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UMTS Signaling

by Torsten Ruedebusch Ralf Kreher

This completely revised and updated edition of the highly successful UMTS Signaling provides a deep insight into all aspects of UMTS signalling. The chapter structure has been reworked for improved "usability" for readers, as well as including many new features and updates.The successful trial, deployment, operation and troubleshooting of 3G or UMTS infrastructures and applications is the biggest challenge facing today's mobile communications. Network element instability, network element and multi-vendor interoperability, configuration and network planning faults are just a few of the challenges affecting performance and profitability that need to be addressed. This book is an invaluable guide to resolving such problems.Highlights of the Second Edition:Includes new information and scenarios on HSPA / HSDPA / HSUPA, and IMSCovers not only WCDMA, but also TD-SCDMA issuesContains up-to-date information on releases 5 and 6, and includes a new chapter on the future releases 7 and 8Provides crucial information for network operators and equipment suppliers keen to understand how to handle and analyse UMTS signaling procedures in order to get the network into operation, detect errors and troubleshoot faultsUses first hand, real world information to explain issues which are unclear in the standardsIncludes comprehensive descriptions and documentation of UMTS reference scenarios for different UMTS proceduresThe unified comprehensive approach taken by the authors makes this book essential reading for engineers in network operators, integrators or system suppliers who need to be at the cutting edge of this technology. It will also be an invaluable resource for postgraduates on telecommunications courses, especially those with a focus on signal analysis.

Umweltinformationssysteme – Wie verändert die Digitalisierung unsere Gesellschaft?: Tagungsband des 27. Workshops des Arbeitskreises „Umweltinformationssysteme“ der Fachgruppe „Informatik im Umweltschutz‘‘ der Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI) 2020

by Ulrike Freitag Frank Fuchs-Kittowski Andreas Abecker Friedhelm Hosenfeld

Durch welche Methoden und Techniken der (Umwelt-)Informatik sind Fachverfahren in einzelnen Informationssystemen adäquat zu unterstützen? Wie ist das Zusammenspiel mehrerer Umweltinformationssysteme zur Beantwortung weitergehender Fragestellungen zu organisieren? Aktuelle Forschungsergebnisse, Anwendungen und Lösungen, aber auch Forschungsideen und neue Ansätze werden in diesem Tagungsband präsentiert und kritisch diskutiert.

Umweltinformationssysteme - Digitalisierung im Zeichen des Klimawandels und der Energiewende: Tagungsband des 30. Workshops “Umweltinformationssysteme (UIS2023)“ des Arbeitskreises „Umweltinformationssysteme“ der Fachgruppe „Informatik im Umweltschutz‘‘ der Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI)

by Frank Fuchs-Kittowski Andreas Abecker Friedhelm Hosenfeld Anja Reineke Christian Jolk

Der neueste Stand der Forschung und Entwicklung auf dem Gebiet der Umweltinformatik (UI) und umweltbezogener IT-Anwendungsbereiche wird in diesem Tagungsband präsentiert und kritisch diskutiert. Dies umfasst sowohl Konzepte und Anwendungen von Umweltinformationssystemen als auch Technologien, die moderne Umweltinformationssysteme unterstützen und ermöglichen.


by Walter Reineke Michael Schlömann

In diesem Fachbuch werden die globalen und lokalen Umweltprobleme sowie die Beteiligung von Mikroorganismen an der Entstehung und Beseitigung dieser Probleme angesprochen. Insbesondere werden methodische, teils molekulargenetischen Aspekte zur Untersuchung mikrobieller Lebensgemeinschaften berücksichtigt. Insgesamt wird die herausragende Rolle der Mikroorganismen in verschiedenen Stoffkreisläufen dargestellt. Neben biochemischen Grundlagen zum Abbau von Umweltschadstoffen wird der Einsatz von Mikroorganismen in umweltbiotechnologischen Verfahren zur Reinigung von Luft, Wasser oder Boden sowie in umweltschonenden Produktionsverfahren diskutiert. Gedacht ist das Buch für Biologen mit Interesse an umweltmikrobiologischen Fragen, aber auch für Studierende der Verfahrens- oder Umweltverfahrenstechnik, der Geoökologie oder Geologie sowie Studierende anderer umweltwissenschaftlicher Fachrichtungen. Für die 3. Auflage haben die Autoren das Buch komplett durchgearbeitet, korrigiert, aktualisiert und ergänzt.

