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Wireless Sensor Networks: Current Status and Future Trends
by Shafiullah Khan Al-Sakib Khan Pathan Nabil Ali AlrajehWireless sensor networks (WSNs) utilize fast, cheap, and effective applications to imitate the human intelligence capability of sensing on a wider distributed scale. But acquiring data from the deployment area of a WSN is not always easy and multiple issues arise, including the limited resources of sensor devices run with one-time batteries. Additi
Wireless Sensor Networks: From Theory to Applications
by S. Ramakrishnan Ibrahiem M. M. El EmarySupplying comprehensive coverage of WSNs, this book covers the latest advances in WSN technologies. It considers some of theoretical problems in WSN, including issues with monitoring, routing, and power control, and details methodologies that can provide solutions to these problems. It examines applications of WSN across a range of fields, including health, defense military, transportation, and mining. Addressing the main challenges in applying WSNs across all phases of our life, it explains how WSNs can assist in community development.
Wireless Sensor Networks
by Rastko R. Selmic Vir V. Phoha Abdul SerwaddaThis book presents a comprehensive overview of wireless sensor networks (WSNs) with an emphasis on security, coverage, and localization. It offers a structural treatment of WSN building blocks including hardware and protocol architectures and also provides a systems-level view of how WSNs operate. These building blocks will allow readers to program specialized applications and conduct research in advanced topics. A brief introductory chapter covers common applications and communication protocols for WSNs. Next, the authors review basic mathematical models such as Voroni diagrams and Delaunay triangulations. Sensor principles, hardware structure, and medium access protocols are examined. Security challenges ranging from defense strategies to network robustness are explored, along with quality of service measures. Finally, this book discusses recent developments and future directions in WSN platforms. Each chapter concludes with classroom-tested exercises that reinforce key concepts. This book is suitable for researchers and for practitioners in industry. Advanced-level students in electrical engineering and computer science will also find the content helpful as a textbook or reference.
Wireless Sensor Networks: 12th China Conference, Cwsn 2018 Kunming, China, September 21-23, 2018, Revised Selected Papers (Communications in Computer and Information Science #984)
by Shikai Shen Kaiguo Qian Shaojun Yu Wu WangThis book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 12th China Conference on Wireless Sensor Networks, CWSN 2018, held in Kunming, China, in September 2018. <P><P> The 16 revised full papers were carefully reviewed and selected from 177 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on algorithm for wireless sensor network; positioning and location; neural network; energy efficiency and harvesting; privacy and security; image processing.
Wireless Sensor Networks for Structural Health Monitoring
by Jiannong Cao Xuefeng LiuThis brief covers the emerging area of wireless sensor network (WSN)-based structural health monitoring (SHM) systems, and introduces the authors' WSN-based platform called SenetSHM. It helps the reader differentiate specific requirements of SHM applications from other traditional WSN applications, and demonstrates how these requirements are addressed by using a series of systematic approaches. The brief serves as a practical guide, explaining both the state-of-the-art technologies in domain-specific applications of WSNs, as well as the methodologies used to address the specific requirements for a WSN application. In particular, the brief offers instruction for problem formulation and problem solving based on the authors' own experiences implementing SenetSHM. Seven concise chapters cover the development of hardware and software design of SenetSHM, as well as in-field experiments conducted while testing the platform. The brief's exploration of the SenetSHM platform is a valuable feature for civil engineers designing their own similar SHM products, and the various concrete examples of problem formulation and algorithm design will make this an essential read for practitioners, researchers and students alike.
Wireless Sensor Systems for Extreme Environments: Space, Underwater, Underground and Industrial
by Ali Abedi Habib F. RashvandProvides unique coverage of wireless sensor system applications in space, underwater, underground, and extreme industrial environments in one volume This book covers the challenging aspects of wireless sensor systems and the problems and conditions encountered when applying them in outer space, under the water, below the ground, and in extreme industrial environments. It explores the unique aspects of designs and solutions that address those problems and challenges, and illuminates the connections, similarities, and differences between the challenges and solutions in those various environments. The creation of Wireless Sensor Systems for Extreme Environments is a response to the spread of wireless sensor technology into fields of health, safety, manufacturing, space, environmental, smart cities, advanced robotics, surveillance, and agriculture. It is the first of its kind to present, in a single reference, the unique aspects of wireless sensor system design, development, and deployment in such extreme environments—and to explore the similarities and possible synergies between them. The application of wireless sensor systems in these varied environments has been lagging dramatically behind their application in more conventional environments, making this an especially relevant book for investigators and practitioners in all of these areas. Wireless Sensor Systems for Extreme Environments is presented in five parts that cover: Wireless Sensor Systems for Extreme Environments—Generic Solutions Space WSS Solutions and Applications Underwater and Submerged WSS Solutions Underground and Confined Environments WSS Solutions Industrial and Other WSS Solutions This book is a welcome guide for researchers, post-graduate students, engineers and scientists who design and build operational and environmental control systems, emergency response systems, and situational awareness systems for unconventional environments.
