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Vermittlung von BIM in der Hochschullehre: Positionspapier des Arbeitskreises BIM im Baubetrieb des Fachausschusses Baubetrieb und Bauwirtschaft (essentials)

by Habeb Astour Mario Hanusrichter Henriette Strotmann

In Bezug auf das Bauwesen lässt sich Building Information Modeling (BIM) als ein wichtiger Impulsgeber für den stattfindenden Digitalisierungsprozess benennen. Studierende der baurelevanten Fachdisziplinen müssen daher auf den sicheren Umgang mit dieser Methode vorbereitet werden.Das vorliegende Positionspapier definiert die wichtigsten Lehrinhalte zur Vermittlung von Kenntnissen, Fertigkeiten und Kompetenzen im Bereich BIM, die an den deutschen Fachhochschulen in den Baustudiengängen Berücksichtigung finden sollten. Neben den allgemeinen BIM-Lehrinhalten behandelt das Positionspapier insbesondere die Anforderungen an BIM im Fachgebiet Baubetrieb.

Vermittlung von BIM in der Hochschullehre: Praktische Beiträge aus der Lehre (Essentials Ser.)

by Henriette Strotmann Habeb Astour Mario Hanusrichter

Für das Bauwesen ist Building Information Modeling (BIM) ein wichtiger Impulsgeber für den stattfindenden Digitalisierungsprozess. Studierende der baurelevanten Fachdisziplinen müssen daher auf den sicheren Umgang mit dieser Methode vorbereitet werden. Das vorliegende Buch definiert die wichtigsten Lehrinhalte zur Vermittlung von Kenntnissen, Fertigkeiten und Kompetenzen zu BIM, die an deutschen HAWs in Baustudiengängen Berücksichtigung finden sollten. Neben den allgemeinen BIM-Lehrinhalten behandelt das Buch insbesondere die Umsetzung von BIM mit Beispielen aus verschiedenen Hochschulen.

Vermont Covered Bridges

by Joseph D. Conwill

When we think of covered bridges, we think of Vermont. Today, the state still boasts a hundred covered bridges, and records tell of hundreds more such historical structures no longer in existence. Vermont Covered Bridges offers views of the most interesting and beautiful of these bygone covered bridges, as well as old photographs of existing structures. The images are drawn from the archives of the National Society for the Preservation of Covered Bridges (NSPCB), including the incomparable Richard Sanders Allen Collection and the work of noted photographers Henry A. Gibson, Raymond Brainerd, and others. Royalties from the sales of this book will benefit the NSPCB.

Vermont's Marble Industry

by Catherine Miglorie

The marble deposits in Vermont are some of the richest in the world. Vermont's Marble Industry takes readers deep inside the quarries of the Green Mountain State to show how stone was sawed and raised from the earth to be cut, polished, and carved into monuments and structures that today are spread across the country. During the late 1800s, the marble industry flourished and the mighty Vermont Marble Company was started by a local family. The patriarch of the Proctor family built the Vermont Marble Company into the largest stone company in the world. They hired immigrant workers to fuel the company, and the region became a melting pot of nationalities. After World War II, demand for blocks of heavy dimension stone diminished and the slow demise of the Vermont Marble Company began. Vermont's Marble Industry proudly tells the history of the marble workers, their skilled craftsmanship, and the communities that relied on this industry.

Vernacular and Earthen Architecture: Proceedings of SosTierra 2017 (Valencia, Spain, 14-16 September 2017)

by Camilla Mileto Fernando Vegas López-Manzanares Lidia García-Soriano Valentina Cristini

Vernacular architecture in general and earthen architecture in particular, with their rich variety of forms worldwide, are custodians of the material culture and identity of the peoples who built them. In addition, they are widely recognized as ancestral examples of sustainability in all their variants and interpretations, and the architecture of the present ought to learn from these when designing the sustainable architecture of the future. The conservation of these architectures – seemingly simple yet full of wisdom – is to be undertaken now given their intrinsic value and their status as genuine examples of sustainability to be learnt from and interpreted in contemporary architecture. Vernacular and earthen architecture: Conservation and Sustainability will be a valuable source of information for academics and professionals in the fields of Environmental Science, Civil Engineering, Construction and Building Engineering and Architecture.