Umweltschutz und Gefahrguttransport für Binnen- und Seeschifffahrt: Internationale, nationale und kommunale Übereinkommen

by Uwe Jacobshagen

Das Buch fasst die Rechtsgrundlagen auf internationaler, nationaler und kommunaler Ebene auf den Gebieten Umweltschutz und Gefahrgutrecht zusammen. Es werden Rechtsanwendungen für die Praxis dargestellt und Besonderheiten kommentiert. Der Einsatz in der Lehre ist mögliche, es kann aber auch als Fachbuch gute Dienste leisten und stellt vor allem für die Praxis einen Wissensspeicher dar.

Umweltschutztechnik und Umweltmanagement: Ein Kompendium für Studierende, Praktiker und Politiker (essentials)

by Ekbert Hering Wolfgang Schulz

Die Autoren beschreiben Gefährdungspotenziale für Luft, Wasser und Boden und den globalen Klimawandel sowie Maßnahmen zur Gegensteuerung. Sie stellen Konzepte zur Abfallwirtschaft vor und verweisen auf die Verankerung des Umweltschutzes in Unternehmen durch ein effizientes Umweltmanagement und einer Ökobilanz. So können Leser die globale Aufgabe, die Umwelt zu schützen, mit nationalen und internationalen politischen Rahmenbedingungen und vor allem dem Wissen im Bereich der Naturwissenschaften einschätzen und Umweltschäden vermeiden oder ihre Auswirkungen verringern. Die Politik schafft dazu auf nationaler, europäischer und internationaler Ebene mit Gesetzen, Regelungen und Normen die Voraussetzungen.Die AutorenDr. rer. nat. Dr. rer. pol. Dr. h.c. Ekbert Hering lehrt und forscht an der Hochschule Aalen. Er ist Verfasser erfolgreicher Fachbücher in renommierten Verlagen. Dr. rer. nat. Wolfgang Schulz ist Leiter der Forschung und Entwicklung Sonderanalytik beim Zweckverband Landeswasserversorgung und Lehrbeauftragter an der Hochschule Aalen.

Umweltverträgliche Tribosysteme

by Hubertus Murrenhoff

Das Buch stellt die Entwicklung und Erprobung umweltverträglicher Schmierstoffe und kohlenstoffbasierter Beschichtungen vor. Am Beispiel einer Werkzeugmaschine untersucht der Autor die tribologischen Systeme, also die Systeme, in denen Reibung und Verschleiß maßgeblich auftreten. Die Erkenntnisse werden in Form von Prozessketten verknüpft und die Neuentwicklungen unter realitätsnahen Bedingungen geprüft. Das Projekt wurde durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft gefördert und erforscht neben den Grundlagen auch die industrielle Umsetzung.