Wireless Sensors and Instruments: Networks, Design, and Applications
by Halit ErenAdvances such as 3-G mobile communications networks demonstrate the increasing capability of high-quality data transmission over wireless media. Adapting wireless functionality into instrument and sensor systems endows them with unmatched flexibility, robustness, and intelligence. Wireless Sensors and Instruments: Networks, Design, and Applications explains the principles, state-of-the-art technologies, and modern applications of this burgeoning field.From underlying concepts to practical applications, this book outlines all the necessary information to plan, design, and implement wireless instrumentation and sensor networks effectively and efficiently. The author covers the basics of instruments, measurement, sensor technology, communication systems, and networks along with the theory, methods, and components involved in digital and wireless instruments. Placing these technologies in context, the book also examines the principles, components, and techniques of modern communication systems followed by network standards, protocols, topologies, and security.Building on these discussions, the book uses examples to illustrate the practical aspects of constructing sensors and instruments. Finally, the author devotes the closing chapter to applications in a broad array of fields, including commercial, human health, and consumer products applications.Filled with up-to-date information and thorough coverage of fundamentals, Wireless Sensors and Instruments: Networks, Design, and Applications supplies critical, hands-on tools for efficiently, effectively, and immediately implementing advanced wireless systems.
Wireless Sensors in Heterogeneous Networked Systems
by José Cecílio Pedro FurtadoThis book presents an examination of the middleware that can be used to configure and operate heterogeneous node platforms and sensor networks. The middleware requirements for a range of application scenarios are compared and analysed. The text then defines middleware architecture that has been integrated in an approach demonstrated live in a refinery. Features: presents a thorough introduction to the major concepts behind wireless sensor networks (WSNs); reviews the various application scenarios and existing middleware solutions for WSNs; discusses the middleware mechanisms necessary for heterogeneous WSNs; provides a detailed examination of platform-agnostic middleware architecture, including important implementation details; investigates the programming paradigms for WSNs, and for heterogeneous sensor networks in general; describes the results of extensive experimentation and testing, demonstrating that the generic architecture is viable for implementation on multiple platforms.
Wireless Technologies: Circuits, Systems, and Devices (Devices, Circuits, and Systems)
by Krzysztof IniewskiAdvanced concepts for wireless technologies present a vision of technology that is embedded in our surroundings and practically invisible. From established radio techniques like GSM, 802.11 or Bluetooth to more emerging technologies, such as Ultra Wide Band and smart dust motes, a common denominator for future progress is the underlying integrated circuit technology. Wireless Technologies responds to the explosive growth of standard cellular radios and radically different wireless applications by presenting new architectural and circuit solutions engineers can use to solve modern design problems.This reference addresses state-of-the art CMOS design in the context of emerging wireless applications, including 3G/4G cellular telephony, wireless sensor networks, and wireless medical application. Written by top international experts specializing in both the IC industry and academia, this carefully edited work uncovers new design opportunities in body area networks, medical implants, satellite communications, automobile radar detection, and wearable electronics.The book is divided into three sections: wireless system perspectives, chip architecture and implementation issues, and devices and technologies used to fabricate wireless integrated circuits. Contributors address key issues in the development of future silicon-based systems, such as scale of integration, ultra-low power dissipation, and the integration of heterogeneous circuit design style and processes onto one substrate.Wireless sensor network systems are now being applied in critical applications in commerce, healthcare, and security. This reference, which contains 25 practical and scientifically rigorous articles, provides the knowledge communications engineers need to design innovative methodologies at the circuit and system level.