Vernacular Architecture in the 21st Century: Theory, Education and Practice

by Lindsay Asquith Marcel Vellinga

The issues surrounding the function and meaning of vernacular architecture in the twenty-first century are complex and extensive. Taking a distinctively rigorous theoretical approach, this book considers these issues from a number of perspectives, broadening current debate to a wider multidisciplinary audience. These collected essays from the leading experts in the field focus on theory, education and practice in this essential sector of architecture, and help to formulate solutions to the environmental, disaster management and housing challenges facing the global community today.

Vernetzte Mobilität: Grundlagen, Konzepte und Geschäftsmodelle (erfolgreich studieren)

by Mathias Wilde

Das Lehrbuch gibt eine Einführung in die Konzepte vernetzter Mobilität und geht dabei insbesondere auf deren Grundlagen, Organisationsformen und Geschäftsmodelle ein. Schwerpunkte liegen auf den Connected Car Services der Automobilindustrie, neueren Mobilitätsdienstleistungen und Angebote der Plattformökonomie. Damit richtet sich das Lehrbuch in erster Linie an Bachelor- und Masterstudierende in den Studiengängen des Automobilbaus und -managements, den Wirtschaftswissenschaften, der Verkehrsplanung, Stadt- und Regionalentwicklung oder Geographie.

Vernetztes Betriebssicherheitsmanagement (VDI-Buch)

by Bernhard Tenckhoff Silvester Siegmann

Sicherheitsmanagement im Betrieb ist für Sicherheitsbeauftragte und andere verantwortliche Fachkräfte eine komplexe Herausforderung. Das Standardwerk beschreibt auf über 500 Seiten die wichtigsten Grundlagen für ein vernetztes Sicherheitsmanagement: Wie lassen sich die Teildisziplinen Risikomanagement, Sicherheits- und Gesundheitsschutzmanagement, Umweltschutzmanagement, Datenschutzmanagement und Krisenmanagement möglichst effizient integrieren? Der in dem Buch beschriebene Ansatz bildet einen Bezugsrahmen für das Verhalten der Mitarbeiter und maximiert die Lebensfähigkeit des Unternehmens. Somit sind ganzheitlich verstandene Betriebssicherheit, Compliance und Risikomanagement ein nicht zu unterschätzender Wirtschaftsfaktor. Übersichtlich, praxisorientiert und gut lesbar stellen die Autoren die Möglichkeiten eines vernetzten Betriebssicherheitsmanagementkonzeptes vor. Das Ziel ist, ein möglichst optimal strukturiertes Vorgehen und ein vernetztes Wirken. Dazu gehören die Definition und Beherrschung der betrieblichen Risiken genauso wie die Schaffung einer präventiven Unternehmenskultur und die Sicherstellung der Compliance für Vorstände und Führungskräfte. Auch die neue VDI-Richtlinie 4055 „Betriebssicherheitsmanagement“ wird in dem Band erläutert. Das Buch richtet sich an Fachkräfte und Experten für Betriebssicherheit und eignet sich als Lehrbuch für Weiterbildungen und Studiengänge im Bereich Betriebssicherheitsmanagement und Sicherheitstechnik. Der Anhang enthält Checklisten und weiteres Material, das Fachkräfte bei der Umsetzung eines integrierten Sicherheitsmanagements unterstützt.