Umweltwissenschaften für Umweltinformatiker, Umweltingenieure und Stadtplaner

by Regine Grafe

Was bedeutet umweltbezogene angewandte Informatik? Welche Bedeutung hat sie für die Wirtschaft und den Einzelnen? Wie ermittelt man praxisbezogene Daten im umwelttechnischen Bereich? Auf all diese Fragen finden Sie die Antworten sachgerecht, praxisnah und praxistauglich in diesem Buch. Wichtige Themen, vom notwendigen Basiswissen über die Stoffe und ihre Verbindungen, über physikalische Stressoren und biogene Komponenten bis hin zum Wissen über Informationssysteme und praxisbezogene rechtliche Grundlagen, sind hier klar strukturiert zusammengefasst. Die Vielzahl von Verweisen ermöglicht das Erkennen von umwelt- und gesundheitsbelastenden Zusammenhängen. Jedes einzelne Kapitel wird durch eine Zusammenfassung sowie Fragen zur Wiederholung vervollständigt. Die Perspektive der Autorin erlaubt einen Blick auf die Wechselbeziehungen unseres wirtschaftlichen Systems und zeigt, wie man sie untersuchen kann. Für die Datenerfassung werden umweltanalytische und Monitoring-Verfahren vorgestellt. Der manchmal abstrakte Inhalt wird dem Leser mit Hilfe von 120 Abbildungen veranschaulicht und schafft so die Brücke und das Verständnis zwischen umweltrelevanten Fakten mit Informatik-Tools. Besonderes Augenmerk legt die Autorin auf die Umweltkompartimente und erläutert die schädlichen Beeinflussungen sehr praxisnah. Umweltinformatikern, Umweltwissenschaftlern, Stadtplanern und Ingenieuren, sowie allen interessierten Laien bietet dieses Buch eine gute Einführung.

The UN Sustainable Development Goals for the Textile and Fashion Industry (Textile Science and Clothing Technology)

by Miguel Angel Gardetti Subramanian Senthilkannan Muthu

This book highlights the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. These universally agreed-upon aspirational goals for people, the planet, prosperity, and peace will not be achieved without all global and local actors – governments, the private sector, and civil society – playing their part. The SDGs offer a unique opportunity to align existing sustainability initiatives through a common framework and accelerate the industry’s efforts to address important challenges in the global textile value chain. Future sourcing models will largely be redefined by how this sector addresses the underlying themes as sourcing countries prioritize the goals and integrate them into their national plans. Stimulating discussion and exploring the many different ways in which the textile and clothing industry can implement the UN SDGs, this informative book provides readers with a comprehensive understanding of the topic, and presents various approaches, including reflexive, empirical, hands-on or applied theoretical.

Un Virus Misterioso

by Nick Thacker Mazzani Anna

Ben e Julie si trovano per caso coinvolti con delle morti sospette. Un virus sconosciuto potrebbe esserne la causa. Ma quale persona o organizzazione vorrebbe mai rischiare di diffondere una malattia che possa causare l'estinzione di un'intera nazione? I due protagonisti si troveranno costretti a utilizzare tutte le risorse che hanno a loro disposizione per far fronte a questa nuova minaccia e salvare così la loro patria.

The Unaccountable State of Surveillance

by Clive Norris Paul De Hert Xavier L’hoiry Antonella Galetta

This book examines the ability of citizens across ten European countries to exercise their democratic rights to access their personal data. It presents a socio-legal research project, with the researchers acting as citizens, or data subjects, and using ethnographic data collection methods. The research presented here evidences a myriad of strategies and discourses employed by a range of public and private sector organizations as they obstruct and restrict citizens' attempts to exercise their informational rights. The book also provides an up-to-date legal analysis of legal frameworks across Europe concerning access rights and makes several policy recommendations in the area of informational rights. It provides a unique and unparalleled study of the law in action which uncovered the obstacles that citizens encounter if they try to find out what personal data public and private sector organisations collect and store about them, how they process it, and with whom they share it. These are simple questions to ask, and the right to do so is enshrined in law, but getting answers to these questions was met by a raft of strategies which effectively denied citizens their rights. The book documents in rich ethnographic detail the manner in which these discourses of denial played out in the ten countries involved, and explores in depth the implications for policy and regulatory reform.

