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Untangling the Web: 20 Tools to Power Up Your Teaching
by Stephen E. Dembo Adam S. BellowTwenty of the best web tools to enrich classroom experiences Few educators have time to find online learning resources that engage and allow students’ creative content expression while meeting core area standards. Discover 20 free tools—flexible enough for kindergarten through high school use—and learn how to leverage technology to transform your classroom. More than a “how-to” guide, you’ll receive access to a web site with videos for richer, in-depth exploration, an online community where you can connect and collaborate with educators, and advice, tips, tricks, and bite-sized anecdotes from ed tech leaders.
by John GhazvinianAlthough Africa has long been known to be rich in oil, extracting it hadn't seemed worth the effort and risk until recently. But with the price of Middle Eastern crude oil skyrocketing and advancing technology making reserves easier to tap, the region has become the scene of a competition between major powers that recalls the nineteenth-century scramble for colonization there. But what does this giddy new oil boom mean-for America, for the world, for Africans themselves?John Ghazvinian traveled through twelve African countries-from Sudan to Congo to Angola-talking to warlords, industry executives, bandits, activists, priests, missionaries, oil-rig workers, scientists, and ordinary people whose lives have been transformed-not necessarily for the better-by the riches beneath their feet. The result is a high-octane narrative that reveals the challenges, obstacles, reasons for despair, and reasons for hope emerging from the world's newest energy hot spot.
Unter Strom
by Philip WürfelSpätestens seit der Reaktorkatastrophe von Fukushima ist das Thema Energiewende als generationsübergreifendes Projekt in der breiten Öffentlichkeit angekommen. Dabei reichen die Wurzeln der Energiewende viel weiter zurück. Wer aber kann von sich behaupten, wirklich zu verstehen, worum es jenseits der oberflächlich geführten Pro-Contra-Debatten geht? Die Mechanismen unserer Stromversorgung sind komplex, und populistische Forderungen von Lobbyverbänden erschweren häufig die objektive Meinungsbildung.Philip Würfel bringt mit diesem Buch Licht ins Dunkel. Anschaulich erklärt er die komplexen Zusammenhänge der Energiewirtschaft und vermittelt den revolutionären, auch im Ausland viel diskutierten Umbauprozess der Stromversorgung in Deutschland. Zahlreiche Beispiele aus dem privaten wie beruflichen Alltag bescheren immer wieder „Aha“-Erlebnisse beim Lesen. Die überarbeitete und aktualisierte 2. Auflage ergänzt die 1. Auflage um die sich abzeichnenden Megatrends der Elektromobilität und des Pariser Klimaabkommens.
Unternehmensplanung für Ingenieure (essentials)
by Ekbert HeringDie meisten Ingenieure in der Praxis übernehmen Führungsverantwortung. Dabei ist vor allem die Planungskompetenz gefragt. Es muss einerseits die nahe Zukunft geplant werden, beispielsweise für Umsätze, Ergebnisse und Liquiditäten von Sparten, Produkten und in Märkten für die nächsten drei Jahre. Andererseits ist es erforderlich, zukünftige Entwicklungen des Unternehmens in einem dynamischen Wettbewerbsumfeld zu planen. Diese strategische Planung ist die entscheidende Weichenstellung für den Erfolg der Zukunft. Deshalb werden in diesem Band die Methoden der strategischen und operativen Planung vorgestellt. In einem gesamtheitlichen Rahmen werden die Einzelpläne diskutiert (z. B. Umsatz-, Kosten-, Finanz- und Personalpläne) und ihr zeitlicher Horizont bestimmt sowie der zeitliche Ablauf vorgestellt.