Versatile Video Coding

by Humberto Ochoa Dominguez K.R. Rao

Video is the main driver of bandwidth use, accounting for over 80 per cent of consumer Internet traffic. Video compression is a critical component of many of the available multimedia applications, it is necessary for storage or transmission of digital video over today's band-limited networks. The majority of this video is coded using international standards developed in collaboration with ITU-T Study Group and MPEG. The MPEG family of video coding standards begun on the early 1990s with MPEG-1, developed for video and audio storage on CD-ROMs, with support for progressive video. MPEG-2 was standardized in 1995 for applications of video on DVD, standard and high definition television, with support for interlaced and progressive video. MPEG-4 part 2, also known as MPEG-2 video, was standardized in 1999 for applications of low- bit rate multimedia on mobile platforms and the Internet, with the support of object-based or content based coding by modeling the scene as background and foreground. Since MPEG-1, the main video coding standards were based on the so-called macroblocks. However, research groups continued the work beyond the traditional video coding architectures and found that macroblocks could limit the performance of the compression when using high-resolution video. Therefore, in 2013 the high efficiency video coding (HEVC) also known and H.265, was released, with a structure similar to H.264/AVC but using coding units with more flexible partitions than the traditional macroblocks. HEVC has greater flexibility in prediction modes and transform block sizes, also it has a more sophisticated interpolation and de blocking filters. In 2006 the VC-1 was released. VC-1 is a video codec implemented by Microsoft and the Microsoft Windows Media Video (VMW) 9 and standardized by the Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers (SMPTE). In 2017 the Joint Video Experts Team (JVET) released a call for proposals for a new video coding standard initially called Beyond the HEVC, Future Video Coding (FVC) or known as Versatile Video Coding (VVC). VVC is being built on top of HEVC for application on Standard Dynamic Range (SDR), High Dynamic Range (HDR) and 360° Video. The VVC is planned to be finalized by 2020. This book presents the new VVC, and updates on the HEVC. The book discusses the advances in lossless coding and covers the topic of screen content coding. Technical topics discussed include: Beyond the High Efficiency Video CodingHigh Efficiency Video Coding encoderScreen contentLossless and visually lossless coding algorithmsFast coding algorithmsVisual quality assessmentOther screen content coding algorithmsOverview of JPEG Series

Versatile Video Coding: Machine Learning and Heuristics (Synthesis Lectures on Engineering, Science, and Technology)

by Mário Saldanha Gustavo Sanchez César Marcon Luciano Agostini

This book discusses the Versatile Video Coding (VVC), the ISO and ITU state-of-the-art video coding standard. VVC reaches a compression efficiency significantly higher than its predecessor standard (HEVC) and it has a high versatility for efficient use in a broad range of applications and different types of video content, including Ultra-High Definition (UHD), High-Dynamic Range (HDR), screen content, 360º videos, and resolution adaptivity. The authors introduce the novel VVC tools for block partitioning, intra-frame and inter-frames predictions, transforms, quantization, entropy coding, and in-loop filtering. The authors also present some solutions exploring VVC encoding behavior at different levels to accelerate the intra-frame prediction, applying statistical-based heuristics and machine learning (ML) techniques.

Verschleiß metallischer Werkstoffe

by Karl Sommer Rudolf Heinz Jörg Schöfer

Dieses Fachbuch ist vor allem für die praktische Arbeit des Ingenieurs gedacht und zeigt den richtigen Umgang anhand zahlreicher Schadensbeispiele. Außerdem gibt es zuverlässige Hilfestellung bei der Analyse und Beurteilung von Verschleißproblemen. Weiterhin beschreibt es geeignete Maßnahmen für die Optimierung von Sicherheit und Zuverlässigkeit beim Betrieb von Anlagen und Maschinen. Die neue aktuelle Auflage enthält an jedem Hauptkapitelanfang Kurzzusammenfassungen zur schnellen Orientierung. Die Qualität einzelner Bilder wurde verbessert.

Version Zero

by David Yoon

From the brilliant mind of New York Times bestselling author David Yoon comes a lightning-fast and scorchingly observant thriller about how we can save ourselves from the very real perils of a virtual world.Max, a data whiz at the social media company Wren, has gotten a firsthand glimpse of the dark side of big tech. When he questions what his company does with the data they collect, he's fired...then black-balled across Silicon Valley. With time on his hands and revenge on his mind, Max and his longtime friend (and secretly the love of his life) Akiko, decide to get even by rebooting the internet. After all, in order to fix things, sometimes you have to break them. But when Max and Akiko join forces with a reclusive tech baron, they learn that breaking things can have unintended--and catastrophic--consequences.

