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Showing 70,051 through 70,075 of 71,503 results
Title Author ISBN Copyright Features Action
Watermarking Techniques for Copyright Protection of Videos (Signals and Communication Technology) 2118140 Ashish M. Kothari Vedvyas Dwivedi Rohit M. Thanki 9783319928371 2019 Contains images
The Watermelon Genome (Compendium of Plant Genomes) 6171778 Sudip Kr. Dutta Padma Nimmakayala Umesh K. Reddy 9783031347160 2023 Contains images
Watermen of Reedville and the Chesapeake Bay (Images of America) 3197993 Shawn Hall 9781439655894 2016 Contains images
Waterpower in Lowell: Engineering and Industry in Nineteenth-Century America (Johns Hopkins Introductory Studies in the History of Technology) 4256020 Patrick M. Malone 9780801897351 2009 Contains images
Waters of Brazil 1529059 Carlos Eduardo de Mattos Bicudo José Galizia Tundisi Marcos Cortesão Barnsley Scheuenstuhl 9783319413723 2017 Contains images
Waters of the World: The Story of the Scientists Who Unraveled the Mysteries of Our Oceans, Atmosphere, and Ice Sheets and Made the Planet Whole 6419465 Sarah Dry 9780226670041 2019 Contains images
Watershed Health Monitoring: Emerging Technologies 6291501 Chris Jones R. Mark Palmer Susan Motkaluk Michael Walters 9781040204627 2002 Contains images
Watershed Hydrology, Management and Modeling 2934041 Abrar Yousuf Manmohanjit Singh 9780429773556 2019 Contains images
Watershed Management and Applications of AI (Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Engineering) 5403582 Sandeep Samantaray Abinash Sahoo Dillip K. Ghose 9781000386745 2021 Contains images
Watershed Models 6405594 Vijay P. Singh Donald K. Frevert 9781040201077 2010 Contains images
The Watershed Project Management Guide 6291439 Thomas E. Davenport 9781040205082 2011 Contains images
Wattles: Australian Acacia Species Around the World 5723203 Narciso Aguilera Joaquim Alonso Samuel C. Andrew Irene Barnes Ashleigh M. Basel Rita Bastos Pierre Binggeli Rachel M. Binks Christophe Botella Giuseppe Brundu David Bush Dr Margaret Byrne João A. Cabral Jane Carruthers Laura Celesti-Grapow Julian M. Chan Roland Cochard M. Conceição Colaço Peter J. Cunningham Jorge Dias Catherine R. Dickson Liliana N. Duarte Allan G. Ellis Luís Fernandes Nuno Fernandes Eduardo Fuentes-Lillo Andrés Fuentes-Ramírez Rachael V. Gallagher Rafael García Sjirk Geerts Michelle R. Gibson Margherita Gioria Catarina Gonçalves João Gonçalves Vinicius Paiva Gonçalves Pablo González-Moreno Luís González António Carmo Gouveia A. Rod Griffin André Große-Stoltenberg Greg R. Guerin Antoine Guisan Stuart Hall Jane L. Harbard Gustavo Heringer Richard Hill Patricia M. Holmes João P. Honrado Cang Hui Philip E. Hulme Brett P. Hurley Fiona Impson Cally Jansen Nolwethu Jubase-Tshali Jan-Hendrik Keet Rob Kelly Ian Kotze Christoph Kueffer Ingolf Kühn Dr Christian A. Kull Sabrina Kumschick Vitalis K. Lagat Bárbara Langdon Guillaume Latombe David C. Le Maitre Ivan Lizarazo Francisco López-Núñez Paula Lorenzo Vanessa Lozano Sérgio Maggiolli Cristina Máguas Hélia Marchante Irene Martín-Forés Cecilia Masemola Bruce Maslin David J. Merritt Stephen J. Midgley Melissa A. Millar Carey Minteer Leonie T. Monks Nuno Mouta Jana Mullerova Daniel J. Murphy Silvia Neves Dung Tri Ngo Dr Ana Novoa Jens Oldeland Lucas Prado Osco Penelope P. Pascoe Dr Aníbal Pauchard Thao Phuong Pham Eva M. Pinto Petr Pyšek Jorge E. Ramirez-Albores A. Tony Rinaudo Matt Ritter Libby Robin James G. Rodger Philip W. Rundel Mário Santos Charlie Shackleton Dr Ross Shackleton Iryna Skulska Canh Quoc Tran Thang Nam Tran Helena Trindade Florian Ulm Van Thi Hai Dr Brian Van Wilgen Maribel Vásquez-Valderrama A. Sofia Vaz Joana R. Vicente Sara Vicente Elizabeth M. Wandrag Andrew Wannenburgh Christiane Werner John R. Wilson Michael Wingfield Rafael Dudeque Zenni 9781800622197 2023 Contains images
Watts in the Desert: Pioneering Solar Farming in Australia's Outback 3510614 Lex Fullarton 9783838268040 2016 Contains images
Watts Pocket Handbook 5343168 Trevor Rushton 9781317214373 2016 Contains images
Wave 2002: Proceedings of the WAVE 2002 Workshop, Yokohama, Japan, 2002 5781519 Nawawi Chouw; Günther Schmid 9781000446791 2003 Contains images
Wave Dispersion Characteristics of Continuous Mechanical Systems‏ 5769802 Farzad Ebrahimi 9781003813958 2024 Contains images
Wave Dynamics and Composite Mechanics for Microstructured Materials and Metamaterials (Advanced Structured Materials #59) 2280946 Mezhlum A. Sumbatyan 9789811037979 2017 Contains images
Wave Dynamics, Mechanics and Physics of Microstructured Metamaterials: Theoretical and Experimental Methods (Advanced Structured Materials #109) 2800622 Mezhlum A. Sumbatyan 9783030174705 2019 Contains images
Wave-Forced Sediment Erosion and Resuspension in the Yellow River Delta (Springer Oceanography) 2492841 Yonggang Jia Xiaolei Liu Shaotong Zhang Hongxian Shan Jiewen Zheng 9789811370328 2020 Contains images
Wave Forces on Offshore Structures 261651 Turgut Sarp" Sarpkaya 9780511766459 2010
Wave Motion in Elastic Solids 1948356 Karl F. Graff 9780486139579 1975 Contains images
Wave Optics: Basic Concepts and Contemporary Trends 6425357 null Subhasish Dutta Gupta null Nirmalya Ghosh null Ayan Banerjee 9781040174203 2016 Contains images
Wave Propagation: An Introduction to Engineering Analyses 3644805 James H. Williams 9780262353113 2019 Contains images
Wave Propagation Analysis of Smart Nanostructures 3002253 Farzad Ebrahimi Ali Dabbagh 9781000760545 2020 Contains images
Wave Propagation and Radiation in Gyrotropic and Anisotropic Media 648484 Abdullah Eroglu 9781441960245 2010 Contains images

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