Unterrichtsmethoden für den Informatikunterricht
by Andreas ZendlerZu den meisten Unterrichtsfächern findet man heute umfangreiche Standardwerke zum Thema Unterrichtsmethoden, nur für das Fach Informatik existiert keine vergleichbare Literatur. Dabei zeigt ein Blick auf die Bildungspläne aller Bundesländer, dass sich die Informatik als Unterrichtsfach in den Sekundarstufen I und II etablieren wird. Das vorliegende Buch versteht sich als ein Beitrag zur Schließung dieser Lücke in der Informatikdidaktik. Unterrichtsmethoden sind für den Lernerfolg im Unterricht von entscheidender Bedeutung und bilden auch den Dreh- und Angelpunkt dieses Buches. Unterrichtsmethode wird verstanden als klar umrissener, begrifflich herauslösbarer, selbstständiger, wenn auch integrierter Bestandteil des Unterrichts. Als Beispiele für dieses Verständnis von Unterrichtsmethoden werden unter anderem die Vor- und Nachteile des problemorientierten Unterrichts, des entdeckenden Lernens, der Computersimulation, des Frontalunterrichts und der Modellmethode für die Informatikdidaktik erläutert. So entsteht ein Überblick über 20 verschiedene und für den Informatikunterricht relevante Methoden, die anhand von Vorgehensmodellen und konkreten Beispielen für den Einsatz im Unterricht illustriert werden. Außerdem haben Informatiklehrer die verschiedenen Methoden in Hinblick auf ihre Lerneffektivität eingeschätzt. Die Grundlage für dieses erste Übersichtswerk zu Unterrichtsmethoden für den Informatikunterricht bilden verschiedene Forschungsprojekte der Pädagogischen Hochschule Ludwigsburg, die zwischen 2015 und 2018 Daten zu diesem Thema gesammelt haben. Auch dieses wissenschaftliche Fundament macht das Buch zu einer unbedingten Empfehlung für alle (angehenden) Informatiklehrer, die schon lange nach einem Titel mit Unterrichtsmaterialien für den Informatikunterricht gesucht haben.
Unterrichtsmethoden für MINT-Fächer
by Andreas ZendlerMathematik, Informatik, Naturwissenschaften (Biologie, Chemie, Physik) und Technik - seit Jahren findet in der breiten Öffentlichkeit eine angeregte Diskussion über diese sogenannten MINT-Fächer statt. Denn das in den MINT-Fächern vermittelte Wissen ist die unverzichtbare Grundlage für die Ausbildung der in Deutschland dringend benötigten Fachkräfte. Darum fordern Politik und Wirtschaft eine stärkere Gewichtung der Fächer, aber auch eine Verbesserung der Unterrichtsqualität. Dieses Buch stellt 20 verschiedene, wissenschaftlich fundierte Methoden für den MINT-Unterricht vor und erläutert die Rolle der digitalen Medien als fächerübergreifendes Element. Die interdisziplinäre Betrachtungsweise bietet Lehrern einen umfassenden Überblick über die verschiedenen Möglichkeiten und Ansätze für den eigenen Unterricht. Für jede der vorgestellten Methoden geben die Autoren wissenschaftliche fundierte Einschätzungen zu ihrer Lerneffektivität und erleichtern so Lehrkräften die Auswahl der geeignetsten Methoden für den eigenen Unterricht. Detaillierte Unterrichtsmodelle helfen bei der Umsetzung in der Praxis. Damit erhalten Lehrer und Lehramtsstudenten einen umfassenden Einblick in die effektivsten Unterrichtsmodelle für ein prozess- und ergebnisorientiertes Lernen in den MINT-Fächern. Dieses Buch lässt sich ideal fächerübergreifend einsetzen und dient dazu, die Lerneffektivität speziell im MINT-Unterricht bei Schülerinnen und Schülern zu verbessern.
Untersuchung an Leistungsverstärkern mit Gegenkopplung
by Robert PauloDer in diesem Buch weiterentwickelte Prozess erlaubt eine Optimierung von HF-Leistungsverstärkern zunächst ohne Gegenkopplung mit Hilfe schneller Wechselspannungssimulationen. Ein passendes Parallelnetzwerk, welches verschiedene Parallelgegenkopplungen enthalten kann, wird im Anschluss rein analytisch hinzugefügt. Die Optimierung kann auf Verstärker in einfacher Emitterschaltung, wahlweise mit Kaskodetransistor und mit einer beliebigen Anzahl aufgestapelter Transistoren angewendet werden.Ein weiterer Schwerpunkt ist die Stabilitätsbetrachtung. Es wird gezeigt, wie eine vermaschte Rückführung im Layout eine deutliche Verbesserung der Stabilität bewirkt. Hierfür war eine Erweiterung der klassischen Analyse für die Schleifenverstärkung notwendig.Der Autor führt den Leser durch die analytischen Betrachtungen der einzelnen Schwerpunkte hin zu den simulativen Untersuchungen und verifiziert die Ergebnisse anhand von Messergebnissen gefertigter Verstärkerschaltungen in einer BiCMOS-Technologie. Dem Leser werden zudem beispielhaft sowohl für die Verstärkeroptimierung als auch für die Stabilitätsuntersuchung leistungsstarke Werkzeuge für die Einbettung in eine CAD-Umgebung an die Hand gegeben.