Verstärken von Betonbauteilen: Tragwerksplanung im Bestand (erfolgreich studieren)

by Wolfgang Finckh

Dieses Lehrbuch widmet sich dem Bauen im Bestand mit Betonbauteilen und den dabei häufig vorkommenden Verstärkungsmaßnahmen. Dazu wird zunächst das Sicherheitskonzept bestehender Bauteile erläutert. Darauf aufbauend wird die Analyse der Bestandsmaterialien und das Vorgehen bei einer Analyse des Tragverhaltens des Bestandsbauteils bzw. einer Nachrechnung behandelt. Die weiteren Kapitel des Buches beschäftigen sich mit dem Verstärken der bestehenden Betonbauteile. Hierbei werden alle gängigen Verstärkungen im Stahlbetonbau, wie das Verstärken mit geklebter Bewehrung, Carbonbeton, Betonschrauben und das Verstärken mittels Auf- und Spritzbeton, erklärt. Dabei werden bei allen Verfahren die Gemeinsamkeiten, die Unterschiede sowie die sinnvollsten Anwendungsgebiete herausgearbeitet. Die theoretischen Grundlagen werden anhand zahlreicher Abbildungen verdeutlicht. In jedem Kapitel sind zum besseren Verständnis umfangreiche Bemessungsbeispiele mit Praxisbezug enthalten. Die erfolgreiche Lektüre dieses Buches ermöglicht dem Lesenden, sich den tragwerksplanerischen Aufgaben von bestehenden Betonbauwerken zu stellen und Verstärkungsmaßnahmen zu berechnen.

Vertex-Frequency Analysis of Graph Signals (Signals and Communication Technology)

by Ljubiša Stanković Ervin Sejdić

This book introduces new methods to analyze vertex-varying graph signals. In many real-world scenarios, the data sensing domain is not a regular grid, but a more complex network that consists of sensing points (vertices) and edges (relating the sensing points). Furthermore, sensing geometry or signal properties define the relation among sensed signal points. Even for the data sensed in the well-defined time or space domain, the introduction of new relationships among the sensing points may produce new insights in the analysis and result in more advanced data processing techniques. The data domain, in these cases and discussed in this book, is defined by a graph. Graphs exploit the fundamental relations among the data points. Processing of signals whose sensing domains are defined by graphs resulted in graph data processing as an emerging field in signal processing.Although signal processing techniques for the analysis of time-varying signals are well established, the corresponding graph signal processing equivalent approaches are still in their infancy. This book presents novel approaches to analyze vertex-varying graph signals. The vertex-frequency analysis methods use the Laplacian or adjacency matrix to establish connections between vertex and spectral (frequency) domain in order to analyze local signal behavior where edge connections are used for graph signal localization. The book applies combined concepts from time-frequency and wavelet analyses of classical signal processing to the analysis of graph signals. Covering analytical tools for vertex-varying applications, this book is of interest to researchers and practitioners in engineering, science, neuroscience, genome processing, just to name a few. It is also a valuable resource for postgraduate students and researchers looking to expand their knowledge of the vertex-frequency analysis theory and its applications. The book consists of 15 chapters contributed by 41 leading researches in the field.


by Cody Goodfellow

A group of urbex explorers breaking into the world&’s tallest skyscraper in Moscow grapple with dangers from all sides in this pulse-pounding cinematic thriller for readers of Gregg Hurwitz and Patrick Hoffman.Michael Foster, Cam Buckley and Maddie Acosta – all former activists in the infamous urbex crew Les Furies. Together they scaled buildings, broke into the spaces no-one else could, and chased a rush that still haunts them. Now though, Michael is stuck recovering from an injury, coding in a dead-end start-up, But Les Furies cannot hide forever. A journalist has uncovered Michael&’s identity and he is being sent anonymous videos of his time in the crew. When he discovers that Cam and Maddie are planning on reuniting the crew one last time, to scale the Korova Tower in Moscow, he is sceptical. But the tower has never been scaled before. Breaking into the world&’s tallest building on Russia Day is too good an opportunity to pass him by. But Michael is about to discover that the vertical city has another purpose, one far more sinister than he could have imagined, and this one final ride for Les Furies might well be the last thing any of them ever do.