Wireless Technology: Kilohertz to Megahertz
by Subal KarThe text contains all the essential elements of communication principles, devices, circuits, antennas, and systems covering the electromagnetic spectrum from KHz to MHz of radio frequency (RF) that was developed in the formative stage of wireless technology. Also, the digital revolution, that has changed the landscape of modern electronics for wireless technology, has been discussed emphasizing the fundamentals including digital computers. The presentation of the book is in a concise yet complete way and stresses the physical and technical aspects with application viewpoints but using minimum possible mathematics.The book: Discusses the historical background of different developments of wireless technology from KHz to MHz and going through the GHz to THz in due perspective to provide a holistic view of the development of wireless technology from its inception to contemporary times. Contains in brief the basic concepts of electromagnetism like Maxwell’s wave equation, evanescent waves, surface waves, plasmonic waves that are used in wireless technology in some form or the other. Highlights the need for modulation and covers various modulation techniques such as continuous wave and pulse analogue modulation and modulation/demodulation systems that were developed in the formative stage of the development of wireless technology in the RF frequency range of KHz to MHz. Discusses the physical concepts and application view-points of active devices, RF transmission lines, antennas and systems used at KHz to MHz frequency domain of wireless technology. Covers the digital revolution that has changed the wholesale electronic systems of modern wireless technology, and the development of digital computers has also been discussed with a brief overview of laptops, supercomputers, and upcoming quantum computers. This overall scenario of historical perspective of wireless technology from KHz to THz and technical developments from KHz to MHz in the RF domain during the formative stage of development of wireless technology including fundamental developments related to digital revolution is expected to attract the interest of the entry level students, research scholars, professionals, and even the general readers alike with a new vision to have a quick yet in-depth glimpse of the progress of wireless technology since its inception till today. It is primarily written for junior undergraduate students in the fields of electrical engineering, electronics and communication engineering, wireless communication, telecommunication, and computer engineering. Research scholars and professionals can also refresh their idea of the developments of wireless technology during its formative stage and can get a flavour of the route to modern developments that have taken place henceforth.
Wireless Technology: Gigahertz to Terahertz
by Subal KarThis book covers the active devices, circuits and systems including antennas used in the electromagnetic spectrum for wireless technology in the GHz to THz frequency range. It also includes the whole domain of digital communication techniques and its use in modern electronic communication including those in 5G and the forthcoming 6G mobile communication. The presentation of the book is in a concise yet complete way and stresses the physical and technical aspects with application view-points but using minimum possible mathematics.The book: Discusses the intricate differences and evolution of GHz (i.e. microwaves) to THz devices and circuits including antennas, useful for wireless technology in this higher frequency domain of electromagnetic spectrum, comparing those with their counter parts at lower RF frequency of KHz to MHz. Briefly discusses various wireless systems in the GHz frequency range—both analogue and digital; like RDAR and radio-aids to navigation, satellite communication, mobile communication, GPS and so forth. Highlights the need and usefulness of digital communication and covers various digital modulation techniques like PCM, ASK, FSK, PSK, QAM and also various analogue and digital multiplexing techniques like FDM, TDM, CDM, OFDM, and NOMA useful for modern digital communication. Discusses the new and emerging technology of wireless technology at THz frequency covering signal generation, waveguide and quasi-optic components including sensors and detectors, antennas, channel modelling, T-ray imaging and so forth. Covers the applications of THz for various emerging new applications like concealed weapon detection (CWD), standoff detection of explosives and abusive drugs, medical application of THz including the use of THz in forthcoming 6G mobile communication etc. This overall scenario of developments of wireless technology from GHz to THz frequency domain is expected to attract the interest of students, research scholars, professionals, and even the general readers alike with a new vision to have a quick yet in-depth glimpse of the progress of wireless technology in the modern times. It is primarily written for senior undergraduate students, post-graduate students, and academic researchers in the fields of electrical engineering, electronics and communication engineering, wireless communication, telecommunication, and computer engineering.
Wireless Technology
by Steven Powell J. P. ShimThis is an edited volume based on selected papers from the annual Wireless Telecommunications Symposium. The WTS is a forum to exchange information on advances in mobile communications and wireless networking technology, management, applications, and security in a conference environment with leaders and experts from industry, governmental agencies, and universities around the world. The key topics from the symposium include: 1) Wireless Network Security, 2) Advances in Satellite Communications, 3) New Wireless Communications Ventures, 4) Wireless Communications Investments, 5) Mobile Wireless Services and Business, 6) Future Directions in Wireless Communications Research. The best papers from the conference were selected, expanded, and edited to produce this cohesive volume.