Untersuchung des Tropfenaufwirbelvorganges im Rahmen einer Gesamtfahrzeug-Eigenverschmutzungssimulation in Versuch und Simulation (AutoUni – Schriftenreihe #156)
by Veith StrohbückerIn dieser Arbeit wird im Rahmen einer Fahrzeugeigenverschmutzung eine Untersuchung des Tropfenaufwirbelvorganges an einem Reifen mit numerischen und experimentellen Methoden durchgeführt. Zunächst wird die Tropfenentstehung und das Tropfenfeld eines einzelnen Reifens auf einer wasserbeaufschlagten Rolle in einem Windkanal betrachtet. Anschließend wird über einen neuartigen Ansatz der Tropfenaufwirbelvorgang bei einem einzelnen Reifen direkt simuliert und anhand der erzeugten Versuchsergebnisse validiert. Auf Grundlage des somit entstehenden virtuellen Tropfenfeldes wird eine neue, realistischere Tropfenrandbedingung generiert. Diese neue Randbedingung wird in eine Gesamtfahrzeug-Eigenverschmutzungssimulation implementiert, mit einem klassischen Reifen-Spray-Modell nach dem Stand der Forschung verglichen und realen Verschmutzungsbildern aus Windkanalexperimenten gegenübergestellt.
Untersuchung von Bezugsmaterialkonzepten unter Verwendung nachwachsender Rohstoffe für die Anwendung innerhalb des automobilen Interieurs (AutoUni – Schriftenreihe #173)
by Lars LewerdomskiIn diesem Buch werden drei Bezugsmaterialkonzepte unter Einsatz nachwachsender Rohstoffe untersucht, welche potentielle Alternativen zu konventionell eingesetzten Materialien des Fahrzeuginnenraums darstellen. Die Grundstrukturen bilden ein PVC-Schaumkunstleder, ein Ananasblattfaservliesstoff sowie Flächen bakteriell kultivierter Cellulose. Umgesetzt werden verschiedene Ausführungen der Materialaufbauten mittels labor- sowie großtechnischer Anlagentechnik. Durch die Ermittlung individueller Eigenschaftsprofile nach einer definierten Prüfungsauswahl werden elementare Unterschiede in Abhängigkeit des jeweiligen Ansatzes aufgezeigt und spezifische Optimierungspotentiale für den vorliegenden Anwendungsfall abgeleitet.
Untethered Miniature Soft Robots: Materials, Fabrications, and Applications
by Li Zhang Jiachen Zhang Neng Xia Yue DongUntethered Miniature Soft Robots Reference on achieving contactless manipulation of soft robots, detailing high level concepts and perspectives and technical skills of soft robots Untethered Miniature Soft Robots: Materials, Fabrications, and Applications introduces the emerging field of miniature soft robots and summarizes the recent rapid development in the field to date, describing different types of functional materials to build miniature soft robots, such as silicone elastomer, carbon-based materials, hydrogels, liquid crystal polymer, flexible ferrofluid, and liquid metal, and covering the material properties, fabrication strategies, and functionalities in soft robots together with their underlying mechanisms. The book discusses magnetically, thermally, optically, and chemically actuated soft robots in depth, explores the many specific applications of miniature soft robots in biomedical, environmental, and electrical fields and summarizes the development of miniature soft robots based on soft matter, fabrication strategies, locomotion principles, sensing and actuation mechanisms. In closing, the text summarizes the opportunities and challenges faced by miniature soft robots, providing expert insight into the possible futures of this field. Written by four highly qualified academics, Untethered Miniature Soft Robots covers sample topics such as: Soft elastomer-based robots with programmable magnetization profiles and untethered soft robots based on template-aiding Working mechanisms of carbon-based materials, covering light-induced expansion and shrinkage, and humidity-induced deformation Designing microscale building blocks, modular assembly of building blocks based on Denavit-Hartenberg (DH) matrix, and inverse and forward design of modular morphing systems Material designs of magnetic liquid crystal elastomers (LCE) systems, multiple-stimuli responsiveness of magnetic LCE systems, and adaptive locomotion of magnetic LCE-based robots Controllable deformation and motion behaviors, as well as applications of ferrofluids droplet robots (FDRs), including cargo capturing, object sorting, liquid pumping/mixing, and liquid skin. Providing highly detailed and up-to-date coverage of the topic, Untethered Miniature Soft Robots serves as an invaluable and highly comprehensive reference for researchers working in this promising field across a variety of disciplines, including materials scientists, mechanical and electronics engineers, polymer chemists, and biochemists.