Vertical 3D Memory Technologies

by Betty Prince

The large scale integration and planar scaling of individual system chips is reaching an expensive limit. If individual chips now, and later terrabyte memory blocks, memory macros, and processing cores, can be tightly linked in optimally designed and processed small footprint vertical stacks, then performance can be increased, power reduced and cost contained. This book reviews for the electronics industry engineer, professional and student the critical areas of development for 3D vertical memory chips including: gate-all-around and junction-less nanowire memories, stacked thin film and double gate memories, terrabit vertical channel and vertical gate stacked NAND flash, large scale stacking of Resistance RAM cross-point arrays, and 2.5D/3D stacking of memory and processor chips with through-silicon-via connections now and remote links later. Key features: Presents a review of the status and trends in 3-dimensional vertical memory chip technologies. Extensively reviews advanced vertical memory chip technology and development Explores technology process routes and 3D chip integration in a single reference

Vertical External Cavity Surface Emitting Lasers: VECSEL Technology and Applications

by Michael Jetter

Vertical External Cavity Surface Emitting Lasers Provides comprehensive coverage of the advancement of vertical-external-cavity surface-emitting lasers Vertical-external-cavity surface-emitting lasers (VECSELs) emit coherent light from the infrared to the visible spectral range with high power output. Recent years have seen new device developments – such as the mode-locked integrated (MIXSEL) and the membrane external-cavity surface emitting laser (MECSEL) – expand the application of VECSELs to include laser cooling, spectroscopy, telecommunications, biophotonics, and laser-based displays and projectors. In Vertical External Cavity Surface Emitting Lasers: VECSEL Technology and Applications, leading international research groups provide a comprehensive, fully up-to-date account of all fundamental and technological aspects of vertical external cavity surface emitting lasers. This unique book reviews the physics and technology of optically-pumped disk lasers and discusses the latest developments of VECSEL devices in different wavelength ranges. Topics include OP-VECSEL physics, continuous wave (CW) lasers, frequency doubling, carrier dynamics in SESAMs, and characterization of nonlinear lensing in VECSEL gain samples. This authoritative volume: Summarizes new concepts of DBR-free and MECSEL lasers for the first time Covers the mode-locking concept and its application Provides an overview of the emerging concept of self-mode locking Describes the development of next-generation OPS laser products Vertical External Cavity Surface Emitting Lasers: VECSEL Technology and Applications is an invaluable resource for laser specialists, semiconductor physicists, optical industry professionals, spectroscopists, telecommunications engineers and industrial physicists.

The Vertical Farm: Scientific Advances and Technological Developments (Nextgen Agriculture)

by Kheir Al-Kodmany Andrew Keong Ng Abel Tablada Chittaranjan Kole

Amid economic uncertainties, fluctuating oil prices, and a rising environmental consciousness, the need for sustainable and efficient food production has become dire. The Vertical Farm: Scientific Advances and Technological Developments systematically navigates the realm of vertical farming (VF), rooted in a robust, scientific foundation. Unveiling the intricate convergence of plant biology, environmental science, and agronomy, it provides a profound understanding of contemporary agriculture. The book spans lighting systems and climate control mechanisms, focusing on sustainability. From small urban initiatives to significant commercial endeavors, real-world case studies showcase VF's adaptability, scalability, and resilience. Addressing multiple challenges, the book explores economic considerations and public perceptions, recognizing their roles in fostering meaningful advancements in agricultural innovation.A volume in the Nextgen Agriculture series, this book is valuable to scientists, practitioners, and students in urban agriculture and planning, horticulture, engineering, landscape architecture, and plant/technology sciences.