Wireless Technology: Protocols, Standards, and Techniques
by Michel Daoud YacoubVast, complex technologies, countless relevant topics, seemingly limitless documentation of standards and recommendations… In a field as dynamic as wireless technology, how is one to keep up when the very task of deciding which publications to read and which resources belong on your shelf can be daunting?Wireless Technology: Protocols, Standards, and Techniques has sorted it out for you. From basic principles to the state of the art, it furnishes clear, concise descriptions of second and third generation wireless technologies. The bestselling author of the Foundations of Mobile Radio Engineering has gathered together the most up-to-date networking standards, techniques, and protocols and incorporated clear, concise treatments of the necessary background material to form the most current and complete wireless reference available.However bumpy the road may seem, the migration to a wireless world is inevitable. Whether you are a communications engineer, network analyst or designer, electrical engineer, or computer engineer, keeping up in this rapidly evolving field is imperative. This book will help you stay at the forefront of your field and contribute to making the wireless world a reality.
Wireless Technology, Intelligent Network Technologies, Smart Services and Applications: Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Wireless Communications and Applications (ICWCA 2020) (Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies #258)
by Lakhmi C. Jain Roumen Kountchev Bin Hu Roumiana KountchevaThis book gathers selected papers presented at the 4th International Conference on Wireless Communications and Applications (ICWCA 2020), held at Hainan University, China. The second volume will involve research works aimed at the contemporary applications: emerging wireless/mobile applications, context and location-aware wireless services; wireless telemedicine and e-health services; intelligent transportation systems; RFID technology and application; cognitive radio and sensor-based applications; content distribution in wireless home environment and many others.
Wireless Telecommunication Systems
by Michel Terré Mylène Pischella Emmanuelle VivierWireless telecommunication systems generate a huge amount of interest. In the last two decades, these systems have experienced at least three major technological leaps, and it has become impossible to imagine how society was organized without them. In this book, we propose a macroscopic approach on wireless systems, and aim at answering key questions about power, data rates, multiple access, cellular engineering and access networks architectures. We present a series of solved problems, whose objective is to establish the main elements of a global link budget in several radiocommunications systems. Contents 1. Radio Propagation. 2. F/TDMA and GSM. 3. CDMA and UMTS. 4. OFDM and LTE. 5. MIMO and Beamforming. 6. UWB. 7. Synchronization. 8. Digital Communications Fundamentals. 9. Erlang B Tables. About the Authors Michel Terré received his engineering degree from Télécom SudParis, his phD in electronics and telecommunications from Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers (CNAM), and his habilitation to conduct researches from Paris XIII University. He is a full professor at Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers. He his responsabile of CNAM’s Master of Science in radiocommunicationssystems. Mylène Pischella received her engineering degree and her phD in electronics and telecommunications from Télécom ParisTech. She is an associate professor at Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers (CNAM). Emmanuelle Vivier received her engineering degree from Institut Supérieur d’Electronique de Paris (ISEP) and her PhD in radiocommunications from Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers (CNAM). She is an associate professor at ISEP, where she is responsible of networks and telecommunications teaching majors.
The Wireless Tesla
by Nikola TeslaNikola Tesla dreamed of a wireless future. In this volume we have collected thirteen of his essays having to do with wireless. These include the "True Wireless," "Tesla's Wireless Light," "The Transmission of Electrical Energy Without Wires," "The Future of the Wireless Art," "Nikola Tesla Sees A Wireless Vision," and many others. Nikola Tesla has been called the most important man of the 20th Century. Without Tesla's ground-breaking work we'd all be sitting in the dark without even a radio to listen to.