The Untold Stories of African Agriculture: Lessons from Ethiopia
by Melaku Admasu Seid Ahmed Kemal Getinet Alemaw Dessie Ambaw Gashawbeza Ayalew Workneh Ayalew Dr Amsalu Ayana Ashenafi Ayano Ferdu Azerefegne Endashaw Bekele Getachew Belay Terefe Belehu Mintewab Bezabih Asmare Dagnew Maru Degefa Mulat Demeke Minyahel Fekadu Daneal Fekersillassie Regassa Feyissa Asnake Fikre Messele Fisseha Amare Fufa Muluken Goftishu Endeshaw Habte Konjit Hailu Karta Karke Kalsa Girma Tesfahun Kassie Friew Kelemu Tolera Keno Rahwa Kidane Berga Lemaga Abebe Menkir Takele Negewo Hawani Negussie Mesfin Shenkut Amare Tegbaru Kindie Tesfaye Taye Tessema Melaku Wale Wondimagegnehu Mersie Zerihun Yemataw Firehun Yirefu Mikael Fisseha Yohannes Engida Zemedagegnehu Olubunmi A. BosseyThis landmark volume presents the results of a comprehensive and coherent in-depth assessment of Ethiopian agriculture and draws lessons from it to generate actionable recommendations that will inform policy decisions and priority setting for agricultural transformation across Africa. Policy makers in Africa are faced with the challenges of ensuring food and nutrition security and the economic wellbeing of their rapidly growing populations while at the same time maintaining the integrity of their natural resource base. Between 2000 and 2021, 74% of the growth in overall crop production on the continent was derived from increases in land area expansion, while increases in yield contributed only 26% of the growth. This unchecked expansion of land use puts the sustainability of the natural resource base under severe pressure. Even though some countries have made substantial increases in their farm productivity over the last two decades, the overall performance for Africa is far behind other regions. For the most part, in Africa, agriculture is not fulfilling its expected functions of food and nutrition security, increased export earnings, import substitution, and raw material supply for local industries. Attempts have been made to transform African agriculture over the years, but few countries have succeeded in achieving sustainable change. Using examples from Ethiopia this book identifies the major factors for success and the root causes of underperformance, and offers evidence-based recommendations for future decision making, policy change and the creation of growth. This book: · Draws on a unique set of case studies from Ethiopia described and told from a truly African perspective. · Emphasises to policy makers in Africa that development cannot be outsourced and there are no shortcuts; it is only through consistent effort and sustained support for their agricultural research and development that positive change can be brought about. · States that past agricultural development efforts by the international community have not properly included a strong African voice, and that therefore, all future academic research, policies and strategies dealing with the continent's agriculture and food security should be formulated by Africa's own leading thinkers and experts. · Is not a polemic; its arguments are knowledge and evidence based, building a compelling picture of how agricultural development can be sustained for the future.
The Untold Stories of the Space Shuttle Program: Unfulfilled Dreams and Missions that Never Flew (Springer Praxis Books)
by Davide SivolellaIn September 1969, several months after the Apollo 11 lunar landing, President Richard M. Nixon established the Space Task Force to chart NASA’s path for the decades to come. This imaginative vision was shattered less than six months later when, on January 13, 1970, NASA Administrator Dr. Thomas Paine announced that, owing to funding cuts, only the reusable Space Shuttle could be afforded -- there would be no space station, no return to the Moon, and no missions to Mars. This is a story never before told about the missions and technologies that NASA had begun to plan but never fully realized. The book is a companion to the author’s previous two works on the Space Shuttle. Whereas the first two books showed how the Space Shuttle flew in space and what the program accomplished, this book explains what more the Space Shuttle could have achieved and how the space transportation system could have further matured if circumstances had been otherwise. A final chapter also discusses how some of these plans might be resurrected in future programs.
The Unusual Mind of Vincent Shadow (Vincent Shadow #1)
by Tim KehoeVincent Shadow isn't particularly good at sports and is constantly being picked on by his classmates at Central Middle School. But it is Vincent's unusually creative mind that truly separates him from other kids his age. Vincent's top secret attic lab is crammed with toy prototypes --from Liquid Superballs to Bullz-I Basketballs and Sonic Snorkelz--and he has a sketch book filled with drawings of toys he still wants to build. So when a chance encounter with an eccentric toy inventor offers him the opportunity to go from unknown weird kid to toy inventor extraordinaire, Vincent realizes that playtime is over: it's time to get serious about toys.