The Vertical Farm: Feeding the World in the 21st Century

by Dickson Despommier

"The vertical farm is a world-changing innovation whose time has come. Dickson Despommier's visionary book provides a blueprint for securing the world's food supply and at the same time solving one of the gravest environmental crises facing us today."--StingImagine a world where every town has their own local food source, grown in the safest way possible, where no drop of water or particle of light is wasted, and where a simple elevator ride can transport you to nature's grocery store - imagine the world of the vertical farm.When Columbia professor Dickson Despommier set out to solve America's food, water, and energy crises, he didn't just think big - he thought up. Despommier's stroke of genius, the vertical farm, has excited scientists, architects, and politicians around the globe. Now, in this groundbreaking book, Despommier explains how the vertical farm will have an incredible impact on changing the face of this planet for future generations. Despommier takes readers on an incredible journey inside the vertical farm, buildings filled with fruits and vegetables that will provide local food sources for entire cities. Vertical farms will allow us to: - Grow food 24 hours a day, 365 days a year- Protect crops from unpredictable and harmful weather - Re-use water collected from the indoor environment- Provide jobs for residents - Eliminate use of pesticides, fertilizers, or herbicides- Drastically reduce dependence on fossil fuels - Prevent crop loss due to shipping or storage- Stop agricultural runoffVertical farms can be built in abandoned buildings and on deserted lots, transforming our cities into urban landscapes which will provide fresh food grown and harvested just around the corner. Possibly the most important aspect of vertical farms is that they can built by nations with little or no arable land, transforming nations which are currently unable to farm into top food producers. In the tradition of the bestselling The World Without Us, The Vertical Farm is a completely original landmark work destined to become an instant classic.

The Vertical Transportation Handbook

by George R. Strakosch Robert S. Caporale

This new edition of a one-of-a-kind handbook provides an essential updating to keep the book current with technology and practice. New coverage of topics such as machine-room-less systems and current operation and control procedures, ensures that this revision maintains its standing as the premier general reference on vertical transportation. A team of new contributors has been assembled to shepherd the book into this new edition and provide the expertise to keep it up to date in future editions. A new copublishing partnership with Elevator World Magazine ensures that the quality of the revision is kept at the highest level, enabled by Elevator World's Editor, Bob Caporale, joining George Strakosch as co-editor.

Vertical Vegetable Gardening: Discover the Many Benefits of Growing Your Vegetables and Fruit Up Instead of Ou (A Living Free Guide)

by Chris McLaughlin

Grow up, not out! Are you a gardener (or aspiring gardener) who is short on space? Vertical methods and structures for growing plants are an ideal way to maximize your real estate, and they're eye-catching, too.Vertical solutions deliver more yield in fewer square feet, especially perfect for the urban gardener. They're less work, too, so you can forget all-day weeding and watering. Some vegetables, such as tomatoes and pole beans, have been grown vertically for a very long time, but those who need to maximize space can grow almost any type of plant vertically—from melons and squash to carrots, peppers, and pears.Vertical growing isn't just practical, it's beautiful, too! Trellises, terra cotta towers, and hanging planters (to name a few!) transform an outdoor space into a magical garden.Vertical Vegetable Gardening is your thorough guide for growing all types of leafy, root, and other vegetables vertically. Included in the book are: • Creative ideas for structures and containers that will save you space, including DIY projects and repurposing suggestions • Profiles on dozens of plant varieties, including planting, tending, and harvesting instructions • How to make your own garden bed • Soil, seed, and gardening basics • Pest control guidance

Verwaltung, eGovernment und Digitalisierung: Grundlagen, Konzepte und Anwendungsfälle