Wireless Traffic Steering For Green Cellular Networks
by Shan Zhang Ning Zhang Sheng Zhou Zhisheng Niu Xuemin Sherman ShenThis book introduces wireless traffic steering as a paradigm to realize green communication in multi-tier heterogeneous cellular networks. By matching network resources and dynamic mobile traffic demand, traffic steering helps to reduce on-grid power consumption with on-demand services provided. This book reviews existing solutions from the perspectives of energy consumption reduction and renewable energy harvesting. Specifically, it explains how traffic steering can improve energy efficiency through intelligent traffic-resource matching. Several promising traffic steering approaches for dynamic network planning and renewable energy demand-supply balancing are discussed. This book presents an energy-aware traffic steering method for networks with energy harvesting, which optimizes the traffic allocated to each cell based on the renewable energy status. Renewable energy demand-supply balancing is a key factor in energy dynamics, aimed at enhancing renewable energy sustainability to reduce on-grid energy consumption. Dynamic network planning adjusts cell density with traffic variations to provide on-demand service, which reduces network power consumption with quality of service provisioning during off-peak hours. With intra- or inter-tier traffic steering, cell density is dynamically optimized with regards to the instant traffic load for conventional homogeneous and multi-tier heterogeneous cellular networks, respectively. This book is beneficial for researchers and graduate students interested in traffic management and future wireless networking.
Wireless Transceiver Architecture: Bridging RF and Digital Communications
by Pierre BaudinA fully comprehensive reference combining digital communications and RFIC (Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits) in one complete volume There are many books which focus on the physical implementation of the RF/analog part of transceivers, such as the CMOS design, or the signal processing involved in digital communications. However, there islittle material dedicated to transceiver architecture and system design. Similarly, much of the existing literature looks at concepts useful for dimensioning, yet offers little practical information on how to proceed for dimensioning a line-up from scratch, and on the reasons for proceeding that way. This book redresses the balance by explaining the architecture of transceivers and their dimensioning from the perspective of a RFIC architect from within industry. It bridges the gap between digital communication systems and radiofrequency integrated circuit design, covering wireless transceiver architecture and system design from both system level and circuit designer aspects. • Covers digital communication theory, electromagnetism theory and wireless networks organization, from theories to implementation, for deriving the minimum set of constraints to be fulfilled by transceivers • Details the limitations in the physical implementation of transceivers to be considered for their dimensioning, in terms of noise, nonlinearity, and RF impairments • Presents transceiver architecture and system design in terms of transceivers budgets, transceivers architectures, and algorithms for transceivers
Wireless Transceiver Design: Mastering the Design of Modern Wireless Equipment and Systems
by Motti Haridim Ariel LuzzattoBuilding upon the success of the first edition (2007), Wireless Transceiver Design 2nd Edition is an accessible textbook that explains the concepts of wireless transceiver design in detail. The architectures and the detailed design of both traditional and advanced all-digital wireless transceivers are discussed in a thorough and systematic manner, while carefully watching out for clarity and simplicity. Many practical examples and solved problems at the end of each chapter allow students to thoroughly understand the mechanisms involved, to build confidence, and enable them to readily make correct and practical use of the applicable results and formulas. From the instructors' perspective, the book will enable the reader to build courses at different levels of depth, starting from the basic understanding, whilst allowing them to focus on particular elements of study. In addition to numerous fully-solved exercises, the authors include actual exemplary examination papers for instructors to use as a reference format for student evaluation. The new edition has been adapted with instructors/lecturers, graduate/undergraduate students and RF engineers in mind. Non-RF engineers looking to acquire a basic understanding of the main related RF subjects will also find the book invaluable.
Wireless Transceiver Systems Design
by Wolfgang EberleThe fields of communication, signal processing, and embedded systems and circuits are brought together in this book. These fields come together with a single design goal, a WLAN transceiver which combines analog and digital design, VLSI and systems design, algorithms and architectures, as well as design and CAD/EDA. This book focuses on the overall approach to design problems and design organization needed for transceiver design. It does not focus on one particular standard.
Wireless Vehicular Networks for Car Collision Avoidance
by Rola NajaWireless Vehicular Networks for Car Collision Avoidance focuses on the development of the ITS (Intelligent Transportation Systems) in order to minimize vehicular accidents. The book presents and analyses a range of concrete accident scenarios while examining the causes of vehicular collision and proposing countermeasures based on wireless vehicular networks.The book also describes the vehicular network standards and quality of service mechanisms focusing on improving critical dissemination of safety information. With recommendations on techniques and protocols to consider when improving road safety policies in order to minimize crashes and collision risks.