Unbegrenzte Lichtmikroskopie: Über Auflösung und Super-Hochauflösung und die Frage, ob man Moleküle sehen kann (essentials)

by Rolf Theodor Borlinghaus

Rolf T. Borlinghaus erläutert die Ursachen für die klassische Begrenzung der Lichtmikroskopie und beleuchtet die neuen Super-Hochauflösungstechniken. Dies ist besonders aktuell, da der Nobelpreis 2014 für Chemie für die Entwicklung von Technologien vergeben wurde, die es nun ermöglichen, mit Lichtmikroskopen feinere Details aufzulösen, als es die klassische Theorie einschränkend vorhersagt. Diese neuen Methoden stellen aber nicht das bisherige Weltbild der Optik in Frage, vielmehr nutzen sie ganz andere Phänomene, um mittels klassischer Optik Positionsbestimmungen von Molekülen durchzuführen. Das ist theoretisch beliebig genau möglich.

Unbemannte Luftfahrtsysteme: Zivile Drohnen im Spannungsfeld von Wirtschaft, Recht, Sicherheit und gesellschaftlicher Akzeptanz

by Andreas Del Re Norbert Kämper Andreas Schoch Philipp Scheele

Drohnen sind längst von einer vielversprechenden Zukunftstechnologie zu einer etablierten Größe am Himmel geworden. Durch die zunehmenden Möglichkeiten ziviler Nutzung nimmt ihre Präsenz dabei immer noch zu, wodurch Fragen aufgeworfen werden, die schon heute beantwortet werden müssen. Neben den obligatorischen rechtlichen Fragen geht es dabei auch um den gesellschaftlichen Einfluss, den neue Technologie seit je her mit sich bringen. Welche rechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen sind nötig, wenn immer mehr Drohnen sich den Luftraum mit anderen Luftverkehrsteilnehmern teilen? Wie ist es um die Sicherheit, auch IT-Sicherheit bestellt, wenn zunehmend Drohnen über der Bevölkerung schweben? Welche ethischen Herausforderungen bringen unbemannte Systeme mit sich, die zunehmend autonom operieren? All jenen Fragen widmen sich die Autoren dieses Sammelbandes und schaffen so neue Zugänge und Perspektiven auf das Zukunftsthema der Unbemannten Luftfahrtsysteme.

Unbound: How Eight Technologies Made Us Human and Brought Our World to the Brink

by Richard L. Currier

Although we usually think of technology as something unique to modern times, our ancestors began to create the first technologies millions of years ago in the form of prehistoric tools and weapons. Over time, eight key technologies gradually freed us from the limitations of our animal origins. The fabrication of weapons, the mastery of fire, and the technologies of clothing and shelter radically restructured the human body, enabling us to walk upright, shed our body hair, and migrate out of tropical Africa. Symbolic communication transformed human evolution from a slow biological process into a fast cultural process. The invention of agriculture revolutionized the relationship between humanity and the environment, and the technologies of interaction led to the birth of civilization. Precision machinery spawned the industrial revolution and the rise of nation-states; and in the next metamorphosis, digital technologies may well unite all of humanity for the benefit of future generations. Synthesizing the findings of primatology, paleontology, archeology, history, and anthropology, Richard Currier reinterprets and retells the modern narrative of human evolution that began with the discovery of Lucy and other Australopithecus fossils. But the same forces that allowed us to integrate technology into every aspect of our daily lives have also brought us to the brink of planetary catastrophe. Unbound explains both how we got here and how human society must be transformed again to achieve a sustainable future. Technology: "The deliberate modification of any natural object or substance with forethought to achieve a specific end or to serve a specific purpose. ”

