and to understand the difference been reliable evidence and fiction, as well as between plausible explanations and fantasy.With this objective, the book surveys the history of UFO observations, the variety of recorded phenomena, and recounts the efforts of investigative commissions and their published findings.Although wild rumors are demystified in the process, this is not an exercise in rumor-bashing. An open and at the same time critical mindset is the key. Many narratives and hypothesis appear implausible relative to our present state of knowledge; but this alone should not lead to their outright exclusion. Thus the author also pays attention to UFO sightings that have so far eluded explanation in terms of known physics or meteorology. Here the reader will encounter some of the more speculative but scientifically tenable proposals, for example, relating to sudden zigzag motion without apparent inertia or recognizable propulsion, yet always with a clear guide to their plausibility. Last but not least, the book outlines plans and suggestions for future research capable of revealing the existence and intentions of extraterrestrial intelligences, outer-space engineers, or technologies so far known only from science fiction.
An Ugly Truth: Inside Facebook's Battle for Domination
by Sheera Frenkel Cecilia Kang'The ultimate takedown' New York Times'The problem of Facebook is Zuckerberg. And the question posed by this splendid book is: what are we going to do about him?' Observer'A comprehensive account . . . drawn from first-hand testimonies. Thoroughly engaging' The Times'What marks this book out is how it gets under the corporate bonnet . . . to build a picture of astounding corporate arrogance and irresponsibility' Sunday Times'An explosive new book' Daily Mail__________________________________________Award-winning New York Times reporters Sheera Frenkel and Cecilia Kang unveil the tech story of our times in a riveting, behind-the-scenes exposé that offers the definitive account of Facebook's fall from grace. Once one of Silicon Valley's greatest success stories, for the past five years, Facebook has been under constant fire, roiled by controversies and crises. It turns out that while the tech giant was connecting the world, they were also mishandling users' data, allowing the spread of fake news, and the amplification of dangerous, polarising hate speech. Critics framed the narrative as the irreconcilable conflict between the platform's lofty mission to advance society by bringing people together while also profiting off of them. The company, many said, had simply lost its way. But the truth is far more complex. Drawing on their unrivalled sources, Frenkel and Kang take readers inside the complex court politics, alliances and rivalries within the company, its growing political influence as well as its skirmishes with privacy groups and the FTC, to shine a light on the fatal cracks in the architecture of the tech behemoth. Their explosive, exclusive reporting led them to a shocking conclusion: The missteps of the last five years were not an anomaly but an inevitability - this is how the platform was built to perform. In a period of great upheaval, growth has remained the one constant under the leadership of Mark Zuckerberg and Sheryl Sandberg. Each has stood by as their technology is co-opted by hate-mongers, criminals and corrupt political regimes across the globe, with devastating consequences. In An Ugly Truth, they are at last held accountable.
An Ugly Truth: Inside Facebook's Battle for Domination (Language Acts and Worldmaking #29)
by Sheera Frenkel Cecilia Kang'The ultimate takedown' New York Times'The problem of Facebook is Zuckerberg. And the question posed by this splendid book is: what are we going to do about him?' Observer'A comprehensive account . . . drawn from first-hand testimonies. Thoroughly engaging' The Times'What marks this book out is how it gets under the corporate bonnet . . . to build a picture of astounding corporate arrogance and irresponsibility' Sunday Times'An explosive new book' Daily Mail__________________________________________Award-winning New York Times reporters Sheera Frenkel and Cecilia Kang unveil the tech story of our times in a riveting, behind-the-scenes exposé that offers the definitive account of Facebook's fall from grace. Once one of Silicon Valley's greatest success stories, for the past five years, Facebook has been under constant fire, roiled by controversies and crises. It turns out that while the tech giant was connecting the world, they were also mishandling users' data, allowing the spread of fake news, and the amplification of dangerous, polarising hate speech. Critics framed the narrative as the irreconcilable conflict between the platform's lofty mission to advance society by bringing people together while also profiting off of them. The company, many said, had simply lost its way. But the truth is far more complex. Drawing on their unrivalled sources, Frenkel and Kang take readers inside the complex court politics, alliances and rivalries within the company, its growing political influence as well as its skirmishes with privacy groups and the FTC, to shine a light on the fatal cracks in the architecture of the tech behemoth. Their explosive, exclusive reporting led them to a shocking conclusion: The missteps of the last five years were not an anomaly but an inevitability - this is how the platform was built to perform. In a period of great upheaval, growth has remained the one constant under the leadership of Mark Zuckerberg and Sheryl Sandberg. Each has stood by as their technology is co-opted by hate-mongers, criminals and corrupt political regimes across the globe, with devastating consequences. In An Ugly Truth, they are at last held accountable.
Ugly's Electrical References
by George Hart Sammie HartUGLY'S Electrical References is designed to be used as an on-the-job reference. Used worldwide by electricians, engineers, contractors, designers, maintenance workers, instructors, and the military; UGLY'S contains the most commonly required electrical information in an easy-to-read and easy-to-access format. UGLY'S presents a succinct portrait of the most pertinent information all electricians need at their fingertips, including: mathematical formulas, National Electrical Code tables, wiring configurations, conduit bending, voltage drops, and life-saving first aid procedures. Revised for the 2008 National Electrical Code, UGLY'S Electrical References includes updated coverage of: Combination Circuits Conductor Properties Conduit Bending Conversion Tables Electrical Formulas Electrical Symbols Insulation Charts Math Formulas Metric System Ohm's Law Parallel Circuits Series Circuits US Weights and Measures Wiring Diagrams