Wireless Virtualization
by Heming Wen Prabhat Kumar Tiwary Tho Le-NgocThis SpringerBriefs is an overview of the emerging field of wireless access and mobile network virtualization. It provides a clear and relevant picture of the current virtualization trends in wireless technologies by summarizing and comparing different architectures, techniques and technologies applicable to a future virtualized wireless network infrastructure. The readers are exposed to a short walkthrough of the future Internet initiative and network virtualization technologies in order to understand the potential role of wireless virtualization in the broader context of next-generation ubiquitous networks. Three main wireless virtualization perspectives are explored, along with the potential challenges and requirements of a sustainable wireless virtualization framework. Finally, it presents an example of a multi-perspective wireless virtualization framework. The readers learn the latest concepts in the application of wireless virtualization as well as its relationship with cutting-edge wireless technologies such as software-defined radio (SDR) and cognitive radio.
Wireless Wars: China's Dangerous Domination of 5G and How We're Fighting Back
by Jonathan PelsonA 2024 US AIR FORCE LEADERSHIP LIBRARY BOOK NATIONAL INDIE EXCELLENCE AWARDS WINNER — TECHNOLOGY As the world rolls out transformational 5G services, it has become increasingly clear that China may be able to disrupt—or even access—the wireless networks that carry our medical, financial, and even military communications. This insider story from a telecommunications veteran uncovers how we got into this mess—and how to change the outcome. In Wireless Wars: China's Dangerous Domination of 5G and How We're Fighting Back, author Jon Pelson explains how America invented cellular technology, taught China how to make the gear, and then handed them the market. Pelson shares never-before-told stories from the executives and scientists who built the industry and describes how China undercut and destroyed competing equipment makers, freeing themselves to export their nation&’s network gear—and their surveillance state. He also reveals China&’s successful program to purchase the support of the world&’s leading political, business, and military figures in their effort to control rival nations&’ networks. What&’s more, Pelson draws on his lifelong experience in the telecommunications industry and remarkable access to the sector&’s leaders to reveal how innovative companies can take on the Chinese threat and work with counterintelligence and cybersecurity experts to prevent China from closing the trap. He offers unparalleled insights into how 5G impacts businesses, national security and you. Finally, Wireless Wars proposes how America can use its own unique superpower to retake the lead from China. This book is about more than just 5G wireless services, which enable self-driving cars, advanced telemedicine, and transformational industrial capabilities. It&’s about the dangers of placing our most sensitive information into the hands of foreign companies who answer to the Chinese Communist Party. And it&’s about the technology giant that China is using to project its power around the world; Huawei, a global super-company that has surged from a local vendor to a $120 billion-a-year behemoth in just a few years. For anyone curious about the hottest issue at the intersection of technology and geopolitics, Wireless Wars offers an immersive crash course and an unforgettable read.
WirelessHART™: Filter Design for Industrial Wireless Networked Control Systems
by Tran Duc Chung Rosdiazli Ibrahim Vijanth Sagayan Asirvadam Nordin Saad Sabo Miya HassanThis book presents a guideline for EWMA filter design for industrial wireless networked control system, both theoretically and practically. The filter’s key advantages are simple, effective, low computational overhead. This book also provides a guideline for practical implementation of EWMA filter for improving networked control performance of various process plants. It further discusses not only the advantages of the filter, but also the limitations and how to avoid them when implementing the filter from practical point of view.
Wirelessly Powered Sensor Networks and Computational RFID
by Joshua R. SmithThe Wireless Identification and Sensing Platform (WISP) is the first of a new class of RF-powered sensing and computing systems. Rather than being powered by batteries, these sensor systems are powered by radio waves that are either deliberately broadcast or ambient. Enabled by ongoing exponential improvements in the energy efficiency of microelectronics, RF-powered sensing and computing is rapidly moving along a trajectory from impossible (in the recent past), to feasible (today), toward practical and commonplace (in the near future). This book is a collection of key papers on RF-powered sensing and computing systems including the WISP. Several of the papers grew out of the WISP Challenge, a program in which Intel Corporation donated WISPs to academic applicants who proposed compelling WISP-based projects. The book also includes papers presented at the first WISP Summit, a workshop held in Berkeley, CA in association with the ACM Sensys conference, as well as other relevant papers. The book provides a window into the fascinating new world of wirelessly powered sensing and computing.