Unbundling the University Curriculum: MOOCs, Online Program Management and the Knowledge Question (Rethinking Higher Education)

by Kate O'Connor

In a context in which explicit attention to the curriculum has been sidelined in universities’ strategy, this book makes an argument for why curriculum matters, both in understanding the effects of unbundled online learning and more broadly. It takes up two particular curriculum issues which are amplified in an unbundled context: differences in the formulation of curriculum between disciplines and professional fields, and the extent these are recognised in university strategy; and the push for constructivist pedagogies, and its effects on curriculum construction. Since the onslaught of MOOCs in 2012, unbundled forms of online learning offered via partnerships with external online program management and MOOC providers have grown significantly across the university sector. There has been much debate about the implications of these partnerships but the focus has predominantly been on the engagement of students and their learning. This book takes a different and novel approach, looking instead at the effects on curriculum and knowledge.Drawing on selected case studies, the book reflects on how university leaders and academics engaged with MOOCs and other forms of unbundled online learning in the early 2010s, and the effects of these reforms on curriculum practice. It captures in detail the complex and difficult work involved in university curriculum making in a way rarely seen in discussions of higher education. And it generates new in-sights about some of the critical problems manifest in the ongoing moves to embrace unbundled online learning today.

Uncaged (The Singular Menace, #1)

by John Sandford Michele Cook

#1 New York Times bestselling Prey author John Sandford and Michele Cook debut a high-octane young adult thriller series. Shay Remby arrives in Hollywood with $58 and a handmade knife, searching for her brother, Odin. Odin's a brilliant hacker but a bit of a loose cannon. He and a group of radical animal-rights activists hit a Singular Corp. research lab in Eugene, Oregon. The raid was a disaster, but Odin escaped with a set of highly encrypted flash drives and a post-surgical dog. When Shay gets a frantic 3 a.m. phone call from Odin--talking about evidence of unspeakable experiments, and a ruthless corporation, and how he must hide--she's concerned. When she gets a menacing visit from Singular's security team, she knows: her brother's a dead man walking. What Singular doesn't know--yet--is that 16-year-old Shay is every bit as ruthless as their security force, and she will burn Singular to the ground, if that's what it takes to save her brother.


by Sarah Fine

Two sisters. One death. No memories. Cora should remember every detail about the night her stepsister, Hannah, fell down a flight of stairs to her death, especially since her Cerepin—a sophisticated brain-computer interface—may have recorded each horrifying moment. But when she awakens after that night, her memories gone, Cora is left with only questions—and dread of what the answers might mean. When a downward spiral of self-destruction forces Cora to work with an AI counselor, she finds an unexpected ally, even as others around her grow increasingly convinced that Hannah’s death was no accident. As Cora’s dark past swirls chaotically with the versions of Hannah’s life and death that her family and friends want to believe, Cora discovers the disturbing depths of what some people may do—including herself. With her very sanity in question, Cora is forced to face her greatest fear. She will live or die by what she discovers.

Uncanny Valley: A Memoir

by Anna Wiener

The prescient, page-turning account of a journey in Silicon Valley: a defining memoir of our digital age <P><P>In her mid-twenties, at the height of tech industry idealism, Anna Wiener—stuck, broke, and looking for meaning in her work, like any good millennial--left a job in book publishing for the promise of the new digital economy. She moved from New York to San Francisco, where she landed at a big-data startup in the heart of the Silicon Valley bubble: a world of surreal extravagance, dubious success, and fresh-faced entrepreneurs hell-bent on domination, glory, and, of course, progress. <P><P>Anna arrived amidst a massive cultural shift, as the tech industry rapidly transformed into a locus of wealth and power rivaling Wall Street. But amid the company ski vacations and in-office speakeasies, boyish camaraderie and ride-or-die corporate fealty, a new Silicon Valley began to emerge: one in far over its head, one that enriched itself at the expense of the idyllic future it claimed to be building. Part coming-of-age-story, part portrait of an already-bygone era, Anna Wiener’s memoir is a rare first-person glimpse into high-flying, reckless startup culture at a time of unchecked ambition, unregulated surveillance, wild fortune, and accelerating political power. With wit, candor, and heart, Anna deftly charts the tech industry’s shift from self-appointed world savior to democracy-endangering liability, alongside a personal narrative of aspiration, ambivalence, and disillusionment. <P><P>Unsparing and incisive, Uncanny Valley is a cautionary tale, and a revelatory interrogation of a world reckoning with consequences its unwitting designers are only beginning to understand.