by Andreas Schmid

Eine effizient und effektiv arbeitende öffentliche Verwaltung ist die Voraussetzung für Wirtschaftswachstum und gesellschaftlichen Wohlstand. Hierfür sind eine moderne Informationstechnik und hochqualifiziertes Personal in der öffentlichen Verwaltung wesentliche Voraussetzungen. Die Informationstechnik entwickelt sich derzeit unter dem Begriff der „Digitalisierung“ rasant weiter und die demografische Entwicklung macht die Personalgewinnung herausfordernd. Die Verwaltung steht daher vor großen Herausforderungen. Sucht man für die zugrundeliegenden Fragestellungen nach Antworten, so ergibt sich ein heterogenes Bild von Strategien, Konzepten, Ansätzen und (gescheiterten) Projekten.Dieses Herausgeberwerk schafft Übersicht zu Strategien, Konzepten, Ansätzen und Projekten. Im ersten Teil dieses Buches gehen die Beitragsautoren auf die wichtigsten konzeptionellen Grundlagen ein. Hierzu zählen u. a. die Verwaltungsinformatik als wissenschaftliche Disziplin, strategische Überlegungen und die Schaffung notwendiger organisatorischer und personeller Voraussetzungen in der öffentlichen Verwaltung. Der zweite Teil umfasst Praxisbeispiele aus der öffentlichen Verwaltung als „Best Practices“, u. a. zu den Themenfeldern „Blockchain“, „Big Data“, „Digitalisierte Informationsaufbereitung“, „Automatisierung“ und „Dunkelverarbeitung“. Durch die Kombination von Theorie und Praxis liefert dieses Werk Impulse für die praktische (Projekt-)Arbeit und für weitere wissenschaftliche Diskussionen, die IT-Infrastrukturen im Kontext des eGovernment in Kommunen und Verwaltungsgemeinschaften weiter vorantreiben. Daher richtet sich dieses Buch über Verwaltungsinformatik insbesondere an:IT-Leiter auf Führungsebene sowie Mitarbeiter im Informationsmanagement öffentlicher VerwaltungenDozenten und Lehrende der Informatik und Wirtschaftsinformatik

Very Bad People: The Inside Story of the Fight Against the World’s Network of Corruption

by Patrick Alley

*****'Reads like a John le Carré novel but is, in fact, very real.' - The Big Issue'Very Bad People would be a hugely enjoyable thriller if it wasn't all true.' - Isabella Tree, author of Wilding'Global Witness are fearless.' - Gordon Roddick, Campaigner and Co-Founder of the Body Shop'Part true crime tale, part investigative procedural, this is the account of the brilliant and necessary superheroes of Global Witness, whose superpower is the truth.' - Edward Zwick, Director of Blood Diamond 'Very Bad People reads like a non-stop high-speed chase as our fighters against corruption hunt down a litany of criminals and con-men, some on the fringes of our society, some embedded high up within it. It's a great story and an important one.' - David Farr, Screenwriter, The Night Manager'The story told in this book of three youthful idealists who go from eating cold baked beans in a drafty London flat to the Thai-Cambodian border where they posed as traders in illegally felled timber is simply riveting. Don't miss it.' - Misha Glenny, author of McMafia'Alley has produced a clear-eyed account of a world poisoned by dark money, and a welcome reminder that resistance is possible. As it turns out, his book is even more timely than he could have hoped.' - Irish Times'This book is inspirational. It shows how young people with sufficient passion and intelligence have the capacity to go after some of the most powerful governments and corporations and shame, humiliate and just push governments to support important reforms that can make this a more decent world.' - Frank Vogl, Co-Founder of Transparency InternationalArms trafficking, offshore accounts and luxury property deals. Super-yachts, private jets and super-car collections. Blood diamonds, suspect oil deals, deforestation and murder. This is the world of Global Witness, the award-winning organisation dedicated to rooting out worldwide corruption. And this is co-founder Patrick Alley's revealing inside track on a breath-taking catalogue of modern super-crimes - and the 'shadow network' that enables them. VERY BAD PEOPLE is about following the money, going undercover in the world's most dangerous places, and bringing down the people behind the crimes. Case by case we see maverick investigators pitched against warlords, grifters and super-villains who bear every resemblance to The Night Manager's Richard Roper. One dictator's son spent $700 million in just four years on his luxury lifestyle.As they unravel crooked deals of labyrinthine complexity, the team encounter well-known corporations whose operations are no less criminal than the Mafia. This network of lawyers, bankers and real estate agents help park dirty money in London, New York, or in offshore accounts, safe from prying eyes.Patrick Alley's book is a brilliant, authoritative and fearless investigation into the darkest workings of our world - and an inspiration to all of us who want to fight back.

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