Up & Down: The Adventures of John Jeffries, First American to Fly
by Don BrownThe incomparable Don Brown chronicles the ballooning misadventures of John Jeffries, scientist and aviation pioneer.Swept up by the European ballooning craze of the 1780s, Dr. John Jeffries longed to become the first person to fly across the English Channel. But first he had to outwit a rascally copilot, keep the balloon from bursting, and avoid crashing into the sea. The good doctor's quick-thinking solutions will surprise young readers--and keep them giggling. Orbis Pictus and Sibert Honor winner Don Brown tells this quirky true story with his usual accuracy and heart.
Up in Smoke: From Legislation to Litigation in Tobacco Politics
by Martha A. DerthickMartha Derthick introduces new evidence from 5 years under the MSA to show that the states were more interested in raising revenue than in improving tobacco control, that the enrichment of wealthy tort lawyers violated the legal profession's ethics.
Up in Smoke: From Legislation to Litigation in Tobacco Politics
by Martha A. DerthickNow, with a brand new 3rd edition, the book returns to "ordinary politics" and the passage of the Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act which gave the FDA broad authority to regulate both the manufacture and marketing of tobacco products. Derthick shows our political institutions working as they should, even if slowly, with partisanship and interest group activity playing their part in putting restraints on cigarette smoking.
Up in the Air: The Story of Bessie Coleman
by Philip S. HartPresents the story of Bessie Coleman, an American, who in 1920 traveled to France to become the first black woman to earn a pilot's license.
Up-to-Date Waste-to-Energy Approach
by Petr StehlikPutting forward an up-to-date waste-to-energy approach that combines experience, sophisticated modeling and technical-economic analysis, this book examines the current need for the maximum utilization of energy from waste and the associated environmental impacts. It outlines step-by-step procedures for a complex and original waste-to-energy approach from the idea to its industrial application. With waste incinerators and industrial plants producing large amounts of pollutants, municipalities as well as smaller decentralized operations are beginning to focus on waste research. The principal advantage of utilizing research findings is the ability to apply a complex approach "from idea to industrial implementation" with respect to the needs of the market established by thorough market analysis. This book builds on this concept with an original approach that takes into consideration geographical aspects, the specifics of regions/micro-regions and technological units and/or equipment. Key areas discussed and analyzed in the text include: strategic planning of energy-source locations according to the nature of the respective region or microregion; types and amounts of wastes; logistics etc. using original mathematical models; consideration of on-site processing of various types of waste, taking into account the character of the region (agricultural, industrial etc. ); tailor-made technologies for energy recovery from various types of wastes; implementation of individual technologies with original elements; and support for environmental protection based on advanced flue gas (i. e. off-gas in the case of incineration) cleaning methods.
Up! Up! Up! Skyscraper
by Anastasia SuenSnappy rhymes invite young readers to watch workers dig, pour, pound, and bolt a skyscraper into existence. Simple yet satisfying sidebars provide further information about each step in the construction process. Perfect for preschoolers and all those who dig diggers.Quirky, colorful art enhance the appeal of a construction site with all the equipment and sounds of building.
Upconversion Nanoparticles (Progress in Optical Science and Photonics #24)
by Vijay Kumar Irfan Ayoub Hendrik C. Swart Rakesh SehgalThis book explores upconversion nanoparticles (UCNPs) at both, the fundamental as well as applied levels, for functional applications. It provides a broad perspective about the synthesis approaches of UCNPs with the preferred size, improved and tunable upconversion luminescence, along with the combined multifunctionality for various applications. It highlights the fundamentals and systematic developments in the tuning of UC emission and surface engineering of UCNPs that make UCNPs convenient for use in a large range of applications. Moreover, it gives an understanding of the imposed limitations and challenges associated with these methods to achieve the desired performance in targeted applications. It also includes the latest multifunctional lanthanide-based UCNPs, which efficiently convert low-energy photons into high-energy photons, and their applications in fluorescent microscopy, deep-tissue bioimaging, nanomedicine, optogenetics, solid-state lighting, solar cells, security labeling, and volumetric display.