The Uncanny Valley in Games and Animation

by Angela Tinwell

Advances in technology have enabled animators and video game designers to design increasingly realistic, human-like characters in animation and games. Although it was intended that this increased realism would allow viewers to appreciate the emotional state of characters, research has shown that audiences often have a negative reaction as the human

Uncertain Archives: Critical Keywords for Big Data

by Nanna Bonde Thylstrup Daniela Agostinho Annie Ring Catherine D'Ignazio Kristin Veel

Scholars from a range of disciplines interrogate terms relevant to critical studies of big data, from abuse and aggregate to visualization and vulnerability.This pathbreaking work offers an interdisciplinary perspective on big data, interrogating key terms. Scholars from a range of disciplines interrogate concepts relevant to critical studies of big data--arranged glossary style, from from abuse and aggregate to visualization and vulnerability--both challenging conventional usage of such often-used terms as prediction and objectivity and introducing such unfamiliar ones as overfitting and copynorm. The contributors include both leading researchers, including N. Katherine Hayles, Johanna Drucker and Lisa Gitelman, and such emerging agenda-setting scholars as Safiya Noble, Sarah T. Roberts and Nicole Starosielski.

Uncertain Dynamical Systems: Stability and Motion Control

by A.A. Martynyuk Yu. A. Martynyuk-Chernienko

This self-contained book provides systematic instructive analysis of uncertain systems of the following types: ordinary differential equations, impulsive equations, equations on time scales, singularly perturbed differential equations, and set differential equations. Each chapter contains new conditions of stability of unperturbed motion of the abo

Uncertain Graph and Network Optimization (Springer Uncertainty Research)

by Bo Zhang Jin Peng

This first book focuses on uncertain graph and network optimization. It covers three different main contents: uncertain graph, uncertain programming and uncertain network optimization. It also presents applications of uncertain network optimization in a lot of real problems such as transportation problems, dispatching medical supplies problems and location problems.The book is suitable for researchers, engineers, teachers and students in the field of mathematics, information science, computer science, decision science, management science and engineering, artificial intelligence, industrial engineering, economics and operations research.

Uncertain Information and Linear Systems (Studies in Systems, Decision and Control #254)

by Tofigh Allahviranloo

This book identifies the important uncertainties to use in real-world problem modeling. Having information about several types of ambiguities, vagueness, and uncertainties is vital in modeling problems that involve linguistic variables, parameters, and word computing. Today, since most of our real-world problems are related to decision-making at the right time, we need to apply intelligent decision science. Clearly, in order to have an appropriate and flexible mathematical model, every intelligent system requires real data on our environment. Presenting problems that can be represented using mathematical models to create a system of linear equations, this book discusses the latest insights into uncertain information.

Uncertain Optimal Control (Springer Uncertainty Research Ser.)

by Yuanguo Zhu

This book introduces the theory and applications of uncertain optimal control, and establishes two types of models including expected value uncertain optimal control and optimistic value uncertain optimal control. These models, which have continuous-time forms and discrete-time forms, make use of dynamic programming. The uncertain optimal control theory relates to equations of optimality, uncertain bang-bang optimal control, optimal control with switched uncertain system, and optimal control for uncertain system with time-delay. Uncertain optimal control has applications in portfolio selection, engineering, and games. The book is a useful resource for researchers, engineers, and students in the fields of mathematics, cybernetics, operations research, industrial engineering, artificial intelligence, economics, and management science.

Uncertainties in Peasant Farming: A Colombian Case (LSE Monographs on Social Anthropology)

by Sutti Ortiz

This book examines the life and historical background of the Paez peasants of Colombia and their relationship with the land, including issues of tenure, inheritance and the allocation of resources.

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