Upconverting Nanomaterials: Perspectives, Synthesis, and Applications (Nanomaterials and their Applications)
by Claudia AltavillaUpconverting Nanomaterials: Perspectives, Synthesis, and Applications serves as a powerful instrument that explores cutting-edge research knowledge on the topic of upconverting nanosystems, while simultaneously providing the necessary fundamental background for nonspecialist readers. The various aspects of upconverting materials are approached both from a theoretical point of view, particularly upconverting phenomenon, and a practical one. By presenting synthetic strategies, functionalization, production of core shell structures and nanocomposites, this book supplies PhD students, researchers, and scientists with a wealth of ideas they can apply to different fields of research. Thirty-five renowned scientists from around the world have collaborated to produce 11 chapters that help to "make a voyage" through the most important aspects of UPNPs, including syntheses, mechanism, functionalization, and applications.
by Amy TaoGot a pair of old tights, an empty can or a plastic bottle that you plan to throw away? You can upcycle those old things and turn them into new items you can use! Upcycling is recycling in a better way! Learn how to make a decorative pencil holder, a draft dodger to keep the cold out, or turn plastic bottles into bowling pins. What things can you create to reduce the use of plastic and metal?
Upcycled Technology: Clever Projects You Can Do With Your Discarded Tech (Tinkernut)
by Daniel T. DavisDIY science projects using old tech to create new zombie tech—an eco-friendly, fantastic way to learn about today&’s technology. We all have a drawer or closet full of old discarded tech just sitting around, gathering dust. Memories of a bygone technological era that have been replaced by newer, shiner, smarter devices. What can you do with them? Most of us don&’t even know how to properly dispose of them. If only there was a way to save them from their untimely fate. Well empty out that drawer and grab a screwdriver because the time has come to bring these old devices back from the grave! Old technology may no longer be useful, but it isn&’t useless. Hidden inside often-discarded devices is a treasure trove of motors, magnets, screens, and other parts just waiting for a chance to be upcycled! And this type of &“upcycling&” doesn&’t mean turning an old CD into a coaster, it means something a little more hardcore, like . . . · How to make a great Wi-Fi security camera with an old cell phone · How to make a basic 3D printer out of old computer disk drives · What can be made with the rare-earth magnets inside old hard drives or the reusable LCD screens in old phones · And much more Fans of Popular Science, Smithsonian&’s Maker Lab, and The Big Book of Makerspace Projects will love Upcycled Technology.
Upcycling Legume Water: from wastewater to food ingredients
by Luca ServentiFood manufacturing generates an incredibly high volume of wastewater. The legume industry is one of the top contributors to this environmental issue, as soaking and boiling are necessary to transform dried legumes into cooked canned products and other legume-based products, such as soymilk, tofu, hummus and flours. Wastewater must be treated prior to disposal into the environment, thus raising production costs for the food industry. In addition, wastewater contains nutrients that are lost from the food chain after disposal. As water and soluble nutrients are becoming a limited resource, it is critical to optimize food manufacturing at all levels. Recycling Legume Wastewater Into Food Ingredients presents a sustainable solution to this increasing demand for food and water. The text analyses the composition of legume wastewater and its physicochemical properties, including its potential applications in emulsifiers, foaming agents, gelling agents and antistaling ingredients. Early chapters discuss the processing of legumes and the wastewater generation involved. Further sections focus on wastewater generated by soaking and cooking, including the composition, functional properties, and food applications involved in each. Sprouting water, bioactives and applications in edible packaging are also discussed. In presenting a sustainable solution for legume wastewater use, this text is an important key to sustainability in food processing and the reduction of waste.
Updating to Remain the Same: Habitual New Media
by Wendy Hui ChunNew media -- we are told -- exist at the bleeding edge of obsolescence. We thus forever try to catch up, updating to remain the same. Meanwhile, analytic, creative, and commercial efforts focus exclusively on the next big thing: figuring out what will spread and who will spread it the fastest. But what do we miss in this constant push to the future? In Updating to Remain the Same, Wendy Hui Kyong Chun suggests another approach, arguing that our media matter most when they seem not to matter at all -- when they have moved from "new" to habitual. Smart phones, for example, no longer amaze, but they increasingly structure and monitor our lives. Through habits, Chun says, new media become embedded in our lives -- indeed, we become our machines: we stream, update, capture, upload, link, save, trash, and troll. Chun links habits to the rise of networks as the defining concept of our era. Networks have been central to the emergence of neoliberalism, replacing "society" with groupings of individuals and connectable "YOUS." (For isn't "new media" actually "NYOU media"?) Habit is central to the inversion of privacy and publicity that drives neoliberalism and networks. Why do we view our networked devices as "personal" when they are so chatty and promiscuous? What would happen, Chun asks, if, rather than pushing for privacy that is no privacy, we demanded public rights -- the right to be exposed, to take risks and to be in public and not be attacked?